Convince me that this isn't going to be the best game ever made
Other urls found in this thread:
Cope, based, cringe, seethe, yikes, have sex, oof
it won't run on your pc
It is going to be the best game ever made, but ONLY IF I can play as a pure human that kills cyber degenerates with body mods. Would be great if playing with no implants provided you with unique perks.
It's going to be a GTA clone with a C-a-C and futuristic skin. It won't even be as futuristic as DXHR/DXMD.
>No lgbtqi+ people
Have sex AND cope
Pretty sure you can do a run without any body mods, and without killing anyone.
You've seen the prologue mission, you're forced to install eyeware by tutorial to display HUD. Sadly you won't be able to roleplay a purist.
It's transphobic garbage and we dont tolerate that type of thing here
Don't overhype yourself man, your expectations can get too high and ruin the actual game for yourself.
CDPR won me over with the new screenshots and trailer. Already preordered. Femme V aka Reileen Kawahara's story will be told!
>vaults over a wall with a katana
Is that real? How much brouzouf is it for a cyberdick?
In the gameplay demo j*rnos got to see at e3, v wakes up naked next to a man
He's also pretty close to his buddy Jackie in the cinematic trailer
Afraid it's going to be very polished but rather short.
please never post that ugly mutt again
>degenerates are not cyberpunk
>sunny Cali is not a proper setting
>buildings are to small
>no modding
>not even half assed class system, you're outlaw and that's it
Take a retrofutuism pill
If there's one thing tumblrites got right, it's that Cyberpunk is pretty much degenerate
There's punk in here after all
Fuck off. She's beautiful, and you sound like a jealous tranny. Based Dichen and Based CDPR are shitting all over you and you can't stand it. Stay mad.
you can bioware a real one, though I guess a cyberdong is cheaper.
Witcher 3 was shit
They would be right if we still lived in the 80s. Now degeneracy is a mainstream and you can get fired/your business destroyed/deplatformed for not playing along with these terminally mentally ill people. Conservatism is the new counter-culture, the new cyberpunk.
It will be amazing and vast.
>you sound like a jealous tranny.
she looks like a regular tranny though
>muh GOG
miss me with that gay shit
>Translation effect
>In our demo, V is equipped with technology that allows for instant language translation. But instead of just flashing the text on screen in plain English right away, the display has a cool effect where the text is first displayed in an unreadable format, and then the characters quickly change in a wave from left to right. It isn’t so slow as to impede your reading, but it is slow enough to remind you’re in a diverse world that you can’t understand without some help.
So the system wasn't scrapped. Cool
DooM Eternal is also coming out.
>seething tranny pissed at seeing an actual woman
Go dilate lmao
Kill yourself, waifufag
What reddit is expecting
>YOU CAN DO ANYTHING cyberpunk life simulator with the best combat and AI known to man, plot will be extremely malleable and will deeply and dynamically change the world
What we will actually get
>Plot-heavy drama with clunky but serviceable gameplay, lots of NPCs and corners to look at but ultimately linear missions with binary choices
People expect too much and it won't ever meet the hype that is coming at it. If they've worked on it until their fucking balls have dropped off, then they'll reach an "okay" at best. Otherwise it'll be a disappointment for the majority of people.
That is retarded. Seems like an obvious option to give the player.
I see it cyberpunk version of Witcher 3.
Average combat but with supreme exploration and story.
Struck a nerve, She-Man? Maybe you can go back to Castle Gayskull and dilate some more.
If you visit Yea Forums for any good amount of time and you still get hyped for games, then you're definitely going to hate the game you're hyped for.
You're going to to find one thing you hate about it, the one thing that you can probably ignore, glance over it, possibly wait for a patch or mod to fix, and everyone on Yea Forums is going to rip into the otherwise decent game to pieces just because of that one thing and it's going to get to you. Eventually you're going to join in on it too.
Don't get hyped for games anymore, just say to yourself "Yeah it's probably gonna suck but I'm going to play it anyway" and you'll find yourself enjoying more games than not.
Never convince yourself of that in regard to ANY videogame before you play it. Go in ready to hate it and nitpick it, and let it do the convincing as you play it.
Otherwise you're just a tool of the marketing engine AAA games like to employ.
Doesn't the stream's page already describe the main character as an ex-cybered up merc or something?
I will, when you get some taste in women
Is the character creation demo a bit laggy for your guys too?
>she is beautiful
this is utmost ironic because she looks like one of those horses in Avatar with the four legs from norse mythology that infinte hack James Cameron stole from
can we have one fucking thread where this autist doesn't spam some literal who chinese person
Already did. Dichen is fine wine, you're sewer water. Keep crying, tranny.
>Go in ready to hate it and nitpick it, and let it do the convincing as you play it.
this is a terrible mentality. being overly cynical is not a super power, it just means you're sad.
going in with no expectations is better than going in hoping the game sucks so you can go back to Yea Forums and join all the other parrots.
works on my machine
Bullshit, no way can fabric do that. This game isn't realistic at all.
Can anyone, ANYONE, edit this image to look like v and keanu?
Dude she's not even in this game, fuck off lmao. Your horse faced bitch was relegated to one shitty show that raped the books.
It's a E3 only demo i think
This one is fanart from sketchfab.
Is it both eyes or can you pick just one?
Replacing both eyes in a world where your robotic parts can be hacked seems really fucking stupid when you could be rendered blind
i guess anything that resembles blade runner is cybperunk now? Had CDPR ever had an original idea in their career?
>Blue checkmarks
Who would say something like that?
This will be the game to help me finally join the mustard race.
Question, any point in getting computer speakers if I use headsets all the time when gaming?
She will be in the game when I make female V. She isn't a horse face either, if she is then so is your bf Keanu. And that show was awesome. Keep hatin tranny.
seek help schizo
Stretch that hole, tranny
Give me Cyberpunk wife! I will BUY this game FOR Cyberpunk wife! Thank YOU user!
>implying I'd tell you to seek help if I was a tranny
You're fucking delusional and dangerous to society
hype culture is a cancer
Well for one, pic related isn't the game we're getting
Are genetic mods gonna be available? I want to make my female Dark Eldar OC in this game and become a crime kingpin
She's kinda ugly dude, pic related is what peak female performance looks like
It won't even be the best game in its own genre.
>thumbing over the cylinder gap
I hope thats a nagant revolver if she plans to fire that like that.
>implying 3D is peak female perfomance
Just stop
simply epic
>that fat pudgy face
Thank u, next
That IS cute user she IS a cute wife! (She is! She is!)
According to IGN the motorcycle is super arcadey and doesn't feel good to watch. So driving is probably shit. trannies are in the game, the storyline is a rip off of Deux Ex where you have some unknown chip in your head and you're trying to find out who did it and what it does. I'm not excited, will wait for reviews post-release.
Every thread about this game has been how it will suck because it takes place in daylight sometimes, and had girls with dicks. the Anti-hype is cancer
whose the horse face?
one of the main themes of cyberpunk is moral decay. their will be trannies
It is demeaning to transfolk.
>200 buckaroos
>Posts a nigger caked in make up
those horse nostrils are gross dude
and that's a good thing, fuck trannies
Fair enough, I was speaking in hyperbole, I just wanted to tell him to tamper his expectations. Go in neutral. Yeah.
>will wait for reviews
>implying after all this hype every reviewer under the sun won't completely ignore its flaws
If I'm being honest, the body horror in this game's promo shots kind of concerns me.
I would ride Male V's cock so hard. Hope we get to see that booty.
>It is demeaning to transfolk.
Why, because it shows the inevitable dystopic future their ilk are pushing for?
Even when she was dying she was cute bro
have an original thought and/or response
Look, if someone like me who was disappointed in this game for months has changed their mind after seeing that trailer, you KNOW this game is gonna be good.
Yup, the game will be fucking shit guys
>horse poster is back
That or someone picked up the mantle, it's nostalgic in a way.
he might be a great morgan blackhand.
people are too used to playing games like GTA
theyre going to complain about the lack of freedom in the game
What does it feel like to viciously kill someone who just tried to kill you and inadvertently got your best friend killed?
Was Yea Forums resisting the chokeout the sign of the Keanu chip "waking up" within him?
>any woman that doesn't have a fat pudgy face is a horse
You're a special kind of stupid, you know that?
No, that was the power of friendship
And here’s why thats a good thing.
Holy shit there's like 7 threads for this game and they're almost all about trannies or black people.
This seems like the most reasonable OP, I have a non-SJWism related question:
I got an email from Bamco advertising Cyberpunk.
Are they distributing it or something?
What's their connection?
Even the two most recent GTAs are a third-person cinematic experience open-world racing action games with almost no freedom in how you tackle missions other than choosing between weapons and cars, you can't even deviate from a certain route half of the time or risk getting mission failure and replaying the last 10-20 minutes. This is going to be virtually its opposite in almost everything.
They're doing a crossover with Tekken, Kazuya uses G-Corp to attack the city 2/3 into the game and you gotta use your cybernetics to fight his devil form off.
Can we get some Idolmaster in this too please?
Filter when?
Wait, for real? That's actually pretty fucking cool.
That's Harada's wife you're talking about.
Reminder your first rundown must be No Corpo/No-low augments. Play as a human. A true and good human. That's what Keanuwants
How did you know I was talking about her you cheeky bastard?
Absolutely delicious. Best time to be alive, best time to be a tranny.
Having a blast seeing both /pol/ and the sjws seethe together.
Are they going to reveal more famous people being in the game up until release?
Having keanu as the only famous dude for all background story characters to choose from would seem weird.
Corporate is gonna be Halle Berry as a ballbuster black female ceo named Constance Parker
where's the GAMEPLAY
There's a 48 min video up
If Corporate leader is not a hot momma and Blackhand is not Jensen Ackles will be a bit dissapointing
>Saburo Arasaka as a hot MILF
>You've seen the prologue mission
are you literaly retarded or just pretending?
why does that guy have melted cheese on his head?
is it though. are we going to be able to kill anyone we want? or is it going to be witcher style lame and lots of the same exact looking NPC's who have the same fucking 'totally random' dialog of like 25 examples?
>Fuck off. She's beautiful, and you sound like a jealous tranny.
posts a tranny calls it she, says it's beautiful, calls someone else a tranny. what level of retardation is this homo faggot?
they literally just copied Johnny Neumonic kek
You're almost as dumb and thirsty as that one granny poster.
>Johnny Neumonic
why the fuck did I laugh
I don't know why but those blades look so fucking dumb, and also looked dumb in the trailer.
Why the fuck would I ever have a fucking meme looking blade installed when I could have a gun/lazer/tazer unless I was some ninja assassin.
Well feel free to not have them user, it's one of those optional upgrade things, get something else put in your arms.
Nigga there are people literally turning themselves into antropomorphic animals and you ask why some niggas would want to get some meme blades?
Cringe hype baby.
they look like a fucking necro morph from deadspace
>Witcher 2
>Witcher 3
It will be alright. Respecting your customer doesen't make your porduct any less medicore. It's a shame that there is no talent to go with those bussines practices.
>shitting on mantis blades
Dude, get some taste
It's going to be incredibly safe and generic. Which is not inherently a bad thing: but taking risks is a necessary part of creating true masterpiece. And I don't think CDPR intends to do that.
TW3 already was an example of this. Good game, but very, very afraid of taking risks and making inovations. All the feedback and materials we have seen so far suggest so as well.
I hope it'll be good, but there will probably be a lot of things missing that would really seal the true RPG feel. I'm sure it'll be a good game, and hopefully whatever they miss or mess up would be fixed in the next installment. Don't know if CDPR wants to make this a trilogy, but seeing as how much they improved the witcher series over the years, I would hope they can fix any problems 2077 will have in future sequels.
I'm worried that stuff like
won't actually be possible. I hope they referenced with mike a lot to help plan the story, and figure out how to ideally translate 2020 into a videogame format, and figure out what things can stay true to the tabletop and what things would change for a videogame.
but hoping doesn't mean shit so who knows.
I have no doubt CDPR will give it a good try but in terms of execution, I have no idea to what degree it will be good.
The same was said about MGSV
can you get smaller arms that pop out from inside your arms?
Why the fuck would you want that?
No dude, but it’s in a city, has cars, guns and the sun, it’s such a gta rip offf
When did I say that I give a fuck about what those retards say? Stop circlejerking positive or negative baseless speculations about games that are going to come in x months or years and talk more about the truckloads and truckloads of games that are already here, that you can play right now and that you know more about them than upcoming games that everything you know about come from corporative marketed trailers and demos, sometimes not even demos.
I already Pre-Ordered CE.
Witcher 3 was objectively best game ever made.
Im Polish so i have no choice to have unconditional love for CDP Red.
kielbasa or gtfo
imagine how much further you could reach
just get longer arms...
>the storyline is a rip off of Deux Ex where you have some unknown chip in your head and you're trying to find out who did it and what it does.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't the story of any Deus Ex.
Rdr2 in the future. We'll be bored to death bros i guarantee it. Cap this
I liked RDR2
The rest of the world knows she's a woman, you're the only one crying you faggot ass shemale, kill yourself
Shohreh has a sexy voice
>tfw you will never be a meth and own a Reileen /d/orse
why even live?
where is this preorder from?
why is it not from the official cdpr cp2077 store?
are you a fake kurwa?
>Being Brazilian
>Buying muh gaymes
shouldn't you save that money to buy more macaco meat or something?
Why even live indeed
i don't think that word means what you think it means tranny chaser
>tranny chaser
But I haven't hit on you a single time though, sorry freak
>altered carbonfag actually likes the game now
What the fuck
Because almost everyone who's seen it say the gameplay is average.
Most of those are game "journalists", I'm not taking their word on they consider good gunplay or not.
before keanu trailer:
ingratiate yourself to the criminal underworld, make important decisions, pick your allies, and deal with important figures any way you see fit
after keanu trailer:
jackie is motivation fodder for your 29,785th crusade to kill all the crime bosses and take over the city
im so glad that all choice and agency has been removed from the game in favor of getting a giant hit list. either Dex dies quickly and the pacing for the whole story is fucked or Dex is the endgame boss an dhe's the most interesting character we're gonna see. i dont know which of these is worse
The people that make these comics are seriously some of the most pathetic people on this board
The trailers don't tell me anything it looks like a movie.
Is an openworld, a shooter, a walk simulator or an interactive movie?
>Marketing with overbudgeted trailers
>Marketing with celebrities
>Pushing for preorders
>No neutral party game footage
This is the kind of route you take when you don't believe in the strength of your product. They're selling hype, not a product. Sure it'll probably be a competent and enjoyable game, but I don't think it will live up to the hype. Watch_Dogs didn't either. So many other games marketed like this didn't either.
The latest trailer and Keanu Reeves won me over, also the new screenshots. The city looks dark and gloomy and oppressive like it's supposed to now. CDPR did it, they fucking did it!
And now a better quality photo of those sexy legs
I don't think it will be, but it'll be pretty good. Also depends on what else is coming out next year if it's GOTY.
Last year they said the gameplay was "amazing". Now they say it's boring and weak conveniently after finding out you have to kill black people. Coincidence? I think not....
Nigga they had Charles Dance in witcher 3, it's not like this is the first time they've had a celebrity.
No shit retard. Keanu is also in the game
They also copied the red motorcycle from Akira for the statue with the deluxe edition
It’s called a homage and I think it’s fucking rad
of course a brainless idiot like you is sold on celebrity pandering
too much face
Yeah but Witcher 3 is a sequel of an already beloved series. On top of that, I didn't say "Celebrity = bad" It's a mixture of different elements that together raise my suspicion, you can't just view these elements in isolation and make a statement about it
her face is great, and goddamn her legs are hot
Awww, hit a little too close to home? :'(
First person
Not gonna like I'm expecting this to be a disappointment for the fags getting excited on Yea Forums thinking it'll be something it's not and getting disappointed, similar to what happened with people seeming to think you'd be able to play as a corp, cop or fixer. Maybe instead they'll be backgrounds you can pick, since one article mentions how due to V having a street kid background he had two unique dialogue options in the quest they showed off.
There arnt many Cyberpunkish movies, and Keanu being in one of them while being super popular right now just lines up.
My only gripe with the game now. I still think FF 7 Remake will have better combat because of that, but I'm still curious to see how Cyberpunk 2077 plays.
that movie was from 1995
it must suck to be an actual female but look like a tranny. is there any unkinder a hand that one can be dealt
Dex is smalltime as fuck
Dichen is a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and sexy legs.
Why is Yea Forums so afraid of a strong jawline. Are you afraid you'll get eaten?
The horse poster may be thirsty but you are equally deluded if you think she's ugly. Go outside once in your life and look at the average woman. She's mediocre facially and above average body wise
You’re setting yourself up to be disappointed
She's has the face of a negative Asian stereotype, its horrible.
Years of shitty anime with anteater faces has made these guys terrified of any woman with a chin.
>jackie is motivation fodder for your 29,785th crusade to kill all the crime bosses and take over the city
What? The whole plot revolves around the chip V has that made the AI Johnny appear to him, not killing Dex or the crime bosses.
I’m not gay
She looks more German than she does Asian. The asian side is strong and very visible but I never saw any full asian women with faces like that.
no we're afraid that when she takes off her panties they'll be a penis there
The fuck is that outfit? Why she look sad?
Why do you like to suck cock?
>Go outside
oof, yikes, cringe
>She looks more German
t. goblino americano
it's her character from an older CW show, The 100, she was the leader of some post apocalypse band of warriors
Wasn't this game suppose to have a multiplayer component? I recall hearing about that back before e3.
>tfw ywn be part of Trauma Team and team up with a bunch of other players, bailing fags out of trouble and making them cough up all their money
it will be the best game ever made.
especially now that it's been leaked that Satania will be the 4th choice for your childhood hero
no he just wanted to wreck his shit
not in a game with a background that makes unmodified people the outcasts of society who will never amount to anything.
Even more so in that case
They said they were focusing on singleplayer and "researching" multiplayer but no word on that yet so it's safe to assume they dropped the idea.
I just hope it has trauma team quest lines, they are my favorite part of the lore.
>picture of a girl in the previews
>it's really a guy protag
>jebating the audience
The ONE chance they could have a strong female lead out of nowhere, they had to make it a dudegaybro
Someone posted a article mentioning it in another thread they're still looking into it it seems but it won't be with coming anytime soon.
>user posting his horse faced waifu bitch again
>t.didn't watch the 40+ minute game play video
you get to pick and customize male or female mong
its just not practical. What do you do if you have to go into an airport or government building? uninstall them and put on your replacement arms?
Are you clinically retarded? Seriously, how are you even alive being this fucking dumb?
Ryan is a male horse face.
>shittalking the goose
Gst the fuck out right now.
it's made by hacks
cute wolf
Can I get a pastebin batch of the altered carbon fag's MD5's? Thanks.
>almost no freedom in how you tackle missions other than choosing between weapons and cars, you can't even deviate from a certain route half of the time or risk getting mission failure and replaying the last 10-20 minutes.
>This is going to be virtually its opposite in almost everything.
Ha fucking ha. It's going to be exactly that, only the choices you'll have are stealthy or guns blazing. Literally just like MGS.
Every aspect of the game, from the handling of the vehicles to the combat has been criticized.
just bait him by calling her ugly and then report him for offtopic when he spergs
Is there unlimited/abundant ammo? that's usually indicative of a shit FPS.
Don't know yet. The fact that it has the same CoD guns we've seen for the last 20 years is a bit worrying though.
Post her feet.
750 zloty for a game xd
well looks like i'll be pirating this game.
nice try but the trannies are furious about this because it "objectifies" them and appears to be at their expense
>keeping your ass blasted to critical updates from this videogame
seethe harder
That is an interesting response. But in the end it's just a very awkward way of saying, "Yes, I am retarded and I don't know how I've managed to survive this long."
what where you trying to say here?
Why should I do?
I agree
based satania poster
/pol/ doesn't give a shit lmao
>cdpr puts a cock on a girl
>pisses off Yea Forums
>pisses off trannies
They really are based, aren't they?
/pol/ here I agree. It fits the setting
/pol/ has bigger concerns than hannah montana with a horse cock in a videogame
the possibility that this was made in complete sincerity hurts to accept
>futa monstercock is mainstream now
I honestly don't know how to feel about this.
It's made by the same people who made The Witcher 3
not really /pol/tard here still love it
>that face
reminds me of pic related
A disgusting, dirty, authoritarian dystopia where disease run rampant and people willingly mutilate themselves with technology?
Of course there'd be trannies, that's the type of environment they thrive in.
the gameplay mechanics will be incredibly mediocre, that will take it from 10/10 to 9/10
imagine rubbing your hand over it and the feeling of near-scorching warmth radiating from it haha
than suddenly you feel it throb lol
now that would be real cyberpunk vibes wouldn't it frens haha
Degenerate city deserves degenerate ads. See nothing wrong.
Does it bother you that Cyberpunk threads have been reduced to shitposting about cock to stay alive?
I can hear this picture
Think of all the game you thought were gonna be the best game ever made
Did that ever come true
You're correct, but do you have to be so cringe about it?
>Mass Effect 3
I was actually depressed for an entire month after that
I will never hype a game like that again
I want to FUCK that tranny
What's cringe about reality? Fucking faggot
Wait is that real ?
I remember somebody telling me that these were the best threads on Yea Forums in years the other day.
Oh user...
A hypercorporatist dystopia where people are obsessed with modifying themselves and escaping a reality they view as bleak and mundane. This shit would be on the level of where lingerie is today.
How is lingerie about escapism?
Oh shit this is real
honestly I'd buy 3 of those if I could afford it, TW3 CE is better than bitcoin, no point thinking this will be any different
>drawn by
>commissioned by
I'm not sure who's owned more...manbabies or the Marvel Maniac's wallet
Did you actually watch any of the gameplay? While the world design is pretty nice the gameplay looks very generic. I feel quite certain this game isn't going to be doing anything groundbreaking.
It's not. It's about how weird or out there it would (seem to) be, by comparison to all the other stuff.
I.e. a woman getting herself a cyber-dick does not seem like that much of a big deal if you've just heard an old classmate had a full skin to scale replacement job, wings and tail, got high on something that makes Krokodil look tame, then used his own modded genital flammenwerfer to burn a hooker to a crisp.
It's always a good time to be a tranny :^)
Look I like Emilia Clarke as a sex object (could take her or leave her as an actor) but let's not pretend she's peak performance. Top 10% for sure.
But peak performance is something you're never likely to see because you're not rich.
Do you know why you're not rich? Because you're afraid to be rich!
>Devs are a bunch of dick loving faggots
How does your brain malfunction to the point where your start to consider yourself attractive when you look like pic related?
>I.e. a woman getting herself a cyber-dick does not seem like that much of a big deal if you've just heard an old classmate had a full skin to scale replacement job, wings and tail, got high on something that makes Krokodil look tame, then used his own modded genital flammenwerfer to burn a hooker to a crisp.
Yeah but we have no evidence of that, the context is "Future" and then "Women with horse cocks"
>it's only $199 or 287 dollarydoos
Wow, finally something is coming up sunshine and rainbows for Poland.
Besides majonez I mean.
I'm trying to remember who was it that said "by the 21st century, the americans will realize that it is easier to change their ideals of beauty than it is to maintain they own appearance."
I'm so sick of /pol/ basedbois and accelerationist keksmiths inserting their phony Weimar dialectic into my games.
The phony Weimar dialectic is increasingly inserting itself into reality, so if this makes you sick, better prep an anti-emetic IV drip famalam.
Cyberpunk lore certainly mentions body mods on the level of adding tails or turning yourself furry/scaly. And the whole idea of cyberpsychosis depicted in the first teaser is all about people obsessing with augs and mods, each time losing a little bit of their sanity / humanity until they break. That is the context, I'd say. California's worst degeneracy turned up to eleven, with a healthy dash of Florida Man insanity, megacorporations and the usual class struggle, all on a really high tech level.
Depends where you live and/or how tolerant your neighbors are. I would use speakers if I lived in the middle of nowhere and could blast them at 3 AM, but I don't and I can't. Still glad I have speakers hooked up to an amp for any other occasion when I can blast music but I seldom use them when I can just blast headphones any time of the day. Getting a decent affordable pair of sennheiser dj headphones (ie for comfy extended wear) is preferable to "gaming headsets" if you care about music/audio fidelity though, you can always slap on a sticky third-party mic if you want.
Presumably. If in the 2077 universe you have cause to have these in the first place it's probably to get rich or die tryin' and/or stay alive and your real-world concerns would rank pretty low on their list of priorities.
im /pol/ and i think the reactions to the tranny shit is funny, because it clearly betrays the people who are newfags to cyberpunk lore. it's not even a celebration of degeneracy, you literally lose humanity for each body augment operation.
"polfags" are sensitive to it because their faces are being rubbed in degenerate culture in real life and they don't like it, it's no weirder than that, but it's still an overreaction here
>talks about newfags
>responds to sub 70 IQ nigger tier bait
Is this 150 IQ bait?
The /pol/ council decided that CP2077 is /ourgame/ though, I only see trannies sperging out over it.
Blade Runner is Philip K Dick, pretty much the godfather of the cyberpunk genre, brainlet
This. Cyberpunk has always had a right wing fanbase.
Does that soda give you a dick? Might have to get some myself.
Pretty sure 2020 has and by extension 2077 will have a varying arsenal at your disposal, including smart guns that fire tracking bullets and stuff we haven't seen yet. All in addition to various melee and probably non-lethal options too, so any comparison with CoD isn't valid.
It won't be the best game ever made unless you think that mediocre gameplay demo from last year was "groundbreaking".
well, the game is set in a high tech dystopia with degenerates at every corner, so seeing trannies on commercials is not a surprise.
Actually no, cyberpunk as a genre arose quite seperate to Dick's works and Blade Runner though it quickly synthesized with them due to the visual impact of the film. Do Androids is very much in the traditional SF vein albeit written by Dick's unique style and take on things.
That's cool, it's just the 2-3 guns we've seen are all generic cod guns
It's better than >SUN and >GTA WITH NEON.
why is it such a big deal?
It's literally the same city though. Just, you know. Rainy.
forgot to add i thought you faggots like chicks with dicks
because girls with cocks offend Yea Forums's sensibilities
Am i the only one that thinks doom eternal looks clunky and slow from the gameplay? also the UI is awful.
>gay shitposting is better than shitposting
Because trannies are mad that it fetishises them or some shit
Its a big deal on resetera, not here
I don't know, I found Doom 4 and Wolfenstein The New Order boring but people seem to like them.
Hedonistic transgression and fetishisation is a key part of the genre.
>girls with cocks offend Yea Forums's sensibilities
Since fucking when?
>godfather of cyberpunk
>not Harlan Ellison, not Roger Zelazny, not John Brunner, not even William Gibson
Hedonism is political and promoting it should be bannable. Mods are stupid
>Someone who actually knows the genre.
Get off Yea Forums, this place is not for you. Save yourself.
Since our culture got enriched by brave migrants who are fighting for the white race with the power of shitposting
>Firing guns, drinking beer and fucking whatever makes you hard is politics.
Fucking leftist.
Ah, the classic 'Yea Forums was always left-wing". No, we're against people who want to control shit. Men pretending to be women in real life were laughed at unless they were cute and hot and doing it solely to cum, in which case they fapped to.
it won't. it'll be good though, just more of the shootie games.
You're stupid, get out
I want to know how a non cyber lover would live and survive this hellhole
visit more threads then. there's tons of retards freaking out about about the tranny material
hey actually can anybody conform that this is keanu singing ?
its supposed to be one of silverhands songs
Occasionally, yeah
>it's there I swear, you just didn't see it
by getting out of the cities. cities are already bad enough in real world 2019.
>Ah, the classic 'Yea Forums was always left-wing".
I didn't say that retard
google captcha is literally 10 times easier to solve on a phone than on a computer
so you can thank google jews and chinkmoot for forcing us to use phones instead of computers now that the site doesnt support legacy captcha
nah metropolis did it first
still a good movie though because we havent progressed in over 100 years
yeah, literally. don't just search "cyberpunk" they make threads crying about it without actually mentioning the name.
based inquisitor poster
welcome to california
It's going to be a linear snorefest with no freedom outside of "PUNCH THE PUNK", "HACK THE PUNK", "OFFER THE PUNK A DEAL" with the classic 60/40 split of main and side missions. Still looking forward to it.
>neon shit
>muh high tech low life
god i fucking hate everything about cyberpunk, its a genre for retro retards with no taste
in light of all this, should i give the film Johnny Mnemonic a go?
>pisses of Yea Forums
>implying this board isn't full of closeted fags that go "traps aren't gay" every three seconds
Literally the only ones shitposting about it are the trolls that also cried about muh sun, do you have any evidence of "/pol/" crying about a degenerate future being portrayed as a degenerate future?
It's not an rpg, it's going to be yet another shitty """open world""" linear as fuck game with boring missions where some quippy character talks to you via radio while you shoot enemies
yeah, search the archives. i'm not your personal source.
then don't buy it and don't walk into cyberpunk threads.
>there's evidence, you just didn't see it and no I'm not going to prove it, educate yourself shitlord!
>California's worst degeneracy
As an LA resident I always wonder what people who've never lived here must think this place is. It's actually a boring-ass city full of paranoid antisocial people.
i like laughing at tasteless idiots. go watch that piece of shit blade runner again baby
Metropolis is weird because many of the broad strokes are there but it's completely lacking the -punk element that makes cyberpunk cyberPUNK. Metropolis is about an enlightened ruler attempting to uplift the proletariat, which is almost entirely at odds with one of the core themes of cyberpunk.
But hey, thanks for playing.
I'm just here for Cyberpunk 2077 shitposting, really.
women are not funny
i know cali is full of beaners, which is why you will definitely never see any cities like the cyberpunk 77 depicts in california at this rate
CDprojekt red are stupid as fuck for not making the game set in asia or new york
even if it were new york and new york was full of beaners and nogs i could believe it a lot more easily, a lot more than this shit of some vast futuristic city springing up in mexico 2.0 in the next 50 years
It's campy, I wouldn't expect much
cry about it.
Well i'm tired of people saying it, so sorry. There have always been all kinds on Yea Forums but back then we were a bit more focused on just the assholes who tell us 'don't do that'.
>focus on cool factor
I would disagree without providing proof because that's the only version available today. The writers of Metropolis wrote a lot about moral decay in german and it would make sense that movie follows the same trend. It's a shame time (or ze jews) lost a lot of context from the movie.
Haha, no it fuckin' ain't, my dude.
I can guarantee you that guy's not having a good time.
Me, I'm havin' a good time. You just remember that, somewhere out there, there's a tranny having a good time.
> shitposting on Yea Forums is what constitutes having a good time for tranny garbage
Yikes no wonder you retards are constantly committing suicide every night lmao
I find that hard to believe
imagine being this person
it would be if it had any relevance to that pic from 2013
alas it is just GTAdogs Sunlight edition
Should be pretty good unless they cave to the PC crowd.
That's a cute cat.
Dude, Witcher 1 had the possibly the most ill-conceived combat system in any RPG ever made and it's one of my favourite games of all time. If Cyberpunk is a functional FPS that won't make me pull my hair out trying to shoot a few dudes, that's more than enough for me.
They removed the sun from the game dumb ass try watching the footage they actually released this year you moron.
Based and mullet pilled
>he still doesn't understand why it can't be punk without punks
Wow. You should find some way to capitalize on being that dense.
Name one thing we've seen from cyberpunk that looks different from other games that have already been released before
If posting tranny cock on Yea Forums isn't political then what is?
its just a shiny gay version of deus ex
if only the japanese weren't such cucks we could have a gantz game for this generation
ps2 version is irrelevant
no trannies have a good time, unless you count suicide a good time and then 40% and growing are having it
Gantz is garbage
t. Somebody who likes gantz
It won't be. Nothing can compete with Deus Ex, Fallout 1+2, BG1+2, or Arcanum.
Big, Throbbing Futa Bulges
Who is this?
EEEEEE-HAWWWW EEEEE-HAW cyber horse detected. Begone cyber donkey thor. Have sex you kissless slut.
Heh, BANNERLORD is gonna eat it for breakfast.
did randy write the characters for the game? every one seems to be some badass.
I see great potential for gantz in the video game world. they should give it another chance
Its 2019, not 2008. Video games are shit now. Something will be horribly wrong with it, and it will end up being a mediocre overhyped thing that generates countless clickbait articles with titles like "What went wrong with Cyberpunk 2077."
I think that's just to do with trailers.
Like, 2016's looked pretty awkward when that was showed.
You say that, but just look at what's happening in LA in real life. The city's been like a constant construction zone for the last decade, with new skyscrapers shooting up all around downtown and plenty of other huge developments going into pretty much everywhere else. Take a look at these two google shots from ten years apart and it's not hard to believe that you'd get something like Night City with another 50 years of growth at this pace.
not a fan of the UI changes since quakecon, and I'm also worried about how slow it seemed, but I also think that they were playing an easier difficulty so they could go slow and let people see the game.
California's economic policies simply don't allow for long-term growth, it will become a Detroit-tier shithole.
uh oh big boy economist here spreading DA TROOF on Yea Forums. let's all take him seriously.
There you literally don't need to. They're games are overrated and boring as fuck.
Why are all californian posters so obnoxious and gay? They're like canadians.
And yet growth keeps happening and happening, the state is in the black despite more and more of our taxes getting funneled to states that refuse to tax their own citizens enough to pay their bills, and do you really think that California wouldn't change their economic policies if they really started to become a problem? We may admittedly be in a bit of a bubble at the moment because of really favorable conditions for foreign investment, especially from Asia, but isn't that also a major part of these cyberpunk settings?
Detriot is a shithole because its industry and population contracted big time
California is the opposite, rapidly increasing population and a Silicon Valley that is a world leader and trendsetter in technological matters