>It's another "one primal drops accessories and the other gets actual weapon models" xiv expansion
oooooh no no nono
>It's another "one primal drops accessories and the other gets actual weapon models" xiv expansion
oooooh no no nono
titania will drop accessories, the other dude drops the weapon. calling it now.
even BLM
odd NIN
even WHM
odd SCH
so what I don't even do extremes
I'm going to do it!
Today I'm going to find a comfy FC!
What are some interview questions I should ask to find it?
nah i'm gonna play BLM anyway
God I hope so.
>tfw farmed lakshimi literally 99 times because of bad doggo luck
Hopfully the weapon ex has the better mount too
Since Hrothgar have hairstyles tied to their character creation options rather than being separately selectable, you will not be able to apply unlockable hairstyles, but they might implement more face types after 5.0. As for Viera, there's some legacy haristyles they'll able to eventually implement, but not all of them. Some of unlockable hairstyles should be supported, others may not be.
> In Savage, since the number of jobs has increased, systems similar to weapon coffers will be implemented. For example, accessory coffer for jobs used at the time will drop (wording unclear). Direct drops will remain only for weapons on the 4th floor so you can still get 2 weapons a week.
I want to join a cool FC and do stuff for ShB but I know it will never happen and I want to die.
>interview questions
you don't. you pick up on vibes and go from there. unless you're a social autist that can't tell.
>no fairy or angel weapons
>Everything we did...
>Everything we gave...
>...What was it for?
[Citation Needed]
>Ishgard remembered
>But we forgot them for the fucking Mhigans
Viera is so half arsed I don't know why they bothered.
>No Viera Feet
>Lack of Customization
>Only 1 good face.
>Ears have to be identical
>Motionless Ears
>Limited to Viera Hair only.
>No Hats (Glasses/Circlets only)
I don't wanna waste a week in an FC if they already show early signs of redflags.
beta test race
what are some FC redflags anyways?
>oooooh no no nono
Get some original material you fucking bot.
dunesfolk > plainsfolk
even the director of the game agrees
OwO posting. Furry posting. ERP posting.
Ugh we're all depressed, I hate my life and job.
Modders will get all this and more while you complain about feet.
to be fair, most of the races only have 1 good face each.
But yeah, the rest of the shit about these races are really half assed.
Thank god
>we got half assed viera so we could get half assed rhonso as well
t-thanks yoshi! great content!
yoshi has shit tastes though
what server?
>>Only 1 good face.
>he didn't take the face 2 pill
something about this image cracks me up.
Why do the dev team feel like they are constantly overworked and have to half-ass almost everything? Isn't XIV supposedly making the most money it ever has?
Fuck this I don't want to go to another retarded dimension of fat fucks to save them from themselves, let me stay in Ishgard.
>Balmung fags screaming about Viera for literally years
>Devs have enough shit to fix and add
>But Viera
>here's your Viera bro
I will be fucking mad if the cool as fuck angel gets dumb accessories and the flying onahole gets gay tree-hugger weapons.
i like big dick dps user
What level do the new jobs begin at again?
>he accidentally selected the long chin veena option
make sure you don't fuck up your viera bros!
>Level cap increase and new mechanics for Blue Mage are planned for 5.1.
Ready for more "exciting" Carnivale content, and mount-tier grinds for spells, Yea Forums?
I can't wait to learn level 5 death in the great gubal library so I can beat bosses by casting Level 5 death 100 times for it to finally succeed instead of just casting my damage spells 80 times!
So what are the dogs of ShB?
I'd be surprised if even half the money the game makes is put back into it. SE uses xiv to fund its other final fantasy games like FF7 remake.
fuck that, what about the mount? will it be an animal species themed after the first or something else entirely?
the lalas in the background are doing the onions faces while yoshisampo is like "notto dis shittu again fuckin gaijins"
>he thinks it will work on bosses at all
SE have been siphoning XIV's work force since HW came out to waste even more money. IIRC SB's team was cut by almost half because SE shat the bed with XV.
Expansion Level Cap -20.
I say its gonna be big cats.
Enslaved Sin Eaters please.
>Additionally, you will now be able to see how much you're improving progress/quality with actions before you press them on the UI.
holy shit I might be able to craft without making a macro in a sim first?
Being so incompetent that your only project meeting expectations is the one you keep cutting funding for is pretty impressive desu
unironic dead game
just because they have money doesn't mean they can just grab more talents off the streets like they have a long list of qualified MMO devs living in japan waiting to join.
look at all those job wanted listings for ffxiv. use google translate.
Going to use my free fantasia to turn into pic related.
instead of typical mounts, we will get angelic wings that will basically be mounts, but with proper animations that makes it look like we are flying with them (instead of being carried by them).
It's honestly a fucking miracle that SE isn't already dead. How many times have they been on the edge of bankruptcy just to be saved by some incredible bullshit out of nowhere?
>make toddler character to appeal to jap pedophiles and girls who think they're """cute"""
>win players
no wonder the japs play lalashit the most
Looks like the average JRPG protagonist, but this theme actually is good option for this game.
But what was your previous race?
You mean
>make chibi characters to appeal to proper FF fans
And when, pray tell, did Yea Forums last have a goof xiv thread?
O'er a hundred bleedin' years ago, that's when!
But isn't more money coming from all their Mobage shit now instead of XIV?
>new mechanics
That could potentially be the beginning of something interesting, but knowing SE, it's probably just their way of saying "new spells that aren't copies of the older ones".
Male lalafell. I couldn't take him seriously in cutscenes.
look, it's that delusional faggot again
no, lalashits aren't supposed to be the "chibi" models from the older games you double nigger.
They're just there so that the tarutaru crowd from XI could have something to fit in.
Off yourself.
How is it different to earlier builds?
user isn't that just the default male midlander with white hair?
You can do better than that, especially if you come from a potato.
>They're just there so that the tarutaru crowd from XI could have something to fit in
And Tarutaru were also a race meant to emulate chibi sprites.
I really hope ShB's PLD and GBK are fun to play, I don't like WAR's theme and DRK looks boring.
Lalas looks nothing like that, or any of the old-styled artstyles and 2D sprite works.
Plus,all Amano-themed gear (actual stuff for old fans) looks better on any non-lala race.
According to some stats they've released, they've put a fair amount of money into it, and this years profits on their gatcha shit fell a fair bit below expectations.
>Lalas looks nothing like that
even if they had more money for ffxiv, what could they possibly do with it? having more development budgets doesn't automatically mean your current workflow gets much faster or you suddenly have a lot more employees already trained and ready to develop.
>Can only be executed while in combat
Means that the autistic 3 minute SMN prepull is impossible.
There's not many choices. I wanted to go for a smuglander but it's kinda hard.
Imagine the turnover.
Didn't Yoshi literally say this at fanfest?
You can't Aetherflow on summoner in 5.0 anyway out of combat, since its an attack now.
No more waiting for Aetherflows? Thank fuck. Now if only Huton stayed at max duration outside of combat.
Yeah, lalas are basically the "joke character" of this game.
Consider maxing your height slide on your new character to avoid being a heroic manlet.
What do you think the zone progression will be? I'm thinking it'll be Lakeland -> Il Mheg -> Rak'tika -> Kholusia -> Amh Araeng -> ??? (Somewhere in the Empty maybe)
How improved will cutscenes be in ShB? I want more involvement from my character in them.
How improved were cutscenes from 2.0 to 3.0 and from 3.0 to 4.0?
Don't worry user it will totally work on bosses. Just like Tail Screw already does. You definitely won't have to cast it twice as much as you'd have to cast even the weakest damage spell for it to finally succeed bro
Angel of Truth
shouldn't this thread be on /vg?
The UI will now show how much progress/quality will increase from the action you have highlighted before you use it. So no more "well if I did the math right this should put my progress 1 action away from being finished" only for it to actually be 2 actions away by 1 point because the game's calculations make no sense
>Trick is still in the game
Mor Dhona > Ul'dah > La Noscea > Gridania > Coerthas > New Zone
I don't know the first equivalent names.
Don't expect to make a character in 10 minutes and expect it to look good.
Don't hesitate to rip off other people, other characters in and outside the game.
Take your time, make something, save it, come back to it the next day, etc, until you find something you like.
Also seconding this: You don't want to be as tall as fucking Cid.
Hildibrand or Briardien?
So Barrage won't work on Apex Arrow, right?
*Nods Head*
>Including armors that aren't more than 50% reskins
>More than one dungeon an update so there's variety for grinding
>Adjusting older content to be more cohesive
Hell I'd be fine with having unique music for the mounts
Well based on the media tour we already know that it's Lakeland (Mor Dhona) -> Il Mheg (Coerthas) first.
/ourboy/ Briardien, of course.
To get straight to the point, I hate Lakshmi. She scares me, the main reason being is her special move "Alluring Embrace" which is an attack that essentially puts the entire party into a charmed state and to put it bluntly, makes people fall for her.
Now you may be thinking "ok why does the move scare you?" my character Garoth Gragonith, is a canotical gay Roegadyn Male within the Eorzea lore. He has no attractions to females at all, nor does he have any attractions to goddesses or ladies of the insert location here.
Lakshmis skill just rubs me the wrong way, like I know it's not exactly what it seems but it's literally how it's being described to be within the canon of the battle. "Rest your weary head on my bosom" Unless its a fellow Roebro Garoth will do no such thing.
again, having more money to spend on the game doesn't automatically mean that your workflow schedule improved dramatically or you have more employees that are qualified to work on a MMO in Japan when they are one of the nichest genres to develop for worldwide.
at most expect a bigger marketing push if they do get more money.
>Retard on the official forums doesn't understand magic
2.0 to 3.0
*nods head*
3.0 to 4.0
*nods head v2*
4.0 to 5.0
*smug/meme third dialog option*
>suddenly have
How about get them in and start training now instead of resigning to have the same problems indefinitely
based garoth
Will the First have its own Hilldibrand?
The First is going to have our Hildibrand.
I wonder if all the zones have underwater areas, I feel like them going to the first is to test the source zones on how to include flying/swimming. in 6.0 I expect that all the zones of each region will be merged into one single zone.
I just use a mod on my highlander. Works the same way except i actually get to use hats.
What kind of special training is needed to create music? Or to model gear so bunny ears can fit? Hairstyles that aren't locked to faces? There are a number of issues the game has which could be addressed by having a larger workforce, and we've seen that a smaller workforce has resulted in less content in certain areas.
Didn't you clear the last Hildibrand quest? Gilgamesh opened a portal to another world and took Hildibrand with him. I wonder what world that portal led to...
>Hildibrand encounters the straight-laced Hume detective Hildabrendt
And your face looks like a dude's
Barrage is literally just for Refulgent Arrow as it procs it. It's now a useless button when instead it could have been another skill similar to Empyreal Arrow.
I think Il Mheg is confirmed to have an underwater area. Funny enough I don't like Lakeland is confirmed to have one, or at least I didn't see it.
But what if Hilldibrand meets Dnarbidllih?
>No, I have never heard of a status debuff called "charm". Why do you ask?
Lakeland has one
>He didn't name his Roegadyn "Barabhar Wyrstbhratsyn"
Step your game up bitch.
>He looks just like Hildibrand but he's massively obese
he's growing up bros...
>taking the maisie williams face
la creatura....
Yeah, the source world. You firstlets really are thirsty.
shut the fuck up project manager
Are you making a joke?
>Hydaelyn is a primal
This is fucking stupid, it retroactively ruins Answers and Dragonsong for me, because now the one singing is just a giant fucking slut for aether, fucking ridiculous
>t. lorelet
Elementals are dense pieces of aether experiencing self-awareness and sapience. We've known since day one that the planet is a big chunk of aether and that the physical realm is that aether taking the physical forms we see. We've also known since day one that aether shapes itself in response to belief.
In other words, the planet is a being shaped by human cognition and belief. All aether bends itself to the concepts of the human mind, and so that means Hydaelyn itself does as well, making it essentially a primal.
We also need to remember that Louisoix and Ultima were non-primals that gained sapience and will by being infused with belief, which also likely happened to the planet.
Isn't the one singing Dragonsong supposed to be saint Shiva?
She's been that way since the start. She's a greedy bitch jelly of the others.
No, it's confirmed to be Hydaelyn expressing confusion about why her children insist on killing each other.
Does Hydelayn know its a primal?
shadowbringers is the timeskip arc bros...
give me a tl;dr version of what the answers/dragonsong was talking about?
How do I get a dps meter in this game? I really wana see how much these pug retards are doing while smugly giving me *tips* on how to mmo 101
>muh chibi
Fuck off, they look nothing alike. Just because you post this bullshit a million times doesn't make it true.
Answers is about the people of the world questioning why they were born just to suffer, and Hydaelyn's response. Dragonsong is about Hydaelyn asking the people of the world why they fight each other and bring more suffering onto themselves.
advanced combat tracker + overlay plugin
What is the likelihood that Squall will make an appearance in the Eden raid?
fuck you too buddy
There's a reason I modded lala's into floating potatoes every update
why doesn't this game have a chat bubble above players heads option yet?
Answers is a conversation between humanity and Hydaelyn, humanity laments that they constantly have to suffer without direction, and Hydaelyn responds that living involves all these experiences, good and bad, and ends with her cryptically saying that humanity needs to live die and know.
Dragonsong is literally Hydaelyn asking why humanity is so bloodthirsty and treacherous.
n-no! please no!
That's why she wears the mask, dumb dumb.
Fuck off with your forum pasta.
Can I get some unique Hud Layouts from people. Something not so generic. Different placement of all the UI.
I loved Suzaku theme.
gonna be sad that we won't have a jpop song for shadowbringers
too much work because it uses a bunch of macros to swap layouts.
>we'll never see briarden again because people didn't like the scholasticate quests as much
In the raid, no.
As part of a special collab event for when the FF8 remaster hits, maybe.
Anyone got any housing tips? all the houses i've seen are japanese themed but I wanted to go for something more abandoned and haunted or modern
>reddit asks for more hildishit instead of more briardien
>receive hastily made rehashed unfunny shit that was already barely funny the first time
I wanted briardien in kugane, fuck.
Though the SB hildibrand quests were actually not too shabby, I must admit. Plus we got Yojimbo out of it.
As much I wish alisaie would finally become a mommy elezen its just angle
Get a bunch of wall to wall book cases and ash trays and turn the lighting to 1 or 2. Bang, instant contest winning house.
Friendly reminder that Au Ra were in a similar state when released.
>people didn't like the scholasticate quests as much
I refuse to believe this. I love mysteries.
If you stack paintings almost on top of each other, it gives it a ghosting effect which looks really awesome.
Abuse the housing bugs to put npcs in weird places.
Reddit and the OF were just whining that there was no Hildibrand, so they took all the resources from Scholasticate to make Hildibrand instead. Compare the animation quality of the first cutscenes of Scholasticate to everything that came afterwards.
into the trash
>scholasticate quests
It was pretty boring.
Tail screw works on very few bosses. Plus It normally procs within like 10 casts
more like
into the trash
i wanna hug briardien's sister
>housing contest
don't remind me of this cancer
>make rules
>pick rule breaking screenshots and houses
>pick glitched houses
i'm so tired of seeing miqotes. you see them so much that they lose their appeal.
I attempted
cat's are only good with wolf ears on
t midlander prostitute
I don't even pay attention to them anymore. They've become basically invisible. It's that bad.
That and the Hildebrand questline itself seems like they were making stuff up on the fly.
t. tranny
Think Innocence theme will top Suzaku's or Tsukiyomi's?
>Okay guys, last time we brought Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Ultros, and Typhon. What classic FF character should we have this time?
>Uhhhhhhhhhhh... *picks name out of a hat*
>Vivi, brilliant!
Might as well just go full wolf girl then
soon you'll see so much viera that you'll get sick of them too.
I'm expecting some kind of choir thing.
ACT. just never mention it in game or you get vanned by gms
How does it feel to have trash taste
Moonscum are ugly, it's even their appeal
>unironically try animeporn
>girl consistently acts as if shes being raped, while squirting like a firehose
>all the comments are about going to jail
>male cat with Tia as last name
>glamoured so he looks like he's in a late 90s boy band
The base seems fine enough for me, didn't know you had UI mods though.
>open launcher
>type pw and hit enter
>have to click PLAY after this for some absolutely ridiculous reason
>have to click start
>then select character
gotta love that smooth, CLASSIC japanese touch to game design
Nice 3 seconds :)
Fucking based
have sex
>getting paid $400+ per month to make FFXIV mods
moon > sun
im in the wrong fucking business
Holy fucking based
You girls DO tip your mod creators, right...?
Tia, huh...
>Work 40 hours a week
>Make 450 a month
Not fucking worth it
Anime names are a mistake.
give milkers
Why do people sperg out about this now? We have Garlean armor in game. Theres tons of Garlean mods. Do they think only Nazis wore armbands? If Garleans are so similar how come its okay to like them until now?
>t. luna rose
>garlean armband
>victim complex trannies have to make it about IRL nazis
If only lalas were half as cute as that
Let's play a game.
You pick a first name in that word cloud, and you try to guess what last name will be in the most used last names.
Can do it the other way too.
Outrage culture, gays and trannies need to always have something to be angry about so they're in the spotlight. Attention crazed faggots is all it is.
How did you pick your name on XIV?
>luna, yuki and chan that big
>only 1 yuki chan exists
its perspective dumbass
i referenced an obscure name from a LN
i'm a kawaii dwarf
It was 1.0 and there were no naming conventions yet so I picked a Biblical name. It doesn't exactly fit because Midlander names are supposed to be Anglo, but it's still a normal enough name that it isn't jarring.
Why do you look so sad?
I made one up on the spot that didn't sound anime.
[X] Random Name
lore-adequate nomenclature
>tfw made a self-insert midlander schlub back in 2015
>tfw I just kind of look like the default hero but shorter, nose scar, and clean-shaven
>after four years now I'm too attached
part of me wants to fantasia to a qt elezen or something but I'd have to pay for a name change too iirc
the more rational part of me wants to fantasia into an older, more grizzled version of my character but there's really not much middle ground between jrpg twink and highlander beefcake in the character creator, so I'd probably just end up looking even more like the default
I can't be with my beast tribe until 16 days later.
It's a mix of 2 anime characters, I was supposed to change years ago but never did
He sure is
Got it from my favorite episode of MST3K
I was reading monster but also playing Catherine at the time. Guess my name.
Now I wish there was a real timeskip arc.
bastardization of a zone from XI, mixed with an old username, and a bastardized foreign word for last name, name looks nothing like any of the original words used.
used random name generator and it gave me a FF name
Lore appropriate name
>Not naming yourself after your favorite food
Faggot tryhard
loosely translated healslut into Japanese (Raen WHM)
Me on the left
My favorite anime character Erza!
Anything but weebshit and I wanted it to be kind of lore appropriate for my race (Elezen).
I just read up on the naming guide and chose something that fit
>his last name is lionhart or highwind
>his name is Clood Strifee
Don't give away the secret, user
>lala or cat named after food
10000% chance of homosexuality
just stay midlander. elezen has janky animations and highlander looks ugly most of the time.
>his first or last name is an anime character's name
I've liked naming my characters Mobius. Picked a lore-appropriate last name to go along.
Garlemald is more like Imperial Russia. Slavs are mad that they're being likened to nazis or I'm just talking out of my ass.
>name is from a weeb song
>surname is randomly generated
oh no no no no
it turned out almost okay
>per month
unless you never had an actual paying job go for it
cheeto dorito is a lore friendly lalafell name
>been playing the same catgirl since 1.0
>I have about 5 fantasias all in my inventory
>can't even sell them on the MB
I hope they remove the MB restriction for the Fantasia, I'd at least like to sell it so someone get's a use out of it rather than have it sit on my retainer taking up an inventory slot.
Since I am playing Elezen I just used random french name generator until found one that I liked.
Alright user, which misspelling did you settle on?
>cheeto dorito
Fuck off DOOM.
it's not supposed to be a job replacement but it's a good side income for just a few hours of work.
was fem giraffe with a french last name, I miss my brown mommy elf.
Name a Miq'ote cuter than M'Naago
Garlemald is literally any imperial state in history. They're more akin to Romans because of their naming conventions and army ranks + reliance on superior technology to those of their enemies.
That's for people not being able to work from home to get easy bucks problem not mine
Every Miqo'te is a cute Miqo'te. The faggots playing the Miqo'te is what makes a Miqo'te not cute.
Why is it called Raubahn's push
Why isn't FFXIV coming to Xbox yet bros?
Japanese Michael Cera.
Crossplay issues according to Yoshi-p.
I can't. She's the first npc cat that makes me want to fantasia into one.
Picked an older spelling of a common Japanese name to go with my Raen. Last name I picked based on a profession and probably butchered it since I'm not weeb enough.
Is this achievable natty?
Is it worth to level up crafters through collectable hand-ins? It doesn't seem to give much experience for the amount of work required.
A potato cat?
Are we getting this fat ugly bastard as a Trust?
>we want the NTR audience
New zone is gonna be the First version of Garlemald, calling it now.
He'll be fine. Hilda, Edmont and everyone else.
They'll all be fine.
Usual generic fantasyish username as my first name and pulled a fast name out of my ass
can't wait for the doujins where fat old man rapes minfillia and story viera.
Would be cool to see, though everything besides Norvrandt is supposed to be glassed.
>Alphinaud will let him fuck his boypussy to get funds for his army
We're probably gonna kill him half way through.
>Lucid Dreaming is now 50 potency refresh every 21s
>AST is basically dead in the water because its MP recovery has been nerfed to shit and LD is a total meme
Healing really IS a joke this expansion, wew
It's either that or leves, which are limited, completion logs, which are limited, GC turn ins, which are limited, beast tribes, which are limited and grinding out a single item, which doesn't give much. Pick your poison and rejoice in the grind.
I can't wait to see him ruin Minfilia with his fat, greasy cock
Nooo transbros I feel the rope...
Classichads are about to effing execute us....
My character's first name is a corruption of my usual online handle, with a feminine-sounding suffix added as the character is female (even though it's kinda unnecessary given how unisex the name would be even without it).
The last name is the name of a place my grandparents used to live in. In English, it would roughly translate into 'gate's stem'.
Hilda and all the job quest givers in Ishgard are safe, everyone else is fair game
Wow if only there was a stat that increased MP regen that you could meld...
should i sell gyr abanian alchemics now or buy tier 6 crafting materia and hope that it sells in 5.0?
Microsoft is retarded and wants Microsoft-only servers so that they can provide special bonuses, which is fucking stupid and defeats the purpose of the game as an MMO.
You should be crafting BRD/MCH/DNC gear for 60-70, those are going to sell like fucking hot cakes
Why is this allowed?
I liked leveling up gatherers but it looks like crafters are gonna be a pain in the ass then.
He's the leader of the cult that indulges as much as they can before the world ends. From the trailer as well I'm guessing he's sacrificing people to appease Sin Eaters.
If you want to keep leveling after running out of GC turn-ins, leves, beast quests and first craft bonuses, it's pretty much the only option.
I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have maxed gatherers, though. Leves have a better gil:exp ratio.
Hoard all your tier 6 materia and wait until tier 7 comes out so you can get some and sell it fast before the market crashes.
Forsake your eyebrows. Highlanders are just upscaled midlanders.
everyone and their mother is doing that
It's almost as if AST would need an unreal amount of that to even be MP neutral....woah....
It's almost as if WHM and SCH are so far ahead in terms of MP recovery that AST is...really bad...woah...
This....this is the power of ShitBringers.
>implying people aren't going to be using augmented shire for 10 levels again
lmaoing @ u, family
>potato cat
Don't compare miki'ttens to disgusting potatos.
All that's changed about LD is it has a shorter cd. LD is the same. Piety will be meldable. What drugs are you on?
I'm not even sure we're getting tier 7. If I had to take a guess I'd say we're stuck with 6.
Guys this was a bad idea.
I installed a bunch of lewd mods like Lucian Prince jacket with no undershirt and Makai shorts unzipped and lowered and even though I don't use those pieces I see other people wearing them and it's giving my a big trouble focusing on the game but also I like it.
I did that shit for RDM and SAM from 50-60, I'm still sitting on that pile of cash I made. You underestimate the laziness of 90% of this fucking playerbase.
What? The laughably low quality feet? Dunno.
Would you?
And when did you first start HRT?
Im gonna go instantly to Midlander Male from Female if they add the punished WoL beard
Too bad she's going to grow up to be a prostitute like all Miqo'te women
Isn't she dead?
She's younger than Y'shtola so yes.
>LD is the same
Lightspeed, my bad. Looking at it now, it's actually 5s longer.
That's assuming one were even retarded enough to believe potencies/cds won't be changed by launch.
Guys I'm so excited. I'm finally getting heavensward after all this time since launch. I have to work to help my mother so I could barely afford the sub and internet on my budget. But this bday my mom gave me 20 dollars to buy heavensward. I'm sooooo excited aaaaahhhhhh
The potency is the same and the cooldown is halved. How could you possibly have MP issues?
>According to the JP tooltips, Fell Cleave has 580 potency
>According to the JP tooltips, Sonic Break has a total potency of 550 (300 + 50x5)
>According to people who played DRK in the tour, Carve and Split is actually 450 pots
Make you wonder how many of these are wrong...
Wouldn’t that mean old man fortemps would have immunity to being killed off, though? Wouldn’t make sense for him to show up after being killed if you get dark knight to the 70 quest+watch cutscenes after shadowbringers, if he gets “killed”
Don't see why not, she's only 37.
>Tataru didn't sell him to fat Doman businessmen after the katana business
How unrealistic
Yes being attracted to females in scanty clothing is such a tranny thing.
10/10 meme user, keep it up.
Also what crafting materials should I stock up? Most of them will be 70 - 80 mob drops and gathering stuff but surely there's something that lets me prep my crafting marathon now for 5.0?
user heavensward is free right now
If you do the DRK questline afterwards then it's just your mental image of him coming to reassure you that you're still a good person.
Hell hath no pissy fury like a 6/8 pf group being called out on sucking.
More like Fill Hymen am I right bros??
40-50 sucks but 50-70 is relatively fast even if you do nothing but beast tribes and daily starred deliveries. If you want to go harder you can do leves and all the other daily deliveries.
yep, highwind players like DRG.
in other news, water is wet
more at 11
He has a point honestly. He's taking about the thought of a spell seducing you to a monster or an enemy and making your character brainwashed enough to not be able to resist it. It's the fact they can make your character fall to temptation that they otherwise would not have.
She's past 30 and has acquired her obligatory "old" cat granny glasses so no. She might as well be ancient.
>Yes being attracted to females in scanty clothing is such a tranny thing.
Correct, being so pornsick that you can't enjoy something unless it indulges your AGP fantasies is a tranny thing.
Try harder.
>Lucid Dreaming is now 50 potency refresh every 21s
Even if they nerfed the potency from the media build (80 to 50) it's still 21 seconds refreshing mp every 60s. Stop bitching and use lightspeed.
NIN bros...
It's not that I can't enjoy it otherwise, it's just that lewd mods seem like an objective upgrade to the game.
What's not to like? It's two good things put together.
but why didn't they put an aethercyte at waking sands?
Damn this game is so full of pornsick people.
God I hope this pic is true, I can't wait for WARcucks to have their job completely underpowered on top of having the worst fucking rush of all tanks
SCH lost Energy Drain dude
Aetherflow helps but that's a pretty big hit in terms of "fuck I need more MP"
MMO players have fragile egos, go figure.
To add up, shroud of saints lasted 15 seconds, 60 potency and had a 2min cooldown. So you'll live.
Lightspeed got buffed
Unless they've formed linkshells just to shit on you, you haven't seen the extent of their autism.
You almost word it like fairy skills cost mp or something.
>Yoshi-P doesn't even bother to unlock BLU
BLUbros... what do we do?!
Oh damn you right I'll just save for stormblood.
Can't wait to fight Alexander
Will he journey with us to the First? I could see him making deals with the Ugly Bastard of Eulmore.
Look up the lore and see what the Races names are based on.
Make a cheeky reference to what my character is about roleplaying is fun
I used an obscure name from an extremely obscure VN.
is this the eu Yea Forums fc
>join alliance roulette
>royal city
>my entire alliance dies to construct 8 and the math mechanic
>"Guys it's basic math"
>healers refuse to heal me for the duration of the run
It's really basic math
they haven't updated the GM commands to give level cap to BLU
Just save up and buy shadowbringers, It'll give you SB it's just $40 bucks
Every time I do this I hope to see the run where everyone does it perfectly. It has never happened.
Lightspeed is actually 5s shorter because before it was always extended by CO
cute c@
Will we ever see her again?
Does anyone have the picture of Lalafell finding the miqo'te babys?
Flat is Justice
Absolutely based and dfcpilled
Embrace's potency is nerfed apparently
No, it's shitty game design.
A game is supposed to play of elements introduced to you earlier, like you go to that training thing before you do dungeons that teaches you how to control adds, how to dodge AoEs. Bosses build up on mechanics like this.
That's good.
At what point in the game am I ever taught about prime numbers? How the fuck do you expect people to know what one is just randomly?
It's like putting in a fucking trivia quiz, like the boss stops you mid fight and kills you if you don't know what Michael Jackson's best selling single was.
It's absolutely terrible game design.
That's some amazingly retarded maths. You could at least say the duration's effectively unchanged. It's still buffed because you won't need CO to get the same effect now.
It's basic math user, you learned that shit in grade school.
>At what point in the game am I ever taught about prime numbers? How the fuck do you expect people to know what one is just randomly?
American education.
>At what point in the game am I ever taught about prime numbers
Literally 5 seconds before that boss fight starts
Liking DFC is one step away from liking boys you literal faggot.
There's a fucking sign just before the fight that teaches you prime numbers you absolute FUCKING RETARDSJFHGV
It was but if they removed the fairy portion of mind &mend then fairy will use the same stats as the sch instead of a reduced % of it.
So the 150 potency of ShB might be the same as our current 250
Unless this is a story from before the Moogle Tomestone event, this didn't happen. Alliance Roulette only has Labyrinth and Syrcus Tower now.
You could make your HP literally any odd number below 9 and it will be a prime number
>at what point...
graduating grade school
1 is not prime
>At what point in the game am I ever taught about prime numbers?
It's basic education in most first world countries user.
There is also a note on a robot right before the boss fight that lists prime numbers.
>How the fuck do you expect people to know what one is just randomly?
By completing elementary/high school?
I just got WoD in alliance roulette so you're bullshitting.
Your HP can't be 1 at that part IIRC. I'm pretty sure the lowest it goes is 2
wtf are you talking about, I just got out of a void ark run
Au Ra had all the unlocked universal hairstyles, what are you on about?
>Dude don't surprise me with anything, no completely new mechanics please I need to optimize my braindead rotation
Goosh goosh
Nah I'll probably end up giving the money back to my mom. Plus I like to do every quest, read every line and explore every area so that should keep me busy
explain how I just got lighthouse then faggot
>At what point in the game am I ever taught about prime numbers?
The dead robot npcs before the boss tells you the prime numbers.
People talk about "oooh its basic math" How many times in your life have you needed to know a prime number unless you were in a math based major career?
You faggots were crying about wanting Viera. You assholes got Viera. Now finally everyone can shut the fuck up about them to have them at least work on more original looking races
How is this FC? I have my alt on Cerb, I might join to see how degenerate people are there.
>Americlap education
Why do people dislike the story of Stormblood?
It's pretty good.
In the time it takes for the mechanic to go off you can pull up a browser and search for prime numbers
I want a raid boss to have a mechanic where it asks you basic lore questions instead of math problems
Never and I still know my prime numbers because it's just been embedded into my brain since I was a wee lad.
>No Viera Feet
This is viera feet on FFXII.
imagine playing as a female au ra in-game
It's quite literally the most basic math you can learn. My 5 year old daughter learned about prime numbers already.
No they weren't
I DON'T want LotA and Syrcus for the millionth time when leveling my >lv60 jobs
i'm uncreative and not very intelligent so just picked an anime name of an anime girl i like
one of the bosses in gubal library should have been this.
Look at the newest build numbers, you colossal retard.
The fuck? I don't remember FF12 looking that bad
Fuck off Lyse waifufag
I would love this.
>Ask carpenter to make and install a new door
>They nailgun a sheet of wood to the doorway
>Why are you complaining? I got you a door you wanted
There is a book that gives you a list of prime numbers. You can just read it and keep it in your chat log for quick reference. Stop being bad.
le I know the super sekrit to make good viera meme
>"What is the 6th letter in this *NPC's* name?"
>NPC is a limsa roegadyn
Femdom with Tataru!
>comparing abilities from six years ago as if all other variables have remained constant and thus it is an improvement
this is the dumbest post I've seen all week, congrats
LotA is an easy and quick clear though, why are you complaining
Female Au Ra raens tend to be cute irl females. Xaelas are usually the trannies.
And I guarantee she wont remember them 10-20 years down the line since theres almost no practical use for them.
>Not findom
Who else is going to play a min-height pale Viera here?
I heard locking your ilvl to the level of ARR alliance raids and spamming them is good xp, how many of them do I need to do to go from 40 to 70?
I want to level DRK before the expansion hits but I really fucking hate grinding for experience
>this kills the cutscene skipper
>get weeping city
>wipe on the last boss 4 times before we finally clear it
>get LoTA
>clear it in 10 minutes no wipe
would rather get LOTA or any of the crystal tower raid series than the HW stuff. The playerbase is really bad at the game
Shut up cocksleeve
First name: favorite weather.
Last name: favorite weapon.
I play a midlander male.
It was a PS2 game after all.
Be a tough gay Roegadyn and stop being a pussy and kill her off
Trannies playing overly small characters is dumb since men like tall full figured women especially in fantasy where they can have perfect hourglass figures while still being amazonian
If you can remember the name of your favorite obscure hentai doujin, you can remember what a prime number is.
>Look at these numbers
>Doesn't post them
2 3 5 7 11 13
it's only 6 numbers dude it's not that hard
Because I like Weeping City
I hate the Crystal Tower series now, I've seen it too many times, the level sync makes every mechanic a snooze, ever since Stormblood cut out skills to make room for the new no jobs feel very engaging at 50 either so you can't have fun hammering your rotation
Favorite implies I read it often, unlike prime numbers.
I'm ready to take the lion pill. Bara bros > Tranny fags
And they only got worse in the HD version.
"I'm sorry WoL, you can't access the drive-thru whilst mounted."
Sunny Katana
>Get worried over the math boss
>Find out it doesn't even damage/kill you, it just doesnt give you a damage buff if you mess up
>I'd like to order a uhh...
Another beautiful example of America's education system!
>hurrfdurrrff I am retarded oh god spoon-feed me
Go look at the numbers in the Twintania fight.
I've been collecting images of people's Hrothgars so I can compare them and create the ideal Hrothgar.
maybe if she's a fucking retard like you who doesn't even get to prime factorization by the time they leave middle school
Rainy Chainsaw
Nah, I'm not a weeb.
It will kill you if your gear is shit and you somehow fuck up twice
It actually debuffs you and you get one shotted if you aren't covered by a PLD.
Why didn't anyone watch Devolver kino?
Link or fake.
Wasn't xbox the first to present?
Is there some pattern to this or is it just fucking random?
(You) are trying very hard but it's not working.
>This is supposed to be a good thing.
Have you played AST? Also Lightspeed is a shit way of regenerating MP. Anything that requires you to spend MP to recover/save it is incredibly limiting, especially for when you need to recover after death. Not only that, but it pales in comparison to SCH/WHM's tools. AST will have serious MP problems at launch.
>Sony: 0 views
Xbox was the very first showcase
I like putting my hotbars to the side of my character
>I'm an absolute brainlet
>that means everyone else must be one or even dumber
delete roe from the game
How did you even get past elementary school?
A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself. A factor is a whole numbers that can be divided evenly into another number. The first few prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29. Numbers that have more than two factors are called composite numbers.
You're trying to make this personal when its not. Theres a huge difference between learning and memorizing. A vast majority of what people learn in university for example is completely forgotten in a few years. People in professions tend to carry about books about terminology, procedures, formulas, etc because its impossible to remember it all especially if its rarely used.
The Xbox conference is effectively also the PC conference, new Halo, Sony didn't even fucking SHOW UP so all PS4 owners watched to see multiplats, good time slot, Cyberpunk
Number than can be divided by itself and 1.
>Also Lightspeed is a shit way of regenerating MP
Lightspeed doesn't regenerate mp. Do you even play AST?
And again, lucid dream is on a 60 (SIXTY) second cooldown, not the current 120.
A prime number is a number that's only evenly divisible by itself and 1
You can't divide anything evenly into 2 except 2/1
Same with 3, 5, 7, and so on.
My character's name's a reference to my favorite FF spinoff game, modified to fit the racial naming better
My retainers are based on the girls
This thread makes me wish they bring division and multiplication into savage raids, it wouldnt even need to be difficult and it'd already make so many brainlets quit.
(You) are retarded. The numbers are literally there in the Twintania video where the SMN uses Lucid Dreaming. Go watch it if you don't believe me.
Will all the trannies switch to Viera now?
Nobody is 100% straight or gay, sweetie
made it just offensive enough to get past filters, but to also trigger dumbass people
>Ignoring the rest of my post to pick on semantics.
So you don't play AST, got it.
>Lucid is nerfed.
Yeah you're retarded
Only for a week or two, then they'll switch back. Most of them are already complaining that there's no "smol" option for them.
I plan on coming back and being a shitter who doesn't raid. I'll be part of the 90%
those that do will switch back after a time
it isn't """"""""""smol"""""""""" enough for them
I really hop the ShB story is good, SB was just so boring with the piss poor attempt at a resistance plot line.
Ion fuck off
kys biscum
nice fake image, nerd
I actually cannot fucking believe you're such a moron that you're defending not knowing what a fucking prime number is holy shit. Divisible only by itself and 1 is not a fucking hard concept
Consider the idea that you might just be stupid
>current lucid dream
>7 ticks of 80 potency every 2 mins
>new lucid dream
>14 ticks of 50 potency every 2 mins
>waa new lucid dream is bad
Looks shopped
Raid with triple integrals fucking WHEN?
Im just saying. Go out to the streets right now and ask people in a poll. Most people won't know them. InB4 "Everyone in the world is a retarded sheep but me".
But you forgot how SCH is losing Siphon and AST wont have MP cards.
>comparing knowledge gained in university to the fucking absolute simple concept of prime numbers
Worldwide average intelligence is lower than you think.
Monty Hall raid when?
>annoying tranny in my FC has been going on and on about how the Vierra body isn't realistic because trannies can't achieve it
>he's been very vocal and hostile about it even going so far as to block people who post screenshots of their bunnies on discord
>gonna leave the FC as soon as SHB launches
>he plays a female aura
Trannies won't go bunbun, they're triggered at them.
Yes because the chibi models had pointed fucking ears, right? And there totally arent any other short races in other games that the race may have been inspired from, no sir
I was talking first world countries.
Reminder that if you still need a fantasia and don't have the HW digital collector's upgrade yet, it's better to get that because a fantasia is included.
13 is prime
SCH still has aetherflow for +10% mp every minute and AST has lightspeed.
Scholar mana was a joke and only dropped becuase of Miasma 2 which isnt a thing anymore. AST mana should intentionally be bad as a balance to WHM.
They arent though because the new mana changes are fine
>please solve the riemann hypothesis
It's GNB you mong
Half of all people alive are below average intelligence, that's how a normal distribution works. If you're a literate adult who struggles with primes you're probably left of center by a fair bit
So was I.
Mansplainers BTFO
Based bunbuns
based and cute and funny pilled
Thats not enough if you actually played SCH on a pro level.
>Where's your proof
>Here it is, also go watch the E3 video if you don't believe me
Oh so you were just retarded all along, got it
It's GUK you retard.
Right now Lucid give around 40% MP back, so that would be 4k out of the 10k pool of ShB every 2min
But with this change, that should be around 2.5k mp back every 1min.
So technically speaking, this is actually a buff.
What video huh? Why are you hiding it huh?
I can't wait to play GUN
>still no proof
>calls someone else retarded
the ironey
Nobody's THAT gay
user, this is why they simplified your role. Do you get it now?