It’s over. Nintendo won.
It’s over. Nintendo won
uh with what?
That's it. I'm buying a Switch NOW!
Patricia Hernandez.
What site is that supposed to be? After she got shit canned from Kotaku I figured there was no where else she could fail to.
>Mario Maker 2
>Link's Awakening
>Animal Crossing
>BotW 2
>Metroid Prime 4
>Bayonetta 3
All coming in the next 2 years. Remind me again, what does Sony have coming up in the next 2 years?
I remember every game they announced during the direct the only things I remember from the other conferences are Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk , Final Fantasy VIII gets a remaster, Final Fantasy VII Remake looks good
Nintendo won, had the better announcements
The PlayStation 5, which will of course launch with the blockbuster of the century Knack 3: The Knackening
Wait, she isn't at Kotaku anymore?
> No Pikmin 4
Dropped, it's been fucking 4 years since it was near completion
What did they announce? All i saw was just another pokemon game that looks like its either on mobile or was made in 2000s and adults holding plushies.
look to all that shit
>screenshot of cashgrab trash
>next 2 years
Why did you mention Sony?
>ignoring Elden Ring
what a drone
I'm convinced the shitty 3ds game was what they meant at this point
>Metroid Prime 4
>coming within the next 2 years
It's the only games I wanted from E3 and I didnt get it. Nintendo lost.
Because they're Nintendo's only direct competitor (or used to be, before they stopped making games).
That thing is working at Polygon apparently.
I forgot about it lol
thats just how memorable that trailer was
every game on that list was already shown months ago.
actually no, prime has no artwork what so ever and Crossing is well, crossing.
Fitting, Polygon is even worse than Kotaku.
>Botw 2 has been know for weeks
Why dont you read before you write , user?
What new games has Sony announced in the last 3 years?
job listings
Snorlax (female) is still around?
>Journalist gaming girl
Pretty ironic they'd attach funkoshit rehash image to that article when there are actually good games Nintendo has shown.
>BotW 2
>next 2 years
The other conferences didn’t even announce games so yeah. Fans of any console should embrace the fact that Nintendo showed gameplay and didn’t shit around for an hour with “omg here is the head art director Kay Slavinovich to talk about the cinematic trailer”
theres job listings for everything, a rumor is not a confirmation
I still feel like this Link's Awakening remake should have been on 3ds, looks really underwhelming.
Is E3 dead or is it really just because we're having a slow year and next-gen starting next year?
I love Nenecchi
Not him but because they are using the same engine and some assets I dont think its gonna take that much to develop, I see it as soon as 2021
Still gonna buy a ps5
Fuck that mario and luigi shit
>People think this funko trash is adorable
>it ruins my narrative so its shit
The 3ds is dead. It was confirmed today that production on the two new Switch models started, so expect a lower cost Switch Mini to replace the 3ds by the end of the year.
They won in a year thats barely matter when everyone prepares for the endgame next year
only if you dislike every game, theres a bunch of games coming out this year
They're using the same engine and assets. For comparison, it took them two years to release Majora's Mask.
>endless rehashes, ports and reuse of old assets
As a proud Wii U owner, I don't think so, Nintendo!
How the hell is it dead? There were tons of game announcements.
It's just a bummer we don't get any Elden Ring gameplay or more extensive demoing of Death Stranding.
They didn't suck this year. They won just on the basis that everyone else was shite.
I will admit Nintendo's was my favorite show just due to the fact they just showed games instead of a bunch of shit that wasn't video games.
>Wii U
Never heard of it. Is that some kind of accessory for the Wii?
Personally, the only games I'm interested in are Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and Avengers, maybe the new Doom game as well.
Have you seen what funko trash looks like?
Imagine being in this much denial
Imagine not liking anyhing
You fags say that every year
>gorilla hernandez
How is she still employed there? She doesn't even play video games that aren't on Nintendo kiddie shit.
It's not Nintendo's fault that you're a retard who actually bought a Wii U
>SMTV in the next 2 years
Try 4
I love the fact that BOTW exists and we are getting a direct sequel in the same style. Not only does it trigger seething Sonyfans who will never experience such a masterpiece, it also BTFO a large chunk of Ocarina of Time nostalgiafags who never grew up and can't admit that their precious childhood game has not aged well in comparison.
The only game I care about on that list is Bayonetta 3. The only upcoming Switch game I care about is Daemon X Machina. I'm happy that Nintendofags are getting a lot of nice upcoming guys but most of the Nintendo stuff is just not up to my taste. Why does it have to be a competition anyway?
Yeah botw took 5 years to make, so reusing the same engine and a lot of the assets, I'm thinking 2-3 years max for this one. All they're going to do is mix up the map a bit, probably put in some big towns or maybe even a city, make new shrines and a new story, maybe tack on a few new mechanics or modify/refine the physics a bit.
After seeing the trailer I figured it was probably just a really big dlc expansion. That said I'm still excited. Botw was a great game, just a bit rough around the edges. There's a lot of potential for something like this.
>first person shooters
Personally this might be the holy trinity of shit I don't care about.
im asssuming somewhere between Holiday 2020 and Spring 2021 is when it'll release since they are reusing assets and the engine
Because Kotaku doesn't really give a fuck. She writes dumb clickbait articles that get nerds seething and generates traffic and ad revenue.
>frog & wojack
Take your transitional medications you fucking transvestite nigger.
Don’t forget the stellar 4K UHD 25th anniversary edition of talladega nights
Everyone who replied to you couldn’t name a single game.
She’ll be a fucking trailer park lunch lady by the time she’s 40, I promise that.
According to media at E3, Link's Awakening struggles to hold a steady framerate.
Which is hilarious considering how shit it looks.