>5 games with identical settings
How do we fix FromSoftware's creative bankruptcy?
>5 games with identical settings
How do we fix FromSoftware's creative bankruptcy?
Other urls found in this thread:
do we really need to
>Victorian England and Sengoku era Japan are the same as fantasy Medieval Europe
Hell, go play Deracine.
Can't believe they added difficulty setting. Fuck Miyazaki
Is this real? Will From finally die?
I assume you can't post a source because you're shitposting.
You know they're going to ruin this by using Dark Souls 3 as a base instead of Dark Souls, the game with superior combat.
It will be a better game than 99% of the garbage that comes out now
They're not identical in any way. Dark Souls 1-3 were the only ones that kept it similar.
The real question is how much they're going to take from Sekiro.
DeS and all of DaS are though.
>most based developer in whole industry
are you fine user?
Hand it over. that thing, your elden ring.........
>5+ games with identical settings
>I doubt you could even imagine it
>dont tell me you dont see it
Bravo memehacky. Oh but dont worry, your braindead fans will defend you nonetheless!
*ruins your game*
The best part of from's games you can just skip all the lore and be fine.
>t. assblasted third worlder upset his Aztec dump didn't make the cut
Western medieval fantasy with Japanese design sensibilities is LITERALLY the best setting imaginable. Thank god Miyazaki has taste.
>one one of the most atmospheric games, and predecessor to this cult classic series
>one GOTDecade
>one shit game
>one GOTGeneration
>one OK game with amazing bossfights
>one average game with few amazing bossfight with godlike combat system, who loses only to DMC5 recently
stay deluded
Actually, Dark Souls 2 has the superior combat. The others don't even have powerstancing, let alone the sheer variety of builds and playstyles.
bro why are you calling demon souls shit wtf
Soulsbabbies were seething about sekiro being its own thing so miazaki went back and made elden rings, souls clone #5
>soulsbabby delusion
like clockwork
this user is redpilled, you should listen to him
sekiro is the only one that looked and felt significantly different, differences between bloodborne and souls were minute as both games essentially boiled down to DUDE GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE LMAO
God Tier: Sekiro, BB, 3
Top Tier: Dark Souls
Nostalgia Tier: Demons Souls
Shit Tier: Dark Souls 2
The fuck are you talking about, bro? DeS + DkS1 +DkS2 +DkS3 +Elden Ring = 5
cope harder
deluding man delusions
he's just bullshitting
>Wilkinson: Do you believe this title will turn out to be a very From-like and challenging game?
>Miyazaki: Yes, I do. The importance we place on the joy the player experiences through overcoming challenges will be the same as it is in our other titles. I believe it will prove to be a very satisfying experience.
Here we have a man so eager to shitpost that he can't even follow a few sentences.
The first line is saying you couldn't even imagine the Elden Ring intact granting life it's fullest brilliance, then they say it was shattered. The second line is referring to seeing the fact that the ring has been shattered, and what effect that is having on the world.
But, of course, I'm sure you'll have a witty retort that translates to "who cares fag" at the least and "whatever fromdrone" at the best.
>5 threads with identical phrases
How do we fix OP's mental void?
Get a job there, work your way up into the board, and gain Miyazaki's influence. Otherwise you're just pissing in the ocean and talking about saving the dolphins. You're a fucking retard, and the idea you or the fans will ever affect new directions a company takes is absurd, and you should feel absurd. No one gives a shit about what you think.
Nice cope
There's a basic bar of quality in animation and controls than an action game has to meet, and Dark Souls 2 does not.
If you are shitpost on dark souls and you are playing more ambitious games that's fine, but if you are shitting on dark souls while enjoying normie shit like snoy moviegames, witcher or any other tasteless shit you should kys asap
unfortunately there is no way to check you are single digit IQ or actual man of culture
Not even DeS to DaS1 is identical. You've got some loose trappings of European fantasy, but DeS takes a much more abstract approach, with things like a tower that has a massive, beating heart. It's a bit early to call Elden Ring identical when we've seen maybe half a dozen inhabitants of the world and about half of a landscape.
I want to say that leans more towards "whatever fromdrone".
>more ambitious games
Give some examples.
Find me one thing in Dark/Demon Souls that looks like this
Remember that they are japanese, they think they are being original.
Guys where's Armored Core?
their longest running series was grim fantasy. Bloodborne was Victorian with gothic architecture, and Bloodborne was Feudal Fantasy. And Elden Ring sure as shit doesn't look dour like Souls.
meant to quote OP sorry.
So far all of From's franchises have had differing settings. The only exception is Demons and Dark Souls both being the same dark medieval fantasy, but that's mainly because they're essentially the same franchise, only having differing names due to Sony copyright. Meanwhile Bloodborne has a Victorian England setting and Sekiro is Jap Samurai shit.
Not sure how I feel about GRRM being included. Miyazaki's and GRRM's styles in telling a story seem at polar ends of the spectrum, with the only similarity is both having a penchant of punching you in the gut by having your favorite characters come to untimely demises. Honestly he probably has only a very tiny involvement and they're just uses his name for clout, like what they do with all the Tom Clancy's ____ stuff.
Reminds me of Falconer's set.
>. Bloodborne was Victorian with gothic architecture, and Bloodborne was Feudal Fantasy
well damn...
i mean something like Nier, DMCs, cRPGs, semi-simulators/simulators like Arma or racing sims, basically anything your normie friend wounldn't even look at or his brain will explode trying to understand what the fuck going on
I always forget how fucking shitty DaS2 looks
I assume we're going to have to wait another year before we get any more news about this game?
The wait is going to kill me, not to mention having to see these kinds of threads for another year.
They're all medieval European dark fantasy
>Nier, DMCs, cRPGs, semi-simulators/simulators like Arma or racing sims
those are all mainstream as fuck
I'm fine with dark fantasy settings as they stay fresh way longer than most other alternatives. From does what it does well and I'd be fine with a dozen more soulsborne rehashes.
Bloodborne and Sekiro are not. Only the Souls series is.
Elden Bridge.
theres nothing wrong with froms games, theres no other company creating a "soulslike"
they are the only ones making shit like this, meanwhile we have 12 companies creating fps shit and yall will lick it up.
If you dont like their games dont buy em.
Ask yourself, is From even capable of creating another great Armored core game? How disappointed would you be if it didn't live up to expectations
Fromsoft tried something different with Sekiro, and people were literally boycotting that shit because it wasnt another souls or had any online pvp.
The fans only cry for another souls-fix like fucking subhuman addicts, and doesnt care about good games.
They could shit out something worse than DS2 and people would still praise it, because it was another "git gud" experience.
Off topic: Is there a good, lightweight program to take screenshots with a dedicated button inside a video game? I don't need recording or anything, just screenshots.
i don't know what is mainstream for you, if you think those games are mainstream you have probably sophisticated taste and I respect that.
But those are clearly less mainstream games than witcher, sony, gtas, rdr or cyberpuk recenly
>people were literally boycotting that shit
tell me more
>new armored core game comes out
>it plays like dark souls but with a scifi setting and using jet boosters rather than rolling to dodge attacks
>i-it's the same color!
ye, F11 on all steam games
You bitch about people wanting something that is unique? People still want more content similar to the typical souls format and from are the only ones handing it out, why is this a problem?
If you want a different game there are plenty
I deinstalled steam somewhere around 2012.
This, Sekiro literally had the best combat system of any souls game and the level exploration by addition of a Z dimension was awesome
>Fromsoft tried something different with Sekiro
>"We made it so enemies are always treated like they have a shield out so if you attack enough you get a front-stab"
too bad
Elden ring will mix bloodborne sekiro and darksouls into one i think
i don't really like exploration in sekiro but the combat was pure fucking ludo
I'm so glad we're back in dark fantasy lads. And OP's tears make me all the more happier.
>Identical settings
Thats some pretty heavy autism to think that.
I expect nothing less on Yea Forums
Sounds good if that's the case. As long as the gameplay isn't slow and clunky like dark souls again. After playing BB and Sekiro I can't go back to that shit.
Who else is hype for the das des bb amd sekiro references that will inevitable found in elden ring
Miyazaki collected Western fantasy books and game manuals growing up, and part of his esoteric approach to storytelling was developed from the uncertainty he felt attempting to read them while having only a limited grasp on English. As a result, he knew there was a cohesive story being told, but he could only access bits and pieces of it and try to puzzle the whole out from only these snippets. He tried to emulate this feeling in his work, drafting a story and then tightly throttling how much of that story was revealed to the player.
It's not impossible that Miyazaki might have been a fan of the Song of Ice and Fire series before it was even adapted to television and chose GRRM because of that. If so, he may be trying the same thing with Elden Ring as he had in the past, even more directly this time, having a Western Fantasy author craft a story that will then receive the usual Souls treatment, being chopped up and drip fed to the players in a way they lets them feel that same sense of knowing only just enough to guess at the story that he felt when he was a child.
Why didn’t you like the exploration, user?
If it’s because a lot of the items you find are not unique, I definitely get that complaint. It’s my biggest complaint with the game as well, but the environments were awesome.
What are you talking about there are several companies making soulslike games. Not saying any of them are as good as FromSoftwares offerings though.
>Middle East
>South Asia
Dark fantasy in these regions would be far more interesting than a fifth European setting
What a shit argument. The issue with Sekiro's changes is that they were changes for the worst. One of the most unique aspects of the Souls games is the asymmetric multiplayer involving things like invading other players as they journey through the levels. Sekiro just took this out. It was a pure negative, with absolutely nothing in the game benefitting from the removal of multiplayer. It's not like it was replaced with something equal-but-different, they just took it out full-stop. And then there's the issue of getting rid of build variety is also a pure negative, with nothing gained through the removal of builds.
I'm all for From changing things up rather than releasing only games that are more or less standalone expansion packs for Demons Souls, but Sekiro wasn't the way to do it. Don't get me wrong, the game adds a lot of new and different features, and that's welcome, but they also needlessly took away things for no benefit to the end user.
i think it could be more like Dragon's Dogma, you should read the interview about ER with our lord memezaki
Not that guy but for me personally there weren't enough environment variations. It became a bit uninteresting at some point. The items were also a bit of an issue. I think they just need to make the environments varied and interesting in Elden ring and offer good rewards for exploring, which is what sekiro lacked.
PicPick or ShareX
>With a customizable character, the player will be able to traverse through the world on a horse and can find enemies while riding it.
>While Miyazaki acknowledges that he studied many open world games, he did not mention any particular titles. Rather than being too heavily inspired by a certain title, he attempted to create an open-world game only FromSoftware can make. That means that you are still fighting terrifying bosses, and will likely die a lot.
>According to Miyazaki, there will be no towns or cityscapes with NPCs to interact with in Elden Ring, but you can expect village ruins in a similar vein to his other titles.
>“Creating a new type of game is a big challenge for us. If we would add towns on top of that, it would become a bit too much, so we decided to create an open world style game focused on what we are best at.”
Miyazaki is a westaboo, so that's what we'll get. Also calling them all the same setting is ridiculous. Souls games are medieval fantasy, BB is victorian london, Sekiro is japan.
That said I would absolutely love getting a souls-style game with an aztec theme. As long as they can get enough variety with the setting.
Miyazaki was huge a fan of Martins work and was honored to get to work with him, so its safe to say he probably liked ice and fire
i really like mix of european aesthetics with japanese gamedev
Kys zoomer
Absolutely not. For the same reason people who like Madden games don't want a change from football to field hockey.
They took it out to focus on the combat mechanics. The combat wouldn't have worked well in multiplayer, people would have shit themselves and cried that it's unbalanced. It takes way more effort to balance a combat system like that for multiplayer. These devs don't just take shit out for the fun of it, there's actual gameplay implications behind their decisions.
Basically an open world darksouls with less linearity
>I can't believe they keep setting FIFA games in football stadiums. How about a lava world or a sewer level for a change?
There are hundreds JRPGs
So Dark Souls but you can't easily see the walls of the corridor...
>sekiro will have no one playing it 1 year from now
>yet all darksouls games will servers still up have constant players thriving
uh... okay kiddo.
The fatal flaw in your argument is that a football game in a lava world could be pretty cool.
I can't define Elden, but it doesn't feel dour like Souls.
There's a certain point where the corridor memes get so vague that you could pretty much define literally any game with area progression as "lmao corridors".
It doesn't matter, it's a singleplayer game. When the multiplayer died on DeS and DaS people still played it and they will continue. People play singleplayer games for a reason, they enjoy it, just like you enjoy mindless mp. Each to their own, Sekiro won't die and neither will any of the other thousands of single player games out there.
more like labirynth
i don't like there won't be any cites, there should be at least one
sekiro is the definition of linear, 3 playthroughs and youve played all it has to offer.
Meanwhile, darksouls is on a whole different level with much much more bang for your buck full of variety and playstyle.
>riding through village ruins with Dark Souls tier OST and ambience
Fuck yeah
I always hated how this one looked.
The helmet is awful and kinda out of place and everything is flat to the point where details like the leather straps look painted on.
Also, why this armor that looks like it's mostly made of leather and cloth besides the chestplate is supposed to have some of the highest stats in the game is beyond me.
>Dark Souls tier OST
I do love ambient noises.
DeS/DaS were good and still are good without multiplayer, but the inclusion of the unique multiplayer system is what put them above and beyond, made the games that much more replayable, and resulted in people spending much more time with the games than if they were strictly singleplayer.
And there's just something missing and I go back and play DeS now and have no internet. It's still a great game, but it just feels like something is missing.
Here's your character design bro
>creative bankruptcy?
they just need to adjust their tax policy
They usually show gameplay a couple months after their reveal trailers.
They are different games, for different audiences. The fact that you and other souls players jumped in not understanding this is what caused the extreme butthurt. Some people prefer sekiro and the fact there's less focus on rpg elements.
I'm on my 7th playthrough and I still enjoy it. I know friends who are going on NG+3 now. It's time you realise sekiro and souls games are not the same, it's not the game for you and that doesn't mean others won't be playing and replaying it.
Before jumping into Elden Ring, next time make sure you understand what type of game it is you are buying.
At least it was before Zant fucked everything up.
Dead, like it should be.
Yeah, it's confy. I'm just hoping there will be some music in the background as it's going to be an open world game.
Yikes. wtf were they thinking?
>So far all of From's franchises have had differing settings.
>t. secondary bitch that jumped onto FROM's train with Souls games
Dude fuck off. Why pretend you know shit? FROM literally have SIX different mecha franchises. And Demon's Souls wasn't even their first western dark fantasy setting either. That was King's Field. And after King's Field there was Eternal Ring.
Just shut the fuck up holy shit.
You don't need to define anything. Both Miyazaki and Yasuhiro Kitao called Elden Ring a "dark fantasy".
Ambiance music playing in certain location is the best thing that could be made into game
why is linear progression bad?
good open world games are exceedingly rare
If he can manage open world dungeons you can discover and buildings you can explore with good level designs.
>Ganondorf has two new games lined up
His agent must have worked wonders.
He was definitely a fan, especially of Martin's book Fevre Dream. That's Why they're collaborating.
>There are many definitions to the term “open world,” and I might not be phrasing it correctly, but we have simply tried our own approach to a game with a large, open field to play in.
>It is a world full of danger and threats, as well as many areas ripe for exploration.
>Among those areas, you will also find intricately designed, multi-layered castles and such.
He's kneeling you actual niggers
Another thing that makes Martin an interesting choice is how a lot of Martin's writing has some focus on various kingdoms or nations coming into conflict. In an open world game, with a more expansive scope on the parties involed, a writer that thinks a lot about how different foreign powers interact could have a lot of room to play around. I wouldn't be surprised if Elden Ring covers multiple different kingdoms, or at least takes place on a border where multiple kingdoms are in contention.
Chad af.
I'm bitching at people practically demanding From to make one type of game, which is the point of the thread.
Hell, not even the same type, but just a game with a similar multiplayer mechanic.
You could have the perfect souls game, and take out the invasions, and people would call it shit because they wouldn't be able to stroke their e-peen.
Dark Souls combat is brainlet tier, Sekiro took it up a notch at least.
>Muh invasions
>Muh builds
You're practically saying it's the only worth the series ever had, it's fucking sad.
Sekiro isn't even a souls game, it's a single player action-adventure game, an entirely different genre, with it's own story and protagonist.
Just because they did one right that fit into that particular game, doesn't mean they should include similar mechanics in their other games.
>"Many accountants have come and gone. One drowned in bankruptcy, another succumbed to inflation. Still another slumbers in a realm of debt. Not one of them stood here, as you do now. You, budget analyst. Give us your answer."
Nobody gives a shit about Sekiro's story either. It's all about the action baby.
But I like it.
>Dark Souls combat is brainlet tier, Sekiro took it up a notch at least.
that's why a lot of developers are inspired by this formula and whole quasi-genre emerged, yup it must be really bad.
A frozen account... should be left well alone.
Oh, I know very well. How the tax havens beckon so sweetly.
Only an honest audit will cure you now.
mind telling me what games they are?
>inb4 Shadow of the Colossus style "open world"
>Her name was "Pursuit Heroine" (same as the Dancer boss internally) but in her AI code shes called "Pursuit-tan"
>lore indicates the ponitif sent them to stop the Ashen.
What went wrong with Dark Souls 3?
you can just type soulslike in google, but i tell you few most popular like Nioh (Nioh 2 is coming), Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, there was pretty popular 2d platformer Salt and Sanctuary that is basically 2d dark souls, even new Star Wars game is clearly inspired by demon's/dark souls formula
>sunset found her squatting over financial statements
>the more she audited the more she wrote off
>but the more assets she wrote off the more she audited
>each write-off was larger than the last and the management cried louder
>i can't see your butt because you are facing me, prove you have anus
this is the type of dumbfuck opinion you form browsing the shitposts at Yea Forums all day
Let them do it until people get sick of them and then watch them die, that's the best way, let them back themselves into a corner to die in.
Blind fuck
I'd take Viking Souls before any of those.
>ooo massa you gon make me squirt
What did he men by this?
i hope so, at first i thought he was a dwarf or some shit but if he's kneeling it becomes something more like Zodd.
There are only two settings, Sci-fi or Fantasy.
You have the new God of War
This isn't Viking Souls, stop parroting this dumb shit.
BB is shit
They said it's open world. You should read their information they state for consumers more.
And Skyrim
We're talking about combat here. Not the overall "soulslike" feel.
Dark Souls combat has taken a lot of inspiration from Monster Hunter.
Nioh has combat more similar to Ninja Gaiden 2 I guess?
Code Vein has a roll, but it doesnt look nearly as clunky and opening reliant as souls games.
Dont know about Lords of the Fallen, but from a quick look it looks like a complete copy of it.
2D games arent comparable at all.
Cant speak for the new Star Wars game.
Anyway, my point is that the combat just boils down to a roll n run tactic, it has no depth and it's boring. Sekiro was more engaging on that front.
Horseback combat is already confirmed
Exactly. I'd take shit we already have over that crap.
Didn't say it was.
Nah you should see steam forums. People get really mad about the "git gud" thing and throw it back at the game all the time.
No. The gameplay is more important than the setting.
DaS2 is shit
He's a giant meaty dude. And you can see his calves behind him. If you look at his knees you can see his round kneepads/poleyn armor too.
Because this stuff is fucking boring, that's why.
>game gets accounced
>incels on Yea Forums get upset because they are too jaded to enjoy video games
>try to kill hype for a game
>end up making game more popular, game sells well, gamers have fun, and incels seethe as they watch it on twitch JUST to get shit talking points
thanks I guess. Preordering 2 copies unironically, one for me and one for my best friend.
also buying code vein, nioh 2, death stranding, and doom eternal.
you mad yet faggots?
i'm not mad, just ok taste
This whole post but fuck Death Stranding.
>4 Medieval Grimdark Fantasy
>1 Gothic Victorian Horror
>1 Sengoku Japan with Bushido and Oaths
>1 Norse Mythology
I try to avoid this manner of speech here, but you are literally actually objectively wrong
>why do these three games from the same series take place in the same setting?
>1 Norse Mythology
>norse mythology
It's pretty obvious he has kneepads and legs
>6 European settings
The problem is not if he is kneeling or not, he looks like a fucking WoW character
It really isn't, they are RPGs, you won't play minecraft diablo.
inspired by something doesn't mean it's exactly the same. I'm trying to say apart from the overall formula the combat system inspired a lot of developers i mean those games probably won't look like they are looking if demon's souls doesn't exist.
and the most important thing souls did is popularization of more difficult games
>Sekiro was more engaging on that front.
without doubt
He doesn't. You're just retarded.
>europe isnt a country comprised of several diverse countries
you are so fucking dumb. dont try to play it off like you are just acting dumb either, you are a fucking moron who really needs to have sex
He has an open mouth with an angry face or I'm just seeing things?
inb4 this dumb shit tries to latch onto a typo to save his embarrassment
Fuck this Warhammer shit
we don't. most people can't tell the difference between beethoven and mozart, and both gave us some of the greatest music ever made. just let From do their thing, they're on a roll.
Yes, he is screaming . You can hear him screaming in the trailer. He is screaming because a dude stabbed him. You can see that he is in pain because there's a bunch of spears lodged into his back. You can also see human corpses and their swords around him and see how smaller they are in comparison to him.
>>europe isnt a country comprised of several diverse countries
Fuck you too.
You can have a good game with a bad setting but not a good game with bad gameplay. Gameplay beats every other aspect of a game.
seeyou are obviously retarded
Nice damage control
Thats not even their first Grunbeld reference.
This looks so dumb lmao. From Software really outdid themselves in terms of shitty character design.
This is clearly Thor
And you're clearly retarded.
The game is literally called "old ring" you can't get less creative than that
Miyazaki wanted to call Dark Souls "Dark Ring" but the localization team told him that "Dark Ring" is a slang for asshole in English so he changed it. True story.
nice job exposing yourself as just a shitposter. seriously dude, kill yourself. you've been thinking about it a lot lately
>Miyazaki wanted to call Dark Souls "Dark Ring" but the localization team told him that "Dark Ring" is a slang for asshole in English so he changed it. True story.
The original title was "Dark Lord", then "Dark Race", then "Dark Ring", and then "Dark Souls".
"Dark Ring" had to be changed to "Dark Sign" and that was changed to "Dark Sigil", right?
I know he's probably kneeling but I hope for this version to end un in the game. A giant with the proportions of a dwarf, masterpiece!
>hurr durrr grrm subverts expectations and kills y and x whenever
Anyone who parrots this is a uneducated buffoon. He makes a point that there is no magical plot armor that will save you, even seemingly good guys (heroes) will die anti-climatic deaths whether it via politics or something shitty that's appropriate for the time.
The reason why S8 was so god awful is because they ran out of the source material and they assumed that all GRRM was, was just a subverting expectations memelord, so they fucked the story to hell with random shit like Arya slaying the Night King
pic not related
Thor isn't a blacksmith, nigger
Look at his hair. Only norsemen had hairstyles like that
Bet you think vikings had horned helmets too.
Thank you mutt, very cool.
it's a ponytail she identifies as a woman.
They are all great games with their own flaws, I love them all, they are all creations of passion and it shows, one being better is all opinions, why do people even bitch about it anymore
>Mr. Miyazaki, we need to decide on a name already!
>Alright, alright. Let's see, it's open world because we want the Elder Scrolls audience for this one... Oh, I've got it!
This is a super autistic board. What do you expect?
>make long thought out post sharing experiences and expressing excitement for game
>3 replies
>false flag and shitpost about game
>200+ replies
Incredible board, really.
Your post was autistically benign. These posts are autistically bad. If you want actual discussion try /dsg/ in /vg/.
Dark souls games are set in the middle age
Demon souls is set after the renaissance
I didn’t post that. Fact is if you want some response you’re better off posting some low brow retardation instead of using your brain or saying anything positive.
Hey alright
Nice pick tho.
ohhhh elden ring
They are taking Ass Creed, COD, Battlefield, route. Let it die
>Dark souls games are set in the middle age
No they aren't retard. Cathedral architecture of Anor Londo and a bunch of armors are straight out of the 16th century Renaissance.
East Asia anything (including Japland) is fucking boring for fantasy.
By not giving them a huge budget. Like most studios, they tend to be more creative when there is less money involved.
He's talking about the template they use to make the same game in different settings.
stop being such a fanboy, and norse mythology is no confirmed dumb american mutt who thinks he's a viking
i can consent, dark souls 1 was a so fucking great adventure
Masterpiece Tier: DeS, DaS, BB
Good for what it isTM Tier: DaSIII, Sekiro
Shit Tier: DaSII
I played DeS after Sekiro.
>the game with clunky combat is superior
>muh hollywood vikingz n sheit
who were the celts? and who told you "only norsemen" had hair like that?
not him but i unironically think that
>people unironically think dark souls 3 is better than dark souls 2
DS III has superior boss fights and overall presentation, but that's it
Proof that Celts had that hairstyle?
there are four different games with different settings there, and within them there are so many areas and parts of the world that are different
anyways the last fromsoft game there with creativity was DaS1, which isn't nearly as creative as DeS
there's bloodborne, and while sekiro was mediocre and a disappointment it is a completely different setting
btw you might as well complain all the armored core games have similar settings
Proof that only Norsemen had that hairstyle?
Flying buttresses like Anor Londo's have been around since the 12th century
St. John's Cathedral was built in the 12th century
Why not Souls in space ffs? Enough medieval shit
Maybe the game is both celtic and nores? I can honestly them pulling a middle earth and being set in a mythical prehistoric europe with medieval aesthetics.
celtic men also wore their hair in braids
It's not anyone you fucking retards it's their own lore.
the later half of elden ring will be in space
>Still no Kings Field
still don't care
Planets are in space. Therefore all Fromsoft games are in space. Dipshit.
Ds3's combat is really dumb desu. Dudes in full plated amour should not be rolling around like Sonic. Hopefully this game is more like Sekiro were placement is more important than Iframe dodging.
>Dudes in full plated amour should not be rolling around like Sonic.
>Planets are in space
You don't know that. Only Sekiro is officially set in Japan.
Proof: Let E > 0. Suppose f:X -> Y is a continuous function on a compact metric space to a metric space, and let x(n) be a Cauchy sequence in X. Since X is compact and f is continuous, f is uniformly continuous by a previous result. So there is a D > 0 such that if x and y are in X and dx(x,y) < D, then dy(f(x),f(y)) < E. Since x(n) is Cauchy, there is an N in the natural numbers such that if n,m > N, then dx(x(n),x(m)) < D. That is, if n,m > N, then dx(x(n),x(m)) < D, so dy(f(x(n)),f(x(m))) < E. Thus the image of every Cauchy sequence is Cauchy for every continuous function from a compact metric space to a metric space.
are you still repeating this shit?
fucking stop already
I don't care about a bunch of dumb savages
>Middle East
We already have Halal Souls.
>South Asia
Asia is fucking boring. Fuck off you slant-eyed cocksucker.
>St. John's Cathedral was built in the 12th century
It was fully (re)built in that Gothic style circa 1525 AD which is the 16th century. Which falls into Renaissance. Gothic architecture like that isn't the prominent staple of middle ages anyway.
Anyway, there's still a bunch of armors in Dark Souls that are full blown decorated Maximilian and Italian Gothic sets which once again are not from middle ages.
Ds3 combat is even like that. This video is more closer 1 and 2s clunky combat which honestly was better and more suiting.
this is actually truth, why the fuck are you trying to compare Elden Ring to some existing myhos? Norse mythology rumor is only rumor, after seeing trailer there is no way it's norse mythology
That video has normal "dads" and not a being who can lift 2 ton maces in one hand.
The slow clunkiness is what made it so good. It didn't rely on fast reactions or anything, it was based on planning and positioning.
>I won't question the 2 ton mace
>But moving around in armor just breaks the roleplaying for me
This but unironically.
Because Vaatinigger made a video about the """leak""" hyping everybody up that we're getting God of War style Viking Souls and promoting his shitty twitch channel where he would stream "viking games" like GoW and other shit to "prepare" himself for "Great Rune" or whatever the fuck.
Then when the reveal trailer dropped with fucking nothing Nordic about it he doubled down and started shitting out Viking mythos fancanon already in his trailer analysis video. So now his redditor cuckold fanbase is parroting shit in every thread.
This is why we should lynch the undesirable loreniggers and just talk about PvP.
vaati literally said it was probably celtic inspired
you're obsessed
He said "and Norse" alongside it at every mention. Get fucked disingenuous damage controlling manlet worshiper. Fuck off back to Youtube comments.
>KYM filename
Fucking neck yourself already you cuckolded tumor.
Why are you so mad Vaati makes money off of other peoples ideas?
It's not like you did any theorycrafting.
You made this same thread on Monday and got blown the fuck out. Doesn't it tire you?
>Then when the reveal trailer dropped with fucking nothing Nordic about it
Wrong. See
Don't mess with success
This was already disproven in this thread you fucking inbred.
That would be a nice list if we were talking about the most uninteresting settings for a game to take place in.
You know i can never tell if you idiots are serious with shit like this or not. I’ve never downloaded an image from kym so i didn’t know what you were talking about until i thought about it. The only way you’d know what the file name looks like is if you’ve done it yourself. Are you so insecure you change the file name so people don’t know where you got it from?
Get caught filthy fag.
They are Medieval settings with some Renaissance elements
All the armor they are using in these Demos are only plated in the front. I figure full plate armor would be too cumbersome.
Respond to my post please
1:44 roll has back plate.
>All the armor they are using in these Demos are only plated in the front.
What the fuck? No they aren't. Are you blind? Only those two wrestling dudes were wearing older plated chainmail. That armor came before the Gothic sets. See how they're wearing 13th century bascinets and aventails.
There rest were dudes in full Gothic armor running, rolling and jumping onto wooden saddles with zero problems. Only the push up guy in the end wasn't wearing the backplate but that's not really heavy anyway.
The point is, rolling, running and acrobatics are perfectly doable in full Gothic plate. The folds on these armors are designed to be mobile and they're not as heavy as fantasy portrays them to be. They're to protect you from cuts and stabs not fucking dragon jaws.
The bigger problem was marching and just enduring the whole day in those armors.
a lot of us fantasy fans don't want gritty, nihilistic, anticlimactic shit. we read for escapism and want to see heroic good guys overcome evil forces. there's an audience for the type of stuff GRRM peddles, but don't expect all fantasy fans to take to it. I can and will continue to shit on his edgelord outlook.
>inb4 you equate my tastes to childishness and imply that real adults like nihilism
its a good post but you need to bait in order to start a discussion. Just do what I do and say something like op did and reply to it an hour later with what you actually wanted to say. Peoples attention is better grabbed with negativity and stupidity, cuz it makes them want to correct you. Its the state of people in general.
>He makes a point that there is no magical plot armor that will save you
>proceeds to save tyrion from absolutely everything because he literally admitted that it's his favorite character
More like 20 games counting King's Field
No because you have shittaste and now standards, you slurp these unpolished trash games with the most repetitive gameply and """level design"""" up like a good cuck the bull's sperm.
the fuck are you talking about? we don't know the setting yet lmao
>Not even DeS to DaS1 is identical.
Fucking From brainlets. I better leave this shit thread asap, your autism is contagious.
Based ooooh posters
They literally said themselves it will be like Souls.
i like this setting more then samurai shit desu
the setting specifically? the gameplay? could you even be any more vague?
post source or kill yourself
>puts witcher in the same bracket as basedmovieshit
why? Witcher 3 is fantastic AND so is souls/bb too.
No, I won't kill myself just because you can't inform yourself about the fucking terrible overrated trash games heralded by NeoGAF and Reddit.
>cuck fantasies
based DeSbro
>putting any from game in shit tier
Yikes, all from games are best
No shit it'll be like Dark Souls you retard. Just like Sekiro was "like" Souls. It'll have hard enemies and bosses, a generally dark atmosphere, and you won't have many npcs to talk to like in Skyrim or some fucking MMO. "Dark fantasy" does not limit itself to just being another Dark Souls game.
>heroic good guys overcome evil forces
yeah not my thing
we're gonna have nitty gritty, thanks
I like Monster Hunter and curazy and think Souls is absolute cancer for braindead trannies and fatties.
Gimme the janky Japanese masterpiece over the polished westacuck turd any day of the week. I'm still playing DS3 while RDR2 got traded in after I beat it and I didn't bother looking back.
>makes shit up
>gets asked for proof
>"n-no I won't spoonfeed"
They clearly talked about the setting.
Triggered you, though. Now keep lapping.
Souls trash might as well be western shit.
>clearly talked about the setting
Cite it.
Name ONE game with better level design than any Souls game that was made in the last 10 years
dark fantasy is the best. more settings there, the better
>Triggered you, though.
hm? I just called you out on fantasizing about cuck shit, that's weak. I don't care what you think about jap games
>we read for escapism and want to see heroic good guys overcome evil forces.
none of the from software games are like that
What is it about Fromsoft games that brings the absolute worst out in Yea Forums?
>hey alright
but good post, I used to make threads like those before giving up
You made a reddit post
why would someone care so much about a game they hate?
What needs fixing? People seem perfectly fine with buying them.
You don't want us to equate your taste with childishness but you equate nihilism with being an edgelord. How are we supposed to when you act like a fucking baby?
What about Vendrick's taxes?
From is really becoming Jap Ubisoft
Will it be another sick dark game like Bloodborne?
how so?
>like a good cuck the bull's sperm
Let me guess, you're American
Maybe you should take something from Bloodborne and use your eyes to fucking read
Shitting out the same game in different settings
Oh sweet a time traveler. What's the game like?
They're autistic user, they can't help it.
you have zero idea what ubishit does if you think they're comparable at all. ubi shits out like 4 games every single year with downgrades and have made a dozen AC games. FROM literally said they've stopped making souls and did something different with Sekiro
>Shitting out the same game in different settings
But it's not the same game?
>4 dark signs
What did he mean by this?
>We already have Halal Souls.
Sauce me, Sarranidda.
that's nintendo
Is that supposed to be impressive?
DaS1 and DaS2 is barely even the same game, let alone DeS all the way to Sekiro.
>FROM literally said they've stopped making souls
>did something different with Sekiro
Oh my...
lol what? also nice samefag
even more samefagging
also I hope you're just phoneposting and aren't actually paying gookmoot for a pass
>I-it's not s-souls because t-they changed the n-name
>still samefagging
obsessed. did Miyazaki rape your whore mother?
>watch everyone enjoy gobbling shit
>new shit is made based on old shit because anons loved eating the old shit
>shit eating circle continues
>more shit games with shit mechanics
>less interesting games being created because companies gotta appease the shit eaters
"lol why you gotta be mad its only game" pic related.
Yeah, Bloodborne is their best game because they did something different.
Chained Ogre?
How can you hate Souls games anyway? They're great.
>inb4 a webm of a glitch
suck that jap cock some more
>I think it's shit, therefore it's objective and I have to obsessively spam the thread
just scroll past and play something else
Seething shill
Do you know how many European countries there are and how far the history of all those European countries go back? Fuck off with your "European setting" shit, you uncultured nigger.
what are some good games so i can stop eating shit?
>what is inspect element
jesus christ user, you're a retard
Except it's like that episode of South Park where Stan sees shit everywhere he looks. Everyone else is enjoying themselves but you're a slave to your cursed visions making you see shit where there is none.
lol u got caught
Stop. Don't speak a word more. it hurts.
I would highly recommend Russian roulette
so you're just here to shitpost
So you're here just to ruin threads? What a nigger.
>game isn´t even out and yet causes massive amounts of butthurt
The absolute state of this board i swear to god
>maybe they'll think I'm cool if I hide behind this smug frog
actually pretty sad if this is entertainment for you
Actually I think Elden ring looks awesome but that was only based off a trailer so I wont really know until i see gameplay. Sekiro was good.Dark souls is objectively shit though.
>Dark souls is objectively shit though.
why do people post dumb shit like this? just say it's shit, adding "objectively" makes you look retarded
It's another word on the redditor's raping block. "Literally" was the previous victim.
>t. Pawel
Try Total war 3 kingdoms, vermintide 2, Sekiro, Mordhau, Octopath traveler, Witcher 3, black desert online. I dont need to spoon feed you because you like a shitty game. Dark souls is over-rated its that simple.
>i'm a massive faggot please rape my face
Just look at the webms posted they speak for themselves. Its a glitchy mess with artificially inflated difficulty so you have to repeat sections of the game over and over. There isnt even that much content in the games its just re-doing the same sequences over and over until you cheese it or get the timings perfect without and game breaking glitches happening.
There's a pretty wide gulf between saying Dark Souls is overrated (which is basically indisputable, since there's a pretty vocal faction of players that think it sets the bar for difficulty and willfully ignore how the second half of the game goes to shit thanks to Bamco shaving six months off the dev cycle) and saying it's shit. You come across as someone that's just doubling down on contrarianism. In a vacuum, it's a good game that set the tone for the industry but suffers from blatant flaws that held it back. To a reactionary contrarian, it's shit because other people like it too much.
all of those games are shit my man its that simple
>Total War 3k
Chink faggot
>Vermintide 2
Dead game until expansion
Weeb faggot (I liked it)
Westaboo faggot
>Octopath Traveler
>Witcher 3
Great combat there
Off yourself
>artificially inflated difficulty
lol assblasted shitter detected
>artificially inflated difficulty
>Just look at a cultivated collection of webms showing off rare and unlikely circumstances while I pretend that it's common
Someone couldn't get past Capra Demon.
What a weird post. Are you trolling? Your taste is pretty basic for you to act like an aggressive hipster and constantly shit up Souls threads. Anyway I played all of those. Well I had to drop Octopath since it's not my thing. However I do like the OST.
Sekiro is a GOTY contender and Mordhau, Vermintide and TW3K are great.
But what made you bring up the other two? If you want to talk about overrated games then TW3 sits on the top. It's a genuinely mediocre game overall and the dicksuck it received is embarrassing. And BDO is simply subpar as a game. Sure it's mechanically sound and it's one of the most aesthetically pleasing MMOs and fantasy games in general on the market but it's still a very marred game filled with scummy anti-consumer decisions that stops me from recommending it.
>artificially inflated difficulty
Someone got fucking FILTERED by Asylum Demon
>actually typing this out and posting it on the internet
That said, DS3 blows ass hard compared to BB and Sekiro.
Terrible list.
>god tier
Bloodborne, Sekiro
>top tier
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2
>shit tier
Dark Souls 3
We've sent him upstate, to a lovely farm where he can play with his friend F-Zero all day long...
It's okay when nintendo does it, why shouln't from get away with it
E-celeb manchildren begone
From's never making another Armored Core, are they?
>scholar above vanilla ds2
t-third unrevealed game a-user
a-any day now h-haha
It actually reminds me a bit of the demon's souls aesthetic from what we've seen with both very detailed and very cartoonish looking models.
its just one thread and I got like 15 (you)'s so I'd say im doing alright. Im half trolling. I really do find it pretty overrated and I dont see why you faggots cant take it to your general containment board on /vg/ instead of talking about it on Yea Forums
Otherwise I agree with you, i dont play octopath either anymore its just neat if you never played it. Everything you said about BDO is true but i still find it the most fulfilling non themepark MMORPG out there even with all the p2w garbage.
>general containment board on /vg/
I hope you at least troll in the smash threads as well, hypocritical little shit.
I dont even know who that is but yeah, any game that requires me to play regurgitated content over and over is artificially inflated in difficulty. Its just timings and patterns you have to learn through death and repetition. I dont really find that very compelling. Even the best souls players got rekt several times their first play through. That doesn't make the game "good" the setting in Elden Ring looks a lot more interesting and hopefully the gameplay is too.
lol retard I dont care if people talk about dark souls its just that its brought up EVERY fucking day since it launched. I just dont like that everyone thinks its a good game because its a "souls game"
Making enemies sponges
No one thinks anything about it yet you retard. It's not even out yet, they're just talking about the fucking trailer and what they can expect.
>haha I'm half pretending like I'm a retard
so the other half is legitimate retardation?
You sound like someone who'd bitch that you have to hunt monsters in Monster Hunter.
But it's not.
This game is clearly based on deep Welsh/Celtic/Irish/Scottish shenanigans, folklore, witches, goblins, druids, elves and what not.
This is Fromsoft actually making High Fantasy, but obviously it's going to be visually and thematically closer to dark fantasy.
Fucking hyped as fuck, I hope I get a Wicker Man boss.
Don't worry, no one expects anything at all for you. GRRM is fantastic as subtle plot, which is exactly what Souls could use. Some of it is obvious and some of it isn't, which helps to make it feel more logically consistent within the rules he's set for his own world. Most fantasy writers are just writing arbitrary fan fiction, which I assume is your thing (which is fine), but GRRM will be great for this game.
you dont even know who asylum demon is
stop talking
>This game is clearly based on deep Welsh/Celtic/Irish/Scottish shenanigans, folklore, witches, goblins, druids, elves and what not.
I was talking about Dark souls not Elden Ring.
Elden ring might actually be good since its open world and has an interesting theme
use your fucking eyes
>celtic knots
>the cover image
>imagery on armor
>been rumored since it was GR
I dunno user, the fact that the entire theme is clearly celtic, the fucking game logo featuring a celtic wiccan symbol known commonly for witchcraft
The big green orc goblin looking dude with horns coming out of his mouth and long red hair
Dunno user
>The big green orc goblin looking dude with horns coming out of his mouth
Oh you're retarded, never mind.
>All of these are games about death death dying death
>we aren't making any more souls games
braindead response
I'm actually really fucking hyped for this since it's not typical vikangz or we wuz romanz anglo shit, there's a wealth of seriously spooky grim shit in all those ancient irish and welsh tales, hyped as fuck to get some druid action
This will be an open world souls game with a more pagan outlook rather than a catholic/roman/gothic vibe, but not just cookie cutter movie viking shit with blue facepaint, hyped as fuck
Watch the trailer retard, he's the guy on fire
hes not on fire, for one
hes also wearing a fucking helmet
Eat a dick.
>rather than a catholic/roman/gothic vibe
Guess again nigga
Fuck you dude, I've loved From games since the PS2 when I payed Armored Core 2 at a friend's house for the first time and got hooked. I'm fucking tired of them exclusively making souls-like games after they said they weren't making anymore. They went from being my favorite developer to pissing me off every e3 or game show they appear in. AC5 sucked and VD barely saved that generation, and it still wasn't really my thing because it was focused on the online PVP aspect.
sounds like you have the taste of a child
go watch shrek or something
not that shrek is bad
shrek is just a very childish good vs evil no middle of the road type of movie
which seems to be what you're looking for
although the knight in shining armor is green, he shouldnt be judged by his cover
>I'm fucking tired of them exclusively making souls-like games after they said they weren't making anymore.
They said Dark Souls not Souls-like. Dumbass.
eldern ring is gonna be the best game they made since sekiro, just face it fags yall are just boomers mad because you cant spam roll to win in this new dawn of awesomesauce fromsoft vidya
>I'm fucking tired of them exclusively making souls-like games after they said they weren't making anymore.
They said they were done with the Dark Souls series, they never said dickall about stopping making similar games. That being said, Sekiro's a step removed from Dark Souls and I imagine Elden Ring's going to be another step further. Hell, there's even Deracine for showing off what kind of ridiculous shit Miyazaki wants to get up to now.
Don't worry though, Miyazaki has said they're working on a new Armored Core (before being swiftly contradicted by one of the press managers). Then a tweet said that they had nothing to announce at the moment but they didn't intend for the series to end. What it amounts to is that Miyazaki, now president of the company, has probably greenlit an Armored Core title, but the press manager flipped out because announcing it that early wouldn't be good if it's something that's being developed on the backburner, or something that hasn't technically even begun development, and will take a long time for them to have anything tangible to show.
Hope it's historically accurate and everyone in the game is illiterate like the historical Celtic pagans
Sounds cool
A daring synthesis
Sekiro had harder bosses/enemies than das, so you talking about das having damage sponge enemies ect... makes no sense. God your retarded please stop posting.
Uhh thats just a giant humanoid wearing armor and hes clearly not an orc nor is he green. Youre not retarded by any chance are you.
>you won't play minecraft diablo.
yes i will
Miyazaki confirmed that it's an original mythos created by GRRM.
Awesomesauce? What are you some kind of shit eating tranny?
i know, i was just saying there are going to be some inspirations from celtic over anything else
>witches, goblins, druids, elves and what not.
Holy shit how original. We've never seen that in a game before
You can't stop these tards.
>Wow Dude
>You press R1? In a game??? Never seen that before, tch..
it's almost like originality comes from the combination, and usage, of already existing tropes
you fucking braindead spaz
Force them to make a sci-fi game for a change.
That could mean anything from making a new IP to reviving Amored Core.
Seething mick
Easy; They fucking bring back armored core.
Honestly, more anime-looking JRPGs would be more up your alley then. And I'm honestly not trying to use that as an insult or anything, it's just that most of them do function like that.
>Ancient Egypt Souls
Enemies like the Sphinx, jackal headed warriors, mummies, sandy aesthetic with quick sand and sand monsters, dungeon crawling through firelit pyramid tombs, river monsers from the nile, giant cities like from Prince Of Egypt movie, swords and sandals. Would be kino as fuck.
>Caveman souls
Exploring vast cave systems and wooden settlements, fight sabre tooth tigers, wooly mamoths and cannibals, body paints with different magical effects, leather and hide armours, bone and stone weapons, can play as druid class. Would also be kino.
>Pirate souls
Command a pirate ship, cave, shipwreck, island and town levels, fight skeleton pirates and sea monsters, use pirate weapons. Kino
nope! just a gaymer