What are your red flags Yea Forums?
What are your red flags Yea Forums?
Dynamic resolution
Yea Forums likes it
Pre-order bonuses
Chinese investment
america, russia and china
Live services, trending on twitch, pandering to mentally ill.
white protag
Seeing more than 1 thread in the catalogue on the same shit.
developer is a tranny or a tranny enabler
It's not 100% accurate, but sometimes the trailer for a game drops and you can already tell that it's a flop. Last time was Anthem for me. I can't put my finger on it, but some games just ooze generic casual time waste.
Early Acess
its a shooter and it has damage numbers or enemy health bars.
>open world
>morally ambiguous
Complaining it’s an exclusive.
>open world
Does anyone ever use closed world/linear as a selling point or some other fancy word for it?
What's going on in this thread?
There is only one definitive red flag for me and that's always online single player content.
My mind cannot be changed on this, I've skipped potentially good games like Hitman because they had it.
women and black NPCs aren't immortal
Open World
Tries too hard to have a wacky concept
Dark Souls-inspired
EA (haven't bought shit from them after ME3)
deep silver
Can you fuck my wife?
Phone game style real time waiting mechanics in single player content like in DAI and Ni no kuni 2.
illegal migrants
Hm. Maybe "streamlined"?
How did you find the plot summary for the new Watch_Dogs that fast?
Multiplayer focused
I want my autism simulators to stand on their own, without "fun with friends" AKA "not fun".
On top of that:
"as a service"
day one DLCs
ten different game versions with different exclusive ingame items
game has to be modded to even be considered playable
Now THAT'S thinking like a developer
Hitman had some fun stuff like making your own missions and playing user created ones, but that always online requirement is fucking lame.
Paid DLC at launch
Depends, are you a fan of Undertale?
See that mountain? You can climb it
Made in america
They advertise themselves as being good
Creator's name isn't japanese.
"We are so excited about this game"
Made in the west.
>tfw uncuckable
WTF bros I even eat soja
Where did I go wrong?
Epic exclusive
Really ambitious game with cryptic trailers and no gameplay to be seen
That's it
this, are you even fucking trying, america?
About 90% of this Board
early access
>no loli playable character
Georgian SSR
Baton Rouge
Oruro Department
Honestly any place that flies a red flag is probably a red flag.
>"we are going back to our roots"
Say it with me
>turn-based anime game x12
jesus christ japan has gone to shit
>EO4, the worst in the entire series
>No Infinite space
3DS your first hand held bro?
AAA-Game made in the west
Live service, always online, sjw shit, lootboxes.
this. i never thought i'd see the day when whiny faggots on Yea Forums get triggered more than sjw's
Autistic schizos call it "based"
Ethrian Odyssey Nexus was pretty neat, wonder how atlus will do the games for switch, but I know they will be great, I also want a new Trauma Center from them
Female protagonist
or "redpilled"
Yeah unironically this. The best part of having a board filled with contrarians is that you can pretty much do the opposite of what they say and come out right most of the time.
pandering/caving(any kind)
A Hideo Kojima Game
Crowd Funded
Side-scrolling (Porn games only)
>3DS your first hand held bro?
hehe nah it isnt, here u go
there are a few gems worth actually playing, but you can usually tell by the quality of the threads. Stalker, mountainblade, risk of rain, darkest dungeon, dmc, lobotomy corp. When you see threads for those games with threads that hold otgether and produce consistently good threads and oc, they're usually genuinely good games
when a thread has nothing but rampant shilling, antishilling, and shitposting, that's the normal Yea Forums approach you go in the opposite direction of
Phrases like "epic set-pieces" and "tightly-crafted level design" are usually good indicators.
"quirky" art style
>America doesn't feed my endless gluttony for weeb grindathons with waifus and little boy swordsmen!
I'm not apologizing for this.
Melee attacks bound to triggers/bumpers instead of face buttons by default
The surest sign that a game designer has no history or personal experience with good melee combat design.
u just gotta face the fact that Japan makes the best games
>auteur director
>Nomura character design
>"Your choices matter."
Shovelware with pretensions, eye-rape, and lies respectively.
I fucking love #FE
EO4 is good though
The word "quirky".
Plays videogames
Still owns a desktop computer
Has no social media account
Shitty Analogue for killing god, JRPG's are fucking insufferable for this
anime avatar
Yea Forums groups
wacky/long phrase username
says nigger/faggot excessively
politics (either side) on profile
"trans rights"
sexuality flags
RTWP combat.
You forgot
>hasn't had sex
>against transgender rights
>less than 10 friends on account
>morally ambiguous
Which almost always turns out to mean "Everyone is a dick and fuck you if you want to be different."
>thinks all women have giant h cup tits
>think hitler was a brave man who didnt shoot himself
>uses "marxism" as a cover for "da joos"
made post-2004 without being strong influenced by pre-2004 PC games
i wish i was a shota swordsman
What is that, a gold digger checklist?
Female protagonists.
please stop talking about me.
>when a thread has nothing but rampant shilling, antishilling, and shitposting, that's the normal Yea Forums approach you go in the opposite direction of
I wouldn't agree. Some overly controversial stuff like fallout 76, cliffy B games is actually worth avoiding.
in those cases user you just gotta use your common sense, but i agree
Mascot character
3d platforming
Faggotry and the like
Season pass
devs politically active on twitter or social networks in generals
early acces
open world
tumblr chara design
humanoid animals
(yes, atm im not playing much lol)
Don't forget the EYE divine cybermancy
Do you people like anything?
big anime tiddies
>Ingame currency that can be bought with real money
>Coins and gems
>E-celeb integration/promotion/shit
Open world
Bethesda, Ubisoft, EA, or nu-Sony's name being on it
Western devs
rainbow avatars on social media
ebin store exclusive
>EA, Ubisoft, chinkshit
>Yea Forums spams or shills it from hell and back
>online only
>early access
>trying to be "hip"
>publisher/devteam with a bad history
>microtransactions out the rear end
Just to name a few.
Yeah, actually. I just know when to quell my enthusiasm when it looks like things are about to go to shit.
This. Bonus points for overuse of "le edgy swear words XD"
>past content gets removed for no good reason
Western AAA
Celebrity voice actor
Balloon tits on the cover. Not that I don't appreciate it, but 9 times out of 10 the actual game is ass.
Not me
Try again
user confirmed not handsome
It isn't on PS3
Genre Red Flags:
>Card Game
>Dark Souls-inspired
>Always Online
Aesthetic Red-Flags
>Generic overdesigned tacticool style
>Overdesigned futuristic style
>Generic modern Isekai Anime fantasy art style
>Generic modern Warcraft-style Western Fantasy Art-style
>Claims to be historical but armour makes no logical sense (i.e. Chivalry)
>Pseudo anime but "cartoony and quirky tee-hee xDDD" art style like Overwatch
Dev red-flags
>Extremely hostile to anyone that disagree with them
>Forces his political opinion into his vidya and portrays it as a right choice rather than showing all sides honestly
>Bashes something he doesn't understand whilst making an entire game
>Virtue signals on Twitter
>Talks about Trannys more than Yea Forums does on their twitter account
>Look like they've drank eight tonnes of soii
>Dev is American and complains about Europeans whilst not knowing European politics
Battle royale
>t. Assblasted COD fag
Fuck Tencent.
My friend going "you should buy this".
He has terrible taste.
Damage Numbers
Otherwise you're pretty spot on.
This is almost perfect and will make Yea Forums trannies seethe
>Women or shitskins working on a visible manner on the project.
>jewish marketing practices
>creative directors has dyed hair
>it panders to ironic weebs
>published by EA
>"""retro""" graphics
>minimalist aesthetics
>looks like a toddler's game but has a """deep""" lesson for """adults"""
Russian players.
I hate Russians.
I have never met a decent Russian player, nor did i ever meet a Russian that had a decent personality or behavior.
I like Factorio
dilate more coping discord kike GOTY 2020 :)
it's fun
I fucking hate that
I'm a massive russophobe, but ironically, I have met some decent ruskies, both in vidya and IRL.
Made in Unity
>nobody even replies
>bring up trannies like an obsessed sperg
how to invalidate your own opinion and oust yourself as a closet seething faggot in a single line of text
>trying this hard
Earthbound "inspired" indie game
>get called out for being a sperg
no nigger you try harder
Early Access
Epic Store exclusive
Anime artstyle / JRPG
No actual gameplay (storybook/VN)
Majority playerbase from China