Is Tifa white or Asian?
Is Tifa white or Asian?
Tifa is hapa
She looks pretty Asian in both desu.
white mom asian dad like keanu reeves
Stop putting race on everything, autist
only whites have legs that skinny
asia and europe doesn't exist in FFverse
Asian features with white people eyes.
White washed or mixed with Japan just like 90% of Anime / FF characters
whites don’t have black hair
The right one looks Taiwanese
Mostly asian. That's why she is so great.
asian > spic > black > white
I met a cool homeless guy and we went on an adventure in Amsterdam, join us:
Mirrors edge has a real Asian
Shes perfect race
Pic related
she is a fucking hapa mongo
she's obviously asian.
whites dont have that type of chin
Yes they can and they can dye their hair.
Btw tifa’s hair is dark brown not black.
Ariana grande does
stop posting here you fucking autistic retard.
i was in amsterdam 2 times in the past month, i'd have taken your shitty cellhpone and thrown it in the fucking river.
ps: go record people at holtkamp the food there is amazing.
Keanu's dad wasn't Asian, he was a mutt from Hawaii. People who think Keanu is half Asian are fucking retards.
She's the perfect mate, so half asian, half french
Nibelheim is supposed to be the Europe of the FF7 world, but even Tifa's martial arts master passed by her town. Who knows, maybe her family came from Wutai, hence the exotic looks of Tifa and becoming the crush of the town.
she's not white, she's sicilian
white women look like pic related
Like most anime characters she is both!
Neither do asians, you posted someone with surgery/
She's not white
Her last name is Lockheart (English name) and she was born and raised in Nibelheim (Germanic name). She had never been anywhere near Wutai (the only Asian-themed village in FF7) before the events of the game and there was no indication that she had any ancestors from there either.
That said, the game isn't set on Earth, so none of that really matters. She's whatever the devs say she is.
She's from Nibelheim
Even black ones
I'd fuck both.
So, not white?
Until she gets a square/rectangular jawline, she'll never be a master race.
obviously asian
>Like most anime characters
Fuck off wh*toid. Pretty much all anime characters are asian. Make your own anime.
That's a Chinese woman's face
Yes. Italians are white
>you posted someone with surgery
because that's the asian aesthetic. white aesthetic is masculine broad faces like
Dude she looks exactly like Anri Okita
my dick didn't move at all
the absolute state of wh*te "women"
Anime characters look mixed
you would have to be crazy to think she looks even vaguely european
you're just low test
She's a fictional character, you dumb incel
Imagine caring so much about something no one can change that you'd obsessively apply it to fictional characters for whatever reason
his dad was like a quarter asian.
I'm high test, based, and redpilled
That's why I prefer Asian women and their feminine and youthful features. Cope
This guy has had plastic surgery too, though. Every korean has.
But she does.
Which one would you choose?
A asian with plastic surgery
Her name is Tifa what do you think?
>Is Tifa white or Asian?
who cares
have sex
Nice tits.
>Asian looking character
>Made by Japanese
>On the Playstation
Dear whites: Just because you don't have any culture doesn't mean you should appropriate all others.
Didn't ya'll already steal resources and countries? Why do you need to steal everyone's cultures as well?
Concession accepted. I win, you lose. Cope.
Is that supposed to change anything? You fucking retard.
Anyone got the code for this movie?
Fuck Elena is ugly in that pic.
Japanese made characters look racially ambiguous like anime
How do you do fellow POC?
Black Japanese
Stronk male jawlines, very kawaii ^.^
Shes white. Asians are from Wutai.
>What is lighting
Also who gives a fuck you autistic sperg? Argue about the tits all you want but arguing about her fucking ethnicity when there is clearly a lot of brown lighting coming down on her is retarded.
>Dear whites: Just because you don't have any culture
whites have the most culture of any race
and if you dont like white culture, stop appropriating it and get off the internet
Who gives a fuck, video games are for girls
Lel in french we say chinoir since chinois is chinese and noir is black.
they're not racially ambigious. they just make them look like tanned japanese
His dad being 1/4 asian makes him 1/8th asian at best. Like the other guy said hes just a mutt
She looks like Anri 100% now.
Well, not 100, she doesn't have Anri's tits now, which is weird given they clearly used her face as the model.
Maybe they were actually afraid she'd sue if they gave tifa the right cup size.
So okinawan.
japanese people can get super tanned
>Character made in Japan is Asian
White people can get as tanned unless they're britbongs. If they are they just get red.
She's a nonexistent Square Enix humanoid race. Did you miss the fact that without any enhancements she can jump dozens of meters up in the air, punch through concrete and suplex giant monsters? Nobody in FF7, or any FF game for that matter is a human being. There are no asians or white people on Gaia. The reason why you're even asking that question is that you can't see her being either way but don't know the reason. You're seeing a vague resemblance to a human. It has eyes, and it has a mouth and a nose. But you can't tell whether it's one race or another because it's neither and you fail to take that possibility into account. She's pic related. A humanoid anime alien with red eyes. Now stop fucking making this thread.
being tan isn't the same as actually being that skin color though
His dad is a mutt of white, asian, spic, and pacific islander descent, you retard. You aren't refuting anything.
game graphics are so real now this shop actually looks convincing wtf
Reminds me of someone.
I knew that outfit looked familiar
Fuck ants.
Asian but identifies as white. She should have looked exactly like carreer oportunities Connelly though...
more like 1/14
Advent has flashback scenes. Use the correct outfit.
She's a fantasy character from a fantasy realm made by Japanese people.
So italians aren't white?
South Europeans have rounded faces and dark hair pale skin is comon in the north of Spain, in the south of France and in the north of Italy
New Tifa is literally Anri okita so Japanese minus her big breasts which is unfortunate
Does Ferrari have a twitter? I wanna talk to him.
Germans get an orange tan
Clearly fantasy asians
I love that now this is the THIRD official realistic depiction of a clearly asian looking Tifa that there isn't a single fucking "she's white" argument but everyone is now saying "a final fantasy race" instead of just admitting their headcanon was wrong all along. I knew this would fucking happen.
ffs why does she have to look like Anri?
Looks Latina
Tifa is asian in the way east asians wish themselves to look like if they are closer to white, a projection, an ideal form without trespassing the boundary.
Sure that whorever that made the model was her fan
This, she looks super Chinese.
You could have just said "asian" user.
Why can't they stay away from that weird White/Asian admixture look on female design?
Even full White charactes look Asian at times.
I bet even the Remake Aerith would look Asian if she had black hair and brown eyes.
The Kenyan street fighter is black
Her sister Lighting looks white
too masculine, a hero not heroine
If anime characters looked real they would look white
^or ambiguously brown
She reminds me of a dude I know lmao. The exact same mouth and chin.
Literally thinking the same.
So lightning = cloud
Both white FF characters
Everyone but Barrett is hapa
She was obviously turned yellow in a world that isn't earth. Originally she was white (look at her eyes) but now she's a korean after plastic surgery.
This > square enix
>even full white
Get a clue user.
Hapas look like Asians and Tifa does not look Asian
half, like an japanese character
She looks nothing like those insectoids
neither, you fucktards from /pol/ need to stop fucking politicizing everything
this cherrypicking shitposting is getting old now
She does have nigga lips at least.
Or like the man who created these designs
You're saying this like it's a bad thing.
>posts a chink with surgery
Besides the surgery, is that an Asian man? Why do Asian women look like Asian men?
Japan can have lips too.
Look at the ice guy from one piece
butthurt white roastie
You think three gook "girls" with surgeries and make-up represents the mongoloid race?
Tifa is Eurasian,
i didn't like the original FF7R trailer. Everything was pretty grey and colorless, and the city of Midgar looked generic.
This time around, man, thye're hitting the aestetic much better. Tifa and the cast look pretty cool, and Midgar looks like Midgar again. You can see even the same areas again.
I'm actually hyped.
FF characters will never look like this
>yellow fever incel is a pedo
color me surprised
Not into her, I rather Tina or Aino.
Would fuck.
But she looks racially ambiguous like tifa but with brown skin
90% of anime characters do
>ITT:buttblasted Burgers who don't have any semblance of "fiction" trying to put race agenda on a fictional videogame called FINAL FANTASY.
8 of course.
Mongolian women are very different from the Japanese ones, they are stronger and bulkier.
Faith from mirrors edge looks prettier than plastic surgery tifa
Han chinese or southern chinese?
Looks like a natural korean girl w/o the cosmetic surgery.
>Houellebecq's wife
She's granny tier, no reason to put it there.
A very anime looking one at that, the closest looking one in real life would be the cosplayer kind of asians.
This. I just wish the war really does happen, I can't wait for both China and the Burgerland states to kill each other so that those who don't want this fucking discussion be spared from the Left Vs Right retardation.
You're paranoid
> #
> (You) #
Im not the same user dude.
Tifa is Eurasian
>Looks like a natural korean girl w/o the cosmetic surgery.
LOL kill yourself schizo
She's Niffleheimian.
Can you really point out a clear difference between Whites and Asians in a good-looking individuals comparison?
Do you know what I see in this picture?
A bunch of Tifa Lockharts.
Yes? The left is white the right is asian
Yes, the wh*te woman will always have a manface compared to the Asian no matter how good looking she is.
And in this picture, we have a bunch of Asians who look like Samus Aran from the Metroid franchise.
Asians are PERFECT and roasties are seething. Kill white women!
Cloud and Tifa are caucasian.
>...producer Yozo Sakagami hoped his Western sensibilities would help preserve the characters' intended Caucasian appearance, specifically noting that "with games like Final Fantasy," Japanese designers tend to make white characters look Japanese.
Yes unless you're blind.
>I'm upset that a fictional character from a fictional world that probably doesn't care about one's fucking real world race isn't confirming that she's a BURGER like me.
Here let us help you find one
And in this third picture, we have Asians who look like Ino from Naruto.
Square-ish jaw is typical of the northeastern part of mainland asia.
fffffff I'm going for Aeris
Wow great comparison. A chink with plastic surgery and make-up. You've totally convinced my mind with your autistic cherrypicked picture.
She is whatever you want her to be. Either way if she was real, she be fuckable.
>Whites are inherently good-looking
GTFO and go back to /pol/
> Whites are inherently good-looking
Yes, they absolutely are.
Bluepilled af, the world history revolves around perpetual race war. There's no escape.
Not even white desu.
Yellow fever fags btfo
Aside from fact that they're both white girls with dark hair. she looks literally nothing like Anri Okita.
this is not even the same girl
>barreth=black in the orginal,mediterranean/latino in the remake
>avalanche's group=british
>whites dont do either of these things
holy shit
South European/MENA
Tifa looks nothing like a bug girl.
The girl on the left have a more prominent chin and her eyes are more ovoid while the girl in the right have rounded eyes, the girl in the right seens to have a bigger chest frame and a shorter nose also the girl on the right has a longer neck
>anri is white
They're all Humans from Gaia. No point in speculating what earth race they are.
Well OP, I hope you've learned your lesson about mentioning race on this website.
She's fine af
now go the fuck back to /pol/
They are.
Asians are extremely insecure, so they bomb their face wity surgery and make-up on a daily basis.
Pic related, another gook who looks different in every picture.
as in skin complexion you fucking brainlet. Like pale skin. Also Anri is half english so btfo to some extent anyway.
Post your fucking pic then. GO THE FUCK BACK TO FUCKING POL. WHITE TRASH
Wutai is 100% Totally Not Japan though. I expect Yuffie to look more ethnically East Asian than the rest of the main cast (not that we'll see her until 2023).
Mixture between these three: (1) EA (2) SEA (3) Caucasoid.
>the right seens to have a bigger chest frame
Fun fact: Asians are short, their tits apprar to be bigger but in reality, they are small because of their body size. Also, that picture is cherypicked and photoshopped unlike the one to the left.
>Asians are extremely insecure, so they bomb their face wity surgery and make-up on a daily basis
This isn't uniqe to "asians" user.
it's factually not because i've seen another version of that pic where there was a different girl with makeup in it.
she looks Asian as fuck in this and Advent Children and she looks like an anime moeblob in the first. where is the meme started that Tifa looks white?
Why do you sperg in every ff thread?
It's just one insecure basement dwelling tranny. He's been spamming the board with his cherrypicked images for ages.
Sony is american now.
>Also Anri is half english so btfo to some extent anyway.
Oh my god you fucking tard no she isn't. She is full Jap she just grew up in Birmingham. Btfo indeed.
The only difference here is her hairstyle and the fact that she got her teeth fixed. or do you consider braces as plastic surgery?
You sperg about white people and make insectoid threads on /pol/ tho
Try using your "high IQ brain" instead of chewing on dog, chink.
>Sony is American now
>Square Enix is Japanese
Are /pol/ turds really this retarded to push this race narrative?
Wutai is chinese.
Left = natural/rugged lifestyle
Right = sheltered lifestyle
Post proper comparison.
where is the meme started that Tifa looks insectoid?
>here we have a binary-thinking person who thinks that everyone not agreeing with him is "the enemy"
I find it so hilarious that rasianmasculinity is having a meltdown over all these white weebs obsessing over this cute homely Asian girl.
TIfa is a Greek name. That doesn't mean anything it's a fucking JRPG
Still pale skin. Bottom line, she and Tifa don't actually look a like. Get fucked also. Thanks.
Left = my wife
Right = her sisterwife
Why did they whitewash Yuffie in AC and DC while they asianized the other characters there?
>go to South Europe
>most of their women look like Tifa
>go to some Asian shithole
>most of their women look like Asian men
Jesus fuck
Is this what mental disorder looks like?
Maybe because you don't play video games but that picture is not Tifa and has nothing to do with Final Fantasy. Just look at the Final Fantasy 7 remake or watch Advent Children see what Tifa looks like and if you don't think she's Asian you're just memeing. There's no reason for you to be like this.
Because if she was a wh*Te subhuman she would look like a man.
>cute homely Asian girl.
>fuck im BTFO
>d-doesn't matter anyway
fist yourself loser.
The one on the left has a higher chance of fucking multiple dogs, get a divorce and pollute her body with tattoos.
Oh look, another picture of Asians who clearly look like Tifa
>Asian shithole
Idk man, maybe the "MAGA" part of the propaganda really is working. We have retards who think that America isn't going down the shitter after they lose face in front of the rest of the world.
I surely hope that when the next Democrat President sits, a Civil war should break out.
I'm pretty sure this tripled in size over the past 4 days
I already am faggot. You're next.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Asian
The fuck?
>sperging about white women looking like men when asian women look like asian men
cope more, weebcel
Kek. Imagine being so assblasted and insecure you have to shitpost about asian women everyday.
it's a turd from /pol/
She's from fantasyland, why should she have a race based on our world?
>bigger tits than Tifa now
How did we arrive at this point?
It's just one incredibly devoted shitposter see
Dumb chink thinks the entire world outside his ant colony is America
or maybe you're one of those spics with yellow fever?
Why do you spergs hate Asian women all of a sudden?
>means "hottie" in Italian
nomen omen.
Kek. Imagine being so assblasted and insecure you have to shitpost about white women and spam photoshopped pictures of Asians with plastic surgery and make-up everyday.
she is definetely asian
japanese can looks really different
just looks at yakuza characters
Read the thread.
It's just one guy seething that a million more white guys got yellow fever because of E3
>i-its /pol/
rent free
You know this is a meme
Butthurt trannies and white chicks?
asian women are cute
Why haven't mods rangebanned that yellow fever incel yet
What a pathetic incel
Isn't it hilarious how incels with yellow fever are as insecure and pathetic as asian "women"
They are different girls tho’.
I bet he posts on incel communities.
Wow what the fuck
Imagine being a psychotic racist white roastie mad that some people prefer actual feminine women over you.
have sex
What's the weebcel's agenda? He should kill himself to make the pain fo away.
It’s just the trannies from discord, who are all white.
He reminds me of the BBC spammer on Yea Forums
>latina women
>aging well
Fuck no they baloon once they have kids.
This pales in comparison to
having to compare plastic covered insectoids to elders really says something
Pretty based.
Asian > spic > black > white
>Samefagging this hard to make gullible posters believe that others are agreeing with your posts
This is sad and funny at the same time.
Latina women age like milk.
She was suppose to be White Europid but they keep making these characters heavily part Mongoloid.
Why don't you guys just move to Japan and get a gf there?
If you are a White and not ugly, it's easy for you to get a 10/10 one because you would look super good-looking to them thanks to the local jap guys being beta and ugly in majority and the jap girls have a thing for White guys, blonde hair and blue eyes being a huge bonus point.
>yellow fever incel
>accuses others of samefagging while doing 24/7
>autistically spams yellow fever threads on every board from his parents house
It checks out, you're that person.
blatant samefag
I once tried using that test on an image of Mickey Rooney's character from Breakfast at Tiffany's and it kept saying he was over 50% Black African.
>asians look like men and age like milk
>"I'll project this unto white women and I'll accuse everyone of being a racist' because it makes sense in my head!"
seek help
how many times are you going to mass-reply to those posts, WCK?
White pigs go home.
>whites dont have that type of chin
Not at all, especially with the nose
> Why don't you guys just move to Japan and get a gf there?
Because they live in their parents house and will never leave it, and they know Asians look like absolute shit but they'll never admit because their autistic obsession and hatred of white women made them delusional.
she's very clearly Japanese.
cope weebcel
>Implying you fags don't hate all women and just want to have sex and leave them
Literally the most autistic poster on Yea Forums after Barneyfag
It should be legal to kill anyone with yellow fever.
Did anyone ever try to just use this for the Nomura design? That should end this pointless discussion.
oh, so you're an r/asianmasculinty poster. sad. stop hating women from your own race.
She looks pretty Asian to me.
You meant to say:
>Is Tifa Midgarian or Wutaian?
You can clearly see that she looks identical to these Japanese girls.
Cute and tight as fuck btw amiright?
And then they produce more Elliot Rodger and Matthew de Grood cases due to conflicting genetic behavioral leanings that make half-and-halfs more likely to develop serious cases of severe mental illnesses.
In case anyone is wondering, de Grood went on a mass stabbing rampage in Canada and murdered at least 5 people and is probably a free man now because Calgary's court declared him too insane for jail. I was advised by actual Canadians to avoid the Calgary area if possible.
This. Fuck earth racist agenda.
sauce on 4/5?
>no boobs
Enjoy your demake, nerds
You’re not attractive like Tifa.
I'm not surprised anymore
Every time with ff7 threads, their legitimately worse than smash threads now
it turns into a race war with THE SAME cherry picked images from both sides.
Like holy shit just chill and say you like asians or you like whites. You don't have to reason why you like something with retarded pseudo intellectual or biological evidence it's just different tastes.
Can we just say she looks kinda asian and kinda white? Like holy shit that's all it is really.
Bottom left and top right is your sauce.
Hapa is superior for Tifa.
That said I will never understand this fight between Shovel faced gooks and manjaw whites. Both have its highs and lows.
But the truth is both are white and civilized.
Brown shitheads will stir shit forever.
It doesn’t matter what race Tifa is, because she’s fucking hot, and you are not.
>THE SAME cherry picked images from both sides.
>both sides
It's just yellow fever incels doing that. They're insecure and desperate to get people to join their "crusade".
You're so paranoid if you think tifa looks like a bug
Stop shitposting
Parents literally gift thir girls plastic surgeries as a birthday present
so they like asian women why does it offend you exactly ??
Here's another picture of insectoids who look like Tifa and other anime characters.
This is in no way important
fuck off back to /pol/
wew not funny, is this some white joke?
That’s just their white heritage acting up.
What are you hoping to accomplish? Honest question. What are you even trying to argue?
stop breaking incel weeb's dream
>this is not like my animu
> It's just yellow fever incels doing that. They're insecure and desperate to get people to join their "crusade".
It's another pot calling a kettle black
Like holy shit just talk about the battle system and fuck off with this retarded shit already.
Simple fact is that no matter how you look at it, most asians have to go through plastic surgery to get the trademark angular face. Meanwhile it's a dime in a dozen among Germanics and Nordics.
White. Like actually Scandinavian white not the broad blanket-term for mutts with slightly more caucasoid phenotypes.
Because they spam their shit on multiple boards and sperg about white women and ruin any form of discussion. How dense are you, autist?
Only white trannies care tho’
None of those manjawed bitches look like her.
What are you trying to achieve by repeatedly saying "anime characters look like Asians" when everyone can see they look like whites?
the manga is better
You're doing the same thing right now. How ironic
Why do you heteros make threads like this?
Not a single one of you is ever going to touch a female anyway.
Why would you even want to?
Imagine being so insecure about your race that you autisticly save “proof” to your hard drive just so you can call an entire race ugly, as if somehow that will make you more attractive by association.
why does top have sameface?
>ugly asian girls
>pretty white girls
Wow, really convinced me
>Niffleheim is exactly north
checks out. Though there are no definite biological diffrences to humans in Final Fantasy.
How come you only cry about Asian women? What about Asian men?
Ayyyy lmaooo
>mass replying autist
>filename is "random jap girls" when they are idol girls who underwent surgeries
shoot yourself in the head, wck
Anime characters don’t look like any human race at all you dumb fuck.
advent children happens after ff7 u fukken retard tifa has to age a little
The asian just has terrible posture, look at how her neck juts forward instead of being straight
which leads us to the conclusion of either the ones who are offended are female or trannies
since trannies seem to attach themselves to anime and are usually white im going to speculate that its them
I love the fact that based japs literally set the record straight on this argument.
SJWs eternally btfo
Literally this.
You made this thread and the other 200 yellow fever threads in the last 24 hours on this board alone. There is no "pot calling the kettle black". You seriously need to kill yourself and this isn't an insult, you'd make your parents happy.
Is there a difference between Asian women and Asian men? You both look the same to everyone. Literal trannies
No, this is a bait pic posted by Koreans on 2chan. There are many others that rebuke it completely:
Give me one reason why /pol/ shouldn’t be deleted. You can’t.
Sure polturd. both sides are idiots when the answer is literally VIDEOGAME HUMAN.
Yellow fever faggots dug their own grave with their constant spam of bug fetish and sperging of white women.
These "Anime girls are xxxxx" threads are pretty racist because they are always about exclusively Asian or White.
they'll just sperg out everywhere. Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /m/ have not been safe from these closet Nazis.
>Cherrypicking beats rebukes another cherrypicking
That's not how it works
>muh koreans!
>many others that rebuke it completely
Keep telling yourself that, insectoid.
You sir are a liar.
The only answers are:
Videogame Human, hume, any final fantasy human race.
ITT some people said that Tifa was MENA or Hapa though
> exclusively Asian
Anime girls never look Asian, unless you're talking about the anime from this picture. Even in that anime, the characters don't have that black hair which further proves that Asians hate themselves kek
Dumb chink thinks the entire world outside his ant colony is America
or maybe you're one of those spics with yellow fever?
post your faces and lets see if you people look anime enough
Gyaru is not a tan.
>it's another white roasties vs anons with yellow fever thread
No we need /pol/ because it mostly keeps those bottom feeders on their own board. Delete it and they'll completely spill over like the disgusting fucking immigrants they are. They don't realize they're the spics of Yea Forums.
>taking an ugly individual and an ugly artstyle
>this is why anime characters are not asians
You are retarded, sir.
>appreciating white aesthetics
>hating yourself
Leftists need to learn that this is not mutually exclusive. White people are just interesting looking and fun to look at and draw.
no boobs
no dolphin tail
no panty
no legs
no soul
no fun
Nah, brown hair isn't strange in Japan, Yukio Mishima said that he was born with brown hair in his autobiography what happens is that Japanese people used to dye their hair black
scandi's look like cavemen though
asian for sure
Is Tifa gay or European?
Tifa can't be white because she's not fat.
Asian or Mixed imo
If she was white she would be 30lbs heavier.
answer: Neither, she's a videogame human from a fictional world.
go back to Yea Forums, closet Nazi
They specifically made her ambiguous depending on the viewers perspective. Japs want Jap looking characters, 56% wants 56% characters. This is an adequate middle ground.
JR Tolkien based the elves off of Scandinavians and Finns. They tall and sleek looking.
Posting ugly asians doesn't prove that all Asians are ugly, just like posting ugly caucasions doesn't prove that all white people are ugly. Truth is, most people are not hot, and beautiful people are the exception and not the rule. Also anime characters don't look like any race.
Not fully.
Not with a last name like Lockhart and actual boobs.
Yuffie Kisaragi on the other hand 100% rice mucher.
No, Keanu is a quarter. His Dad was like quarter chinese quarter hawaiian.
moral of the story: once you go /pol/, you become devoid of this valuable information.
>tfw waist size almost 10 inches smaller than average american woman
Don't know if I should be proud or disturbed.
Don't matter, she's made for this cock. Bring those big ol titties over here girl, you too good for them ff fucc bois. Once you go demon you gonna need a wheel chair
But those don't even look white, they look Mexican
/pol/ isn't reliable for anything, they hear some news "about x business did y" and they say clearly the communist are behind this
>anime characters are actually white!
>No, they're asian!
Look at these fuckers. Do they look like humans at all? I mean, fucking look at the length of those legs! Just look at their anatomy, and the size of their eyes. Stop being retarded.
I bet at least 1 girl in this photo will end up on a japanese porn video.
>Asians used to marry and prefer ladies with round 'moon' faces up until very recently
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Redpill for the dumb fucks ITT: Japanese can look semi-Caucasian without plastic surgery. Here's a Japanese actress from the 50s, before plastic surgery was common.
only /pol/fags would defend /pol/.
prove to us that it is. most of the racist idiocy comes from them.
Sometimes, and this might be a shocker for you, people can just be born with the genes that make them look attractive.
/pol/ isn't reliable as a source of information, it isn't a boogeyman, it's the state of the board
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
they look more white than asian, that's obvious
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
What about GI babies and rape victims by russians.
>Asians are extremely insecure, so they bomb their face wity surgery and make-up on a daily basis.
Or you know, just women.
70% wutai
20% white
10% n-word
You are so fucking obsessed holy shit.
Ambiguous and stylized enough to appeal to both.
This fucking awful place can't even agree what Barrets race is.
He's black
He’s Mr. T
Legit lol blaming asian females for cosmetic surgery when it's something all races of women do. Hell Germany is one of the top countries for cosmetic surgery.
How is this videogames?
Tifa is obviously black with white skin.
because Yea Forums has become /pol/-2 Moderation should finally take notice, but alas they won't feel free to ban me, closet-Nazis.
She was born before that happened.
Man, China is comparatively new to this whole capitalism thing, but they immediately found the most optimal way for it to be soulsucking and depressing, even by American standards. It's honestly impressive. Replace the whip with empty sex appeal.
>>avalanche's group=british
looks both asian to me
I really dont see any whiteness in her
i'm a developer. where's my asian qt?
For some reason I can't upload pics/webms
It's funny how simply appreciating the way a white person looks is now grounds for accusing someone of nazism.
Do you retards even realize that the people who defeated the nazis all strongly believed in segregation? The nazis had no such policies of actively discriminating against non-whites. They just thought Germany had a right to be run by Germans and not global bankers.
>Ariana grande is white
That's not gyaru
she looks asian
no, shitting over a whole race because you don't like them, is. Adolf.
Why are you so insecure about your race?
Then do you mind explaining how White criminals are responsible for less than 50% of homicides despite the majority of the US being racially White European?
bottom is laowhy, top is serpentza
Damn these girls are so pretty
good guys, finally you're proving that Yea Forums is now /pol/-2 and the Mods will never fucking do anything.
Barret is Asian I heard it on contrapoints, also Bill Nye the Science guy and my teacher Dr. Goldbergman told me.
>It's funny how simply appreciating the way a white person looks is now grounds for accusing someone of nazism.
Didn't happened
>Non related as fuck and apologism of the NSDAP.
And now you went full nazi
How to get an Anime/JRPG Asian
>Step one, take an Italian penis
>Step two, place Italian penis in Jap puss
>Step three, inseminate Jap puss
>Step four, wait
>despite the majority of the US being racially White European
She thicc
You're projecting. You're the one who's mad that Tifa Lockheart is caucasian.
If they wanted her to be white, her name would be Tifa Xiaopingdong
/pol/-chan needs to be created.
This a joke or...? lmao
except I'm not. She's a human from a Videogame world, and thus race does not matter. Now go suck Adolf's dick some more.
Here's what a normal /pol/tard looks like.
>Everyone who hates Nazis are SJW's
fucking retarded.
Consider yourself annihilated, bucko
ask the race detector tool
>assaulting people, unprovoked on camera
ITT: Yea Forums is now the ownership of /pol/ and no one cares.
I interpret that as a step in the proper direction especially if this becomes more like infinity-chan /pol/.
Why do you think that I'm a retarded enough to join antifa? you're acting as if everybody that don't like nazis is an extremist
That shit has Latino as a race so isn't valid
You're a hypocrite who clings strongly to a boomer-era oppression narrative that made certain people very rich.
>US being racially White European?
mutts are not european, moreover 3rd generation white americans, despite their purity, are also not european. Learn about phenotype changes
and you're a Nazi supporter who probably fucks adolf.
>strongly to a boomer-era oppression narrative that made certain people very rich.
When I did that?
*Inserts American politics into videogame thread*
Sure, retard.
she looks asian as fuck
This Tifa right there is 100% Asian, because she was literally modeled after a Japanese actress. The only one you can argue on her being white or not is her drawn version.
Sorry to tell you but EU is just as mutt lmao. Half of Britains "white" entertainers these days are a combination of ancestries these days. Beckham himself is part Jewish. Kate Bekinsale is part some Asian shit. Theo James is half Greek. Douglas Booth pic related is half Spanish. So Europeans really need to stop pretending they're the epitome of purity, you've been moving around for thousands of years into each other's borders and in recent years the change has only become even more rapid so stfu.
asian all the way
She's anime.
No, because the back story to that video is that he's trying to "help" that group with his "memes", which is why you can see him fiddling around with his cringy signs. The chads around him, rightfully recognizing him for the beta he is, take him down.
HOLY SHIT gaming already looks almost on par with Advent Children, insane. As a kid I never thought we would ever come this far.
>Why yes, Japanese people frequently mistake me for naruto
Can you we wuz a bit harder?
B-But anime people are literally white people! That means I look like anime!
That makes no sense
Maybe they didn't actually think that hard about it.
they're all japanese with funky hair and eye colors
except for the black guy
I love how the ugly girls are at back
Lol based
Mixed, I knew a girl who was 1/4th Italian 1/4th mexican and 1/4th irish and 1/4th german and looked identical to tifa.
*are at the back of the picture
Canonically Tifa is hapa with a parent from Wuhai p sure
>blue eyes
ShE's nOt bLaCk oH NoEs!
She's whiter than my dick, that's all that matters.
both /pol/ it's called mainstream/ambigious
>wanting your son to be a jawlet
This thread starts to make more sense when you realize most of the anons arguing are women
god.... how long has it been...
My dad went to high school in Japan and was amused by the fact that the Japanese girls always asked him why his hair was black and not blond like a "proper" American. As many amusing stereotypes as we have about their culture, they've got an even narrower perspective on ours.
The most amusing thing about this is the shitty hold he puts him in shouldn't be able to do much more than drag him around. Nobody's going to sleep in that, which makes him whispering "go to sleep" epically retarded.
Those jap girls weren't wrong. It's because Americans are now complete mutts.
they are not
My dad is 7th in line to a barony. Want to try again?
Tifa has always looked like an asian model outside of the original game where it's more ambiguous because of the stylized anime art style. But pretty much both 3d takes on her are attractive asians. I honestly think you're in denial if you don't see it, which makes sense because this board is full of white supremacist /pol/tards apparently.
>Hapas look like Asians
Americans used to be pure Anglo-Saxon stock before Kr*uts and M*cks started racemixing and giving everyone blonde and red hair
Who was she modeled after? Just curious
I'm glad I could make you reminisce. I'm still eating mushrooms and listening to trance music.
Your dad is a mutt
She is Anri Okita
ariana grande is literally white
Just shooting for 0 now, huh?
Sorry about your feelings, commoner.
>Sorry about your feelings, commoner.
They look slightly asian, pic related.
Well he did a shit job of it then.
Who gives a shit? She looks like Tifa. Quit racebaiting.
Source on her being half asian? I couldn't find anything.
based serpentza poster
She said in one of her instagram posts that her mother is asian.
Pretty sure that girl is just wearing makeup
Used to be around here we'd all agree she was Asian and enjoy that fact. Now we have so many fucking tourists Afraid of admitting Asian pussy is best pussy.
Sorry, i'd never racemix, it's an abomination.
Do you know what post it is? Or are you confusing her with a different camwhore?
the nose isn't wide enough to be asian. asians generally have nigger like noses.
It was an older pic where she had green hair and a grey hoodie.
And I don't think she camwhores, I think she just has the instagram account.
It's literally AC Tifa with shittier hair quality, red eyes and lipstick. Are you all blind?
That's probably the closest I've seen an IRL face come to Tifa's Dissidia FMV CG render
She's Midgarian.
>asian tifa
>white yuffie
Dumb anime poster.
white hair didn't convince you enough?
Whatever you want, who cares, why would this be important?
Do you remember the year it was posted? The general year (2014-2015 or 2016-2017)?
The only actual "asian" in the game is Yuffie
Tifa came from a German-ish town and Aerith is an alien
Asian, are you blind or something?
Tifa was born in Nibelheim though.
Tifas face model revealed!
Never mind, I looked through what little 'green hair' photos she had and none of them mentioned that her mother was asian, I'm 100% convinced that you confused her with a different instagram attention whore.
She looks like Tifa. Quit racebaiting.
Tifa isn't a race.
she's mexican
Read it carefully, retard.
I love chink Tifa, westernized Tifa is haram. Even tho she getting her red eyes back is based
she comes from the same town as Cloud so they are of the same race.....I guess white because of the name and seeing as how Barret is black and Yufie is asian they are white
we're talking about appearance, not fictional races. Does this look white to you despite her english name?
holy fuck BASED
That's not Tifa
New Tifa doesn't look asian
they are white shut the fuck up
white people are pasty white to olive color
white people are the true DIVERSE race in this planet while all asians have brown eyes and black hair and the same goes to native americans, indians and black people
the ONLY people with blonde hair besides white people are some aboriginies from papua new guinei but the gene for blonde hair they have is a different one from european people(pretty cool if you ask me)
that would explain a lot