Reply B for Boomer and Z for Zoomer. Lets fucking do this.
Reply B for Boomer and Z for Zoomer. Lets fucking do this
Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964
>Born 1994
What the fuck? I'm probably the most zoomer on this god damn board.
No, those are fossils.
not video games
Video gamers can talk about other stuff. I want to know what Yea Forums is
I boom the zooms
98 boomer
>vita coco
>not onions
>tfw a zoomer, but my bf keep calling me a boomer
these are not real generations
98 counts me as a boomer now, crazy.
Were you born after 2000?
I drink neither. I make my own iced black tea.
This isn't twitter, OP, you complete faggot.
>continuing a forced generational meme for idiots
I say boomer goes to 1995 max
99 Chad
>Born 1993
It's a meme user, 30 year old boomer meme. Check it out. Boomer isn't a baby boomer.
I don't like this meme considering REAL boomers are more then twice my age. I don't mind being called a Millennial.
If you were born after 1995 you’re a zoomer
le boomerzoomerdoomeryoomerpoomerwoomerqoomer
t. 95
im a 25 year old doomer
in the first half of 2001 to be exact
Don't see at all how someone born early 1990 is at all the same as someone born in 2000+ if 1980 to 1990 is not comparable. Boomer meme is fine, but millenial makes 0 fucking sense if it doesn't mean someone born at the start of the new millennium.
boomer is quintessential Yea Forums history. Zoomer is a forced reddit meme
how does that coconut water taste
I am tempted but it is always fucking like $2 to $3 for a single carton of it. A small one.
Good if you can get some that isn’t just flavored water
you wish kid
Tastes like it's touched coconut, but the coconut itself was removed..
'94 here so boomers are just millennials now?
It's good if you get fresh stuff but can be nasty otherwise. One of the best drinks to restore electrolytes after a work out though.
B, Almost wound up a total Zoomer by less than a month.
>boomer is quintessential Yea Forums history
kys newfag back to r*ddit
and i let zoomers suck my pp
>no 24 year old doomer
>no 27 year old bloomer
shit survey
I hope mods go through this thread before they delete it and ban anyone who replied Z
93 boomer but i don't drink Monster or any energy drink.
but I have been here since at least 2006/2007 since I vividly remember Yea Forums breaking down during the shitshow that was Code Geass.
Boomer meme is top tier and Yea Forums culture
You said it was part of "quintessential Yea Forums history"
its barely been around a year
Wasn't the Cutoff for Zoomer/Boomer the mid 90's?
This. Boomer culture has always been a thing but it got turned into a caricature around E3 last year because of Dante.
>Boomer (88)
>Enjoy coconut water
What does that mean
boomers are from the 50's
zoomers are post millenials, which are mid 2000s
I'm amazed that there's people 88 years old and posting here
'91 boomer here. In the very early days you had the gen x boomers who were cringey and reddit with their rage comics and shit. Then came the millennials which were responsible for the best of classic Yea Forums. Now the zoomers have taken hold and, well, take a look at the absolute state of this board.
30 year old bloomer, about to turn 31, but started my own business :^)
hope to one day play vidya as a retired neet
le boomzoomdoomyoomgoom
I feel like 95 is the cutoff for boomers, but its culturally relative. I grew up less fortunate than other kids and always experienced things late, so even though I'm from 98 I still feel more connected to boomer core
you just know some fat fuck will try to use that thing and fucking kill or main themselves because of the weight
Born in 1989, so I'm literally a 30-year old boomer.
>tfw 30 is old now
>if i kms i will be considered young
1992 big B
all zoomers git rekt
You like a late millennial, the actual zoomer dates start at 1996.
2000 Zoomer
Please tell me I'm not the oldest.
Pretty sure I've seen some anons admit to being in their 50s
Born 2000
23 year old zoomer checking in
My year ofc
Barely a Zoomer, 2000. Mentality of a boomer for sure
2000 Zoomer reporting for duty
>Control + F
>1 result found
EVERY respond in this thread should be commenting on OP's picture. The only people that aren't commenting are zoomers(2019 - 1999 = 20 years old).
Being a boomer/zoomer/doomer/etc. has nothing to do with when you were born. A friend of mine is a 65 year old zoomer while last week I met a 1 year old boomer.
'89 Boomer
I miss the 90's so fucking much it hurts
Gen X
guitar hero 3 makes young ones into young boomers
July 9, 1994. I don't interact with people born after January 1 of 1996.
B but just barely
Like soggy corn chips or sweet and salty water. Godly if you need potassium.
Forced meme to make "boomers" or whatever feel good about themselves for doing nothing.
Noone will call themselves a zoomer grow the fuck up.
EVERYONE here will relate to the boomer meme because they for modern ghetto rappity rap hypebeast nigger culture and basedshit
What the fuck there's so many kids here
Im '96 and I remember being called underage and b& just a while ago
For this board boomers should probably be pre-'94
and you wonder why this board has gone even further down the drain.
Imagine being a Zoomer
'90 boomer here. get off my fucking lawn
feels like just yesterday I was a clueless underage b& browsing Yea Forums
t. Fedora wearing faggot in denim shorts and socks with sandals.
as much as I hate my generation I think I'm more of a zoomer. For people born between '97-'02 there should be an extra category, because we just understand like half of the shit from the boomers and zoomers, sooo bzoomers?
'85 boomer here. Firing up the ol' Sega Saturn while grabbing a bottle of ice cold RC Cola.
Who the fuck has decided people born in the 90s qualify as boomers? If you are born in the 90s you are a zoomer and should be gassed.
It's normalfag as fuck, was born through being forced across every board until shiteating children like you ate it up, and feels more like a viral marketing campaign for Monster
fuck off faggot
Apparently I'm a boomer, even though I was born in 99.
Millennial means people who were school-aged in 2000
Fuck, I'm '86. I'll fire up my MegaDrive II while grabbing a bottle of ice-cold Cherry Coke
The people that started the shitty meme you fags love so much
retarded thread for retarded zoomers using the wrong colloquialism for millennials/generation X
>born between 1983-1994-6ish
Congratulations you're a fucking millennial, with some of the first gen millennials being more akin to Gen X, also known as Xennials. These are probably the least cancerous millennials out there because they had the last taste of the last great decade
>born between 1994-20--whatever
You're a Zoomer, a Gen Z, a retarded Gacha-playing, buying-games-with-your-penis, sick fetish-having fart-loving degenerate who plays all day on his fucking smartphone and never looks up when he goes outside. Die, all of you.
Why is Yea Forums obsessing over age
Also have you actually spoken to "zoomers" IRL? They're fucking unbearable (no joke they're shitty people)
Fuck off nigger
what a zoomer post OP
1992, reporting in
Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
So what are we going to call """people""" born in 2019 or later in 15 years from now?
Well personally, I'm almost 23 now and am balding. That's enough to make someone like me feel old as shit man. I was 19 yesterday it feels like but I still feel super old. There is also an incredible discrepancy between my generation who were raised just at the cusp of technological insanity, and the zoomers who had an iphone, ipad and smart watch when they were 6. I didn't get my first cell phone until my freshman year of highschool, and it was a Motorola razer. My friend's younger brother had an Iphone literally when he was like 8, kid's like 18 now or something. I'm honestly glad I didn't have insane access to the internet and social media, I'm in college and have 18-20 year old friends and like 60% of their social life is on instagram or snapchat or whatever. For me those apps were just for fucking around and posting stupid pictures of shit, now these kids will have six hundred pictures of themselves on their accounts with 15k followers. Any girl who is 6/10 or better has like 5k + followers and over a hundred slutty pictures on their instagram, it's instant gratification and they all think they're the next Kardashian or something. I know I sound like a bitter boomer but I couldn't give a fuck about any of this shit desu, eventually these kids will have to learn social skills and they're going to have a really fucking rough reality check. They all think they're photographers or entrepreneurs or future youtube stars or something. "I'm a finance major bro I'm gonna do what they did in Wolf of Wall Street!" yea sure bud "My fitness insta has 2k followers, it's what I'm focusing on right now" you wouldn't believe these fucking kids man. Fun to party with though they don't know their limits and shit yet
>late millennial
but I'm born in 99 not in the mid 90s what now
>Boomer = 80-96
Console/PC generation
>Zoomer = 97-2008
Facebook/Fortnite/Streamer generation
>Chinese Superpower Gen = 2009-2019
Will experience the change in status quo soon as they're old enough to vote.
>Indian Superpower Gen = 2020 - 2030
Not yet born but when they're old enough, they'll be throwing poos at Chinese.
You were 6 when the zoomer era started faggot. You don't consciously remember 2001-2005
racist, homophobes and fascist
Are you black?
This is the worst meme this board has ever created.
Anyone who uses any variation of this boomer or zoomer shit is a newfag
um excuse me? I grew up with the gamecube, digimon and half of the other stuff from that pic. whereas in the early zoomer pic the only thing for me would be the ds. maybe it's because I'm from Europe and we got all the stuff like 1 or 2 years later idk
this is actually a pretty accurate description, i'm 23 too btw
>eventually these kids will have to learn social skills
yeah, like the majority of boomers on this board
For someone born in 1983 I'd say that technically I'm an early millennial but grew up and identify more with Gen X stuff and values than millennial ones.
>Mentality of a boomer for sure
You're just trying to fit in, kid.
Z ;_;
But you were 6-13 in the millennial kid era, and it was probably a bigger part of people your age.
In the gen x kid era you were 0-6 which is barely conscious.
I'm sure we have posters here who unironically think boomer is the correct term for a millenial. That picture of that one guy saying people pretending to be idiots will soon be surrounded by real idiots who think they're in good company is too real.
>this psyop again
1979 grandpa here, feeling better now than I did at age 25 thanks to going low carb.
As a witness to all generations except the first, I can confidently say the mid-to-late 00s and early 10s were the Dark Age of gaming.
>1995 reporting in
>felt old as shit since i was 16
never kept up with social media shit cause it felt like shallow validation seeking shit for faggots, but some people actually succeed to make a living off it so idk..
Here is something to consider; I don't live in burgerland and my country generally got video game consoles, movies, tv shows and other things few years after you guys. This gap of few years in influence makes surprisingly huge difference between me and someone born in the states in same year as far as being exposed to various parts of pop culture is concerned.
Late 90s borns are debatably Zoomers. They don't remember 9/11, and have fond memories of Ben 10, iCarly, Hannah Montana, and High School Musical, which automatically disqualifies them from millennials/boomers.
Dead meme
It's a forced meme, it was never alive in the first place. Same as all wojak edits, just dumb shit pushed by newfags
Many countries outside of North America and Japan experienced pop culture stuff with a delay. Some countries didn't get NES until 1987, and the whole EU didn't get Pokemon until late 1999.
Late 90s Boomer here, fuck iCarly, Hannah Montana, and High School Musical.
We're not all 10 year old girls, retard.
>all these people with vastly different age ranges for what counts as boomzoom
This is why this meme is a joke
>own business
What business did you start. Dont fucking tell sysadmin shit or something familiar.
>sick fetish-having fart-loving degenerate
You know, I did notice this as the amount of Zoomers increased on this board. Years ago, fart fetishists used to be extremely hated and ostracized on the internet. Then zoomers rebranded fart fetishism to "Braaaap" in recent years and it gained more acceptance.
I was born in 1999, the transitional point between boomer and zoomer. Some of the cultural references of boomers are unrelatable to me, as are some of the cultural references of zoomers.
>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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>Yea Forums - Video Games
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is it april 1st again?
nah it's june 12rd
any anime gamer grandpa’s here?
R for reddit
S for sage facebook tier post