>reuse everything from the previous game
>Call it a sequel
iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
>reuse everything from the previous game
>Call it a sequel
iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
>no gameplay was shown
Absolutely rent free
We've literally seen nothing of the game yet.
We'll make out judgement when actual gameplay comes out and we see whether or not they're just using the engine, or if it's an exact rehash. If it's the latter, no one would be okay with it.
Everyone that does that retarded alternating upper case/lower case bullshit is from reddit. Kill yourself OP
They should have reused Zelda's hair
Game isn't even out yet, and you already getting mad.
You should reuse your brain
you are retarded plenty of sequels that used essentially the previous game were good
Why fix what's not broken? BotW has what might just be the best engine of any existing game and there's still more that can be done with it. I'd even say it would be a waste not to reuse it for one more game.
i'll be honest
it looks shit, like every other switch/mobile game
we already know what the gameplay will be, its breath of the wild 2
Yes. Because when Nintendo does it, there's still actual effort.
gO bAcK tO rEdDlT fAgGoT nOrMiE
It honestly wouldn't be that great if it's just the same world without any additions. I hope there are more real dungeons this time.
>nioh 2 re-uses assets
>botw 2 re-uses assets
Depends what the do with it, MM is regarded as one of the best zelda and that was just reused assets the game.
>reusing many assets to make a sequel is bad
When did you start playing video games?
you're the one reeing though lol, sonygro
cope, seethe and dilate
>use massive amounts of resources to create new game engine with it's own assests and physics
>instead of scrapping that hard work and starting from scratch which would take 5+ years, just use the same assets, experience, and fan feedback ti make the game even better
>some single digit IQ autist seethes about smart business practical decisions
Shut the fuck up, retard
The trailer announced that the game is in development. It's nice they threw this much together for something that doesn't even have a proper title yet.
>Dark Souls
>mostly anything with a sequel
Are you an idiot or just baiting?
Nobody said this, retard.
>Almost entire Nintendo Direct is just ports, remakes or sequels
>Any new ideas are dogshit
I readied my body but my body was not ready.
There's new shit right in that screenshot you posted, not like I care anyway as long as it's better than BotW, and I don't see why it wouldn't be.
>Other game companies do this
>Nintendo does this
it's not going to be the same world, don't be absurd
ITT: Niggers screaming REHASH when XBONE had
>2 Zambie Shooters
>2 Military Shooters
>2 Space Alien Shooters
>yet another VROOM VROOM game
But user, nobody's saying those aren't shit too
Nintendo does it once in a blue-fucking-moon when your usual company does it every single month; and the few times they did it, they nailed it (MM, Metroid Prime, etc)
I don't see a million threads about that stuff popping up every day.
No gameplay shown
No game shown
New Ganon under the castle shown
>>reusing EVERYTHING
Why is Yea Forums full of niggers lately? Is their retardery contagious? Will I end buying a PS4 if I hang with them too much? Would I also become a gay nigger?
I though that's what a sequel was?
Yea Forums only rees about the latest buzz. C'mon now.
Why did you feel the need to make this thread? What are you hoping to achieve?
>I tYpE LiKe THis
wtf is this
It's a gay reddit meme, OP has outed himself
E3 Yea Forums is always the worst invasion time. Every foreign poster comes to shitpost on Yea Forums, because "LOL THESE GUYS ARE SO ANGRY THEY HATE ALL VIDEOGAMES SO FUNNY LET'S KEEP UP THIS GOOD MAYMAY" and they don't even try to hide it. I wish we got some actual moderation for fucking once. I hate Hiroshimoot so damn much.
To bother people. He’s obviously being stupid on purpose. The scary part is that I can’t tell if the people who responded to him really believe him or if they’re being ironic as well. It feels like people come to this board to argue about shit just for the sake of arguing.
It's unironically reddit/resetera/twitter speak. The amount of transplants from there are off the charts due to e3
It's a form of high autism memery. Pay it no heed
Go back to Twitter, tranny
Why are snoyfags so quick to shitpost? Is the fatigue from having no E3 and no games to look forward to for the rest of the year really getting to them?
>Expecting moderation
>for Yea Forums
This is the worst board on the website easily, it's never going to change.
>iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
Fuck off back to Twitter, tranny.
Majoras Mask reused all of OoT assets and was widely hailed as a great game. Assets don't make the game, gameplay does and they will change the gameplay.
You say this but the truth is that we’re surrounded by these idiots anyway. The board will never change because they keep posting this garbage and others continue to entertain it.
I wish the new video game focused image board would take off but its hard
You’d be surprised how many games re-use assests all the damn time.
It’s a “Don’t fix what ain’t broke-Future proofing”
There’s a new board?
what a shit thread. majoras mask was 90% reused assets and its one of the best zelda games in the franchise. its what you do with the resources, not what resources are there, retard
>being this fucking new
Even people who didnt end up liking botw agreed that the engine is great but full of unfulfilled potential. This is how fixing that works
a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.
doesn't change the fact its gonna suck like the first botw
im calling it now
its vampire ganon
Doesn’t change the fact that you’re gonna suck my dick because you’re a faggot
Oh yeah, let's ignore the fact that Link gets a brand new arm that probably opens up a ton of gameplay possibilities.
Graphix were better. I hope the same happens here.
Everyone using this shitty meme should be rounded up and shot.
>iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
Are you lost
Nah man, it's LICH Ganondorf
majoras mask did it and it was a 10/10 and way better than oot so im okay with it
Go back to Facebook, faggot
>BotW has what might just be the best engine of any existing game
come on user
So you want them to recreate assets in a direct sequel because...why? I think the sequel should reuse the assets since there was absolutely nothing wrong with the first game. They could just release it as DLC (and maybe they will), but no one wants to buy a full priced DLC, they'd prefer to get a new game with a cart.
who cares if they reuse assets in a sequel, provided its good?
id rather have a full game reusing assets from the previous game than a 29.99 dlc with less than half the play time
>majora's mask
>new vegas
i have high hopes, give it up
Majora's Mask
>absolutely nothing wrong with the first game
Blue board, blue pill.
Here's your (you).
>twitter memes
majora's mask was OOT 2 and it was still a complete game
Majora reused assets and took a year to make and it turned out great.
>iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
Why do you use retarded twitterspeak
>reuse everything from the previous game
exactly what i thought, this is just a dlc.
>reuse everything
zelda didn't have short hair in the last game faggot.You're wrong and a smelly liar op
>BotW has what might just be the best engine of any existing game
>new story and levels
>user: iTs tHe SaMe GaMe
Exactly. The game was monumental in the first place, a continuation is exactly what any fan would want. There will undoubtedly be new assets, characters, etc., but demanding new assets for a sequel is totally retarded, and...why are we replying to this thread?
OP, go kill yourself, my dude.
what about pokemon gold/silver?
The Zelda cycle isn't going to repeat, go to sleep.
Given that they already have the engine mapped out I don’t think it’s a stretch to say it’s coming out Fall 2020
OP is a retard but come on man, the best engine? No need to be such a fanboy.
>iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
Are We Going To Start Typing Like This While We're At It Too?
has zelda ever had a "good" engine?
besides oot, which was good the for the time
This game is still like two years out, anyway. What's even the point of speculation outside of just arguing right now?
While it certainly wasn't the "best" BotW had a "good" engine.
Probably, but then again, Zelda is a 5 year cycle game. Last time we got an asset flip Zelda we got ALBW to Tri-Force Heroes. It's been a while since they reused assets for main Zelda titles.
I can't really remember any big console Zelda game getting an asset flip save from OoT to MM and Twilight Princess to Crossbow Training, and that was a spin-off.
OoT's engine was the same one used in Mario 64.
>iTs oK wHeN NiNtEndO dOEs iT
litterally seething tho
>Dab pointed towards where he's going
What the fuck was the artist thinking? There's gonna be wind resistance now
This is the engine that would sometime have you have 3 bloodmoons 5 minutes from each other because it has no idea what to do with access bloat.
>implying they'll reuse the overworld
I highly doubt it. The entire point of BotW was the big new unknown world to explore, and recycling it would completely undermine that aspect of the game.
I think the flying castle will swooce them off to some other land or the world will be an alternate dimension or some shit.
They did this with Majora's Mask and it was one of the greatest Zelda games they ever made.
Can you update this with new zelda
why does Link have an "I'm gonna fuck this bitch in the ass tonight" face?
>reuse everything
>still need 5 years to make it
Guitar Hero 2 was largely reused engine/ UI from 1 and it's the best in the series
It's so funny watching ninxers get mad, like someone won't let them play with thier favorite dolls.
>normalfag memes
The only thing they're confirmed to be reusing is Link and Zelda's character models (and zelda's is updated), which isn't surprising since it's a sequel.
>making assumptions from a minute long teaser
sometimes I forget how Yea Forums formatting works ffs
You know how normies do that shit all the time in person? Like, it's obvious that they're joking (which makes it kind of pointless to me, given that it's not funny at all) and you're expected to play along with the same attitude and enthusiasm? Yea Forums is literally just normies and non-white foreigners at this point.
Spongebob mocking meme
breath of the wild is such an incredibly ugly game
amazing how they managed to make the artstyle worse from something like wind waker
>reuse everything
Are you new to this or just this much of a disingenuous cretin? Would you say MM is just OoT, exactly the same game?
Who said that, ever?
Yeah, I’m certain Zelda fans give a shit enough to pay attention to Nioh 2.
Twilight Princess went through two E3s before getting it’s title. Not unheard of for Zelda.
Good. They laid a groundwork with BotW and now they can really do something interesting with it. Fuck waiting another 5-6 years for a new console Zelda.
>trailer took place in an entirely different setting
>facebook speak meme
go back faggot
Just playing devil's advocate here because I don't think it will take place in the same Hyrule, but the trailer literally only showed the same Hyrule + a cave.
I'm cautiously optimistic about it. BotW was honestly more disappointing than I expected, but most of my issues were things that could easily be fixed.
That's exactly what a lot of people wanted. It's the same thing that happened with OoT and MM. It also means we get the game sooner. I couldn't be happier with it so far.
Have so many years passed since direct sequels on the same console was a thing that kids don't understand?
Dumb nintendo shill
Yep. It's why games like Splatoon 2 and Smash Ultimate were called ports for months. That and trolling, but yeah. Forgotten times.
I'd rather they reuse assets and spit out a BOTW 2 in a relatively quick amount of time than wait until the end of the console cycle for an unknown quality of game.
That’s how we got the best Zelda majoras mask also the gameboy titles reused assets from snes
Remember when Majora’s Mask was just OoT2?
Yakuza has been getting away with that since 2005
And I still love it
Absolutely obsessed
From Ocarina to Majora? No, retard. They were exactly identical in graphical fidelity.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
On top of that, you speak as if your game design philosophy is the "correct" one and not just an opinion. The best games build upon previously established concepts. That's how things evolve and get better. If you disagree then you just have unrealistic expectations, because that means you expect something to not only be completely original (which itself isn't possible), but also be in its fully imagined form instantly.
Depends on the game.
Some games are really good 'foundations' that should be continuously built upon. It'd be an absolute waste to throw out all the work that went into BOTW.
I agree with this user. BotW was damn near perfect in terms of gameplay. Building on it would make it from damn near perfect to absolutely perfect.
>BotW is GOTY 2017
>BotW2 is GOTY 2020 and somehow manages to beat out BotW
It'll be the defining game of our generation.
>Zelda II
>Majora's Mask
>somehow manages to beat out BotW
Somehow? It's not hard to imagine how that would happen. There could be better combat, more stuff to find around in the world other than korok seeds, and better dungeons. It can and will have all of these things, and more.
Doing the Goddess' work, user