end of an era
Facepunch is shutting down
GARRY wins again
reminder that despite what angry virgins tell you otherwise, postal was a god-tier mod
Good, hes been wanting to close that shithole for awhile now.
Wasn't it just a resetera-tier circlejerk hellhole anyway? Nothing of value was lost but now we will have to endure the tourists coming here like we had to deal with the neofag tourists.
>make a handful of posts on the site
>have the displeasure of interacting with maxof2std
wtf is the appeal
You forget that those shitheads you hate will have to find somewhere else to go. Deleting a board/website doesn't magically get rid of it's users, they just infect somewhere else.
The mods of that shithole have already made a new forum to migrate too
Doesn't matter, it will only contain the most rabid of facepunch users and alienate everyone else like it happened with resetera, and guess where all the orphaned posters will be moving to.
whats going to happen to rust?
I only remember downloading nude models from that site to use in Gmod back when I was young. Another site I used a lot back then was FPSbanana for CS skins.
Man, that's a name I haven't heard of in years. All I remember was that Earthbound shit he was making in SFM. What happened to the guy? Is he really a cunt?
anyone's a cunt if they can get 20k posts on any forum
Yea Forums's been in the shitter for years now, there's actually no way for our userbase to become worse, we're already as bad as it gets
plus, tons of FP users already post on Yea Forums, nothing will change about this absolute faghole
In my personal experience he is a cunt with a stick up his ass and that's from barely interacting with him. Others corroborate as much.
I remember when they banned loli stuff and the cryfest all the pedos did was great
S to spit
I genuinely thought it was shut down years ago
>If it weren't for you guys, I might not be a liberal cuck
>implying not watching Sargon is a bad thing
>Say something a moderator disagrees with
>Get banned by some furfag moderator regardless of how dignified you were being
>Rate someone's post as "dumb"
>Get banned because a moderator thinks the post was actually intelligent
Woah what a based website...
It is when that's considered too right wing
Took retardera lite long enough to shut down, good riddance
great now they're going to come here
>getting brainwashed and bullied into submission is okay as long as you stop doing something i don't like
It's not about whether or not Sargon is a fucking retard, it's about the principle of letting people have their free will.
>It's not about whether or not Sargon is a fucking retard, it's about the principle of letting people have their free will.
If people agree with me it's because of their "free will", if people disagree with me it's because they've been "brainwashed and bullied into submission".
I used to like this forum but it seems it got ruined by 2016 politics like so many other sites
This shithole turned into resetera over time, the only place of worth was lmao pics
>Be conservative
>Get banned
>Eventually you stop doing the thing that gets you banned
Do you work at a movie theater? That's some pretty good projection. If you actually read the post he says that his opinions were changed by the community.
Wow Garry literally wiping the remaining source engine community off the internet, also how this retard gonna get feedback about rust? steam fourms are dogshit
I remember when OIFY bullied me so hard it turned me into a bitter and cynical republican
>forum is closing
Literally who cares, I thought the dev was shutting down.
It became such a bad echochamber.
>Someone says that conservatives are the most violent and muslims dindu nuffin
>Post evidence proving that muslims cause 10X more violence
>Get a bunch of people rating me dumb and making excuses
Discord is the new go-to for communities like that.
Discord has nothing in common with forums.
fuck garry
fuck the mods
and most of all
fuck trannies
cheers to facepunch, another cesspit of sjw trannies imploding
Does it matter? That's where the most active source modding communities are at.
Oh no no no
Does this mean we'll never get Gmod 2?
dude GAY people lmao!! poggers
like it or not it was the last big hub for source engine stuff. now we live in a nightmare world where discord has consumed most communities and ruined them.
he was an egotistical frog who has a bot that pings him whenever his name is mentioned
that's not even the funny part
Its not a gaming heavy forum, a lot of gamers, but games arent the appeal, you will likely see very few migrants, especially with how left the forum is
>maxofstd is actually handsome
there is no god
you killed the fun libertine vibe the place had before that
hi garry
discord is not a forum
neither is reddit and neither is twitter
>you will likely see very few migrants, especially with how left the forum is
the amount of fanatically political people is not only reducing but was never that great to begin with. plenty of lefties browse Yea Forums and don't care
>muh lolis
very libertarian post
They were very sensitive folk, the type to break down if they read the word nigger
I'm getting the Boys back together. For one last tour.
Are you in?
banning pedo stuff was few of the good things that site did