Which one are you most excited for?
"Big Three" 2020 RPGs
All 3. I just hope they polish Bloodlines 2 more cus they showed a very unfinished game that was probably not meant for public showing at all.
>Baldur's Gate
I highly doubt it, it's only JUST started development right?
You missed one.
>Forgetting about Bannerlord
I'm going to be a reverse-contrarian and say that Cyberpunk '77 will probably be the best one.
>Pozzlines 2
FFVIIR > Cyberpunk > Bloodlines > not playing video games > Balldurr's Gayte
>from the same studio who did Bound by Flame
no thanks, it'll be some cheap shit.
>being excited for baldur's gate made by Larian
bannerlord 2020
I am MOST excited FOR Jaheira's series even IF Jaheira is NOT in it! Tell ME about Cyberpunk! Why DOES it wear the jacket! Give ME Bloodlines 2! Give ME Cyberpunk!
Who else? Anyone else would destroy it with some SJW bullshit agenda, especially Beamdog.
What! Give me samurai wife you!
I'm excited for both VtM:B2 and CP2077. I've got them both preordered. Fucking hell yeah.
Gameplay looks more polished any any game they've made in the past, and even though the game was pretty bad, the choices part of technomancer was pretty good. Third time's the charm.
Beamdog IS guilty OF a number OF different crimes!
Likely just wait until it's bargain bin prices.
VtMB2 - March
FFVIIR - March 3
CP2077 - April 15
Gonna be a busy 2 months, holy fuck
>Cyberpunk 2077 is a possible TW3 reskin
>BG3 is railroaded and turn based
that leaves VTMB2.
I'm going to buy it day one at full price.
holy based
>trap vampires confirmed
>cyberfuta confirmed
don't fail us Baldurs Gate, give us cute Elf crossdressers or something like that...
No, I think Swen mentioned it's been in development for a while. I doubt it'll come out later than half-way through 2021.
Give me big breast AND fat butt vampire wife!
Im not into top down stuff defo gonna be playing the FUCK out of cyberpunk and vtmb2, super hype.
All of them. 2020's gonne be a great year for games I like.
all western open world trash
no mention of actual GODTIER rpgs coming like elden ring
yeah no bro enjoy your ubisoft trash
the giraffe quest giver was cute
Multifaceted, expertly-crafted bait.
Nobody? Baldur's Gate 2 had a finished story. Devs should stop digging up corpses because they ran out of ideas for new IPs. Also Larians writing is complete shit.
>No, I think Swen mentioned it's been in development for a while.
I hope they take their time with it. I mean Divinity OS2's story is quite big but I would want BG3 to be far bigger, especially in terms of city hubs/maps etc. Not to mention player choices having a bigger impact.
fixed your fix
CP2077 isn't an RPG anymore, and FF7R is bigger than the other two
>don't fail us Baldurs Gate, give us cute Elf crossdressers or something like that...
Well, since it's based on D&D 5E there could be genderfluid elf dildomancers.
Giraffes ARE good wife! This IS Divinity Original Sin 2 giraffe wife!
>a remake of 20yo game
>midgar only
>>Cyberpunk 2077 is a possible TW3 reskin
t. retard who actually didn't watch the gameplay reveal
The correct version
>Which one are you more excited for?
BG is not coming in 2020, so not that one.
Bloodlines has humongous red flags and honestly doesn't look that good, it may be decent tho.
CP77 Looks the best imo, I think is going to be CDPR's take on Deus Ex Human Revolution. Which can't be bad, so yeah day one buy for me
I'm excited for Kojima.
VTMB. They removed the description of RPG on practically all Cyberpunk material.
Dying Light 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Eurojank combined with AAA budget in a setting which hasn't had a decent game for awhile.
VTMB2 devs seem nervous and the team isn't that experienced
Baldurs Gate by Larian could be great but it's an odd mix
Midgar > "night" city
>Divinity OS2's story is quite big but I would want BG3 to be far bigger
They did say it will be their biggest game ever.
Of course that coould just be marketing.
here's some polish bro
FF7 isn't an RPG. When do you create your character? Or build your character? Not only do your interactions with other characters in the game have any affect on the game, it doesn't even have dialoge option in the first place. The original 7 was a turn based adventure game. New 7 is just an action adventure game.
bloodlines 2's gameplay looks like garbage
Oooh My Elden Ring!
>Obsidian's face when people have forgotten The Outer Worlds
What happened? It was shilled as New Vegas 2.0 less than a year ago.
comes out this year lol
a final touch and we're done
we did it Yea Forums here's the real schindler's list for ya this christmass
2019 is the best year for gaming this decade and arguably the best year for gaming since 2007.
2020, incredibly, could be even better.
I thought I was just getting cynical as I got older, but it really was that gaming was getting worse. The late 7th gen and early 8th gen SUCKED. The last few years things have been getting better. Now? Now gaming is back to where there's actually a lot of games worth buying. I hope this thread continues.
>Larian Writing
Talking Shovel: Hey, if it isn't Nahkrazzim Von Stuffenbach! Been eons - literally! I'm quite a sturdy shovel, you know. Can you grab me some dirt from the catacombs? I'm tired from all this grime on the surface.
Sure, I'll get straight to it.
Tell me more about this village.
>CDPR Writing:
Rogue Android: It's true I killed my owner but he also abused me.
Player Character: *Gasps*
Kill Android y/n
If y: fight Android
If n: release Android; the owner shows up around the corner and you fight him
>Hardsuit Labs
Who gives a fuck, they hired twitter people and have a horrendous White Wolf lore as a backdrop. Expect a game that is tailored to a faction's perspective because normalfag writers are incapable from switching viewpoints.
you mean the scripted one from last year? you're the retard for believing it will be the same two years later.
Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3.
No way in fuck is Bloodlines 2 ready for release in Q1 2020.
>it doesn't even have dialoge option in the first place
Epic timed exclusivity deal basically singlehandedly killed the hype
being honest here
>bloodlines2 is edgy emo trash with shit gameplay that gets retards excited because muh goth gf
>cyberpunk is next level edgy shit overpromissing in every single aspect.Cant wait for it to be forgotten like rdr2 was.
>CD cant do branching systems like they are promissing with the digital networks connecting enemies etc. They are only good at repeating the same skyrim formula but actually making it work
>virgins expecting everyone in the game to have a context sensitive dialog for you, ie everytime you go to the tech eye doctor he'll say something funny and wont be just a single menu. Have fun going through the same canned scenarios we already saw
>baldurs gate can be good...
I had to zoom in just figure out what the fuck the games were
The state of those fucking palettes
>this janky sjw garbage is Yea Forums's BIG THREE
>no elden ring, which has actual gameplay and no sjw bullshit
We're all gonna pirate the shit out of it and realize its a way worse version of new vegas.
The game was never even on my radar, dunno why people were so hyped from the start?
except elden ring is coming out next march
but yeah these are 3 actual good games and not the ones OP posted
I don't like Obsidian anymore....
If you touch Hideo's dick does the little robot scanner start freaking out like in-game?
I will NOT forgive Obsidian FOR Xoti! Xoti DID leave IN Deadfire ending it IS bad! If Obsidian gives me Pillars of Eternity 3 Xoti I will FORGIVE Obsidian!
1. Cyberpunk 2077
2. FF7 reeeeee
3. Bloodlines 2, maybe? It looks pretty bad imo, probably skipping unless there's some major new reveals later
giraffes are for deepthroating
how the fuck do you know? they didn't show anything about that game
you just going by on "good faith" or something lmao
I hope it does.
also wont have an ubisoft tier open world unlike OPs
>from software has been consistently pumping out good games for over 10 years
>expecting the actual ingame city to look like this
v/ will burn the minute this shit comes out and wont be able to defend the downgrade
Epic happened. Also the game looks like it was made around the time of New Vegas, which is not good. Also only a quarter of the team that made New Vegas is still working at obsidian
>Vampire shit
>actual crpg by veteran studio who made multiple good ACTUAL rpg
Gee I wonder, if I were a retard probably Cyberpunk but since I am not I am excited for Baldur's gate 3.
>no elden ring, which has actual gameplay and no sjw bullshit
There was zero gameplay for any of these games except Bloodlines this year. We seen CP2077 gameplay already though.
My main concern, particularly in Cyberpunk's case; is that these RPGs will be incredibly shallow RPG's.
More just action games with RPG lite elements, especially when you compare Baldurs Gate or VtM to their older entries.
People at E3 thought the Cyberpunk trailer they shown at Microsoft conference was actual gameplay. Honestly.. retards.
"good faith" is expecting cd project red to actually deliver something other than witcher 3 w a cyberpunk skin on top
also every single insider claiming this is fromsoft biggest game
>Σοylines 2
>big three
>Bloodlines 2
Shit soulless cashgrab
Cyberpunk > vampire game > baldi's gate
Fuck old timey settings, fuck swords, fuck stupid shit with elves in, and fuck new worlders who have never seen a castle and fetishise medieval europe
people also think the gameplay we've seen so far is representative of the entire game experience and not just a tailored vertical slice with pumped up visuals
didn't stop Witcher 3 from being GOTY and the best RPG in decades
People should expect an action RPG, nothing more. Which isn’t a problem, Mass Effect 1 was an action RPG, quite linear, and still one of the greatest sci fi games of all time until EA murdered it.
It's just irrelevant. It doesn't look fun or cool at all.
Big breasts AND fat butt ARE good!
Hey pal if you're looking for polish, cyberpunk is right there
Bloodlines 2 will be a walking simulator.
Cyberpunk will be good but not an rpg.
Baldur's Gate will be fundamentally broken because Larian can't make normal games.
The true rpg I'm waiting for is Elex 2.
My main concern, particularly the chan's opinions, is that the anons will say good RPGs are bad, because they cannot agree with their feelings.
More than just not agreeing on RPGs, especially their sexuality, when you compare Baldur's Gate of old to how impotent anons are now for similar games of today, like Divinity games.
I want to create the literal embodiment of female perfection and then slap on the wildest mongrel cock my cryptocurrency can buy. I want DickGirl 2077. If CD Project Red refuses to allow me the tools to create a squad of futanari super-soldiers to carry out post-op black ops missions I dont think John Wick will even be able to salvage it.
But is Witcher 3 a 'deep' RPG? Not really.
I want something more akin to the depth of even just Deus Ex or Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Which is asking alot seemingly I suppose but I don't understand why RPGs have totally tanked in their designs for the past 10 or so years.
Mass Effect 1 was actually a decent RPG, action aside and probably was the deepest in the series until 2 'streamlined' it.
If its that deep, I'll take it, but its not what Id ultimately want.
yup they know their audience
they are indeed good but bro keep your money, this is a shitty cashgrab
Cyberpunk hands down. It might be because the execs are driving them way too hard, but it's also genuinely trying hard to push the envelope as far as tech, gameplay, and storytelling. It's felt like the genre's been stagnating hard for the past few years.
I'm open to giving bloodlines 2 a shot, but I've played that brand of janky-gameplay-but-engrossing-plot RPG before, and it's cool and all, but I'm not hyper excited for it. A well realized city, highly mobile and frenetic first person shooter gameplay with wallrunning and shit, on top of deus ex-esque RPG storytelling and decisionmaking? I've never seen that before and I want it to be as good as they're claiming it is.
One of those will be as everybody expects. Another will fail to meet the public's expectations and the last one will surpass all expectations.
No way in hell BG3 is releasing 2020
BG3 is not coming out in 2020.
Not a single one looks interesting. The grrm game might be good though.
>Elex 2
no idea about the gameplay systems but man, visually that game looks like pure trash
What's with all the games with "-fall" in the title? Titanfall, Earthfall, Planetfall, Firefall, Matterfall, Greedfall, thisfall, thatfall, assfall, shitfall, cuntfall, Fallfall. What's next, BattleFall, CombatFall, WarFall, AssaultFall? Knock it the hell off.
>but it's also genuinely trying hard to push the envelope as far as tech, gameplay
and this is why it'll fail
dont get how people expect cd to deliver something other than a better skyrim
>you mean the scripted one from last year? you're the retard for believing it will be the same two years later.
No he is talking about the short segment people got to play this years E3.
epic exclusive lmao
i can't wait to hear how tim cain and pals feel about that in a few years when they're allowed to say something.
The Outer Worlds to be honest
outer worlds look like shit
Wow you fucked up hard OP
>visually that game looks like pure trash
they've shown it off?
he said RPG aka role playing game
not RPG aka action adventure game with some few options like FF 7
I'm not interested in Baldur's Gate at all. VtMB is dead on arrival or maybe the devs are just that retarded in interviews.
I'm curious, do you have an actual diagnosed disability?
I'd play Cuntfall desu senpai.
>aka action adventure game with some few options
then why is Cyberpunk there? checkmate
All 3. I might actually get all 3 on their respective release days.
i mean skyrim actively tried to avoid pushing the envelope as much as it conceivably could
bloodlines is going to be so bad Im certain someone monkey pawed this
where is dying light 2? it's 4 RPGs.
cyberpunk is clearly going to be a streamlined action adventure game for the skyrim crowd
so may as well take that off too
I'm pretty sure you just made that up
RPG is gay, the shills got me and preordered C2077 we are going home
IN an interview IIRC they said they started development before DS2 came out
Elden Ring looks cool, but I wouldn't really call it an RPG. At least, not the same *kind* of RPG as the other two.