So we're all in agreement that this is the laziest dev in gaming?

So we're all in agreement that this is the laziest dev in gaming?

Attached: Game_Freak_logo.png (199x136, 4K)

Based, cope, have, seethe, sexpilled

yeah. i mean they straight up said they don't want to focus on Pokemon anymore and it really, really shows.

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As far as relevant devs go yes

>yeah. i mean they straight up said they don't want to focus on Pokemon anymore and it really, really shows.
If this means less Pokeshit and more awesome stuff like Giga Wrecker I'm all for it.

Attached: GW.png (1277x719, 1.38M)


actually put your erect penis into a human vagina as soon as humanly possible

Nintendo better just buy their share of the franchise. This is embarrassing. No wonder Yo-Kai Watch exists.

Anybody surprised at this stage is legit retarded. What the fuck did you people except? Just let it die.

i mean if the world loved and bought millions and millions of everything you sold even if it's bottom of the barrel or absolute dogshit yeah I would be lazy too,

a challenger appears

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Haven’t played a Pokemon game since the GBA.

Why do you autists NEED to bring your old Pokemon to the new game? What’s the fucking point?

I always shit on gamefreak but this really looks like retards who don’t understand game design, it’s a 3D open world pokemon game, how do you expect them to fit 800+ Pokemon on the open world?

autism is some shit

Is that supposed to look good?

people will forget and move on when the game comes out

As long as Bethesda exists, no.

Compared to Sword and Shield it looks like a lush, verdant wonderland.


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The whole point of the series is "collecting them all." No one is asking for there to be all 800 Pokemon in the open world. They just want the ability to transfer in the Pokemon they've been collecting for two decades, like every other game in the series had allowed before Sun/Moon.

Definitely outside Pikachu, Jigglypuff Wooloo, Eevee, Mudkip and the legendaries like Zapdos, Artiuno, and Moltres I can barely member the other fucking 600 Pokémon

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maybe now you can collect some semen in your urethra and stop caring so much about childrens games

But you still can catch the new Pokemon and store them on your paypig bank account, can’t you?

Well, since TellTale is dead, yeah. Nippon Ichi might come close.

They're the Japanese Bethesda.

They've been selling a serivce where you can bank all of your pokemon on the cloud to make transferring between games easier, and now that it worthless. They stole your money.

>how do you expect them to fit 800+ Pokemon on the open world?
They literally already have the models. They're the same ones they've been using for years now, just rendered at a higher resolution

What do you think would change if Nintendo bought Pokemon out from GameFreak? Do you even think GF would sell their share?

They waste time adding shit Pokemon and shit gimmicks, and they're surprised why then can't keep up with their bullshit

ninty should of sold game freak to mircosoft instead of rare

Well of course. They put in zero effort for big bucks. Since it's pokemon it will work every time

GF won't because they are lazy and greedy mother fuckers, and Nintendo would put it on the Fire Emblem path of sucking ass (which would be less bad than gen 6/7, but still snark bait; so basically everything wrong with gen 5)

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Ah yes, TOWN. The game where you spend the entirety of it in a single town (get it? that's where the name comes from! *raughs*)

Sounds like a really bad case of incel rage.

Have sex.

No, they're just really incompetent.

Is there ANYTHING pokedrones won't defend?

Attached: 41841.gif (235x148, 957K)

>This is Game Freak's best
There's a reason none of their non-Pokémon games take off; it's because without brand recognition to prop them up, everyone sees those games as the steaming piles of shit that they are.
Game Freak are not merely lazy, they're also genuinely shit developers.

i wont defend your virginity. go fuck a pussy

>cuts all the Pokemon outside the regional Pokedex because they would be "too difficult to add"
>all the returning Pokemon are still using the same models and animations from 2013
>less than 100 new Pokemon are introduced in recent generations

>model import
why does v pretend to know anything about cg or game dev?

College drop outs working at mcdonalds. That's why.

why hasn't masuda being fired yet?

Bethesda exists.


The 3D models were literally designed to be reused and they are actually reusing them for years so saying it would be too hard to model them all is a lie.

I don't know who this v guy is, but they sound pretty bad

v confirmed for tranny