Go to Japan twitter/chan and bring something back and see how they're taking it, it's probably even worse than the west getting fed up.
Thread there:
The true demise of Pokemon finally is happening
Other urls found in this thread:
>pokemon rehash #62728
Have sex, get an STD and become permanently crippled by 28 doses of 200mg fluoroquinolone antibiotics (oral intake)
You'll still buy it anyway.
fuck meant to say
thread theme:
I'll still buy it anyway.
why the all the thumbs down? I thought people loved S&W
Check the comments, and /vp/
/vp/ for the past 12 or so hours has been in fucking total anarchy. It looks like the imageboard version of Brazil.
It's not just /vp/. Even normalfags are pissed about it
>keeping pokemon from older games
press S to spit on GF's grave
What's the problem?
Enjoy your shit.
I didn't buy USUM and LGPE faggot and I didn't miss ANY pokémon game before that, eat dick now
Imagine if it bombs in japan too.
I'm not mad user, but I am disappointed in you. To actively pay for a game worse than what you deserve.
Honestly same, I just hope they don't fuck over Mega Evolution but it seems like they will.
Wait, that's not the pic I posted, what the fuck?
All those dislikes can't just be autists from /vp/
Why are these manchildren losing there shit this time? Because the game doesnt have all 2531 old pokemon in it?
Fist it needs to bomb at all
People are going to buy it because its pokemon
Im glad i stopped in Gen 3
it's long overdue
after the piles of shit that were gen 6 and 7 it's amazed me that they've evaded criticism from the masses
then they do something THIS retarded
Sure user.
can someone explain what happened?
never underestimate the power of autism
>I was shock
Is barely trending thats my point since most people dobt carry pokemon over is a small.amount of people that do.
Finally, it's over guys.
It was a wild ride. After nearly 30 years, the franchise is dying.
And why? Only because it was handled by retards.
Pokémon could have been immortal. But no.
They were too greedy, and all they deserve is this. I look forward for the sales report.
>Gotta catch em all!
>Gamefreak confirm you can never catch them all
what could go wrong?
f.em.a.le only
Something about the complete Pokedex not being available, as if 99.9% of the players actually attempted to get all Pokemon in existence.
spoiled brats
People will still buy it.
Ever since Red and Blue or even Red and Green versions, you've been able to transfer and bring any pokemon you have into the newest game. Some people have been transferring and preserving their Pokemon for over a decade.
Gamefreak is stopping this with SW/SH. Going forwards, only the Pokemon who live in the region the game is set in will be in the game. You literally won't be able to bring Mewtwo to Galar unless there's a Mewtwo living in Galar already.
Damn this is good
Ruby and safire didnt
One autist spamming a board with crap moderation is a bit different
AHAHAHAH... Why do you grown ass niggas still play Pokemon?
Japan is so angry
>moonrunes say compatibility cuts
Not all the Pokemons are in the new games, like at all, you can't transfer them to this game not even by using upcoming services like Pokemon Home (iOS and Android) or Pokemon Bank (3DS).
The left out Pokemon aren't coded to the game.
Unironically thinking of cancelling this shit and saving for the Mana 3 remake instead. If the Mana 3 remake is fixing the battle system and bugs from the original versions, but Gamefreak somehow still can't make a proper game without running into technical problems after SEVEN GENERATIONS, it just becomes inexcusable at this point and I'm getting fucking sick of Gamefreak's shit.
Atleast I will have Mario Maker 2 to hold me over for a very long time until then.
Many pokemon won't make the cut into the game. There will be no patch, no DLC, no nothing to add them in later. Whatever is in the game, is final. Same goes for all future games.
>so angry
You're right. There was one break in continuity back then but they made up for it with still having every Pokemon in the game.
Also, You CAN transfer 3DS Virtual Console Pokemon onto PokeBank and then into X/Y.
you can point that to limited hardware of the time, now the problem is they're not doing it out of choice because time constraints. ie they want to shit out a game every 1-2 years rather than delay and make a better game
Do you think GF will do something about it? kinda how SE is gonna do something about the avengers game after the backlash?
user, there won't be Megas and Z moves in Sword and Shield
Can't you just skip ONE game? You know that there will be additional games this generation, you will miss nothing!
I don’t think there was anyway to transfer from 2nd to 3rd gen, was there?
Mega Evos and Z moves aren't a thing anymore, it was said on the Treehouse livestream.
They won't. They're gonna knuckle under and let the bad press rain down around them. Eventually, we'll move on and GF will have successfully set a new precedent for the series and will be able to make even lazier, less ambitious games.
It’s just the same shit as Let’s Go. Pokefags complain shit tons and then the games sell shit ton.
>not being able to transfer older pokemon to the new game is what broke pokemon fans
>not the fact that gamefreak for years has been a good decade behind every other major jrpg developer in all aspects
>not the fact that the new game looks like absolute garbage below even the cheapest gust game
when the new digimon game comes out are you going to ascend to patrician taste or stay in the dregs?
what was the backlash about it? looked pretty samey to me, watched it late at night and didn't see what anyone said about the presentation. Is it because cap dies at the start?
Jesus Christ bro re-evaluate your whole life. How could you possibly still want to buy Sword and Shield but also be a Kalosfag. You seriously have the shittiest taste of any faggot on this board.
You fucking imbecile dolt moron faggot
There's your fucking SOURCE
It's not in there you fucking MORON
most people who like pokemon and jobs, hobbies and family so we don't care really
i will miss my b/w sweeper team but hello just play pokemon online loser
treehouse yesterday
>can’t even get over 50k tweets.
Kek. Pokefags aren’t the audience anymore
Why have all the Nintendo cuties aged like milk since last E3?
Normalfags didn't complain about Let's Go. They are complaining about this.
No, there wasn't. There have been ways to, using certain computer programs and whatnot, but nothing official. However, the rereleases of 1st and 2nd gen on the 3DS Eshop let you transfer, so technically all gens up to this point are connected.
>but they made up for it with still having every Pokemon in the game.
lol no. Most of the Johto Pokemon required Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XD to get into Gen 3.
>and then the games sell shit ton
Wasn't Let's Go's sales absolutely pathetic for a mainline game?
The only thing that can ascend with Digimon games is the number of people not giving a fuck about them.
>y-y-your a minority, most people don't care
Comments on the video are nothing but anger. Almost 2:1 dislike to like ratio. Cope, the end is coming.
I honestly find it a bit worrying that this is what causes the audience to chimp out. Those games have such significantly bigger problems than the number of Pokemons and this is the only issue those people finally get angry about?
Just makes it look like the audience really is absurdly easy to please and we're doomed to getting shit.
chill out nerd, I'm not some retard who will take information from Yea Forums I'm not new.
Alright thanks I'll go watch the videos.
People where complaining about the characters looks, how their faces where too plain as in like default characters in any other game, so they are gonna I guess make put more detail on the faces of the characters or idk scrap them and make something with more soul.
women ruin everything
I have nothing to contribute but this bump and this image. I really like this image.
You dumb faggot, you ape with no self control, at least wait to get it pre owned or hack your switch and pirate it for the love of god have some decency. DO NOT GIVE GAME FREAK MONEY
based and digipilled
cringe and manchildpilled
it's really not, this isn't even the first time a handful of people have spammed dislikes, I remember people getting mad last time youtube removed a fuckload of them from some video and had to come out and say it was because they were from automated burner accounts
I'll pirate it. That makes me happy and it makes Yea Forums happy and it makes Gamefreak happy. We all win.
"Angry autists going out of their way to cry on a video, of which 70% will buy the game anyway" is far from The End. Most people won't even be aware Pokemons cannot be transfered up to release.
>Most of the Johto Pokemon required Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XD to get into Gen 3.
Yeah but they were in the game. SW/SH literally won't have the Code/Models/Sound Files necessary for Pokemon who aren't in the Galar region naturally.
Wait, so are the game files for the Pokemon missing? As in can I hack them in?
I hope you have fun dude.
Nobody gives a single shit about graphics and difficulty in Pokemon fucking christ nobody cares.
this holy shit i don't want to give flak to the poke anons here but how do you stay interested in this product for so long (muffles away his 4k hours in Dota)
Peopme still make a fuss about it, sorry you werent there people were as mad as today. But instead of lwarbibg ni ti get attached to your pieces of virtual people kept making the mistake.
Because pokemons fans want new pokemon every 2-3 years. Thats the only reason the franchise stays a float.
It shits 80-120 pokemons every 3 years otherwise people keep askibg where is the new gen and get mad at every spinoff that makes in place.
People wonder why the games run and look like shit. Because they have to rush them to keep the fans interested otherwise they get mad.
>there will never be a villain like this in pokemon ever again
Oh yeah, definitely 16K angry autists from /vp/. LMAO, COPE FAGGOT!
Nope; sold upwards of 10 million even though it was more expensive than the 3DS games and many of those buys were from people that also bought the 80 dollar pokeball joycon. It was a smashing success even with increased price tag.
nah, it's gonna sell well anyway.
she cute
it's a very comfy image user!
>sorry you werent there people were as mad as today.
No they weren't. They understood that hardware limitations were a real thing.
>there will never be violence like this in a pokemon game ever again
Damn man, too real. I was on Ciprofloxacin for like a week and they weren’t even sure it was an infection and started to feel like I was being torn apart in my joints and muscles
It's like the 3rd or 4th most sold Switch game.
>Because pokemons fans want new pokemon every 2-3 years. Thats the only reason the franchise stays a float.
>It shits 80-120 pokemons every 3 years otherwise people keep askibg where is the new gen and get mad at every spinoff that makes in place.
>People wonder why the games run and look like shit. Because they have to rush them to keep the fans interested otherwise they get mad.
The only reason people are like this is because they've stopped putting an interesting and compelling post-game for a decade or more. They aren't heroes forced to rush out a game for a slavering audience, they are rushing out shit games because they know people will buy them anyway and they don't give a fuck.
>buying Pokemon main titles after 2009
I see it as people are finally waking up and realizing how incompetent and lazy Gamefreak is, and lazy finally fucked up and became so lazy and incompetent that no one will defend them now.
I guarantee if Sword/Shield had modern style graphics and super fluid and expressive animations like it was a game from 2019 but only had 300 pokemon people would defend them. But now, with 3DS-tier graphics, 3DS-tier animations, and not even all the pokemon no one but the dumbest shit-eating asslickers will excuse their laziness.
fucking lmao
5 generations of continuous improvement only for it to come crashing down like a rollercoaster and now we're here.
It was an honor to experience it all with you gentlemen.
>there will never be a protagonist in a pokemon game that looks this cool ever again
Best game in the series, all I wanted was a plot like Colleseum/Gale of Darkness and the size of the world in the handheld pokemon games+capture system. But the music in the gamecube games were not toppable. Where the hell did that composer go? I wish he made music for the new game.
16 k out of 10 million at least sales.
Boy what a loss.
>baka gaijins mad
>grorious nippons mad
oh shit better do something nintendo
There was no "hardware limitation" you retarded person. All of the old Pokemons were STILL in those games codes, GF just didn't let us have them so they could sell us remakes and shit later. Some of them you could only get from fucking Gamecube games.
12K likes, 16K dislikes. Keep coping and moving those goalposts retard, suck that corporate dick! Woo, champ! Get it down your throat, I know it's huge!
People have always cared, the topic gets brought up all the time
even metroid and animal crossing are delaying/remaking the game to make a better version of itself. gamefreak could just take the popularity hit/delay the game and sell plushies/merch to tide over. they're just lazy
>Most of the Johto Pokemon required Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XD to get into Gen 3
Not true. Emerald had pretty much almost all of them available postgame.
>All of the old Pokemons were STILL in those games codes
Which means it's not the same as SW/SH.
>Some of them you could only get from fucking Gamecube games
But you could get them.
If Lunatone doesn't exist in SW/SH pokedex, that means the code for that Pokemon doesn't exist at all. There is nothing you can do to get that pokemon in the game period, so the eventual Pokemon Home app basically exists as a purgatory since you won't be able to transfer it back to get 7 or gen 8.
Couldn't they just patch that shit in later? I'm not saying its excusable but it seems to be a temporary problem.
Pokemons appeal turned purely into character and monster design over time, this sort of thing might actually make GF lose sales this time.
You'd be seeing it wrong, because if you look in that video 99% of the angry comments are "grrr the game was looking perfect but this bums me out".
Those people are actualy absolutely retarded, they have no concept of quality, they're just upset they might not see their favorite colorful mascot in the game.
They were IMPRESSED by what has been shown so far, you're just flat out wrong. Nobody is waking up, except maybe Gamefreak who now has quantified proof that their audience really is a group of drooling morons.
Yeah but do you think they will? All they care about is getting the sale and GF realized that they don't need to try AT ALL to sell 15 million+ copies every time.
>there will never be music that sounds this good in a pokemon game ever again
No they didnt. Gf had to apologize.
And will do the same here and things will keep on going.
If you fuckers want pokemon then you are going to need then to have 4-5 years of dev time. And most wont be able to not complain when that happens.
Also why are people calling it SW and SH?
10 people among 1000 is not something to be aware of.
>there will never be cool locations like this in pokemon ever again
>we'll never have a Pokemon horror/fps where you're trapped on an island of bloodthirsty Pokemon
That's 20 million you retard
I don't get it. What did they do?
I'm not exactly on the Sword/Shield hype train but it still looks a damn sight better than either Sun/Moon or Let's Go. Why is this in particular generating such distaste?
I'd say that was the case since the beginning. The ONLY thing pokemon has is character designs and emotions. Compare it to any RPG, even other monster RPGs like SMT or Digimon, and they blow it mechanically out of the water. Visually, any modern RPG stomps pokemon, and that was true even when Red and Green came out.
Beither metroid or ac has multinedia based on tha games like pokemon.
Thats why deadlines are important here.
Give him back!!!
But gen 6 was fun
7 is fucking shit tho
I really enjoyed x and y and alpha sapphire
I didnt play gen 4 or 5 and it brought me back when i got a ds in 2017
>the sissy animefag acting like a pussy bitch
Read the thread, man. You can't get 80% of Pokemon period. Not even transferred to the game.
Of course the pokemon game set in BRITAIN is the one that will forever be associated with failure.
Seems more like you've been living under a rock all those years
Get fucked. I was going to play with NEW Pokémon anyway instead of bringing over old ones to play with.
Old fans are a minorit thats my point
This will have as much effect as ruby and saphire.
I didn't purchase X/Y, ORAS, or (U)SuMo and I will continue not support the lazy hack frauds at Gamefreak!
I remember one time /vp/ got carpet bombed thanks to goodrafag. It was surreal seeing only 6-7 threads on the whole board
for real? I expected that some Pokemon wouldn't be in but I was still assuming the roster would be somewhere in the 400+ mark.
the leap from 2 to 3rd gen was big. pokemon now have a different number values for EVs and IVs. plus the whole nature buisness. Plus you somehow have to make an official way for kids to transfer their game boy color games to gba. it wasn't feasible.
everything now is steamlined and can transfer using cloud storage
>people are mad they can't cheese the game with fully leveled pokemon
Fucking children
Platinum makes their games in the same amount of time that Pokemon takes, there is no fucking excuse for them to be this shit.
The entire 3DS's lifespan, the laggy battles NEVER got fixed and then Let's Go was an unoptimized piece of shit as well, this isn't excusable.
They're lazy, they do the absolute minimum required because they know that people will buy it.
Literally the only decent-looking mega out of dozens of abominations and over-designed pieces of shit.
Where are this numbers even coming fro.
No, more like i'm not retarded enough to think Yea Forums is the place where all fans of the series gather.
I’m gonna say the N word because I’m so angry at gamefreak
[secret text]nigger.[/hidden words]
For people who are too lazy to look into this
>Yesterday Masuda mentioned how only Pokemon who appear in the Galar region can be transferred into Sword and Shield.
>The national DeX is going away for this game and any upcoming Pokemon games
So basically, the whole point of collecting all the Pokemon is gone by the wayside. Yes, theres a ton of them now. But it really alienates longtime players who spent hours on older games and trying to build the best teams and Pokemon.
Boy, you sure are fucking stupid. Just sit back and watch it all fall apart while you gape in mongoloid disbelief and repeat "B-but this happened 10 years ago it is totally the same as that, even though it's completely different."
That's cheatin'! Moltres is bigger.
Could be worse, could be 4k hours in skyrim
I think those are the accepted abbreviations but I can't say for sure.
This is more the straw that broke the camel's back. GF doesn't give a shit about Pokemon fans and is only interested in selling the newest products and squeezing out as much money from them as possible. It's why the 2 version pack doesn't cost a cent less than buying both separately.
If we're talking about PC Skyrim with mods, that's not so bad. There is a lot of good content out there.
Out his ass, hes exaggerating. We don't know how many pokemon will be in the galar dex yet. Point still stands though, there will likely be a lot of Pokemon that cant be brought into the game. Whether you think they are good or bad is irrelevant in the fact that a game that's always been about catching them all is now limiting how many you can actually capture.
about time gamefreak is called out as the lazy incompetent faggots they are
People have been making those complaints in many other forums over the previous gens. Like I said, you've been living under a rock.
Source please, you'd really help me out there.
4k hours is alot bro no amount of porn mods should justify 4k hours in Skyrim
well it is a game for children. Also, where the fuck do you think you are?
no ones complaing about the normal gameplay run, you always had a limited roster. this changes post game/online, the reason you play the game for years
10 people among 1000 is not something to be aware of.
It's a silly decision, the whole point of pokémon has been that you have your own little tamagotchi to take care of and look after. Why would anyone want to play a dogshit pixel game without mechanics if they can't take care of their pet
Fuck you gay designs, who cares about that. I want that 185 strenght.
Honestly didn't notice. Sounds like they are more upset they didn't get a RDJ. face cap, etc. The game looked very Avengers to me.
Is the same. Why do you think emerald was made.
so these people want all 800 pokemon models updated with new shaders/animations and ported into sword/shield? are they insane?
so the main issue is that you can't import pokemon? That's why so many people are pissed off? Because they can't import their hash of maxed stats obtained after hunder of hours of autistic breeding and farming?
Well then I'm happy pokefags are butthurt. I sure as hell will buy this game and I will have fun, play it until post game, breed for a while and then forget about it just like I did for every single other pokemon game since the fucking RED.
You're a faggot. Not cause you don't care about transferring pokemon, that's completely normal. But because you're enabling gamefreak to make medicore games for the most profitable media franchise on this earth.
Just pirate it.
holy shit you're right, haven't seen a board this bad since the day of pink wojacks over at /biz/
>Still being this delusional
>the dislike bar is getting bigger
too bad in a few months it will change but its pretty funny
but the only one crying over autistic bullshit such the attachment over your digital monsters is you
I honestly don’t think it’s “sad news”. I think this is good news! It forces people to use and fall in love with the new Pokémon the designers spent hundreds of hours pouring themselves into. I mean there’s now over 800 of the little buggers, but if you just keep using the same ones are you fully experiencing what the games have to offer? Good for the company to do it that way! It definitely helped them to meet deadlines right? Having to update and individually animate 800 little creatures... that’s asking too much. Of course we all have our favorites and collections of mons we’ve raised up but... it makes it more of a challenge to start completely fresh right? Sounds like they’re working hard to give us players a good and new experience.
No but that was because of the giant change in technology between GBC and GBA which was understandable and fixed with the remakes and pokemon colosseum games.
It's not like I still have all my Pokemon from Ruby/Sapphire or even the DS games. I wish I did though.
Essentially this. Game looks fine I'll probably buy it anyways.
Fair, I've only got 2k in Civ V so I can't even imagine.
Oh no you can't bring your OP pokemon from pokemon X, how will you ever win online ever again?
>Pokemon will never die in your lifetime
How do faggots on all sides not realize yet that adding Pokemon every generation is exactly one of the series main problems? It's bloated as fuck now with too many useless Pokemon, too many that are similar, and all the newer designs are fucking uninspired garbage. The IP would genuinely be better off if they halved the fucking dex and just made new types of interesting games using the Pokemon that are left, but this is Game Freak
Lol even my mom is mad about this
Right, and everyone on every single fan site, youtube comment section, and discord server. Lmao, so delusional. I understand, I don't like what's happening either, but you can't deny reality.
They need to get the dev team back. The limited pokemon selection would be perfect for a new shadow pokemon game.Just leave it out of game freaks hands
they also had the most soul out of any pokemon games
Have you seen the battle animations? They're using the attack animations from LGPE.
Dude it's fucking skyrim, the game where two people hit each other with wet noodles and water balloons. No amount of awful amatuer tier sfm animations of two actors humping each other will justify that much time spent in the game.
No because the models themselves are already futureproofed in the first place, they just need slight touch ups.
It's a collecting game that's the whole point
I don't understand, what's the huge blunder I'm supposed to be seeing?
How is it so fucking hard for you stupid subhuman faggots to fucking understand? It's been a day and you mongoloids still think "DUUUHH YOU JUST CANT TRANSFER OLD POKEMONS WHY IS IT A BIG DEAL?".
Pokemon not in the regional Pokedex will not be programmed at all. Any Pokemon not in the regional Pokedex of the current game effectively disappear. This effects Showdown as well since they go by the in game availability.
Oh no, you can never use your favorite pokemon ever again. Woops!
>it took 20 years of shitty games for people to stop being retarded
do it bro
Platinum has had bayo 3 on dev since 2 years ago with no news.
Astral chain was probably in the works before that and comin just now
Autimata was 3 years also and was with the collaboration of square and platinun and still didnt have that many models and plebty empty spaces with simple geometry.
You are exactly the issue. Thinking that 900pokes with detailed enviroments and amazing controls can be achieved without at least 4 to 5 years of dev time is ridiculous. If you want pokemon to be better then give then the message to take time.
There is a reason open world ganes have awful enemy variety.
pokemon main titles have always been about adding new pokemon.
They should get rid of the RPG mechanic so that pokemon could really be more than a bunch of stats to grind, you can't possibly have decent gameplay depth until you don't get rid of JRPG gameplay shit
>have almost 1k pokemon but only use 100 each time
thats dumb like cutting out features each time
You can go play your favorite pokemon in the game you got it in
Based Nintendo finally giving Transfolk representation !
Nessa says Trans rights !
Spoken like a true retard who stumbles into a subject he knows nothing about to complain. I get it, you don't like Skyrim. Shut the fuck up while the adults talk, though.
humanity as a whole is doomed, just enjoy the ride
Imagine growing up with Steenee as your little sister. As a young child your parents one day bring home a Bounsweet. All of you quickly bond with her and your parents start referring to her as your little sister. She usually sleeps in your parent's room but occasionally she sleeps in your room and you snuggle her. Throughout your childhood you take her training on occasion and eventually she evolves. You're so proud when you get home and show your parents as she beams with joy. You two grow very close and eventually she sleeps in your room every night. As you grow older and puberty starts to set in you start to see her differently. You always thought her evolved form was quite pretty but you start to notice her leafy skirt, emulating wide, sexy hips. As you cuddle her you start to get hard thinking about it. Eventually it gets so much you start rubbing your dick against her. She seems surprised but receptive. She moves down and takes you into her mouth. You hold her extra right that night. After a couple nights of this she lifts her leafy skirt revealing her cute slit. You slowly push your member inside of her as she squirms. She breathes heavily as you gently fuck her because you press your lips against hers.The next night you're more adventurous and do it quicker, turned on from her cute Pokemon moans. From then on for years you finish inside of her every single night. You take her on dates to Pokemon cafes. The appearance is of a normal Pokemon trainer taking their favorite Pokemon out for a treat. Everyone is oblivious to the truth of your relationship. When you're old enough to move out to your own place your parents allow you to take her, knowing how close you two are. From then on you and Steenee fuck for hours every single night. Despite being your Pokemon and your little sister she is the love of your life.
Haha wouldn't that be funny?
Same, Nessacute, and honestly, the gameplay demo got me curious.
>This effects Showdown as well since they go by the in game availability.
who... cares?
Good idea, just won't bother getting the new ones then. Brilliant, user!
I met a cool homeless guy and we went on an adventure in Amsterdam, join us:
Nigga this is like before Ultimate telling people that if they want to play as [cut fighter] to go play Melee or Brawl
No one plays Pokemon to collect Pokemon.
They just want a cookie cutter RPG where they fight monsters and quit after they beat the game.
Yeah I'm sure they're going to delay the game by half a year+ just so autists can transfer their fucking pokemon, get real. If they ever add them it's going to be in the enhanced version that they always do.
it is a good image
Half of what makes Pokemon great is that the formula has been pretty unchanged. It's like trying to change how Dragon Quest plays. It's simple for newer players and casuals to,not loser but has enough complexity for more seriouse players.
The fuck is a shwdown?
If I never bought a Pokémon game before is it ok now? I only emulated gen3-5
Skip it bro. Gamefreak is never gonna turn their shit around if their games keep selling like crazy. These games are gonna get worse and worse unless we all come together and vote with our wallet.
I never bothered transferring my Pokemon between games anyway, it felt cruel to deprive my trainer of all the friends they made. I know I'm cancer and part of the problem but this really doesn't impact me.
and this is why the franchise will never improve.
The only people who should care are people who play competitively, there is no other reason to min max your pokemon autistically. They can still play with them in 7th gen if they really want, if they want to play 8th gen and subsequent gens they will just have to put in the effort again, you know these suckers are going to do it either way.
The bigger problem is monetizing transfers, and they have never complained about it. GBA to DS was easy and free. For DS games I can understand, there was no way to have an application that can do it on system. Charging for pokebank on 3DS was stupid, it should just be a free app that collects the information from your carts.
Now the app won't even transfer your mons to the new game.... Are they expecting people to pay for this garbage? It's worse they think they can get away with that than simply not being able to transfer them at all.
just admit it user, you don't like pokemon and just love shitposting over other peoples opinions
You're being sarcastic, right?
Yeah i do want the games to take longer, don't get me wrong, but there is literally no excuse for this amount of failure.
They are literally still using the models from the 3DS games, all they have to do is update the shading and textures slightly.
That is not too much to ask from the billion dollar company that owns the most profitable media franchise in human history.
Isn't it a little disrespectful to the creator to determine what a character is when you haven't even had a decent amount of information about them put out there?
>still buying the first version of a new pokeymen generation
>maybe even buying pokemon in general
Holy shit it's Ruby and Sapphire all over again. I was pissed back then, now it just feels good to see this shit sink.
Game lookalike fucking trash and it has nothing to do with the autistic transferring or amount of pokemon. The game literally looks like it should be on the gamecube
Ignore jap shills, they'll eat whatever shit is served to them
You have to go >>>/back/
You guys really think the compatibility thing is permanent? It seems more like something they'll have to address in a update.
If pokemon is just a glorified tamagotchi for you then stop buying the games
Do you know how hard it is to catch 800+ pokemon? And honestly i loved when games did that, you had to adapt, learn new pokemon not just find your old team in a new region, it makes the ones you can keep feel special
says you
Why don't they just do sequels instead of entirely new gens? Black and White shown you can do this without a problem. Switch games should've been an expansion of Sun/Moon.
Imagine trying to use a quality over quantity justification when it's painfully clear gamefreak will provide neither quality nor quantity
>self aware cuckoldry
I like Pokemon, I've played most of the games in the series, I just don't see a reason to care, especially about Showdown.
They most likely will but people like to overreacr
I get why people are upset.
But I really don't give a shit. I only use new Pokemon in my playthrough so I don't care if I can't use typhlosion or whatever gay shit to beat the game.
He a cute.
Why should i know what its like to be a retard?
The only people butthurt about this stupid shit are the ones who want to transfer their hacked stall team to every game so they can be annoying faggots that no one likes to play against.
Give me a quick rundown. Is it going to be Densetsu no Kusoge 2 or what?
But Lilly's a cute girl.
Flame charge axtualky has thw bunni running and kicking
>Unironically looks like the best pokemon game so far
>Yea Forums thinks it's not gonna sell because you can't play with all your gen5 pokemon.
>It seems more like something they'll have to address in a update.
Should've said that then instead of letting people spread fear.
Besides, I'd be shocked if gamefreak start patching things more often
I watched this yesterday a bit. Hes such a kind soul.
>This effects Showdown as well
so it's official, you people are actually retarded
You would think, anyone with a brain would think this. Matsuda doesn't have a brain. Matsuda instead says that not being able to bring over all your Pokemon is a deliberate design chioce that will become the new standard for the series.
Yea me too
i have a great idea, how about people wait since the switch has internet and update features, also in my opinion you should only be able to trade/transfer pokemon after you have defeated the elite 4 to avoid cheesing of the game.
This explains it pretty well.
Because peo0le want new gens.
It's because each game is fucking terrible since X/Y, the best part was trading/battling the giant pokedex of pokemon, breeding them, and getting shinies
Now we just have the terrible hand holding gameplay
have fun with all these KANNNTTTOOOO pokemon like pikachu cluttering up the dex in every single game
>buying anything on a Nintendo console
Oh is that what all these autists are mad about? Who fucking cares?
Who bothers bringing in old pokemon anyway? Just play with the ones that are in the new game.
they will obviously keep making pokemon games and include the older pokemon so that they can make less new pokemon which is actually ok to me.
These threads and those dislikes are mostly from kids. It's quite obvious that this thread is also filled with undaged retard.
I love how you defend eating literal shit. All of the models showed so far are the exact same as the past 3 games, all they have to do is literally copypaste it
pokehome would save that just drag and drop your old mons and in 20 minutes you probably finished most of the dex. you're not catching them all in your main game run. its for postgame, plus the whole trading aspect. i remember just leaving starter babys/good nature mons and finishing most of the dex that way
Don't worry, you'll be able to bring all your Pokemon with you! In Mighty Sword and Mighty Shield!
I want to sodomize him
Wait, you cant transfer pokemon from previous gen? thats kind of a reason i'd want to play it desu.
My concern with this one is more of the unnecessary amount of delay in effects that pokemon have, especially if you have multiple event/status occurring.
And of course the lack of combat logs to speed up the battle by reducing the need for all the text scrolling.
For the first time in 20 years they're actually cutting existing pokemon from a main series pokemon game because they're too lazy to port the models. Random pokemon won't be in the game whatsoever. Unobtainable and untransferrable.
Moises Carl Seruelo my guess is its either they may force you to beat the main story before they let you transfer, but also as said, it is a modern day console and as such can be patched
Just another pokemon game doing the bare minimum and maybe removing features. Still probably fun regardless
You say that like the galar dex won't be full of the same hacked shit.
Based /vp/ mods banning people on the spot yesterday. Bootlickers are disgusting slime.
>you don't like pokemon
hello small child
don't worry you'll be able to fap over your favorite pokemon soon enough anyway
have fun breeding those perfect IV pokemon!
That means i can't use it as bait, retard. Haven't you noticed people spamming the same 2-3 webms
Do you think they blocked full transfer because of how easy it is to obtain and use cheated pokemon last gen? Do you think sword/shield will have some better anti cheat protection?
>Based /vp/ mods banning people on the spot yesterday.
Wait wat
you can only transfer pokemon if they're in the small pool that the devs have decided are "appropriate for this adventure".
The old blood need to be killed and nothing of valued has lost
having a small storke user, but yeah it can be patched it even way after the release, its just hoping gamefreak making a statement they would do it
The games come out in November and the transfer doesn’t come out until next year so everyone would be using the i game Pokemon anyway. Bunch of retards.
>Do you think they blocked full transfer because of how easy it is to obtain and use cheated pokemon last gen
>Do you think sword/shield will have some better anti cheat protection?
Maybe, probably will be beaten anyway
totally true! I also think people are forgetting that Black and White had ZERO older Pokémon available in game and it wasn’t until Black and White 2 that we got the National Pokédex back.
this girl HIT THE WALL
That's not the point. It's more that you won't be able to transfer over your favorite Pokémon, if they're not added to the game at GameFreak's whim.
The Switch is already cracked and Nintendo systems in general have notoriously shitty security, no doubt will there be just as many hacked mons as before.
If that was their reason for ruining the game then they're insanely naive and clinically retarded.
>the fun of pokemon was always completing the dex
>people actively want to ruin this by having a completed dex a week after the game comes out
The fuck is wrong with you people?
Imagine starting dark souls with all equipment and gear. It's not fun, why would you want this?
>I also think people are forgetting that Black and White had ZERO older Pokémon available in game
But that's not the thing people are sperging about, they're mad that you can't transfer anyone not in the regional dex period
Read somewhere else that it was to release the game quicker.
Imagine having to redo over 800 versions for the dynamax kaiju feature thing
Good, fuck people who do that.
compatibility with what?
You can hacked switch but you cant go online unless you want your switch to be banned
This is not what's happening thought what is truly happening is they are telling you they are taking out spears from the game because they are too lazy to program the animations and stats of spears.
The fuck is wrong with you? Actually read the fucking thread.
You can't complete the dex because most Pokemon won't be in the game in any form.
>being so autistic that you carry over pokemon each Gen
>there are people who still use the same level 100 starter they have had since Ruby/Sapphire and then complain that pokemon games are too easy
I've literally never even been tempted to carry over pokemon. Makes no God damn sense to me, new adventure new pokemon to catch. I haven't been interested in catching them all since they broke 300 mons
Gamefreak did sell a service to facilitate transfers, and now that service's usefulness has been cut short.
I don't really give a fuck but watching this happen is pretty entertaining, pokefags actually seething.
Imagine keeping your company purposely small or not outsourcing/getting help from other studios.
Though really it just shows how annual releases aren't helping anyone. Should've took a longer break to prepare for a proper home console release, though I dunno who in the chain of command (including TCPI or nintendo) who mandated that.
I'm going to pirate it anyways. Fuck gf after I spent money on X and it was shit.
>/vp/ is literally Bitcoin crash era /biz/ by just looking at the catalog
>Literal Stevefags started rosterfagging there now
Holy fuck
They aren’t Gone. You are blowing it out of Proportion. Are you ready for the truth? Because you’re over reacting to knowledge you can’t possibly have or well, can’t actually read.
1. We have no confirmation those Pokémon aren’t in the game.
2. Pokémon will be transferable. Just The ones in the Regional Pokédex.
that's not what's happening at all. In most pokemon games you can't transfer pokemon until you're very far into the game anyways.
you can still do that, retard. that’s not the issue here.
is shit like this gamefreak continues to make more mediocre games, but im not gonna bother with the game since i already dropped it. im disappointed in how people have this mentality of continue to purchase the game just because is pokemon and because they want to "relive" their childhood for the 8th time
You are wrong in two parts.
1) people are not mad because the pokes won't be available in-game, they are mad because there are some pokes that are being cut from the roster, meaning they can't be in the game at all even through trades and transfers.
2) you are also wrong in that the pokes were not available in B/W at all. There were actually lots of old pokemon in vanilla Black/White that were capturable in endgame areas after you defeat the Elite 4.
Is that Doomguy?
>2. Pokémon will be transferable. Just The ones in the Regional Pokédex.
That's what I said you mong
>they're mad that you can't transfer anyone not in the regional dex period
Honestly I would prefer them not making a new generation of Pokémon and just have a new region and have every Pokémon obtainable. They are over crowding the game by making new Pokémon.
The funny thing is that they kinda hyped the fans with that last direct, while Masuda single handedly killed it with one fucking sentence.
>unironic i don't want to catch them all fags
lol u mad?
Pokemon could get a million less sales and they would still be rich, if I were you I would stop talking about Pokemon and stop buying Pokemon.
unironically same. quality over quantity.
No, it's just wanting to release the games this holiday season no matter what because muh sweet sheckels
>Do you think sword/shield will have some better anti cheat protection?
Haha no, fucking look at the "anti cheat protection" Let's Go has
am I just the retard for wanting video games to improve?
looks like it
imagine being this much of a dam autist.
What quality? The game still looks like a shitty 3DS game with a rushed gimmick, boring Pokemon designs and shit gameplay.
sorry user, but I've just been copy pasting dumb posts from a pokemon facebook page of game freak apologists in this thread for a while now.
I'll buy it when it starts to look more like BW2 in terms of content and features.
It's the same quality as LGPE
Reminder that every other mon collecting game with multiple entries doesn't include its entire roster in every single game. It was only a matter of time before GF did this and they should've done it back in Gen 5.
Do you really think anyone can properly balance a game with 1000+ playable characters?
And as always, the only way to bring down the juggernaut is to wait until he trips over himself.
I don’t play games lol. Video games are for girls
What quality?
yeah that's why videogames targeted towards females dont sale and kill their respective franchises kys nigger
It's for multiplayer and postgame you fucking goon.
>then complain the games are too easy
I can see you have legitimately never played any pokemon game ever. You can tunnel train 1 pokemon in every single game and beat it
>I've never been tempted to carry over pokemon
Good for you, that doesn't mean the rest of the fanbase should have to suffer because you like to settle for less faggot
I don't think they can properly balance a game with 10+ playable characters. I couldn't care less about that aspect
No one actually gives a shit and they will all continue buying it.
Any pokemon past gen 2 is pure cancer. Unown was the end of pokemon.
I don't mind the dex being in some hub app. I do mind the compatibility thing.
They'll change it in a few months
What fucking quality?
That's essentially the truth
You can't, that's why regional dex is a thing
Mobileshit is taking over asia. Pokemon is a dead husk and will never be good again. You won't even get a real pokemon mmo because japs don't like home computers. Let it die.
Like how Bethesda changed Fallout 76 before release!
And I couldn't care less about your favorite obscure shitmon
>people want an extensive detailed world and HIRE THIS MAN graphics and unique animations for 1000+ pokemon
It's simply not realistic.
>Quality from GameFreak of all people.
>The nuke that was S&M's coding and X&Ys "optimization".
I refuse to believe there is someone of flesh and blood behind this post.
As someone who doesn't have have a pokemon bank account or anything this doesn't really bother me. Maybe the turbo autistic fans are upset but I don't think casual players are going to flip over this. They sure didn't give a fuck in the third gen when the same thing happened.
This is how gamefreak gets away with it you retard
>Dislike is almost the double of likes
Yeah keep shilling, shills.
post stadium double kick
I agree with this completely, pokemon swordshield at a glance has so many fucking problems that worry me
I dont give a flying fuck about fucking wormadam or cherrubi or happiny or whatever
what I do want to see is GOOD animations for this limited number of pokemon, and we are NOT seeing that, what we have is basically the same level (arguably worse) than pokemon stadium.
This image is too perfect
the game will still be piss easy and wont be balanced with what they choose to leave in. this is the same company that released d/p with only 2 fire type lines in the game and gave their fire elite 3 extra mons that werent fire pokemon (cool concept asside, elites should be diverse)
people are giving a shit but yeah most that like pokemon will still buy it and those that don't wont. this changes very little. just hoping gamefreak hears it enough to say they will patch them in later.
>tfw I skipped LGPE with everyone in the hopes of improving the series
>next game is gamefreak cockslapping the playerbase in the face and killing the franchise
ha...just boycott it they said....
>demise of Pokemon finally
gamefreak is so lazy im sure they implemented the dynamax just so you can only have a forced 1on1 gym battle
>Yeah keep shilling, shills.
I'm not a shill, I just have little optimism in people actually doing something impactful.
If the game has a significant sales decrease or gamefreak addresses things soon, then I'll change my mind.
Too many bootlickers or people who don't care because it doesn't affect them in this world.
They weren't able to balance them back when they had 150, it doesn't really matter.
I don't understand this argument, I haven't bought anything since X/Y. You mean "Normalfags will still buy it"
>you could transfer all your favorite Pokemon to Sun/Moon without any problem.
>We won't let you do the same in Shield/Sword because...uuuh...balance issues...yeah...balance issues
What the FUCK did they mean by this. How did this discussion take place in their office.
fucking BASED
>pokemon mmo
I hope that Temtem game sells millions and kills pokemon.
Pokemon is only good for the porn nowadays
why cant you turbo autists just play the game its meant to be played instead of importing 700 pokemon day 1 and immediately going to ranked play or whatever it is you autists do day 1 of a pokemon release.
It will be nice having an actual obtainable goal instead of just trading in all of my obviously cheated because none of you faggots even play the game pokemon.
Sword and Shield is going to bomb because normies already bought "the" Pokemon game for the Switch with Let's Go Pee.
Why are people pretending there'll be a boycot. Everybody was laughing at how little content/casual Lets Go was yet that sold 10+ million copies, there's no way that will outsell this. Do pokemon fans just pretend to be angry and buy this shit anyway? Who's invested enough to complete the national dex and then not purchase a mainline game? I've heard nothing but negative things about the franchise since SS/HG yet it keeps getting sales
Name one established monster collecting rpg series that always includes its entire roster
People don't shit on SMT for not having some of the same obscure demons that SMT1 had.
Oh, I don't give a fuck about that. You all have fun.
oh transferred something that cant be moved, pay our subscription to keep it alive or will delete it manchild
It's impossible to balance a game for in game and competitive. I think it's impossible to balance competitive so that every pokemon is viable anyway, but with in game being a thing it's doubly impossible
Here's your new pokemon game.
I don't like it either user, but for every person on the internet who seriously contemplates the quality of videogames, actually bothers to list out opinions about game design and researches games before buying them, there 1000 normies who simply do not care as long as the commercials are eye catching.
This is the moment Nintendo finally buys Gamefreak just to unfuck their shit.
The only way Gamefreak will not stop printing money, is if all the retards on Earth actually killed themselves. They their targeting an audience far more susceptible to stupidity than gamblers.
>Name one established monster collecting rpg series that always includes its entire roster
Pokemon prior to SwSh
This move will actually make the game better despite how much it will piss off all the pokemon autists. It means you dont have the same few select pokemon like Landorus T absolutely bodying the rest of the roster like they have for the last however many generations. It also means they can add additional animations and shit to the pokemon that are in without having to worry about overworld, playtime, battle animations for 800+ pokemon.
Recently the Digimon games have been really good. Now's the time to make the switch
>Matuda-san! One of the interns is reporting that Copy-pasting all of the Pokemon individually is taking longer than expected!
>Is that so? Then we'd best cut half the Pokemon to save time.
So where's the stadium double kick animation?
Perhaps they want to maintain graphical fidelity moving to a new system and don't feel like randomly having half the pokemon have less polygons than the rest?
Just make a fucking MMO RPG Pokemon you disgusting ugly jap cunts.
this is the only one and low and behold its the most famous and profitable one where smt/digimon wish they could do pokemon numbers
What quality?
Not in R/S until you got fucking Gamecube games, FRLG and the fucking RBY Virtual Console games.
Pokemon autists on suicide watch
Whats the new gmimmick for this one?
>animating 150 pokemon vs animating 800+
SMT is hardly a collecting game, you fuse your demons away. It's your progression is founded on the idea that you don't get attached to them. Pokemon has been about collection since the beginning.
my friend got floxxed and couldnt get out of bed for 2 years. he lost his home and his job and he can't play vidya anymore because his hands are fucked. real sad shit. tried to kill himself a couple times. worst part is he can't even sue because the medical community doesn't consider it a real thing
I'm not watching this shit for 30 minutes, what are you all pissed off about... aside from it looking like BOTW's cheap little sister.
>How did this discussion take place in their office.
Like this:
>"Masuda-san we fucked up all the code, if we want all the pokemon in we have to start from scratch to fix all the retarded spaghetti code we've been using for years"
>"how long will that take?"
>"probably several months"
>"No! just do whatever you can now and we'll make up some excuse why they can't have all the pokemon. They will understando because making games is hard and they will be too distracted by their phones and ipads to care"
>"sasuga masuda-san"
A major focus on the story and making decisions that affect the story. Also your digimon digivolve based on what you have done in the story
ever heard of the term "Vocal Minority"?
Yeah, so Finish the dex, and keep everything in Home. Easy.
The Pokemon existed in R/S. They were in the files, and that's why you could transfer them in from the GC games. SwSh literally won't have the files for Pokemon that aren't in the dex, and neither will future games.
Why do people refuse to admit when something is wrong? What they're doing with this new game is wrong, and yet drones eat it up. Why?
So old fans are basically dead to the series now.
We'll get to see how much cash Nintendo makes when it's just kids and the uninformed buying a Pokemon game. Who knows? It probably won't matter.
same for digimon, where they literally die off and become something new after set time
What's today's tempest in a teacup?
Now do unique animations for hundreds of moves for 1000+ pokemon as opposed to 150 pokemon with hundreds fewer moves (and remember that the Pokemon Stadium we got was like the 2nd one, the first one was Japan only with a limited roster)
>It also means they can add additional animations and shit to the pokemon that are in without having to worry about overworld, playtime, battle animations for 800+ pokemon
Oh boy sure looks like additional, quality attack animations and totally not the same as it was on GenVII with just 1-2 actual animations reused over and over for each move.
I'd like sit down and have a meal with this lass.
Damn that looks good. A pity the mons aren't very lewdable.
27:00min forward
Because I dont want to be concerned with collecting 900 pokemon playing a game. If they tone it down to 200 it will be an obtainable goal, and ill actually feel motivated to play the game beyond beating the end boss.
For the same reason people are still playing Fallout 76; Gotta justify your love for the franchise regardless of how shitty it gets.
>SwSh literally won't have the files for Pokemon that aren't in the dex
I'm not holding my breath on that.
who wants to pay for home, it good for transferring stuff around but in no way would i keep stuff there forever and subbing
>tfw played all the pokemon games, but haven't spend a single dime for them since DP.
Corporations are the religion of the new age bugman.
>This move will actually make the game better despite how much it will piss off all the pokemon autists. It means you dont have the same few select pokemon like Landorus T absolutely bodying the rest of the roster like they have for the last however many generations.
This only applies to competitive, and they didn't need to kneecap the rest of the game to do this. The first official ruleset for Sun and Moon let restricted you to alola native pokemon only despite letting you transfer. Smogon is entirely made up rulesets. Both of them could balance their metagames around a restricted roster that shifts with the generation if they wanted to without disabling transfer.
Transferring them to Home means they can't go to Sword and Shield, can't get sent back to where they came from, and you have to pay a subscription to maintain the service with no idea when some of the pokemon inside will be allowed to leave.
Play autist game get autist prize LMAO
These stupid fags been buying the same game for twenty years. You think one shitty change is gonna stop it from selling after all the shitty changes they did from Gen 3. Autism is strong.
This. I've pirated Pokemon since and have negative incentive to stop after the shitshow of revelations yesterday
Anyone who willfully gives shit companies even a dollar deserve to be lined up out back
Then how about you read Masuda's for yourself you braindead faggot?
Sun and Moon already did away with the in-game national pokedex tracking your collection of every species that has ever existed, only asking you collect the pokemon in the region like Galar will. This is a made up reason, you don't actually care about that.
>Recently the Digimon games have been really good
The CS games were much worse than SM. The only other game i know that came out is Next Order, so was that at least good?
And in execution there's no difference between the two situations, the pokemon in RS weren't available without other games other than illegally.
It will also hopefully help curtail the massive and flagrant cheating in competitive, especially with movesets only compatible with ancient event pokemon. Just erasing the genies forever would make literally any roster sacrifice worth it.
They already have the fucking models. Oh poor devs that can't spend a few minutes animating each model to have an unique feel to it.
How about no?
You're firing on all cylinders aren't you?
Pay? Did they announce a price point? i didnt actually watch the conference. If its like 5 dollars a month I dont care.
is how you sound like. literally neck yourself if you genuinely believe some Pokémon Stadium animations makes it a better game than any mainline Pokémon game in the last decade
CS games were pretty fun in my opinion. New order is amazing I'd you enjoyed the mechanics of digimon world 1
>start making animations and models since gen6
>have a high poly count for future use to ease the workload according to masuda himself
>apologists just "forget" that little bit to have any leg to stand on
I mean, it's fine if you want to get fucked in the ass by gamefreak, but don't complain that we laugh at your idiocy.
>game is a low effort rehash
>they're mad that it isn't so much of a rehash that they can use the same guys they've been using since 2003
I actually do care about that. I just havent played a pokemon game since diamond and pearl and couldnt have possibly known that. That being said, as a completionist I probably would still try to collect them all if they were in the game, and then immediately burn out and feel awful and never touch the game again because I have no interest in the amount of autistic grinding needed for competitive play, nor do I cheat.
BUT user
we already had this though.
I didn't watch the Direct, why do people suddenly hate pokemon?
100% my dude, I don't know who these guys replying to you are kidding, they'll still fucking buy it. Even though this is shitty news
>implying it's a better game
>not just showcasing how lazy gamefreak is
>especially considering that they already have that animations from gen 6+7
What compels you to defend them? Do they hold your family hostage? Are you an intern at TPC?
>it's OK when Ruby and Sapphire does it
>a few minutes
You dont actually believe this do you?
if it takes so little then why is pokemon the only monster game with huge rosters that isn't full of recolors
>I’ll just say it again, it’ll be true this time
Ruby and Sapphire had the data on the game cartridges, Sword and Shield will not
There are 728 moves, and there are currently 807 pokemon, not counting however many SwSh will give us.
That's a total of 587,496 combinations that you have to program.
Meanwhile SMT and Persona don't even have the demons on screen the entire time (or at all in SMTIV/A), yet nobody complains about that.
based fotnsbro
Ruby and Sapphire killed the pokemania craze
>There are 20k people who have human emotional feelings for 0s and 1s on an electrical printed circuit board that are indistinguishable from another with exact same combination of 0s and 1s
just pathetic
>i'll just be against it again, it won't be true this time
Of course not, it takes more time but that's what you fucking pay your devs for. Even if it takes months or years it's better than that shit
The real question is why people keep buying these piss-easy games that look like trash and have been for literal decades?
Amazing it took this long for some blowback from their laziness
Sounds like they don't care about old fans anymore
That's nothing new in this industry
Now do over 500,000 unique animations for those models by hand.
How come SMT gets away with not having unique animations for every single move for every single demon? I've never heard complaints about that.
>there are humans that attach sentiment to inanimate objects
600 of those are going to be gone and the quality will be none the better.
>pokemania being alive in any form or shape
Dumb zoomer
Just because it doesn't have recolors doesn't mean the devs are lazy.
>800 versions
>set scale to 10x on all axis
That's not hard
Could a kind user give me timestamps for when they say you cant catch them all? I also heard no mega evos/z moves. I would also appreciate a timestamp of that.
please understand, these kids HAVE phones.
Ruby and Sapphire were still good games. Sw&Sh is guaranteed not to be.
You do realize that they ALREADY HAVE THAT SHIT from previous gens, right? That was the whole reason why the carts were so bloated adn the games ran like shit next to unnecessary coping of files, simply by GF adding the high-res models+animations. In order to make it "future-proof" so they can simply copy the old stuff and only have to program the animations and rigs for the new mons.
>people buy the same rehashed garbage for 20 years
>act surprised when Gamefreak keeps getting lazier
>hurr durr I'm so smart and above it all
Pokemon fags are retarded but parasocial relationships have been a phenomenon since the dawn of recorded human history. I'm pretty sure in Greek mythology there's even a story about a man who carved his own waifu and the gods were so impressed by his devotion that they brought her to life
A year or two of programming and it could also be used for the next generations. A good trade if you ask me.
why would people assume he's trans, he doesn't look like a weird freak
>start making animations and models since gen6
You missed that part. Read it once and ask yourself why they would have to remake shit they already prepared in advance. Christ, talking to you fucking apologists is like talking to a fucking wall, utterly unable to take in any kind of information that runs contrary to whatever dogma you need to believe in.
>tfw buy a game every gen and enjoy it
Life is easy mode when you don't have autism.
All the pokemon were done for X&Y, then Sun&Moon mons were done in the same style and resolution.
There shouldnt be a difference
Because autism.
Only Emerald was good though
even in lets go where they had 153 plus megas and alolans. most pokemon just did a small jump or barely move. they love doing the bare minimum because it doesn't matter to make them special
What should happen to make this ok:
>Pokemon Home is a permanent end game hub that spans generations
>mostly menu based, no world map
>can access battle frontier, breeding, online trading and battling using all your mons transferred from every game
>maybe something for grinding levels
>new RPGs have limited roster, but it’s fine since they’re mostly for catching new mons and playing the story
>people that don’t care about endgame/collecting still get the same experience, GF gets to milk autists for dosh
What will happen:
>Home is just a reskin of bank
>you have to pay a monthly fee for Bank, Home, AND Switch Online to even get basic features
>75% of your Pokemon are in eternal purgatory
>implying a third party didn't have to bail them out of failing to make their SECOND GAME
Gamefreak still being around is truly due to literally devilish luck
Mainline pokemon games never had unique animations for every move.
The "future-proofing" was so that they could use the models in multiple future games, not stick them all into the next game.
That's not what I said, you can have sentiment if it's to something truly unique and indistinguishable. Key word indistinguishable.
This would be the TORtanic 3 actually.
The 2nd TORtanic is Fallout: 76
They want to have their cake and eat it too essentially. Typical child minded behavior.
Why don't we like the new Pokémon games again?
>animeposter is a faggot with no standards
checks out
after 25 minutes in right after they talk about pokemon home
>it's okay when SMT does it
>it's okay when digimon does it
>it's okay when nostalgic earlier titles do it
Emerald is better but I fail to see how you can think R&S are bad yet think Emerald is good. The absence of the Battle Frontier doesn't make a good game bad.
They aren’t improving anything else to compensate for this, genius.
Why are people angry? It looks like a pokemon game. Keeps the nice wild pokemon feature from LGPE
Pokemon's the most successful franchise in the world, remember that. There's going to need to be an extremely large amount of people before it registers as enough people getting pissy over something.
Yes, it is okay when franchises that were never founded on collecting the creatures don't facilitate cross-generational creature transfer.
No, it wasn't okay when Ruby and Sapphire did it.
>only happened in gen3 and even then R/S had all the data from the other pokemon so you could eventually transfer them
>something that it enterily missing from SS
And the digimon devs said that they would like to implement all the digimon they have but are restricted by their budget. Not something that Pokemon can use as excuse.
Thank you.
I thought LGPE would fucking wake people up about Game Freak's laziness since everyone but /vp/ turned a blind eye on ORAS
They're underage and dont remember gen 2 into gen 3.
You just come off as pretentious when you try to dictate what people can attach sentiment to.
do you know that for sure, even so it's probably in service to some "games as a service" bullshit