What if Zelda was a girl?
What if Zelda was a girl?
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I hope that if Zelda is playable in BotW2 I can dress her up like a girl Link.
God I wish
/pol/ would obsess over """her"""
she's already a girl?
He's hotter as a boytoy
what if OP was a girl?
He practically already is
>What if Zelda was a girl(Male)?
God I wish
what if OP wasn't a faggot?
holy fuck OP IS A GAMER GIRL???
Then OP's insatiable craving for dicks would no longer be considered gay.
What if she also had a dick?
if the user is here who asked me to finish this here you go i.imgur.com
just make him a trap, traps are honorary girls
>losing the dick
So close to perfection, yet so far.
Fuck, I remember this. I sent it to my friend once because we both liked Zelda. She blocked me and never spoke to me again. I also masturbated to this pic a few times.
But Link is already cute as a boy!
So what you're telling me is genderbending ruins friendships?
dicks are kinda gay tho
what if I were a girl?
eww me want penis
why the male one have tits?
too much KFC
>no one points out that Zelda is the princess and the protag is named Link
The absolute state of this board, even if OP being ironic
It's a meme you newfag.
based esl
high estrogen low test boi
Lurk more newfag
what if you were a girl, OP?
>What if Zelda was a girl?
just put some girl hormones in the food and wait
>trapfags start spamming because having a half dozen "link is cute boy let's erp :3" threads every day apparently isn't enough
Talk about insecure
link to the uncensored pic motherfucker
there better not be a penis under that bar
bone structure does not change with hormones