
What did CDPR & Nvidia mean by this?


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Pissing off trannies, because apparently diversity is all of a sudden a bad thing now.

I don't understand the rage. Why is this supposed to be transphobic?

is it a plug and play tranny dick

include them you're the devil, don't include them you're a nazi. you can't win with these mentally ill retards.

also press f for the guy who is about to lose his job because CD project red have zero integrity as they have showcased multiple times in the past.

I legit have no problem with trannies in this game. It can't be stressed enough that the setting is a dystopia, so trannies fit right in.

Me neither.
At first Yea Forums told me it was protrannies, but now it that Yea Forumsesetera hated it it's trasnpobic.
If anything it's something tongue in-cheek that Rockstar would also do.

The best thing is just to ignore them completely or burn them.

isn't this just sort of a "sex sells" type of ad but in a cyberpunk world where this type of fetish would be more normal and open?

Thank god these threads exist for now so us futa-chads are safe to talk about fetish.

God bless you OP

Seems like they piss off the trannies no matter what they do

The drink is called ChroManticore
The manticore (picrelated) is basically a "trans" monster. They're basically implying trannies are beasts (which they are)

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>Futas confirmed for Cyberpunk

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My thoughts exactly. It seems like it would fit the universe just fine. Certainly nothing to be enraged or personally offended by.

Seems like another corporate news reel to me. Is this another thread where we don’t read things and just pretend our headcanon of things is what’s happening?

>no balls
It's shit

She’s hot and not an SJW confused fat nerd tranny kind so I’m fine with it.

Does this mean it’s cyberpunk to fuck transgirls now?

I’m a tranny and I don’t care. It’s the unattractive ones that will never pass that create twitter drama because they’re just bitter about everything.

Huh, I get your explanation. However it seems a little weird to interpret it as trans people being monsters in any negative way.
I mean even the ad itself implies that you actually want this mix to exist.

Remember, Trannies aren't a fucking hivemind. There's people who get offended over fucking ANYTHING, and the internet has given them an easy voice. Basically everything I've heard regarding it has been positive.

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Oof why my dik so goddamn hard

>"trans" monster
No. It hasn't transitioned into anything, it was created/born that way. That's like saying Satyrs, Centaurs and Chimeras are trans. I'm not angry at you, you're just explaining the reasoning, but at people who think any fantasy monster like this is "trans".

Nah, when it comes to trannies they are without question a hivemind and they share the same outrage.

Looks like a "I recognize that bulge" joke to me



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A bit like this shithole then.

Virgin tranny/trap-tards

Trans, hybrid, chick with dick, whatever you wanna call it

the problem people have with it has nothing to do with the chromanticore bit, it's the "mix it up" that implies trans people are fetish objects to spice up your sex life
which is pretty thematic for cyberpunk so there should be absolutely nothing wrong with it even from an sjw perspective

lmao and Yea Forums suddenly loves cyberpunk

you guys are the biggest faggots on the internet, bunch of discord trannies lmao

this kind of knowledge would imply that they read things other than just their trans-kin's tweets and fanfiction
some retard started it and the others are bandwagoning on this transphobe thing without putting any thought into it
not an entirely unfamiliar situation

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ray tracing more like gay tracing


There is a difference between being hybrid and being trans. Trans is called that because it's a TRANSition into something else. There is a reason we call them hybrid cars and not trans cars.