Cyberpunk 2077

>Early previews are just saying it's good, not great


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>mediocre gameplay
>multiple ways to play trough missions
>strength playtrough can rip turrets from the ground and use them as guns. ripping apart doors instead of hacking them
idk, they say that its mediocre but what they say happen sounds kino

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seems like the last deus ex.

It is and they're marketing like it's some industry defining game. That's gonna hurt them imo.

The gameplay honestly looks pretty mediocre and not very RPG-like. Announcing a dozen classes but then saying you can only play as like three was a big red flag.
Might still get it if the re/v/iews are alright.

>trusting game journos

remember when they previewed red dead 2 and said it was boring?

> listening to gaming journalist who hate CDprojeck for not towing the woke line


Here they come, the you indoctrinated fans

they were right