How can a console with such a tiny library be fondly remembered? Even the best of the library is ripe with flaws and shortcomings such as numerous games in series that once ran at 60fps now running at 30, or even 20fps. Speaking of framerate, far too many games dip below even 20 to the point where they hover in or closer to the single digits to the point it is ridiculous. Is it really fondly remembered by just a handful of mediocre games? Does this mean other consoles with miniscule or even downright pathetic libraries like the PS4, Gamecube and Wii U will be fondly remembered?
How can a console with such a tiny library be fondly remembered...
4 player coop
No extra fees
No Lootboxes
Same reason old movies, music and tv are remembered fondly, Because at the time they existed they were unique and revolutionary. Go back to playing fortnite on your cuckstation
>4 player coop
only like 2 games actually have cooperative play for 4 players.
But user, psx one that gen handily.
Even the Saturn is better
just realized
>theres no fighting games on the n64
Clay Fighter 63 1/3
Best Version if Mortal Kilbat Trilogy
Smash Bros
Fighters Destiny
Killer fucking Instinct
>western "fighter"
>western "fighter"
>party game
>awful fighter
>western "fighter"
they don't even have a street fighter game, what the fuck?
is this a serious post?
Why would you care for the entire library? No kid could afford having all games ever made for a console anyway and just played the few good titles. Do you also hate PCs, because on steam are thousands of indie games you might not like? No, just play the games you enjoy.
babby's first console. N64 is the most overrated console ever made.
banjo, mk64, mario party, dr mario, mario tennis 64, smash, panel de pon, diddykong racing, the more memorable experiences are the 2 player.
I did play the games i wanted, they weren't very good. Then i found out that's all the console had to offer.
Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty autism genre.
>ripe with flaws and shortcomings such as numerous games in series that once ran at 60fps now running at 30, or even 20fps
Whats it like sucking cocks OP?
You just described everything Sony has released since the PSP
>multiplayer console only has a handful of multiplayer games
>far too many games dip below even 20 to the point where they hover in or closer to the single digits to the point it is ridiculous
welcome to 5th gen
You can still try lesser known titles that don't get list in top10s. But I also think that the early 3D era did not age well compared to the 2D games.
We didn't care about framerate, we cared if games were fun.
it has like at least 20-30 good games who cares if it doesnt have the shovelware levels sony did. dont be a bitch
>But I also think that the early 3D era did not age well compared to the 2D games.
Nah, you're looking at it all wrong. That generation of games aged just fine, its the next generation of kids that didn't age well. Somehow they all grew up to be little faggot bitches with shit taste and addiction to being outraged over dumb gay shit, if they don't like old games then fuckem, thats just less of them jacking up the prices on eBay so they can have a wall of SNES games like all of their favourite friend replacers on youtube anyway.
It was the first 3D console I ever owned after SNES and also had several fun 4-player multiplayer games. At family gatherings we would get together with my cousins and uncles and have rotating matches in NFL Blitz, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye. It may not have been as convenient or had as many JRPGS as the PS1, but N64 was the console that brought people together.
Man I wish i could find list of recommend n64/gamecube/wii games online that DOESN'T have mario, zelda, smash or whatever.
Everybody already knows Melee was good use the top 10 list to recommend something I'm not familiar with.
>fighting games are the only kind of multi-player game
Yeah because nobody had goldeneye, smash bros or Mario party parties.
Try World Driver Championship for N64
beginning of the game is hard as balls though
That's just my personal aesthetic preference. I'm having fun with all generations of games, when I feel the devs put effort into them.
Check out Shadow Man for the N64, it's a hidden gem and you can find a copy for like five dollars
Because consoles with huge libraries are filled with literal shit-tier shovelware. That's why I fucking cringe at retards who cry "waa, I need 50,000 games on day one to enjoy a console" "Waa, a console with 20 good games and 1980 shitty ones is better than the console with 70 good games and 30 bad ones".
The reason why the gaming industry is shit, why DLC, lootboxes, and day-one patches are so prevalent is you fucking retards support it. You'd rather have lots of shit than a moderate amount of good stuff. We, the consumers, have all the power to choose what gets funded, and you absolute morons choose to get shat upon and happily lick that shit out of every crevice. Then when someone offers actual edible food, you demand more shit.
>It's not a fighter unless I have to count frames to satisfy my autism.
Thats how I know its objectively the faggot kids and not the games, I was born in '92 but my family was poor as shit. I grew up playing on an Amiga 500, a Sega Genesis and a brick gameboy and never once thought "Wow these games fucking suck, these graphics are terrible", hell I could have fun with a 50in1 block game if one of the games was cool enough.
Modern kids are just spoiled by the internet, they have so much shit available to them that they'd rather not play anything and jerk off on camera on the internet instead like a bunch of weird little fags.
Seriously, all they fucking do is bitch about everything and play with their genitals, Zoomers have been ruined by the internet.
That's a pretty cool game I haven't seen before.
Because the games on n64/gc/wiiu are great. Wii had a shit ton of games but I have no fond memories for any of them.
I genuinely can't enjoy a fighting game if I either don't know the frame data or can't tell whats + or - at a glance. People don't love frame data because autism, we like frame data because it fucking sucks spending 30 matches going "wait is that safe? Am I pressing my button too late? Is my button too slow? Is that version of that move airborne or invincible or something? Why is this interaction working like this? What the fuck do I do here?" Especially when the training mode in those old fighting games is often fucking garbage too.
Looking up frame data so you can understand the properties of your moves makes it easier to know when and why to use them, if you aren't pressing every button with purpose you aren't really playing a fighting game, you're just hitting buttons and hoping you win.
In all honesty, have any gen 5 consoles aged well?
Aside from a couple of games, the whole generation is remembered a bit too fondly.
Literally this. PS and N64 had the same ish amount of top tier games but the PS had mountains of shovelware and trash.
Yeah it's hard to appreciate a game when they are zooming around with a 3 minute attention span.
I reckon the graphics have aged better than early PS2 / Dreamcast games which all have a creepy soulless anime doll look to them.
Literally all you needed was Super Mario. Also the number of kids playing games increased every generation and the one that grew up with this one just so happen to be adults now. Couple that with it being the most famous vidya company on Earth’s first venture into 3d (not just shit like star fox) and obviously people are going to remember it. But of course you know that, and you’re being deliberately dense
I just went back and played SM64 on the WiiU and it was pretty great, I didn’t even grow up with it. Admittedly the camera sucked and it would have been even worse if it weren’t the easiest of the 3d mario games.
N64 hit at a great time
>one of the first 3D consoles
>generation of the peak of the Pokemon craze
>made 4 player+ gaming mainstream (on consoles) and had several very solid games
If you weren't there you won't relate
You've posted this crap several times now
I love how the N64's GPU was basically the mid-90s equivalent of the RTX 2080 Ti and then Nintendo went and gimped the RAM that went with it.
ok what else is there on the n64 besides those games?
>60fps now running at 30, or even 20fps
Technically those games (Mario 64 and OoT) still polled the controller at 60Hz, so the main reason to want 60fps, tight controls, was still there.
The RAM, and cartridges.
no one bought an n64 til 98
There's honestly not many games beyond those, that's the sad thing. You'll find a few odd games for the n64 like shiren 2, goemons great adventure, wonder project j2, mischief makers and sin & punishment but once you start looking for more it dawns on you - that's all there is. Nintendo has had a seriously bad third party problem they still haven't solved. The Wii is better for this however.
>Mfw I had Smash 64, Dr.Mario 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie, Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 1, 2 and 3, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Paper Mario, Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Hey You Pikachu, Space Station Silicon Valley, Perfect Dark and Mario Tennis as a kid
>faggot Zoomers try to tell me my console had no games
I honestly have no fucking idea how my parents were able to afford that many, they must have gotten some great deals at rental shops or something for used copies, I didn't have even close to that many games on my SNES or Genesis
Perfect Dark
Zelda OOT and MM
Diddy Kong Racing
Rush 2049
Mario Kart 64
Mischief Makers
Pokemon Stadium 1/2
Pokemon Snap
anything else that actually stands up to time?
Pilotwings64 is worth it just for the music alone
>tfw the PS1 had genuinely cool games even though it still felt like it was mostly full of cheap shitty shovelware
>had a hard time enjoying them whenever I visited my playstation friends because of the jank ass graphics and jittery textures
>controllers had no joysticks and were just SNES pads with uncomfortable handles
>had to wait for 5 minutes and listen to the console have a seizure every time you opened a door or went to a new area
I'm glad the PS2 improved on the PS1 so much, still looked the worst for its gen and had shit load times, but the PS1 was really ugly to the point where it almost made playing some great games really unfun just because the console was weak as fuck.
That's subjective. Can't help you there