>Witcher 3
>Doom Eternal
>Far Cry 5
>Bioshock Infinite
>Plague Tale Innocence
>Borderlands 3
>Binding of Isaac
>Red Dead Redemption
>Assassin's Creed
Why is the vidya industry making so many anti-Christian games lately?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not?
Christians have always been am easy target when it comes to disliking religion. If they had balls they'd make anti-jewish or anti-muslim games.
Christianity is jewish
The crusades were a failure, and the crusaders got btfo, why do /pol/spammers always think of crusaders when they think about christianity?
Also how is Bayonetta or Sonyborne anti-christian?
No, Jesus was. Christians don't follow kosher law.
>b-but da jewz and da shitskins
You didn't answer my question.
Because that's where the market is.
>seething over a reaction image
is VTMB2 anti-Christian?
Literally didn't say that.
you're just now noticing it. Look back through time and you'll see the truth.
How is DOOM ant-christian? You literally slay demons.
Yes, how dare he post a reddit frog in crusader gear, literally at boiling point
You fuckers ended the Roman Empire in 1204, you deserve EVERYTHING
I don't think the makers of Witcher, Bloodborne, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed, Red Dead, Binding of Isaac, Bioshock Infinite or Doom Eternal want to stick it to religion and call it out for being the mostly faggot hypocrisy it is, they just wanna make stories and shit with content related to religion.
You fight against heaven and angels in the upcoming one
>"If they had balls they'd make anti-jewish or anti-muslim games."
You said literally that.
You didn't answer my question which was:
>Why not?
You said Christians are low-hanging fruit and they should go after Jews and Muslims instead.
My advice to you is to make a game where you do just that.
>he doesn't know
You'll fight Heaven in Eternal
we literally JRPGs now, God will be the final boss
>t. Doesn't know anything about Randy Pitchford
I didn't say what you put in your last post.
>roman empire
>it's just a bunch of gayreeks
you didn't answer his either
because christians are faggots who unironically deserve the cross
Because christianity is literally aids.
how nosalesborne and trannienetta are against the church exactly
Yes you did. You redirected to other religions and said, "If they had balls they'd make anti-jewish or anti-muslim games."
I mean, I don't know what else to tell you aside from stop crying about how others express themselves.
because christcuckoldry is a fake religion
I'm not OP
Based and redpilled.
Assassins Creed is pro christian the way I play it
Every JRPG ends with you killing God
that's homosexuality
Because it's obvious and doesn't need explanation:
Game directors are making these games because they want to. It has nothing to do with the industry and has been a thing in Japanese games for forever.
>implying the Roman Empire didn't become Hellenised the second it conquered Greece
I need a Polish or Irish wife but I keep fucking UK slags.
Idol worship is a joke that’s why.
Who says god is christian? Maybe the pajeets were right about their multi-armed multi-legged multi-headed elephant-mans.
>Implying that christianity is not the gayest religion.
Because religion is bullshit
Why isn't Italy on this?
not anti christian. Anti church, which is not christian
>>Witcher 3
what? Jesus is not part of the witcher universe
Japan gonna Japan.
>>Doom Eternal
>>Far Cry 5
Extremely pro christian. How the hell do you make this mixup?
>>Bioshock Infinite
Also pro christian. I'm beginning to think your brain might not work.
>>Plague Tale Innocence
no idea what this is.
Made by unoriginal plagiarists trying to be hardcore.
>>Borderlands 3
haven't played
>>Binding of Isaac
Borrows a theme but is not anti christian.
>>Red Dead Redemption
No idea how you even got this takeaway. Religion is hardly even mentioned in the game.
>>Assassin's Creed
Another series that is extremely pro christian and pro all religions. The series is literally about how all religions are correct and explain the origins of the universe.
u a dope
You still redirected to other religions.
>uhh....they want to?
that doesn't answer it
I mean in FFX Yevon is very clearly Christianity while the Guado are Jews and the Al Bhed are Muslims
That was the first game I played that made me kill God
i'll imply that
>anti Christian
because fuck you cultists
fuck all cultists and especially abrahamic cultists
You can be anything you want in software industry except a christian. Walk in a muslim and will literally setup a prayer room for you. Wear a cross and you'll be dragged into HR. The god of this world is Satan for sure and his home base is Silicon Valley.
Based discord trannies
al bheds are obviously the jews user, come on
Sure thing christfag.
>Doom Eternal
I don't get it
seriously why not?
is it forbidden all of a sudden?
>live in the Desert
>have a Mecca (Home)
Sounds based.
>wear a pagan torture device and you'll be sanctioned
based HR
>The god of this world is Satan for sure
based christcuckold heretic
Because Christians have been annoying fuckers ever since they popped up.
t. thousands of years old
Yes it does.
>"Why is the games industry making so many anti-Christian games lately?"
>It has nothing to do with the industry. The directors are expressing themselves.
>"That doesn't answer it."
Unfortunately for you, that is the answer. If you want to dig deeper, speak with each director and their motivations behind their game. These people expressing themselves is the answer to your question.
people who need religion to cope are week and pathetic
>subjugates all other world religions for years
>claims itself to be the one true religion
>demonizes other deities
wtf bros why isn't my based tyrant jew god loved by the non-cucked world
fuck you sky-wizard worshiper
you're no better than the pagans you so hated
exactly the fucking same thing
fuck you and fuck your god
t. aussie that hates chinese and mudslimes and indians
>>live in the Desert
so do jews
Some of these are just using Christian or Jewish-ish imagery in a cool way, like Bayonetta.
Some of it is honestly pretty Christian-ish, like Doom.
Some of it is just woke liberal trash, like Far Cry 5 and Ass Crack.
Only seriously offensive games I've seen were that fighting game with Jesus and other gods in it, and that rapture game made by the Cyanide and Happiness guy(s?).
lol yes, the video game industry is definitely based lol
and yet have the lowest suicide rates in the world. Atheists literally cannot cope.
Christianity is a joke bro. It's a bunch of pegan rituals and gospels added hundreds of years after christ died. You don't even go to church nigga
At least Kingdom Come had nice priest
>woke liberal trash, like Far Cry 5
I guess you didn't play FC5 because it shows how the main antagonist isn't a man of God whatsoever
seriously, suicide rates have to be the most pathetic "argument" for anything
have sex
>Doom Eternal
It makes zero pretentions to abrahamic religion though
I don't even think there was a single inverted cross in Doom 4
once again the christfag tries desperately to feel persecuted
Because Christianity is on the way out. You see it again with the rise and fall of every empire. You see it time and time again.The only Difference is that its either at the start of an empire or after its peak.
>>Witcher 3
Churches based on the Catholic one
The reason: Christianity is prevalent in our western dominated culture. I'd choose it over other religions, but it winning the culture war meant it interfered with the laws and personal lives of more people, even influencing Japan for over a hundred years now. Since it's the religion most relevant in our lives and the one we're most familiar with, it's the first we criticize.
Your parents can put that on your tombstone after you kill yourself. God Bless.
Christianity is has ended before?
I wish the romans had actually persecuted the christians.
Christianity is like a core of white Europe and white European culture
figure it out yourself
>a jewish religion
>the core of white europe.
thats because because your religion is the only thing that keeps you from kys since suicide is punished severely in most religions
you are literally coping by having authority guide you through your shitty life
mayocide when?
>imported sand religion
>white culture
>european culture
The absolute state
30 years war for 500 alex.
It was the bloodiest fight pre WWI in European history. Just because a new church popped up and the older church didn't want to let go. It also marked the after peak of the Holy Roman Empire.
Ask any person on the street if they know what transubstantiation is
Go ahead and explain the hypostatis of the trinity if it's the core of your culture
it's not the christcuck god
Because if you make an anti-muslim game you will probably going to get gunned down, bombed, or beheaded.
>ecumenical councils, which basically shaped what Christianity is and what it stands for were run by DA JOOS!
Are you american?
Westernized White people hate themselves. Their unhappiness goes up every year along with their atheism. Thank God he gave us Trump, who has done freed more Pastors from foreign prisons in 2 years than Obama did in 8. And he works to protect God's Holy Land too, and can even make peace with insane atheist militants like Kim Jong Un. Western Christianity is on the way out. I've seen the way atheists live, there's not a single joyful thing about it.
The church in BB was one built around blood healing and blood administration. They worshiped aliens and the cosmos.
Witcher 3 had no pope nor anything resembling a papal state.
>The religion made by non-whites is the core of white europe.
>Tfw Ethiopians were in touch with God before Europe was.
>Tfw so was Egypt
>Tfw So was Canaan
>Tfw so was Edom
>Tfw so was Sudan
you'll never be white you nigger country
Patently false
>Peak boomerposting.
Based actual boomer.
Imported from the Roman Empire
Because you faggots buy every shitty game that comes out and yes i'm talking about anglos and french they love gay shit.
Jesus made what Christianity is and what it stands for and his 12 Jewish bros.
what the fuck is this thread even?
lol of course my faith keeps me alive. Why would that even be an insult? I live to serve God, for He has given me a blessed life and would encourage all others to do the same.
All those games are old as fuck now.
have sex and dilate
Do you guys also seethe at East Asian following a foreign pajeet religion?
Christianity is still around though.
Yewah was the hebrew god of the canaanite pantheon till Babylon btfo the jews and they got so buttmad they decided to make their own religion.
You wanna hear true redpill, OP? It is because you Christians are harmless faggots. And I don't mean this as insult, I'm just stating the obvious. What muslims do, when someone insults their faith? They commit various degrees of violence. What a man does when someone calls his wife or mother a whore? He commits various degrees of violence. What Hindus do when some muslim insults their faith? They commit various degrees of violence. What Christian does when someone insults his faith? He rolls over or cucks even more.
Want them stop insulting your faith? You know what to do.
The Healing Church "feasts" on the Old Blood
Kinda like the Catholic Eucharist, where they ritually consume Jesus' blood.
>having authority guide you through your shitty life
Imagine unironically thinking this is a bad thing
>The church in BB was one built around blood healing and blood administration
That's literally Catholicism.
>>>a jewish religion
The moment you accept Jesus you are a Christian, regardless of all other facets about you
The bible actually states how tge Jews were the chosen people but rejected God and how the Gentiles(non-jews of any race) now have the blessings the jews used to have. They aren't cursed but aren't blessed or chosen either. a good chunk of the stuff was said while other Christians and Jews were being killed instead of the muslims who controlled Jerusalem