How can you live with yourselves knowing you bought a platform that, at best, gets scraps from major studios and even then they have to cut so many corners that it's unplayable?
How can you live with yourselves knowing you bought a platform that, at best, gets scraps from major studios and even then they have to cut so many corners that it's unplayable?
G-Graphics d-don't m-matter.
I feel good, but after seeing how mad you are, I feel great!
if graphics matter pc wins sad console cucks
>downscaled game to run on a handheld looks downscaled
Witcher 3 in general looks like ass
if you care about graphics that much, why don't you have a gaming PC?
Looks like a PS2 game.
540p handheld, 720p docked
>that draw distance
>that shadows
>looks like ps2
nice b8 m8
I'm sorry colors offend your teenage sensibilities.
oh no no no no
By only using it for exclusives and playing witcher 3 on my PC
I don't think people that say this mean in a literal sense.
>not being PC+Switch
Just buy exclusives and indies on Switch and it's a fine and worthwhile system. Ignore these memey ports like DOOM and TW3.
Smart people won't buy it on their switch; they've already played it on their gaming PCs.
People buy a Switch because the gimmicks it offers are more incentivizing than paying more for under-powered PCs like its competitors.
This is literally a fairytale parody quest in the game.
It looks like ass because it's the Witcher
Meant to quote
Did you mean ?
>Not using game streaming or remote play instead of a switch
Bros switch is for exclusives only.
Most people just buy the Switch because of the exclusives. Ports like these are for poor people who can't afford something that runs it better or those who want to play handheld for some reason.
You got a downgraded piece of shit no matter what platform you played it on. PCfags were in denial right up to day one, and the devs blatantly lied about it right up to day one.
Still looks 10x better than BotW
>switch hardware is worse than the xbone/ps4
>people like OP are still somehow surprised the games look worse on it
It just baffles me, you consoletards are really fucking dumb.
God, so many jaggies.
Unless it's re4 gamecube vs ps2
>soapy blurry low res console shit
In short: nothing new.
For us, PCHADS.
You are all peasants.
It looks like fucking shit as well.
So much for "muh style" - everyone understands that it's just shit graphics for shit hardware.
B-b-but I have 4K games.
I'm surprised it's running on the Switch at all.
Witcher 3 looks blurrier even on high end PCs due to the weird art style of the foliage
Unironically, I want to suck your dick
TW3 isn't even that great,
fags hyped it up to no end but when I finally played it a few months ago, it was a janky mess of pointless mechanics and gameplay that HEAVILY conflict with setting and gameplay.
It actually feels like it was supposed to be a linear cinematic game but then they slapped on some RPG mechanics at the last minute and called it a day, so now it's stuck somewhere in between and the pace of the game constantly shifts from "I can build a character to suit my playstyle and do what I want" to "this is what you do and this is how the devs intend you to do it and all you have to do is follow the onscreen instructions"
>Witcher 3 looks blurrier even on high end PCs due to the weird art style of the foliage
"No". (c) PCHAD.
>muh graphics
>muh console wars
>Not just being happy because more people will be able to share your hobbies
Have sex
I should probably mention that I still enjoyed the game, but it has setbacks that are impossible for me to consider it anything other than "good" and it hardly has enough replay value or staying power to warrant a port
Hell even skyrim I can understand, you can dick around in that game for aeons because of how sandboxey it is, that's the kind of game that I think warrants a port even though >TES on console
I demand better of my contemporaries. Those that don't will be ridiculed and I will push to exclude them.
>Still acting surprised certain Switch ports look terrible.
>I demand better
You demand prettier toys so you can feel better about owning them. Stop Larping.
>muh grafix!
Games aren't about graphics you children
>the fallacy fallacy
Imagine the CDPR guys working on this port
>so we've gotta downgrade this
>and this
>and this
>and this
>and this
>Switch doesn't get game
>Switch gets game
nobody cares but you
This is true, witcher has always looked like shit
If there is no game we laugh because there is no game
If there is a game we laugh because it looks worse than a 10 kg pc
Also forgot to mention that the game automatically turns out to be shit when previously was the goat
Constaintment board for consolewarring fucks when?
>The Switch is under powered
Why are you faggots still surprised by this?
But yes, the games are only worth when tendies can't play it, you got it
Because it gets the best versions of exclusive, like DXM and Astral Chain and NMH3
That isn't a counter in itself, you have to demonstrate why the original argument can't be dismissed out of hand by being fallacious to claim that.
This. Assassin's Creed Odyssey with Ultra mesh and Ultra textures is what Witcher 3 should have been.
Is this actually a real screenshot because that's fucking hilarious. How do nintendies put up with this? Nothing is as bad as pic related though, nintendies really will eat up any shit flung at them and tell you it was the best.
It looks shittier the crisper it is, what a gift to PC owners.
*In Handheld
>720p tops
>nintentards still buying
Wait, so you're saying that my $300 handheld tablet has weaker hardware than my $900 tower PC?
So this is power of REDengine 3
Based Moga sweetheart poster
Fuck consoletards
Are you really this fucking butthurt about the bing bing wahoos can play it on their console you kid?
Feels great, because I also have a beefy PC. How can you live with being a sad lonely faggot that's never accomplished anything in your life?
>handheld game looks worse than its console counterpart
And the sky is blue.
Its only incentive is its portability.
Funny how you all faggot said tw3 cant run on switch before
Your opinion on a shit image board doesn't matter though. At all.
nobody cares
It's been a while since I've seen such an absurd amount of projecting.
It's not even underpowered, it's just that people keep comparing handheld hardware to consoles. The Switch is the most powerful handheld hardware a major company has ever released but it's still constrained by physical dimensions, cooling, power delivery and price in ways that a traditional console aren't. But people just ignore this, so rather than 'wow, this entire massive PS4/xbone/PC title with all its content is getting a competent handheld port', it's 'oh this tablet the size of a PS4 controller isn't delivering a game that looks as good as on PS4'.
>Before E3
>LMAO Witcher 3 can't run on Switch period
>After E3
>LMAO Witcher 3 looks like shit on Switch
No way to win
You buy a Nintendo console to play Bing wahoo and not the fucking Witcher. Is that so hard for people to understand?
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to The Witcher III (yes, THE WITCHER 3 from CDPR) getting released on Switch! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Limited Edtition!
Yikes! That’s a large assumption. How can one “opinion” instantly invalidate the fact that the SWITCH is dominating in JAPAN? Unlike your “Master Race”, The Switch can actually run games portably and has a lot more distribution among the normalfags. And while you’re busy obsessing over PC, care to explain how most indie games sell better on Switch than Steam? Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me, but feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
Mentally ill seething snoycuck assmad because he has a dead no games machine.
You know it's true bruv. Name 3 major things you've accomplished this year so far.
I'll go first.
>mended some strained relationships with family and friends
>learned how to fish and started being more active
>pretty much quit drinking and gained a decent amount of muscle mass
Now you.
>Expecting anything from shitposters
Just enjoy your games, user.
>still angered that your game isn't exclusive
You are a child and never owned a ps2.
Nobody buys a switch for such games. Holy shit kill yourself you coping whatever. I don't give a fuck about a waste of human flesh and worlds resources lke you.
It’s a miracle the game can run on switch. Obviously sacrifices had to be made. Big ones.
Can Nintendo please stop winning? Its making snoyqueers upset.
Imagine caring about graphics more than gameplay.
is this a bait or a bot?
Fuck off you snobby elitist prick.
It's Yea Forums. Most posters are brainlet shitposters. Anyone actually enjoying games either only lurks or have migrated over to reddit a long time ago. Just watch the response to this.
Meh, no one said the same to Vita or PSP which were the most powerful handhelds of their gen when they got competent ports, people made fun of them and now people make fun of Switch. No need to get defensive.
>Witcher 3
the only opinion here that matters folks. have a (you)
People didn't make fun of them though, you underage retard. Other than the Borderlands 2 port but dear god that deserved it. People used to understand that to get a console game onto handheld hardware sacrifices have to be made.
>forgetting multiple threads of Vita ports forgetting shat on constantly
>calling me underaged retard
No u fucking faggot.
Looks good,I’m not a faggot about graphics. As long as the story and gameplay and music are good I’m happy.
The Vita got shitposted into oblivion by 3DSfags for any reason, the specifics were fairly inconsequential.
I'm just happy more people can play the game, even if it's an inferior port. I'm surprised they even got it to run on the Switch at all, that's wild.
You should worry about framerate. If it looks like ass and the framerate is ass then no amount of music and gameplay will save it.
pretty sure anyone who was interested in this game has already played it at this point. its a nice portable replay port.
That is certainly true.
I don't mind downgraded ports but the fact that will be overpriced already makes me cringe.
Yeah, it shows some really impressive optimization under the hood. It's a little rough visually but honestly, it could be worse. All the content is going to be there though, which is the important part. It's pretty nuts, like getting a fully featured FF7 port on your GBC.
I wouldn't go that far, but it will be interesting for sure. It blew my mind that I was able to buy the first 2 Doom games on GBA. Were they absolutely inferior versions of the base game? Absolutely! Was it fucking cool that I could play Doom anywhere on a tiny little machine? Fuck yeah!
One of the shots has Hairworks, kek, not even PS4/xbone can handle it
100% there won't be hairworks on the switch version.
I own a switch because I really don't have time to build a computer and I'm constantly never home because of work . I'm gonna pick it up because I'm indifferent of the graphics. I use to play new Vegas on a computer from 2006 so I'm used to it .
Well in terms of a big flashy console RPG getting a port to a contemporary handheld I'd argue it's comparable.
How can you live with yourself knowing you go on a message board to complain about OTHERS choices in video games instead of having sex?