What were they thinking with these controls?
What were they thinking with these controls?
They have barely learned anything since Gta3. It's insane to me that they still think mashing to move faster is okay.
It’s especially bad when you have to do it on the horse. In GTA it’s not so bad because you’re riding a car most of the time, but here even on the main form of transportation you have to mash
Nice job jumping at shadows but I play rdo for hours every day.
>it's already literally forgotten
You hold the button while the meat cooks, why couldn’t they apply this to other interactions, where the animation doesn’t start until after you hold for a second.
ITT: Nigger who didn't bond with their horses and is not used to godly ingame physics
>not using standard fps
This. Anyone who complains about RDR2 controls is a certified retard. I'm certain that it is the biggest plebfilter ever made.
>were going to sell 30 million copies
Having full bonding with your horse doesn’t change the retarded button mashing mechanic.
>survival will be even tougher and more immersive
>horses may actually have value
>you have to build settlements all over Hyrule to start restoring it
This t b h
If you have to constantly look at the bottom right for the correct button prompt for interactions, then the controls are bad.
there is literally an option to turn mutton mashing off you absolute pure distilled retard
>weapon bloom
Only for running on foot, dumbass. You can’t change it for the horse control.
You sure can. Thats how i beat the horse challenges
No, you cant