Let's get one of these threads going.
Let's get one of these threads going
Yeah nah I'm sorry but this is one of those times the remake looks much better than the original.
Your SOUL image isn't even in the game, you fucking retard.
I agree.
>lets just un-nigger the villain this time!
And people say Super is not fucking soulless. as if the story and asspulls werent a dead giveaway
Post blackface popo vs genie popo next
the only problem i have with FF7R so far is bullshit episodic format they're dead set on going with
Actually it is in the game. if you reload the game with the wrong disc inserted, then this image might appear.
But regardless the comparison is wrong. One shows the Shinra HQ the other Reactor 01. The image with Reactor 01 is a somewhat iconic moment from the beginning of the original game
christ it's fucking close enough
Isn't it just the disc formatting they used in the original too?
For the scale of the game, we wouldn't see it for another 10 years though. Obviously they want to make money ASAP.
New Marlene is objectively 10 times as cute and 20 times as funny as old Marlene.
This one pisses me off along with the hildegarn one
The end.
No it's not. The original game had the reactor 01 scene too but it was with "field-model" Cloud, not concept art. It was posted somewhere yesterday too.
Can you explain what these are from? Why did they redo the posters with worse art?
Why did they put Gohan's face on Goku's body?
thy don't know how many episodes it's going to be yet and when you originally bought the game you got all three disc for the price of 1 game. They're going to charge you 60 dollars per episode.
This isn't an excuse. Square made us wait 17 centuries for FFXV. Why they fuck were they okay with holding off making money with that trash heap but the remake of their arguably greatest game ever has to get out the door asap to make money?
Thats your pedophilia speaking, faggot
Honestly these get better as you go.
Old movie covers vs new dvd reissues.
Why the fuck does Marlene look Japanese now?!
But why redo them when the old ones are perfect?
Why woudl they re-draw these when they still have the old art? Just scan it in HD.
Make the Soulless side shiny, 3D, and the edges perfectly straight and I agree.
It might be worth it if it got 150 hours of gameplay content though. Stuff the creators wanted to have in the original game but couldn't due to various technical constraints can now be included.
The issue with the remake is that "being as good as the original" can't be the goal. It has to be BETTER than the original. Unless they set their goals so high, they'd fail.
The battle system is already a good start. The new hybrid system fixes the lackluster physical attack from the original ATB. Now let's hope that the materia is going to be distributed more balanced. One of the major issues was that some of good materia combinations couldn't be achieved until the last third of the game because they just didn't appear until you got the Highwind.
Showing Yamamuro's art style before and after he got old. Most people get better with age but Yamamuro got significantly worse. Unfortunately he was chosen to lead Super's art direction, but luckily since the show's hiatus he's been shitcanned for the future of the series.
Why did his sword have visible veins on it? I always found that odd, even as a kid.
>Hmm, everybody in this here Advent Children movie looks suspiciously Japanese
>Directed by one Tetsuya Nomura? Who even?
>Final Fantasy VII Remake? Mite b cool, I wonder who is working on it?
You know its true
Too bad he dies like a bitch
I know. Hate the way they did it to him. By a fuckin leaf no less.
Meant to be 'old' seeing as it was Zack's.
>people going ballistic that Tifa's tits are reduced and Aeris looks less cute
>I told you all it would happen years ago
A focus on realism and CGI never improves anything. Final Fantasy VII has the added problem that the fanbase expects everything to remain exactly the same as the original PS1 game. But by the very nature of changing the original models to something detailed, it is going to change things. The original models had so little detail, you could imagine what they should look like. These new models have no room for interpretation.
And that's just the models. When the final game comes out, you're going to have literally everything, from the games dialogue to the content of quests to the way you interact with the world to the combat, being totally different from the original game. Enjoy.
Oh don't worry, I will.
>>Aeris looks less cute
I mean yeah, Tifa sucks. Even her ching-chong AC design was preferable.
Which is better?
Crack whore Cloud never looked good.
Crack whore Cloud is the standard
This begs the age old question:
What should remakes be? Regardless of video game or film or cover songs.
Should they be 1:1 adaptations, in which case why should they be bothered with at all? or should they be original works that attempt to stand on their own interpretation of the source material, and in that case should they simply be retitled while still owing to their nature as a work of inspiration so as to not draw undue criticism?
I think, despite what will and will not change, the major problem with FFVIIR is that it's developed by Square, directed by Nomura no less.
The most successful film remakes have always been by directors who were inspired early in their life by the source material, but had their own vision for it. To my knowledge and from that my opinion, there has never been a worthwhile video game remake. The concept in the industry just seems arbitrary when you could make a new title with the enhancements without the risk of perverting an original title.
REmake should've been handled by anybody else. Square, especially Square-Enix, remaking their own game just seems creatively backwards.
The irony in all of this is that Square can't make a good game anymore, and it's debatable of they ever could, but suddenly they're qualified to remake their most popular endeavor? It's made by Square, worse yet directed by Inafune 2.0. There is absolutely no hope for this project beyond an overdose on nostalgia for a game filled with so much nonsense.
Underrated, nerdy nostalgiafags can't handle the bants.
Remakes should change thing. The problem is, companies choose to remake things that shouldn't be remade. No matter what they do, fans will complain about any change in FFVII. However, if they remade a game like Chrono Cross, a game which had mixed fan reaction and a bunch of unfinished content, fans would be more open to it. But they're remaking FFVII because it'll sell more. That's the catch 22 of remakes.
When it comes to how a remake should be handled, you just need to look at the Dragon Quest side. They have a good history of keeping what works, then improving the few areas that needed improvement. And fans don't complain about the remakes (except possibly DQVI where they removed one feature). The Resident Evil remakes also have a good reputation, because they followed the same philosophy DQ did.
Final Fantasy as a series just has one major problem. They try to reinvent the wheel with each game.
>Yeah nah I'm sorry but this is one of those times the remake looks much better than the original.