why does she look a tranny? more importantly, why does she look like hideo kojima in the upper left corner and a different person in the other pictures? is it the constant surgeries?
insectoids are so fucking ugly
>using nigger memes
you have to go back.
Also, she had braces to fix her teeth.
inb4 that yellow fever incel shows up and spams "cute" and spergs about white women and tries to cope
friendly reminder that crooked teeth are m*e as fuck~
That's a man right?
>constant surgeries
>left is the most recent footage of her and it was only two days ago
Are you fucking retarded?
asian women are cute
wife material
> Also, she had braces to fix her teeth.
Took her 44 years to get it done
also goddamn, asians age like milk
reddit spacing AND discord emojis in one post?
Fuck, the summer's in full force already!?
you mean wh*toids?
roasties are SEETHING
No, but you are retarded. She looks like a different person in her old videos and pictures. You Chinks are so insecure. I bet she drools because of those jaw surgeries. You should help her clean up the drool instead of shitposting, spic.
ugly chink, who wouldve thunk
And there's the cope. Just like clockwork.
>I bet she drools because of those jaw surgeries
i felt so disgusted when i found out this is a thing. they just randomly start drooling every now and then, like what the fuck
yeah haha whites are ugly
oh wait
lmao, all she will be ever known for is acting cute for 30 seconds, women are pathetic
Crocked teeth is considered cute in japan
Is there jaw surgery to make your jaw bigger? How so? Pretty sure she just gained weight.
So let me ask you again:
Are you fucking retarded? And why are you seething so much that a genuinely average looking woman is liked?
>sh-she did surgery
Yeah, kill yourself incel. You say the same shit every 5 minutes.
Kek i lived in Japan for two years and their women have to go to the bathroom every hour to wipe off the drool
You can take whatever unflattering picture of Ikumi Nakamura with or without makeup, smiling or not, and she would still be more woman than you dickless freak. No matter how much surgery you get, no matter how hard you hid your pathetic dick, she will still be a woman and you will be a mutant. Everyone loves her, but nobody loves you. Kill yourself.
>being this scared of female saliva
Yeah you might be gay
>telling anyone they're seething when you're sperging and yellow knighting
>posting a meme that was only hot for like a week at most
Summer summer summer time! I just sit back and unwind
have sex
oh shit guys we got a real manly man
unironically die you pathetic game of thrones tourist
why is there a new asian woman with dozens of butthurt threads every few weeks on this website, it happens nonstop on lots of other boards too
>seething tranny prone to rage
like clockwork. Next you'll cry. Ikumi will live loved while you will die alone.
Asian pussies look like roastbeef tho
yet you treat hating an AVERAGE woman like your day job because you don't like random strangers liking her. pathetic incel faggot.
Are you going to defend your points or will you admit that you're retarded now? I'm genuinely curious how a retarded brainlet will respond.
>Is there jaw surgery to make your jaw bigger? How so? Pretty sure she just gained weight.
So let me ask you again:
Are you fucking retarded? And why are you seething so much that a genuinely average looking woman is liked?
Why do asians always have fucked up teeth
t. pedo insect worshipping tranny lover
Todd Howard is a good husband and father and would never explore adultery
Why 90% of asian girls have fucked up teeth? What the fuck is wrong with them, how is this happening?
cope some more, ghoul.
Ill clean that drool with my benis
t. smoked boomer roastie
What if she bought a lot of his games?
This triggers the incel schizoid.
you've never seen a woman without makeup... have you user....
>posting a meme that was popular
Not that user and this is off topic but are you seriously some kind of fucking faggot who thinks the popularity of some "meme" even matters? You should unironically kill yourself normie
Obsessing over social media personalities you'll never meet IRL as if they were genuine romantic interests is kinda irrational.
>see that gook
you can climb her
yeah feeling good is bad
Most people have crooked teeth at birth. They get it corrected by an orthodontist. There seems to be less social stigma about it in Japan and England.
>/pol/ incels
Is this a white roastie or just a mentally ill incel?
you're both fucking retarded and should gtfo
now we're talking
>loving someone that doesn't loves you back
Where's this idea of surgery come from?
She's pretty cute here, ngl.
Go back to rupturing your prostate with your dragon dildo bruh. Imagine caring so much about your dead meme you wrote an essay to me about it lol
Holy shit what a legend
> Source: my ass
the only cute asians in e3 are the ones from treehouse stream
She literally just looks like a normal woman in top right.
Seething roasties can't realize the difference between Japan and Korea.
She's had her whole face remodeled.
I think they're just retarded ugly white roasties. They have to cope by saying any asian who is adored by anyone went through surgery.
Ikumi is a very average 5/10 japanese woman in her middle age or nearing that, yet ugly roasties can't handle the fact that we like her personality a lot.
It's sad and pathetic. She didn't go through surgery, she's just a normal nip woman.
>Most people have crooked teeth at birth. They get it corrected by an orthodontist.
she's got a good body. h-how tall is she?
Why do men get tricked by makeup so much?
me on the escalator
Imagine unironically worshipping insectoids
as tall as todd, so probably 5'3"
This just in, asian women look hideous without being caked in makeup! More are 11!
todd is 5'6"
Are you a white woman or an incel with no job?
why though
You lads aren't wrong.
Chinks are always excessively drooling because of their jaw surgeries.
>implying you wouldnt die for this smile
Unironically cute
They're ugly as fuck with surgery and make-up too
Japs don't do plastic surgery that's corea
she was never cute to begin with
rent free
At least he's not a incel with yellow fever like you. How about you leave your parents house and get a job for the first time in your life.
Here's her before and after pics
She has nice proportions
>Japanese company recognizes them
>Decides to bring Azns to E3
>Weeaboo faggots sperg out over it and buy everything Japanese instantly.
When did Yea Forums become so shallow and start judging cultures solely by how some of their people look?
Cope more, weebcel
You bugs look and behave the same.
Why are you samefagging your own posts?
Why do you have literally HUNDREDS of pictures saved of asian women? Why do you talk about them dozens of times every single day?
I would love to know, what is your life like? You are an insane schizo.
My prediction is you're a white tranny or white woman with no job, is obsessed with asians because you will never be one.
Second prediction is you're just Tenda Spencer.
>trying to call her ugly without makeup
bro she's still 10x cuter than any wh*toid
I want her to pero pero my chin chin
>boy proportions
so you're a faggot pedo huh
who'd guessed the yellow fever incel was a pedo and into boys
>Swinging in the dark with this much text.
This will ALWAYS be a sign of cope.
OP hurt your feelings and you're lashing out KEK
What, does removing half your jaw not count as plastic surgery?
And people say makeup is deceptive.
Guys, I would really love to know who the asian hating fag is or what his life is like
Any ideas? That guys has hundreds of pictures of asian women and seems to do this on an hourly basis every time of the day. You can tell it's him because he uses the exact same picture.
I think it's a white tranny.
her hips are wider than her shoulders. i dont know what they are putting in the water where you live that give boys giant hips, but you should probably get out of there.
>Japs don't do plastic surgery
Why are you samefagging your own posts?
Why do you have literally HUNDREDS of photoshopped pictures of asian women with surgeries and make-up? Why do you talk about them dozens of times every single day?
I would love to know, what is your life like? You are an insane schizo.
My prediction is you're a spic or amerimutt with no job, is obsessed with asians because you will never be able to fuck any women from any other race because you are an incel.
Second prediction is you're just Tenda Spencer
she was never attractive to begin with
>I'm not mad you're mad!
the commonly accepted view is that it's some happa called tenda
>without makeup
She's got several layers of make-up in all of those pictures, weebcel. Cope more.
I don't give a fuck how she looks, she's passionate about her game and her game looks amazing and I will buy it
>asians look like shit without a ton of makeup and plastic surgery
Yea Forums has always been shallow. The main difference now is that we have a lot of incels who put women on a pedestal.
>he won't explain what his life is like
>completely dodges the question
Embarrassed about being an ugly white tranny?
Why are you always mass-replying posts, WCK? And why do you have pictures of underage Asians?
Okay, weebs. Here's a challenge: post an attractive Asian (Japanese/Korean/Chinese) woman who clearly hasn't had surgery. I'm waiting for my transport so I've got nothing but time.
Getting your teeth fixed with braces isnt the same thing as surgery you dumb fuck.
Guys, I would really love to know who the asian loving fag is or what his life is like
Any ideas? That guys has hundreds of photoshopped pictures of asian women with make-up and surgeries and seems to do this on an hourly basis every time of the day. You can tell it's him because he uses the exact same picture.
I think it's a spic, amerimutt or a chink.
>posts the epitome of surgical augmentations
Would you rather date a girl with a horrendous looking man-jaw, or a cute girl that drools a lot?
How much of your pathetic life did you spend doing this? Do you literally do it every single day? I want to know why. Why do you hate asian women so much? Are you jealous?
>b-but they're ugly
You do this every single day bruh. You need a new cope.
seeing how obsessed he's with hating asians? I bet he 100% got rejected by one
The Japanese all seem to have bad teeth.
>E3 presentation
>5/10 woman comes on stage
*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
Nice cherry picking
Remember when white knighting and being a simp wad considered a bad thing
Weebs don't like pig disgusting.
*cute teeth
>asian women are insecure as fuck
>yellow fever incels are also insecure as fuck
And both of them hate whites because they'll never be white. Coincidence?
Why do you guys bully asian girls so much? It's not their fault European features are so much more attractive, obviously if they can afford it they will want to look more like us.
KEK holy shit you are seething
My post sounds like it's making you cry
You can't even counter it so you just get asshurt and copy it
top fucking kek
Wow its almost like people will look different in various lighting, angles, time since last slept, style choices, make up usage and moods.
I'm pretty sure I left out a few factors, but the reality is your standards will always disapoint you and alienate you from being happy. Lower your standards of beauty a bit, but I'm not saying go fuck a hambeast tier woman.
>>this thread
Holy fuck there is some painfully ass ravaged roastie posty in here.
Even though you're coping and this woman is completely natural, I didn't say she was a perfect example, did I, user? Just post an attractive Asian woman who hasn't had any surgery.
Yeah I guarantee this ugly incel was hurt by a chink
No one is this obsessed for no reason
Remember when being a jealous man lady was laughed at? Oh wait, it still is!
Yea Forums did not die an hero in youth so it became the villain
>Asian teenagers in the 90's
>Asian teenagers in the 2010's
what happened???
Imagine liking this cringe idol behavior
>jealous roastie detected
Better than anglo teeth
>this entire thread
peak autism
That's Japan right? Japs are by far the most attractive asians on average. His photo looks like Koreans.
>posts woman that has had surgery
post a pic of your girlfriend see how you do
Literally fucking blind
Lmao. That proves that only pedophiles in denial are attracted to them.
More cope and so far, my challenge goes unanswered. Very telling indeed.
i can't do that because i don't have a girlfriend
why do roasties think people are lusting after her? she just had a good presentation. how shallow must you be to think everything is about looks and sex?