How did they manage to fuck up so badly?
How did they manage to fuck up so badly?
Marvel was never good. Not saying this as a weeb
>Comic fans hate that the comic characters look more like movie versions now
>Movie fans hate that the video game characters dont look like the movie version
Tippity toppity kek
is this the DC treatment?
The women must look like men treatment.
lmao. bottom of the barrel western shit, no better than animeshit
why is captain america wearing a S.T.A.L.K.E.R suit
But you are one?
I really do not understand how people watch a dozen of these shitty movies per year. Sure they're garbage but they're also all as long as Lawrence of Arabia for some reason.
One or 2 per year, stop being stupid.
for going with the "muh gritty realism" aesthetic despite being based on fucking comic book characters. seriously just look at how dull all the designs are. from what we have seen it doesn't even look like a marvel like world unlike the spiderman game
They really should've stylized things more. Also STOP USING ULTIMATE THOR'S LOOK FOR SHIT THAT ISN'T COMICS OR MCU it looks like garbage all the time.
It's no different than old serials.
Cape shit is cape shit. Doesn't matter the medium.
Not true. It's typically not shit in novel form.
You just don't like it because it's popular
Ultimate Alliance 3 will be the superior game. Not even trying to shill.
>randomly google "cape shit"
>first result is some /r/Drama thread on reddit
>vast majority of top comments are /pol/ tier and mentioning ((())) with no pushback
wtf? reddit is more racist than Yea Forums
>/pol/ is dumb-as-shit plebbit Trump-board's phoneposting refugees
Woah, who would've guessed?
Yeah, I remember when that board use to love Obama and hated all this racist garbage that's now playing out.