Will you buy his game again, Yea Forums?
Will you buy his game again, Yea Forums?
>yfw Zelda is playable together with Link and they spend an entire game together
>yfw her powers are based on her feelings towards Link and bonding with her is a way to unlock more buffs and support from her
>they have FFXV style converstations while roaming the world
That's a guy?
His game is the only thing that got me genuinely excited this E3. Hoping for a holiday 2020 release.
if you can't tell why do you wanna know
Ohhh yeah
What are you implying, user?
i'll get the free PC version ;)
The last Zelda game I bought was A Link to the Past, so most likely not.
It looks like it could actually address most of the issues I had with BotW, so yeah, probably.
sounds great
Major's mask was just a reskin of mocarinas of Tim. And that is widely considered the best game ever.
Maybe if it's better than the first one.
They have all the physics and interactions developed now, how about they make an actual game this time.
My waifu
Is there even a functional switch emulator yet?
>FFXV style converstations
oh no. not discussing haircuts, cooking and taking selfies?
>yfw her powers are based on her feelings towards Link
and link is gonna be completly oblivious to it like the autist he is
Yuzu allows to fully play Mario Odyssey at this point, with some bugs and slowdowns.
Give it a few years of development and it will probably launch BOTW 2 at full speed.
Oh shit, sounds great.
Read the japanese journal entries from BOTW
He is an adventure junkie but he is an adventure junkie who wants to see her smile more than anything.
cool, so are you gonna play it in japanese or?
He's actually very perceptive about her feelings, just reserved and duty focused.
I'm going to play in Russian since in first BOTW russian translation was based directly on japanese version instead of being gutted by NoA
are you implying you won't?
Didn't Link already marry Mipha. What will his dead 100 year old fish gf think?
Her affection was always one-sided.
Well english is gonna cut all that out so most people playing it won't even know about any of this.
The English dub in BOTW was ear rape, who the fuck would want to play the second one in english
literally every other language was better
But it's fun
In the Champions Ballad DLC they retconned it into just "motherly love" from Mipha
How dare you suggest something like that, user.
sounds like some mad bullshit
glad to hear it.
I would rather be fucking able to play with an interface i can understand, if i can get japanese voices without japanese runes then i will go for it but otherwise it's english for me.
This picture is literally what i expect from BOTW 2.
She literally gave Link the chestplate that is given to people you intend to marry. The conversation between Sidon and the old dude pretty much says she wanted Link.
>if i can get japanese voices without japanese runes
You can do that even in the first BOTW
You can play any language with English subs
Oh, that's a thing now? Cool.
The importrant question though is are the subs based of the English script or an actual translation?
His game will put emulation on overdrive so I can play it and all switch games for free just like with Wii U and Botw1.
Yuzu emulation is already impressive for something THIS early in development.
Odyssey has been fully playable since November.
I hope OP