>be a virgin
>have sex posters actually make me feel insecure about my virginity
I know it's just falseflaggers and not actual SJW's but it still makes my blood boil. How do I get over this? What video games do you play to help you escape your shitty life?
Be a virgin
Other urls found in this thread:
have a fulfilling life
have sex is my game of choice for that
stop destroying your soul with anime
Volcel here, nothing wrong with being a virgin bro. People here are sex-obsessed because they believe it'll fix their shitty lives, that it'll validate their existence somehow. Don't be like them.
>How do I get over this?
You're not gonna like the answer pal
I pretend I already had sex :P
>How do I get over this?
Have sex
wanna have sex?
you honestly sound like an incel, having sex would actually help as you seem to certainly care about being a virgin.
If it helps, some of the most brilliant people in recorded history died virgins. Newton, Tesla, and possibly Michelangelo
>go out there and have sex
>realize its not that amazing
>now you’re immune to those posts
wa la
the reality: the have sex posters are trannies, Dilating trannies physically can't have sex.
Have sex
I had a lot of sex in college and it's something I look back on as a mistake I ought not to have made. Don't let it get to you, virginity is cool.
Have sex with me.
Disregard sex, acquire gamer cred.
"Have sex" haves no counter, you just must assimilate it and move on
>this is what have sex posters think happens
>in reality nobody cares about their shit bait
They were volcels, though.
Why are you a virgin?
If you're with me, we can figure this out together. I'm a virgin too. I don't mean we should have sex though. Lets just be friends.
Newton didnt frequent /sci/ user
cope more incel
Seething janny tranny nigger have sex while coping, Yikes.
Hire a hooker, Jesus. Just use protection, don't do kisses and cuni/anulingus. Better safe than sorry.
After you're done you'll realise that sex is a meme.
Sex is just masturbation with someone elses body, it's not that amazing anyway.
I'd rather you assimilated my dick with your ass faggot.
Stop watching anime
Stop visiting this site
go full fit and have sex
Can I be your "friend" too?
'have sex' posters are incels that still idolise it as a life changing experience
have sex, my god. You incels are pathetic
I really do mean friends. Just that.
Perhaps you could have sex first and play vidya after
Can you post your fantasy about what people think when you call them incel?
hey cloud haf secs
Ahaha that's hilarious. That's why people say it though desu. It's a hail mary where you attempt to ruin someone's day.
lol im sure buddy
I don't blame women for my lack of sex.
Yes, of course. That's what I mean too.
Im actual unironic sjw. have sex op
>t. incel cope
>Be virgin
>Have sex
>Good but not nearly as good as my best masturbation
>Scared shitless for a few days because I may have gotten her pregnant
Not worth it man.
Her warmness however, I do love that
Just fuck an escort, go all "oh well there's not much to it" and feel glib about all those insecure virgins. If fat disgusting poos and mutts can nut in a whore then you can do it as well and be done with the whole "I never fucked a girl before". You can still pretend to be a virgin afterwards on this board when it suits you.
>What video games do you play to help you escape your shitty life?
Maybe stop playing games and try to solve your problems?
If it makes you feel any better, user has retorted with "have sex" when I was tablet posting in bed while my fiance lay sleeping next to me. It doesn't mean anything, it's just the new tourist meme from lord knows where. Probably reddit.
I accidentally put it in her ass on my first time. Guess I'm still a virgin
nobody really cares that much about sex except normalfags and and trannies
sticking your weewee inside some hooha or vice-versa is not a big deal
>not amazing
try to fall in love and fuck your woman.
Just go full doublethink up in this bitch and BELIEVE you had sex
>be a virgin
You mean a wizard in training? Why do care what the mundane sheep bleat about, young sorcerer?
theyre all childless weirdos
I'll be your friend.
Just get laid.
Having a shitty life would be having sex though. Masturbation is a genuinely better experience 99% of the time even if you like the other person involved. Especially if you have any weird fetishes.
This is the answer.
Have better sex, with someone who loves you preferably.
>Have sex
>all my depression and rage goes away
>not only start losing weight but even get better at videogames and enjoy them more
I recommend it. Made me go up two whole rank badges in league
>Getting triggered by the words of a bunch of anonymous spergs who haven't looked at a real female in years
I'm not gonna say have sex, but you should really get thicker skin. Or do the smart thing and just don't go on the board.
The key is to wait until marriage. That way, you have a good excuse for why you're a virgin.
Open up a board game instead, that way you won't contractually fall for image board addiction? That's right, the box in the closet no one opens with all the decades old art on it!
They're probably just as insecure as you and are either virgins themselves or haven't had sex for a long time.
Learn to have sex, have someone care about you.
Finish college, get a decent job, stay physically active, pick up a hobby a that isn't just vidya, and put being a virgin completely out of your mind. You'll probably be in a relationship almost by accident unless your standard are too high.
Go to some toastmasters meetings or some public speaking classes too if you're a complete stuttering dweeb.
Just be yourself and have sex.
OP here, none of you faggots have suggested any video games. God damn, I guess that's what I get for expecting a bunch of virgins to do something right for once.
You stupid falseflagger. Incels do not exist. Who in this day and age can’t have sex?
Have Sex.
And no I am not a SJW, I am a white male. No but seriously, go to Thailand, go hire a hooker or something and have sex already. Male virginity is cancer and leads to you becoming a mentally ill incel. It's literally better and more healthy for you to lose it to a hooker tonight than for you to hold on for it in the hopes (lel) that you meet some pure waifu someday who you fug on your marriage night. It's not gonna happen virgin. See a prostitute and have sex.
I have a great video game for you right here, OP!
*unzips dick*
have sex
Cherish your virginity user. Have sex posters are actually freemasons who are trying to prevent mass social unrest like civil war, when something like that is long overdue.
Women are such vapid whores that this is actually correct. I went from getting little to no attention from girls in high school to getting a lot more attention from more attractive girls in college. They really just want self validation. I remember thinking one just wanted to flirt and be a cocktease because she had a boyfriend but nope, once I finally gave her attention after a few weeks of ignoring her I got to stick my dick inside her. It's weird.
If you cant have sex, why not become gay or tranny? Its probably okay if you dont have sex when you are gay or tranny considering its outright dangerous for your life to come out in most 3rd world shit holes.
Realize that women are not worth it. They never stick to one sexual partner for their whole lives.
>try to fall in love
Kek, you're obviously the woman in your relationship
Honestly sex sounds pretty gross, all the smells and fluids, bleh.
>"have sex" has no counter
bend over
Hookers would probably have stds though
>imagine being so pathetic that falseflagging anons are getting into your head
Also, have sex
Does the man have to approach the woman every time? I've been working out for lots of years and many times been told by friends that girls liked me or that i could pick up anyone if i wanted but still socially inept and scared of intimacy, what you do in that case?
Nah only if you're America where it's not legal, so it's all unregulated. Which is why I suggested Thailand. In most countries prostitution is legal and regulated and the girls have to get tested and they are clean. Honestly I've found that prostitutes are now cleaner than your average roasty. I've fucked plenty of prostitutes and gotten checked afterwards, I'm clean. Nothing at all. I'd honestly be more worried catching shit from tinder sluts than prostituted at this point.
Why does it matter that you dont have sex when no one knows?
Why do you care so much about being a virgin?
When you’re isolated all your suffering and all your joy belongs to you and you alone.
Have sex posters don’t affect me since absolutely nobody in the world gives a shit about my problems.
People can tell you are a virgin without you asking, by the way you act around the opposite gender, and how you act when anything related to sexuality is bought up.
The bags of sand meme from 40 year old virgin is not a joke. Once you are past a certain age people start to bring up sex or sexual related questions in regular conversation because we are all adults now and take it seriously. People ask about relationship problems, advice etc. And if you are a virgin and get stuck in that situation you will stick out like a sore thumb.
People who talk about sex and relationships with random acquaintances are pure cringe desu.
Don't worry
Its better to be a virgin then a cuck
This. And a good day too.
Said the serial rapist.
So when's the optimal time to become a cuck?
have loving and consensual sex with someone that deeply cares about you. If you don't have anyone right now, I'm sure you'll eventually find the right person. No one's judging here, user
I was in a similar position. It really depends on the girl. Some women can be really aggressive.
I had one girl pointblank ask me if she could have my kids, it was pretty fucking weird.
Normies aren't cringe. You are cringe. I've had women come up to me at work and ask for sexual advice and speak about their sex life with me.
Only close friends talk about sex you weirdo.
Every day my hope slowly fades away.
>have sex posters actually make me feel insecure about my virginity
Having sex outside of marriage is at the helm of a lot of issues in society today and the worst effects are on children growing up without fathers.
If they would say "go marry and start a family" it would be understandable why you would feel inadequate because having reproductive success means making sacrifices and improving yourself in order to be accepted by the opposite sex. But that's not what they're accusing you of. What they're accusing you is that you have less STDs than they do.
Also, picrelated. Women are slowly but surely losing the power that comes with their gender role, namely sex gatekeeper in all of it's permutations thanks to technology.
Yes of course you fucking virgin retard.
Making in Burgerland where everyone is a puritan. But in other places that are more open it's normal.
Normalfaggotry is pretty cringe.
>I've had women come up to me at work and ask for sexual advice and speak about their sex life with me.
I'd physically recoil at that.
Which African nation, also sorry for the weak frame - and weak apology.
I guess it depends on where you live. Sex never came up once for me as a discussion point. Relationships were only between guys to bitch about their wifes\girlfriends.
What you didn't? ;) (no one's gonna check anyway its only a secret between you and the nsa, Google, Microsoft, Chinese third party companies, Russian hackers and coin miners spying on your computer and looking into the shit you write on the internet)
>How do I get over this?
Have sex.
Having sex with paid hookers does not count, it’s just expensive masturbation. Unless OP has sex with a woman that actually wants to do it, he’ll remain an incel. A disease.
Holebearers assume that everything must be handed to them.
how is this thread still up
wakey wakey jannies
Just pay a hooker if you are that desperate
Hookers want to have sex with you.
Whiner detected.
>sex is just expensive masturbation
>video is not sped up
I must have done some cringy shit way back when too. I just don't remember it.
It depends on your culture. Americans are mentally ill degen's so maybe there it's perfectly fine to talk about bareback anal sex with work collogues. In Britain that will just get your incredibly strange looks from anyone but very close friends you're comfortable with.
In my day we called it DDR.
I live in Spain, which is probably leagues ahead from wherever you live when it comes to talking about sex. You don't speak about explicit sexual acts with acquaintances, period. If you did, you'd be seen as an overcompensating virgin or obnoxious.
Fucking weirdo.
The hell did you do? I imagine she was joking
Engage in coitus
We're already at DDR4 now gramps, almost DDR5 in fact.
based Gumshoe poster.
That's not what /feg/ told me, though
>want to go to a brothel
>too nervous to actually know what to do when i go
>decide to just sit at home and jerk off instead
>don't think about it until i am horny again
Its simple as
Yeah because you are a virgin. What you don't realize is you are cringe yourself. Everyone around you considers you cringe.
Possibly. I know there are a lot of regressive sex negative cultures out there that probably wouldn't open discuss it. But when a hot female colleague of yours comes up and starts discussing her sex life with you, you don't say no.
This is really retarded reasoning. I've had sex with gf's and I've had sex with hookers. There is no different. You put your penis in the vagoo. Feels good. The only people to say hookers don't count are virgins trying to find mental justification to block off that avenue so they can remain virgins.
too late, I already avoid everything
Harder to swallow. "anxiety is a human derived mechanism of passive self destruction, grow up."
Sex is overrated.
Have had it plenty but didn't feel as good as when I rank up in sc2.
>be a virgin
>gay too
>being told to have sex just makes me want to fuck them instead
Just gotta out-perv em op
And remember, you are loved.
You are a fucking joke, get off the internet so much you addict.
Have sex is very much a real statement because virginity is often tied to social ineptitude.
Absolutely no one is surprised Britcucks are sexless conservatives culturally.
>Catholic shithole doesn't talk about sex
Not surprised.
>But when a hot female colleague of yours comes up and starts discussing her sex life with you, you don't say no.
Well no shit. But it doesn't mean that shit comes up casually during lunch break.
This reads like something a 12 year old would say.
kys fag.
Become asexual
Sex is overrated. It’s not like you turn into a better person after you lose your virginity. Don’t obsess over it, and keep socializing with others until you naturally click with someone who would want to share that experience with you. It’s not a race.
Sex with hookers. Learn to read, scrotum worshiper.
>Slowly but surely resorting to buzzwords after being called out for being a weirdo and/or virgin
So you're an asexual?
Saying "Have sex" is probably the best way to combat underage kids on Yea Forums that never go outside, having sex is really fucking easy to do but only if you have an active social life with friends.
Also having sex is only fun if you're physically fit, if you're overweight it's not as satisfying, so people should be saying "Have good sex" but it's not as potent.
It absolutely is a race. The older you get, the more your virginity will isolate you, and you’ll get an exponentially lower chance of finding a girl who is also a virgin since they lose it on average much earlier than men.
Where in Britain do you live? Everywhere I go it’s full of slags asking me to fuck them bareback in semi public spaces.
Doesn't work either. Fag is a turn on, and kys is just hilarious.
I've been enjoying a whole back catalog of ps2 games I haven't had a chance to play while waiting for games I care about to come out. It's a good time, I'm on Digital Devil Saga ATM.
>grind women until you finally manage to have sex and "Lost V-Card" achievement pops
>immediately stop and never do it again
Maybe with you. Spanish women are specially loose with foreigners. And that’s a good thing!
I've had sex with many different women dude. It's fun, and it does give you a short term high afterward, but really, it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Once you get it for a while, it gets boring and you mind starts to wander and you want something fresh and new. All while the woman you're with gets bitchier and more demanding.
Soon, you're having sex but that's all you have in life, because this dumb creature thinks her spreading her legs for you justifies her taking over everything else that you enjoy doing. If she's really bad, she's even caused you to lose touch with your friends (I've seen some guys even drift away from their family).
The worst part is that the woman isn't even a bad person, she's just doing what her instincts tell her to do. It's not that she wants to control you, it's just what her hormones and instincts insist she does with a man she's fucking and cares about.
If you want kids, then approach dating with that in mind (don't let the faggots here say it isn't worth having kids, because many of my friends have kids now and they love them to death) and keep that in mind (ask yourself is this woman would be a good mom, a good genetic match for you to make kids with, etc).
But, if you don't want kids, then sex is really just a waste of time at the end of the day. Again, it's fun, and you do feel good for a few hours afterward, but I'll tell you honestly that most of the time, once I've gotten used to a girl, I'd rather just jerk off to get rid of the urge over taking the time to get her into the mood.
Everywhere you go is a chav slum so it makes sense.
VR which allows me to have virtual sex
Really though, just have sex lmao
>I'm the weirdo because girls at work talk about sex every so often and include me in their conversations and ask me stuff from a guy perspective
I'm sorry women don't talk to you in life.
You sound like an actual virgin who's never talked to a woman before IRL.
First post isn't have sex.
Shit thread desu
>I've had sex with gf's and I've had sex with hookers.
I feel sad for you.
What if the hooker is hotter than the gf you had to fuck for the past few months?
jump off a building.
This, but the opposite.
>Virgins say having sex is overrated and doesn't feel as great
Every time.
After you have sex even once, masturbation is nothing in comparison because it doesn't have the psychological satisfaction and thrill of it, there's something primarily rewarding about doing it and you can edge inside your partner for hours if you get good.
The only way you could say sex sucks is if you say masturbation is shit and ten times worse than anything pleasurable you do.
You don't turn into a better person, but it's a symptom of being in a stable place in your life where you're able to pick up and keep women or a girlfriend. Virgins are often either children or still in college and very aggressive and pent up.
Italy and Spain are sex resorts for northern European women because their men can't deliver.
By not letting it get to you in the first place?
Sex isn't that important.
I mean, if you really want to have sex go out and get a social life and make some connections with a girl you like.
It'll come to you.
Losing your virginity isn't really worth much unless it's with someone you really love.
And losing your virginity shouldn't be the end goal, anyway.
once you've experienced it (whether that's just sex or a relationship) you'll realize how fucking insane women are and likely not give two flying fucks about it again.
just jerk off. that "clarity" all men get after nutting is not something women even have the slightest clue about.
Have meth
You actually feel sad because my post made you realize you are a loser.
Have sex doesn't bother me.
What bothers me is people assuming it should bother me because i'm a virgin.
Having sex is not and should not be, the goal.
It should be love, being loved and yes, also having sex with someone that loves you and you love.
A far better insult would be to point out how unloved i am.
The notion that "have sex" would bother me and is a valid argument, that bothers me.
Subscribe to my blog for more wacky rants.
Britain is just one chav slum really.
if all you care about is hedonistic desires, then yes, sex is great. but other than that, you're full of shit. degenerate.
Having sex with a fit girl and marrying her was the best thing I ever did in my life, three years later and our sex life is still amazing and competitive.
>Once you get it for a while, it gets boring and you mind starts to wander and you want something fresh and new.
Oh you're just a slut that can't keep a girlfriend, continue on.
Just when I thought "have sex" was getting tired and I almost stopped saying it, I see this thread
Thanks OP, you've revitalized me
Nope. I feel sad for you. Hope you get your life together too.
Meet n Fuck games so you know what you're missing out on.
>just jerk off. that "clarity" all men get after nutting is not something women even have the slightest clue about.
This. And this is why I think shit like nofap is getting pushed. Trying to get men to stop nutting and stay in that deranged horny mindset where you can't think straight. Emptying your balls is healthy and good for your thinking.
Too afraid of heights. No, if I were to commit, it'd be the good ol bullet to the head.
Still not working though. It's more funny that (You) keep trying. I almost want to encourage it. It's cute.
Nothing, I just laughed it off and ignored it. She asked me a couple more time after that, probably a joke yeah, invited me to parties, to get high with her, joked about being my wife, gave me random hugs and shit, it was really obvious. Laughed and ignored all of that too. I should also mention she was underage, I really didn't want to open that can of worms.
>Have sex
>My views don't change
>user still tells me to have sex
What can I do, Yea Forums?
Get a better girlfriend you stupid fucking idiot.
Why do you care dude they are just dumbposters if you let them trigger you they win
>Oh man that sucks you got to have sex with multiple women
Okay, what mental illness are you suffering from? Are you a tranny?
All women are hoes dude.
Have sex poster are well meaning idiots. What you need to do is to actually have sex with someone that cares about you in a deep and meaningful way.
>if all you care about is hedonistic desires, then yes, sex is great. but other than that, you're full of shit. degenerate.
No babyman, what I care about is being successful, attractive, and socially accepted by real people in a real community.
Having sex and keeping a real life girlfriend in your area and not some over the internet Neet e-waifu that is just as fucked up as you are is proof that you're working and accomplishing goals needed to be successful in the community.
>if all you care about is hedonistic desires, then yes, sex is great
Everyone has hedonistic desires, sex is the most pleasurable, rewarding, and fun one bar none and is a sign you're not a basement dwelling internet addict.
You tell them, "Isn't it about time you dilated your festering wound?" and then go on with your life.
If you truly think there’s no difference then there’s no hope for you.
>the weakest meme reply I have ever seen actually works on this website of manchildren
If people say that, it's basically them conceding defeat because they have nothing to say. If you get a "have sex", you won the argument and they're just embarrassing themselves.
You realize that pre-marital sex is literally spiritual, emotional, and physical poison, and that those people are your enemies who are baiting you in to destroying yourself. Don't listen to edgy atheists. They want you dead.
Go outside, make friends, stop being a loser full of insecurities and rage, keep a girlfriend that loves you, and have really good passionate sex that'll leave your knees weak for hours.
just do it though find some ugly low-value fat chick whose opinion of you you couldn't care any less about if you tried, and then get it done and over with and save yourself til marriage after that.
sex is cool and all but not at all what decades of masturbation built it up to be
Sex with gf and sex with hookers is generally for two different reasons though. Normal sex with them is the same, but gf's do the lovely dovey feelsy shit better if you aren't into that. Hookers are way way way better if you want to engage in fetish play and roleplaying and all the fun stuff.
The chances of you meeting a woman with your same fetishes and who you also get along with well in normal life and share interests is too rare. Sure it might happen, and if that's the case, maybe she's a keeper. But any person who has had sex before knows that sexual compatibility is a thing and that sometimes you might love your gf, she loves you, you get along great, but she's just bad in bed, or her fetish's bore/gross you out, or vice versa. That's what a hooker is for. If you just want to nut, masturbate unless you are rich enough to waste money on a hooker for a standard nut. Hookers are for fun stuff.
This thread is full assumptions, presumptions, godawful larping and "advice". You fags should have sense.
In this day and age a V-card is worth more than gold, make sure to treasure it user. Once you toss it away you can never get it back. Stay pure.
Having sex is only worthwhile if it's with someone you wuv
This post has too much projection to be taken seriously.
This thread reads like an AI went to bodybuilding forums then tried to emulate normalfag speech.
>browsing gaming section of anime forum is video games
That is a terribly accurate description of what I've been reading
Sex without love or at least something approaching it leads to tears.
>3 years
Thats cute. The honeymoon phase is about to end for you brother.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Reminder that masturbation is a routine you have to break away from to unlock how good sex actually is, It was a bit awkward with my first girlfriend because I wasn't very good at it, but after a month I made the switch entirely
Never looked back
Masturbating fucking sucks in comparison to sex holy shit
It has none of the crazy sex pheromones and passion, it genuinely feels two or three times as good if you get really fucking into it and get a bit crazy.
TLDR; Masturbation is fucking shit
This is objectively and provable incorrect.
>What video games do you play to help you escape your shitty life
None if you don't want to be a virgin, lose your virginity
Pay a hooker user or hit up trashy girls on facebook. Its not that difficult
>Honeymoon phase boogieman
user I've been friends with her for 10 years, even if all these feelings suddenly magically vanish I still want to be her life partner because I've always admired and respected her, and in those 10 years we never argued.
This kek. And the funny thing he seems blissfully unaware of his impending doom. The divorce will be especially hard on him when his wife takes half his shit.
>tfw you've become so disassociated from life & relationships that even when you get into one your mind can't believe that it's really happening to you.
>constantly talking to myself like "is this really happening?"
>completely unable to be in the moment
Based, my gf had a dream I purposed to her last night, we are going to make it friend.
>life only conforms to averages
Jesus my longest was 16mo how do y’all do it?
By not being a bugman probably.
>I've trained myself to be completely reliant on another person for sexual relief and am now considering giving her rights to 50% of all my wealth
I actually hope you divorce rapes you. Blind cucks like yourself fucking deserve it for being so pathetic.
>This kek. And the funny thing he seems blissfully unaware of his impending doom.
user we've been friends for 10 years and roomates for 5 before we started dating, if you want to genuinely project your own insecurities onto random anons feel free but you don't know either of us.
Have sex is good advice.
Rising up because some mainstream video games don't cater to you is a virgin problem.
Damn it really is gonna hit you like a ton of bricks.
>get annoyed with all the have sex comments
>decide since I’m never having sex I may as well just kill all my useless sexual desires completely
>now 2 months into neverfap haven’t popped a boner in weeks
>still completely alone, instead focusing more on hobbies like lifting, reading, playing music with the added time
>barely feel a thing anymore, can only laugh when I think about how fucked up I am
Disregard improvement. Take the black pill. You likely got to this point since you are an inherently defective person. Cope quietly, kill your emotions and just enjoy your slow walk to death.
>I've trained myself to be completely reliant on another person for sexual relief
Not trained, willing.
Sex feels so much fucking better than masturbation by far, it's crazy how big the difference is.
Pretty sad that you'll never be happy in life, but alright user.
The divorce rate is declining, and the statistics of happiness of married couples is skyrocketing.
Hey virgin, non-virgin here. I was the last in my social group to lose my virginity and up until I did, they never let me forget it. I think the virgin shaming that goes on today is really hurtful and only serves to make lonely people feel even lonelier.
Shoot yourself niggot.
>be me in kindergarden
>all these girls trying to be my gf
>miss me with that gay shit
>be me now 25 years old
>virgin, not even kissed girl once in my life
how to get over it? grow up
Don't fret, but also don't listen to anyone that says they're happy with staying permanently alone - life is so much better when you have someone to share it with. Do yourself up a bit and get on a dating app. It won't happen overnight, and anxiety will be a real issue, but just bear in mind that if things go poorly on a date, you'll never see that person again - just pick yourself up and try again!
I wish prostitution was legal here, I don't want a gf but I would like to try sex just as an experience
Stop watching anime.
non ascended
Okay kiddo.
I'm just trying to help you all. Having sex would fix some of the problems and correct the mindsets people have here
If only i had an internet assassination machine.
You get me?
You and those people are spiritually broken, seek sunlight and learn higher purpose of life, everything else is a distraction to keep you tied to the illusion that is earth.
God women and sex is the fucking best
I pity all incels that can't get laid and find partners that truly love them.
Been in my relationship for almost 8 years now but haven't gotten married yet and still very deeply in love.
>sex with a hooker
You're still a virgin and you know it.
>falling for the marriage meme
This is almost worse than staying a virgin.
No need to be jealous user, we hope you find your happiness too, whatever that means to you.
This is getting into false flag territory now.
>All the virgins ITT that think sex is overrated and doesn't feel as good
If only they knew about /fit/sex holy shit
If I could only have sex once when /fit/ and never masturbate again I'd take that trade any day of the week.
is that like gachi or something?
I'm 100% serious.
>virgin, not even kissed girl once in my life
almost 31 year old user here. I'm in the same boat as you. I just stopped caring almost entirely.
Stop seeking sex trough anime porn, get off Yea Forums. Don't play games for the sake of playing games, only play something you're 100% interested and invested. Spend the rest of your time mastering a high end skill.
Now that's funny.
You single, user?
suicide is the most tried and true solution.
If it is any consolation, OP, have sex posting doesn’t only work on virgins. It works on anyone who doesn’t have it frequently. I am not a virgin but I still have sexual hang ups and anxiety.
The best counter is to say it to someone who is obvious trying to lead into it before they do. I don't like it, but it works.
I'm not jealous, I feel like I dodged a bullet being able to resist the sirens call. It's a shame some hoe has recruited you as her new ATM machine. For me, I like to fuck them, play with them for a bit then leave when I get bored. I honestly have no interest in long term relationships at all. In fact whenever I have a gf for more than a few months I start feeling trapped and I fucking need to avoid seeing her. Then I usually just break up with them.
I honestly feel sorry for you marriage cucks.
Looks like a good excersise to me. Kid is burning some calories and having fun while doing that.
>Not owning a house with a lot of land
>Not wanting it to be completely free outside of minimal electrical bills
Financially cucked my friend
I have a lot of property inherited from my parents, 400+ acres, I'd rather just get married to some whore that would divorce me in my 50s so I could just re-marry again after and still not pay any estate taxes.
Feels good.