Which tank game is best out of these three?
Which tank game is best out of these three?
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Neither, all of them are a boring snorefest.
None of them.
casual tier, infuriating grind
autistic tier, mindbogging grind
mostly dead
AW before the R*ssians bought it out from Obsidian
Crossout you faggot
Steel Beasts Pro PE for realism
Tokyo Warfare for not locking 90% of content behind insane grind
sadly, both games are dead as fuck with only handful of autists playing
>Not combined arms
I can hear the screeching from Tiger players after getting shot with a PIAT
Hell Let Loose is better
Despite the russian bias WT used to be fun before the new armor penetration calculation, now the few german vehicles that could deflect shots from vehicles of its own tier turned into play-doh, you can no longer reliably counter the jumbo spam with the jagdpanzer.
The ships mode is still fun but they are hellbent on ruining it by introducing shit like the premium jap boat that is a turbine with a literal vulcan cannon strapped to it; a scrub can easily rack up kills with it, a skilled player is capable of wiping out the entire enemy team on his own.
looks intersting. Is this old school WW2 shooter with classes and realistic (or at least quasi realistic) loadouts, where everything is avaliable from get go, or a modern WW2 shooter with clustefuck loadouts, unloackables and cosmetics?
>even worse grind than WT
Only gaijin could outdone themselves.
It's Squad but WWII.
never played the other two, but I can tell you that world of tanks is a huge steaming pile of garbage
it has really nice gameplay at its core, but it's also super unbalanced, partially p2w and in general tuned to make you spend as much as possible at the cost of gameplay
It's very much quasi realistic and you're going to spend 90% of your time with a basic bitch rifleman load out as the specialist classes get snapped up incredibly fast, although radio man and medic tend to be available most of the time because no one likes playing them, which is retarded as fuck because they both get great loadouts.
No unlockables, no cosmetics, everything is available from the get go.
Mechwarrior online
Armored Warfare is similar to WoT, but with modern stuff, functional PvE, and almost no one playing PvP
War Thunder has amazing damage modeling, that makes skill more important that stats, but they insist on ruing it with MOBA maps. Also research system allows you to completely skip 90% of vehicles, if you don't like them
Kinda wish there was tank game that combined all era's with the graphics and gameplay of War Thunder but wasn't filled to the brim with microtransitions and snorefest grindy bits
Literal years just to reach a decent tier without shelling out
They're all shit, play ARMA 3.
Bonus points for WW2 mods, dynamic campaigns and zeus/commander modes that turn it into an RTS that you can also play at ground level.
Skill won't save your Maus against ATGM tho.
>radio man and medic tend to be available most of the time because no one likes playing them
why? What does radioman do? Call mortars/howitzers/smoke? That sounds like a blast
War thunder if you enjoy the idea of aiming
WoT if you only want quick mindless fun
Didn't play AW but I'm guessing it's basically WoT
in either cases, stick with low rank because that's where the fun is at and it doesn't require you to grind like a retard
Rank 2-3 in WT is the most fun you'll ever get IMO
>used to be fun before the new armor penetration calculation
What the new calculations did to the KV2 is a fucking crime.
Lets the SL drop a rally point that the squad can spawn from and PL can call in fire support while near him. The latter rarely ever happens. Usually you just guard the SL and do recon with your binocs.
>Also research system allows you to completely skip 90% of vehicles, if you don't like them
>playing rank 5-6
you're only getting what you deserve
>autistic LARP community
AW is fast paced last I played it
Maus isn't relevant for years
not to mention, skilled players don't use tanks that have nothing but armor. Sure, If no one in other team knows what he's doing, you can dominate in Jumbo or T28, but all it takes is one player who doesn't beeline like rest of retards.
I honestly don't know, I really enjoy playing both roles, and a good medic or two can literally change the course of an entire match yet it's not uncommon to see a match where there's not a single medic.
>What does radioman do? Call mortars/howitzers/smoke? That sounds like a blast
Radioman mostly just babysits the squad leader out in the field so he can use the radio to create rally points and call in fire support.
>autistic LARP community
It's anything but, 90% of the time i'm playing i'm fucking around solo, the other 10% of the time is either playing on chill as fuck invande and annex servers or having complete randoms join my custom ww2/vietnam games that i'd normally just play solo anyway.
WT. Although if you want the best tannk game experience I recommend squad/post scriptum/hell let loose
Man, i always have fun playing as the medic in these sort of game, running to danger, going prone through the grass below all the fire, making so that the squad lasts much longer then it should, its fun as fuck
you have to resarch them, but you don't have to use them.
There's 7 tiers, each with like 5-15 tanks, and you can research any tank with any tank within 1 tier from it, for example use T3 tank to research any T2 to T4 tank. Technically you can still research T5+ with T3, but if difference is more than 1, research penalties curb your XP gains
When are we getting a pvp tank game that isn't run by greedy, lazy Russians?
Every multiplayer game has bad maps, but War Thunder is the only game I can think of that doesn't have a single good map.
Dabbing on super heavies with the BMP-1 is the most fun you can have after BR 3.7
This one.
You'd love Post Scriptum then, last game I played I spent a solid 15 minutes crawling around revving and healing guys in a house that was under non-stop heavy attack the entire time, non-stop shelling, tanks, small arms on all sides and we bled them of well over a hundred tickets whilst we barely lost 10.
Shit was wild.
man, fuck tanks. they're slow and crap.
>Import only console shit
>WoT if you only want quick mindless fun
It's mindless fun until you hit the sweats at tier 10 and their spg buddies
tfw there will never be an HD remake of the perfect tank game
Without tanks I could just drive an army of SPAA next to your airfield and there would be literally nothing you could do about it.
>but War Thunder is the only game I can think of that doesn't have a single good map.
Sim size Hurtgen is amazing. Its only shortcomming are ULQ subhumans shooting you through entire forest.
Small Hurtgen, Kuban and Ardennes are decent, actually open, but allow to use terrain as cover, so they don't force you into predetermined routes and vantage points.
It has English dubs dummy
Whoops, meant subs
I wish it had dubs
>with a kwk40
Steel Beasts
Steel Armor Blaze of Warr
This is an accurate analysis.
I'm impressed with your autism
WW2 Online has good tanks. Problem is that it's fucking dead and you need a subscription to keep using the good tanks
>panel says D/H
>basically a D updated to the H variant
based retard
I like tanks too much
>basically a D updated to the H variant
it's from OG anime
>they had Panzer IV D
>can't afford better tanks
>sweep ship (essentially a floating town with countryside) for some abondoned gear
>they find StuK 40, restore it and mount on they IV D
at least it's technically possible, unlike converting Pz.38 to Hetzer that happens later on
okay but what are some good tank games that aren't F2P PVP
Steel Beasts Pro PE
Whenever this shit comes to pc? It looks like Tokyo warfare but polished
MFW no tank game can replicate the feeling you get from firing from an actual tank.
uhm, yes?
Because shock and smell producing devices haven't been invented yet.
How's Tokyo Warfare?
It's like one of those old tank arcade games, the dev released sequel game that is f2p that's called tokyo warfare turbo but it doesn't has multiplayer
how the fuck armored warfare still alive anyway?
>no single player WW2 tanks or planes games anymore