And now for something different.
And now for something different
Other urls found in this thread:
I never understood the handheld gimmick, I always hated it
Just a smaller screen and neck problems.
>Dynamic res
>Meaning likely to drop below 720p
>Yea Forums is excited for this
>now for something different
>more shitposting
Good job user
All things considered it's impressive they got it to work at all
>discussing facts about vidya is shitposting
Get friends
It's 540p in handheld mode this is the worst version easily
Yeah, but you can play this handheld when plugged in, with glorious 720p
Shocked it's running at all honestly.
isn't this even worse than a GPD win?
My 2015 laptop can inorinacally run it at 30fps, 720p with very little dense areas taking a hit on performance.
It's impressive, although I would like for OP to provide a source or something, because not even Digital Foundry has gotten out a video about it yet.
The Witcher 3 is an old game, is it really that hard to run stuff like this
>being a zoomer who thinks people buy a Switch for its graphical power
Why Witcher of all games is my question. Just seems like an odd choice to port.
Oh yeah? Compared to what other handheld version?
The Vita? Oh right, it doesn't exist.
aw dont do my man geralt like this
Op here.
Whatever nerd, keep your shitposting.
this, this is pretty interesting hardware wise.
GPD Win is slightly worse. It can't run Skyrim smoothly
Great fun discussing vidya with you
Impressive. I thought it would be 144p or 240p.
I'm assuming it will run at 15 fps then?
Switch is weaker than a PS3 isn't it?
Looks basically the same
You know how the Witcher is optimized to run better on nVidia architecture or some shit like that.
Apparently my laptop can only run it because I have an nVidia graphics card
More powerful than a ps3
Now we need the FPS. Hopefully it won't deep below 28
>Switch is weaker than a PS3 isn't it?
Why does Yea Forums love to talk without knowledge at all?
You're like those old fucks who love to discuss in a tavern how to fix the country while getting drunk
If you have to travel to and from work by train every day for 1h the Switch is fucking great to get some gaming done.
Same if you regulary have to fly.
Or it you spent the weekends at your gfs flat and the only console she has in a Wii
Given BOTW ran and looked like absolute shit on the Switch whilst also being the emptiest open world game in existence and that was made by devs who knew the Switch inside out i'm honestly fucking impressed that they got it running at all.
On most metrics it’s more powerful. I suppose there’s some weird shit with the Cell’s SPEs that switch couldn’t do. But Switch has literally eight times the available video ram as the PS3.
Since I started traveling for work last yesterday I’ve played and beaten more indies than I ever did on my pc
i said "isn't it?"
Anyways, the PS4 version already runs on what's basically low settings on PC and never goes above 20 fps so i'm surprised this works at all let a lone in 540p.
This is literally the reason I buy it
Why would I want an underperforming stationary console with no games in 2019?
It's impressive they got it to work at all without having button eyes like ollek and lollek.
Wonder if this could have ran on the Wii U/Xbox 360
It’s crazy how little BotW actually renders
I almost only play in handheld mode because I don't like playing on TV
Shit my bad, sixteen times(!) PS3’s VRAM
There’s no grass on mountain peaks you fag, stop cherry picking
Handheld was really nice for me as a kid when I was on car rides or some shit, but nowadays I use my phone for that, mostly for the same style of stuff. If I was actually on a moving vehicle I could never play anyhting remotely skillful so I pretty much only played RPGs, phones are perfect for that.
The real question is:
How the fuck did they fit the whole game + add ons on a 32GB Switch card?
Also Witcher 2 Port when?
Why do Nintendo constantly refuse to join the rest of the industry? They're holding it back.
>Why would I want an underperforming stationary console with no games in 2019?
This is why you don't get Switch.
Who gives a fuck.
Minus lower resolution and draw distance, it looks fine. How's the framerate though?
Is this going to be a 32GB cart? I thought the largest games are on 16GB (and often require an additional huge download)
The game is only 35gb or so on PC for the full thing. The downsized textures and shit means it's not hard to fit at all.
The bigger question is whether it's actually all on the card or it's actually a smaller card and you have to download the rest of the game, like LA noire.
Even in “dense” areas like this it still renders insanely less on the ground than most other games
Just wait for the Switch Pro if you really want to play it on a handheld.
I will use it as an indie machine for breaks at work. From what I see it's ideal conditions for such a device
Looks way better than expected.
I though it would look like the PC version on minimal details
>my underperforming gamebox is better than yours!
lmao imagine being a consolecuck
Because when limitations are imposed on devs they start two fucks and reduce file size. I think crash team racing is 5 gigs on Switch and 15 on PS4
They already said everything is on the cart, DLC too
I wonder if they’ll censor the nudity at all
Sorry but someone above you already BTFOed you, have a nice day.
I like how she used the leg movement as an excuse to brap. Haha
CDPR is making the right move expanding to more consoles, they'd be smarter to stop wasting time developing on PC altogether.
>buying western video games in the first place
30 fps
Devs used to cut out the bloat and duplicated files back when they had to cram everything on a 9GB DVD, now that they know every console has 2TB hard drives they simply don’t care anymore.
>Switch owners are okay with a inferior product because muh portability
what else is new? There no point in arguing with them since they will always draw their stupid portability card.
That's the difference between a decent port (like this game is looking to be, Doom 2016, Wolfenstein TNC) and a bad port (Ark, Cities Skylines, Saints Row the 3rd).
No shit it's capped at 30FPS, but we have to wait and see how Novigrad and Crookback Bog are
So you buy a nogames console that performs unversally worse for every game it has including shitty framerates that are worse in portable mode? Very sensible.
>multiplat from 5 years ago comes to underpowered console with significant graphical sacrifices
Why do they keep doing this? I feel like everyone who wants to play Witcher 3 has already done so, it's not like it was only on one console or was hard to find or something. I can understand the nonstop Wii U ports, that thing was dead on arrival so it makes sense to bring those games to a console with more life in it. This doesn't.
>we need more of the same shit or we will be held back
user that's a really dumb thing to say
currently unknown
>sex scenes on a nintendo console
I dont think Ninte do fans can have an opinion on anythkng after LABO and other shit like lazy ass Pokemon games. They are bottom barrel retards that dont deserve to be heard.
Probably decreased audio bitrate and have more heavily compressed textures. It's not that hard.
1080p30, medium settings
900p30, medium-low settings
720p***30, low-very low settings
Sounds good to me.
It's not like it looks that much work. It just depends on the amount of effort the devs put in on the port to make it work.
I think the publisher only retweeted it because they're tired of port beggars which can get annoying.
I wouldn't say that what with the restore national dex riot happening on twitter right now.
The best part is that it will become the highest selling version.
>Smaller screen
You have it closer to your face, retard.
>It's not like it looks that much worse
What I meant to say there.
Question is how if it buckles when action is going on or not.
>It was reported that the game will use a 32 GB card, which is one of a kind when it comes to the Nintendo Switch hardware. If we go by the cart space, the download size for The Witcher 3 Complete Edition should be under 32 GB.
Yes. 16GB size caps in 2019 is embarrassing on Nintendos part.
Nintendo can unlock higher clocks (especially) portable if they want on the Switch. It's severely underclocked. Of course at the expense of battery life.
A screenshot from this scene is mandatory at this point
>Saints Row the 3rd).
They fucked that up? How? If I remember correctly it ran fine on the 360
>3x the price for the same level of gaming as consoles have in the end of console cycle
Pee Sea Mustard Pleb for you guys.
Some Jap only game (DragonQuest?) shipped on a 32GB cart already.
32gb cards always existed.
Publishers and developers just go for the cheap option and put the burden on the consumer to download the rest of the game (such as with Take Two's games and a few of Capcom's games).
>they should just lose 30% of your revenue
You sound like a smart business man.
>Witcher 3 on Nintendos Switch will be uncensored
>Cyberpunk 2077 on Sonys Playstation 4 will be censored
My sides.
Nioh and Dark Souls 3 on PS4 PRO perform considerably worse than they did on my old graphics card
Nintendo even censored the Shitcher 3 reveal trailer lmao. No way it's coming out intact
Being able to play it on a plane makes it a superior version though
Video game industry-wise, everything that isn't Asian is western, yes, even STALKER.
It runs arguably worse at times. Supposedly has an input lag problem too due to how terrible of a job they did to port it.
what was censored?
switch is little less performing than wiiu which is like a roided 360.
witcher 3 came out on PS4 years ago and it was uncensored
it also ran above 540p10fps
not handheld
not handheld
Yeah, the new generation plays Witcher 3 in ASCII. grognards rise up
>get some gaming done.
Something about this is cringe.
actually medium setting on all 3 versions.
Very low looks waaaay worse than the screenshots they showed
And? Laptops also can do that.
how about a witcher 1 port or something to consoles? doesnt xbone have m+kb capability?
i plyaed it at 30fps on my toster, it is ok
it is greate if you commute to wrok everyday for like 60min
>my opinion is fact
Not really
Still wouldn't stop people from saying it can't run last gen's games.
Jesus Christ Deepsilver is such a shitshow
After becoming a wageslave and having more than one room in the house to call mine I really like my switch.
I stick to games that it can actually run though, like cuphead, smash, sonic mania etc.
I don't know why someone would want to play a game as nice looking as the witcher on the switch when it obviously can't handle it.
>seething yurocuck
Yes but now Sony is set in California and there won't be anymore Polish titties for you
this is rasist!
what is next you will call us white? fuck you
Laptops that can are also much more expensive, bitter and you have to get an additional controller
Yeah the problem is effort, and i'm pretty sure it takes alot of effort to port it to the switch. And now there's gonna be even more port begging for the switch, and if people say the switch cant run it, then they'll use the witcher 3 as an excuse, just like they did for doom and wolfenstein.
more like console and PC fags are always trying to justify jet engines because muh graphics
It was already fucking shit on PS4 with the settings so low and the horrible framerate at novigrad.
What can we expect from the shitch? N64 graphics capped at 15fps?
Corpses hanging from the tree
to play some games on the go isn't much better
Now watch the trailer again
Switch only has 4gb of RAM and was barely able to handle Doom or Wolf 2. All things considered its a miracle it can run Witcher 3 at all. Im skeptical though since it could barely handle SR3 or LA Noire, so how can it handle Witcher 3?
>Why would I want an underperforming stationary console with no games in 2019?
But you just said you bought a Switch user...
>Switch will run at 30 with tons of drops
>People will go "hahahaha"
>Despite that PS4 and xbone run at 30 with tons of drops
the corpses are in the final game
literally half the board are phonefags, work it out.
but user, that's an underperforming MOBILE console with no games in 2019
despite what Yea Forums believes, it's a good thing that people with less than best performance hardware get to experience great games
I mean of it can handle current gen games then the last gen games running poorly is probably because of poor optimization not specs.
Yeah, on their lower end PCs.
At a silky smooth framerate of 16 frames per second + dynamic reso.
Can't wait to buy this at 60$ to support based Nintendo!
And I see no differences between our version and the pitiful PC version anyway!
how often do you travel by plane nigger?
What's the price?
Yes, W3 is a visual benchmark title, it’s going to look incredible for years to come
TW3 doesn't have a "very low" setting as far as I know, but some of the stuff in the Switch version (like the textures) is definitely below the low setting.
They censored it in the live broadcast.
A 500$ laptop is already powerful enough to play most games and a controller is only like 30 bucks. Not to mention many more games.
fully modded.
Yes, and reuploaded it uncensored on their own channel.
Only reason I could muster as to why the corpses were removed is because children were watching and they didn't want them to see people hanging.
The game's final build will obviously keep said hanging corpses intact judging by the trailer uploaded onto their own channel.
2x a month
A thing you can do for free on PC on a game that costs 20$ at best
A thing you cannot do on your switch despite the game being sold at full price
lmao at consoletards
More money for cdpr and more people will have access to this good game. Coolio.
did switchfags actually want/ask for this?
surely if you're interested in games like witcher3 you wouldn't have bought a fucking switch to begin with would you?
SR3 and L.A Noire are shit ports.
The Switch can handle Last Gen games, and with enough tweaking, Current gen.
If the Switch couldn't handle last gen, then Doom and Wolfenstein shouldn't be possible at all.
Anyway I'm gonna pick up Witcher 3 on Switch cause I ain't gonna lie, I am fascinated about insane ports like these, always have been since HL2 on Xbox OG and DR on Wii.
>switch is good because you can play anywhere!
>LMAO 540p in 2019
>Um well it's 720p in docked!
>Then it is the same as the PS4 except the PS4 version is 1080p
>shitting on the glorious wii
You could mod it and put some resident evil 4 on it if you were clever
Switchfag here.
I bought the Switch to play Nintendo games first and foremost.
I own a PS4 and a decent PC to play third parties.
However I have bought some ports like Doom, Wolf cause it fascinates me seeing them run.
My Witcher 3 with both dlcs PC install is only 27gigs.
Meanwhile, Doom 2016 is 80gigs. WHAT. THE. FUCK!
We joke about port begging and portboxes, but the Switch is literally a port machine. Ninty woke up to the fact that their rehashes aren't going to carry a machine anymore.
Switch joycons connected (contact) > bluetooth controller
Options are always nice. Tons of people picked up DOOM 2016 and Skyrim despite existing on other platforms for for a good while. It's nice that Nintendo isn't getting left out completely anymore, even if they're old games.
It's much better than the opposite happening (like the Wii U where almost no 3rd party support came in at all).
Also, decent effort in ports get rewarded with good sales.
If you're getting Switch versions of the games, resolution should be the least of your worries.
I'd put fps performance over graphix any day of the week personally.
I already played that a decade ago
>My Witcher 3 with both dlcs PC install is only 27gigs.
How come? Pirated repack?
anybody who plays their switch in public has glasses that only allow them to see in 240p
*With drops to 541p
>720p hd res
LOL thanks for beta testing pcmr
I've been meaning to make a shitpost image of a dev dropping every setting in their game to run on thw switch and have tendies and digital foundry exclaim how its a technical achievement.
You can use switch joycons on pc too you know
And you can use m/kb on Switch. So what, PCincel?
>not liking demakes
You filthy fags are the worst
>Change the style of the textures into something more cartooney to mask their lower resolution
>Reduce draw distance
>Reduce resolution
>Reduce point-lights and shadow resolution
>Off-load the more performance intensive shit onto the built in functions of the Tegra X1 chip (Physix, Anti-aliasing, Motion-blur, Tessellation, etc)
I'm not gonna buy it.
Witcher 3 is a boring ass, handholdy game, with some very hit'n'miss writing. But hot damn, as long as it can keep a semi-stable fps at around 24-30 fps it is definitely going to wipe the floor with other ports on the system in terms of sheer technical prowess. It is shit like this that just shows how many developers are completely dependent on performence expensive, in-engine functions and the slavs just show their superior coding with shit like this.
That you can still play games on laptop with more performance and doing more things on it too, with more games.
>since it could barely handle SR3 or LA Noire
And diablo 3 at 720/60-900/60, so?
The switch is unironically an optimized 2015 laptop
No, the Switch is stronger than the Wii U
Of course YOU don't understand it- That's because you must be a fat American who never leaves the house and if you do you pollute the environment with your SUV.
I am always on the go and I use the public transport system (lol the train system in the USA...) so the Switch is the PERFECT system for me.
The Switch is great for anyone who has a life and leaves his home. You don't so you don't understand it.
I also have a (hacked) PS4 but I won't play Witcher 3 on it because I don't want to spend hours at home playing a game I could be playing ANYWHERE.
There are times at work where I am rendering or waiting for files or what not, I also use that time to play on my Switch. I could never do that with another system and I don't want to carry my laptop around with me everywhere plus I would never play on a laptop when I am commuting. That isn't comfy at all.
Diablo 3 isn't as demanding as any of those games.
Lmao at the Nintendo defense force forever coping with their shitty Fischer price tablets and the worst version of multiplats and bing bing wahoo rehashes.
If this was the case, the Wii U ports of Nintendo games wouldn't run and look better.
>Switch owners are okay with a inferior product because muh portability
KEK, the reason as to why so many switch owners don't care is because most of the shitty textures, shadows and sfx are hidden by the 720p-480p resolution. Do you remember how good many thought shit like uncharted and halo 3 looked on last gen? Why don't you try to load it up in an emulator and blow up the resolution and see how well it holds up in comparison. There are already plenty of faggots here on Yea Forums that try to use emulated botw to both defend and shit on the game for this exact reason.
> There no point in arguing with them since they will always draw their stupid portability card.
And no one ever accepts the fact that, yes, it is an heandheld console that you can plug into your TV. Which is why shit like Doom 2016/Eternal and Witcher 3 running on the damn this is such an impressive feat of coding.
Switch = stronger WiiU and one fifth the size/weight/power consumption. Clearly an evolution. We've been having this exact same thread since launch and will ocntinue to have it because people refuse to understand. Presumably dumb, deaf and blind people.
That's the size of the gog goty installer
Rent free
The problem right now isn't really the graphics, lower it down all you want. Its the resolution making it a blurry mess and the shitty performance always going under 30 fps constantly thats the problem. As for last gen games, it's exactly that, they were last gen, they were like that because there was nothing better at the time, those games were the best in graphics at the time. Now in the present there so many other game that are way better and that regard and now we have a "console" that run games that is comparable to last gen which is extremely inferior.
please.... give me the sauce... please.....
You seem like the type of certified fag that can't fathom that some people have living and working conditions that are vastly different to your owns/the people in your household.
Yeah, right about that.
No matter how many times I nail it into their head, they'll never actually understand.
Fuck it I'm just gonna get Witcher 3 on the Switch and give up on these fucks.
>540p handheld
That's pretty good all things considered, I'd love to know just how the hell they're doing it. Won't be a great docked title but if they can manage that handheld with a consistent framerate it'll be pretty nuts.
>my 2011 pc with a 2016 gpu
1080p60, ultra settings
>working conditions
lmao you dont need to fly anywhere to get your autismbux
Serious, I have never played this game, is it worth it? What set it apart?
That's yellow...not orange
Calibrate your monitor.
I play during work, no one cares since I get all my shit done on time.
Then play some elebits or cirby you rancid swine. RE4 is still king of 3rd person shooter bar none on the wii
gaming in bed
gaming while pooping
No. No this is where you are wrong. I wish you wouldn't be but you are.
What should I rent?
imagine microsoft or sony announcing witcher 3 or resident evil 1 at e3 2019
>because there was nothing better at the time, those games were the best in graphics at the time.
And the switch is a fucking tablet, with tablet hardware and software that is just barely stronger than last gen consoles in term of raw processing power.
The main difference between it and something like the Nvidia Shield tablet is that it has controllers that slides into its sides that turns it into and oversized PSP and a more modern CPU/GPU combo. Or are you expecting something that consumes less than 20 watts of power at peak performence to beat something that consumes twice that amount or more and has more space for hardware and to dissipate the heat? The fact that NO ONE not even the nintendbabs can grasp the fact that it is not actually competing with consoles or PCs marketshare, they are competing with tablets/phones and is losing in terms of sale but winning in the quality software department.
How hard is it to grasp the fact that Nintendo, no matter what anyone wants from them, cant break the laws of physics. But I guess that you want them to create ''competitive'' hardware again user? Just look at the last 3 attempts at that and you will probably understand why it is a waste of time for Nintendo.
>The fact that NO ONE not even the nintendbabs can grasp the fact that it is not actually competing with consoles or PCs marketshare
The fuck are you smoking?
People are literally saying that all the time, that you can't compare the Switch to Home Consoles and PCs, only handhelds.
People here are calling people idiots because those idiots think the Switch is competing with Xbone/PS4.
Then why make these shitty ports then? Why not focus on making games that are made for the switch, they keep focusing on these shitty port instead of games that are made to be played in handheld or have local coop so you can bring the switch to your friends house and play with them. But no lets fucking port Doom instead or the witcher 3, Who the fuck plays these games in handheld anyway? Whats the point? Battery life is only 3 hours so you cant play that long, so there no point for a game like witcher 3
lmao my monitor doesn't even have a demagitize button anymore you CRT fuck
Is that screenshot really shot on a switch? Looks too good to be true
I-I play these games in handheld user...
Why even bother to play this in anything but PC? how much do you hate yourself to play it on a fucking switch?
You think mods do any big difference?
I'd need to see some footage first. BotW apparently runs at 30fps and that game looks fine at that framerate, but MHGU is capped at 30 and it looks like it's running at half the framerate despite apparently being the same.
It's comfy playing games in bed. Especially JRPGs
Whatever, fuck it im done. Do whatever the fuck you dumbasses want. You could pay only 20 bucks on PC and be done with it but nah go ahead and pay 60 for a 5 year old game with a shitty port. Or maybe improve the game a ton with mods that you can do FOR FREE, but nope just play the base itself that is great but still extremely flawed in other areas or you know... mods the fuck out of the game so much that you become a god in it.
So yeah have fun.