>piss off every redditor and numales
>doesn't give a fuck and does what it wants
can any company get more based?
Piss off every redditor and numales
>gets cucked by microsoft
I like Tim he gives out free games
USD $0.05 has been deposited to your account.
Tim, it's sad how much you post here.
I'm starting to worry about your mental health.
I like the virgin Apex more than the chad Fortnite
He has already bought shenmue for me. What a based lad.
I thought Epic said they weren't going to poach games already on Steam. Why did they change their mind?
They aren't based because they are ruled by investors which means the company is their bitch and will do what their masters demand.
Microsoft partnership.
Bungie and Larian throwing shade at them.
E3 conference didn't yield as much exclusives as people though.
oh no, the chink shills learnt about the word "based"
>metro is on gamepass and epic store
Nah m8 MS knows how to play both sides.
Leave it to a retard to think ms is ever about doing something good and not literally just for money
Thanks Tim.
>Tries to make the pc show all about Epic
>Terarria was still the only thing interesting throughout
yes, nintendo
their only point is to hurt steam, not anyone else
it's on gamepass for PC because MS already made the deal before Epic, and you can't renege on a deal with MS, especially if it's over Epic
>>piss off every redditor and numales
nigger go take a look around twitter and see the profiles of the people defending them.
Nu-males and redditors love sucking corporate dick though. They are spineless and of low intelligence.
they didn't. shitmue was never preordered on steam
it's so good that you can't prove that statement.
>be chinese
>engage in shady business
>ignore laowai complaints
Tienanmen square massacre 1989
>trying to get Yea Forums to like something by associating it with the things and people they hate
What's funny, is that valve is the one that got more of chinease money this year than tim
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官 黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦
Yes they did, faggot face. It screwed a lot of people over.
Preserving this post
i don't know about this anno game. if it's true, i'm sorry for being incorrect. i was talking about the new controversy
owned by tencent->
tencent is the communication branch of the chinese gubmint->
the chinese gubmint is buying games to make you willingly install surveilance software on your pc
It's one thing if a store had a time exclusive from the begining , it's a bullshit thing to have a game coming to steam, have people be able to start preorder and get excited through the message boards and things and then pull it. That's the thing that really pissed people off.
too bad they can't make good games so they have to buy them.
>having Chinese software installed on anything
They don't even support linux, just saying Steam already gets points for this since I use the linux.
>shitmue was never preordered on steam
Valve is investing in china means Gaben is selling his soul to them, Tim is just getting free Tencent money without giving a fuck
That's exactly why the chinese government is actively trying to sabotage them.
Call it tinfoil hat doomsaying but it's literally written on the news.
USA and China are in a tradewar right now, and videogames are a FUCK HUGE market, it's no surprise the chinese want to take it.
Here's what will happen in the next 1-8 years
"Epic is an american company" :^)
Once the platform has generated a relatively massive userbase, it will eventually be completely bought out by tencent, though even now, Tim Swine-y is nothing but a puppet speaking lies.
Once it's completely chink owned (if it already isn't) they will have the true monopoly, because then they'll bribe every single new release they can.
Steam and gog will remain, not as some "rebel" bases, but simply because of actual hobbyists and customer respecting devs refuse to use anything else.
Indies will also flourish more, but as it stands, even they may get bought out by epic
>can't make good games
Like 50% of the market is filled with unreal games seething steamcell
They lied.
didn't know that adding something to a wishlist now counts as a preorder. guess i need to clear my list before they charge me
give me 1 (ONE) single proof that epic got a cent from their chinease investors since they bought their stock in 2012. i can write shit out of my ass too. 'gaben is making that even in china, only because he made a deal with chinease goverment where they give him a bus of chinease children sexslaves'. are you going to post in as proof in every thread now?
be sure not to keep your mobile phone assembled in china not too close to your ear, because they may assassinate you since to speak to truth
>not anyone else
Are you sure? Because you can't get phoenix point on GoG thanks to what epic did and I'm sure that won't be the only game GoG misses out on because of epic.
>making an engine is making a game
>sleazy front operation for bugmen
Literally nothing in the world more cucked. Kill yourself ping pong.
I don't know how people can trust a company like this, even if you use epic yourself how can you know epic won't lie about their own service.
My name is Criag.
Really speaks to how Yea Forumseddit this place has become when you read all of this anti epic koolaid tier nonsense.
We get it guys, a lot of your precious gamer identity is wrapped up in a steam account and because they've had a monopoly for so long you've got a serious case of Stockholm syndrome. The rest of us will be over here blaming valve for creating the paradigm of drm platforms in the first place and not giving a fuck about one drm platform vs. another. It's fucking pathetic to see you go on and on about it, but at least it's entertaining.
>creating the paradigm of drm platforms in the first place and not giving a fuck about one drm platform vs. another.
Digital was always going to happen in every single media form no matter how much you stomp your feet and cry about it
Cockroach confirmed.
Despite all the hate I'm just glad that they port console exclusives to PC. That makes them more based than Nintendo or Sony.
>I'm just glad that they port console exclusives to PC.
The Quantic Dream games were always coming to PC, it was announced when NetEase partially acquired QD. And as for games like Journey and Flower, the fact that Flower released on GOG and Steam tells me that Epic likely didn't actually have a hand in making those games come over
also triggers 4channel easily
i really wish they'd pay nintendo enough to put jonesy into smash and watch this whole place explode
Not going to happen. If epic gets too far along there'll be a massive influx of piracy that'll cause one of two things. Steam, or a new contender, retakes the market by not being obscenely obnoxious with the DRM. Or PC gaming dies completely as devs no longer make games to try and sell on a platform riddled with pirates.
I don't use epic and I am not surprised that they were lying. I am just stating the obvious.
but muh tianamen square
I love how the ONLY defense is always whataboutism, contrarianism and attacks on Steam.
Guess what dipshit, I'll buy in a hearbeat if you put the games on GOG. I'll buy from fucking Itch.io and Gamejolt too. I won't touch shit like Ebin, Uplay and Origin with a ten foot pole.
any company that maddox defends is instantly shit
>has defended reddit
>has defended epic
>has defended DNC
>has defended tumblr
>I love how the ONLY defense is always whataboutism, contrarianism and attacks on Steam.
except all the arguments anti epic were disproven multiple times, steamdrones just ignore them and do not reply and all the discussion you get is le ebin china pasta
It is pretty based, it convinced me to return to piracy.
>except all the arguments anti epic were disproven multiple times
Jesus, I knew Epic shill mental gymnastics is needlessly complicated, but how in the flying fuck do you even justify this level of delusion?
Then you shouldn't cry when a business uses its resources to challenge an established monopoly. I know opening a separate exe file to play your precious games is tough but you can get through it, I promise.
I'm not interested in making long winded autistically sourced and certified logical™ arguments with you. You're defending one giant company vs another over a fucking separate launcher you play games on. Do you have any priorities in your life or are you just as much of an autistic manchild as I imagine you to be?
Stop trying to make Epic appear based just because Normies are angry.
4channers are angry too.
Epic only rewards publishers, not gamers
They bought shares means they threw a lot of money towards Tim, result: Tencent gets a cut from Epic's fortnite money and that's it. On the other side Tim is still making the most money and is ruling over chinese shares with forcing them to threw more money so epic makes more money at the end, Tim made them his slaves.
>except all the arguments anti epic were disproven multiple times
-launcher accesses files and folders that it shouldn't
-admits to buying exclusive rights to keep games off other launchers
-tencent owns shares in the company
-store can't even shopping cart and lacks other basic features that other launchers have
-prices are not competitive to other stores
-just another form of DRM
tell me if any of these are a lie.
Hey OP do you have brain damage?
Genuine question.
No! Stop!
My backlog is already full I'll never get through it if you keep giving these out Sweeney.
>worry about hurting developers
Ahahah do murricans really do this?
Tim is based as fuck for paying for my copies of Ashen, Hades, Generation Alpha, Outer Wilds, World War Z, Control, Shenmue 3, Borderlands 3, and Maneater, I'll be sure to seed too.
I could barely read what he said.
>he stopped pirating because of steam cancer drm
Get a load of this steam drone.
posting in a shill thread
Yes it was. It was pre-ordered through Kickstarter, which promised a Steam release.
>an established monopoly
steam is not a monopoly. developers/publishers are free to publish their product at any of the many launchers that exist, they choose steam because of the massive install base.
in no way does valve hold exclusive ownership of PC video game digital disruption. calling valve a monopoly is admitting bias against the company.
Piracy isn't illegal here, like it is in most of the rest of the world, so no.
They are all lies and stop quoting me you retard you lost the argument already
to be fair we need someone to buy games to attract developers to the PC platform.
But it will be on steam later.
can someone explain to me whats so bad about epic store??
>this level of maldness
Yeah, using the money stole from children in a shit game to buy out exclusivity deals to stay relevant is based...fuck off
Could you also tell him the definition of a duopoly.
This. Tim Sweeney is on record saying it's publishers who will decide if the epic games store succeeds, and customers won't matter
just like you with steam
No, videogames should be like an obscure art where you pay for it only if you really like it, and not popshit rollercoaster where you pay a fee for a shitty 5 minute casual entertainment with no depth and purpose. Only cancer faggots from reddit like AAA trash.
-Epic doesn't mass generate keys for free for publishers to sell to other stores, so you won't be able to buy from third-parties who are competing on price (only from a 'partner' like Humble Bundle which will just sell the game at the exact same price)
-If you live in an area that doesn't have high amounts of credit card usage, you might usually rely on cash cards to buy your vidya, and unlike something like Steam which eats the cost themselves Epic will just charge you more (given their low take for themselves)
-Instead of using their vast wealth from Fortnite to make brand new titles for their store, Epic's paying to take choice of where to buy away from customers, and this includes both Steam and GOG options being taken away
-Ironically if you live in China you can't actually buy games from Epic
-If you're one of the few Linux people out there you're screwed because you can't as easily take advantage of Proton or anything like that
-The 88/12 split becoming a regular thing likely won't hurt Steam all that much overall, but it will kill all the third-party sellers which provide better prices for games like Green Man Gaming, Voidu, Fanatical and Gamesplanet
Exactly, we take money from chinks instead
That's not true. Show one shred of evidence that this will be the case.
Also, even if that weren't a blatant lie, Kickstarter backers who made the game possible in the first place are receiving an epic games store key. Even if it did come to steam later, the pre-orders are not going to be fulfilled as promised. Backers will be punished by being forced to buy the game twice. This is all assuming a steam release did happen, which it won't. No one mentioned a timed exclusive
Jokes on you, i pirate all my shit
Horrible security is my biggest issue.
I've gotten AT LEAST 20 emails over the past 3 years of people trying to get into my account.
Only made the damn thing for the UT alpha, so it's useless now that Epic stopped making games.
Also paying to make third party games exclusive is cancer and I have no interest in supporting that on PC.
Thankfully, with 20 million idiots fucking off back to consoles next gen, Epic's target audience will no longer be buying games on PC.
>gears of woke
>pissing off numales
Good one, rabbi.
Tim is a lair and your are dumb enough to believe him
They already confirmed that it's timed. The Shenmue Deep Silver page got updated.
But leddit is LITERALLY SEETHING that people won't move to the Epic store. To make things worse, r/games is filled with unironic commies.
so you mean Tim ? Like getting the chink money to buy more american property or gaben who sold ti9 to china
you mean their only point is to attack steam to seem more relevant i see you're a nintentoddler so i'll you a pass
>-The 88/12 split becoming a regular thing likely won't hurt Steam all that much overall, but it will kill all the third-party sellers which provide better prices for games like Green Man Gaming, Voidu, Fanatical and Gamesplanet
Oh fuck, I forgot about that.
How the fuck is a third party key seller going to survive on a sub-5% cut?
>doesn't give a fuck and does what it wants
That would be Gaben and Valve though. Epic is behaving like someone in serious need of approval from their dad.
Steam doesn't require its games to have drm.
Lol I've gotten 100 emails just a few days ago
>watching madcucks' videos in 2000+19
I too am mentally stable, employed and have sex and also choose my tastes exclusively on who it triggers
Most steam games have no DRM. You can go to their folder and doubleclick the exe without even needing steam. Some games without DRM still choose to use Steamworks for their online features, like Terraria, through which you can correct to friends' game by right clicking them in your friends list, but the game itself can be copy pasted to another computer without steam and it would just run.
Doesn't matter since steam forcefully installs a system service spyware that will be running 24/7.
They're such giant liars that they're not even paying Fortnite competitive players and trying to pretend that certain players never showed up to tourneys.
>Being a traitor just because Epic gave you a bunch of free games
Way to sell your souls, whores.
Its gonna fuck us all in the long run.
cry more :)
You mean the thing that is incredibly easy to turn off, remove, and only use when verifying a purchase the first time?
How can your shitty generation have grown up digital natives and not know how to do basic things? I'm probably twice your age and killed that off years ago.
Shit games lol
Steam doesn't work without it. And most steam games would refuse to start because no steam service is running.
How does that chinese cock taste user? Can you smell the pubic hair already or you need to get a little deeper?
World of Goo? Shit that was one of the first non-valve games on Steam. Takes me back
t.dicklet chink shill
I can't see epic lasting long at this rate. Everything they do seems so short sighted and amateur.
Tim gave china 40% of his company. The only thing he took was china's leash and collar which he happily wears around his worthless neck.
I can't believe they thought proudly announcing that they stole more money from Kickstarter backers was a good idea. Like even the shills couldn't defend them on that one.
They're WWE heel levels of being arrogant and unlikable on purpose
>I have some bottom of the bin indieshit games and you don't!!!
I at least hope the dog comes properly cooked this time, user.
>Obvious bait
>116 replies
> 19 image
>72 posters
isnt Fortnite already free? whats with that?
its more like "give and take" he is getting money to make more money
>Transistor, Edtih Finch, Rime,The Witness
keep coping steam cucks
>Transistor, what, what and what
>female protag
>walking simulator
>muh female
steamcell calm down and get your life straight :)
Yes we are based.
I thought redditors and numales were those who supported EGS?