CD Projekt Red being based and trigger "journalists" again
CD Projekt Red being based and trigger "journalists" again
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wait what, black people were labelled as animals, i gotta see this demo, did CDPR go full 1488?
funny how you are conveniently trying to blend out that even shit eating faggots like polytrash are calling the game out for haivng bland, boring shitass generic gameplay we already have seen a hundred times in dozens of open world AAA meme games like Watch Dogs, Skyrim, GTA V etc.
Stop giving a fuck about journalists. They're glorified bloggers.
it's so transparent when games journalists get the signal from the woke brigade that they need to hate something and ruin it deliberately.
I wish these people could just get the jobs they really want and go shit up "real" journalism instead of reviewing videogames, which they obviously hate
seething trannies
why do trannies think they have right
>You kill people in this game
>Black people too!
The horror... The horror...
they have right to suicide
It's the name of the gang.
This sounds fun as fuck
what did he has to say about the gunplay?
looked good enough to me last year gameplay demo
>Haitian speaking creole is an "inimaginative stereotype"
What ?
I hope Maelstrom are still in
that one member was cool
wouldn't expect anything else from those eunuchs
>black director self-insert is called a unimaginative stereotype
OHNONONONONO it's that Persona 5 RETARD article all over again
Don't post links to cancer you stupid FAGGOT.
>black people labeled as animals
Based poles.
RPS should just be in your blacklist at this point.
>bland, boring shitass generic gameplay
>Can hack a guy's robo-arm into shooting himself
>If you replace your arms with metal ones you can punch people to death, punch down doors and rip-off turret guns to use
>skill/perk level-up system based around the core stats which are then sub-divided into individual categories (strength - guns/melee/athletics)
>a door can be hacked, rewired through engineering or just plain broken down. Encourages multiple ways to progress through things. Freedom of gameplay is what they want to focus on which Witcher 3 lacked
>can play through the entire game without killing anyone
so watch dogs?
That last sentence was a real twist. Did not see it coming at all
He's projecting his fucking lunacy into this. The dudes racist as fuck himself. They always are when they think like this.
stop giving them attention for fucks sake
Uhhh, trannybros?
comfirmed bait
Watch Dogs was GTA with U.I. pop-ups.
Watch Dogs doesnt let you be a killing machine with more metal then flesh, every part linked up to your smart-guns. Or let you be basically a ninja with all points put into stealth and melee. Or many other ways of tackling problems.
Watch Dogs also doesnt have a dialogue system which a character chosen background plays into. Nor does it let you make choices and change your relationships with various characters
That feel when I have gender dysphoria but won't take hormones or cut my dick because that's retarded. Instead I'm gorgeous fucking man waiting for nanobots gene splicing on a cellular level or perfect vr.
Fuck trannies, fuck jannies, fuck virtue signalling and fuck vidya journos. Simple as.
No. Deus Ex.
Whenever a game allows for it I always play no kill. No kill/no spot is even better. Especially if the AI starts getting more and more fearful and jumping at shadows the longer the game goes on.
Mike Pondsmith is black. But oops I guess he suffers from INTERNALISED RACISM. Oh you poor precious black man, let I, a white leftist, speak for you and tell you all about being black.
No. EYE Divine Cybermancy.
Are there more games that do this? The only ones I can think of are Deus Ex and Dishonored
but you shoot black people, it's unimaginative and makes him feel bad
Did you actually have these feelings before getting your brain fried by anime, porn and internet culture?
>Pissed off /pol/
>Pissed off reseterra and game's ''journalists''
>Openly support futachads
Based CDPR
>black guy is black
woke journalists: wow this is a racist stereotype
this is the message they are sending
i love every bit of what i read. based black animal killing Cyberpunk!
I'm not saying you're wrong but faggot western game journalists shit on games that aren't "progressive" enough and are more critical of them. If CP77 had a bunch of black trannies fucking each other, they'd say the gameplay was amazing.
>Had no problems with Mortal Kombat
>Suddenly Cyberpunk's gore is "too far" and "horrible" because you have an agenda to push about how you're a seething nutjob but don't want to admit it
Yup. I don't watch anime (well, I liked Trigun or NGE but that's it), watch regular porn and hate internet culture.
lmao goddamn your optimism is inspiring but your disappointment is gonna be hilarious
Fuck niggers
not enough dilation stations at the cdpr booth this year
>drink is called CHROMANTICORE
>portmanteau of CHROMOSOME and MANTICORE
>casually calling trannies beasts with body parts that don't belong to them
>CD Projekt Red
Nah. They're turning into Bioware.
Is that a dick?
>another first-person shooter
>more skill trees
like in every ubisoft game
>encourages multiple ways to progress
once again this is ubishit sandbox tier "play how you want to play", if you cannot greatly impact the story or plot then the "freedom" is an illusion.
>early game impressions are underwhelmed, comparing it to deus ex
>killing machine with more metal than flesh
play titanfall or some shit
>Or let you be basically a ninja with all points put into stealth and melee
skyrim-tier rpg design from 2012
>doesnt have a dialogue system which a character chosen background plays into
fallout shit, honestly what makes you so sure that Cyberpunk will be anything more than a shallow rpg experience with a lot of polish but no innovation?
So what I'm getting from this is that I should preorder the steam version, the GOG version and also the physical collectors edition? Thanks RPS, will do.
Name a deep RPG then
>predominantly black people
I guarantee that it's a perfect divide of all available skin tones randomly generated to create the random NPC enemies of the gang.
Just appears "mostly black" because for white skin tones you have like 3 options (white, tan white and asian) and for brown skin tones you have shitloads (light brown-deep black).
Long story short, there's probably more "black people" because there's more skin tones that a progressive would consider "people of colour" than skin tones progressives would consider "white".
Either that or it's literally a 50/50 split and the journalist is just plain delusional.
>Black people can only ever be virtues of good and to ever show them as criminals is racist!
>Put more black people and women in video games!
>Hey! Why are these black people and women in video games killable like the white males are?!?!?!?!
kek really?
Yes, really.
Notice how Red Dead Redemption 2 made the injuns unkillable by locking you out of your weapons in their camp.
You sound like a bitter, jaded and cynical faggot. This game sounds awesome and the fact that it is pissing off a bunch of socjus cuckboi journo faggots makes it all the better.
By doing it you support trans people genocide! You won't dare!
>can hack an arm into shooting him
Hacking people is run of the mill for this sort of thing, they couldmt be more imaginative and have it grab his legs or suspend him by grabbing a pipe or something?
>you cam get an upgrade and do strong things that every other strong person game does
>level up system based on trees
Very imaginative
>can open a door three different ways
Unironically the best thing you listed if they have different requirements for different skills.
>can do pacifist runs
Also a strong point but your whole post reminds me that I can play Deus Ex for a fraction of the price.
Yes black people aren't children and can be bad people in videogames. The only racist cunt is the article writer that can't stop drawing connections between 'Animals' and blacks.
back in 2018 they showed how you can impact the story. You could ignore the Corpo lady and lock out any future quests with her. Also you first compared it to ubisoft then to titanfall and then-
Oh you're baiting.
>direct link
self promotion is against the rules but the mods are to busy making sure people dont say p c f a t s that to actually enforce any of the rules that matter
just skimmed through the comments of that article... What the fuck happened to the site?
>other people need to follow the rules but I should be exempt
why are you like this
This, it's not even like all the gang members are black to begin with. The dude literally just saw black people as some of the members of a gang with the name "Animals" and automatically went to "Black people are compared to animals!"
If that's the first place his mind goes then he's the fucking racist one here.
thats not what i said retard
I'm not going to strap on the citrusy codpiece of cynicism quite as tightly as our friend over there, but it is not a bad idea to approach new releases with low-expectations.
Best case scenario: You're pleasantly surprised and get to play an awesome game.
Worst case scenario: You are vindicated and get to laugh at the true-believers and early adopters desperately trying to justify their purchase on Yea Forums.
>linking clickbait articles
Fuck off
Oh I dare motherfucker. I dare like a sonofabitch.
Linking to RPS should be a bannable offense.
>those tabs
Did you even try?
The strong melee character sounds badass as fuck I want a roid tank now
>cyberpunk 2077 comes with
>a bunch of stuff people can get for free
Imagine being such a closet racist that merely shooting a few black people in a video game sends your emotions spiralling out of control like this.
Wait!!! Think about trans community! Would trans person approve your purchase?!
>open a bunch of silly tabs
>post on Yea Forums
>drown in (You)s
this is nothing new
Remove it from your basket!
>erotic massage
Maybe there's a skill tree that has dilation for your obsession, user. It would be under the "strength" tree, not the "tech" tree or the "diplomacy" tree. Those two other original trees will instead have such novel concepts as "cybernetic hacking" or "intimidation." Should be very innovative.
>he gave them a view
>probably stupid enough to not have adblock either
Good job falling for the advertising
No, they probably wouldn't be okay with it. which is even more reason to buy it as far as I am concerned
>I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures. Last year’s Gamescom demo drew criticism for its clumsy and inauthentic presentation of a Latino character, and I’m not convinced the Voodoo Boys are a step in the right direction. At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
>Then – because again, we’re very strong – we rip the turret off its base and turn it on the Animals. At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
>But near the end of the demo, we meet a white man in a suit and tie who gives us the information we need. He also tells us the Voodoo Boys are going to turn on us the moment we’ve done their dirty work – and is immediately proved right. The violent black thugs betrayed us, as the corporate white man said they would.
Dangerously redpilled.
Hmm, lemme think about that for a
Yea Forums - Official Twitter Mirror
>"this is scary"
>Gamescom demo drew criticism for its clumsy and inauthentic presentation of a Latino character
Did it?
I'm just sad I forgot to leave the tab for the escort review place open as well. Ho hum, can't have everything.
>he thinks it has a point
It has less to do with trans people and more to do with the fact that if we COULD do shit like that with zero lasting consequences then sure as hell would products exist for people to do shit like that and giving themselves stupid animal ears and eyes and tails and other stupid shit.
Fucking transfaggots making everything about themselves, just fucking research fucking cyberpunk as a genre and get an idea of the whole point of this crap.
>I made the connection between Animals and black people on my own in my head
>This is the fault of the game
Or maybe you're just a racist cunt
>the manticore has a monstrous body but the face and head of a MAN
Trannies btfo
Holy fucking kek how based can one dev team be?
>he's talking about the shallow, tired gameplay?
>b-better deflect, dilate dilate! It's all political now!
I come here to talk about videogames user. I don't give a shit what a suicidal
>white people have gone extinct in the future
>still complain you can't shoot them
USA and Cucknada should get nuked.
SJWs are the most overtly racist, bigoted, and close-minded people in America right now. More people need to call them out on this shit.
b-but now we're left with shooting oppressed black people, and thats a bad thing, here's why
If what you're saying is true and they're saying the body part doesn't belong to them then they're just encouraging people to chop off their dicks.
the only thing left for journos and their dying medium is political outrage
always remember that, and disregard clicking on that type of content
in a matter of days, you will realize meaningful news are 1 or 2 times a week, and everything else is outrage filler
>there is nothing new or noteworthy about the gameplay.
It's fucking Deus Ex on steroids, what the fuck else do you want? Now that faggots at Squeenix killed actual Deus Ex for good this game is perfect for me.
Lol, what did you expect?
>skill/perk level-up system based around the core stats which are then sub-divided into individual categories (strength - guns/melee/athletics)
GTA baby thinks this is a unique mechanic
This is what happens when you look at things through the lens of oppression, everything is a transgression if you bend your narrative far enough.
Who cares about gameplay, gimme my laserthumb.
its not bait, I pointed out how cyberpunk is similar to every other fps rpg as watch dogs was to GTA,. It simply isnt going to be as innovative as the stans are overhyping it to be
>its edgy so its good
very accurate description of CDPR's fanbase in 2019. I'm not cynical you're just embarrassing
>Valve tries their best to make people preorder the game on Steam
>Valve-sponsored game "journalists" bash the game
spotted MtF
it's likely to be a quickly forgotten and overhyped disappointment like rdr2
What the fuck games do you play if you refuse to entertain a game of ANY aspect of it had been done by some other game previously? Oh that's right, this is Yea Forums. People here don't play games, they just enter threads about games they dislike and make sure to alert everyone of why it's a bad game and why their tastes and opinions are the only right ones.
Wait, so how many people did I oppress with my purchase?
It's fucking deus ex, a game many years old. You're in a cyberpunk setting and you can't innovate beyond "durr if u get da strong arms u pick up da stuff?" The writing better be damn good.
> did CDPR go full 1488?
Are you retarded?
i already cum about thought of playing this game, and now youre telling me they treat niggers like animals there? i think i will never stop playing this game, ill kill and torture every nigger on my way if its possible
Game journos are known to have well informed and trustworthy opinions of the games they play.
6 million
Never heard of deus ex zoom zoom?
>>It's Deus Ex on steroids, what the fuck else do you want?
What this guy said.
>>it's not innovative enuff :(
So what? A well-executed example of an existing genre is perfectly fine and good. Not every game can or should be ground breaking.
>>very accurate description of CDPR's fanbase in 2019. I'm not cynical you're just embarrassing
Yes you are, you faggot.
>>It's edgy so it's good.
No, it's good plus it pisses off the easily offended twitter socjus morons, which makes it even better.
whew that site redesign blows
Journalists are butthurt CDPR is treating black people like animals (which is based) so they make up stories about weak gameplay
This reminds me of that fiasco with the black kid wearing a shirt reading "best monkey in the jungle" or something like that. Went past probably hundreds of people in design and then hundreds if not thousands of customers when suddenly a JOURNALIST managed to find the issue.
These JOURNALISTS are very adept at spotting how neo nazis and racists think. It's almost as if they think in the same way.
big oof, i only consume politically correct dystopian fiction tyvm
The cover would be better off without the guy to be honest. Just the "Fuck Your Eyes" yellow and make the logo blue or something for readability's sake.
>not pirating trannypunk
your self worth
>not every game can or should be ground breaking
Then CDPR should stop hyping it up as such.
Based. Just pre-ordered a copy for me and my genetic white son.
Accurate, she is so fat she counts as multiple people in plane seats.
Nothing really, the faggot journo was trying to cope with the sight of blakies dying like flies and named animals
Fans and the media hyped it up. CDPR said literally nothing for years.
Its the first proper FPS with rpg elements made from the Cyberpunk tabletop rpg ip. That by itself is worth hyping.
based futafags
brb gonna pre-order the special edition.
>not enough black people?
>too many black people being shot?
>Makes /pol/ seethe
>Makes trannies seethe
>Makes "journalists" seethe
Normally don't bother with special editions but sign me the fuck up. Might pick up a digital copy too.
Everybody hates niggers, white cucks are just too scared to even admit it to themselves whereas most normal people won't admit it in public.
lol Yea Forums is so utterly cucked sucking up to corperations yikes
Trannies will win in the end by forcing cdpr to censor the game
>Makes /pol/ seethe
/pol/ is loving it though, you better start hating the game now
t. official /pol/ spokesman
Other than black people being in a gang what's the stereotype?
He's triggered that a gang is called "Animals"? That's it?
What's up with those accusations of transphobia?
in cdprs homeland those trannies would be put in prison for their faggotry.
>this is scary
>journos getting upset by game violence
Have I travelled back in time to the 90s?
>he thinks /pol/ will hate a game about killing nigger gangs and trannies being portrayed as fetishistic corporate propaganda
Still 2/3 even if you're not lying.
cdprs homeland is slowly getting increased lgbt support there will be bigger and bigger rallys until the government pussys out
I would have probably bought it on Steam if it were any other developer since I like the features Steam has and most of my games are on that platform (75%, 20% on gog and the rest on other shit).
But CDPR doesn't jew me over with pre-order purchases, exclusive shit for certain retailers or behind special promotions. They make games that I enjoy a lot and are pretty consumer friendly so I'll support them even though I almost never pre-order shit.
Back when I was younger I'd pirate all my games because it was impossible for me to afford them but now I don't have that problem anymore. I still pirate shit I'm unsure of (dodged a few bullets thanks to that) but I buy most of the games I enjoy playing.
Even went back and bought some of the games I pirated when I was a teen because they provided hours of fun.
cdprs homeland has concentration camps for refugees so I highly doubt it.
stop looking for reasons, they're offended because their job is to write articles calling everything offensive
>trans culture
But the technology available within a cyberpunk setting would render trans culture irrelevant due to the ease with which anyone can swap their sexual organs basically whenever they want to with no need to fear never being able to go back.
That's the ultimate irony of """trans culture""" it's stupid to create a culture based around feeling victimized because there's nothing that can solve your specific problem because when something does solve that problem your culture fucking dies since you can't feel victimized anymore.
Cyberpunk technology is the death of trans culture, this entire identity they've constructed around their problem reduced to marketed gene tonics and body modifications that can be done in mere days or weeks at most, primarily bought by people seeking a cheap thrill or novel sexual experience, CDPR got that part 100 percent correct. That's exactly how that shit would go down.
People who identify as "trans" should be afraid of a breakthrough or technology that solves their problem because it also kills their identity. How fucking ironic is that?
the problem that the journalist had was clearly that the backies where labeled "animals" (the gang they where in), not that they where criminals you fucking idiot, do you really have to strawman these garbage journalists?
>m-muh /pol/
Can you fuck off already? Nobodies buying your shit leftoid.
CDPR is an actual good company for consumers though, why shouldn't i support them?
It's ordered boys, there will be much tranny screeching who am I kidding? There already is
>hated by trannies
>hated by /pol/
Is this a....centrist game?
I bet all these trannies seething at CDPR are just Kojimahack cocksuckers because of Poles getting Keanu in their game.
Unlike Kojimahack getting literal who's in his turd.
>Mocks trannies and journos too
>Literally only sees /pol/
Humans are animals though, what's the problem here?
And let's be honest, if the Animals were the good guys journos would be praising it no matter how retarded and niggerish they were.
wheres the lie
Literally the only reason why I will buy it on steam is because GOG doesn't have family sharing and by sister will want to play it too.
I wonder if i can play the game as a pure human.
>trannies seething at the game
>no sign of /pol/ seething at the game
If a man feels like a woman trapped in a man's body, wouldn't a sex change be considered a cure? The fuck is this person crying about?
>blacks are animals
Just give her the installer you dummy.
the only thing augmented about trans people is their suicide rate
Cyberpunk was always a very centrist concept since it openly accepts the way the future could look in a dystopian outcome where all current ideals trended towards their ultimate outcome.
In other words, Cyberpunk is all about taking the current social and political ideals from both the right and the left and assuming that over time these ideals with tend towards their extremes.
Thus it paints a decidedly centrist outlook that invites the audience to decide for themselves what aspects of this outcome are good and which are bad.
i dont get it
niggers keep fucking their daughters and they are still defending black
why are americans such cucks?
>GOG doesn't have family sharing and by sister will want to play it too
Are you retarded? GoG is DRM free so you can just share your account details and let her download it.Then you can both play it at the same time, unlike family sharing on Steam
The real question is if you can install a cyberdong on female V
>Yes, I called them Animal
To me it seems like they're overreacting to it. With the amount of augmentations available in-universe being genderfluid or a tranny or whatever is probably a totally trivial matter. Just swap out the penis-attachment for something else if you feel like it.
So then why doesnt one person buy the game on a alt account, and then share his account details with the open public?
>Then you can both play it at the same time,
That's jewish user.
Because they buy it, download the installer then share that on a torrent site or mega?
You can just download the installer off the GoG website and give her the files on a flash drive or something.
Because the installers are already on public trackers.
someone who chopped off his own dick might be overreacting to something?
genuinely have a mental illness. A sane person's assessment of the product name:
> Chrome + Manticore + Cure
> chrome because cyberpunk setting
> manticore, because its a mixure of things
> cure, because it's a drink and you feel better after drinking it
Goddamn user your based and dare i say it redpilled as fuck
Because these retards hate the fact that they're mentally ill faggots, they cannot stand the truth of it. It hurts them
Public trackers are full of aids. With GoG you download the straight game, from the company itself. No chance of viruses at all, along with the ease of instillation.
>only arguments are "W-Well other games did it before so it's shit"
Here's a tip user.
These people have built their entire identity around their gender and how special and victimized it makes them.
The very notion that this could be trivialized by technology is terrifying and offensive to them. It's a threat to their entire identity that they could one day get exactly what they asked for to such an extent that no one gives a fuck about them anymore.
They don't want to be trivial, they want to be special.
>check hashes
Pirates literally use GOG versions as the definitive editions since it has no DRM to bypass, not saying you should pirate the game but muh viruses is just corporate FUD.
If you manage to get a virus in this day and age from a public well know tracker when downloading a popular piece of software then you are a brainlet.
based and redpilled
>i hate something
>ill pirate it anyway
you're just as retarded
>torrenting a virus
it's no longer 2004
the content incetive of social media is inherently designed to foster these freaks and their deranged views
When will these degenerate trannies make their own inclusive game so I can shit all over?
They are complaining the game is violent?
My interpretation was that it's selling an energy drink using the message of "uniqueness", in the sense that since you can alter your identity, body, gender, physical features, etc. with ease, that same feeling of freedom in being able to be whatever you want is the sort of lifestyle branding that the energy drink company wants to project. Seems pretty logical with regards to the in-game universe.
>increasingly uncomfortable
The state of games media.
>lets pretend there isn't a history of dehumanizing black people by calling them animals
o-ok, I think the journalist is wrong but I don't think we have to go this retarded to make fun of em
they already made plenty but I cant be bothered to find them right now, wageslaving
I want to do terrible things to GOG-chan with my penis.
>innovation for the sake of innovation
You've never heard the saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it" have you? All it needs is good design to facilitate any approach you wish to go for.
stop being dumb
I doubt the gang even has a higher incidence of blacks compared to other groups in the game, it's just journos trying to find something to be angry about.
No need to do so on GoG.
Reuploads are known to be full of fucking viruses.
>muh brainlet
Its about effort. GoG is defacto more effortless than searching for a public tracker, running a hash against what you think is the correct one(nor are hash'es 100% correct, they can be easily changed with tampered data).
Useing public trackers is like using public bathrooms and then sticking your dick in the toilet water. Sure, you most likely wont get a virus, but when you do...
Do you know what gets me mad as hell ?
There was a picture of Kyon from the Suzumiya anime where he holds up his hands, i wanted that reaction image but i couldn't find it. I searched, i googled all the right keywords, i searched proximity engines, i found lots of Harumi and Kyon images but not this one.
On and off for 2 years i would search for this image of Kyon holding up his hands looking smug until one day randomly someone posted it again. I saved it and gave it the filename i've been wanting to give it since day one: "absolutly based" because it was what that image signified for me it was the reaction this image was clearly showing. I bidded my time until the moment i could post it.
And then normals came along and they ruined the word, based based based. They drove it into the ground not because it's a bad meme but because they were faggots by default. Now this perfect reaction pic is ruined i can never post it, they destroyed this little piece of my life and it's gone forever now.
Someone is entirely capable of seeing that and not making that connection. The racist, race-obsessed idiot made that connection. Please, for your own sake, stop denying your own racism. It's fucking pathetic.
>viruses dont real in torrents
Ok shill.
>Reuploads are known to be full of fucking viruses.
No they aren't, what are you taking this from?
What even is a reupload? Just get the torrent from a trusted source, I haven't gotten a virus in like over a decade and I never bother with private trackers.
When people want to dehumanize the blacks they call them monkeys,niggers, savages, etc. A street gang calling itself the animals to show off how tough and scary they are is different from this. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.
Also could someone explain why captcha is having me look for chimneys?
Unless someone in the game outright says that the name fits the gang then it's entirely on this persons interpretation, in which case his go to was "T-THEY'RE BEING RACIST" and assumed the game meant blacks are animals.
> I hate something
> But perhaps I'm mistaken
> I'll pirate it on the off chance I'm wrong
Not everyone has as impeccably perfect judgement as you user.
>This box art thinks the age of consent is a form of slavery
Only way you could realistically get a virus is if you only download the least seeded torrents AND don't check comments AND don't check uploader for legitimacy. You'd have to be an actual retard.
Latin Kings are, in fact, not actually kings.
Hells Angels are neither from Hell, nor Angels.
It's almost like gangs pick names to intimidate or something.
>check seed count
>look though all 400 pages of comments to remove the possibilty of sock puppets
>check uploader
>check hash
>check hash post download
>click download
Excuse yourselves you literal fucking nazi, but these poor oppressed black people are too stupid to think for themselves, let alone defend themselves, that's why I think you should apologise for being so insensitive.
People do not understand that this game is a dystopian future. Also it's source material predates the 90s, obviously the version of the future written in the 80s/90s does not cater to late 00s feminism and trans propaganda. They literally are crying that they can't go back in time and change what the Cyberpunk table top game setting is.
>muh human exceptionalism
Same thing happened with Blade Runner and supposed misogyny
well acktually it doesn't add much to those other games either. Perk systems have been completely retarded in the last decade because they always make the game too easy and too streamlined. CDPR once again missing the point of their big expensive licensed IP.
This is why its better not to pander to those diversity demanding SJW fucks, they will bitch and moan and complain no matter what, would unironically have been better if Night City was 90% white, just to see these sensitive SJW's absolutely seething, because no matter what they will seethe and bitch never satisfied, always demanding their perfect version of their ideology be represented and politically correct (aka unfun, unimaginative) as possible.
>trying to make it sound difficult
It's more like
>look at all information clearly presented to you on one page with nothing else to obsucure said information
>Looks good ill enjoy this product for free
>create user account
>need email
>create email
>verify account
>enter credit card information which is then vulnerable if GOG fucks up
>make purchase
>feel like idiot
I know what one I'll choose every single time.
woah, zoomers are busy talking about dickgirls issues while boomers can enjoy the GOTY
>in before they remove it and they replace it with a woman
>Replace with generic drink AD
just wait for it.
GoG chan is not for lewds!
>Its about effort. GoG is defacto more effortless than searching for a public tracker
Correct. Don't me get me wrong I'm not advocating for piracy, I like CDPR, this looks like a fun game and I want to support that so I bought it. But I'm not judging people that opt to pirate it either, like I said I did it a lot when I was younger.
But I do think that someone only have themselves to blame if they get a virus when pirating CP2077 even when getting it off public trackers. It's very easy to avoid falling into that kind of shit if you get it from reliable uploaders on popular trackers.
Speaking of which, I wonder how they'll deal with sex in the game. Like sex robots, direct pleasure stimulation to the brain, etc.
Witcher 3 was basically uncensored so I would assume more of that with explicit stuff
i would argue that stigmatization of trans people depends more on socioeconomic factors than medical technology. many older cultures, like pre-colonial india & america were far more accepting of trans people than anglo culture. today transition related medical care is better than it's ever been, but trans stigma is even increasing in places like the UK, bc trans stigma is rooted in the dividing of the working class in order to uphold the ruling class
cyberpunk is all about the logical endpoints of technologically advancing consumption capitalism, so desu i would more expect to see a weird future where replacing your genitals is trivial but gender variance is still heavily policed + stigmatized
>sex that doesn't involve people at all
All the trannys and asexuals crying right now would be on board again
Cyberpunk is a direct response to "golden era" pulp sci-fi like Star Trek that portrays the future as an utopia with no barriers, cyberpunk is about criticizing progress which is by definition a conservative viewpoint, in cyberpunk you can't have progress without societal collapse or else it's not cyberpunk.
And twitter is why it's a good thing.
What's wrong with Deus Ex? To this date every Deus Ex inspired game has been dumbed down compared to the original.
Why the fuck are you here then
>many older cultures, like pre-colonial india & america were far more accepting of trans people than anglo culture
European cultures in general don't have much of a tradition of "intersex" people.
>he doesn’t have an email
Piratefags sure are pathetic.
>skill points
Game is already shit
I disagree with literally everything you just said.
Especially the stuff about the older cultures because that shit is just flat out provably false.
>perk systems are bad because I think they're bad
HR was more complex than invisible war. How about you actually play the games before you start talking out your ass soiberpunk shill.
Rock paper shotgun is a joke, they tanked Pathelogic 2 because of the survival mechanics being harsh when that’s literally the fucking point of the game
>tired understanding of cyberpunk
Ah yes, as opossed to the correct understanding of it as a "primarily queer/trans aesthetic"
The more trannies try to make everything about them and their mental delusions, the more their self-centered egotism is exposed, the more they are despised.
Let's talk about the REAL problem here: How bad will the inevitable downgrade be?
Those people are literally never happy.
Cyberpunk looks fucking rad I wasn't wait to play it.
Not any of the anons you've been arguing with but haven't you guys been missing the entire point? The previous user asked why someone doesn't just share the non-DRM GoG files with everyone, and the answer is they do, through piracy. No shit going through an official purchasing process on a non-shit storefront is less effort than making sure your torrent isn't shady at all, they want a game for free, not the most convenient/conventional method of obtaining it.
>>GoG chan is not for lewds
Don't tempt me motherfucker, I have a digital copy of koikatsu right over here and I can and will use it.
They're not dead like Bioware or belong to EA or shot themselves in the foot consistently since 2011
Except Cyberpunk is extremely anti corporation and anti capitalist. You’re conflating “the future might be bad” with a conservative ideology.
The game already looks kind of bad, so it’ll probably stay more or less the same. That Witcher 3 downgrade was brutal though.
lmao Watch Dogs 3 looked like utter garbage. like I'm stunned.
10/10 meme tabs
Thing is the modern left in the US cares about identity politics, not about the rights of the worker. So they are a-ok with capitalism. All the old-style leftists have been thrown in the shitlord pile with all the other wrong thinkers by the woke-twitterati.
Actual communism is extremely conservative even if they are retarded economy-wise and commutrenders didn't even exist when cyberpunk was a thing, guess what their "hero" did to gay people.
It was "antifa chimpout simulator" so of course they like it.
can anyone name a single open world game made better by skill points?
Just finished playing Rage 2 which is an open world game with skill points and the game actually got less and less fun as i unlocked more shit because the game didn't scale upwards to meet the upgrades, and i already know from the E3 astroturfing that the combat is too slow and fucking sucks in cyberpunk. CP2077 is looking to be the same.
>Blacks are called animals
Are videogames based again?
Chopping dicks is now inherently Cyberpunk.
This goddamn timeline...
Which one should I get? Koikatsu, Play Home, Honey Select...?
>shill for globalism
>surprised when pic happens
How did we go from "muh working rights" to "le tranny"?
>like pre-colonial india & america were far more accepting of trans people than anglo culture
According to the same kind of people who spent ages trying to destroy the careers of people talking about the south american sacrifical basins.
People who try to push modern gender horseshit on ancient societies are full of shit to the nth degree.
It depends on what you are looking for, check /vg/ for more information and look through some boorus to see a preview of what the artstyle in each game is like
I'd argue that there are certain kernels of truth, but in general you're right; it's the scholarly equivalent of claiming that trap characters in anime are actually trannies.
>transgenderism is miraculous and common
>this is somehow transphobic
I wish there was a video game where you go around beating up activist bloggers.
>get inside company
>incite a chimpout
>get out
Based diversity hires getting paid to riot
Just like /pol/
>current day right-wingers are very anti-corporation due to them promoting degeneracy
sounds familiar...
stop making waves
That is a very interesting(and also rather depressing)question that would take far more words then would be allowed in a typical Yea Forums post to actually address, and also far more research then I am willing to do for the sake of a post that will disappear into the ether sooner rather then later.
That said, if you look at what happened during the occupy protests, you might draw some conclusions.
the latest corporate sponsored lefty talking point is 'don't corporatize my mental illness'.
That is not what happened
>hire loo because affirmative action
>pay to do jackshit
>bites hand that feeds
>kicked out
>demo never ever
No, don't fucking leave because I can't actually find a thread that obscure. What happened? I remember some spergs doing some furry shit outside and then nothing else. What was the outcome?
>“the future might be bad” with a conservative ideology.
What do you think "conservation" means?
There are a lot of different types of left, but yeah the fastest growing one is ID politics because people are generally stupid and want to be nice to he gays without actually listening to most of the shit pushed out in ID politics.
Still doesn’t mean Cyperpunk is a right leaning game in any way. If anything it’s pretty liberal, just not ID politics liberal.
Socially conservative? Pretty much everything from 50 years and back was, yeah. Che also thought black people were too dumb to use guns, dudes a horrible role model.
Body modification is very cyberpunk, yeah.
there are like, native american berdaches alive today who will tell you about the history of the tradition, i'm not talking about theoretical papers by white academics
thats my point, obviously there were gender variant people, they were more suppressed than in other places
oh boy it's that 2010s thing where ANY mention of any animal is about black people because black people are subhuman and libtards just can't stop thinking about it
I have no idea what you’re even trying to say.
So global warming is now a conservative concept?
i'm willing to believe the gunplay bit, CDPR have always been shit at combat design.
the name is fine for a gang tho
too bad for them cyberpunk isn't limited to critiquing corporations with evil white CEOs
I liked the Siege of Baghdad one though.
>a scientific theory
>>is now a conservative concept
>I have no idea what you’re even trying to say.
See vid.
>So global warming is now a conservative concept?
Environmentalism is an ecologically conservative ideal, yes.
If everyone can be trans, then being trans is no longer special.
Trans people do not like not being special. They hate being normalized. There's no glory or attention in being just like everyone else.
The impact and attention of coming out and saying "I identify as a woman" is minimized when Dave from accounting and Jim from management both regularly swap their dicks for vaginas just for the hell of it and have kinky, swapped genitals sex with their wives every month.
Why do stupid traanny faggot think that cyberpunk is pro-tranny? if anything it shows that tranny shit is for lowlifes.
>every single company shilling for fags and trannies, speak against this and you are blacklisted from society
>duuuh what u talking bout??
When will devs learn to stop giving these people attention? You give them a finger, they want the whole arm, there's no pleasing them.
>Still doesn’t mean Cyperpunk is a right leaning game in any way. If anything it’s pretty liberal, just not ID politics liberal.
Yeah the "evil megacorporation" stuff is a classic liberal argument, while the identity politics is very much warped and assimilated because technology allows them to actualise their desires (and thus makes them not as significant). A genuinely "conservative" Cyberpunk game would probably have to involve a older white male character who refueses to get augmented for any reason whatsoever, and attacks both those megacorporations and people with non-medically necessary augmentations.
What species is the writer of this article?
Environmentalism is a very, very conservative concept in general. It's about preserving the soil which saw us born.
people are stupid user.
Any thread about the occupy protests disappeared years ago dude.
>>What happened? I remember some spergs doing some furry shit outside and then nothing else. What was the outcome?
Well my memory is more then a little hazy, but a basic overview is:
>>protests start
>>lots of old-school leftists pissed off about the 1 percent getting a free ride etc
>>all the sudden, lots of IDpol weirdos turn up
>>talk about "progressive stacks" begins
>>protests lose cohesion
>>all the while the media isn't helping and was doing everything it could to magnify the nuttier elements of the occupy movement, although eventually they didn't have to try very hard
>>things degenerate from here and the protests eventually get broken up by the police.
Again, a rough outline, but that's what I kinda remember reading a while back.
Identitarian people think that portraying something = agreeing with something, it's why they get angry when you make a crazed mass shooter game for example.
I hate trannies but I hate feminists more, and feminists really hate trannies because a tranny gets the same amount of privilege as a woman does in 2019. Actually they probably get more.
Trannies > feminists, yes feminists are the ones posting the tranny hate stuff.
My only worry is: Will the hack gameplay be as fun as the gun gameplay? And the full melee gameplay?
it will be though, can't have anything other than unhinged white rich men being taken down by qweens and kangs of african descent
>/pol/ are glorified bloggers
Rent free
learn to code
So basically based retards fucked up an actually good leftist protest all fo the sake of retarded progressive non-issues. Thanks.
have sex
Specifically, "progressive stacks" referred to lists or "stacks" of speakers, and the more "oppressed" you were the higher up you'd be on the list for priority to speak. This meant in effect that ordinary white males were given the least opportunities to speak and therefore contribute to organising, formulating concrete objectives, etc., which thus allowed the protests to lose their discipline, get swamped with the homeless and drug addicts and vagabonds, and fizzle out.
>i don't know but twitter trannies are REALLY ANGRY about it
Those are the people who can't into seperating fantasy and reality - not the people we should be listening to when they bitch about our fantasy hobby
Hold hands
If feminists were actually against trannies they would be speaking out against dudes pretending to be women using female bathrooms and beating all female sports records, but they don't because they are sides of the same coin and slaves to the politically correct, both have the same goals of destroying what they see as the patriarchal society.
i honestly don't give a shit about story or politics i just want to walk in a neon city at night, imagine i'm blade runner and shoot a gun every once in a while to satisfy my psychotic needs
am i going to be able to do that?
trannies are the opposite of identiterians, identity means:
"the fact of being who or what a person or thing is."
trannies are bad LARPers of who they are not.
I’m literally just saying being a conservative doesn’t mean criticizing all progress.
>some dudes wear dresses and suck dick
>this is the downfall of western society
>he doesn't know feminists literally push for trannyism and sĂłyboys since it's the emasculation of men
No sign of any neon city so far.
Yes, trans stigma is totally upheld by the evil ruling capitalists and not all a reaction to just how fucking awful the visible portion of the trans community is.
Only thing I'm worried about with the gunfights is all the enemies being bullet sponges unless you heavily spec into a combat build. Witcher 1 had decent combat for an RPG, Witcher 2 was mediocre because it was a transition between what the first game was and a more straight action RPG like Witcher 3. Witcher 3 meanwhile had pretty decent action RPG combat, although it had/has the same problem a lot of WRPGs have in that once you are a high enough level the game ceases to have any real serious challenges.
Worst comes to worst, I'll mod the game according to my specifications.
>makes every single thread about trannies
>T. Hurrga Durrga
They definitely would be okay with that, you cretin, a Tumblr screencap isn't proof of anything directly related to the mentioned Person.
The poster is retarded because it isn't acknowledging the fact that the androgynus model is still in a super-tight one-piece swimsuit (which I assure you is not common menswear); and "cure" is bad in context of sexuality because so fare It has been "let's try to give you PSTD over a non-issue", but wouldn't be of It was a literal switch between heterosexual-homosexual or dysphoric-not dysphoric (and, in fact, would male Life easier for non-binaries).
(You) and other people in this thread are wanking and hollering over a single, solitary article that has 100 confirmed views at best (of which 20 are from Yea Forums) and over niche Tumblr moaning; all because the Dev team gives the IMPRESSION of agreeing with you, when they are just depicting morally Gray situations and a goddamn dystopia.
By the way, wasn't this game "SJW trash" because It had bright colors and the Sun in the sky?
that's the real red pill here. It's not the men who give a shit, it's the women who hate themselves and so hate human nature who hate trannies the most.
Not that user. But I feel the same. I used to cross dress in 1996, I wasn't using the internet or watching anime until 1999/2000. So weeb shit didn't rot my brain.
I don't really have dysphoria, but if genesplicing/nanobots/augmentation came along. I would absolutely transition. For now I'm cool with being a man.
That's wrong though.
They pursue an identity then allow that identity to subsume everything about them causing it to become their sole defining feature.
how the fuck do I get rid of all these "We detect you have ad-blocker, please turn it off to view site" Isn't that what ad blockers are for, to not see shit like this?
Anybody know if the music in this is made b y CDPR themselves or something else?
I'd love to be able to listen to this track in its entirety.
Here's the track from their other video:
I really really like their music choice so far.
How would this be considered blogging tho
>>some dudes wear dresses and suck dick
>>this is the downfall of western society
Without a cohesive social structure you simply don't have a cohesive country, this kind of stuff isn't new either and the Weimar republic failed for similar reasons.
>rockpapershitlord offended
>and there's no way the US is going to adopt proper spelling in the next 60 years
just play Yakuza now
stop linking this garbage retard they make these articles because the get clicks
>poz everything
They're mentally ill not just on their sexual identity.
Get used to it. Also start getting more tech savvy. Google is going to eliminate adblocking if you use chrome.
Change your repertory nigger.
Animal detected
The hardcore feminists (not the softy ones that just push feminism for money) that hate men are, they are trying to push people like you to do their work for them. As women always do.
Again, they worked hard to get the privilege they have with guaranteed jobs and guaranteed university placements. They do not want men in skirts to have it too, these women hate men in all their guises.
Im feeling opressed just earing that...
Holy shit this is absolutely hilarious. Jesus Christ CDPR.
block them, duh
>block element
dab on those retards and their attempt to deny you free and unobstructed access to their shitty clickbait articles
I want more Deux Ex ;_;
>Game opens up with a playable woman in the first trailer we saw anything of
How do these people even register the fucking neuron to breathe
Use NoScript.
>Homosexuals weaken social structure.
Rioting sports fans are way more damaging than that.
How come nobody complained about the gunplay last year when they played as a woman?
Current feminists love that men are being emasculated and turned into women, actual "female supremacists" don't exist anymore just like conservative communists don't exist anymore and honestly I doubt old school feminists would object to men being emasculated and turned into women since that lines up with their goals anyway.
Because the Maelstrom gang were all white and killing whitey is always fine to them.
and this is why I'll wait until release
and if it's actually good I'll just get it on gog
journos got triggered after the perceived "racism" they made up in their minds and this negatively colored the rest of the game for them in their minds
Is my nose surgery cyberpunk then?
Depends. Cosmic? No. Did your breathing improve? Probably.
I saw that Eliza was an AI miles away, the name was a dead giveaway
MD is pretty boring so far, started last week.
>Body modification is very cyberpunk, yeah.
So those guys that shove metal rods up their dick are cyberpunk? Interesting.
If you really want to see the truth, watch this video
I did months ago and I did a whole 180. It's radical feminists angry as fuck about trannies and trying to convince conservatives to do their work for them to remove them from protected status. Just as they hate you and push propoganda calling you incels, they do the same against trannies saying dilate and shite.
As I say, I don't like trannies but I fucking hate feminists and their man hatred more.
So it's if one or the other I'll side with a dude in a dress that is stealing some of these cunts privileges and getting a job in blizzard or whatever over their flabby asses.
I wonder if i can go full machine. Obviously not male or female but machine, machine that fucks obviously.
Improved dramatically but no thanks to cybernetics. A pacemaker or iron lung would constitute cyberpunk not a nip and tuck.
>tabletop game written over 30 years ago
>acting "shocked" because the way it was written doesn't match your narrow specific view of the world in 2019
Color me surprised. Would have never guess
>predominantly black people labelled as animals
FUCKING BASED! I was going to do a hard pass on this game because it looked gay as hell but this is redpilled.
Pretty sure the gang literally calls itself Animals.
>direct link
So they self identify? Even better.
Firstly, you are clearly and obviously mad as fuck.
Secondly, you are ignoring the screen caps(in this very thread even)of morons screeching about how transphobic this game is. I mean seriously dude, do I need to go over to tranny era and start screen capping all their butthurt over this game? It might take a while, and I really don't want to expose my poor brain to their dipshittery unless I really have no choice in the matter. Finally, stop being so upset that we're laughing at retards here, this is fucking Yea Forums for fucks sake.
I wonder how they would feel if they were named "Black Panthers".
Would they still be angry that you have to kill them? Obviously, there's simply no winning with SJWs.
>correctly represent the future where everyone is mixed brown or black
WTF i love CDPR now
What the hell is up with this game and Trannies? Do they think a game set in the future is required to pander to them, since OBVIOUSLY trannies will be everywhere in 48 years? Sounds like pure literal autism to me
>This depiction of the future does not align with MY vision for the future RREEEEEEE
>How dare these literal RAPISTS not pander to me and my incredibly niche and demented demographic
Do you take into account the amount of niggers you kill during a playthrough? A person that wrote that screenshot does.
Neither should get privileges
>So they self identify? Even better.
It gets even weirder than that.
>>the insane tranny thing is british
Not surprised. British "men" are intensely homosexual to begin with and have been for a very long time now. Trannydom is just the next step down the fudge-packing trail.
I will only kill niggers and trannies and non-lethally pacify whites, and always side with the white characters in choice dilemmas if possible.
You’re right, but for some reason people consider environmentalism a liberal thing, despite hunters being the biggest conservationists out there.
Body modification to a degree, but getting designer authentic body parts is still within the setting.
A setting were you can swaps bodies pretty freely is going to have some gender fuckery, shits bound to happen.
Why are they calling niggers animals? Y dog would be ashamed
You know how Yea Forums gets autistically up in arms about certain games and cannot help but hate them no matter what occasionally? It's like that.
Agreed 100% but feminists are not giving it up.
I think it's just chrome manticore. Chrome is peak 80s aesthetics.
they did.
Obvious Gesaffelstein pastiche is obvious but it's probably their OST.
There are obvious parallels between the autistic dilators screeching about... something (what though? You can make a female V), and the autistic Blade Runners of Yea Forums offended by he presence of the sun.
based and futa
It was on youtube a few months ago I swear I listened to it but I never thought to download it because I didn't think it'd disappear and now it's gone!
absolutely fucking based
Personally I'd outlaw the whole procedure until it actually does what it is supposed to do. I have nothing against changing your gender but this is some witch doctor shit and not healthcare.
A piercing is cyberpunk You kinda missed the cyber part of it..
Is about tech modifications on the body.
At least that altered carbon faggot doesn't claim moral superiority. Only ACfag does that.
If there are actual ladyboys in the game you can fuck my erection will reach the moon.
>rooty tooty point and shooty set in the future with skill trees and some stealth / exploration options had bad gunplay
Wow, it's almost like I've never played Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Shadowrun, System Shock, KOTOR, or literally any space Action RPG
Just stop, you north american lunatic.
Technically "cybernetics" is the theory of communications and manipulation of regulatory systems, so even the most run of the mill surgery is biological cybernetics, it's not a binary "cyberpunk or not" thing but rather a spectrum, with cyberpunk depicting overt cybernetics as a negative thing that degenerates society.
You're being way more retarded than the ones you're laughing at by insisting that the devs supporto your cause when they don't.
It's not all that based on the tabletop game, though. Or, Better yet: the basic Building blocks are there, down to the main corps and the how gangs work, but beyond that, it's reshaped to fit the current mold (out with "Japanese culture Is the new American culture", in with "body modding applies to the mental condictions do jour too", for instance.).
>tfw dating a dickgirl is a dream of mine
>tfw seething resetera users are going to force CDPR to remove this from the game
I'm actually kind of upset. I would be pretty happy if i got to date my preferred kind of woman in this RPG. But they'll damage control this out of the game, no dickgirls for us.
There's a history of dehumanizing literally anyone by calling them animals. Trailer trash? Animals. Homeless? Animals. Latinos? Animals. Turks? Animals. Germans? Animals. Corinthians? Animals. It has a long history.
fucking based holy shit
>But they'll damage control this out of the game, no dickgirls for us.
>Add character Born male, reassigned female.
and that's assuming that it's what they actually take issue with
>black people labelled as animals
gonna preorder it right now user
I like discussion.
>damage control at this stage of development when pre-order money is flowing in and any outcry and bitching is less important
It's not about a "cause" but rather the devs being relatively apolitical and insensitive to identity politics cancer which is what Yea Forums always defended.
You overestimate how much the average person cares about twitter hot takes and literally who blogposts on kotaku.
When do we get to see the gameplay demo?
this is what I want for Christmas
>But they'll damage control this out of the game, no dickgirls for us.
I hope and think not. Some niche trannies reeeeeing about this are not enough for CDPR to do anything about it.
They are upset because in later areas and parts of the game, you fight other gangs. One is called "the lazy mexicans". And another is a gang of female homeless durgusers called "Squaws" and you can either befriend them with enough firewater or you can get them to abandon their turf by handing out blankets filled with nano machines.
this isn't even identity politics, it's a bunch of retards on twitter who just spend all day looking for something to be outraged by, often making stretches and leaps of logic to be offended by something.
and at the end of the day, in the immortal words of stephen fry, "you're offended, so fucking what?"
>tranny outrage will remove faggotry from the game and actually allow me to play it
hahaha pottery
Lmao trannies btfo
Companies (game developers) have FORCED equality hiring polices.
Knowing that, would you rather have a woman working there that hates games and hates men or a fucking tranny that is a fucking lesbian xD and likes bit tits and fat asses on the female characters? A tranny that is a good programmer or a forced diversity hire woman that wants to work 6 hours and go home to practice feminists dance class?
Choose wisely, cause with our fucked up society you either get 50% women or you get a lot of guys in dresses taking up that 50% of useless space.
>not wanting to play V as an intersex turboslut
lol gay
>no straight male romance
>night time only in cinematics, in gameplay its permanent sunny weather daytime
>driving vehicles only during the missions, fast travel during free roam
>most of the budget spent on e-celebrities, there are at least 4 more reveals
>chosing straight white male V gives bad ending
>there are trans people in the game, you can't kill them though(V holsters his weapon when you try to shoot them)
>you cant spend money in the game
>there is a "heroic game journalist" character, xir was a part of closed e3 demo
>they announced Yong Yea to play a major role in the story as a voice actor(same salary as Kenau)
>Marcin Iwinski came out as trans during the presentation
>there are 5 body mods in game, the rest will be available as paid dlc
seek sunlight
Why can't I do what the Japanese do and just hire women who like big tits and fat asses
Name one, ONE, (1), unique groundbreaking idea that'll push the first person shooter genre ahead. Go on, I'll wait.
GTA had you killing gangs of haitians, chinks, nigger bangers, etc.
Where was the outrage? What people got angry about was dumb shit like a building's lights drawing a dick, those were simpler times.
At this point I dont even have a reason to not preorder
Shoot cum out of my balls
they can always add freedom to choose your genitals in the energetically treatment labs and create your own perfect futa (start with a female char and add penis later), even the trannies will clap at that shit
This is a game that has been designated as the current lefty outrage target and will remain that way until it comes out.
>a brand new 45-minute chunk of gameplay
I'll just wait for them to release that too. Fuck game journos.
it's the twitter outrage brigade mate, they make the rounds whenever something is currently popular and trending in the news, going over it to see if there's anything to be offended by.
Do you think they actually PLAY these games?
But I don't want to play as the futa, I want to date it.
giants majestic cocks pumping cum out of giant majestic horse testicles
>RPS whining
glad to see they're still predictable
>there are trans people in the game, you can't kill them though(V holsters his weapon when you try to shoot them)
Because normal women don't want to work in game companies, the only ones that do are feminists that hate you.
good job beating around the bush faggot
Laughing my Ass off
>unimaginative stereotypes
TW3 had groundbreaking level of detail in their towns but CDPR's strength usually lies in their writing and worldbuilding, people who think the shooting mechanics and GTA-like sandbox simulation will be groundbreaking and satisfying are most likely going to be very disappointed.
Gimmicks are gay, I only want solid gameplay of the same things that are good and always will be
You'd be a fool to expect anything but Deus Ex with a proper budget and lots of polish. CDPR have never been ones to try and innovate, just take something solid and do it well.
that would be more difficult, we will always have those sweet PC mods
RPS is such a fucking joke now man
keep seething cuck™
Based Nyuunzi i should donate her an other 1200 dollars this month for how based she is as artist.
This game is going to cause all kinds of drama and butt-ache for years to come, isn't it?
I really want to murder every tranny right now, IT'S A FUCKING GAME YOU DUMB NIGGERS
I want a chainsaw penis with napalm cum, that would be metal as fuck
I basically only use pcgamer
all these mental gymnastics
if they can't into separating fantasy and reality then that line of reasoning doesn't work on them, not when they've abandoned reason entirely
>no plans for mod support
Link 404s are you making this shit up?
You're beyond autistic.
also cucked to some extent
PCGamesN or bust
>cyborg futa
so many possibilites, hopefully it has elder scrolls tier modding
I just want to enjoy myself. Only a few days ago I wondered if there would be any Johnny Mnemonic references. What a different time I live in now.
>"Cyberpunk 2077 feels like Deus Ex with an obscene budget and Keanu Reeves."
Not bad.
You can mod a game without official support.
What they mean is they won't be doing Bethesda's "finish our game for us, Goyim" strategy of releasing the development tools to the public.
I enjoy reading actual interviews, and pcgamer gets those. They're tame enough in their reporting. Reviews are eh.
>You can play as futa with big majestic cock
>You defeat enemies by fucking them with your futa cock
Ah yes a game for me.
Oh yes this is going to be great.
They might be shit but what the fuck else would have made TW3 so popular? It sure as hell wasn't the combat.
All Games Delta is the only place with no nonsense.
How can you speak so confidently about something you obviously know so little about?
having three different skillchecks allowing you to open the same door is not opening up different paths, jesus christ
>see staff post before posting
I have no doubt the staff post is "Nod your head or get banned"
>majority black people labelled Animals
Fuuuuuuucking fuck off you fucking fairy.
Bet you didn't give a shit when you played Watchdogs 2 as a black man murdering hordes of cops lmao
We're going home.
CDPR are unironically /ourguys/ fuck trannies and niggers
>>no plans for mod support
At launch
Your faggotry and satire didn't stop me pre-ordering.
Why shouldn't I pre order this game Yea Forums?
Hard Mode: Don't mention any tranny, pozzed or SJW shit.
I've modded a game or two in my time.
The biggest hurdle is waiting for some nerd to decrypt the files and build a tool to convert external files into game files.
That's the thing about moderated sites. They're interested in discussion but not any sort of debate (that goes against the consensus).
it can even be genetically edited so she can have her own biological boner (among other things)
Patrician taste there, sir.
No, it's not your opinion that makes you autistic.
It's the fact that your opinion is based around baseless assumptions and reddit disinformation memes.
I mean, really? "GTA-like sandbox simulation" who the fuck talks like that. Who the fuck uses (you) bait as genuine arguments to make a point?
Literally nobody's talked about muh GTA. Everyone's hopes basically boil down to "even if it's like Deus Ex I'll be pleased".
Just stop it. Get some help. Go outside for some fresh air.
The only reason elder scrolls is as moddable as it is the ancient engine around which a ton of community tools have been built up.
Depending on what middleware they use, CDPR may not even be legally able to release a modding toolkit to the public.
no need for that you can be a biological futa
Technically it would be vat grown and surgically attached with nanobots, biosculpting and bioware is pretty up there.
>mod support is needed
Fucking zoomers I swear
> User Banned (3 Days): Dismissing context of discussion as "outrage" in sensitive subject thread
>User Banned (1 month): dismissing concerns surrounding transphobia
Who are you quoting?
There's no point in wasting perfectly fine female specimens by adding cocks to them
The ideal futa is one where you take a schlubby dude and turn him into a sexy chick
What even is resetera?
t. boomer
according to original lore gene editing is already thing and needed for some extreme modifications
That's a gross tranny though
You seem oddly defensive about nothing, all I said is that people expecting fluid gameplay and crazy simulational systems are going to be disappointed because that's not CDPR's strengths.
Can confirm.
> You can always modify your character by taking plastic surgery and switching from male to female and back.
> However you can do this up to 6 times in a playthrough, if you attempt a 7th time the doctor botches the surgery and you play the rest of the game as Sloth from Goonies.
> Best armor is fursuit.
> If you bump on to a woman on the street, guards will start chasing you yelling "Stop right there criminal scum".
>You can give money to beggars but have the option to make them promise they won't buy food containing gluten. Only gluten-free non gmo food and/or drugs.
snowflake gaming™
It's where all the undesirable power-users of NeoGAF went after it imploded.
>preordering a game year before release with barely any gameplay details
>he even does it on steam instead of gog
The 'successor' to NeoGAF after the mass exodus from that site.
basically a refugee site for neogaffers after their site owner turned out to be a sexual predator.
Neogaf 2.0
You remember Neogaf? It exploded and all of the power tripping mods used that chance to become power tripping admins of a new site. It's all the cancer that was Neogaf, concentrated.
But it's done with scifi technology so there's no gross dilation or whatever
Why are game journalists such puritan retards? They act like videogame violence is new and terrible. Fuck these retards for making money trying to censor games
>fabricating a fake quote
What compels you to lie on the internet?
if this is what you want be free to do it but I have other plans for my char
learn to code, tranny
yeah but I don't know is attaching a dick is really considered extreme, your talking full body shit there.
wrong, it's not an identity, the use the word in a wrong way.
why do they call it fetishism they sound like /pol/ lol with there retarded
It's still gross genderbend
Futanari are women first and foremost