>Yea Forums says game is good
>it's shit
What's her name?
>Yea Forums says game is good
>it's shit
What's her name?
this game is a guilty pleasure for sure
dragon's dogma
Deus Ex
Any jrpg
Divinity Original Sin
your favourite game
Slay the Spire
>Yea Forums says game is shit
>it's actually good
no u
Is there an offline mod for Hitman 2. I fucking love the game, but I don't like being tied to a server somewhere in fucking China or whatever, especially for a SINGLEPLAYER game.
Also this. Pure mediocrity.
Risk of Rain
There is, but you can't earn any new unlocks if you're in offline mode.
dragon's dogma every time
Are you just here to trigger people or do you genuinely have such abysmal taste in games? For reference, what's your favorite western RPG?
That's why I said mod, not mode
Obviously I can play offline, but I want to still unlock shit
Hollow Knight. I tried liking it for 7 hours and even progressed, but I never started up the game again
You're out of luck
>having a shitty internet connection
Rimworld. And i like strategy games of all sorts.
the game is not for everyone. But for people who enjoy the genre, it's the holy grail
What was the problem for you?
Too little action?
Got raped too hard by the AI?
Rimworld is a good timesink not a good game
I love the genre, but Hollow Knight just didn't do it for me. The art was pretty fantastic and the game was alright, just didn't think it was all that special.
Even the best most reliable connections can experience downtime.
Also, having played HM2, it does this regardless. It'll go into offline mode randomly. Not often, but it happens.
Well I'm posting here, aren't I? Sure seems like my connection is working fine. Let's not pretend IO's shit servers aren't prone to crashing. Let's see your connection, faggot.
It's just Hitman servers shitting the bed whenever there's more than 5 people playing
>p2p fucking sucks
>online options suck
>Having friends together who are close enough skill wise to have any fun past a couple matches
Shills tricked me into buying the online membership for a year.
Wanna know how I know you're trash at vidya?
Fuck you, Hitman 2 is amazing.
I wouldn't know, because I can't play this SINGLE PLAYER GAME due to IO's servers being down and interrupting my ONLINE CONNECTION to them. This in itself makes it a shit game regardless of what content would actually be there if the servers weren't complete shit.
Guys, why does fucking your sister feel so good?
Dragon's Crown
The art isn't even that good. That sort of trash is a dime a dozen on deviant art. But the gameplay is the real let down. It's nothing more than a sub-par beat 'em up. Weebs really do have the worst fucking taste in games.
Xcom. How can people still played turn based combat in 2019 is beyond me
I agree.
I actually think the current iterations of Hitman are some of the best games I've played ever. They are as close to perfection as you can get, gameplay wise... That said the always online stuff is indefensible and fucking bullshit
Yea Forums doesn't say this is good really
You should have instantly known it's rosterfaggotry party game by the way it was marketed.
Agreed. Also, shit like this is inexcusable.
That game didn't do a fucking thing right
Yea Forums literally never said anything good about this game.
What are you talking about? Most of Yea Forums hates FEAR 2 because it was such a big step down from 1. I agree with this, but I still sort of liked it. FEAR 1 was a 9/10 in my eyes, and FEAR 2 was a 7/10.
I don’t believe you. I played Hitman 2 for more than a hundred hours and I got kicked out only 2 times. While I agree that always online is shitty, games of that quality are too rare to be boycotted for that.
well, I don't know what to say, I got 200+ hours combined in Hitman 1/2 and I've only got 2-3 server disconnects at most, one time it was because of an actual server maintenance
You need a STABLE internet connection, those download speeds won't matter much if your internet provider constantly shits the bed m8
>works fine on my machine
Nice try, but the works fine on my machine argument is valid when you’re accusing the servers.
I have more than 200 hours in the 2016 game and only recently got Hitman 2. I'm still replaying the 2016 levels to get a level 20 mastery on all of them and I've had 3 of these interruptions in the 15 or so hours that I've been playing so far. I think I've only experienced 1 interruption in all my hours in Hitman 2016 but this new game is shitting the bed.
>You need a STABLE internet connection, those download speeds won't matter much if your internet provider constantly shits the bed m8
Funny how literally all my other internet related services are working flawlessly but only Hitman 2 can't establish a connection to its servers. A man with an IQ over 60 would assume it's the servers that are down, not my connection which as you can see is working perfectly.
Why are you defending a singleplayer game requiring an internet connection for no reason?
why does this game need internet ?
>several anons say they've had the Hitman server die on them
>hurr durr must be your ISP!
Fuck off, IO shill. This game shouldn't even be always online and you fucking know it. But if you're gonna do that shit, then you better fucking make sure your servers are solid. This is an embarrassment.
not really defending it, just saying their servers are far from as unstable as people are claiming.
But I can't prove anything, just share my experience, these arguments are pointless so I will stop
Because IO are jews
It's DRM that pretends it's doing you a favor by constantly being connected.
>not really defending it
>goes on to defend it
Dwarf Fortress
Third Strike
Dragon Quest V
Live a Live
Ghost Trick
Fallout: NV
Mother 3
The entire Soulsborne series
All fucking dogshit meme games
No one is defending that aspect. However, if the game flops, IO won’t remove the online requirements, they’ll go bankrupt which won’t help anyone.
>I'm not defending it
>It's just that everyone on the internet is lying
>No one is defending that aspect.
It has to be dragon dogma but the game doesn't suck that bad it's just sucks in general you could already see the limitations they had to take with the game direction on xbox360/ps3
people unironically buy games that does this ?
Don't like it, don't buy it. Just vote with your wallet.
But also if you don't buy it they'll go bankrupt so just stop complaining and buy the product.
I gave in because I actually loved Hitman 2016 and it almost never gave me shit like this in the many hours I played it. The Hitman 2 server seems a lot less reliable.
>Dwarf Fortress
based retard
I bought it on sale for $15
I wouldn't support this at full price, no matter how good the game is
ghost trick and new vegas are cool
soulsborne is garbage though have to agree
diablo 2
>can't recognize a masterwork when he sees one
You disappoint me
Who cares? I will never play this game without a connection.
>Witcher 3
Holy fuk yes I mad
Post proof you buttmuncher
Pretty much the only game I've heard Yea Forums consistently talk about and say is good for as long as it has is Dragon's Dogma which is correct. Yea Forums confirmed for good taste.
>they fell for the Firaxis XCOM meme
Yea Forums didn't tell you smash was good, dumbass. You just saw all of the rosterfaggotry and wanted to fit in.
Not that guy, but do tell me. Dragon's Dogma is hardly about skill. Numbers matter way more than literally anything else.
LISA is just an edgy less polished Undertale
>gamedevs still can't use checksum to validate copies offline
they deserve piracy
>disliking turn based RNG shit means you fell for a meme
lmao, the irony
You don't know very much about how copy protection and cracks work, do you
shit game
>less polished
How so? Undertale looks like absolute trash. LISA's visuals at least work towards its theme and atmosphere, whereas Undertale's just looks incompetent. Music goes to Undertale while story goes either way.
Forgot to mention gameplay is garbage for both.
>calling all turn based games "RNG shit"
>not fallen for a meme
oh the irony
>not turn based RNG shit
oh the retardation
>all turn based game is bad because RNG
>>no, they're not all bad
nice goalpost movement. if you could move your units like that you'd make for a fine commander
>Who cares?
People who want to keep playing their single player games without being reliant on an always online connection.
Red dead 2
Dragon's Dogma and Sleeping Dogs
>mediocrity = shit
>capcom grade combat = mediocre
ok fag
this, it's just not really that good as a metroidvania and seems to appeal mostly to people obsessed with dark souls
God, I'll thank god every day from this day forward for not being as retarded as you. Learn to read for fuck's sake. If nothing else.
Alpha Centauri
Age of Empires II
Kirby Air Ride and Super Star
Paper Mario TTYD
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Dwarf Fortress
Deus Ex
Planescape Torment
Silent Hill 2
Viewtiful Joe
Sengoku Rance
TimeSplitters 2/Future Perfect
Thief Gold/2
Super Metroid
Metroid Prime
Mother 2/3
Jet Set Radio
System Shock 2
Hitman Blood Money
Shadow of the Colossus
Ace Attorney
Gradius V
Secret of Monkey Island
Cave Story
Fallout 2/NV
Mount & Blade
MGS 1-3
FF Tactics
Ace Combat 4/5/Zero
Unreal Tournament
Demon's/Dark Souls
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1/2
Ghost Trick
Katamari Damacy
Pikmin 1/2
Dawn of War
Eternal Darkness
Zelda games
DMC 3/4
Grim Fandango
Kerbal Space Program
Monster Girl Quest
F-Zero GX
Contra Hard Corps
C&C Red Alert
God Hand
Chrono Trigger
Monster Hunter
Animal Crossing
Metal Slug X/3
R-Type III/Delta
Harvest Moon FoMT/64
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Master of Orion II
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Rythm Heaven
Mechwarrior 2
Team Fortress 2
Ghost Trick
Tales of Vesperia
I was really looking forward to it, too
based pong poster
learn to use commas instead of full stops. and seethe harder, it makes me laugh when you do.
>r-type delta
REEEEEEEEEE i know it's a funny meme post but even the theoretical concept of this opinion triggers my tism
This, they story, characters and music are good but the game part is bad.
Also the story goes to shit in the 2nd half
Final Fantasy 7 but it applies to whole series.
What do you actually like?
Every Zelda after LttP
Senran Kagura
ur mom
It's not a meme post
All the Dragon Quest games
You mean even a more based Lisa
if anything the new xcoms are too fucking easy
>turn based combat bad
adhd instant gratification fags please go
which is exactly my point in play a real game. play UFO Defence.
how does one person have such zug zug brain??
Fallout 76
Fallout 4
Pokémon Let's GO
Battlefield V
Just Cause 4
Kingdom Hearts III
Superman 64
The Division
Ultima IX
Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet
Devil May Cry 2
Sony at E3 2006
Capcom Closing Down Clover Studios
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Dragalia Lost
Pre-Order Bonuses
Store-Exclusive Pre-Order Bonuses
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Nintendo at E3 2008
Final Fantasy XIII
Metroid: Other M
Subscription Fees on Xbox Live and PSN and Nintendo Online
Uncharted 4
Heavy Rain
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Duke Nukem Forever
Online Passes
The Current State of Mega Man
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Dragon Age II
Day One DLC
Bioshock: Infinite
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Resident Evil 6
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
SimCity (2013)
Diablo III
DmC: Devil May Cry
Payday 2
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Sonic BOOM
Broken Age
Dungeon Keeper Mobile
Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)
The Order: 1886
Present Day World of Warcraft
Metroid: Federation Force
Star Fox: Zero
No Man's Sky
Dead Rising 4
For Honor
God of War
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite
Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)
Street Fighter V
Metal Gear Survive
Mighty No. 9
Dark Souls Remastered
Paid Mods on Steam
Mega Man 9
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
The Order: 1886
Castlevania N64
Castlevania: Order Of The Shadows
Metal Gear Solid Survive
Metroid: Federation Force
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Konami Pachinko And Slot Machines
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
No Man's Sky
Dead Rising 4
Life is Stange 1 & 2
Gone Home
Epic Store Exclusives
I'm always really glad when a AAA game gets shit on by this board, since that usually means it's actually good and worth my time. Yea Forums is an excellent litmus test for big name studio games since everything Yea Forums hates always ends up doing well and being good
hey man you clearly need some attention so here's your (you)
so how's life?
have sex
How dare you reply to me.
you seem like you need it
quality trollpost