Why do Europeans dance like this?
Why do Europeans dance like this?
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eat burger
At least europeans can move around without a mobility scooter.
Because nobody will shoot us for it.
I'd dance like this with Isolated playing in the background.
Out of my way American fucking shits.
i dance how i want you insecure prepubescent shit for brains
doesn't the game take place in burgerland tho?
Go dilate
Lack of burgers
i will buy the game now
protagonist is European. That's why everyone else dances normal.
molly peaking
>no cloth physics
>he never popped molly before and danced until you pass out
>american's don't understand post-modern dancing culture
I shouldn't be surprised, that's two things america can't do; dancing and culture.
techno. It's pretty rad, huge in europe.
How do they noclip like that?
Sounds like trance to me.
dancing is so weird
I can understand singing along but dancing is just doing random erotic movements to the beat of a rhythm
jesus christ, what the fuck
They're white, they have no rhythm. Remember how Europeans and white bois took such a based sounding music like this?
Sucked all the actual soul out of it and turned it into
White people took this
Turned it into
>he doesn't casually slap, punch and elbow hit random women in the face on the dance floor to assess dominance
>flailing like a faggot
All right Habib.
Holy mighty motherfucking shit
educate yourself you seething americuck
cybergoths are too funny
if you're scared of looking like a faggot ur 200% cuck
>They're dancing to the Goldmember song
He looks like he's fighting an invisible man.
Is he winning?
beautiful american culture
Wait this is from the new VTMB right? Then he's an american in Seattle
old one looks better
Why do Americans dance like this?
track id?
how the fuck does a 2004 game has such good cloth physics
>wh*Te people
Correction, why do blacks dance like this
america are you even trying
Why can't white people dance?
>Why do Europeans dance like this?
Because unlike you Amerifats it isn't just about showing of it's about getting good and having a good time.
Why do Americans hate fun on the floor?
>Why do *slavs dance like this?
no seriously, why do they do this? Why?
>Black people dance for sex
>White people dance for attention
>Asian people dance for structure
What did they mean by this?
Because 2004 was around the time the Havok physics middleware started getting implemented into games regularly. Source engine, which powers Bloodlines, uses Havok. Also, if you'd played Bloodlines you'd know the cloth physics has no weight to it and has major clipping problems. It was great then but it's utter shit today.
Because they can move.
Americans of course can't, because on average, they are like pic related.
>go to club
>just dance
Why would you go to a club just to dance? That's the most mundane shit ever, normally you'd go there for the good music and to meet people, maybe some booze. Emphasis lies on good music, if it's some garbage chart DJ, they can go fuck off with their club.
>makes thread about Americans
>regular posting
>makes thread about Europeans
>Euros immediately triggered
Always funny.
We like to have fun.
Normal? Being almost completely unable to move is normal? Guess that explains the mobility scooters
Danging is part of the music, and meeting people
i fucking love mdma, its a bit npc drug but whateva
>Americans: do anything
>dO AlL AmErIcAnS Do ThIs?????
>Why would you go to a club just to dance?
Because the ecstasy you took is compelling you to. What's the point in going to club if you aren't going to take drugs and dance? To enjoy good music? And you're calling other people "mundane"?
This. So many salty europoor posts in here.
All it takes is 1 mutt image to derail a thread from mutthurt
I thought they already released deleted Matrix scenes
Can't speak for the rest of yurop, but clean ecstasy and Emma are everywhere and cheap as dirt in Germany.
test your might...
test your might...
test your might...
test your might...
what drug is emma?
That's been proven false in nearly every thread on Yea Forums. Americans don't respond to mutt posting. Euros and camel jockies larp as angry mutts more than anyone else.
Why are you posting amerimutt images on Yea Forums anyway?
what game?
Seething mutt
user meant to say MDMA.
See what I mean? Thanks for proving my point.
>Because the ecstasy you took is compelling you to
Nigger, I got into raving while high on molly or some amphetamines, but you couldn't possibly call this shit dancing, it's just raving.
>To enjoy good music? And you're calling other people "mundane"?
Yes, if I take drugs I want to have good music to accompany the trip & experience, not some fucking Becky and her group of girls swinging around, slowly, to absolute cancer of music. The music must hit hard, otherwise it's boring as shit and could resemble a pensioner party, thus mundane imo.
>See what I mean? Thanks for proving my point.
What's hilarious is that with the mutt meme once again Europeans lack self awareness. Europeans are already super mutt. Europe is the most hetereogeneous continent on the planet, genetically proven. And the very way the European race was created was through muttening. They are based on the mixing of 3 ancient already mutt groups. Both Asians and blacks are very distant from everyone, more homogeneous. While Europeans are quite close to Arabs genetically, kek.
reminder that about 30 million Americans are illiterate
Someone is dancing badly. Your reaction:
>1. haha he's having a lot of fun :)
>2. wtf he's white why is he doing this REEEEE
Who do americans do this?
White, black, whatever race, all of you are fucking retarded somehow.
But that's in Seattle.
Someone had to do it
Coal burning scum
>Yes, if I take drugs I want to have good music to accompany the trip & experience, not some fucking Becky and her group of girls swinging around, slowly, to absolute cancer of music. The music must hit hard, otherwise it's boring as shit and could resemble a pensioner party, thus mundane imo.
Fuck off. Your brain is completely addled on drugs. There's nothing sophisticated to be found in the club scene. There's a reason all that club crap can be seamlessly bled together by DJs.
It's like some kind of spell or virus, like that laughing epidemic
if you don't go to the club and establish a 5m perimeter around you with autistic flailing then you're not doing it right
why do burgers not dance like this
Same reason why all americans are fat.
They just don't know when to quit.
Based yuro dance music
Why isn't anyone joining you
Seriously now you have no fucking idea what you're talking about especially if you yourself consume alcohol at music events or get involved at music events that serves alcohol. No doubt you'll have so retarded logic that alcohol isn't a drug so therefore it's okay.
I am hard now
Based. Wh*tes need to be exterminated.
I legit feel sorry for Americans. To think the same people who kicked the brits out and beat us in a war sunk this low is pretty depressing.
relax, he was an agent for the african reparations institute
We aren't talking about "music events", we are talking about the shit in the OP. I drink when I'm seeing a live band and actually want to hear and enjoy the music. I don't drink at a club when I'm about to take a pill and flail retardedly because all they offer is a repetitive beat and alcohol does fuck all to make that good.
Actual context?
>dumb dance moves are back
I will now buy your game.
nah white people look at those goth freaks in disgust
that's normal nigger behavior
this is more like thedifference between middle and working class america
Home invasion. Robbing the place. She kept getting up so he kept beating her up. Kid was unharmed.
The working class aren't known to wear shirts and ties.
Nigger breaks into woman's house. That's it. What the fuck else do you need?
P.s guns are bad and should be banned, goyim.
Just an average day in a multiracial society.
i agree that guns should be banned
but only when nibbers get banned as well
this dance must be a result of low intelligence right
OA was fucking weird
Honestly I'm murcan and can't disagree. Most white women defend niggers/kikes and call right wing white men nazis. Most of my female relatives do that shit.
>Kid was unharmed
Apart from being mentally scarred and probably infused with a passionate hate for negroids that will be weened out of him over the course of his """"education""""
In normal circumstances, this would be horrifying but Americans aren't human so this was entertaining.
>probably infused with a passionate hate for negroids
nice joke user she goes to public school and in 20 years she will be marching in the street with ear plugs and dyed hair
But practically all music is repetitive because rhythm is at it's core plus dance music is designed to mix in with each other because the tunes themselves are a small part of the bigger picture which is the DJ set. I'm old enough to remember when a lot of dance music didn't allow for this to happen, it was a pain in the ass to mix tunes together while maintaining the mood. Boo fucking hoo that you think it's shit or how you put it, "unsophisticated" you have no idea how the evolution of dance music got to where it is now.
European people are flavorless
Why the fuck does she keep getting back up?
Like holy shit just follow your kid's lead and stay still you dumb bitch.
ITT: thinblood
>But practically all music is repetitive because rhythm is at it's core
This sentence is amazingly retarded. This is like saying "All books are repetitive because words are at their core." And it's especially retarded when you consider that for club shit the rhythm is a minor aspect. They emphasize beat above all else. Melody and harmony are practically non-existent.
also some of the most kickass music ever only by white people
On a scale of 1 to 10, how chad is it to walk into a club and immediately start to dance like this? Someone familiar with the scene have some insight on this?
They're clearly just having a laugh here
>that one bitch who films everyone having fun instead of joining in
>makes thread about Americans
>regular posting
you wish lmao
source engine and Havok.
the lipsync/facial expressions won't match VTMB1 due to this too.
no, it's real. They didn't get inside the club so they were dancing near it. The girls didn't even know them and were just joining in.
At a fucking wake?!
maybe if he danced more he wouldn't have had a heart-attack while getting fucked by Thai ladyboys.
made me cringe because it reminds me of how awkard it is to get dragged into a club and not wanting to dance
He had a heart attack from all the steroids he took.
It's the best they could come up with in terms of being "cool". It's the corniest "cool" on the planet.
That's a shit analogy especially when the chorus of a song is usually the most repetitive part.
try going outside
different minimum drinking age
it actually looks fun as fuck. did you ever dance yourself? what is it about dancing you don't seem to understand? just express your emotions through your body. there is no right, no wrong, only you and enjoyment. but i guess meritards'll never witness the glorious insight of european electronic music. yous just too capitalism.
Why was this post deleted when the porn stays up? Also, the answer is, because we're still majority white.
You see little black boy, the difference between our races is that we made all of the good shit that matters, but you're stuck making petty comparisons because of your inferiority complex. It's okay to admit that without us, you would be fucked.
It's alienation. People are strangers to each other, strangers to themselves. Nothing's left except the burned land and the rotten poison of irony, which sits firm in every head now.
There's never been a rule of music that every song has to have a chorus that repeats three times or something. Maybe try listening to something other than lazy pop and club shit some time.
should have done more cardio.
>everyone dancing like crazy
>goth chick and gasmask gimp next to a guy dressed to shine
>all being retarded together
Truly Bloodlines had the best spirit
Never forget yourself, dancing gimp
The rule of music is structure and to have that you have to have rhythm otherwise it just noise.
dumb niggers SEETHING after seeing the superior whites dancing like god himself would
amerisharts will never understand this.
Does this sound like noise to you? Rhythm is just that - rhythm, like the very pronounced 9/8 rhythm in the final part of this song. Repeating the same chorus is not necessary at all.
>Yes, I'm gonna have to write a chorus
>I’m gonna need to have a chorus
>And this would seem to be as good as any >other place to sing it till I'm blue in the face
>go to a club in Germany
>dancing/grinding on a girl in our circle of friends
>some drunk German dude starts pretending to grind on my ass behind me without me noticing
>him and his buddies have a laugh about it
>my cousin takes offense and shoves him out of the way
>German guy strikes a violent pose
>I turn around to see wtf is going on
>he takes a sloppy, drunken swing that manages to hit me, my cousin, and the girl I was dancing with
I don't remember how this got resolved but that was basically the end of it.
We invented electronic music
>be german
>drunk as fuck
>still manage to take out 3 people with one punch
Now just imagine what he would have done if he was sober
the aggressive look on the female's face is the most baffling part of this madness
wow what a story, link to blog?
>The rule of music is structure
>and to have that you have to have rhythm otherwise it just noise
Again no.
You could have a song that is nothing but beat or nothing but melody and it's still music even though it doesn't have your beloved rhythm.
>take out
Lol, user pls; the guy was a fairy. He even thought my juicy flat ass was a delectable treat.
I've resolved never to be sexy in Germany again for fear that the males there might lose all self control.
Triggered, cuck? That's what all your women does behind your back.
oh no people are having fun they should stop
>What do you mean, I'm a Nazi for fapping to Hitler and practice my goose stepping and want to genocide everyone :(
Does this align with the Russian literary tradition?
A truly Russian dance, if you will?
Needs less clothing and more sweat
I got yer link right here, Eurobabby.
t. white whore or mystery meat shitskin blah blah blah heard it all before
Who doesn't want to beat women and dance with them at the same time?
What in the actual holy fuck is that a real, actual goblin?
What the shit I was not prepared for that fucking bridge-troll tier shit. It looks like fucking facial prosthetics they'd use in a movie to make someone look like a hideous monster.
Holy fuck. Probably would have been better off cutting his face off rather than his dick.
You're right, all white women are thirsty for black cock. Some even for Asian cock. Enjoy your divorce when she decides your pencil dick isn't satisfying anyone.
Melodies on their own have rhythm you brainlet. Man I can really tell you've never worked with music.
>my cousin takes offense and shoves him out of the way
Imagine being less humorous than an actual, literal German.
That's poky
It's not that common, and quite outdated by today's standards
The dick size thing doesn't really work when you mention Asian guys in the same sentence
They're sending their friend off with one last dance. Pretty wholesome 2 be honest
you're an obvious shitskin loser or an /r/asianmasculinity beta
nobody wants asian "men"
Why are there police officers?
Why so americans always have the urge to compare/mock to europeans? Aren’t you guys supossed to be the first country in the world? If that’s so, you shouldn’t have such inferiority complex
This is Jamaica tho...
>Melodies on their own have rhythm you brainlet
Not necessarily. Some forms of chanting, for example, is considered to be melody without rhythm.
They have no African ancestry like most people in the US.
guaranteed replies.webm
absolutely destroyed
ive opened this dozens of times but never finish it, this is fucking bad man
>says permavirgin with increasingly detoration of his mental capacities
You're gonna die alone, unwanted and unloved by even your parents.
Seriously, why do elephants dance like this?
based amazing madlads, the chicks are great too for joining in
Yes they do though. Just because they skirt on the edge of breaking the rules doesn't mean they have.
don't project you mutant mutt fag
No projecting, you're already this close to suicide because the crippling loneliness can't be overcome anymore. You know this. You're afraid, so you lash out in a desperate hope to find some meaning in your suffering.
go away mobileposter
I get the feeling that if I went to an American club and spent the night drinking and dancing, people would look at me weirdly and laugh at me. In yurop that's normal weekend fun and nobody cares how silly you look as long as you don't puke and collapse on others.
I remember hearing that the guy in the video on the right was either a returning soldier or a recently released from prison
>getting this upset over banter
I thought you Eurocucks were the masters of it
joke's on you i don't have women
or a back
why do WMAF couples that have kids always shit out absolute fucking failures
Not the kids. They're literally too ill and autistic
>start a banter thread
>get bants'd
>"i d-didn't hurt my feelings... YOU ARE TRIGGERED"
I'm in a great state of mind actually, not a care in the world. You seem very bitter and obsessed on the other hand.
No. Rhythm is, by definition, a regulation of the music. Anything that is deliberately not regulated is, by definition, arrhythmic. Chanting is a common example of this.
>implying /pol/s parents are Asians and whites
>you will never have your new neo cybergoth bros send you off to the techno afterlife with one last rave
Feels fucking bad, man.
Yeah, the insane never think they're ill. We know.
Identity politics aside music really has gone to shit
>White, black, whatever race, all of you
>all of you
are you a fucking alien ? fuck off gray boi faggot.
What is that white drink on the left?Is it milkshake?Does it really taste good with burgers?
Never forget that USA would still be a colony if france didn't help them because they hate britbong
a fucking funeral kek
The Fortnite dance? All kids does it.
WMAF mutually have low or no standards for each other, which is the actual reason why they are so common, and why their children are like that. there is basically no quality control happening at any step.
Both parents tend to be genetic trash
normal people don't even consider dating out of their own race.
>muh dick
Actual nigger detected.
The Eurochad Flail vs the Virginburger Rhythmic Movement
All mutt children are 50% more likely to be mentally ill or suicidal. Asian mutts are just one of the most common ones.
fucking kek
Again this isn't music, it's noise. That doesn't imply all noise is obnoxious as chanting is pleasingly hypnotic.
Go back never return
why do russians dance like this?
Bongistan isn't part of Europe anymore
what the actual fuck
But....both are America...
el atrocidad.....
That was banter you clueless diabetic.
This. Those guys saw the dead person as a friend in their community.
If this is their way of remembering and honoring him, who are the masses to stop them?
>cucklord doesn't even realize that this is an asian woman
idealism is truly horrifying
Go back never return
What was it???
>get your cock turned inside out and get awful implants
>living the 'true authentic life that I've always wanted'
maybe that should have been the first sign that you were making a mistake
What's Morgan Webb doing there?
White people can't dance
here's a classic for zoomers
Say that on the dance floor and not online and see what happens.
>Oh boohoo I want to get dicked but anal won't do
>I'll just carve this rotting hole to where my balls used to be, then I'll be living the life of my dreams!
Why do people make such insane decisions to fix first world problems?
>He's never been to a bush rave before
throw acid
>moving around
Not without getting stabbed and splashed with acid when you step outside.
>but what about >get shot meme
We can shoot back. Still have our assault spoons.
>dabbing the grease off his za
it's ok to be awkward, but don't ruin other people party
When will Fortnite Filters go away?
>We can shoot back
But you don't. Even Australians, Italians and Norwegians fight back while you get fat, high on opies, shot and stroke your dick to cuckporn.
an unvirgin talking about thread-irrelevant shit