I just wonder what Ganon's up to.
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Will this finally be a zelda game that connects them all?
>Ganondorf in the style of BotW Gerudo
>with a trident
This will be the best incarnation yet.
Has Ganondorf ever used the trident in a canon-game?
I think the trident has only ever been used by Ganon, right?
BotW started doing that, I can see them continuing the trend in the sequel.
No, though Phantom Ganon used one in Ocarina.
I'm just glad we're finally getting gerudo style Ganondorf again.
That spider fight in BotW was the most disappointing part of the game.
Original Ganondorf only ever wielded swords in every timeline and the first time he wielded a trident timeline-wise was in A Link to the Past. The new, reincarnated Ganondorf from Four Swords Adventures seems to have turned into Ganon specifically becuase he came into possession of the trident in that game.
So no, only time we've seen Ganondorf wielding a trident has been in Hyrule Warriors.
It did? How so?
I agree, But now this makes me appreciate the spider ganon more.
Simply because it turned out to be ganondorf trying to build a new body since his physical body was trapped underneath the castle all along. Pretty dope.
It's set at the very end of all three timelines (implying they somehow merged back into one or that its events are inevitable even across different universes) and has lots of references to all other Zelda games.
Looking pretty dark. YouTube requires age verification for teaser trailer. Both of these things are a good sign.
I liked spider Ganon, but the Beast Ganon "fight" was a bit disappointing.
Spider Ganon fight also suffered from the fact that he was blasted down to 50% HP.
Ganondorf having a trident, in universe, has existed for years. The only time you ever see him actually using on is in the Hyrule Warriors spin off, but in universe yes he has always had one.
We've gotten hints at things from throughout the series.
We roughly know that the events of OoT in relation to BotW is about 50,000 years before. We know this because Ruto is referenced by the Zora as an ancient historical figure.
Rock salt description references an ancient sea, why is this rock salt found all over Hyrule? Was the ancient sea the great sea from WW?
The Rito are present, though that could have happened in an unrelated fashion to WW. Koroks are also present.
Skywards Sword's lore is represented heavily in the game, Hylia worship is back and we know that Fi does indeed exist within the mastersword even thousands of years later.
The Gerudo tell about an evil male within their tribe, which is a reference to Ganondorf from OoT, TP, and WW.
There's also some more stuff but I can't think of it all.
Basically BotW is so far into the future that it's almost like all the previous games have become mended in ancient history. I don't know how, but I think we will get more explanations.
Kokiri and Rito only exist in the Wind Waker timeline.
The hero of the wild cap has a yellow band on it, a feature that's only from games set in the Defeat timeline.
There's several references to Twilight Princess timeline.
There's a lot more but I those are just off the top of my head.
I meant Korok
I think this ganondorf is gonna be neat. Unlikely he's the reincarmated one from FSA
The topography uses names and areas from across the entire series.
That too
I feel like lik is going to get that hand power up, just like that unused concept art, does anyone have the image?
>people are STILL confused how BOTW's canon works
the king straight up TELLS you right near the start in a mandatory cutscene that there are "legends" about the hero and the princess, and everyone in the game keeps TELLING you how there are "legendary" figures and events involving everything from the six sages to the Twilight to everything else, regardless of timeline.
This isn't rocket science. BOTW treats all the previous games in the series as pseudo-historical legends that have some basis in fact, but also inaccuracies. So all the Zelda games are basically in-canon legends that exist in the "real" BOTW canon, which is why they don't sync up, because they're misremembered. Some version of all the games happened eons before BOTW, but not necessarily the versions we played.
Has the Gerudo text in the spiral of energy been translated yet?
>found BotW disappointing
>still hype for a sequel
I'm not deluded for thinking they'll do away with everything that made BotW shitty right?
They mention the Imprisoning War in BotW right? Or at least hint at it? I wasn't hallucinating?
That's delusional.
>most things
That's likely.
Aren't all the zelda games relatively far apart from eachother?
The developers already mentioned they didnt even know which timeline BotW happened in, if the fucking devs dont care about the timeline imagine how dumb you have to be to pretend it holds any value. BotW, like almost all other games does whatever it wants with the Zelda mythos regardless of how ""innacurate"" it is to the ""timeline"". They don't care and neither should you.
I just want a Zelda game to be a Zelda game again. I don't ask for much.
Zelda 2 is a direct sequel to OG Zelda, same with LA to LttP, MM to OoT, PH to WW, OoA/OoS to OoS/OoA. The rest are fairly spaced out from each other, although ST is technically a sequel to WW/PH, just a long, long, long time later.
Yes, usually by a few hundred years. But Like I said, BotW is about 50,000 years apart from all the others. That's distinctly unique to this game.
the point is that no matter how far from each other they are that they merge back as one or that inevitably all 3 timelines end up the same way leading to the events of BotW, just for the sake of hoping people stop making autistic timelines
Jesus, what's the point of all it being connected in a timeline anyway? It always has no relevance to the little story it has. It is fanservice? Zelda games are as bland as every mario game about saving peach from bowser.
>although ST is technically a sequel to WW/PH, just a long, long, long time later.
Only a 100 years. Niko, one of Tetra's crew, is still alive.
>I just want a Zelda game to be a Zelda game again
Nah, Fujibayashi and Aonuma isn't finished breaking Zelda conventions yet. Dungeonfags will get a bone though.
>I just want a Zelda game to be a Zelda game again. I don't ask for much.
Yeah I want classic dungeons back. Shrines are nice but shouldn't have been a replacement.
One thing though about older Zelda games is that the item you earn in a dungeon was rarely used outside that one dungeon, save for staples like the bow and hookshoot. BOTW trimmed it down to the runes and they're used literally everywhere, which I prefer. I hope they somehow bring back dungeons with recurring runes as opposed to one-off items.
>entire world gets covered by water
>the fish people are transformed into birds
What did the three golden goddesses mean by this?
I hope Ganon has been up to designing more enemy varieties to unleash on hyrule
instead of just bokoblins/moblins/lizalfos
Skyward Sword did it right imo.
Four swords
>Jesus, what's the point of all it being connected in a timeline anyway? It always has no relevance to the little story it has. It is fanservice? Zelda games are as bland as every mario game about saving peach from bowser.
There isn't one, it's mostly been fan autism trying to connect all the games together. The games have always referenced each other, OoT was basically the Imprisoning War that's covered in LttP, WW and TP all referenced OoT hard, LttP had the same shit with Zelda 1, OoT sages were named after Zelda 2 towns, etc. The games have always been "connected" through easter eggs, but that was just for shits and giggles. Autism ruined everything.
That would be nice if that arm was Vaati's.
Honestly cant fucking wait
Seems the /might/ be reintroducing items in a fashion? The arm/hyrule castle lifting up into the air are both taken from concept art; link having a shapeshifting wood prosthetic in one piece, and ganon chilling on top of a floating mountain in another piece. So it’s possible we could get energy arm items.
>Wants Zelda to be Zelda again when BotW was the first 3D Zelda game to recapture what Zelda was
>Cares about the Timeline
Zoomers detected, I bet you think Skyward Sword was anything but a complete trash heap.
That being said I so hope we get some actual dungeons this time. And more monster nonhuman enemies and durability increased significantly (assuming it's still completely free explore, if it's not durability isn't needed anymore)
¿Y quién eres tú, alguien te estaba hablando o simplemente te prestaba atención a todos los sitios a los que vas?
fucking spooky zelda finally
>darker than MM
I'm looking forward to this. I fully expect:
>Annoying as fuck that I can't climb right now because its raining
>Annoying as fuck that I can't climb right now because its raining blood
I'd be surprised if they at least fixed some of the issues people had with BotW, like remove or at least improve the weapon durability. I pray to god that there's more things to find in the world that don't always translate to "here's another shrine for you" and "wow, you found another fucking korok, have a korok seed", and instead give us some quests with tangible rewards like weapons, armor, companions and whatnot, and longer connecting questlines. I figure that the latter might be too much to ask for, but the least they could do is have a story that's more told through the present rather than the detached "fragmented memories from the past" style storytelling we got.
>Annoying as fuck that I can't climb right now because its raining blood
that's fucking metal but would make Zelda a T=M rated game diminishing their audience.
I just hope they don't make story the focus again since that was looking the series. A bit more than BotW is fine but I would like to keep the mandatory cutscenes to MM quantity at most (optional is fine for sidequests and world building).
Skyward Sword really made me feel like the series was trying to become Kingdom hearts so I'm glad they backpeddled.
>that's fucking metal but would make Zelda a T=M rated game diminishing their audience.
NO, last time Zelda contemplated metal the dev team thought this was appropriate
No, one guy thought it was appropriate.
It literally says there was a whole bunch of sketches of Link in different styles.
Doesn't mean everyone went "oh yeah that's appropriate"
Glad we still got the bike out of it.
Man, a M rated Zelda would be so fucking awesome. I felt like BoTW would have been much better if they embraced all the dark sides of the lore.
Well, Monolith Soft are working on it, we might be in for a wild ride
"Shadow Temple... Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred..."
>The mighty warlock king of the Gerudo was a natural choice for the first hero to face the embodiment of Demise's malice. The malice was defeated, but it had once again tasted the stinging blade of mortal power. Perhaps it was time for a different approach – what if instead of appearing as a disembodied monster, it took the form of its own defeat?
Apparently the trailer is age-restricted on Youtube.
skyward sword was not a complete trash heap
a complete trash heap wouldn't have redeeming features
skyward sword was a trainwreck, not a trashheap
why does that Link look like Shiggy?
The bike was cool, but it was limited by the hardware. Everything else not so much.
No, it'll never happen. People expected some major lore shit about why Hyrule was so fucked up but it was just "We found this ancient GOOD technology but Ganon suddenly hacked it and it became BAD"
Every Zelda game featuring Ganondorf has had iron knuckes or darknuts so have hope.
>Link, Dorf, and Zelda go on spelunking adventures throughout Hyrule
>Only Dorf is secretly possessed by Ganon and is a walking evil time bomb
Hopefully it'll be like Majora's Mask where there were a fuck ton of new enemies along with most of the ones from Ocarina of Time
>raining blood
Holy shit are you 12?
>edge bad
>me mature
no, because it is in Nintendo's interest to leave as many holes in the timeline as possible. They've straight-up said they don't give a shit about the official timeline. People who try to piece together are the games are wasting their time, but eh, whatever
I pity the fools who still haven't seen the truth about the LoZ timeline.
Hyrule Warriors is canon and it converges the timlines, rendering everything before it true though contradicting.
God I'm so fucking hype for BotW 2, so far every Zelda game to reuse an engine was better than the one before it, and BotW was a solid 9/10 imo.
>Hyrule Warriors is canon
Aonuma specifically said it isn't.
I wasn't really a fan of the first BotW but since this one has ganondorf in it it's already based. Hopefully this one has actual dungeons instead of korokshit and shrineshit. Also I hope they don't reuse BotW's Hyrule.
>the Beast Ganon "fight" was a bit disappointing
>a bit
How is Hyrule Warriors on switch specifically? I'm not into musou games but the character designs in that game are absolutely fucking amazing
18+ to post.
Aonuma isn't canon in LoZ.
Why do people want edgy zelda?
>I'm not deluded for thinking they'll do away with everything that made BotW shitty right?
I'm cautiously optimistic as well. I'll at least keep an open mind until I know more, but I doubt they'll do away with all of BotW's flaws.
koroks are guaranteed to come back, really easy way of adding extra side content and also has the purpose of upgrading your inventory, thats not going anywhere, I hope shrines get toned down and we get actual overworld dungeons
Musou/10, one of the better ones out there though.
To enjoy it, you either need to discover a love for musou games, or be jerking off to LoZ twice daily.
Skyward Sword had redeeming features. It had great Zelda elements, namely the dungeons, items, bosses, music, etc.
But it was brought down by other factors, like the slow start, empty sky, backtracking, controversial controls, aggressive handholding, etc.
>darker than MM
Never ever with Aonuma around.
It's less so edge and moreso wanting a return to form. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were both very dark games with disturbing and violent imagery. It's okay to have light-hearted Zelda games like the wind Waker but even games that tried to be edgy like twilight princess still fell well short of the tone of the N64 titles.
I want that big Gerudo dick to fuck Hyrule all over again so I have to save everyone
It's musou as hell. If you don't like musou, as you rightfully should, you won't like HW.
Just enjoy watching the Midna and Zelda models online.
I prefer fan interpretations
Probably listening to Dutch's plan
Idk man, to me it felt like I was playing a Wii sports game half the time, combat was just absolute gimmicky trash. There was no exploration element at all which is heresy for Zelda, the levels basically feeling like glorified Mario 64 zones except there's only three of them (sand area did expand to be fair though and get more content), story and handholding were constant, dungeons give you the solution to the puzzles on tablets if Fi doesn't tell you instead, visual design on basically every monster in the game was complete ass, music was mostly homogenized and bland outside of a small number of standouts in cutscenes. Etc
The only parts I liked were doing sidequests in skyloft and the final boss fight
It's the only game that's more disappointing to me than dark souls 2, it made me cynical of Nintendo in general for years to the point that I didn't buy a Wii U as a result.
What if it's a timeline cycle, Hyrule Castle going up, it's the prequel to skyward sword.
>Ocarina of Time was a very dark game with disturbing and violent imagery
Maybe if you're eight years old.
>10K Ganon was chosen by the Malice because he was the bearer of the triforce of power. An overly attractive host for its desires.
>He was actually a kind king who travelled with the other heroes seeking peace for his kingdom
I like to think it takes place at the end of the child timeline, but this is true. It doesn't really matter.
>aonuma plays skyrim
>breath of the wild is the result
>aonuma plays RDR2
the official timeline was such a mistake.
I'm assuming it's something to do with Ganon actually trying to fight the source of the Malice and getting corrupted by it.
The things that you think made BotW "shitty" are probably good things that they know people like, so probably no, they won't get rid of them.
Wrong, only a few games are obviously an afterthought in the timeline.
The original progression was OoT > MM > ALttP > TLoZ > AoL, then came Wind Waker and established the existence of a different timeline.
Looks more like the ghost hand is keeping Ganondorf's body sealed, but the malice keeps leaking out and formed into Calamity Ganon. Calamity Ganon was trying to create a new body before the final battle of BotW.
They didn't want anyone to know Hyrule was down there. Fish people could just swim down and find it, so they made them birds instead.
Because and adventure needs to have spooky time too and not be all happy and colorful. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask had the perfect balance.
>keep giving the Triforce of Power to the most evil man in the world over and over again
What the FUCK was Din's problem?
>fan theory gains traction
>Release an expensive book with the theory in it as a marketing scheme
>Change the theory to make it look less like you just stole the idea, whilst simeltaneously missing the entire concept
>Can't fucking talk about the series anymore without people quoting it
OoT Ganondorf grabbed the triforce and it got split between him, Link and Zelda. Since Ganon is always the same guy he keeps the triforce in every game.
I just don't want to explore the same map again.
Hope Link is playable in the Twil iworld trying to control ghost handjob
While Zelda is playable in the undergrounds of Hyrule.
Just give me a new map nintendo!
Why are you calling a polearm a Trident?
it was always pretty obvious since TP continued from the child ending of OoT, sorry you're a brainlet
I like to think the goddesses tend to be impartial to mortal matters and usually end up favouring those whose natural character they like more. Not caring if in the human world they are evil or good. Kinda like the greek gods in a sense.
Koroks were never meant to be content they're just little stupid things you do on the way to content. Please understand
Actually play it. I was a PlayStation kid so I didn't get around to OoT until I was 16 on Wii virtual console
The problem was that MM was dark in a low key, thematic, atmospheric way;. I'm worried it will be more Twilight Princess "dark" than Majora's Mask "dark".
>What the FUCK was Din's problem?
They were very bored
not just obvious, the timeline split was even explained by aonuma himself in 2007 when TP came out
>I'm worried it will be more Twilight Princess "dark" than Majora's Mask "dark".
It's probably going to be that, which isn't a bad thing by the way. TP came out in fucking 2006 and we haven't even seen a ReDead since then.
The aesthetic of OoT, MM and TP is total kino and much better than the Ghibli inspired look of the new games.
I'm guessing the game is still extremely early in development. This cutscene is probably one of the only things they've made so far. Monolith only started hiring for an untitled Zelda game what, a couple months ago?
>Kinda like the greek gods in a sense.
Din went around raping people?
look at this fucking redditor oh no no no
why do people buy flame shirts or put gay decals on their car or act like drinking exclusively black coffee and being a cunt about it is desirable? edgy attracts retards
Gotta be some really old remains, older than 100 years at least. In BOTW, Urbosa brings up Ganondorf as if he hadn't existed in her lifetime.
Figuratively by letting Ganon have one third of the triforce, yes.
I don't know if it's Gerudo text.
I would hope that it's a Majora's Mask situation where since they're are reusing most of the assets and also using concepts that couldn't make it into BoTW it will be a quicker development time. Not to say it'll be out in a year or anything but at the least a late 2021 release date.
>The dying soldier
>Castle town filled with undead
>The gorons being kidnapped to be fed to Volvagia, with Darunia straight up fucking dying by himself
>Zora have been frozen in water for good knows how long
>Kokiri were stuck in their houses because evil had taken over the forest in the Deku Trees absenc
>none of this is considered dark
Is this supposed to depict Link or Ganondorf? Everyone seems to disagree on this
If they made the cutscene, that means they've probably got a lot of the environment already designed
>>The gorons being kidnapped to be fed to Volvagia, with Darunia straight up fucking dying by himself
>>Zora have been frozen in water for good knows how long
>>Kokiri were stuck in their houses because evil had taken over the forest in the Deku Trees absenc
I give you the stuff about the market but this is standard fantasy conflict stuff no different from what you can find in other Zelda games.
They were in Triforce Heroes, unless you mean mainline Zelda game.
Weren't all the sages dead though?
you forgot the darkest parts
>shadow temple filled with torture/execution devices and traces of blood
>bongo bongo
>dead hand
that's just a GAYM THEORY
>the entire shadow temple with blood all over the walls and torture chambers and guillotines everywhere, not to mention dead hand
Feel free to check what's inside the well of kakariko village.
Why didn't they let Koizumi direct this one?
It was probably meant to be ambiguous given that this depiction is a whole other level of fucked up compared to all the other depictions.
>floating skulls
busy with Odyssey 2
I'm just going to say it
TP was the best Zelda ever and it even surpassed OoT because it exaggerated the grandiosity of OoT that people just imagined. TP is perfect in every way. And you would have to be a deluded idiot to think OoT did anything better besides "child like charm"
>the reaching hand is on WW’s ganondorf’s coat
>Ignores the torture devices
The only difference between this and a 16+ game handling the same type of area is that OOT just puts the details there, while a higher age rating game would have the main character go "Woah, what the hell were they doing down here?", "Shit, is that a torture device?" and "Who the hell built this place? Do the people upstairs know about it?"
I'm not sure what they would even draw on from RDR2. Add a poker minigame?
The defining characteristics of RDR2 are an overintrusive meaningless plot, repetitive shooting gallery gameplay that somehow takes all the fun out of shooting galleries, and one of the most infamously bad control schemes in all of videogames. It's like Reverse Breath of the Wild.
I'd feel better if they said they've been playing Sekiro or something because at least we might expect some battle system refinements.
>Navi disappears at the end of OOT
>she came from the forest, and those who go into the forest without a fairy become stalfos
>MM starts with Link exploring a dark forest looking for someone
>people still deny that MM is about Link dying
Spooky is not edgy. It's just cool.
Even Wind Waker had that redead hole under the villa.
OoT/MM Link became the Hero's Shade. He didn't die until much later in life.
The headline is clickbait. He's essentially saying staff played the game so they might take some ideas from it.
Could be something as small as horse mechanics or NPC interactions
>i bet you disagree with me on a game. you fucking zoomer
Also TP Link is his descendant so he at least scored.
This probably is ganondorf but i still think there will he some conection with the twilight people since there was black and green energy and a voice distorted in a way similar to Midna's voice
This isnt proof that he died later
Any proof?
Not a matter of disagreement skyward sword is objectively bad and was the culmination of elements ruining tbe franchise. BotW overcorrected but corrected nonetheless.
I can't remember, what exactly does it say about that? WW Link is also a descendant of some sort despite obviously not being a literal biological descendant.
Zora aren't the God's chosen people in lore, Hylian are, so they can't rule the fucking world even when geography determines they should.
>Horrendously boring wolf sections
>Three times as many unskippable cutscenes
>Dungeons are babby tier that constantly funnel you in the right direction (Not like OOT was crazy complex but at least it had shit like the Water temple where exploration is downright necessary)
>Enemies barely do any damage
>Shitton of gimmick items that see barely any use outside of their own dungeon
>Gives you a bunch of useless sword moves for no reason when mashing A is perfectly functional to get by
>Hyped the shit out of horse combat but then barely uses it anyway
>Completely fucked up its own cool premise by turning Zant into another Ganon puppet
OoT gets its dicked sucked constantly and I would never consider it the best zelda game, much less the best game ever, but TP is not only derivative and bland; Its actual moment to moment gameplay is unengaging since it never challenges you in interesting ways via tough enemies, creative puzzles or new gameplay ideas. TP is derivative garbage that brings nothing new to the table and is completely unengaging to play on top of being completely ridden with long unskippable cutscenes. Fuck TP.
The spider fight was cool, reminded me of Metroid Prime. It was the Dark Beast fight that sucked dick.
But everything you mentioned points towards the Adult timeline.
>or NPC interactions
>try to get on horse
>accidentally choke out Beedle
I hope BOTW2 Ganon is did literally nothing wrong WW Ganon tier
RUIN THE WORLDS CITIES is what ganon's up to
>find Ganondorf on top of mountain with Zelda there
The wolf sections were right as fuck, you're just a boring little cunt.
Cutscenes lender to the story, all of them were great.
Dungeons were the best in the series, they had the best atmosphere and suspense.
Many items were used everywhere, you obviously didn't play very far, don't lie.
>Hurr you could just play in the boring way
Horse combat is used everywhere are you fucking serious
Zant was perfect, his boss fight was also great.
This bait is stale like your shitpost. Clearly you made everything up otherwise you'd compare it to a Zelda you think is superior. But you didn't, you just said it was the worse out of a vague system you made up. 1/10. Kill yourself based retard.
I'd like to see some source or proof of your claims, there is absolutely no indication of the timespan between the non-sequel games in the series.
There is no reason tens of thousands of years couldn't have passed between each one. Its basically just "long enough for shit to get fucked up again"
And where exactly are you getting this 50000 years for botw, again?
>Hurr let me skip the story pls
Play dark souls if you don't want cutscenes or dialogue or story.
>mashing A
are you braindead?
It was part of the promotion of Skyward Sword. That game is supposed to "predate" all the rest, so the slapped together a history for Zelda to justify that claim.
Up until then it was just theories by fans with nothing else to do.
It's just for game theory autistic fags too flood every thread trying to place games in an order to please their autism.
Playing without trying to connect them is perfectly fine.
This, people tell me all the time they love running around doing fuck-all. Gathering the same stupid korok seeds, listening to the boring soundtrack and grinding materials.
Wish we'd gotten an actual Zelda game with a sense of progression and story again.
Bros is Ganondorf going to steal all my Gerudo wives?
that's cool
Very cool
TP had faggot clowns
so far all we've seen of BotW2 is a goddamn lich
Ya know, i actually would love some reference to WW ganondorf. All ganondorf designs (apart from botw1 of course, hated calamity ganon) are great but something about that his design in WW just made him great in my eyes.
never played ww but watched chugga's lets play
its literally ganondorfs job to impregnate every single gerudo woman while he's alive
voes only exist when a gerudo male doesn't
10,000 years ago, the hero defeated Calamity and Zelda sealed him. 100 years ago (9,900 years after being sealed) Calamity returned, defeated BoTW Link and forced BoTW Zelda to hold him back until Link revived 100 years later
this ancient seal involves trapping Calamity inside someone's body. current Zelda didn't know about this, but ancient Zelda did. The corpse inside the cave (which is under Hyrule's Castle) is Ganondorf, and we can even spot him painted in the cavern walls (man with long hair riding a horse, holding a trident). there's some forgotten history related to those events 10,000 years ago, as there was another person involved during that fight against Calamity who was sacrificed. We see that the corpse was left there underground to rot while holding Calamity, until it could no longer hold him 100 years ago. the hand holding the corpse is either the hand of the ancient hero or ancient Zelda, and it's what holds the seal.
after Link defeated Calamity at the end of BoTW, his energy found it's way underground and began seeping back into the corpse. this caused some disturbanced which invited Zelda and Link to investigate the underground below the castle, and this is where the story of this sequel begins. somehow their presence there triggered the corpse to awake. it seems to me that Link will lose his arm which will be replaced by the seal arm (as a way to integrate that scrapped concept) and this will break the seal for good. The castle will float on the sky (another scrapped concept) and Ganondorf will be the big bad.
I'd like to believe that the hole left by the castle will open up what will actually be the playable map of the game, an underground series of caves and dungeons, where you'll uncover all kinds of secrets left behind by those ancient times 10,000 years ago
no clue what Zelda's role will be in this story, but I don't doubt she'll be playable as Nintendo is well aware of the fan requests in that regard
I'm sick of this bullshit, the Malice IS Ganon and Ganon IS Ganondorf's true dark form when he uses Demine's power, you literally can't separate the two because Ganondorf is Demise' reincarnation, this "Ganondorf was a hero and was possessed by Ganon" thing is just retarded
Not to mention the trailer can't be more clear about Zombienorf being evil, he's not a poor victim, he's Ganondorf the fucking prince of evil
>Link defeated Calamity at the end of BoTW, his energy found it's way underground and began seeping back into the corpse.
I thought that Calamity was permanently dead at the end of botw
>every few generations the Gerudo shit out the prince of evil and destroy the world
Why are the Gerudo still allowed to exist?
I noticed the mummy has round ears and not pointy like everyone else. That's neat.
>Rock salt description references an ancient sea, why is this rock salt found all over Hyrule? Was the ancient sea the great sea from WW?
Your theory may be right but I'm just pitching in to tell you that this particular piece of reasoning is retarded. That's literally just how rock salt works in real life, it just requires bodies of water to change over time. It doesn't require a global flood. This would be like pointing to the fact that it rains in BotW and saying LOOK ITS RAIN LIKE THE RAIN FROM THE GLOBAL FLOOD???
>Link and Zelda are in a mission for Riju to get back the only male gerudo in the world as fuckslave
The Gorons have a rock carving of Darmani which is pretty suspicious if it's adult timeline.
So one of my main hopes is:
>first game was link in the wild scavenging for supplies and weapons
>all of the "good" weapons are a century old at least or made by people who had to start over
>now that zelda is back and calamity ganon is seemingly defeated they can start actually building shit
It would be the perfect excuse to add weapon repair, making stronger weapons using techniques lost 100 years ago, and other stuff like that.
Why do Zora and Rito exist at the same time in BotW?
You have now made me sad that this won't happen
Castle rises up and curses the land
Same Map but everything is cursed/bizarro thx to Ganonpower
Added cave/dungeon network
send paypals to my ebay
That's actually one of theories surrounding TP.
The Gerudo are just gone and their sacred spirit temple is now a giant prison filled to the fucking brim with corpses.
Might imply the royal family was up to some fuckery.
That's pretty suspicious no matter what the timeline is seeing as he's from a parallel universe (or a fucking dream world if you believe the latest retcon)
Not him but I think you are thinking on the mistranslation, in the west they said something like Ganon is angry and using all his power to come back even if he can't resurrect again later or some bullshit like that, in the original japanese version they say Ganon is angry because he usually just resurrects but this time he's having problems so it's obvious he will come back someday in the future, that's probably why in this game Link and Zelda are searching for Ganon's source in the catacombs of the castle, to end this for good
Odds that botw2 zelda is still useless and bitchy?
If people came from monkeys why are there still monkeys? Checkmate atheists
because le timeline convergence xd
cuz fuck
At links ceremony the words Zelda speaks reference OoT, TP and WW. The pillers of the six sages also exist within botw sans the mirror which was shattered.
It'll be okay if she's still useless and bitchy because she's hot now
Hey that only happened twice, once in Four Sword Adventures when a new Ganondorft was born and became Ganon after steal the trident and the other one is OoT Ganondorf, he's always the same guy but resurrecting over time
Gerudos are fine and not even thieves anymore in Four Sword Adventures and that game happened after Twilight Princess, they probably just left Hyrule some generations feeling shame for what Ganondorf did and returned in the future
>Why are the (((Gerudo))) still allowed to exist?
If the idea that they turned from fish to birds so quickly in WW was interference by the gods and goddesses I can see them doing it more slowly if BotW isn't one big convergence of all the timelines like Nintendo is claiming.
Long hair barbarian king Ganondorf is his best design.
Here are my hopes for BotW2:
>Deku Babas
How the FUCK was BotW allowed to launch with the smallest enemy variety of any zelda game in history?
>Link, did you know that despite Gerudo women between the ages 18-30 comprising merely 5% of Hyrule's population, they are responsible for almost 50% of all violent crime?
Is this the true power of the Triforce of Wisdom?
Based. Also fuck chaosfags
>Ganon's zombie corpse
Just keep him like that, that's his new look
I hope shes still bitchy.
I remember when aounuma said zelda will scold you for indecent behavior in botw.
I'm fucking waiting for that
The rito already existed in other timeline like in TW (see pic related), I'm sure only WW's ones are special because the zora and the rito fucked hard, in every other timeline the rito are just another race unrelated to the zora
I think BotW2 will explain most of that. They probably used Ganondorf as a catalyst to power the techs which is the reason Calamity Ganon took control over them.
They really should have just come clean and said the truth:
"We just like making fucking games, most of them share common themes but aren't intended to be connected except for a few circumstances where we specify so"
We all know deep in our hearts this is what's actually going on, 80% of the timeline shenanigans are just asspulls to give the fans a bone to chew
Imagine zombie Ganondorf meeting Riju.
>BotW is so far into the future that it's almost like all the previous games have become mended in ancient history
My theory, going all the way back to TP, is that every Zelda game is a loosely-told legend of actual events. Perhaps every game before BotW is being unified into one actual timeline with this in-mind (everything, right down to WW’s Great Sea, actually happening, but just not as the exaggerated legends we all know).
>use the sealed power of the ancient evil who keeps breaking all seals thrown at him to run all of the technology that the kingdom depends on
What did they mean by this?
In that case, HW isn't canon because no one canon has said it is.
>Ganondorf mentors Riju on Gerudo leadership
Yeah that's probably the case. It was probably those fucking Sheikah doing some evil shit to help Hyrule and it backfired hard. I always thought it was cool to think about Hyrule's bloody past but they never go into too much detail about it.
>ywn be sucked by BOTW2-Ganon
Truly a cursed prince
>When it's clearly Ganondorf
Considering Aonuma said it would be darker than usual, I guess we are gonna learn that Hyrule's history and how it turned its back on Ganondorf, the first wielder of the master sword as in image.
>recognizing the sword as the Master Sword and STILL pretending the hero is Ganondorf
What a fucking retard
It's his job to fuck her, not teach her.
Pretty much confirms this takes place after TP and FSA. The reborn Ganon in FSA wielded a trident
Din has a sense of humor, and or probably hates her creation of Hyrule.
Dude, just look at the picture. Red hair, pig like face etc. Chances are it could be Ganondorf. I'm not saying it is, but it could. BotW has done things differently to other games already.
I wish there would be some shit that mixes the whole "Link and Zelda good, Ganon bad" shit up
but not unimaginative shit like "Zelda morally grey, Ganon also morally grey"
I want shit like "Ganon just being a dude, Zelda just being a girl, Link just being a dude" who experience awful shit because they're unwillingly linked together
Anyone who mentions the timeline unironically needs to have sex.
I get that BotW is the end result of each timeline, but it makes more sense that it's the end of the ruined timeline more than anything, the child timeline I can sort of see too. The Adult timeline is where it gets odd, because it leaves unanswered things like "how did the waters recede?" or "why are both the Rito and Zora still around?"
That being said, Ganondorf being under the castle is going to be even more craziness that needs to be answered.
Upper most left corner pic looks like Demise
Child timeline - Triforce of Courage (because Link survives and is victorious)
Adult timeline - Triforce of Wisdom (because Zelda is the only one left)
Fallen Hero timeline - Triforce of Strength (because Ganondorf wins)
BotW2 will reveal that the godesses each descended to their respective branch allowed the three branches to merge back together into one, just as the triforce does and reformed the world into a unified state. Screencap this post.
Pretty sure Skyward Sword already did.
I bet you're one of those retards who think the timeline was created in response to fan demand and not as early as OOT like the ending fucking shows you
>That stigmata on the corpse
In OOT's ending you literally see two contradictory timelines taking place at the same time you stupid faggots. Then in Majora's Mask you see what happens to Link in one, while in Wind Waker it tells you what happens in the future that Link was sent away from with the broken reincarnation cycle. The timeline wasn't pulled out of someone's ass, it was there since OOT and you just don't play the games or pay attention.
Seems to me the whole underground area is one giant sheikah complex, maybe even a prison?
Now why would the royal family build their castle RIGHT on top of that.
It's going to go full Kingdom Hearts retarded and have multiple time traveling Ganondorfs as the villains like organisation 13 with Xehanort
It’s not Ganondorf. And at no time has Ganondorf ever been a good guy, going all the way back to OoT. He’s always been bad.
>anyone who talks about lore in a popular game series on this game board needs to have sex
Probably true actually, so bend over
God i hope ganon talks.
>middle of the dungeon
>Walk into a room
>Ganon is sitting there, contemplating in silence.
>Link draws his sword and gets ready
>"Stay your blade hero, its useless here. I'm merely an illusion" ganon says with a deep James Earl Jones ass voice
>Talks with link about how his mission is useless, that ganon will always come back, that ruling over the world is an inevitability
>Maybe hint at his past run ins with other incarnations
We can get some Zelda Kino this time around
Why is Dorf so popular with women? Isn't he Literally All the World's Evil?
Majora’s Mask is more eerie than spooky. They seem to be going more edgy this time.
Too bad Koizumi won’t have time to work on the game this time.
that's not cute
>"Hyrule's history changes with time. When we think of the next game and what we want to do with it, we might think, ‘Oh, this'll fit well,' and place it neatly into the timeline, but sometimes we think, ‘Oh crap', and have to change the placement,” Aonuma told Famitsu. “Actually, the decided history has been tweaked many times.”
>If you find this confusing or unsatisfying, Fujibayashi said to keep an eye out for future Zelda games. Those might contain more information about the overarching world of Zelda, or at least force the team to reorganize timeline once again.
>3 sequels exist therefore shit like Links Crossbow training matches into a magic timeline that rearranges the whole continent and lore every game
Have sex.
>how did the waters recede
The deku tree spread its seed on every small island to raise the earth.
Its why spirit tracks has land
He’s black.
>Point out the timeline is real and can be observed in the games
>Start screeching about Link's Crossbow Training in a hypothetical strawman
No you have sex
But tridents were Mipha' s weapons of choice.
Was the king of the gerudos enganged to the princess of the zoras????
The royal kingdom didn't know. The (((Sheikahs))) controlled everything from the shadows
People were starved of Zelda, and anything would suffice.
Its Ayys
Its a sequel prequel in the fact ganon fought off the original ayys. Sheikah took all the ayy teach then were somehow surprised when the original hero came back to life and back hacked them on the tech he already defeated.
Women love bad boys
God please bring the twili back. Bring Midna home...
No one said he was the good guy, user.
>I'm just a misunderstood good guy bro.
Fuck off.
>hair is exactly the same color as the face and the pants
>nose is pointy
>"pig like"
> BotW has done things differently to other games already
>"this means Fey could be wielded by GANONDORF"
Unironically off yourself before you spread your seed, this world will be better without your genes
PD: Do you know how they actually depicted red hair in that sequence? WITH FUCKING RED
Nice reading comprehension bro. Ganondorf was always noted to be manipulative, I want to see him try to get in links head.
I always wanted a game set during the 100 years between OoT and WW where in the end Link gets literally erased from history by the goddesses or something (like he pulls a Goku vs Cell and has to teleport himself along with the bad guy to another dimension to save the world) so nobody knows he was even there.
I know this is completely unrelated but I just wanted to say it.
>Durrhhur dur
>pffft ruuuhhh
What did user mean by this?
They dont, Ganondorf just rarely dies for real so he keeps coming back
It's probably not possible without a big time skip but I'd like to see a plot line with another Gerudo male being born and Riju getting kicked off the throne and having to deal with that.
>that theory that Link was trained by Ganondorf when the first BotW teaser came out will never be real
Why even live?
Well maybe you're into something
Everybody is taking asfact that's the event will take place after botw
Maybe it's not and wewill witness those 100 years?
Or even before?
Link was already erased from existence in Oot.
That's the whole point of WW
I mean, they called it a sequel and those are BotW Link and Zelda and that's BotW's map, it's safe to say it takes place after BotW.
>The SEQUEL to botw
Freshwater fish would be pretty fucked if the ocean suddenly flooded into all lakes desu
>teaches her how to rule by day then fucks her silly at night
>tags: size difference, leglock, impregnation
Just like one of my ero novels
I mean, to be fair, ganondorfs hair has been orange at times like in pic related, if anything this could be used to argue the treatment of ganon and dorf as separate entities.
Just another reminder that Ganondorf did nothing wrong, he is just trying to make it right where the goddesses failed
Orange in the mural is depicted as being the SKIN color.
No matter how fucking much you want to squint your eyes and believe that the guy weilding the Master Sword isn't Ganondorf, that sure as hell isn't Link nor "something human".
You just described OOT to the letter dumbass
Why are people on Yea Forums so fucking obnoxious these days? What the fuck is wrong with discussions, let alone change?
Also, that's not the picture I'm referring to.
Women wanting to fix bad boys just like Men wanting to fix damaged women but keep the damage in the sheets and not in the streets.
No I mean, in those 100 years there was no Hero (because of what happened in OoT) so when Ganon came back Hyrule had to be flooded, right?
But what if there WAS a hero in those 100 years, and he did fight Ganon (or some other bad guy) but he was removed from history?
In my defense my memory of the timeline shit is very foggy so sorry if what I'm saying is retarded
it's Yuga and it's going to be the first Legend of Hilda game
If he existed then he was defeated because the Flood was an answer to Ganon wrecking havoc. Having an adventure for the hero to lose is not really appealing.
We're in for a wild ride, indeed.
I don't think Ganondorf did anything wrong either in this timeline either. like I said earliers its Ayy lamos. Beings the goddesses had no power over and could not protect against. Ganondorf stepped up the challenge but the Sheik saw the power of the ayys corrupting him and cucked him out of his power prize. A power so strong and corrupting it even broke the Sheik clans. Not only would ganondorf know the tech in and out at that point leading to his ultimate take over in BotW but he'd be super pissed for being cucked like that by a bunch of back stabbers.
It's you fucking retard, that Ganon is surrounded by the hero, the princess and the guardians. Ganon's hair is red, hero's hair is brown.
>Having an adventure for the hero to lose is not really appealing.
Not the guy, but I like the idea that not everything ends happily. Just like how all your closest friends are dead at the end of BotW.
i didn't even notice that. what in the hell did they mean by this?
Tl;dr the dude was born in a fucked place where most of his people die because of how harsh their land is, and no race of hyrule ever tried to legit help them, at best we saw the hylian king receiving Ganondorf as an ally. No wonder he wants to take over the land of those fuckers who made nothing to deserve it, and use steal the power of the same gods that granted them those fertile fields but didnt move a finger to help the gerudo
But I never said Ganon. I said Ganondorf.
Kinda interesting how Ganondorf's corpse body has rounded ears like he and the Gerudo had in OoT, when BotW Gerudo have pointy ears like typical Hylians.
Said it once and I'll say it again, the second aliens become an actual thing in Zelda lore is when I drop the series immediately. Do not even bring up Majora's Mask it doesn't fucking count
Are you literally braindead? You said the hero has red hair, and I proved red hair is represented as RED in the pic where the hero appears later (the hero with non-red hair), you are wrong, deal with it.
That is a TP retcon and they never show up in any other game nor are they directly referenced.
Fair enough, but I don't think Japs share this vision. They want the hero to succeed in the end. If they wanted bad endings they would just keep living their lives.
The goddesses are basically aliens tho
hurr durrrrr
It's never outright stated but it's pretty blatant when you think about it
>Saria dies to the poe sisters/Phantom Ganon
>Darunia goes to fight Volvagia and isn't seen in the chamber after
>Ruto goes off-screen and is captured, presumably by Morpha
>Impa can't see the traps in Shadow Temple and dies
the only one that isn't 100% is Nabooru who gets shot by an energy ball and disappears
We have had aliens in Majora's Mask, lad.
Have fun being boring.
Well seeing as the Gerudo were supposed to be the opposite of the Hylians it'd make sense. After a while they'd eventually bleed together which is why they have pointy ears now and beetle is straight brown. I feel like a lot of browner Hylians is because they don't wear chastity belts.
Garudos were fucking hylians for 10 000 years
Dominant Gene's be damned they would get some changes
>Same exact map, but different story!
Based Nintendo making billion without putting in any effort!
adults become Stalfos, children become Skull Kids
Skull Kid in MM is Link's parallel in the same way Termina is Hyrule's
He also had rounded ears in the scrapped idea for the Oracles, I think the current idea is that old gerudos had rounded ears but current gerudos have mixed with hylians enough to have their pointy ears so Ganondorf is the only gerudo with rounded ears now because he's the only ancient gerudo left
>Do not even bring up Majora's Mask it doesn't fucking count
But it does count. You can't just exclude things because it doesn't fit your taste.
Majora's Mask doesn't even take place in a real land, everything there was either illusory or metaphorical. It's not a goddamn argument, you sci-fi fags need to shut the fuck up. Let magic be magic and goddesses be goddesses, this is a fucking FANTASY SERIES stop trying to le subvert everything with your cheap dogshit. You already got Bloodborne for that now fuck off
If you think it's Ganondorf, you are an actual retard.
Even if it was a retcon you wouldn't have an argument whatsoever, the entire point of a retcon is make canon something so you still agree with me, rito in other timelines were canon even before BOTW
TP Link being born with the ToC means OOT Link passed it on
The Goddesses existed when literally nothing else did (unless you subscribe to the theory that the chaotic void all around developed a will after they created existence). Only retards like UndyingNephilim actually believe they're aliens or are malevolent.
This. They came out of the cosmos and made a world for themselves. Nobody asked what they were feeling to warrant building an entire world.
I can when it's been stated repeatedly that the events of Majora's Mask weren't real. It puts the aliens there on the level of easter eggs, they're not even plot-relevant for fuck's sake
MM was also designed as a world where they could get away with doing things they wouldn't normally do in traditional Zelda/Hyrule, hence why Termina has more focus on technology
>Gerudos leave their homeland in search of a partner
>Implying any heterosexual male would resist a tall, brown, amazon redhead who has never had much contact, if any, with the opposing sex making them awkwardly cute
You literally can't blame none of them.
>-Hey, look, it's X!
>+But you are wrong.
Yikes, son.
wind waker ganondorf has pointy ears though
How do ou know that they are Rito, specifically? There are more bird people in the Zelda universe than just Rito. Does TP specifically call them Rito?
>MM never happened
>Heroes shadow came out of fucking thin air
Go away
They built the universe. Not a single world. And then they later realized it blossomed into a multiverse due to their own power.
They are quite literally big G Gods.
>it's Ganon's mom
oh dear
>There are more bird people in the Zelda universe than just Rito
Only the fokka and they probably are rito's ancestors
>the hole left by the castle will open up what will actually be the playable map of the game, an underground series of caves and dungeons
oh god, please let this happen
don't let the game be on normal Hyrule again
I hope they go to the moon again. Space in a fantasy setting is kino.
>Link died at some point in time so this proves the canon of Majora's events
No one is even saying that MM didn't happen but the events in it were not literal. If you genuinely played the game and can't grasp that then your brain's flatlined
Does Link's Awakening count?
I wonder how far Impa got before she got dunked on by the temple
Depends on how well they execute it.
I for one would love to travel to the Khajiit Moon Base in an Elder Scrolls game, but I don't trust Bethesda to do it.
Am I blind? I don't see it
"50% huh?"
"Yeah but nearly all of that is raping hylian men"
Then they made the world to escape the void. The void itself is malevolent. Hostile to life. The goddesses aren't life though, they're fucking gods. There was a catalyst. Something that forced them to move. By your point Hyrule and the whole universe itself shouldn't exist because why would they have any question of the void they were born in? Why question it unless it had a chance to negatively impact you?
I really hope it's just for that shot of them underneath Hyrule Castle or whatever, and then they fuck off to another region.
probably fell into one of the pits
Aliens as an enemy mob exists in the Zelda franchise.
Aliens literally exist in Zelda. Aliens were had, drawn, coded in and placed in the Zelda environment where you as a player have to interact with them as part of game progression.
>only caves
That sounds shit
Some points on them from Hyrule Historia and similar books seem to imply that they just have this innate desire to build new worlds tirelessly. It's up for debate if there's some greater evil at work opposing their creation.
>We will actually see Riju again in BotW2
We don't deserve this timeline. How did things went so right
This is my first time on boards since the reveal and I just wanna make sure: Everyone knows Midna is making a comeback?
Sure is autistic in here.
They came from somewhere and went back to that same place after creating hyrule, so even if they dont come fron another planet they at least come from another dimension, they are aliens either way
Not an argument
Playing games and giving a shit about its lore is pretty autistic in general. But at least it is fun.
Why would she? It's been over 10 000 years.
Shes dead bro.
Maybe the invisible spinning scythe?
The point of BotW being so far in the future is that it could take place at the end of any timeline, so you might have callbacks to every game but the connections will be loose.
They literally came from the void. As in, pure nothingness. They then went on to create other worlds after Hyrule per the books.
They're gods. Reality didn't even EXIST until they did.
It's kind of in the same vein of Majora's Mask, everything in Link's Awakening was the projection of a literal deity which is why there's shit like Mario enemies. What both games imply is that aliens have been conceptualized by individuals in the Zelda universe itself but nothing concrete has been established yet that says yes, aliens did this or that thing. I hope it stays like that because nothing pisses me off than when a fantasy setting cops out and claims everything is actually science fiction or that aliens were behind everything.
But ninty told me it is in a specific tineline....
It's a Sheikah laboratory. Now adds 2 and 2 together with what we've just seen in that new trailer.
I can replace the word with innate with instinctual and it'd be the same sentence beyond arguing context. The question is what shoved for a reaction?
user, I...
Alright. I see where you're coming from. Just asking.
In what amounts to a dream sequence. If I dream of bigfoot in the woods behind my house does that mean he's out there in our world?
Did y’all not hear the twilight noise while those blue lines took the shape that was also featured in midnas figure? Mostly the sounds is what makes me a believe
Holy fuck, guys, really? It takes place in any timeline. That's deliberate. I'm sorry that doesn't satiate your autism but that's the intention. It is the endpoint of all of Zelda. Civilization became a futuristic wonderland, fell apart, was rediscovered, then fell apart again. It's that far removed from everything else.
I wonder if the whole area the castle is built upon is a machine/divine beast like creation, hence it starting to fly.
Then hope they don't implement everything from the previous concept art.
Those lines are not the same.,as the one in this trailler have already been identified as garudo alphabet
I would buy it
>Eiji Aonuma, series producer: “Well of course it’s at the very end. But, I get what you’re asking, it’s which timeline is it the end of?”
>Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director: “That’s… up to the player’s imagination, isn’t it?”
It is meant to be able to take place in any of the three timelines.
I'm not saying you are wrong but
>that's the intention.
Says you.
>dude the gods are really space aliens lmao
Can Lovecraftfags fuck off?
Same thing. They use the names interchangeably in Japan. Hell, TWW calls his place "Ganon's Tower" despite being called Ganondorf in that game.
this shadow is a depiction of Ganondorf before being killed/sealed
do you guys really think that evil-looking hand belongs to the ancient hero or the ancient princess? why would either of them have scary skeletal hands with claws and shit?
No, they came from the sacred realm aka another dimension. They didnt come from nothing
Its wishful Yea Forums thinking
Aounuma already said botw is in one of the 3 timelines.
That's why I think Ganondorf this time around used to be a good guy or at least morally gray.
There's no indication of this, and literally every other source regarding their origin disagrees.
Every Zelda game is just a re-telling of the same basic story, an oral tradition
The interview I'm talking about was before botw came out.
Yeah I've got my finger's crossed this shit stays a concept. It's not the first time sci-fi Zelda has been toyed with as an idea, there are ALTTP concepts of Link and Zelda in futuristic clothing and shit. But if there's one constant I want from this series, I want it to remain as pure fantasy as possible. Even Link's ipad didn't bother me that much since it's an example of technology running on magic rather than the inverse, alien invasions and things like that would just shatter everything that Zelda as a series is
>Dream sequence
So you admit that Aliens in Zelda exist?
Doesn't change the fact that Aliens exist in Zelda.
The concept of Bigfoot exists doesn't it? But you have no proof that it exists, what a terrible analogy. But the official creators of Zelda made the Alien and many people can prove that Aliens exist in Zelda, not Bigfoot as it is mere speculation not concrete proof. Regardless of whatever headcanon you have, Aliens exist in Zelda.
i really doubt they're gonna reuse that concept considering the guardians are literally just aliens with a more lore-friendly backstory. BotW is still fundamentally a post-apocalyptic alien invasion story at its core
Its the Ayy teach he used and failed A shadow of one who used their engine but got EA killed.
There was a bunch of unused botw concept art in a nintendo presentation that showed an older link missing his right arm.
I have to agree with going full on independence day like this doesn't feel very zelda-ish.
Ive been saying this nigga is not link since botw came out
Your pic says they DESCENDED on the land from somewhere else and that land became the Sacred Realm you illiterate tard. No shit that if they descend from the heavens after everything else was already created then from a relative perspective they came from the cosmos, but it doesn't make them aliens.
>SS had grwat dungeons, but shit overworld
>Zelda gets a lot of shit for how linear Zelda has become and the lack of exploration
>experiment with non-linear story progression in LBW
>then make BotW which had a complete focus on exploration.
>afters years of experimenting we are finally getting the culmination of it all where it has the dungeon designs of SS, the non-linear story progression and the exploration of BotW
>the gameplay trinity is now finally complete
>to top it all off it will have a MM-tier dark story and atmosphere
Are you ready for peak zelda kino being back on the menu again bros?
I know I know, but they just want you to draw your own conclusion about where you want it.
In 2017, this is from 2018. In that 2017 interview he was still inviting players to figure it out themselves. People are fooling themselves if they think there's a definitive answer. For now at least.
i liked breath of the wild's dungeon designs
the only problem was the lack of unique themes
Are you all right? You're just babbling now, I can't even figure out what you're trying to say. I've already admitted some few posts up that aliens have been conceptualized within the Zelda world but nothing proves that they definitively, physically exist. As far as the lore is currently concerned, they're a fun imaginary construct
that's a retarded implication since there's nothing stopping BOTW from being treated the same way in a few years after the sequels from that make things even more convoluted. I'd rather see BOTW and this game as its own universe rather than the 'definitive' version of the Zelda universe
>Majora's Mask
>Its really just the biggest Guardian as it works IRL
I'm not bothered about Kotaku. So you are fine by me linking it.
I see what you mean.
I'm pretty sure they will place it somewhere on the timelines, but honestly, I hate the timelines. I always looked at the games as alternate retelling of the same story except for the sequels.
And BotW having so many different names from all over the games made me see it as a love letter and a kind of reset going back to its roots.
They physically exist in Zelda though as you can physically interact with them as an entity.
And you are denying that they don't exist when there is proof in front of your face.
Maybe shit was the wrong word, but obviously kinda lack luster in terms of length and aesthetic.
>They physically exist in Zelda though as you can physically interact with them as an entity.
Wait, when did this happen?
their design was solid, but they were too short, too easy, and there were too few of them
and yea, every beast looking the exact same on the inside was really lame
TP had stupid wolf form
Looking at this silhouette did remind me of that odd hero painting, everyone's reaction when seeing that was that it doesn't appear to be Link. Now that we see Ganondorf's mummified body after Calamity Ganon was defeated, this does look like Ganondorf vs Ganon.
I think it could be more "sheikah went to terrible lengths" type deal
That's a funny way to spell Link's Awakening.
Or I simply don't care.
Zelda is a game about a price in shiny armor defeating evil and saving the princess over and over again.
I don't care about timeline bullshit, it's not important. Zelda games can exist without one another. Except when they're direct continuations.
You don't need a sequence for everything you autistic fuck, just enjoy good games, retard.
>iv always seen it as a retelling of the same story.
I mean...technically it is. Regardless of time lines.
>They physically exist in Zelda though as you can physically interact with them as an entity.
In Majora's Mask it's debatable if events are even physically happening or if it's all a manifestation of Link's psyche, the latter is extremely likely.
In Link's Awakening the aliens are the wanton, accidental dream of the Wind Fish, a literal deity. In both of these games the magic, fantastical nature of the world takes complete precedence over the notion that extraterrestrials have been meddling in the series. The aliens you see are literally not real. You're just being pedantic and grasping at straws
It'd also explain the blood moon in the fact Ganon takes over the original guardian and resets the world.
>Play dark souls if you don't want cutscenes
FTFY, there's plenty of dialogue and story as long as you put the effort in to find it
Watch out, there is a guy in this thread who will say you are retarded and fucking wrong while going on about how you can't have imagination.
I like the idea of Ganondorf being maybe a good guy or morally gray and wielded the Master Sword. Then something happened like the royal family selling him out to the Sheikas after his duty were done.
The game will have you delving deeper and deeper into the abyss beneath Hyrule Castle. The overworld assets can still be reused with different biomes as layers.
Yeah, but I mean more in a way that it's within its own universe or something like that.
>Some people care more about the game events than you do
>This means they're autistic fucks who don't enjoy good games
Nice logic. "Approach it the way that I do or you're autistic" is not an argument.
>explain why your are wrong
>grrr it doesnt fucking matter fuck off retard fuck you.
LA was really good, but ot suffered a lot, because of the lack of enough button.
Constantly switching out the boots, roc's feather, sword and other items really broke the pace of the game.
Have you ever considered the idea that you are the cancer?
>the latter is extremely likely.
t. game theory
>exploration of BotW
That if they don't reuse the map from botw.
If they do, what's the point of explorating it again?
So you're saying that the spirit of light, a being in services of the goddesses and that was telling this story to warn the hero, was lying?
Uh no?! He meant the place they descended FROM, and in ocarina of time its even more clear that its another dimension and not a physical place in hyrule since there is no land or air, you basically just float in a world of light
>but it doesn't make them aliens
Yes it does. Even if your interpretation is correct that still are beings that are not originated from hyrule, therefore they are aliens
I really love LA because it showed a certain love for the franchise from its creator and how it really showed how you could make games almost as big and engaging as A Link to the Past. It was before its time.
It's kinda a pointless perception as it doesnt really change much.
But whatever makes you feel better
>going back to Dorf instead of Ganon
Fucking lame. Where is my giant blue trident pig monster?
Play the game. Even if you're obstinate and you completely refuse to except my take on it, the alternative is that everything in the game is a puppet show created by Skull Kid which still means the aliens aren't real. Get fucked
I really feel like they left the original map as empty as it was in order to put more shit in the 2nd game. Give them something to improve on.
Just like Ganondorf's rod!
>In OOT's ending you literally see two contradictory timelines taking place at the same time
pretty sure the original intention was always that the adult timeline continued up until Link met Zelda with the Triforce on his hand and then it was erased, as if nothing had happened
>You're just being pedantic and grasping at straws
That is literally you during this entire discussion but you are literally plugging your ears saying "that doesn't count" about it.
Not even a "No U" retort but you are a hypocrite and just wanted something to bitch about.
Idk what the fuck are you guys arguing but by definition aliens are creatures from other worlds, the golden chicks came from a different world and created Hyrule so they are literally aliens
ESL should not be allowed to discuss games. If what you say is true the line would have explicitly said "descended from", because if it means what you claim it does then it's grammatically incorrect. It implies something totally different and you're pulling shit from your ass
Same difference, if you think about it
I love classic Ganon too but everyone wanted BotW Ganondorft buddy
Ganondorf's rod is an abyss you dive deeper and deeper into? Ganon's been a tranny this whole time?
The placement of the hand also is pretty antagonistic and inhuman-looking. It isn't just perspective alone - whatever's this arm belongs to, was bigger/taller than Ganondorf
>Some people care more about the game events than you do
Timelines isn't an ingame event. They held a presentation and released a book to explain it. That's not a game event.
OOT had two endings for an open ending for people to enjoy.
The lines from the other games is just fanservices.
You're not an autist for liking those. You're an autist for looking so deep into fanservice.
I'm ready.
This is Link. Stop spreading horseshit.
Aliens as a concept exist in Zelda. Proven, literal aliens that meddle in affairs do not. All aliens that you see in the games are fake constructs made by deities. It's not hard to grasp.
I hope we get asymmetric gameplay switching between Link and Zelda.
Mark my words: This Ganon is the Hero of 10k years ago, who fought alongside the previous Zelda to seal away the darkness.
The previous Zelda sealed him away, inside her own body. The Hero and the Princess from 10 thousand years ago have sealed away the darkness inside his body, and soon, it will be released.
It will be a heavily warped version of the map
They fucking CREATED Hyrule and everything in it. They aren't "lul aliens" any more than the Abrahamic God is. We have third-person narrative sources outright confirming that they came to be in the void when nothing else was.
They are, by the definition of the very term, nothing close to being aliens.
We don't know yet.
The arm does look like it came out of Twilight Princess, along with the reversed singing. I wonder what the Twili have been up to for all this time, especially considering that their technology was one great enough to challenge he Goddesses and attack the Sacred Realm. And that they were really the Sheikah.
I hope we get asymmetric sex switching between Link and Zelda.
>Timelines can be proven in-game
>"Uhh that's just fanservice bro you really shouldn't care like are you autistic um yikes"
Nice opinion
>Aliens as a concept exist in Zelda
So you agree, then.
Glad that's settled.
So why haven't you dropped Zelda since Majora's Mask then?
>came from another world
That was not said
Yeah, it was a red-skinned, red-haired Link, pig-nosed Link.
That's just his urethral opening. That's how big Ganondorf really is.
Because aliens have nothing to do with the plot of Zelda. It's a fantasy world with goddesses and magic
>blue tunic
>blue sword
>blue eyes
>hair not red
>pointy ears
>Ganon and him are not only different identities but they also tried to kill each other
>turns out Ganon pulled a switcheroo
>you were playing as Ganon all along.
Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking LA at all.
It's a great game, probably the best handheld zelda, but I think that somethings like the constant menuing to switch items among other things that hold back.
See Literally nothing you wrote fits the paiting of the hero
Link is canonically for Mipha
Is it time?
>but I think that somethings like the constant menuing to switch items among other things that hold back.
I understand exactly what you mean and I can relate. I think I've gone numb over the menuing since I've played it so many times. But I can definitely understand people who think it is a turn off.
Sounds stupid
They came from somewhere and created a new place, Hyrule
>the alternative is that everything in the game is a puppet show created by Skull Kid
Bro you are literally high
I don't care what they wanted, they also think OoT is the best when the 2D games are better than 3D overall.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
I will laugh when it turns out the hero in the mural turns out to be Ganondorf.
His hair is red. There are various shades of colors. Look at his beard and the tip of his hair specifically. We have seen the spirit of pure Ganon, and defeated it, and now we have seen Ganondorf's emaciated body.
Aonuma doesn't want to think about timelines anymore so it matter fuck all in what timeline botw is situated.
That being said,with facts and logic you can determine in which timeline botw represents.
there are alot of things that can use "the devil's proof" to counterargument the "united timeline"
A little gay, t b h
Ganondorf should not have that much exposed skin.
*If what you say is true the line would have explicitly said "descended on"
>then it's grammatically incorrect
No, just ambiguous, but given the context its more likely that the sacred realm is their dimension or at least a part of it
>by the definition of the very term,
Literally the opposite since the term alien refers to any being thats foreigner to a given land/world, and thats the case for them
>They aren't "lul aliens" any more than the Abrahamic God is
Except that the abrahamic god is, as far as i know, stated to be native to this universe, he just reshaped from the caos that it used to be
>Red hair
>long flowing locks
>possession changes eye color
>Calamity Ganon gave up on reincarnation and therefore his persona has been divorced from Ganondorf
Cope harder my dude, it's happening
Play the game or even read the latest encyclopedia, it literally says that shit. If you refuse to accept that explanation then my take on the story is just as valid
It's confirmed that Majoras mask it's a paralell universe.
>long gerudo nose
>tanned skin
>orange/red long hair
What doesn't fit? The hero's skin and hair are red, is your entire logic based around the fact that they used a deeper shade of red for Ganon?
Something so wrong it'd bring a Calamity Ganon down on your house.
I just realized how much Alexander looks like Ganondorf.
not that i dont like ganon and its a lot better than this shit enemy we had in botw but man in a sequel it should be something like vaati or majora kind of villian
Yeah but that's a different description from aliens
The encyclopedia contradicts that outdated info from the Historia and I choose to believe the former based on the nature of what happens in the fucking game. How do you even define a parallel world anyway? Is a dream a parallel world?
clearly ganondorf
What i think happened is that in a way or another, the timelines of all previous games "fused" (hence why you can find places that only exists in some games and not others)
Ganondorf under the castle used to have some weird amnesia after getting fucked by one of the previous Links/Zeldas (probably WW) and his human self and Ganon got separated for a short while
Human Ganondorf went to lead the Gerudos who entered in a war against hyrule (since the King kinda indicated Hyrule people were greedy dicks before); they fought and from War emerged Ganon. Ganondorf & Zelda allied forces to try and kill Ganon (like on the tapestry where he weilds the master sword)
but ultimately Ganon got back into his host.
my theory (which is probably shit, i don't know) is that the hand isn't "holding back" Ganondorf, but it's trying to get inside him and get his power for itself; and as a deadman he's trying to use his own body as a plug for that evil
ultimately though, Zelda & Link appears and the hand senses another temporary host that could ultimately force its way into zombiedorf. Probably the hand is gonna betray Link once he deals the final blow and that the evil power is there for the taking.
i'm just speaking out of my ass but if there ever is a possibility of multiplayer; pulling another "Tri-Force Heroes" would be nice - playing as Zelda , Link and a newly-human Ganondorf.
Or they had to seal up Ganon inside of Ganondorf like the other user said.
I wish wind waker artstyle would return. still the best looking zelda game to this day
Since Zelda 2 and now Zelda always had an underlying sci-fi connection even the first concept of Zelda was Sci-fi and Magitech.
Sci Fi and Aliens exists in Zelda and more plot related to whatever headcanon you have whether you like it or not.
Also Fujibayashi holds the reins of Zelda since SS and BotW which has a very heavy Sci-Fi vs Fantasy setting. You've been warned.
Could also be the case.
It’s very clearly Link. Only looking at him will give you a warped view of his colors but taking into account Zelda and Ganons coloration it’s pretty clear this BLUE EYED figure is Link.
Zelda is "deepest lore" done right in my opinion. It is incredibly vague, and the "truths" told to you by NPCs in the games are sometimes straight up contradicted by other NPCs in other games making it clear the NPCs aren't giving you the literal word of god as an explanation but instead just legends.
This leaves a lot of room for speculation, and makes you go "Oh shit!" when you recognize symbols and names from previous games.
I think it is in the interest of Nintendo to never give a clear answer to anything in the Zelda lore, it becomes rather boring if you know everything, just look at warcraft.
Aylmaos confirmed
>Literally the opposite since the term alien refers to any being thats foreigner to a given land/world, and thats the case for them
They made the world and literally everything in it. Nothing existed until they came and brought existence into being. Nobody is going to call them fucking aliens because they're the reason everything exists to allow for such a concept to begin with, dumbass.
>Except that the abrahamic god is, as far as i know, stated to be native to this universe
The universe likewise did not exist until He created it.
>Sci Fi and Aliens exists in Zelda and more plot related to whatever headcanon you have
Nope. When aliens are cemented in the series I'm out. We'll see if BOTW 2 jumps the shark and decides to be that game
Literally so non-canon you may as well call yourself UndyingNephilim right now. Because that's the level of reaching you've fallen to.
It didn't turn me off, but I did thing that it hurt an otherwise borderline perfect game a lot.
The real kicker for me is that issue is only a thing, because the GB only had 2 buttons.
It wpuldn't have that problem on anyother system, which is a damn shame.
The remake will probably fix it, but I am not a fan of the aesthetic.
The toylike look it has made it lose some of that mild surrealness of the original.
Now it feeks like a kids toybox coming to life instead of some strange fever dream where normal people like Marin and her dad are on one screen and a chainchomp and wart from Mario in another.
>American manuals
>The remake will probably fix it, but I am not a fan of the aesthetic.
I'm so hyped for it and I'm glad I'm not at E3, because if they had the whole game, I'd be done within two hours and be solely disappointed they didn't mix things up.
Wouldn't it be the villain Calamity Ganon got his power from!? The history of Ganondorf and Ganon is getting power from anything you can find. Be it the tri-force and dark world. Even though he was a villain it started with true intent. He was the king of his people and he wasn't happy at where they were. Ganondorf was a king that wanted to reach higher for his people. Ganon was the monster that resulted from his lust of power.
>didn't know encyclopedia existed
what the fuck how can you pull a link's awakening 2.0 with majoras when it clearly didn't need it?
Thanks user, now i am furious.
Encyclopedia also lists Oracles as stand-alone when they're meant to coincide with LA
“Darker” sure
“Darkest” no.
You’ll enjoy the game more if you set your expectations accordingly.
I did assume it was Link until the odd light that this trailer cast on Ganondorf, but everyone noticed it doesn't look like Link when they first saw that.
There is so much contradictory information in regards to majora.
>no arguments
>just endless repetitions of "dude just play the game lmao"
As expected of fanfictionfriends
Putting aside the entire aliens argument for a minute, the status of majora is FUCKED and what actually happened in the game could realistically be anything.
>Nothing existed until they came
Yes it did, heaven/sacred realm or whatever you wanna call it already existed, and hyrule was a void
>The universe likewise did not exist until He created
I dont want to go off topic but no, its stated that the universe was shapeless and empty, but existed, and iirc the world used in the original scriptures for " In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" can also be translated to shaped the heavens, and its actually the more accurate translation
the timeline merged back togheter after some time, realigning themselves into the space time continuum, could be simple as that.
The entrance to this tomb Ganondorf is in has those spiral patterns that are all over the Twilight stuff and the Tower of the Gods in WW
not him, but the enciclopedia is pretty much "official" even though it has contradictions.
You want attention this badly?
See again
Hyrule didn't exist until they created it yet they came from somewhere, there's other sort of world apart from Hyrule and anyone that comes from there is by definition an alien
>correcting parroted retardation is wanting attention
Arguing about the timeline right now is pointless because the sequel is going to expand the backstory of the first game.
It's already been cemented from the original concept of Zelda. It just took your until now and the technology for realizing the "Original" Zelda has finally caught up. You've been that frog in the pot since Zelda 1 and didn't notice they started beating you over the head when MM happened, then WW happened, then TP happened and Skyward Sword smashed you in the face with it, hell even Spirit Tracks got some kicks in and Breath of the Wild was the one you can't NOT notice.
Technology has finally caught up with the realization of the "Original" Zelda.
Also isn't it a Zelda convention for it to be a Fantasy game? And didn't they break many in Breath of the Wild?
Guess what convention they are going to break next?
>His hair is red
Except it's not, see the creature he fights in your pick to see how red hair looks you retarded colorblind faggot
>his beard
I would if he had one
>now we have seen Ganondorf's emaciated body.
And it's had nothing to do with the blue eyed hero that sealed Ganon thousands years before BotW
>They talked about my favorite game in the series, must mean it's the same timeline and people that don't aknowledge it are posers
nice opinion
>Wind Waker has a three minute intro explaining why the world was fucked post-OOT despite it contradicting the ending/Majora
>"It's not a timeline bro"
You're the one who is colorblind if you can't understand different shades of red. His hair is red, and his eyes are actually green too. Look at the image.
Somebody better be screencapping this user's posts.
Ok, hear me out
first: you literally can't prove they dont exist in other timelines, after all we are talking about evolution, so even if they dont "appear" in the timeline they could technically still evolve one way or another.
second: really? there's nothing saying that you can't change the design of the cap.
and you can really disprove many of these claims like this even when there are references,
just like how the twili existed long ago and even though they don't mention them in other games, it doesn mean they don't exist.
>Red hair
Stop reading here
>long flowing locks
Sounds like one of the multiple Links
Too bad there's no possession because Ganondorf and Ganon are the same individual, huh?
>Calamity Ganon gave up on reincarnation
Never happened, see >and therefore his persona has been divorced from Ganondorf
Except even if this mistranslation happened what would mean they are divorced AFTER BotW, not before like in the legend
If they do it then congrats, Zelda will be ruined and all you redditors that jerk off about genre subversion can be happy.
Do we have to be very specific which shade of red it is?
And if we're gonna be EXTREMELY specific, his eyes aren't blue either, but greenish-blue (don't know the specific name for it).
she is back guys
It would be hilarious if the second game says this is Ganondorf.
Btfo Now stop baiting, retard
But it flat out doesn't work on the adult timeline. New Hyrule is way too different for it to be there. Either the DT or the CT are the only possible timelines it could go on, which is pretty solid.
Where the fuck were the ayylmaos in TP?
Not the guy, and I'm not serious at all but imagine:
The birds.
It's fucking Ganondorf in that pic
Just accept it
I am not or the one that posted the image, it's just that his hair is red, he has green eyes, and look at the fucking pig sloop to his face you retard.
could it be that this link was a gerudo, thats a world class nose
>one group is discussing the zelda timeline
>other is arguing if ganon is the one in the painting