What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Syncerror, Tim Willits, Bethesda and Zenimax.
I love the gameplay and the artstyle more than any other game, but there's no one to play with. Fuck you Dota and Fortnite, give some players to other games, god dammit.
It's a dead genre that had sole hold outs. I don't know how to fix it personally but it makes me sad because games like this and toxxik fail.
Either appeal to the core audience which is very niche and they failed to do by adding meme characters or try and bring it back to mainstream. Maybe they could have focused on e sports or something but I don't know, game was marketed like shit. Also fuck Bethesda for killing quake live which was the last remnant of these games.
>press q to badass
It's another MOBA FPS
It ain't Quake.
I forgot that added fucking loadouts to QL
what were they thinking?
no singleplayer campaign
Releasing an arean shooter without mod support or custom servers is the height of idiocy. Burdening it with lootbox cosmetics and overwatch hero crap didn't help. Terrible netcode and performance issues was the final nail. Fuck this shitty game and fuck bethesda/zenimax.
Quake Live was fine and it killed it
It wasn't quake and contained none of the elements that defined quake
Movement skills were simplified lowering the skill ceiling even further
The bad menu UI and removal of Giorgio Moroder’s Midnight Express soundtrack after updates.
Based retard strikes again.
Active abilities
I firmly believe that if they just kept the passive differences in movement everything would be fine. Even better if each character was like a skin and you could pick the movement style.
Or maybe just have 3 classes of characters with different weights, hp values, and movement styles.
Anything but the hero shooter approach
You can now turn on the old soundtrack now at the very least. This still doesn't excuse all of the bad decisions made on a game that had so much potential to be good though.
Not true at all. While balancing abilities can make one champion is better than the other(anarki is too good while athena is like a target with her slow movement on the hook), but in the end of the day person with better aim and map control will win.
They really should revert Athena's nerf.
It failed to two main reasons:
1. Skill based arena shooters just aren't popular anymore.
2. It was the complete opposite of QL
no mod support
no dedicated servers
fucking loot boxes everywhere
They sold out old school quake players by trying to pander to fornite/overfags thinking they would please both crowds.
but surprise surprise
the skill cap was still to high for nugaymers and too marginalizing to old school quake players.
All they needed to do was double down on updating QL and might have been successful, but times have changed. Games like QC and the UT just aren't doing well anymore. The people that used to enjoy these games have lives and not alot of time to play and younger people are too concerned with what gender they want to be for the week to pick up a game that doesn't offer hand holding.
releasing a class and buff based game to a non-class non-buff community
nail the freaking basics, and call it a day
nobody wants the overwatch audience in Quake
Ultimate abilities. Just make a fast arena shooter, not a cooldown based shooter
it has the most retarded entitled negative community I have ever seen. And also arena shooters are literally the furthest things to what today's audience likes.
No classic mode with out abilities or stats
No airstrafe
Quake without airstrafe is shit
alot of those things he said are either wrong or over exaggerated, some are true, but the fact is that the game has no mass appeal. Look at pubg, compared to it QC runs like fucking csgo, but it still has a massive playerbase even still.
Im happy that i earned my own ban after cursing the game and its autistic fanbase from their retard discord channel.
Even Jehar stopped shilling about QC and went back to classic stuff, Zoot is still Shilling QC and Rapha is ready to clean some some dirty laundry after Quakecon.
Bethesda and ZENIMAX cursed the entire IP with their money grubbing bullshit to satisfy their private shareholders.
The thing I remember most about QC was being hyped for the character customization.
I go in to paint up my character and find out there's nothing available except ugly fucking camo skins.
Imagine being Todd.
In a better timeline, Todd met Mike Morhaine and Blizzard Bough Bethesda and never became Zenimax or Vivendi's bitches.
>What went wrong?
The fact it's subtitled "Champions" and the fact that I'm not wiping the telefragged remains of Shub-Niggurath off of my character's boots.
the microtransactions thing, while being cosmetic, feels like a casino, after every match
the physics are clearly there, but it is like a overamped version of q3a, but with all the wrong things
they should have just released a remake of q3a
with current year features, but not gameplay elements that destroy the formula
Anarki and Sorlag have aircontrol
It wasn't Doom 4
Quake > Doom
Quake live still exists
no matchmaking
long load times
Real reason is that they had a solid game with fun everything and squandered it with the shoddiest updates and management. Everyone that says it was abilities or dedicated servers or arena shooters are dead is factually wrong, butthurt and stupid.
QC was almost fine, but the december update killed it for good. Worse performance than before, graphics downgrade and a unmarketable useless season pass with no good monetization scheme. If they fixed it for real they wpuld have mantained the steadily growing community they did have, because it is actually good... When it works.
Suck my dick QL fag truth is UT was always better and all Quake arenas are still mediocre
Runs like shit
Plays like shit
Still shit after 2+ years of early access
Its just not a good game
>with no good monetization scheme
Yep, that's probably the main problem. They just unable to make money out of this game, so that's why there are no updates and adverts for it.
Vicious circle.
unreal tournament 99 live came out
No argument here, but QC came out in closed beta right around the time people were getting sick of hero shooters (read "well after Overwatch"), and in a time where a very small number of people actively want arena shooters. The thing was DoA. The best hope there was or is for a pleb-grabbing Quake revival would be tacking on a more competently developed version of QC with less emphasis on specialized characters and abilities onto a strong SP offering like Doom 4.
2 fucking years of early access.
Seriously, justify this bullshit. How can you shit out a dysfunctional game, not finish tidying it up in YEARS and think it's just fine?
You can't even choose a server to play on. Matchmaking only and because there's only 500 players online you get matched with people 200x your skill level
Matchmaking is such cancer, a game has to have a gorillion players for it to have any chance of working. Once you drop like below 5k concurrent players you get into an endless loop where people complain about queue times being too long, so they loosen up the skill restriction, then people complain about all matches being "stomps" so they increase restrictions once more and so on...
The main problem with every Quake reboot attempt has been the exact same fucking thing: trying way too hard to copy EVERYTHING from old Quake and ignoring that the gaming audience is just fucking different now.
You really think a new player whose only shooter experience is cawadooty is going to like getting instagibbed a map away by a guy going ten times his speed? You think he's going to stick around more than 20 seconds in order to figure out some retarded legacy bunnyhop shit and memorize a weapon spawn loop? Fuck no, he's going to play one round, feel like he's slow and useless compared to captain faggot -=420.XX.69=-, and uninstall.
If you want arena shooters to ever be even remotely popular ever again you need to ease players back into them. That means keeping the weapons relatively the same, but making maps much less punishing for newer players and making locomotion something very active and obvious to all players. In terms of map design, think less Quake and UT and more Halo.
You can talk about queue times and lag and all that shit all you want, but in the end it's secondary to the fact that the genre is old and dead and you can't just go "Here's a 20 year old game!" and expect a massive player base.
Not enough lizard porn
t.can't even do bridge to rail on dm6
>you can't just go "Here's a 20 year old game!" and expect a massive player base.
That's exactly what the CRPG revival pulled off though. The thing is, no one has really done a proper "revival" campaign for AFPS, the only game in the genre to have some advertisement in the last 10+ years is QC and it has a bunch of issues that would have prevented it from succeding in basically any scenario.
Not enough abilities for Overwatch zoomers, too many abilities for Quake boomers.
more like
t. sick of joining a new quakelike every fucking year for it to die in an instant
Lawbreakers was the first game in a billion years to actually properly modernize high-speed high-skill-ceiling shootan but the aesthetic sucked dicks so no one wanted to play it and then they split the base into 3 queues and fucked their own fundamentals with a health regen patch
1 - CRPG's do not have a massive player base, no where near what a multiplayer shooter would shoot for
2 - D&D, pathfinder, Clix, Warhammer, etc. have all kept the the genre alive in analog form for a long time, the audience was already there and primed, they didn't need to convince a new generation of people to play.
Imagine working at Bethesda right now, the amount of shit you would have to take
>CRPG's do not have a massive player base
Divinity Original Sin and Pillars of Eternity sold in the millions though, not massive but it's not necessary, not every game needs a trillion players.
>D&D, pathfinder, Clix, Warhammer, etc. have all kept the the genre alive in analog form for a long time, the audience was already there and primed
This has absolutely nothing to do with how CRPGs were brought back, out of those only 1 has had a recent adaptation (Pathfinder). The marketing campaigns were strictly based on appealing to old fans of classic CRPGs, PIllars specifically went for an Infinity Engine feel and mentioned it multiple times.
>not massive but it's not necessary, not every game needs a trillion players.
Online multiplayer shooters do.
>D&D 5e had nothing to do with CRPG revival
Now you're just being stupid.
Making an arena shooter (a fad that died long ago and no one asked for) when people expected a new Quake single player game, like the nu-Wolfenstein and Doom.
>Certain heroes have it!
Nah. Champions is shit.
>Online multiplayer shooters do.
No they don't, in case you're unaware Quake and UT never had those half a million+ concurrent online player count that Fortnight and such have. Hell, UT had like 2-3k back when it was still super active and having new mods and maps being made in droves.
>D&D 5e had nothing to do with CRPG revival
Name 1 (one) modern released CRPG that adapts D&D, let alone 5e.
Nothing honestly, it's great fun and the abilities got toned back to being basically just mild additional tool. Why arent you playing it? im at work
>no they don't!
You're literally in a fucking thread complaining about Quake games not having enough players
I'm done giving you (you)s
My toaster is too bad for QC. I'd really like to play it, scratching this itch with q3 with bots at this moment.
>You're literally in a fucking thread complaining about Quake games not having enough players
"Needing players" != needing 2 million people online at any given time. Like I said, old AFPS games were doing just fine with modest player counts. It also helps that they didn't fall for the matchmaking meme which makes playercounts much more problematic.
Keep the movement but change the weapons a bit. Weapons so perfect like they are leave no room for good and bad ones to be found and pull off unexpected kills and map dominations.
An arena shooter with grounded but sci fi weapons in a believable but bizarre enviroment with speed would be fun. Sounds contradictory but its titanfall
Most popular shooter CoD is an arena shooter right now
Its not a good one or in depth one though
I can't even play Any bethesda Game ever since Sunday, that fucking shitshow made me hate all of their games, even id games for me are a no go now.
Even Blizzard is less cultist that the shit that i Saw Sunday, What bethesda Did was literally Sony levels of paid brainwashing, and their Shills like Elder memes and UESP are defending it in all media.
Hey, 2014, here in the 2019 we somehow have even more shitty cancerous "most popular shooter" than CoD, it's called "bob the builder: gets a shotgun".
>keep the movement
You already failed. Max 200 players. Try again.
>all these people who legitimately think the problem isn't fundamental and mechanical, just incidental things like bad netcode or having champions
This is why Quake will never come back, because no one with any interest in its revival is willing to admit the design is old and flawed.
And its an arena shooter too
I mean you guys dont get even what makes them arena, or why are they fun
Thats why you say stupid shit like "they ded cuz speed"
The design is tried and true, not old and flawed. People haven't been leaving QC because it's Quake, 95% of complaints are about shitty performance, bugs, bad monetization, excessive downtimes, long queues etc.
They should have just made a fucking Quake SP game instead of Champions, but I can see why they didn't. Doom had just come out in 2016. Releasing another similar title would've been dumb.
But then you didnt wanted a Quake
im still pissed that SHittesda and Id made sure that no one can ever RIP the models right, there's Nyx at Deviantart but she has no fuicking bones and its stuck at T- Pose
>the design is tried and true, that's why no quake revival has succeeded in the last ten fucking years of attempts
And that's why Quake is never coming back even though Doom returned. Sheer autism.
Absolutely based.
>"the problem is fundamental and mechanical"
>doesn't even explain what that is
based uselessposter
>the design is tried and true, that's why no quake revival has succeeded in the last ten fucking years of attempts
Tiny games with shit advertising and troubled development fail exactly because of that. Tell me the last time that someone released an AFPS game that checked the following:
>functional and properly finished upon release
>good advertisement campaign
>made by a studio of experienced, competent developers
what's funny is even if they got rid of ultimates and made all characters the same the game would still be dead within a month cause arena shooters are buried in the fucking grave like pure RTS games
It's always fun to see that among all the shitposting some Anons are actually spot on.
They blew $1 million on an e-sport grand prize when it was still in closed beta and had rubber banding issues.
Slow development, long stretches of time with no new maps, and they kept it off Steam for too long.
No Orbb.
>it was muh advertising!
>even though fucking Id and Bethesda were the ones advertising QC
You couldn't be more retarded if you tried.
No one should have to explain to you why Quake's maps and movement are antiquated, but if you scroll up hey look at that someone already did my work for me
>trying so hard to fit in
Except it wasn't bad. The core gameplay is good and the characters look fantastic. The problem is that the levels kinda lack visual polish and the gameplay really doesn't suit any other game modes than DM and TDM. There's no singleplayer to fall back to. Everybody who isn't a quakedaddy will get his shit kicked in and with no easier and interesting modes available, they uninstall the game.
Sorlag is super hot
I think that one of the main problems is that the people who regularly play this game (or played others arena shooters) are just way too fucking good and that keeps away newcomers since no one wants to be absolutely dunked on for hours and hours until they get good and maybe then start having fun. Ideally, with more people this wouldn't happen, but there won't be any new people coming. It's a vicious cycle.
Nobody wants to play games where you shoot people in an arena and do nothing else anymore.
Any and all answers beside this one are self-deception or a stunning lack of connection to the gaming world.
>The core gameplay is good
Oh hey there's another reasonable user in this thread
Some of you fuckers are giving pic related soup and going "I sure hope he gets better soon!"
Sorry to hear that fren
This is a problem that could be solved by a few fundamental changes to the movement and/or strong onboarding, but that's "not Quake" so it's verboten.
It's pretty much identical to Q3, which was fine back then and still is.
can i use a custom ascii multicolored name in multiplayer?
It's literally quake 3/live, but with even more additions for raising skillcap, such as movement mechanics of certain champions. Here's a quakedad who's playing it like usual.
QC had the closest thing to a decent advertisement campaign and thus managed to get a few thousand players, proving my point. It's also a shit barely functional game, which is why it failed. It is however the only game that actually ticks one of those requirements, which is why it had the most "success".
that has little to do with why the game is failing. it's all the engine stuff that has been a major failure.
Can we all hate bethesda once and for all?
Overwatch moba trash.
I'm really not sure how one would go about making changes to the game so that it becomes easier for newcomers while still keeping it true to the original for returning players/purists. I think it's nigh impossible to satisfy both.
>QC had an ad campaign and managed to attract a whopping 17k users, 75% of which had uninstalled within 30 days
>this proves the gameplay isn't an issue!
God damn you're retarded
i think you just take a massive shit on the "purists" and just attempt to make a fun game about shooting people
Because the vast majority of negative feedback is about how the game runs like shit and is full of bugs and terrible ideas like not having a server browser or at the very least continuous lobbies. Fuck did you even play the game in those first 30 days? Disappearing rockets, LG shafts going through people, memory leaks halving your performance etc. Yes, if you advertise a game that runs like shit, it won't stick.
Baldur’s Gate.
You're absolutely right, especially going by the people posting ITT, there's no way to make any changes without pissing off the purists.
Here's the thing, though: the number of purists is so absurdly low that you don't have to give a flying fuck about them. Besides that, you and I both know that if a slightly altered nu Quake became popular they'd eat that shit up because what the fuck else are they going to play?
As some people have pointed out in a tangent to the real problem, people who have played Quake for 20 years dunk all over new players and the learning curve is insanely steep - the easiest solution is to change how bhopping and increased movement work and make them more intuitive and less "lol inertia glitch from 92"
>the vast majority of negative feedback
is from fags like you, not the new players a shooter needs to survive. Those players don't complain because they don't give a fuck about Quake, they just uninstall. You've got serious blinders on.
if you've ever played an afps you would know that a majority of the players are bad. the problem isn't the "learning curve" or better players beating on new players. it's the fact that players nowadays would rather a game be easy than challenging. they don't want to get good because the entire industry caters to this crowd. however the minor bump qc got when they made it f2p for all shows that people do want a more challenging fps but the entire game is so bad that everyone left. give a normie a reason to care and they will love afps.
>Arena shooters are still popular they just didn't do it right
>I'll surely play it again if you add X feature
You guys will never admit the genre is dead. And some publishers are stupid enough to believe you and keep trying to appeal to a playerbase that doesn't exist.
Ahh yes, it was just technical issues. That's why all those players returned when the technical issues were addressed.
Oh wait...
Baldur's Gate isn't CRPG revival, the games were released 2 decades ago. And BG3 was only announced now well into CRPG revival.
You and a few others itt have tf2 on the tip of your tongue, believe it or not movement is even harder in that game despite no strafe jumping
Hightower's one of the most popular maps in tf2, so no tdm is still a thing
>inb4 game with literally 100× the playerbase is dead
If you're trying to attract the largest possible number of players, yes. Thing is, what would distinguish your game from the others then? Why would people play it instead of the other hundreds of multiplayer FPS games?
>when the technical issues were addressed
>some publishers are stupid enough to believe you and keep trying to appeal to a playerbase that doesn't exist.
Who exactly are these publishers? Because literally the only game in the genre to even have a proper "publisher" of late was QC, the rest is all tiny passion projects made by a handful of people with indie studios.
>game from from under 1k to 17k users after advertising campaign
>back to under 1k 30 days later
>its the original player's faults, the game is fine
the absolute state of shill logic
You realize you can make small changes to things like movement without sacrificing the identity of a game, right?
The core reasons Quake is fun aren't LOL BHOPPING STRAFE SURFING, it's fun because it's fast and has fun weapons and has a high emphasis on snap aiming that is missing from most modern console-focused shooters.
You can still have that arcade-y feel of needing good twitch aim and needing to build up speed without having to copy your code from Quake 2
>is from fags like you, not the new players a shooter needs to survive
How do you plan to keep new players around with a broken game retard?
The technical issues haven't really been addressed, the game still runs like crap, still has no server browsers or continuous lobbies etc.
>hurr muh popular garbage needs to be popular to play
Lmao. Warsow was accepted extremely good and had a pretty huge community for what it is with zero advertising. Just admit that your AAA overtrash gameplay sucks and is targeted at casuals who don't play games anyway. People who played q3 for 20 years eagerly jump on another game with same good gameplay.
yea and how many devs does Quake Champions even have? it took them like half year just to make a patch where they change tribolt and it was just a firerate nerf.
>I can't read
The absolute state of Quake autists
>If it's not a copy+paste of Quake 3 it's Overwatch!
Literal autism.
>no server browser is a technical issue
lol wat
>the game runs like crap
Are you on a toaster in a favela?
>ITT: faggots who suck at a game/genre stop dildo'ing their asses for 2 seconds to shit talk it once its dead
every time
this game had 4 problems:
>Saber Engine
it took id over 12 months to fix the clusterfuck that these russians tried to pass as netcode. by then 90% of the quake community had said fuck this and moved on. even after it was "fixed" it still broke every other patch because id's barebones team of two programmers would inadvertently break something deep inside the vodka-programmed engine when adding a new feature
>No custom servers
due to the above problem, it was too difficult for id to hack in any QoL or community features. it took them MONTHS to implement playlists and then MONTHS more to unfuck them because they were broken anyways
>No onboarding
horrible UI. horrible bots. horrible """"tutorials"""". they gave zero effort to bring in new players and actually made things worse during the patch that went f2p which scared everybody off. the game had 20k peak players and only let 90% of them play against bots. nobody knew what the fuck was going on. not to mention that patch had horrible performance issues
this guy is a fucking retard. like most gamedevs he would be working at mcdonalds if he didn't have his job
Epic tried with UT4, and it received such a lukewarm reception from the non-existent arena shooter community, they canned it
But I'm sure if they just made it slightly more performant people would come back, right?
>Warsow, a game with max 200 CCU's even at its most popular
>"a pretty huge community"
Fucking Splitgate has a bigger community
>the design isn't flawed! We perfected shooters 30 years ago!
>y-y-you kids just can't appreciate it! That's why in a motherfucking decade no Quake reboot has ever managed to work!
>The Quake community is still going strong!
No, of course it must be possible and I agree with what you're saying. I just wonder if something like that is enough to actually entice people to play it over other games.
Arena shill out in full force tonight
The game sucks
Maybe if it worked properly it wouldn't have flopped
Maybe if it didn't have massively imbalanced press f to frag abilities it wouldn't have bombed
Maybe if it had more than 5 maps after over 2 years of early access it wouldn't be dead
Doesn't matter anymore
>no server browser is a technical issue
OR at the very least a continuous lobby to minimize downtime which really pisses people off.
>Are you on a toaster in a favela?
The game objectively runs poorly and you can't pretend otherwise.
>Epic tried with UT4
Are you fucking shitting me? And untextured, pre-proto-almost-alpha with 2 or 3 people """developing""" it and not making any real progress in 3 fucking years before just ditching it is publishing a finished and fully functional game?
>That's why in a motherfucking decade no Quake reboot has ever managed to work!
there's been exactly one
>horrible bots
I hated them at first but they kinda grew on me, after grinding enough time against those literal aimbots I became pretty good at FFA DM.
>you're shilling Arena!
I literally don't even know what you're talking about. Q3 Arena? A game from 1999?
Why aren’t you playing reflex arena then?
>The game objectively runs poorly and you can't pretend otherwise.
Runs fine on my 970 and ancient [email protected]
Also runs fine on the 570 I gave my cousin.
I can't imagine what piece of shit you're running that you can't keep a stable 60
>What went wrong?
What are you talking about?
Fallout 76 is as great as ever, nu-Doom is going to hit Switch and Skyrim runs everywhere!
There's been at least 3, more if you're willing to include games that just ripped off Quake and not the name
>>press q to badass
>It's another MOBA FPS
>It ain't Quake.
I can guarantee that you are shit both at FPS and Moba.
And you never even played Quake.
>keep a stable 60
See this is the problem, you don't play AFPS at 60 fucking frames per second. Both my GPU and CPU are better than that and shit won't run smooth over 144 FPS on minimal settings. Not to mention it stutters like shit, or how maybe it runs fine for a few games and then starts to perform worse and worse with time until I restart it. And I'm far from the being the only one complaining about it.
I mean the same shill from the dead general
Its immediately obvious to anyone browsing that you're not posting in good faith
Why don't you play the game? Or are you posting while waiting for your 30 minute que to pop? :^)
>add dedicated servers
>add mods
>uhhhh new engine pls this one sucks
>fuck loot boxes
>remove overwatch shit
>then we will “play” the game
Stop making excuses Yea Forums
name the ones with an actual production budget by a AAA developer
i'll wait
Uhhh uhhh it’s not Quake so we won’t touch it Doom guy is soooo badass!!!!!
The problem is more that Reflex is literally just a reskinned Quake.
>comparing cmpa autism to vq3
yeah you're retarded
I played this when it had more than 50 players. Now everyones moved onto something else and to play you need to find someone from discord. sad.
Same shot every thread there are various other arena shooters that do what these people want
the unreal tournament series is a better "party" arena fps game
all the game modes are fun with 4 or more players
Its shit
It always has been shit and likely always will be
t. retard that fell for bethesda shilling
cpma is fun because it makes the game more agressive and active. So tired of playing and watching those q3 duels where one guy keeps turtling with rockets and hoards all the armor.
There’s the excuses again
Nothing really, it's fun but it wears thin after a while.
>you don't play games that came out in 94 at 60fps
>a game running at stable 60 runs like shit
What a faggot
>make a quake clone
>make quake except it's not
>make the exact same game as quake but with a boring artstyle
>make a fucking quake clone while f2p ql existed
>with cpma physics to make matters worse
reflex shills are retarded. maybe people don't want to pay money for a game that came out already?
>implying CPMA isn't perfectly conductive to just running around the map collecting everything ignoring your opponent
This is literally how people play Anarki and Sorlag in duel.
>you don't play games that came out in 94 at 60fps
Name some AFPS games from 94, I'll wait. For the record, people did all they could to get Quake 3 to run at 125 FPS because of how the physics of the game worked.
vq3 players generally aren't interested in cpma
comparing the two is pointless, its apples and oranges
None of you niggers can complain if you didn't play Lawbreakers.
you because you dont have instant weapon switch time in QC so thats why people just ignore the opponent
I personally find this video game to be a lot of fun to play and exclusively play as Ranger despite owning all champs.
>going fast as fuck still feels good
>they made viewmodel centering a thing finally
>you can disable the bad half of the soundtrack now
>all of the DM/TDM maps are at least okay and several are excellent
>fun lore stuff bridges old-id and nu-id
I wish more people liked the game as much as I do.
Lawbreakers was a piece of shit game that played nothing like arena shooters.
What exactly is cpma?
>Niche shooter
>Not cross save and cross play with Xbox&PS4
Go ahead and tell me how it's ultra hardcore, but other rocky multiplayer shooters survived this shift.
See you guys on Sea of Thieves, Gears of War 4, and Paladins.
>complain constantly in the thread that a game runs like shit
>you get a constant >60fps
you should probably stop posting
The actual core of the game was fine problem mostly came down to god awful performance along with slow patches that'd often broke more shit than it fixed. I'd say it's a 50/50 split being developer incompetence and Bethesda being Bethesda, both feed into each other to create the cycle of pain that ended up hurting the game a lot in the long run. It's a shame because I really like QC for what it is.
QC cant be even called Quake
>playing twitch shooters at 60fps
Lawbreakers was actually good gameplay and fun. Straight fucking full blown SJW art like Battleborn was 90% of the problem.
I mostly play AAA multiplayer games because it was the last one I tried to be hopeful about and it still failed. I can't do this shit anymore where a good multiplayer game just fades away after a few months because it isn't Twitch bait.
I have 200+ hours in it but
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I might be senile but I remember UT99 and Q3 at around 9k.
If 3k is all old arena shooters had it's even worse that quake champs had 4-6k sticking around until the shit ctf mode and dm17 remake showed everyone the writing on the wall. What a fucking waste.
is that Quakespasm with HDR Lightning and working ambient occlusion?
But the game was only 30 or was it 40e so it wasnt too bad and for me it gave good 2 months of entertainment and something new
Not saying UT99 peaked at 2-3k, just that it still felt really active at the time.
>arena shooter
By your definition world of warcraft is an arena shooter.
QC movement is not difficult to learn at all and feels really, really good, especially when you learn the maps. speedometer should be standard.
>want to get into quake
>can't get over how fucking brown and boring it is
should I just ignore vanilla and jump straight into custom maps?
There is literally a bug that makes your game unplayable if you reroll a daily challenge and get one you already have
You are locked out of your game for a day until they reset
There has been a fix for months now in the test server but id literally cannot be fucked patching the game
Defend this
QC movement is all over the place compared to previous titles and the performance and netcode issues make it feel like shit
N-no user, people are clearly not playing just because it's an AFPS and Quake should get with the times and become a battle royale trading card game.
Failure to modernize in the ways players wanted and especially a failure to even just live up to what was. Nobody plays quake anymore and the ones that still hold it in high regard remember the real things that stood out back then like the AI, the campaign, and then being able to play against friends later on. Nowadays popular arena games are battle royale games. With tribes going under a new quake could've taken that dropped flag, made a singular huge unique non-stop arena mode that lets you strafe and launch around at high speeds, tied the campaign into single level events with timed releases so it's easier on the dev team, and probably at least gotten thousands of players on the back of it. Instead they try to copy overwatch and mix that with a legacy style arena game that new players aren't really into pleasing neither crowd. I don't think strictly Q3 style gameplay will ever be as popular as it was. People expect and want something bigger and/or more unique
late 2017 to early 2018 the game was in a pretty good state. netcode was at its smoothest, and performance wasn't too bad. the ROF tied to fps got fixed and the pug scene was alive
it's really strange how sluggish and bad the game feels now. i don't even remember what they did to make it this way but it's just been so unsatisfying to play since the f2p patch, and every update since has made the game worse.
it is different but i really like it, I think they did a good job. building up your speed and your stack as you zip around the excellent maps feels amazing. I occasionally experience netcode issues but it's rarely a big deal, could be better tho.
>bitching about the gritty collor pallete
Might be a case of "werks on my machine", late 2017 felt worse for me than now.
no Crash
"""Hero Shooters"""
My nigger, Crash is the one true waifu.
>It wasn't quake and contained none of the elements that defined quake
Cool story, tell that to any pro players and expect to be called a retard.
It is the same fucking Quake.
God I fucking hate retards like you, you are fake as fuck and you obviously didn't play as long as any Quake veteran who switched to play QC or came back to try it.
I stopped playing during Q3 OSP times back in ~2003-04 and returned to try QC in CBT. Guess fucking what, retard, it plays exactly the same as Q3. The core gameplay is exactly the same. The importance of cycling between mega-red is exactly the same.
The only differences are the champions and round system. And it's not a bad feature, it's something new that you can like or not, but if it was the same fucking Quake then I wouldn't even fucking bother with it, anyone can play Q1-2-3 and there's no reason to release the same game.
I'm not defending QC because the developers are incompetent as fuck, it's painfully obvious that they have no clue about the community and they are disconnected from us for what ever reason. No mod / community support is the biggest mistake they've made. The game could be fixed the same way Q3 was fixed by OSP.
In case you newfags didn't know, base Q3 was shitty and a lot of players disliked it. OSP improved A TON of things and finally introduced it as a competitive discipline.
>bloated and unoptimized
>netcode sucks
>maps are meh
>abysmal character count because muh hero shooter with abilities
>female characters look terrible
>nothing new from old quake besides hero abilities and shitty ping
>even the menus are bad
why am I supposed to care?
That was the comfiest stream ever.
the colour palette is shit
The only thing that is keeping Id Together of Late is Hugo and Marty's Team, they are what is left of old Id's Spirit.
Willits and Bethesda fucked with the company as Romero predicted it in 2008.
And Carmack is pissed about what they did to wolfenstein and Keen
yes I am
Not enough Quake Hampions threads on Yea Forums
>no custom maps to bhop around
this killed it for me
Do you need piss/blue filters or something?
user, you CANT EVEN Rip the models to do R34 without having to re do the bones all over again
and Shittesda and Id are making harder to crack the archives of late because of "muh leaks"
game's not even released yet.
unreal tournament has better maps
quake 3 are just loops to bunny hop through, unreal tournament had proper cool and artistic maps where each of the maps played differently with cover and elevation and took advantage of all the guns
>*5 years of early access*
Heh, nothin' personnel kiddo.
Need Eisen and Athena.
do you know how game development normally proceeds behind closed doors?
>What went wrong?
Giving wallhack and DOT as a hero ability
here's your pinnacle of level design bro
besides it has even been in early access for 5 years. atleast try to be factual if you are being critical of the game
the people who say they want more arena shooters being hypocrites.
a classic like 2fort or gulch, what does quake 3 have again?
>behind closed doors
This is the key part, maybe don't push out a halfway finished game and slog through much needed fixes and improvement along the years and then wonder why you can't even keep your players.
It was obviously a hyperbole, oh so we've only had to put up with a broken game for 2 years instead, whoopity fucking doo.
unreal tournament is the smash bros of arena shooters. it is generally more fun to pick up and play and good for LANs, but the quakefags will make fun of you for not being a real arena shooter.
it's still too hard for casuals.
it doesnt have a fucking 2fort for starters
deck 16
decent hallways for rockets/plasma gun/sniper/shock comboing/flak cannon fights
the middle part for minigun and sniper rifle battles
the frantic escape from the bottom acid area
said people forgets that multiplayer was optional back then.
That was mostly Raven's fault
RItual's Quake IV Xpac was going to go back to Quake 2 Roots while keeping the body horror.
Face isn't famous for great gameplay design, it's just a silly pub map mostly for low-grav instagib. Deck16, Curse, Agony, Hydro16, that's where it's at.
we are glorified beta testers. many early access games proceed through the same difficulties and turn out to be good and well played products in the end.
it doesnt really matter whos fault it is, my point still stands
making Quake easier or turning it into your generic AAA fps is not going to draw in a new audience
>many early access games proceed through the same difficulties
For 2+ years? No not really.
Early access is 90% of the time an excuse to start grabbing cash for your broken game while putting in minimal effort to keep it trudging along the years until it fades away.
but 4 wasnt even that easy, Gunners nailgun tracking gunners were still assholes of bullet sponge degree
also one of the biggest SJW asshole devs that took over QC dev, SPONGE.
You cant tank agout orange man bad, BAN!, you cant talk about Hat in time or Postal 2 for having evil right gay milo, BAN!
the long dark, subnautica, kenshi, prison architect, rim world, to name just a few
>old and flawed
Only for retards. I'd kill for a Quake 3: Arena-2. But that ain't happening.
Mostly because 1) it won't sell and 2) they'll fuck it up everywhich way a la champions.
>You cant tank agout orange man bad, BAN!, you cant talk about Hat in time or Postal 2 for having evil right gay milo, BAN!
You can always go to the edgelord discord knows as The QC instead and find the opposite if you care about gaynigger politics. Or just go to the ESR discord and jerk off to pics of Tim.
Yea it's been quite abused I agree. But then, why are you complaining about quake champions and treating it as if it's a released product when it's still in early access
UT4, Quake Champions, Dirty Bomb, Paladins, and all those survival games with crafting everywhere.
Because it's been out for 2 fucking years, it has official tournaments and they sell shit on the store, they deserve to be judged seriously.
I hate both, and i was happy when i told those faggots to go fuck themselves when i earned by ban.
The game itself is DEAD, and the only retards shilling that garbage are the discordfags
>this game sucks because i can't redpill da normies!
christ this shit is worse than chanology.
Yea I dislike and disagree with them monitising the game, but again, early access games have done that too in the past. So it's not completely unheard of.
Sponge gets triggered by any shit that he doesn't like and bans people.
the only cool person there was Mortal.
It's a mod that make Q3 more oldschool by adding in QW air control and bunny hopping, Q2 ramp jumping, portal jumping, instant weapon switching, and some tldr shit like the old armor system and removing the timer. Basically Q3 players didn't like it because it completely changed how duels are played, and QW players didn't like it because of how much strafe jumping and the rail gun changed the gun.
End result is that if you take the autism and ego of second tier quake pros, double it and give them a fat adderal hole in their brain you get the CPMA playerbase.
Just gives you some insight into how many games go through development hell, take forever to complete or just plain abandoned behind closed doors outside of early access.
my brain had forced this word out of my memory
But thats just an arena, not a shooter you dummy dumbfuck
Most people don't know just how hard making video games are. It's similar to the process that authors go through when writing books. Involving the community to the process just gets them frustrated seeing the game develop at a glacially slow pace. Without steam implementing early access, most people wouldn't know what a tumultuous process game development is.
so many mad quake champions subreddit redditors in this thread. go whine somewhere else.
And how is that conductive to actually selling your games? The first impression is what sticks. I can understand a closed beta with NDA for strict feedback collection but this is a terrible development practice that often degenerates into just monetizing your broken crap and then abandoning it.
sure the majority of games end up as failures, but then why are you complaining in the case of quake champions?
Quake champions is garbage user, id even blocked model ripping to stop people of doing rule34 sfm of all females.
>but then why are you complaining in the case of quake champions?
Because I'd rather have it not be shit.
Yea i agree with that. It should have been closed testing and development with experienced players in the quake community, with open beta closer to launch to get final refinements to player feedback. I don't like how they added monitization to the game either. Shame how quake champions is developing because I want quake games to succeed because I like Arena FPS genre. Id software and bethesda really dropped the ball with this.
Nowadays cooller is Hugh jackman's lost brother
Guys, Quake is fine. Bethesda hasn't given up on it. It is frustrating that there hasn't been much communication or posts from them but seriously things are fine. People, especially on this subreddit are being overly dramatic. It'll be fine, Bethesda at the end of the day is super focused on pushing Doom. I'm sure once they are done creating and releasing it that we'll see more focus on Quake. At least I hope so. But Quake isn't dead or anything like that, just keep playing and enjoying it.
Failure to adapt/developer infighting
q3dm6, come the fuck on. Or dm17 if you want a shitty but fun pub map.
and it fucking fucks the ctf totally
>Why yes I play quake, how did you know
Syncerror discussed sound bugs with Cooller yesterday on his stream.
There's still hope.
Does he have too thick of a neck or too thin of a head? Seriously it's like a continuous cylinder protruding out from between his shoulders.
bugs that have been pointed out to him since 2017 user
No, user we are probably past the point of no return and I simply don't have trust in them. Look at how Dirty Bomb went, it's basically the same story.
Poor engine choices and bad monetization (at launch, the skins are actually really good now). Game play is fine (it's hard to really screw that up). I think not having a ranked 4v4 or 5v5 clan arena was and is a mistake still though.
If you look at other arena fps games, the only actual populated modes in those games is basically instagib and clan arena, everything else "has players" but not really.
The game isn't doomed but it would be nice if bethesda would put more resources into it. Things will get more alive when the tournament season starts at QuakeCon but we should try and be positive and support the game. It is difficult considering how slow things have been lately...but what choice do we have other than to keep supporting it? I don't want to play some cod or battle royal game, Quake Champions is the only good shooter out there.
>it took him only a year to discuss it
>last time he promised to look into something was duel format, it was more than a year ago
hey alright
This game is a few years old now. I think its done its thing. I have several hundred hours in it and most of them were fun. Not every game has to spawn a decade long playerbase.
Kino map.
>still hope
>after like 2 years of bugs
I knew this game was over the minute the launched that fucking godawful "alpha" where the only thing that actually worked was the in game store
He's right to a degree, but the current pace of new content is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
I met a cool homeless guy and we went on an adventure in Amsterdam, join us:
It only requires constant updates because its a total shitshow
>early access games don't need regular updates
my sides
This, if he AT LEAST had a well functioning game it'd be fine. But still also not, because F2P games inherently need to always have something in development, it's how you keep people spending on it. Which also makes the barrier between early access and 1.0 even blurrier, turning it into more of a convenient "heh it's just a beta bro" excuse.
what if she's in Doom Eternal and says at least one of the lines from this tho
>Crash has a cameo where she tells Doomguy to have sex
>yet another online game
Single player will forever be better than zoomer tier call-people-niggers-online simulator.
Is that a demon? What are with the fangs on a japanese school girl
She is a demon who tortures and humiliates iToddlers for their sins.
This holy shit I've never seen a modern game with worse menu ui
She is Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell - future queen of hell!
Make movement and weapons shitty, but allow mods to fix them. Plebs are stuck in matchmaking, pros playing in pubs.
qc is also considered as game as a service, it's quite insane that he even said that, especially after this humiliating opus
Quake is a game for that fat fuck at work that no one respects but he's always tryharding, getting employee of the month, and runs to the manager to report you if you take an unauthorized break.
>Actual dogshit servers and netcode
>Horrible armor balance and hitboxes are all over the place
>No custom servers or practice bots for noobs to get a grip
>Terribly optimized
>not idtech
>Blantantly trying to catch the hero fad when it was starting to wear
>Like five people from Id even involved
>Terrible management, they had no proper roadmap or priorities
>The update streams were boring as shit and gave very little actual information
>Dogshit netcode and servers still
>Added daily shit challanges that were absolutely retarded at times to get due to no reliably active players
>Some improvements are made, some needed but the game still goes on EA before it should
>Actually piss off a lot of people by not being properly in a stable state
>Micro fucking transactions for cosmetics and lootboxes (more later)
>Retarded reward system that is actually unfair and overly difficult even for the best players with stupid requirements
>Start to try polishing based on feedback to rush a E3 release
>Sekrit club testing meant even genuine feedback was scarce and difficult to amount
>Roll back and forth changes due to stupid fucking bugs and even game breaking balancing attempts
>lmao thanks for the lootbox money now its worthless , have shards
>Added new Champs that were a pain in the ass to fight against with really bad balance issues
>Didnt even fullfill most of the post E3 promises of QOL changes
>Servers are still actual fucking shit and netcode is still aids for many players
>no custom servers
>By the time they actually try to fix shit with a fortnite pass people are already tired
>Bethesda doesnt even aknowlage it anymore
>Didnt even try to hint it at E3
>now updates have stopped since march
Fuck this game, fuck Saber, fuck Id’s janitors working on it and fuck Zenimax
Nah it's a game for that slacker who doesn't take life too seriously but switches into a completely different full tryhard persona when it comes to his passions.
adding unnecessary overwatch shit that no one likes
>mfw they only take feedback from the discord circlejerk because even reddit is too mean