So yeah, for everyone saying "CD Projekt Red fired that one guy and now they're not transphobic anymore"... y'all can take those rose-colored glasses off now. We told you.
Do not support Cyberpunk 2077. Do not support CD Projekt Red.
So yeah, for everyone saying "CD Projekt Red fired that one guy and now they're not transphobic anymore"... y'all can take those rose-colored glasses off now. We told you.
Do not support Cyberpunk 2077. Do not support CD Projekt Red.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pisses off /pol/niggers
>Pisses off SJWs
How so?
it's over, cyberpunk is only for white men who only find biological women attractive, fucking biggots, racists and sexists.
these people call themselves progressive, yet they start going batshit insane as soon as something doesn't go according to their double standards.
when will the purge commence?
>why does a dystopian capitalist setting feature sexual fetishised advertising?
big brain
Can someone explain to me why they are mad the game features (good looking) trannies? Without memeing.
I'm /pol/ and I feel like I should be annoyed by this, not libtards.
What's going on?
the tranny fears the futachad
>put a blatant degenerate tranny promoting a product like its a normal thing in 2077
How is this transphobic? I mean I wouldn't complain if they removed it but how? Also this faggot isn't even thinking how things are viewed in the year 2077, you know like how things were 50 years ago compared to today.
>offended by no trannies
>offended by ugly trannies
>offended by hot monstercock trannies
Just can't please some people.
Because it uses their identity as a sexual fetish instead of just a normal thing to be. Same as how trannies hate shemale porn and stuff like that.
It's not supposed to be the most welcoming inclusive utopian place though, and using sex in advertisement absolutely makes sense there, so they are just retarded.
Much like /pol/tards, SJWs are just looking for things to bitch about.
not him
They just looking for any reason to pretend to be offended. It doesnt matter if said reason portreys them in a good/bad light or doesnt give shit at all, they will get buttmad anyway just to generate attention. They are biggest drama whores of our time.
What's wrong with /pol/
>biggest drama whores of our time
that would be gamers, but it's pretty close
Nothing desu. Don't listen to libfreaks
Severe autism and need to prove everyone wrong.
Hang on
Hold the fuck up
Are we so deep beyond the bend that transsexuals are now considered transphobic?!
You know a game is on the right path when it pisses off both /pol/tards and ResetEra trannies
>Can someone explain to me why they are mad the game features (good looking) trannies? Without memeing.
Because someone from CDPR made "did you just assume her gender? joke.
And guess what, CDPR apologised.
THAT WAS MISTAKE. Because left don't forget, as soon as they GOTCHA they will not stop until you are done in ruins. They don't want apology, they literally want the studio to cancel the product and basically go bankrupt as a punishment for being biggots/sexists/racists or whatever. That's why you never apologize to left. Never.
It's far more better to not apologize and ignore or even go to war with them. Because at least then you can get the support of opposite faction and everyone knows that they are crying about THEIR IDEOLOGY not being pandered in the game and not about how good the game itself is.
>game features a tranny
>trannies believe it's transphobic somehow
I know you subhumans are mentally ill, but come the fuck on.
Oh yeah, evil racist gamers bulling the fuck out of poor corporations which are doing everything possible to please them. Time to rize up!
>degenerates larping as tradcons bitching all days about niggers in movies and how much they want to kill people
it's the same shit, really, behaviorwise. and conservative beliefs are fuckin cancer and antithetical to everything this place stood for.
Can I play a cyber dickgirl?
>y'all can take those rose-colored glasses off now
I normally would think this whole post is bait, but there is a very high chance Chris Chan himself posted this.
Cyberpunk 2047%
It's literally because of the dick. These crazies don't identify as "trans" they identify as "women" and reminding them that they possess masculine features is tantamount to a hate crime.
They're mad that Cyberpunk is copying "tranny aesthetic" for it's own uses. And then claim transexuals are REAL cyberpunks because they altered their body with technology.
That's pretty cool, actually.
Fuck lol
>It's transphobic because they captialised the m in chromanticore
>Here's an example of a non transphobic manticore use
>Also capitalised the m
The m in chromanticore is obviously capitalise because it's a mash up of two words
This is literally a clown world at this point.
It's transphobic because it used a trans woman on the ad , somehow , because they should only use ugly woman in order to not fetishize them
When does anyone ever use ugly people in ads, and when did cdr ever claim that night city was a utopia for everyone?
What are they mad at exactly? Is this all just shitty media buzz by bad contractors designed to shill ineffectively? There's nothing to talk about because everything seen is purely cosmetic. There are little to no mechanics. The game play video shows basically the last few squenix deus ex games. Yet there is continuous manufactured outrage over what exactly?
Trans activists hate futas because while futas are beautiful women with massive cocks harder than a steel bar and thus are sucessful both at being men and women they themselves are...
it's not even that anymore, /pol/ is essentially just Yea Forums 2.0 now. It's filled to the brim with edgy normies. Good luck finding any actual political discussion there when everything is low effort shit posting.
"something something fetishization" - person that mutilated themselves for a fetish
>set in the future
>there's still niggers
So, this is a dystopian setting, right?
>And guess what, CDPR apologised.
They also fired the guy that made that joke and that's a good thing.
>THAT WAS MISTAKE. Because left don't forget, as soon as they GOTCHA they will not stop until you are done in ruins.
Nah, they would have been bitching about this regardless of if they apologized or not. It's good to apologize when you do something wrong and ignore the crybabies when you don't. That's what CDPR did and is doing.
Oh, I see. I mean, it's fucking retarded, but I can understand where they're coming from. I still say people should offer psychiatric help to trannies instead of irresponsibly encouraging them to chop their dicks off.
>people with mental illness make irrational strange demands
who would have thought
>transphobic content
>not supporting degeneracy
>virtue signaling on Yea Forums
>do not buy it
Shit i should buy Cyberpunk 2077
how is this transphobic
The mark of quality. Just like A Hat in Time.
Big things are always getting targeted, because people think their opinion will be heard if they relate it to the zeitgeist.
how is "trans" even an identity
i though they wanted to be women/men, not some weird third category
it has a trans in it.
>Do not support Cyberpunk 2077
straight men (the main audience) like dickgirls, game seems fine
the trans on the picture is not OP, that is offensive to OP
friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with supporting Transhumanism, its the way of the future.
You’re a tranny, and everyone who feels strongly about transphobia should kill themselves
How has /pol/ ever been angry about Cyberpunk?
I want her to fuck me in the ass.
is this how Polaken kurwa dick sucking CD Turd Eject voluntarily shills cope with the fact that their favourite slavshit squating potato fucking alcoholic braindamage company is now pushing gay aidsfaggots and lgbtpq trannies and dykes in PotatoJunk 2077?
Face it you despicable hot pocket shill, your company is now waving the rainbow dildo flag.
>this is pretty on the nose
>it wasn't obvious
I wonder if these people need a reminder to keep breathing.
As a big dicked tranny I am just glad for proper representation. mean a dystopian world OBSESSED with easy as fuck body modification WOULDNT commericialize transgenderism?
You're trying too hard
Go to wykop or something
Only true for people with genuine gender dysphoria. The majority of internet trannies are just on the fad bandwagon because of the effort-to-attention ratio and only want to be seen as something unique, no matter what incarnation that uniqueness happens to take in a given generation. In the 2000s it was pretending to have mental illnesses, now it's being trans - by 2022 it will be something new and equally annoying.
HUH? I though all energy drink corporations were good guys!!
How is this pissing of trans? This is inclusion of gender fluid bullshit. You people are so retarded that just by changing the thread title we can change the meaning of everything.
Ideally, but an identity is useful at the moment when they are being attacked. It can be erased once it's no longer useful and with such a huge backlash against them, it would just be shooting yourself in the foot.
>fired a guy
>community of mentally ill people still cry that it's not enough and they should basically go bankrupt, "even keanu won't save it for me"
why the fuck would you fire a guy again?
>dystopian megacorp use sex/degeneracy to sell
Are these faggot retarded too?
Do they think bad guys aren’t above target marketing? Bunch of bootlicking corp cop lovers.
its how usanian globalists squeeze money out of you
>I recognise that bulge!
Here you go
No but seriously, what is wrong with it? Im still wrapping my head up how is this supposed to be offensive.
You didn't read my comment correctly. They should fire the guy when he does something wrong (like they did when the community manager fucked up) and NOT fire anyone when nothing wrong was done (like in this case with the tranny advertising)
>Yea Forums not knowing what this is
Do you go outside at all?
>Yea Forums thread with jokes about trannies
>somehow related to /pol/
It's possible to have dysphoria and not be crazy, it's true. You can medicate, you can get psychological counseling, you can act like a giant flaming queen all the time, whatever. I've met plenty of drag queens who cope with this shit just fine. It's only the mentally troubled ones who've been brainwashed into thinking that being a girl will solve all their issues when really what they need is to get on anti-depressants and go outside once in a while. These also tend to be the same people who spend way too much time online so you can see where the overlap is. They aren't mad because of "trans rights" or whatever, they are mad because they are mad about everything and this just gives them a rallying point to grasp any sort of social contact they can. It's sad, mostly.
Because he's a sperg and hurts their PR. They don't want articles being made every other month about it. Tranny community would stay mad regardless, but I would do the same.
this, please explain how a soft drink ad with a punk babe is tranny hate?
the human body is disposable and cheap in the dystopian future, so getting augmented with a detachable cybercock just for fun because regular sex just doesn't cut it anymore is well within the premise of the setting. That degree of human experimentation and fluidity doesn't even fit with shit like trannies, it's completely reversible and is honestly tame compared to the degree of transhumanism that exists in Cyberpunk
Is a rich fucked up hedonist who's had full body replacement surgery that switches from one artificial meat suit to the next for fun a trannie or just fucked in the head? What about when he gets bored of human anatomy entirely and installs his brain into an eight foot suit of power armor that feeds him dopamine every time he confirms a kill?
I miss when we only had hipsters
Is this how CDProjekt fanboys are trying to market the failing game now? Create pretend outrage? Sad, but not unexpected in the clickbait age.
What's transphobic about a female with a penis? They talk so much about how this angers them but don't provide any explanation as to what is wrong about this. I don't hate trans people and im gay but this is honestly just confusing.
Again, how is this transphobic?
>The majority of internet trannies are just on the fad bandwagon because of the effort-to-attention ratio
As an actual tranny you have no idea how much this bothers me. My mental illness has been co opted by a bunch of millenial and zoomer attention whores
It isn't, but logic and reality have never been obstacles to internet smear campaigns.
And that accounts for 70+% of population so the game's fine
>being this easily baited
>on Yea Forums
Don't they want she males in games
No, I don't go to 9gag.
What should bother you more than that is the fact that you aren't allowed to call it out or you will be completely ostracized from the only group pretending to support you.
Why does this make my penis feel funny?
They're mad that the poster dickgirl looks attractive, while in the mirror they look like a fridge with a tiny dick and shitty face aesthetics.
they just pretend that it is so that they can keep shilling and telling everyone how based the game
>tiny dick
on a tranny that's a good thing
The problem is the poster next to it.
How did the Polacks did it and no one noticed the pose and message.
it hurts their feelings thus it's transphobic xenophobic racist drumpf supporters
I don't give a fuck for all this shit, but from curiosity I clicked the link and see the conversation these people are having.
Holy shit, how can people like this exist? I really don't understand why the fuck is wrong with people these days. Fuck this world.
I would puke all over her dick.
t. low test
oh it does bother me. you have no idea how many subreddits or discord servers i have been banned from for wrongthink.
It doesn't matter that I am trans and have been on female hormones for 5 years, it doesn't matter that I have actual gender dysphoria, the transtrenders outnumber me and they will always use their influence to silence people like me.
Love Poland
So it cp2077 /our game/ /pol/?
Should I preorder the collector's edition?
only if you enjoy watching trans community suicide statistics
im so fucking tired of reposting the same fucking image you filthy npcs phoneposters
They want to be treated like humans not a niche fetish sex objects. I get how an ad like that could anger people if it was a genuine ad from an irl corporation somewhere. It's not though and there is obviously a certain degree of satire in it.
Of course I do, who doesn't
fuck off fagot im trans and there is nothing wrong with this. we need more big dick tranny representation.
>includes trans in a game
humans were a mistake
Sex sells, everyone's gender is objectified by advertisements. There's no need to be offended.
Thats kind of hot.
You should just stop being a retard, and accept that you are a dude.
You may have a fetish for being a woman, and be a feminine fag, but you are a dude nonetheless.
Try to make yourself into the buffest, manliest caricature of a man you can think of, as though you were in a pantomime.
Do that and go do something manly like chopping wood, or fixing a motor.
You'll feel better in no time, and after a while masculinity will become your identity.
cringe but redpilled
They're mentally ill. There is no other explanation for it.
It still has trannies in it so they should fuck off. Libs being mad it isn't a proper kind of trans doesn't change that. Fuck that shit.
>They want to be treated like humans
>Doesn't act like a decent normal human
Really fires those neurons
He's a strawmanning retard gangweeder.
>You should just stop being a retard, and accept that you are a dude
oh i know
>You may have a fetish for being a woman,
nah this isnt a fetish for me desu im not even all that sexual at all. the last time my gf and I hung up we basically just snuggled and made out for 3 days.
>ou'll feel better in no time, and after a while masculinity will become your identity.
no thank you
>game includes transgender characters
>game doesn't include transgender characters
There's no way to win with these people
Indeed, but people of that mindset are usually anti that as well.
>not a niche fetish sex objects.
That's easy, 95% look like this.
Transsexual representation is highly transphobic. Most people don't understand this because white liberals are too big brained for this world infested with brainlets.
Oh well, then keep revelling in your attention seeking fetish.
The fact you try to no true Scotsman tranniness proves you are no different than the rest of them.
Do these 0 iq people really think cyberpunk is just neon coloured mohawks instead of critique
Now your starting to see the whole picture user.
CDPR is the prime example of what the horseshoe theory is all about.
>Company doesn't have Transgender Department for proper representation of Transgenders in a games.
There's literally no excuse for that
So ?
I’m a tranny and I literally don’t give a shit, cool that’s in there, cool it ain’t there how gives a shit I don’t, it’s not that fucking important
>white boys
>least punk
>whites invented punk rock
What'd he mean by this?
>seething over cyberdong implants
literally brainlet
Decency and civility are not only social constructs, they are tools of oppression used by whites to marginalize minority cultures in which barbarism, rape and general animal-like behavioral tendencies which would invariably lead to societal collapse if left unchecked should be respected.
How is that Transphobic?!?
>transexuals are REAL cyberpunks because they altered their body with technology
do they really think that?
so they think cyberpunk should be all about them? some faggots calling themselves xer/xyz/bbc. hilarious they envision the future like that
Give me two copies
>taking pills and piercing yourself is all it takes to be cyberpunk
aesthetics fetishist poser
stop pandering to people who hate you, that's a quick way to increase that % on the graph.
But it's supposed to be that, that's part of the setting, people getting augmentations to for fetish reasons. It's shemale porn taken to an extreme. Why would you hate on something that's part of the setting? It's not them pushing some agenda, it's them showing what would happen if we had that technology. This is honestly so dumb...
It's not even necessarily critique, it's part of the world. The game is set over 50 years in the future, and standards of the society will have inevitably changed. Maybe the person in that poster is simply some popular model (much like these days models are being used to sell whatever fuck there is) because in 2077 nobody really cares about girl having a dick anymore, their society has moved beyond that.
Immediately jumping to this whole being huge statement is silly.
>irl cyberpunk
why a fucking trans with huge dick used for a commercial in the fucking future is transphobic?
>female bulge
What? I don't get it
As someone who lacks holes in his graymatter, what's the issue?
>And then claim transexuals are REAL cyberpunks because they altered their body with technology.
cutting your dick off isnt cyberpunk
having a pacemaker is a lot more cyberpunk than that
>implying that bulge wouldn't make me want to fuck her even more
>arguing with mentally ill people
You're wasting your time
>They want to be treated like humans not a niche fetish sex objects
it's a cyberpunk genre and it isnt even a tranny
I know, that's why I'm saying they are absolutely fuckin retarded. They are treating like if it was real, missing the entire point of that.
They are retarded.
>muh fetishization of the trans community!!!
1. Let's completely disregard that 99% of the trans community doesn't look like that, and
2. admit that by 2077, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think trans people are widely accepted, and as such, are fetishized no different than a woman or a man on numerous ads.
Don't you have a thread about a twitter post to make?
>muh /pol/
Rent free. I haven't seen a single thread about it on /pol/.
>pander to insane tranny freaks
>they get your game banned
everyone shut the fuck up
offending trannies isnt a problem
offending anyone isnt a problem
sauce plox
I guess he missed the part where cyberpunk is actually critical of transhumanism, it's literally a response to positivist futurism of the era, showing a dystopian future where "progress" had no brakes.
If you like futas you're as much as fag as a tranny
Trannies don't like it because it "Sexualises and fetishizes trans people"
/Pol/ don't like it becuase they're in fervent denial of their own homosexuality
aren't they always bitching about trans representation? well there you go and its 999999% more flattering than what real life trannies look like
Is this real? Makes me want it even more now.
>cyperpunk future is plastered with futa porn
What is transphobic about the image? I'm lost
I want to argue with them because i do think trans people matter but a lot of them keep pulling shit like that and it's really not helping their cause.
We live in a fragile SOCIETY where everyone and everything can be easily offended. This is your brain on liberalism.
What about this is "transphobic"?
Do you have any idea how sleazy shemale culture actually gets? There are porn sites full of dudes who want nothing more than to be the sexiest sluttiest whore they can. There are a lot of people who absolutely love the idea of being a sex object.
i appreciate you
Trannies hate the idea of any other transsexual actually looking like a woman I presume. I guess the fat, solid dick in its pants remind them of what they've either lost or fail to get up after all the chemicals as well. Oh they'll cry fetishization, but it's undeniable that the sole cause of their problem is bitterness at their own failed sexual growth and discomfort at the idea of people living as sexual adults.
These people don't actually "think" when they scream faux outrage, they just live in a prude cult-like bubble that screams for censorship because it's the "mature response". Yet they would simultaneously throw a tantrum at something as insignificant as a fucking jiggly tit in a game, and then boycott it whilst spewing, "Yikes", and "Oof", as if they have any sense of self awareness. In reality, this assumption of maturity amongst them is all a subversion to appease their corporate overlords, who want their games to ultimately be as globally, idiot and child friendly as possible.
Just look at RetardEra, they love being big corporate cocks slurping shills, especially for Sony, who are the new queens of censorship upon their throne in California.
I don't see /pol/ freaking out over it, degeneracy in a dystopian cyberpunk setting is par for the course.
>not eliminating
>attention seeking fetish
i dont need attention which is why no one but my doctors and family know im trans.
>DATE ME!!!!
>DO NOT Sexualise and fetishize ME, BIGOT!!!!
when you base your life on complaining you can never be satisfied
Shoo shoo /pol/ phoneposter.
Thats either a backwards penis or an unintentional optical effect.
Everything can be always justified in a text. It's not really an argument one way or another. I think in this specific example it's commentary on sexualised corporate advertisement taken to an extreme and I don't agree with the bitching but being like
>how is that bad if you objectively can attach a huge cock in that settting
is kind of missing all the interesting parts. There is a thing called subtext.
punk isn't just or just music. but I get you, I'm into punk - from new york, london to american harcore and only non-white band that was any good were Bad Brains
these people are sad, clearly mentally ill, and other ''progressive'' people are ''supporting'' they just for some virtue signaling points - that's the saddest thing
im not pandering, my opinions are my own.
absolutely based inCase poster
wtf does that even mean? He watches sissy hypno vids?
/pol/zoomers are the ones that are excited for this game retard. Why do you think they’re going for the “seething lefties” marketing angle?
>punk isn't just or just music.
the punk aesthetic was also invented by straight white men
Jokes on you
I'm /pol/ and a twink fucker
lol, I'm as /pol/ as it gets and this is by far the game I'm most excited about
This is what is happening, really. I say: get fucked, you are not actual women and you literally cannot asume that poster's gender. If she is proud about her cybernetic penis, why not show it off?
they were yesterday, they aren't anymore because the libs are mad.
It's not even a penis it's clearly overlapping latex or metal or some shit
so you're black?
takes crazy pills and gets his opinions from mainstream media
The issue is the ability for anyone to post a picture of a blue sky, say "Look, here's proof the sky is green" and have thousands of people believe and defend that objectively false assertion.
Reality optional.
If God existed, there would be no men and women, only women and dickwomen.
So does this mean I can be a dickgirl in the game?
This is beyond dumb
trannies post videos of themselves masturbating on tube sites
trannies commission NSFW hentai artists for trannie porn
trannie furries even have trannie fursonas and make porn of that too
How can they be against something they support?
That's the low life part of high tech low life. It would be less cyberpunk without degenerate ads.
>Want to have sex with me but dont sexualize me unless I want it also if you dont you are a Nazi.
People actually mad about it are not shemale pornstars, but the ones insisting for a normal treatment. They desperately try to move away from trans being a sex thing.
Seethe more leftist faggot
I thank whatever deity there is for CDProjekt being independent without an outside publisher. Any modern publisher would instantly cave in to crazy Twitter demands and sanitize everything.
Fuck. I want crazy tranny ads, racism towards everybody, ultraviolence - everything that would be too controversial, too edgy, too cyberpunk for these snowflakes.
/pol/ here
Not pissed off one bit
I’m glad none of this shit makes any sense to me
Female V having her way with a futa qt!
these particular leftist sjw trannies just look for reasons to be upset and offended. They arent happy if they arent offended and playing the victim. they even want to be loved as human beings, and, dare I say it, have sex, or being the special snowflake is all they care about?
well that's representative
They’re not. It’s all marketing to get /pol/zoomers to buy the game.
It's normal that in a cyberpunk setting, where body implants exists, trans people are existing too. As for the "sexualizing the person on the poster", almost everything in this game is. The world in the game is aggressive, sexualized and gore. It doesn't mirror our world and it shouldn't be treated like ours.
If you see any message here, you a) are being manipulated or b) just want to find a "hidden message" to prove yourself right. And I don't even say this to defend CDPR or to anger you, as it's a normal thing everyone is doing (you can google "confirmation bias" if you don't believe me). I'm just saying this, because as fast as you learn things like these about your brain, you'll be less angry, much more objective and (most of the time) you'll become a better person overall.
I blame schools for not teaching rhetoric.
Cyberpunk 2020 literally has penis prosthetics you can attach to you, whether you are a man or a woman. So yeah, you can be a woman with a penis in Cyberpunk.
Yea Forums loves to fake outrage for imaginary victories passerbys think it's hilarious - the people who come here daily rage, no doubt.
>how is that bad if you objectively can attach a huge cock in that settting
Because this implies being a tranny isn't a unique or interesting thing in the future and that you can't get likes on social media for it anymore. It disenfranchises present day trannies who are only subscribing to popularized mental illness for the attention it gets them. The most offensive thing to them is not being special.
i wish the soviets just nuked us
everything after the cold war is just so terrible
I don't even think that's a dick. I think that's just the shape of the clothes. It looks like an energy drink ad. These people have scanned every inch of what we've seen looking for things to find objectionable. You can't ignore that the primary cyberpunk aesthetic is tied to 80's core like terminator or total recall and RoboCop, a whole era that relied heavily on tropes and stereotypes. Really funny seeing these people get in a huff about representation.
Go back to your tranny, discord you faggot fuck. Leftists get the rope.
Absolutely this. It's the best of both worlds.
>but the ones insisting for a normal treatment
have you seen how these people look and act?
I'm pretty sure strap-ons have existed for decades.
That scene is so fucking hot
They're focusing entirely on the superficial WOW FUTURE thing because they're too dumb/ignorant/whatever to see what the actual point of cyberpunk was.
It's not a monolith, the woke twitter types absolutely loathe all of that, at least on their public accounts.
Sure, but that would be "her strap-on", not "her penis".
I think the "Mix it up" tagline supports the context
Prove it.
desu this is... concerning given what we know about CDPR's company culture and the transphobic "humanity" mechanic in the source material
another /pol/
I preordered the game, I don't care
If they had some pronoun bullshit on character creating screen I would cancel my preorder
I basically don't care about trannies, I'll call you he or she but I WON?T call you by some made up pronoun shit
Worst thing to happen to this site
This is...bizarre. Someone basically made aesthetic futas a thing as anti-rape, my god.
why did you preorder a digital release?
Transhumanism is a meme, your soul cannot be transferred into a metallic hollow shell. The second you finish uploading your "consciousness" all you are doing is killing yourself and leaving a virtual doppleganger to take your place.
Nah, you're just a faggot
t. /pol/
I want male V to fuck me in the ass
>at least on their public accounts.
that's the hypocrisy with all these freaks, dig a little into any of them and the vast majority of them are huge into bizarre highly fetishistic shit that completely contradicts what they say when they're publicly crusading. The real reason they freak out about shit like this is that CDPR made an oopsie a while back so they're now forever on their shitlist, and they will give them the most bad faith interpretation possible on everything. If a trans developer released a game with this kind of in game ad they'd all be yas queening and saying "haha I get it!"
Shad is Polish, isn't he?
so you're a cuckhold?
>huge cocked girl in an ad in game
pre-ordered holy fucking shit can i get more of this in my video games immediately?
The fucking goofiest part of this is the people who are complaining about this, don't see this as the critique of consumerism and capitalism that cyberpunk as a genre is all about.
I don’t give a fuck about trannies. They make up an insurmountable amount of the population. They are not as prevalent or as vocal as twitter pretends they are.
>Yea Forums loves to fake outrage for imaginary victories passerbys think it's hilarious - the people who come here daily rage, no doubt.
Honestly the fake outrage is so scheduled that i'm starting to think that it's a clever marketing shill like what they did with MK11 and YIIK.
Any good futa-artists? My collection is running dry
Cybernetic strap-ons have neural interfaces that engorge the synthetic tissue when the system detects increase in genital blood flow and conveys stimulus to the corresponding nerves.
are they trying to say women can't have a penis now?
There is an incredibly small minority of people who have genuine gender disphoria.
The rest of them are attention seeking sociopaths and narcassists who want other peoples pity.
The former group i mentioned hate the latter and call them transtrenders.
It's like how a lot of jews hate the member the 6 gorillion types because it creates a negative stereotype or how some faggots don't tell anyone their a faggot, becuase they don't want to be associated with the degenerates who attend pride parades.
They're more showing how touchy and sensitive they all are to nothing more than a soda ad in a videogame.
"Mix it up. Mix up genders? Is that what they mean? THEY MUST BE TRANSPHOBIC. LOOK AT THE PERSON IN THE PHOTO OMG!"
So what LGBT rights is this infringing on?All I see is an androgynous CGI model next to a gaudy drink.
Is the fact that it's even androgynous supposed to mean it's anti-trans? What the fuck is the outrage here?
Yeah, and they don't represent everyone. The world is a very diverse place sweety, and some shemales really like being sluts.
ESK does good 3d r34 futa
im 5 inches flaccid.
Shut up nerd
I would take it as being assimilated into a world they hate instead of the world actually changing that much. Which also fits very well, with the setting, so they should fuck off.
It's not about them, it's about making ourselves look compassionate and benevolent
These people act like being trans grants them some love potion ability and being disgusted by them breaks their LARPing asses.
>>Pisses off /pol/niggers
Never heard about this so far, and it's very easy to piss off /pol/
Then again, it's even easier to piss off SJWs
That seems like it could be done today relatively easily, I think the hardest part would be getting the hardening and softening tissue right.
Yes, but both of them at the same time?
The current boomer idea of normal is not what anyone on the left advocates for.
>literally gender fluids
hey don't you have to literally be sterilized to be trans in japan?
whoa there cowboy
i want to live in this hypothetical world, but i want to remain a man
/pol/ here
the game is trash, i dont care if it has tranny shit or not
they could make all the characters gay black trannies for all i care
This for fucking real. Any form of representation good or bad has the potential to be seen as negative. If I was in charge of CDPR I wouldn't step into the realm of gender relations at all.
>are fetishized no different than a woman or a man on numerous ads.
Seriously this. I'm just shaking my head at how this point is flying over their heads.
Nah, you're a faggot too
>Trans people are cyberpunk, we modified our bodies!
Trannies are jealous of the cyber dong.
>drowning out your misery with drugs = fine
>modifying your body to feel happy = not fine
>tfw she pulls out her penis and its bigger than yours
Where my Male_on_Dickgirl chads at?
Probably. It already had kids tho before the surgery so it doesn't matter now
Why remain a man when you could be a hot dickgirl? You wouldn't need to see men ever again either, it would be like a harem come true.
Based Japan. People who transition should commit to the act and accept the consequences. Surgical MtF are sterile anyways.
Buying the special edition AND regular edition
tfw strong jaw and shoulders and I just wanna be cute
I kinda don't care about physical media anymore. Way before I would buy stuff all the time and simply don't have the space anymore
bought it on GoG ofc
You're expecting consistency where you'll not find it.
Its typical feminist/intersectionalist "logic", like a women wearing a low-cut dress down to her navel but then throwing a fit if someone checks out her cleavage. She wants to be looked at, but by Chris Hemsworth not some basement dweller. Everything is subjective to how they feel at any given moment.
I like Kawaraya Honpo stuff
But did you even get a discount? Digital stores don't run out of stock user.
Then it will be too many straight people. There is no winning.
Firing a guy for make a reddit tier joke is fucking bullshit, he should have only apologized and that’s it. But this joke is legit bad taste and they should feel ashamed, what the actual fuck?
You're kind of an idiot then, because it is a fact that in the future (when this game will be set in) gender relations will be massively different than the present.
this, omg so much this
because i like being a man and that world needs some men to give happiness to so many girls and dickgirls
You can stop taking the drugs user. You can't staple your dick back on.
IQ can increase!
>I-It's fine, I can stop whenever I want
Hmmm I guess it would be good for individuality.
>Person who has absolutely zero chance of being objectified, complains about sexualisation.
Virtue signaling should be logged per user and when the day of the rope comes we pull a switcharoo and throw all virtue signalling idiots into a giant meat grinder instead. A rope is too kind for them.
>People hate their dicks so much they cut them off
>Hate anyone that has a dick
>Expecting these people to be okay with beautiful women with dicks
They fucking H A T E "traps" and anything similar, it's the polar opposite of them.
no. dick girls belong with girls and other dick girls. men are becoming more and more irellevent. In the future when half of all girls have dicks men will be completely useless.
>You're talking to a transgender transhumanist in Tokyo, who has conducted over 100 bodily modifications on herself. Who does programming for a living between organizing for socialist and anarchistgroups.
Is this the fucking navy seal copypasta
don't listen to the trigerred trannys, /pol/ is based, nu/v/ is cringe. That is all you need to know.
>he actually goes on /po/
absolute fucking lol, what a retard
Only psycho trannies fight fetishization. Men, women, gays, and lesbians all accept it. But the special snowflakes fight it like they're in some made up war.
A game that can piss off both is probably making its own statement politically.
Because while /pol/ and SJWs may be at opposite ends of the political spectrum, they're at the same end of the autism one
>I-it's fine, I can regrow my dick whenever!
Well Cyberpunk is all about whoring out, either for advantage or just blatant consumerism and hedonism. The people who build their identity around products and media are the suckers of the world.
found it, it's by krekkov
God Futayo is cute.
how long before cyberpunk becomes a slur against trans people
>he hasn't mastered the art of fleshcrafting
Is that really a dick though? Looks light miss-placed lighting. Kinda reminds me of how the gay characters in south park have dick shaped muscles. It could very well be a dick but it wasn't my first thought looking at it.
I don't know how advanced non-rejective material is today. You'd need sturdy attachment ports that don't cause unpleasant physiological reactions from extended use, and you'd also need to non-destructively interface the synthetic nerves with the biological ones. Permanent replacements may be a bad idea because of wear and tear.
sad but tru
It should be.
bazowana polska skurwysyny. polska ratuje gry. chuj wam w dupę kundle
>Empathy doesn't exist, everyone is secretly as horrible as I am!
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
A sexual ad is sexualizing something in a game where ads aren't good? Say it isn't so!
futa is gay
o tak żeński chuj
The previous gameplay demo showed that you can shoot and slash limbs off, maybe that extends to dicks too.
don't make me send a dickpic user
>Looks light miss-placed lighting
On a flat image?
>We want representation in games, dammit!
>ok here you go.
>Waaaah! It's transphobic whatever that means
Without further interruption let's celebrate ...
degenerates rise up
You can just replace everything but your brain and get some vita-gel to stop your brain from going bad too quickly.
Those people dont buy games.
Look at Mass Effect Andromeda. Why they should care?
just like in 1939 xD
Hoes mad
wszystko co cyngluje kundli i żydów jest bazowane
>>modifying your body to feel happy = not fine
you think cutting your dick off will make you feel happy?
it wont
it's a shame it's such a rare fetish to find
I need more of that
Men will always be relevant so long as there are wars to fight and graves to fill.
>got so fucked by a theoretical minority they had to make themselves even more of a minority to retain their moral highground
send it
>5 months later
real world problems
Hush sweetie
Nah, Poland doesn't produce such based edgelords.
The shape of the lines means its a cyber cock. It's just some chick with a fake dick.
i guess 1% of men should be enough
wrong, even Chadette dickgirls can't handle so much pussy / boypussy by themselves
men are needed and WILL be part of this world
Best timeline.
Cyberpunk is a genre of hyper consumerism, decadence, and the unhealthy relationship of the use of technology. Penises being on full display among an neon advertisement is a good interpretation of Cyberpunk.
So, is this gonna be like THQ Nordic on reshitera? Every time someone will even be inclined to mention its name a flood of winy assblasted trannies will flock in to say how buyin this product is a bad thing?
the future is futa
more like pedophiles
Oh boy.
Gotta wait for GoG Galaxy 2.0 and fuck them all in one place.
fuck off krautnigger. poland is making greatest vidya of all time, while you're being flooded with sandniggers
Most wackjobs on twitter come off as sociopaths.
Trans hate shemales, dude.
well said
>looks like a miss placed lighting
I've seen enough hentai to see where this is going, user.
>tranny aesthetic
what the fuck is that?
Virtue signaling is fake empathy, it's not real compassion either.
It's having the appearance of being a good person without actually doing anything good.
Most of those assholes are posting from their liberal glass towers in white gated communities or private condos meaning they don't even subscribe to their own bullshit, they just want to be "not like the other middle class bigots" in their ridiculous mental gymnastics balancing act.
Virtue signalers seldom, if ever, donate to charities or help out at tolerance-related events. They always want someone else to do all the work while they sit on their lazy ass and play cheerleader over twitter/tumblr/etc. They are the lowest of the low hanging fruit activists and add no value to any progressive movement.
Die slow
>tfw nutted 30 times to this
i'm not a kraut and the game is trash
cd projekt is also full of trannies and sandniggers
>we wanna be treated like normal people
>gets advertisements showing their junk, just like normal men and women both get TODAY
oh well it pisses off /pol/tards so that's based
How is that transphobic? They added a poster of the hottest fucking tranny they could conjure making my dick solid rock hard.
zwłaszcza kiedy pulsuje
>high cut leotard
>throbbing dick
Sauce that shit
Thats every army thats marched through poland. Not poland itself. Although with how many Pols in the UK I can see your confusion,
He's so cute
Mods support for loli V when?
Waterproof Pigeon
His shit is kino
>Tokyo isa caibapanku prease understandu!
Can someone restrain this bigoted looney?
Because progressivism is a slurry of mutually exclusive ideology, and this offends some of those.
Fucks sake it's not even for the sexual titilation of the audience, it's literally there to display in-setting attitudes, if it even is what we think it is.
Wouldn't that potentially cause MORE incidents because she looks like she's really aroused and because some might think she's a trans and well have you seen how some of them get their lights stomped out in borad daylight if they're in the wrong part of town, where you'd probably have to be, for a rapist to try anything.
Is there even a thing as a "pureblood" polish person? With all the invasion and the slaughter, i think the gene pool there has been lost and mixd already.
But almost every army in the world has marched through Poland, it's a very weak ineffective country.
Honpo's Witch Blade doujin, Hana no Tsuya
>trans want to become females
>lots of mtf ones keep their dicks
>but they hate shemales
i'm sure all those hormones and things they are fucking their body up with has screwed up their libido, i wouldn't be surprised if all they could do is just bitch about everything.
>>Pisses off /pol/niggers
That's Nyuunzi's you just cannot forget that face, since it's everything he ever draws and ever will draw.
it's punishment for your constant betrial
Will we ever reach a point we’re Yea Forums will mainly consist of its users opinions and not showering the site with twitter and barnacle head posts of some randos they actively don’t agree with?
Genuinely think they ruin this site.
The picture just looks like a woman with a prosthetic penis. The caption saying "Mix it up" makes me infer that this isn't trans related, but is sexual innuendo for talking about getting pegged from a woman ("Mix it up! Let her do the fucking for once"). This is a game about body modifications, and the circular edges in particular with the lack of balls gives off that impression it's not a real penis.
It's just a simple soda ad going for a sex sells approach.
Can we agree that futa on futa and futa on female is great but futa on male is gay as fuck and should be dumped into the trash?
Inb4 sad panda
Definitely a power bottom.
>stop enjoying things wrong
>you will never wake up late at night when he comes back with a wound, take care of that wound, hug him, support him and lay by his side watching as he falls asleep
why live
>but futa on male is gay as fuck and should be dumped into the trash?
>male on futa
Not gay, and really hot. But nothing beats futa on futa or futa on female.
Hows it feel trans representation is at an all time high in games and pedo garbage no where?
It is a sad panda though
I don't understand these people. This is a corporate-driven, dystopian futuristic world.
If anything, the corps would surf on basic instincts of hate and reject of the "other" to cement their power.
Corporatism is a form of fascism, and they're complaining that the corp is fascist
Probably because a lot of MtF look like unfuckable trolls and shemales actually make a serious and significant effort to appear female everywhere except between their legs.
It's jealousy disguised as some sort of intolerance bullshit.
Oh great, now the trapfags are arriving en masse. I hate tranny weebs and trapfags so much. Fucking cancer
>Autogynephilic trannies who fetishize themselves to the point of self-mutilation angry about dystopian future fiction fetishizing trannies
Can't make this shit up.
well the same people who support trannies are usually child molesters in real life
The concept that it's an actual girl, along with the visual of what looks like an erection, is making me FEEL things.
Every time
>white dudebro making the 'hang yourself' sign
>hypersexualised transwoman
>phallic symbol of 'limitless' oppression
I rate patriarchy/10.
base. i hope one day trannies will commit mass suicide
Only futa i fapped was Rondo Duo.
Other futa art doesnt turn me on.
Nah, he's a switch
Mixing it up refers to mixing the genders into a tranny, retard.
>hot "woman" with a dick in your game is transphobia
I thought it was the other way around...
>Flat chest.
Hard pass, Chestlets need to go and stay gone.
>this thread is still up
nobody fucking cares and if you do youre the problem since you wont play this fucking game anyway
Should have used a cute catgirl instead of trannyshit desu
Nigga you dont even trying. They're everywhere.
Because they are falling for huge corporations ""siding with them"" on social issues
They unironically think corporations care about lgbt and ramadan instead of selling products
No wonder they can't imagine their big friends missing the mark with their ads
i'll play it.
Look at that tranny echo chamber. They only listen the shit they want to hear.
In my analysis: MENTALLY ILL
>Don't show trannies
>SJWs complain
>Show trannies
>SJWs complain
Virtue signaling is when a corporation changes their pic to rainbow flags despite having discriminatory policies.
Somethin like replying to an article about a trans person being beaten up, saying that it sucks and we should do something about it is not virtue signaling or at least there is no way to determine if it is or not, nor should particularly care, because there is absolutely no harm in that. Vocal support can still help some people.
So what
Wouldn't this type of fetishizing and stuff be on par for Cyberpunk?
>trans hate traps
>trans hate shemales
I was joking but based anyways
but that doesnt change people being unable to realise that video games arent real
CDPR is obviously being edgy for that sweet outrage attention, like Rockstar used to be and no big company dares to be anymore, hopefully they don't fall for the faux pressure.
Oh yes, advertisements featuring huge boners. I pass by 10 on my way to work.
genital mutilation
Yes, in weeb shit that hardly sells now days and only japanese people buy.
>futa on female
The patrician choice.
>futa on male
Male on futa can be hot, but dudes getting dicked is very gay, yes.
>futa on futa
Kinda stale desu.
big breasts
big penis
breast feeding
dickgirl on dickgirl
garter belt
ttf threesome
Those tags
yeah, but these estrogren addled retards don't care, they are looking for reasons to bitch and bask in all the (negative) attention it will generate.
How is including futa transphobic now?
Was that not what they want? Inclusivity?
and it's a future where it's relatively safe and easy
Post more futa before bumplimit.
Trannies are not futas.
I don't have pics of your mom, sorry
those that will play the game dont care about some fucking poster. at most they'll probably shoot the dick and see how the bullet hole textures cover it, have a giggle, then go back to playing the game
literally no fucking person could possibly care about this shit unless theyre already someone that bitches and whines about shit that doesnt even affect them, whoever REEEEEEEEEEEs over this dumb shit needs to be shot. let me enjoy my games and let me shoot a virtual poster of a dickgirl so i can stop caring about how retarded this planet is getting
Is that where you're both submissive and dominant?
>Somethin like replying to an article about a trans person being beaten up, saying that it sucks and we should do something about it is not virtue signaling
>somehow not virtue signalling
>not liking flat chest
oh, thank you based retard, a screencap from Yea Forums.
A queer game. The only winning move is not to play.
Corporations sell to anyone who wants to buy. Like modern companies at the same time sell their products with ads like "you'll look like a supermodel if you use our product" and "you are beautiful as you are, fatty". Playing the both sides for maximum profit.
I'd expect a same corporation being behind the dickgirl ad having ads selling shit for the "red-blooded heterosexual manly man" audience. Buy our product and you'll be a Real Man.
he didn't say they are
I hope we can get GTA style lapdances with purple hair'd futa queens.
I guess the pink-washing really worked uh
My understanding is more that they cannot stand any form of "hurtful" content, even if it's in the mouth of designated villains (see the small outrage over Dex Deshawn, asshole who wants to kill you for a botched job in which you lose your friend/bf, saying "cocksucker")
Virtue signaling is exactly what I defined it as and yes corporations can do it too, but more often than not it's just really vocal social-justice types with too much free time and a twitter account.
Also you can condemn actual crime without virtue signalling. Getting offended over video game pictures having a female looking character with a penis and making hundreds of angry posts is not an example of this, it just makes you look like a spastic idiot.
shut the fuck up and gb2reset faggot central, god you people are insufferable wastes of oxygen
But that's a dude with tits though.
Yes, it's fuckin retarded. Most of these thread is clueless faggots, but those trannies are missing the point completely. They take it as satirising them instead of the adveritising culture.
The fact that it would be weird if this dystopian world abused every group of people except this particular one doesn't register with them. Trannies are just mentally ill.
male on female, male on trap, trap on female, female on female
any other combination is trash
That too
It's more when you top and you bottom, but it can also be when you play the dom and sub in the relationship
>ttf threesome
Good lord
The same faggot that made that tweet made this thread. You guys are such fucking reply tools for the social media addicts.
I appreciate traps in my games, so fuck all the haters.
A doujin is god-tier if it has more tags than pages. That's a fact.
We're on the topic of trannies in vidya and every western porn site likes to conflate the two so it needs to be clarified.
no man it should be a poster about a group of people and all are stated to be the same even thou there are trans, amputees and so on in it and it should promote that drink too
every ad should be a united colors of benetton ad basically
> On a flat image?
On a photo. Somebody made a lame photo for a poster.
Fucking when is that midget shutting down this shithole
I think is pretty based. Tight, sexy traps in latex that hugs their body is my fetish.
You should boycott faggotpunk, but because they fired an employee for making fun of mentally ills. One twitter account doubling down on his illness doesn't change the fact thay they're pushing normalization of those freaks
reminder all these dilating retards will kill themselves in your lifetime
>Not piercing both nipples
You can wait all you want but I like symmetry in my sexual encounters thank you very much.
>Femboys are more fuckable than mtf
the absolute state
Oh, I wasn't talking about this specifically, but showing support is still not a bad thing. This situation is retarded.
there will be a guaranteed /pol/ard below that saying it's actually good, because those people are monsters etc, so yes, it's important for good people not to shut up.
shemales don't really look like femboys user
go look up actual shemale porn and see what I mean
not him, but shemales on porn are all MtFs
Artist's name?
What is so bad about that joke anyways?
If I was gay, I would be offended if companies tried to cater to me with rainbow shit just for sympathy points and selling me products.
just read the tags bro :^)
They're literally complaining about transwomen being objectified in a society of objectification
And there are droves of people who say whites are the devil and X person deserved to die, do you also comment on those kinds of crimes?
I mean the image in the taken "picture". I don't mean the surrounding light but the light when the "picture" was taken.
kys copenigger
>wäh wäh they are fetishizing transexuals as a joke!!!
Niggas you are only trans because you have some degenerate fetish towards it + you are a fucking joke.
CDPR are portraying you better than any "Look how woke we are" company ever did.
Is this the thread where we talk about dickgirls?
SHEMALES ARE MALE-TO-FEMALE transsexuals you double niggot retard.
unironically this
one of the most prominent tranny artists regularly has shitfits about futa
because unlike some images on Yea Forums might tell you just about every group of people have conflicting views simply because they all aren't the same person
I dont understand, whats transphobic about it?
how do they know it's a "transwoman"?
fuuuck nooo why can't you morons stop crying they are going to remove it nooo!!
Are those actual, real trigger warnings?
Hell yeah
I know what a shemale is, user.
Femboys still look better overall.
Fite me.
>this thread
>Femboys still look better overall.
not even close
classic case of slutshaming and that trans woman's business, typical jelly women that can't let anyone else get attention
>tfw can't access
>tfw look up how to access on Reddit
>tfw the computer remember the password I made years ago
>Assuming the fictional model's gender
Oh boy, that's problematic.
nothing wrong with the picture.
space the twitter shit.
futa on male is gay as fuck(and that's a good thing)
>it's important for good people not to shut up.
>there will be a guaranteed /pol/ard below that saying it's actually good
and you'll find them anywhere commenting anything : contrarians are a thing
Something about it objectifying the person depicted in the ad
Despite, you know, the sole nature of the advertising industry being to objectify people
Way to miss the point Cyberpunk experts
I think they're actually just upset this isn't their power fantasy and that the future is not depicted as belonging to them.
why the fuck are people saying this is transphobic?
It's bad, even though they praise people at pride parades for doing the same fucking thing
Fuck SJW's and fuck trannies.
Let's be real, you know they're only mad because it passes/looks decent.
The only trannies they want to see are ugly, unpassing abominations because it reinforces their self worth irl
It's another attack on boner culture. These fat roasties are ruining everything. First they came for the large breasts, but I was not a large breasts lover....etc etc
In there words, you can like trans/futa/whatever but you can't like them to the point of lustfullness or that's fetishistic and thus transphobic. Also saying this treats them as an object I guess.
They know shit about cyberpunk so they are just going with what suits their agenda. But in reality this can be a man,woman,an android, a cyborg full body conversion or simply a pleasure program that exists only in brain dance.
Need to photoshop "That bulge" onto it.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little nazi? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Antifa, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on cis-hets, and I have over 300 confirmed dilations. I am trained on gorilla dick and I’m the top sniper in the entire tranny armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another straight white male. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of trannies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, bigot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your dick. You’re fucking transitioning, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can inject you with hormones in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my mutilated genitals. Not only am I extensively trained in dilation, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States LGBTQ community and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable masculinity off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit puss out of my neo-vagina all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking white male, kiddo.
I wish this hadn't been shown in a screenshot. I would have loved to see the surprise REEEEEaction with the game already out and doing massive business.
shut up gabe, vr dickgirls are certainly coming to your platform any day now.
Because she's not as ugly as It's too "fetishised"
This shit's wild
>Something about it objectifying the person depicted in the ad
The name of that drink.... CHROManticure With a picture of a tranny with a HUGE dick imprint. WTF?
Probably an entirely deliberate ploy to generate drama.
This shit looks nasty af. I'm semi hard but I don't think I could nut to this.
The best combo
>400 retweeets 1k likes
Pollacks were always potato mutts.
wow... just wow...
CP2077 topseller on steam and gog must be a hark pill to swallow for this bunch. I'm actually glad
>[transphobia, dicks]
What did it mean by this?
>I am afraid of anyone challenging my views and making me look like a brainlet
I recognize that bulge!
Trannies unironically revealing their self-centered egocentric bigotry by claiming this poster is transphobic because they realize its not about them.
The M in ChroManticore is transphobic and she has a raging erection which means M=Man which equals Transwomen arent women which hurts tranny feelings.
Why is he so dreamy
>be female
>get a cyborg dick in 2077
>choose to model for advertising company for a soda brand
>drink from a soda
>some skank from 50 years in the past gets offended on my behalf despite me choosing to do this of my own free will
>somehow when a woman does it in a game its a man controlling her and not trying to mimic a woman choosing for herself irl
shit, meant to post this instead
cyberpunk stole aesthetic from faggots
It's not CdProjekt Reds fault that trannies and black people arn't interested in making actual good games
>Give us the product of intelligent white people but make it tailored for us!
>the letter M is a sexist dog whistle
>Be effeminate gay male
>Model in glam
>Photographer wants a pic of my massive girth bulging out of this high cut leotard
>I'm already dripping with precum so why not
>Old fogeys get mad on a dead social media platform that only allows 140 characters.
wtf I thought the left loved gays.
>queer/trans aesthetic
What the fuck is this nigga smokin? This is actual projection and mental illness
Excuse me nigga but iam as nigger as nigger can be and im hyped for CP77 so you can shut the fuck up incel bitch boy
now you will be just killed
Grate work, pants
I don't get how they think an old Woman hobbling around performing elderly silent takedowns is equal to Cyberpunk aesthetic and making up quotes to fit their headcannon thought process.
>not cartering to that community
>in the gameplay teaser of e3 2019 male Yea Forums is literally a fag and Jackie touches him like a lover (reaching for his face)
Additionally why do twitter users have such dumb names
wow, that's really fucking cringe. This is why I only like femboys and fictional futas.
Thanks for that irelevant blog post you dumb animal, what you said does not contradict what I said at all
It's almost as if the setting itself is the antagonist.
Really makes you drink.
This one is mine guys, I don't know how he broke the chains but I promise it won't happen again
For people to not feel like everyone in the world is against them. Internet presents a warped perspective as it is already. If everyone, but /pol/tards shuts the fuck up because talking is somehow bad, it would just empower them and radicalise more people. If there is one perspective online, people feel
completely validated in their hatred and it leads to more problems.
It's not the most important thing in the world, but being against presenting non-contrarian perspectives just because it gives you social capital is retarded cynical bullshit. So what?
Yeah fuck 3DPD in general
nigga you said black people dont like CP77 and my whole hood is ready for CP77 you bitch ass shit white milk boy nigga
Trannies are mentally ill and in most states need a power of attorney/care giver to make regular every day decisions for them legally. So of course they believe everyone is like this. This is their norm.
I don't comment at all desu regardless. It's not a gotcha though.
The only time I see anything like that is if a faggot makes a compilation and posts it here. You can find a /pol/tard sperging out anywhere you go, despite them apparently being "censored by everyone". Go on facebook, go on news site, it's immediate.
Black supremacy and stuff like that is not prevalent, it's not currently dangerous, hate crimes against non-white, non-straight people specifically on the basis of them being what they are happen on daily basis. If that happened to whites, I would condemn it immediately.
wow I never knew pic related was cyberpunk all along
There's a ~40% chance you'll solve that issue soon.
Learn to fucking read, nobody said that. Now go play NBA2k19 or watch a Spike Lee movie
Twitter leftists literally don't understand context. It's better to think of them as simpleminded seagulls. One of them sees a Dorito in the sand, and then it starts squawking, and then all the others start squawking because they heard squawking.
#chadism kys
but is it sexual identity
>It's not CdProjekt Reds fault that trannies and black people arn't interested in making actual good games
>It's not CdProjekt Reds fault that trannies and black people
>black people
nigga u ficking onions boy milk boy gonna get ass wooped tonight
>6.1k favs
it's actually scary to me that over 7k agree with this shit