John Romero, the creator of Doom, is now an open advocate of Trans Rights

The entire online Doom Fan community is entirely moderated by Transgenders;

Check the mass bannings on the Doom reddit group;

..and the Doomworld fan page;

Here's a link to John Romero saying 'Trans Rights;


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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine giving a shit about this lmao u fuckin nerd get a job

>giving a shit about trannies this much
I didnt know mental illness was this contagious.

Romero is satanist, so there's nothing unexpected

>muh trannies
>Reddit link
kys op

This, but unironically
Thinking every trans person is an annoying psycho cunt is like thinking every Trump supporter is a lonely, sexists, racists incel


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I noticed this when i was lurking the doom forum. It's all hyper pc redditors.

Doomguys can have vaginas as well.

>john romero, the creator of doom
>implying romero was the only developer of doom

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I don't give a fuck.
>interacting with the fan/gaming community in 20fucking19
No thank you.

has Yea Forums always been full of trannies in need of dilation ?why are they here? why not on Retardera?

a demon of slaanesh.

they teaching Slaneesh in classrooms now?

>creator of Doom
you meant creator of some of Dooms levels right?

Looks like all is Doomed.

Based and hormone-pilled.

rent free

Trannies are such a tiny portion of the population, less than a fraction of a percentage, but they have a massive, vocal, aggressive online presence.
I don't understand how this happened.

>destroy men chances at a good normal life
>offer them a megaphone in exchange for taking pills and cutting their dicks, further lowering birthrates
Are you really surprised?

no dude, he's the creator, it says so here

Attached: 14065-doom-playstation-back-cover.jpg (800x1160, 215K)

Thanks Obama you generous nigger.

>says creator
Isn't that retarded?

Why does he need those crab legs on his head?

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If you want a serious case of cringe read the thread in the doom forums about the new movie.

I'd rather have my dick, bro.

>Daemonettes of Slaanesh now teach in kindergarden

they all seek admin jobs then use progressive stack logic to win disputes,
Liberals are faggots basically and handed insane losers the keys to the internet.

Good for them.

Imagine being this fucking worked up over less than 1% of the population. I don't understand how anyone can take the right wing seriously.

does anyone have the edit of this pictures? says something like "it's not like gays/trannies are going to come into your kids schools and teach the about homosexuality"

always fucking slays me.

fuck you wh*toid cumskin degenerates and your fucking tranny worship

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So that's what he meant when he said he'd make you his bitch.

It's ironic because trannies will burn in hell

The Late

>Nu doom

is the devil's work

I see marilyn manson got back in shape.

I wonder if you'll still be saying that when it becomes 2%. Then 5%.

explains why sigil sucked so much

Rip and tear until it is done.

i guess i shouldn't be surprised since mudslims and faggots made enough of a mess to get the satanist church to get granted a real presence

hopefully they're all gonna burn in hell together.

Why are you surprised? The doom sites have been lorded over by "progressives" since the fucking 90s. They've been banning people for wrong think or saying offensive shit for over two decades. It's always been that way, but at first it was reactionary defensiveness because of the whole Columbine shitshow. They just never relaxed and have been so far off the deep end of political correctness that Duke3D and Shadow Warrior were shit on AT RELEASE for being "toxic".

I hope you are okay supporting child abuse

I hope you are okay dying because of it.

normal people dont care

No, but it'd have been retarded if he said "WORST DOOM YET" and they put it on the box.


Unironically have sex
I won't care if they become 50% because they can do whatever they want with their bodies.

The fucking irony is insane that the doom community is hijacked by moral busy bodies.
None of these retards get the hypocrisy.

Of course, that's why he made two games that revolves around them.

>say two little words on a stream
>"Omg we love this guy now!"
>Buys his new twin stick shooter and pays $6.66 for a fucking Doom wad

Absolutely devilish Mr.Romero

Dick chopped like spring grass.
After fake vagina rots,
suicide follows

- a haiku about "them"

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normal people don't support demons

>tranny rights
wtf does that even mean?
what i see is that trannies, fags and sjws want total domination and everything to cater to them, not equal rights as normal ppl

>offensive game
>community is full of snowflakes
Only in amurica

Is that new Doom episode from John Romero out yet?

they make up an alarming number of young people, who have been fooled into thinking it's normal shit. at least old trannies know it's a perversion and just crossdress

ideas guy*

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imagine pandering and trying to normalize mentally ill dickchoppers for good boy points

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It's a slaaneshi cultist

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it's covered speak for 'communism must win' since trannies are almost universally commies

John Romero is not the creator of Doom. He's the director who took over from Tom Hall, who was the original brains behind Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. Hall was the guy pushing for a lot of the shit people remember fondly like having secrets. He also pushed for flying enemies, teleporters, and a long list of other stuff that Carmack and the others didn't care for.

has the dog survived?

I dunno user, supporting Transhumanism seems to be the right move in my honest opinion

It's been like this for ages. Since way before the majority of Yea Forums was born, doom wad sites and forums were controlled by progressives.
Columbine was a weird thing and people were looking for things to blame. It was so weird it gave Michael fucking Moore a goddamn career, that hack. The doom forums pushed out anyone who said anything even remotely offensive and have never lightened up. It's why all the "good" wads tend to be authored by people banned from various doom forums.

yes, it's puking out chocolate at a vet's

Carmack is apparently hated on the doom forums for his views.
They went so far as to censor the views so you can't even read about what upsets them.


>Imagine making Doom
>Imagine now making some sort of mafia strategy game

if you dont care, then why are you always here loudly advocating it

oh no no no no doom bros this can't be happening

Is this surprising? Carmack is the same way

They despise him, it's open contempt.

>greasy spic söyboy is a libcuck
imagine my shock

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I hope it becomes at least 40%. Would be hilarious seeing all the transphobic cichet normies getting really uncomfortable in public places.

probably because he can beat the shit out of them irl

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as a gay dude, it irritates me that others speak for me, who apparently have the 'best interest' in mind that only causes more harm than good, without my consent.

This is what I mean. Someone actually made an image of a dog vomiting over a fucking LGBT flag with an added (hilarious) star of David over it. There are actually lunatics like this on this website who get immeasurably rage-fuelled at the concept of people being allowed the freedom to do whatever they want with their bodies and their lives.

Brenda got to him and gay'd his brain up. Google the whole Wizardry: Stones of Arnhem fiasco and read about the transsexual furries, dick and anus monsters, etc they tried to shove into the game until the project ran out of funding and was canceled by Sir Tech. Many years later, the artwork and other assets went up for sale on Ebay and Brenda shut the entire thing down in order to sweep it all under the rug.

but jewish stars were banned by lgbt activists.

Yeah, that's what will happen. Your average group of white dudes are just gonna shuffle their feet and mutter.

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"They not only fail from resisting this frailty [of fallen human nature]…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin agains nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that , for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreeable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leaves."

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Thank you user, feelsgoodman

Doom knee deep in the pozz

As a member of the LGB, I hereby announce that the T is not part of our group, has no logical connection to us, and should take a hike off a building's roof. The T is an insult to our collective and undermines our every step with its mental retardation. Thank you and have a nice day/evening.

it's not a racial thing. All cultures hate sexual perverts.
yes I know we're ruled by them but that's beside the point.

have life incel

God people like you should be rounded up in camps and shot.

Shut up, faggot.

>wtf does that even mean?
In short, it basically means the complete and utter removal of all official and unofficial privileges for women. They are never going to win this fight. This is not like gay marriage or something. Trans "rights" will actually have serious ramifications on females. They aren't going to want it. You've already got pretty much every female sport star saying this trans rights movement is completely fucking them.

remove the g too and make it female only then we good

Trannies are just a giant barrel of firecrackers, or it's better to describe them as higher-maintenance babies. Dealing with a baby for the first 2 years is hard enough for some people. Dealing with a drugged up adult baby who starts shitting itself and crying just because of pronouns, and this baby needs to be treated like one for DECADES, is not something any normal person wants to deal with.

What's beautiful about the present world is that there's 7.7 billion people on this planet. Coupled with the average lifespan having ~2.5 billion seconds, straight away you can write off 5 billion people from your list of potential acquaintance during this life and this is not even pushing it. You get a freedom of choice from an extensive list of humans to waste your limited lifespan on with far less baggage and retardation than trannies. We can afford to be picky with acquaintances more than ever before in history and stuff whole categories into an exclusion list without having to give a shit about individualism and "exceptions-to-the-rule". A choice of quality, always choose higher from the pile as opposed to lower where trannies are located. Even autists are better on the baggage scale than trannies. Use this luxury of the current age when you can write off entire human groups as irrelevant because your lifespan is too short to accommodate them mathematically and realistically. Nobody should dictate who you waste your lifespan on or prioritize in your life, and anyone who calls you a bigot for excluding certain groups is a bigger bigot themselves for attempting to dictate how your most precious lifespan is spent because they are narcissistic entitled mutts who think being a tranny is a value onto itself worthy of respect when it contributes nothing to anyone except misery and retardation.

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I would hire demons too, they give you an excuse to do whatever the fuck you want, this is an intelligent move, if anyone says anything you just call them out and problem solved.

>that hell yeah at the end from the man trying to sound like a woman

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The guy in the picture raped a four year old girl to death and was immolated in response. It's a matter of time before things get weird.

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They use it to grapple their prey towards their jaws

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Shut the fuck up and follow your leader.

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>posted January 26
fucking retard

Video games are gay

Who would know better than the guy who made it, huh smart guy?

yet most tranny lovers like you would love banning and censoring people for not following your tranny cult dogma
freedom where it matters huh?

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just let it happen.

Shut up Carlos and keep providing me with low-cost young shemales.

No, Im gonna be enjoyIng watching your retarded traditional values getting shat on. Have sex.

Desensitization, the are trying to make the abhorrent look tolerable.

Just accept it. Resetera won. The future is ultra liberal.

Why the fuck would I care what other people do? It doesn't affect me in any way at all if they are retarded enough to cut their own dick off, I'll just laugh at them and continue with my life.

>tfw have never seen an actual tranny IRL

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Can you guys stop with this anti-trans shit. It makes my girlfriend's life harder than it needs to be. Just because she was born with male genitalia, it doesn't mean you have a right to hate and ridicule her. Thankfully, you retards will go extinct and then me and my girlfriend can finally be seen as a normal couple.

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Can I get some context?

You probably have they just pass

Tf is this?

What would I do without teenaged slacktivists bringing me the freshest outrage from reddit, twitter and facebook every day?
Why the fuck do you think I care about how angry you get at trivial things?

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I have seen transvestite hobos, there was this one that carried a shopping cart with a doll in it and wore a wedding dress, shit was fucked.

>trying to anger someone by using Nazis as an example while being hilariously unaware that you are speaking to Communists who are as eager to send trannies to the Gulag as Nazis
There's no escaping it trnanyfaggot.

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carmack has a black belt in jiu jitsu or some shit

>you retards will go extinct
This is pretty light in comparison to the average comment from a tranny that basically amounts to offshoot Stalinism. Try harder.


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This, so much this!

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Cute passing trannies are given a pass. Sue Lightning is adorable and I'd fuck "her" in the ass. The other 99% of trannies should be burned at the stake.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a n*zi
unironically kill yourself, tranny

Why are you posting a drag queen when you're talking about trans people
Also why are you posting this on the video game board?

transvestites are cool, they're at the top of the degeneracy pyramid

You live among one of the nations of 7.1 billion people then.
All the homos and trannyfaggots travel to the Westcuck and Anglosphere nations where their accumulation gives them a delusion of higher global presence.

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Can we genocide russian shills and angolems already? These abominations are dead set on killing Yea Forums


>now an open advocate of Trans Rights

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One side wants trans people to not be brutally killed and have violent rhetoric thrown at them constantly
The other wants to get rid of trans people altogether because they don't like how they look and "it feels wrong" to them
I have no problem with the violent side being censored and put down, actually.

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Is that a fucking Keeper of Secrets?

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Do you want the police to beat down to submission everyone that use the wrong pronoun?
Because this is what you're actually asking for, and why people hate you.

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Reminder that many if not most RPG and video game writers/developers of the 80s and 90s and before were the US "liberal", progressive types, in modern meme terms they were "proto-SJW".

someone post that "mom said I'm a disappointment when I showed her my favourite dress" goblin from reddit.

why don't you join their 1% and eventually the 40% tranny lover?

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>Thankfully, you retards will go extinct
Muslims and Chinese can't go extinct.
Your white saviors who are protecting you trannyfaggots however are on the way to extinction and that's a good thing!

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To look weirder.
Drag queens are pretty harmless though. Just a fag in a dress.

>nooo the russians and the anglos are making fun if my swedish transexual body

I remember seeing one of these in my local metro. He was fat, old, balding and dressed like a whore, also swallowed some pills before leaving.

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>this is what americans actually believe

reading that hurt my brain.

I'll stick to fucking failed men in the ass thanks.

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Are you an unironic Baby Boomer? You act and write like one

slav here. Feelsgood being a normal dude who's into drugs, girl's feet, and dirtbikes.
How the fuck do westerners get so warped?

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but thats bullshit.
actually the issue is most of the influential game designers were right leaning.
Hence why Carmack arguably the creator of modern pc gaming is hated.

an armchair warrior from facebook, nice

No, the russians and anglos bring off topic faggotry and deserve to die painfully. Your insect races will soon be destroyed, just like your dying empires.

>want to advertise yourself like a whore
>can't handle the consequences that come with it
LGBT seems pretty retarded.

John Carmack. The image is a reference to the time he once rendered one of the co-founders of Monolith unconscious with a choke hold.

In the 90s it was just snarky comments and not giving a shit about the Columbine horseshit "enough". More recently, it's about VR tech and Facebook. Carmack is a weird one, he's playing with billions of dollars. You never really think of Carmack except when Doom is mentioned, but the dude is pioneering virtual reality.

>Can you guys stop with this anti-trans shit
Literally no gay-boi

It's more like one side wants them to shut the fuck up and stop telling kids gender is a social construct and the other wants to indoctrinate children to justify their own mental illness

I'm actually pro trans rights btw as I'm a tranny. I just don't lie to myself about being fucked up from being sexually abused. It's not coincidental that most trannies were sexually abused before coming to that realization

theres literally nothing wrong with being liberal, also progressives arent really liberal, alot of them are retarded leftists

Just go to /vr/ for doom discussion. That subreddit is pure cancer full of meme spouting retards (not even memes, just "funny" twitter reaction mages)

No, he's simply a trans himself.

worse than dogfuckers

Me on the right.

You don't have a brain. Otherwise you wouldnt fall for falseflag stories from fucking reddit, spic

I throw a few trannies off buildings with my brothers and sisters from time to time, Inshallah.

i live in the wilderness where it doesn't bother me city folk are crazy.

i blame the universities and media.

What's this got to do with video games

Kinda weird to say "we want your kind eliminated" and then to turn around and say, "oh you don't want to get rid of us, we're the only ones stopping you from being eliminated"

Have you ever seen those three men without three pounds of cake each? I suggest you don't try.

Doom fans are retarded. Big shock

You must be new to this timeline

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>They're harmless though

Two of the drag fags from this exact reading to kids group have since been arrested for child molestation or have been exposed as being registered sex offenders.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

No, but I'd rather be a boomer than a /pol/tard desu
Not everyone who disagrees with your hateful world view is trans, retard.

yeah right, because trannies and tranny lovers will stop there, right

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Is he going to stop making games because of this?
Has this impacted his making of games?
If not, who cares?

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I only hate the obnoxious internet trannies that act high and mighty about their video game opinions. I also hate that trans are so overrepresented, I want to just treat them normally but they instead become a virtue signalling token showing up literally everywhere. You're not special for having sex with the wrong gender. Just play and enjoy videogames you absolute faggots.

Oh was that the case, user? Thanks for clarifying!

>LGBT Rome massacres Pacifist Christians
>Pacifist Christians realize it's time to drop the Pacifism
>LGBT Rome gets BTFO by Christians for 1000 years as reparation for its sins
>LGBT is now whining about being victims
What goes around comes around trannyfaggots.

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Muslims are ok with trannies. Not gays, unless they're underage.

Dude, this is as simple as censorship on women:
Only trans, dumb women and faggots support it. It's a pretty safe assumption to make. Same goes for lgbt rights.

i'm old enough to remember when they all said they'd leave the kids out of it. They lied.

Cute fanfic

Kill the Americans. Smash the Brits, slam the last anglo baby into the rocks, spilling it's vile brain matters over the earth. The anglo shall die, their parents gutted as the children watch, before we gouge out their beady deformed eyes. Their time has come to an end. Hurt them. Torture them. They have no soul, no humanity.

>Not everyone who disagrees with your hateful world view is trans, retard.
Kill yourself retard.

>dumb art and design faggots are on the left
>the only irreplacable actually intelligent tech guy is on the right
every single time

you just hate feet because they're a major tell of your terrible affliction.

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So guess I'll be pirating nu-doom 2.
Cancelled my preorder

Insular communities like /pol/ tend to get more and more extreme and detached from reality. We might finally have reached a point where their insanity has become unappealing even to this place.

Right there with you, user. Feet are disgusting. Legs are hot as fug though.

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muslims literally pose no threat to the west. China was supposed to be getting economically isolated through tpp, but your retarded presided pulled out of it to get more uneducated votes

>Muslims are ok with trannies
We aren't. Muhammad says nothing about trannies in the Quran, but the Hadith does paint them as degenerate retards. So you are gonna have to find allies somewhere else.

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Take it easy Fritz

That generally also happens.
But in this case he will end just killing the doom community forums because shit will get more and more oppressive until nobody but 6 very oppressive fags stay.
Even trans people will take the heat.

>you'll never be an underaged boy getting pounded by a suicide squad before their first job in Pakistan
What's the point in living?

why is the LBTG community so entitled?

>muslims literally pose no threat to the west
Die in a fire mudslim

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i dont even get what this means, "trans rights"

do they not already have rights?

Allies ? As if we are worth anyone’s support

>what are soft invasions
>what is ethnicide

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Because I'm tired and I want it now

posts like these get you on a list retard


Hmm, not as bad as those people who like a part of the human body!!!!

Drink arsenic, fucking retard.

The right to have the police arresting you for using the wrong pronoun or "dead naming".

faggots can't survive without normal people so they want to make sure to put a leash on them

It's always shaking with them

I think maybe they were shaken too much as an infant

Those are horrid, she should chop them off

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If Muslims want to stop LGBT so badly shouldn't you guys be allies?

Except I'm white, male and straight and don't hate people for superficial things such as sex or gender. I will actively endorse censorship of intolerant ideologies because it's idiotic for a tolerant society to tolerate them.
Damn, you're actually furious. That's pretty funny.

I'll never respect anyone who carries pride in superficial values such as skin, gender, sexuality, no matter what kinds of meme emotional appeal excuses they make to justify their infantilism. Every problem in history sources to some uneducated self-righteous dumbfuck using past history to justify their present cancerous behaviour.

I'll also never ever have respect for narcissistic and obnoxious Instagram Culture, and that's basically what Pride Parades are in my eyes, obnoxious instagram culture seeping out into real life and trying to use politics and history to carry and glorify itself as something bigger than it really is - fucking instagram infantilism.

You Westerners really need a fucking reality check, not only your gays and whatever but all of you in general. The LGBT and Feminists acting like obnoxious children are merely a reflection of the society in general there going haywire including straight people.
You have both your Church and the LGBT rife with pedo problems yet both retarded entities only jump at the opportunity to accuse the other of having the same disease as if that excuses doing nothing to fix their own backyard like responsible adults. Dusting the shit under the rug doesn't make the stink go away, it just makes you look like a fucking idiot who is more interested in faking a clean appearance "for the greater good" than clenching your teeth and tackling the imperfections popping up in your own system in a positive showcase of objectivity and self-regulation. The same shitty irresponsible mentality your Western Feminism is afflicted with - an Infallibility Complex showcased by an example that nothing has been done to date to fix the core corruption unravelled by the Boghossian Exposure, let alone other myriads of scandals that popped up in the past year.

The retardation you Westerners show is fucking tiresome and i wish i could ignore it if not for you shovelling your simple-minded mental shitfumes everywhere.

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it's lose lose really
best option is let the muslims take care of the trannies, then let the islamophobia take care of the muslims

Muslim is not a solid group of people.
There are much more radical ones, some so radical that several muslim countries don't actually accept... but they can freely go to places like sweden or germany because "they're brown so it's fine".

Pretty sure Muslims stone the trannies. Because they have a common ennemy doesn't make them friends


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>what are soft invasions
A meme term invented to sell the idea that the west is being "invaded" even though the people who coined it realized that the idea that the west was actually being "invaded" was ludicrous so they had to invent a new term to sell their propaganda.
>what is ethnicide
see: soft invasions

Migapedes don't want allies. They don't even want to win their little culture war, because that would take away their victimhood

take your pills schizo


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according to the Quake manual he's not

Yeah, let's team up with a destructive cult against this destructive cult, no way that'll backfire.

fpbp, why didn't the thread just stop here?

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>tldr; I'm gay always will be
>fuck Donald Trump and fuck my brown soggy boy pussy

video game/s
a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display.

John Romero, the creator of Daikatana

>In recent events, our lord and savior, John Romero

Yeah, these creatures are not totally mentally ill..



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It's just you.
The /pol/ influence is becoming the norm in everyday people. I don't judge based on online communities but rather how the irl communities around me change and they have become more far-right.

Roses are red
The sky is blue
Allah says you are a mistake
Your head should come off too

>Faggot in a dress reading to kids who molested a 8 year old boy

They don't want to groom your kids goyim! They just want to read! Let them you bigot! Oy!


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trust me the hatred is deeper within the faggots circle than it is outside of it. Be glad you trannies have some kind of link to the real world or you would be killing each other in a heartbeat.

Remember, shoot every slav you see. Its your duty as a white man to eradicate these bugs. Bonus points for Russians. Make them beg and piss themselves as the disgusting beasts they are.

Guess we really are doomed

Shut the FUCK up tranny, this need to be discussed. We need to redpill the gullible kids on Yea Forums and recruit them into our struggle. This is a war and we will not surrender.

This honestly

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have sex

discuss it on twitter or /pol/ you retard and stop poisoning this board

I don't worry about trannies since they'll be the first ones to go when things start to get tough
we ever get beck to a point where there's an imperative to breed, and we'll see how long trannies and gays last

saying that right after he talked about recruiting kids doesn't really help the image of trannies trying to not appear as pedos.

Step right up ladies, is this a false flag by resetera to try to set up a narrative or a false flag by pol to make Yea Forums believe there's a false flag campaign by resetera? This is in every thread. Place your bets, you bet with your last two digits.


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>Dumb out-of-touch white boomer supports political cause that consists of dumb out-of-touch mediocre white guys who've accomplished nothing in life aside from wanting to be a woman
Wow, I'm so surprised. /s

No we arent
If I were a dictator tomorrow first things first Id hang all trannies even before the kikes, kikes are at least people of the book

inshallah akhi

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>wypipo is why i'm not a winner

and yet you give a shit about his post

So what? Romero is an actual boomer normal fag who doesn't spend 6+ hours a day online obsessing over culture wars. To him it's just a random nice gesture that costs nothing.

good one

ppl sure are rowdy for not giving a damn. since you are all here tell me this
how is this any different from any other minority forcing their shit onto others instead of keeping it to themselves?

Remind me again since when John Romero relevant in recent times? Like in the last 10?


Kill yourself newfags Redditor, on this website we can read sarcasm without an emote

inshallah brother

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