Code Vein
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oh no no no no
They're not wrong.
To be fair, are they wrong? I don't think even the most ardent defender of fanservicey titty anime games would try to argue that they're high-brow.
I see nothing wrong with this? It's exactly what I wanted
>trashy anime action
Sounds great, can't wait.
Bamco is an embarrassment
I don't know why Miyazaki still want to work with them after DaS3
>game was what everyone who was interested wanted
btfo indeed
>are they wrong?
Yes. The answer is always yes.
I don't think "trashy" means what you want it to mean in this context.
I'm not sure you understand what trashy means in this context, OP.
Or did you think that the threads that have been filled with MOMMY MILKIES for months were also full of people who believed their game was one of sophistication?
Why did they delay it when it's only going to end up weeb garbage regardless?
To make it an even better game, normie.
Kill yourself.
Trashy doesn't mean trash you dumb bastard.
I can't believe we've gotten to the point where I have to sit here and explain Kotaku articles written by trannies to zoomers. When will I be free? When will I be able to leave?
You have it in your power, user. Close all Yea Forums tabs. Do it right now. You will miss out on nothing.
wwweeewww lad. And that "journalist" took a lot of heat and end up backpedalling are at least her tried to
Well, he clearly doesn't.
Why is this place still able to pay people
It's trashy in a different sense.
played it for about 10 mins then quit
they put more effort in to making sure weebs can make their waifus than the rest of the game
Not OP but dictionary says trashy means things of no value.Do native speaker use that to describe something good?
>rainbow avatar
anime avatarfags seem more tolerable
literally an NPC
>that pic
You guys don't actually listen to faggots do you?
not really
>expecting anything less from Yea Forums
I'm just going to jack off to the fan art like a non-retard because I tried the beta and it was fucking garbage.
Trashy in nu-speak is a guilty pleasure, often filled with lots of cheap fanservice.
Lol the west is really getting desperate calling anime trashy. Still won’t save your movie and music and gaming industries.
>rainbow logo
Dropped. Anyone in the gaming industry who currently has this logo will be out of business within the next decade.
Yes, the same way guilty pleasures like junk food are tasty. Calling something trashy doesn't mean it's not enjoyable (especially since the article follows it up with anime action), it just means you're not getting some great artistic experience.
>that fag avatar
This. It's probably a reference to tim rogers' video saying DMC5 is the holy grail of trash.
Yes, like "a trashy horror movie" or in this case "trashy anime" it doesn't mean something is bad.
It's been a thing for longer than any of us have been alive. There's nothing nu about referring to something as trashy.
Day 1 buy.
Just to piss off these retards.
>still using NPC
At least hide the fact that you're an underage retard you newfag
Why do so many people even hate "anime" games so much? I don't get it it's just a niche thing that we enjoy and discuss on our corners of the internet and none are aggressively marketed yet people act like it's the devil.
No, but that doesn't mean he's wrong. Code Vein was absolute garbage.
Who cares, post Io's titties
he is literally praising the game (You) miserable samefag
aside from the obligatory 'boobs are bad" sentence he is just using trashy in the same sense as cheesy/corny, not referring to the game being trash
How are Kotaku fans faggots? That doesn't even make sense?
Nice cope retard, he's ironic cancer plaguing videogames.
>it doesn't mean something is bad.
It absolutely means something is bad. You enjoy trashy things -because- they're bad.
SERIOUS QUESTION. Can we get them banned from press events for racism in light of their obvious anti-Asian bias? In just the two months they've mocked Japanese accents and implied Code Vein being "trashy" simply for being anime.
dude have sex
i wish have sexers would have sex with me so we could both be have sex posters
>implying you need to have sex to be a have sex poster
It's just an effortless shitpost that makes incels self conscious. Join me anyways, virginkun.
>Have sex posters are incels themselves
like pottery
i'm not a virgin and i was joking, have sex
have sex
>Anime looking game have anime tropes
Who would have thought of that ?
Depends, but in the case of the OP the tranny really liked the game despite it being trashy. Which is the problem because somehow angry animetards don't understand that concept despite watching a bunch of trashy shitshows every year.
>you can wear bdsm gear
Well it's kinda trashy in way I guess
You retards been saying that since the 60s and it’s only gotten worse for you. Anglos are just gay by nature you won’t ever get rid of that shit.
I would tell you to kill yourself but would you be able to do it? How about hanging yourself? There isn't a rope strong enough to support your weight. Bullet through your brain? Your hand needs to reach your head before you pull the trigger. Drug overdose? It's impossible to get enough pills to give a fat fuck like you a normal dose let alone an overdose. Jumping off of a building? The elevator has a weight limit and you sure as hell can't climb those stairs. In that case how about a bridge instead? Just jump off and drown. It's too bad grease floats on water. Your last option is to light yourself on fire. Luckily fat happens to be great fuel. Now you can finally burn off all of those calories.
>now have actual jap websites like frontlinejp covering shit in english
>read kotaku
for what fucking purpose
Can we all have sex?
He's not wrong
have sex
>Trashy anime action
Sounds good to me
only if you're all cute boys
have sex
It's trash because there's no boob slider. I considered wiring to the devs to point that out to them, but I hoped they would fix that during the delay. Now it's gonna be up to mods.
>The devs made a big deal about how they didn't want to make the character creator feel "too anime", limiting what players could do in the process
>Journalists still call them "anime trash"
This is why you never, ever pander to westerners. Fuck westerners.
Some new gameplay with Io and Jack as companions
have sex
>trashy anime action
But that's literally what I want.
Io is cute and strong!
have sex
>trashy anime action
I'm suddenly interested when before I was not. Tell me more about this trashy anime action.
that mentally ill tranny was just desperate for attention like they always do
Or am I getting my hopes up?
the rest of the article is just an excuse to complain about anime tits, not the other way around
Already had.
I better not be getting my hopes up. Tell me more about this weeb shit.
I'll be sad if I don't get a good anime game this year.
It really is a trashy anime game which is the hilarious thing, why play this pedo trash when you can play anything fromsoft?
I'm getting my hopes up, aren't I?
Goddamnit, I knew it.
I've always wanted to play a FromSoft game with big anime tiddies.
Guess I'll go kill myself.
Well they fired that trans who wrote it.
Is there a demo for this?
there was and you missed it :P
Have a normal life.
one of the most obnoxious faggot series of posts ever seen in a cv thread
My kind of trashy
Kotaku is so fucking pathetic and desperate, if they at least weren't such virtue signaling try-hards
funny enough the person who wrote this got their ass tore open by posters on kotaku
Why? "Trashy anime action" is a pretty perfect way to describe Code Vein if you don't want to go with the classic "It's like Anime Souls!".
Is it bad that kotaku not liking it makes me want to play it now?
read the damn comments on the article user
the kotaku tranny like it a lot though, so you don't have to play it.
>Trashy anime
give me the release date
September 27
September 26
September 25
Why is he calling it trashy? Just because the females show a bit of skin and have cleavage? Does this guy call female twitch streamers trash too? Getting real tired of these double standards and this bigotry against anime.
To be fair, it is trashy anime action and that's what makes it good
>I don't think even the most ardent defender of fanservicey titty anime games would try to argue that they're high-brow.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 defenders.
Because it's embarrassing to play fanservice games in public
dilating tranniest will all die in the end
>Does this guy call female twitch streamers trash too?
you don't?
I thought this game was coming out for PC?
And it is
I need an Io gf bros...
is there a release date for it because I don't see a steam page
literally read the fucking thread you lazy nigger
I want new content of coco
Do you faggots seriously need these journos to say “and that’s a good thing” to understand context
At first i thought she had some weird piercing on her throat and chest, But upon closer inspection its just a choker and a necklace.
Whats the problem? I love trashy anime action.
Who [Sunset Bayonet] here?
and that's a good thing.
Honestly I don't mind pride month existing but why did they have to use rainbows to tout it?
I want to be able to use a rainbow without looking like a flaming gay.
Fuck thats hot
Picked up on PC
Here's some fact about Code Vein:
Io's design is bad.
fragile female ego
Oh noes!!!
It looks like you got caught in the "have sex" filter. Unfortunately your post doesn't even show up so you'll have to use that big strong noggin of yours to get past my thick bulging filter.
Better luck next time.
What the fuck lmao, I’m sure this isn’t an oversight, but is this really what they decided on doing
>that Kotashit twitter avatar
I may have to buy a copy as well. And if they think that's bad, just wait until they see the waifus of CV.
imagine following kotaku.
who played the network test? what's the difficulty like? we talking original dark souls or something like bloodborne?
It was fairly easy since the demo had alot of available weapons at the start.
The mobs were piss easy but the bosses were pretty bullshit though. The rapier boobie lady boss was really hard because she keeps dodging
What is it with western journalists and complaining about anime boobs?
>You can play as attractive waifus YOU create instead of ugly trannies the liberals FORCE YOU to play
wow sure got BTFO'd here. Go dilate filthy trannies.
What is it with Yea Forums and not reading the thread?