Now that the dust has settled what actually made you hyped, Yea Forums?
What games? What infos?
Now that the dust has settled what actually made you hyped, Yea Forums?
What games? What infos?
No More Heroes
Dragon Quest
Flight Simulator
Ghostwire Tokyo
Luigis Mansion
k-konami bros?
ISHYGDDT. Hype is a tool to sell pre-orders and day 1 purchases, both of which guarantee money to developers/publishers before they even prove their final product's quality. Hype is what made No Man's Sky sell. Hype is what made Watch_Dogs sell. Hype is a marketing tool that guarantees you overlook facts and false advertisement. Hype also builds up expectations, which lead only to disappointment. Don't get hyped, wait a week from release, and only if you didn't hear about a shitshow then buy the game.
Anyway, that 12 Minutes game seemed neat. I'll look forward to hearing more about it once it comes out, maybe pirate it.
Not hyped but looking forward to
Flight Simulator
Doom Eternal
Crystal Chronicles if it comes to pc
That pit was very visibly scared and uncomfortable
You probably would be too if you were on stage in front of a crowd of hairless monkey's.
Astral Chain
Unexpectedly, Fire Emblem
Doom Eternal
That Not!Ghostbusters game from PC gaming show
Excited to play outer worlds and cyberpunk on the Xbox
Microsoft flight simulator, evil genius 2, cris tales, El hijo and midnight ghost hunt on the pc
Luigis mansion 3, link's awakening, fire emblem, and no more heroes on the switch
Really excited
And the best part, no sony.
Who are the Antidudes of E3?
>FF7R Tifa
>Nu-Battletoads Dark Queen
borderlands 3 so i can jerk it to tiny tina
He was promised infant flesh
Trials of Mana
Doom Eternal
Links Awakening
BotW 2. I expected Banjo to be the "one last thing" for the direct and then they surprised me with the direct sequel I wanted.
Shit taste
Hype list:
Cyberpunk 2077
Watch Dogs 3
Cautiously optimistic list:
Halo Infinite
Ghostwire Tokyo
The Outer Worlds
Mana is back, baybee.
Nothing, because I don't have much money but mostly because I'm kind of in a bad situation, not just economically speaking.
is this E3 an out of season april fools joke
That Japanese horror Bethesda game
DOOM Eternal
No More Heroes 3
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Forza Lego expansion
Tawna and Spyro in CTR
Banjo in Smash
>Halo Infinite
>Zelda Botw sequel
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Luigi's mansion 3
>Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
>Doom Eternal
>Link's awakening
>Elden Ring
Those are the ones that have me interested the most right now. There are more for sure that have caught my eye, but I would like to see what kind of gameplay direction they head in first.
I went i to e3 excited for and hyped as fuck only for cyberpunk 2077. And e3 disappointed kn that level too,along with the sour as fuck Bethesda e3. No RPGs are being made wortha damn. Please WHS, please have something cooking
who brought a dog?
ghostwire tokyo
halo infinite
Can we all agree Gears 5 had the worst presentation? On top of being cucked hard by Halo getting special treatment.
>Now that the dust has settled what actually made you hyped, Yea Forums?
nothing it all looks like shit, there isnt a single game worth looking forward to
except for Bannerlord, but that one is never coming out
The punisher guy from netflix for that shitty ghost recon game
Rod Faggotson said in an interview that he thinks he showed enough of the singleplayer last year (those 30 seconds) and wanted to focus on the other modes.
They won't show actual singleplayer footage until a few days before release.
>Keenoo and a dead gay bear are supposed highlights
What a shit E3
What the hell is this guy's ethnicity anyway? Chadpreet?
>They won't show actual singleplayer footage until a few days before release
Now he knows how he makes everyone feels.
Cyberpunk 2077
Elden Ring
Ghostwire Tokyo
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
No More Heroes 3
Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC
Empire of Sin
Phantasy Star Online 2
The premise of Deathloop sounds kind of interesting too, but the trailer didn't really grab me. Still, I'll probably be keeping an eye on it.
Nintendo salvaged the whole fucking thing.
If not for Cyberpunk Micrsoft would be down there with Bethesda and ubisoft garbage.
Watch Dogs Legion
Cyberpunk 2077
Never in a million years did I imagine I would see Seiken Densetsu 3 on E3, much less get a full remake which even more incredibly looks fucking amazing from what we've seen.
Elden Ring has me hyped but without gameplay it feels like its going to be a while anyway
Contra getting a new game out of nowhere was also really welcome even if I'm not 100% sold on what we've seen so far.