Is this how 55 year old men act? Crying on twitter?
Is this how 55 year old men act? Crying on twitter?
fat post
But I thought Kojima was god.
I mean, he could have just gone.
actually they cry about old men on Yea Forums.
Kojima is a man of the people. He is speaking for all fanboys who wished they secretly had an e3 presentation
yeah, and youre crying about it on Yea Forums, and now i am, i guess we're all losers!
Tickets are 300 bucks. You think he has that kind of scratch just laying around?
Is he really 55? He looks pretty good.
Asians stay very young looking until they hit 70 and then they turn into old ninja master looking guys from the movies
He's a literal child who's built his entire career on stealing ideas from actual men and putting them in childrens toys hoping the other children won't notice.
I think it's because they are usually thin.
There are few things that make you age faster than being fat, it takes a toll on your health.
oh, hey it's a real tweet for once
>Kojima's stories ideas
>bond movies
>that B movie he saw and thought was cool
peoppe who play games really dont understand what a good story is, they just see some absurd shit and call it a masterpiece
His fault
Idk why hes so bummed out. Literally the whole world watched his trailer 2 weeks ago and all eyes were on him.
I assume he's jealous of Nakamura stealing the show?
and then cod trailer released and kojicuck was forgotten
Fuck Kojima. Bring back /our girl/
He had 100k people staring at a black screen for 24 hours straight.
age is just a nigger
And then Cyberpunk 2077 trailer released and codcuck was forgotten
Wonder what will make zoomers forget CP2077.
>you're supposed to act like X at Y age
Oh boy the fat loser zoomers really didn't get the memo yet.
>E3 will show the power of Konami.
>Konami is back!
>Fuck Kojima haha!
He needs to finish his fucking game on deadline 2bh
Only on Yea Forums where a guy is just saying he feels bad that he missed E3 is somehow "crying"
He's been crying for weeks on twitter. Talking about how hes a ronery cicada with no friends
Twitter is a Mecca of mental babies in adult bodies, and the majority of them look like pic related.
There's something about Twitter which turns people into mental retards with infantile cognitive circuitry and a propensity towards waging crusades over superficial dumb shit under the smokescreen of "great causes".
I never thought I would say this, but when Twitter came into existence even Yea Forums started looking better and better by comparison as years go by.
Whenever I see a post like this I really want to know what the person behind it looks like.
I love how much he fits the troubled genius stereotype. Just waiting for him to pull a full Francisco Goya, lock himself in his house in the dark and start developing really disturbing but creatively unmatched games all over his walls.
Fit from swimming, average height, South-Eastern European, entertained by how unhinged you Westcucks are acting and turning your own lands into shitholes that even I'm hesitant to travel to despite all the incentives in the world.
he probably wanted to go so he could meet Keanu
god damn it user
Just Hideo, but not Kojima
No, you're misunderstanding. He means that after watching that E3, he just wants to go, leave society behind and kill himself.
E3 sucks for developers.
It's hot, sweaty and you have to deal with e-celebs taking pictures of your penis