Will the game die off after 7even because no Takaki? What game has been the best title so far?
Senran Kagura Thread
Murasaki boobs please
How's this, user?
I guess I'll fap
Best girl coming through
Okay, okay, maybe best girl but, counter point
I just want to know Yea Forums's honest opinion on whether or not this franchise will continue on without Takaki. Will we get a better story because he left? Will all future games just be spin-offs? Will there even be a future title? Will Asuka ever get in Smash?
Boob Bump
best senran
I want to molest this creature.
Secret best girl.
that deer is mine
Deep Crimson best game. Rin best girl. Followed by Miyabi and Hikage
God I want to have a child with that beautiful young lady.
the story was already down the drain with takaki, all future games will be spinoffs or "lets stretch what should be a filler section into an entire story" like pbs.
series became unsalvagable the second the games just became "Yumi gets wanked and does cute things" spinoffs
Senran Kagura died when Deep Crimson tanked even though it's the best game in the series.
It's over, Jim.
I wouldn't impregnate Rin because having children is retarded.
Educate yourself woman.
EV and PBS were good