Cyberpunk 2077's E3 demo has weak gunplay and unimaginative stereotypes
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>polygon doesn't like it
Confirmed GOTY.
I'm liking this game more and more it's making everyone mad
>implying they didn't just get triggered at the voodoo gang
YAAASS take that transphobic bigots!
>I want I want I want
Are newsbloggers really this retarded?
>Matt cocks
Yeah not taking this fag seriously with such a lastname
imagine getting upset over a fucking game cover
the first post is the best post
>unimaginative stereotypes
>game portrays different races and cultures accurately therefore it's stereotypical
SJWs are so fucking racist and they don't even realize it.
>nu-male onions faggot cries about racial stereotypes
So the games amazing. Day 1 purchase. Based polish Devs do it again.
Now I'm interested in the game.
Is The Witcher 3 good? Been sitting on my shelf for ages. PS4 version btw.
Let me guess, it has weak gunplay BECAUSE of unimaginative stereotypes? I doubt someone concerned with that shit would actually go on to judge gameplay objectively.
when do we get the demo gameplay?
Notice that we didn't hear any of this shit with last year's demo with the female PC.
All these fuckwits have a massive chip on their shoulder over straight white males and it shows.
objectively correct
This woman just wants to rant and virtue signal, and will find something that's popular just to rant to more people. Classic woman, really.
"She" is completely right
Oh no no no.
God i hate journos.
Been playing video games for +20 years and The Witcher 3 is the most immersive RPG I've ever played. There is a reason it won so many awards, but people on Yea Forums are cynical ADHD-riddled Nintendo zoomers that will tell you the game is bad.
shit, I should of assumed worse then
Despite everything else that freak says, the box art is extremely shitty.
user... that's a RPS article
What the hell is this thing ?
>anons using Polygon articles to try and prove a point no one cares about
Dark times we live in, lads.
It's actually RPS but they're basically Polygon so you're still correct.
based and redpilled
N-N-NOOOOOOOOOOO! This will outsell everything Reeeeeeeeeee!
God he's so dreamy
Why is he so cute lads
stfu nigger
These are the "people" that get to see gameplay before you. Bravo, CDPR.
If the game pisses off sjws its just icing on the cake.
Was she shaking with rage that she can no longer blame school shooters exclusively on angry white boys.
Now trannies are in the mix. Now shell come up with head canon logic that tranny shooters are different and they did it because they're persecuted
>UK Polygon doesn't like it confirmed GOTY
feel better now?
You won't get demo gameplay until August. You're not an important journalist like Matt Cox.
>CDPR, Valve bad
>EA, Ubi, Epics, Snoy etc good
>Also Bethesda kinda bad cuz Trump's brother on Bethesda's board.
Holy mother of Based I can’t wait to get this game.
I live in pooland and everybody looks like that here
CDPR brought this on themselves for pissing on their fans and giving these subhumans exclusive footage.
Matt Cox, more like sucks fat cocks
It's polygon, i will translate for you
>weak gunplay
This game is hard, it don't let me win
>unimaginative stereotypes
It doesn't glorify mentally ill people.
>I wanted the games story to heavily focus on transgendered people and for niggers to not act and be treated like niggers
>polygon hates it
>resetera hates it
>/pol/ hates it
Brb preordering
I get you
>complain about racial stereotypes
>because a cut-throat immigrant black street gang from the ghetto fucks you over
>further complain that a suited white man tells you this and he's proven right
>ignore the fact that in the first trailer a suited white woman fucks you over
I'm so fucking tired of these "people".
why are "people" like this allowed?
>The Witcher 3 is the most immersive RPG I've ever played
>my mother shared this article about how a school shooter shares something with his spawn
even his fucking mother hates him
tells loads on what kind of person he is
yeah, I'm thinking it's the Game of the Decade
>Yea Forums hates it
GOTY 2020
Here's your average journalist playing FPS. These are the shitters calling out "weak gunplay" btw.
Aaaaaahhhhh perfect.
>rocket paper shotgun
Based mom
You literally cannot win with these people, it's better not to bother. They look for things to complain about because if they don't complain their lives have no meaning.
This unironically/genuinely.
Bad gunplay=rpg focus
Stereotypes=doesnt pander to sjw shit
GOTY incoming
>weak gunplay
>i want
Nobody fucking cares what a journo turbofag thinks, especially if their name is cox
But yeah nice to see the game confirmed as a GOTY
>literal who has literal who opinion
When do e-eceleb shitters and shatter pic degenerates get their containment board?
>unimaginative stereotypes
Did the horsedick girl really trigger them that hard?
CDPR gave them exclusive demo footage that fans don't get.
>you'll never be as proud and enthusiastic of your work as this guy
they didn't delete this video to this day? how brave of them.
>tell me I don't get cyberpunk
I wonder how he missed the part where it was supposed to be dystopian scenario?
Yes, this is good.
>Polygon "journalist" talking about gunplay
let me guess the lack of auto-aim is bigoted and hampers the experience.
It's RPS but it's not much different.
Hopefully you can romance Dum Dum. Or the robot he sells you
>a weeb playing DOA Xtreme in the privacy of their home is the same as faggots being obnoxiously sexual in public
Did the boxart also take her brain?
The gameplay is pretty boring but the world is immense and immersive.
Trannies confirmed seething
>This box art isn't a batshit insane Marxoid
Wow really makes you think
Okay Yea Forums, how one can have sex with a cyber ghost?
(S)he's not wrong about the concept art. It is that bland.
The rest is just laughable though.
Here's the creator of the Cyberpunk series.
I like my men made mostly of flesh thank you
oh my god
>journo is triggered because haitian niggers are portrayed realistically
Top kek. Based polacks.
Funny how even color people like Antonio here doesn't give a shit because color people don't actually care about muh diversity. In fact I always wonder if they feel uncomfortable that these fucks keep complaining about putting them in making them into a token so they can feel better about themselves.
>unimaginative stereotypes
So complaining about white protagonist and blacks doing crime.
Based CDPR
>The violent black thugs betrayed us, as the corporate white man said they would. If CD Projeckt are trying to subvert expectations – if the punchline is, but sometimes the thugs are really thugs – then it’s not one that lands.
This is what he was bummed about.
we are not playing box art though, god this is worse than music album art critics
>neutered AAA cyber""punk""
>unironically referencing omikron
Unironically this. Based OP letting people know this will be GOTY 2020
>Japan actually let this creature in
wtf bros I thought you said they were based
Why the fuck are trannies and gaming journalists so mad about crunch culture, now of all times. This has been a thing for well over a decade now.
Is it because trannies need to dilate and they can't do that during crunch time?
The yellow background is audacious though
White guy with a gun looking badass is basically the best way to sell a game though
Are you saying that you need graphics to be immersed? You just proved my point with your zoomer view.
Also, even though there obviously was a downgrade in terms of graphics, it still doesn't look that bad. You cherrypicked the sea/ocean part because that's the place that looks the worst. It still looks good in motion though -
he also got the most stereotypical black man voice ever
lol holy shit based mom
This is straight up mental retardation.
I think he'll like ubisoft games.
I mean let's be honest, CDPR has always made pretty mediocre gameplay across the board (being generous).
Their stellar points are always in the quest and world design as well as the stories.
Did someone really got triggered at "samurai" ?
Did these guys read Neuromancer
1nd game had a very problematic cover too
What the fuck is this faggot talking about? Holy hell how can you be this retarded?
>japanese things...hmmmm....ninjas! next
talk about stereotype
He is not even white. He is slav, you can clearly see it.
YES! Game of the century!
Fucking nazi
>Was she shaking with rage that she can no longer blame school shooters exclusively on angry white boys.
Notice the name of the shooter and "her" name.
I wouldn't take anything from polygon seriously, OP. Just a tip for the future.
Man, imagine how much anger San Andreas would generate with those snowflake fags if it came out today.
>The violent black thugs betrayed us, as the corporate white man said they would
considering the setting you'd think corporate man is lying to you, but corporate suit actually doesn't
>Based CDPR ft. Reeves out for trannies' and numales' blood
that's a based statement
Matt Cox suck cocks
Double cocks
Oh my god it's THAT GUY
>when your mom outplays your twitter game
BASED Mom, putting her degenerate spawn in the trashcan where she belongs.
The sad thing is, Japs don't even give a shit. They are offended on someone else's behalf.
here everyone is discussing what's wrong with the game for reasons and i'm just not playing it because the witcher games suck and cdprojektred just objectively sucks.
I've been impressed with how accurate this has been so far
Nice try polack, I've visited your country and it's filled with potbellied fatties who drink lager publicly like unkempt savages.
>degenerate dystopia where you can surgically become our fursona or become a dickgirl, everyone is a backstabbing cunt
Sounds pretty accurate to me fampai.
More for me then
They don't like this kind of degeneracy, especially from a foreigner I'm pretty sure it must feels really lonely in Japan. Which explain why it spends so much time on twitter reeeeing about being offended.
Id agree with you but
>comments disabled
Called it.
As usual, moms are based.
>organizing for socialist and anarchist groups
Those two are almost polar opposites of each other, this 'waman' is fucking retarded.
>All these fucking buzzwords
Is there a problem a bullet in the head of these fuckers wouldnt solve?
That's the new Navy Seal pasta for zoomers
Damn that guy is on fire, i get a genuine feeling of the game being good the way he explains everything non-stop.
Fuck gaming jewrnalist
Fuck trannies
Fuck niggers
And fuck JANNIES
tea ceremonies make for boring gameplay
tatami mats are nice for environments but otherwise don't provide much
big-testicled tanukis wouldn't be allowed in the US
>The Witcher 3 is the most immersive RPG I've ever played
It's always the same Geralt. It's always swords.
This is an adventure with rpg elements.
>i'm just not playing it because the witcher games suck and cdprojektred just objectively sucks
me too my man
I will never forgive them for the gwent bullshit
Literal schizo
>First Person
It was always going to be trash desu
>falling for David Oreilly's bait
Imagine having such a retarded skull that your glasses don't even sit on your face properly. They look like they're trying to fucking run away.
heterosexuals says it ok
>Hey kids, I'm transgender!
>Oh.. T-That's cool dad, uh- I mean Mom!
>I guess we can go through puberty together now, eh kids?
>haha... yeah! *throws up*
Name some RPG's from the last decade that was better than The Witcher 3.
Couldn't even straighten up the glasses, why are trannies so fucking slobby?
>I don't like how I look
I can assure this man, no one likes how he look.
>welcome to former men's warehouse. you're not gonna like the way you look, but you'll like where you're going. i guarantee* it?
"If the intent here is to follow a Soulsian “hard is good” philosophy and apply it to the survival genre, was is misplaced. Souls games are about reaction, movement, and practice. You can’t practice finding a piece of bread. If the intent is only to keep the player feeling oppressed, strapped for time, exhausted, hungry and weary, well, that doesn’t mean I won’t also resent having to spend so much time doing the most boring species of meter-management in what could have been a captivating mystery.
Hunger is the worst offender. You can enter abandoned houses and loot them, or even burglarise “healthy” houses. But there’s never any food in the kitchens. There are abandoned houses and free beds everywhere, but you can only sleep in some of them. All this together with the samey character models and the clumsy combat, and Cypberpunk 2077 feels less like an interesting failure and more like a budget Skyrim"
His glasses look like that in every image. There's clearly something retarded going on with its ears.
it isnt polygon though
I'm so happy for him, he looks so proud
can't wait to see more about customization of both character and skill tree
>Can hack enemies robot arms into shooting themselves
>If you get robot arms you can punch down doors and rip off turret guns to use
>V will incorporate nearby objects into take downs (pushing a guy into a tub of water to silence a shot, smashing a bottle against their head)
>Can hack objects in the environment. (OVerriding the safety mechanism of a boxing training bot. Dropping net-work connected weights on someone)
>Doors can be opened through hacking, engineering or breaking them down if strong enough
i want art of the big girl leaning over and swallowing that small man whole and digesting him
>tfw black
Its mentally ill trannies and left wingers who won't stop talking for us
GOD I want them dead so bad
in other words, this means the game is going to be both fun and funny. day 1 purchase for me
Imagine hating on the successful property of a made black man because the company making the video game adaption of his franchise had a single employee out of hundreds make a bad joke on Twitter.
>destroyed so hard he became a tranny
It's JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS all over again.
Trannies and Polygon don't like it, I should preorder right away.
You aight black boi
ok. now im a little hyped.
>Unimaginative stereotypes
Unimaginative stereotypes
>Unimaginative stereotypes
Unimaginative stereotypes
>Unimaginative stereotypes
That's from the Pathologic 2 review right? Christ
Lol, what the fuck is wrong with trannies? These people need to see the men in white coats.
Aren't stereotypes unimaginative by default?
They better be in the game so I can shoot them. We've already seen a poster of a dickgirl, it wouldn't be stretch.
>a brilliant and underrated game
Geralt is the absolute definition of white gruff male power fantasy protagonist but I don't remember the trannies getting that triggered by the series.
Must have been too "Soulsian" for them lol
god i hate that i have to afiliated with these kinds of people we trannys suck
stereotypes are building blocks, they serve purpose but you always can tune them
You're ok for a nigger. I'd get out of our countries before 2030 though, just a warning.
That explanation isn't an excuse. CDPR is being retarded.
>The Nomad Soul
Are they fucking talking about Omikron?
Guess I'll be getting the game then and will probably enjoy it.
The CP2077 canon is that furries were exterminated in 2025.
Weak gunplay is when the game lets you shoot black people.
>the game is sjwcucks-gaymerjournos-friendly
>sells like shit and boring as hell
>devs do that the want to do and passionate about it
>sells millions of copies, easy goty
Really makes you think, samurais
>westernshit game is unimaginative and stereotypical
What a shocker.
This literally sounds like bigger Deus Ex.
Why does Yea Forums hate this game again?
They got hold of the TV series and literally have full power to change it how they like. Which is exactly what they're doing.
>so I can shoot them
The flammenwerfer is a more appropriate armament user
>a brilliant and underrated game
i was talking in genral
I didn't give a fuck about this game but Polygons and trannies hates it so much that i will liteally buy 5 copies now LMAO
Unironically mentally disabled
>show only Journos exclusive gameplay
>they all hate on it for not being woke and having gory kills
this is how I know that you're a cocsuckin weeboo filth
Stereotypes are awesome though
Did Yea Forums discuss the dickgirl? I wasn't here for the threads.
>They got hold of the TV series and literally have full power to change it how they like. Which is exactly what they're doing.
And that's a good thing
>unimaginative and stereotypical
>posts botw
Yea Forums hates anything popular
but now that journos are disliking it Yea Forums is beginning to love it again
>over 100 bodily modifications
Shitty mall piercings and gangrene infected back alley tattoos do not count. Come back when you have some cool shit like a neural interface usb port, a pair of extra arms or a device that allow you to go 15 minutes without eating a bigmac
The only good thing about that game was the fresh Bowie material hidden throughout the in-game concerts
look at the fucking fag who wrote the review
>This thing is living in Japan.
Just deport its ass already.
How his bus doing?
Link and Zelda are and have always been distilled stereotypes you stupid mongoloid, not even saying that is a bad thing.
Cyberpunk is about you average Joe trying to survive in a world full of mentally ill people (twitter trannies and feminazi journos) and corporations that want your money (EA, Ubisoft...)
I guess we already live in a Cyberpunk world bros
>polygon complaining about muh stereotypes
So the game is gonna be amazing then. Was going to pass over it sicne it looked like generic open world shit but maybe I'll pick it up when it comes out.
Fuck those people
As expected from a retarded Nintendofag.
disgusting tranny
if polygon basedboys think the gunplay is weak, imagine how bad it actually is
Did I miss something?
>Mentally deranged trannies think mutilating their body so it's factually worse is the same as reshaping your body with mechanical augmentations that surpass the original
Any sensible fucking degenerate would be biding their time waiting for VR that isn't fucking trash to vent through.
but they look like this before you retard
This was the first thing I thought when I seen the word 'stereotypes'. Polygon has no idea what a game is
preordering on GOG right now
FPBP as always
Studies show OP still sucking multiple cocks per day.
There was some talking about it. Was either
>day one purchase if true
>not even pirating if true
We build a platform that allows people from across the globe to discuss about their beliefs, culture, opinions and etc. Instead we got this. Sometimes I do question, do we really need to be this connected? Seriously, and I'm not trying to paint a picture on America or anything, but once America legalize this LGBTQIA+ nonsense, it became like a signal flare to start up the swarm. Seriously, no one gave a fuck about this people, but once america did it, every fucking country for some reason follow suit. It's like playing fucking Civ V when a counter holds so much cultural presence that they control every socio-cultural structure of the entire globe. That's why I think, if this thing is to be remedied, it will have to start with America.
why are other trannys and gays so dam stupid ?
i aint that fucking bright myself
but thinking that western games have done us any justice is so fucking dum
slav games have been the best about that shit from personal experiance, they at least bring up both the bad and the good and not shuger coting shit
I would say based mom if not for the fact better parenting would've prevented the appearance of this specimen.
/pol/tard nazi pieces of shit FUCK OFF
It's a shop that puts the trannies nuname in the headline.
imagine being this much of a gigantic failure
you got the dlc? its pretty good. the combat is sorta easy, dark soulsy, just dodge/roll at the right time then mash attack during the enemies programmed openings.
good world though, youll need the DLC though since you will probably get sick of all the poor people, the blood and wine one takes place in a golden age france sort of region, so no wars making everyone depressed and dirty, its feel good central
They better be in the game so I can fuck em and make threads on Yea Forums about it
This. If you're living in goddamn Tokyo and spend your time raging on twitter you're doing it wrong.
Legitimately mentally ill
He became a tranny when he was, not already an adult, but a father.
>stealing a generally queer/trans aesthetic
What did faggot trans queers mean by this?
>cyberpunk setting is a queer/trans aesthetic
Man these people sure love acting like they own everything
>The Nomad soul
>unironically complaining about stereotypes
Back to your discord cuckerafag.
Weren't the French who basically invented the cyberpunk genre.
The fuck is this fake ass chink talking about?
> call yourself a cyberpunk
> because you chopped your dick off and maintain an open wound
fpbp holy shit what is this trend?
They look like they glued old crinkled up garbage bags to their armor.
that's actually even better
They're confusing transhumanism with being a mentally ill pervert that's very likely to kill itself.
Using drugs fucks up your brain.
Gothic 2
look at this dude
I still hope for the day screencap social media and gaming journalism threads will just get removed from the board.
this but unironically, what are you even doing in 4chins if you only want to hear socially acceptable opinions?
>weak gunplay
>Unimaginative Stereotypes
Just what I wanted out of my Eurojank Cyberpunk 2020 vidya adaptation. Based Poles.
It's so triggered because that type of box art is a proven winning formula
we dont even take those kinds of drugs, then again many dont need to cus they are alredy bat shit insane, i know i am and i try and be better, not go further down the fucking rabbit hole
And everyone already knows the show will be garbage.
>weak gunplay
Please, they don't care about this shit. They're just crying because something offended them.
god damn i really hope this creature offs itself soon.
if you don't like it here then you can always leave this place bro ;^)
i come to Yea Forums to be bulied to validate my own self hate :)
Even better, when it was a bunch of white criminal gang members in the previous gameplay demonstrations it was ok. When it's nonwhite criminal gang members it's a hurtful racist stereotype.
Really the article speaks more about the author's racial biases and political opinions. The state of gaming journalism today.
It's incredible how fucking transparent and pathetic this is.
What the literal fuck is crunch?
>polygon: waaaaaaaah its a game!
>retardera: waaaaaaah they made fun of me!
>/pol/: waaaaaaaah theres degeneracy!
GOAT confirmed
>Your computer is just a gateway to our world. Your body is still in your world but your soul has been here ever since you agreed to occupy Kay'l's body. You think you're save behind your computer screen, you'd better think again.
Fucking wut
Imagine talking about "weak gunplay" when you can't git gut at anything.
This game is gonna be Watch Dogs all over again.
Not the poster you replied to.
But just because I don't agree with all of /pol/'s retarded opinions doesn't mean I am not a politically incorrect individual who's opinions aren't accepted by society (I am a monarchist), nor does it mean that I am humourless normie faggot.
Why is it telling everyone it's business on Twitter?
this has to be a fucking parody account.
HRT drugs are entirely designed to fuck with your body, that's several times more damaging than recreational drugs.
The development equivalent of being given an assignment with a two week window to hand it in and then rushing it on the last day.
based interview, thx for posting
>uuuuuu~ I'm a jaded hotshot journalist that stopped enjoying video games 10 years ago
>I bet I'll get lots of upboats and have sex if I hate on this popular game~
okay guys but just remember, the majority of people have the same opinion as you "they are overreacting"
dont develop tunnel vison and think that normie people all think like this. dont get mad, just what to yourself if someone in REAL LIFE started saying this shit, youd probably say "dont care". number one best way to shut them up
Fuck off retard. The opinion on Yea Forums is changing. /pol/ will soon be despised and confined to its board, and Yea Forums will return to basically center leftism. We can see it happening rn, your brigading in this thread proves nothing.
>(I am a monarchist)
honestly it should be a last resort for people like me to get, not giving it to anyone and everyone how clames to be sufering from mental ilness
>watch dogs
I've never been angrier at anything in my life
>Read this shit
Well preordering in progress. Best game of the century.
Oh, so it was about crunch time. So why are trannoids seething at this?
basically this
OP confirmed idiot. Game confirmed great.
>bring soooooo cyberpunk you can't tell cyberpunk from body horror/splatterpunk/biopunk
>tripfags being retarded
And water is wet.
I like it here and won't go anywhere, but all the social media zoomers that get triggered by opinions that someone posted somewhere on the internet and drag it here to get mad are boring and lame. Anyone doing this is being the same as the people they make fun of.
I'd love to send a gift to his mom
>this thing has kids
Looks like somebody forgot to dilate this morning.
>Then – because again, we’re very strong – we rip the turret off its base and turn it on the Animals. At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
t.never cared about the existence of /pol/ and /lgbt/
look at his photo in profile
You'll do the jump to NatSoc soon when you gain some self respect.
Itsactually RPS but those faggots are just as much retarded cucks. I recall pathologicbros calling them faggots because they called the game the souls of survival games or something like that.
I hate gaming journalism
thats what sucks about the internet, if you want to find a certain opinion, you search for some keywords and hashtags and get thousands of results and that makes you think its a huge group of people who hold that view.
thats how ISIS recruited people, its how white supremecists recruit people, and anarchists and radical leftists recruit people, its a mix and confirmation bias and and wagoning
But people are literally monkeys.
center leftism is cool with me as long as i can still say nigger
Is this is a spin on the "/pol/'s influence" pasta?
This is what they probably what got triggered at
>V is getting help from a group of "net-runners" named the Voodoo Boys.
>When V meets the Voodoo Boys at a chapel, they reveal they have Haitian ties.
Do they even realize this is a reference to the Neuromancer novel?
Please dilate, you're getting cranky.
Kino. Not sure why they're complaining because in the IGN article about the demo (which actually had no virtue signalling bullshit) they mention you can play it non lethal if you want, so you aren't forced to gun down niggers if you dont want to. I recall them mentioning you could hack people to make them pull the pin on their own grenades or force them to shut down.
Newfags don't even know that Yea Forums has always been a traditional liberal site with occasional nigger jokes. That's what we get for pretending to be retarded and gamergate.
fucking nazi transphobic asianphobic scum
This is bait but it's always hilarious how the people triggered about /pol/ always reveal how they want the board to shift to THEIR political opinions, completely ruining their apoliticalness narrative.
>my peepee become bigg peepee
No man's sky?
Creator isn't japanese, they're all the same.
CD Turd Eject sold their dreams, ambitions, integrity, passion and principles and whored themselves out for maximum corporate profits a long long time ago. With Witcher 2 to be precisely.
They used to do their own thing and were "By gamers for gamers!". But now they are chasing trends, check boxes and want to be like Rockstar and Bethesda.
They are weak-willed trash.
Cant you be mature and JUST NOT say things that make you a racist piece of shit? You know you're throwing yourself in with the /pol/tards right?
>I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures. Last year’s Gamescom demo drew criticism for its clumsy and inauthentic presentation of a Latino character, and I’m not convinced the Voodoo Boys are a step in the right direction. At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
>Then – because again, we’re very strong – we rip the turret off its base and turn it on the Animals. At this point, I feel increasingly uncomfortable that we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
>But near the end of the demo, we meet a white man in a suit and tie who gives us the information we need. He also tells us the Voodoo Boys are going to turn on us the moment we’ve done their dirty work – and is immediately proved right. The violent black thugs betrayed us, as the corporate white man said they would.
Goddamn I love CDPR.
This game triggers all the retards. Based and GOTY 2020.
newfags don't know that those same posters changed over the last 10 years to being not so liberal.
go back
honestly, trannies like him should be put on steroids and forced to lift weights at gunpoint. no estrogen, no cutting your dick off. guaranteed their lives would improve
With a virtual mindcock.
>weak gunplay
I guarantee you this person doesn’t even know the standard of what good gunplay is, and is trying to sound like he knows gameplay terms. Why doesn’t he go play some tranny game made by a random American indie dev instead of whining that this game doesn’t feature a plot line about genders? It’s literally like these white people are SEARCHING for things to be offended by.
It's like some shitty AI that spams same message all over again.
french are the biggest weebs in the world tho
>That last one.
How is a game you play in private comparable to being sexual in public? Did they march out in the streets and started playing japanese swimsuit volleyball games with advanged jiggle physics?
>devs outright state Pathologic 2 is intended to be almost unbearable at times due to time limit and all the dangers in your path, like townsfolk trying to burn everything down or the plague wearing down your immunity and potentially infecting you
>wtf why is it so hard
Every single part of this reeks of an agenda to push, and the gameplay is being berated simply because its within a context they don't like.
It's pathetic.
Where can I get one?
seek help you're clearly over invested into a company you have no relation with
Liberal =/= libertarian
Stop pretending to be an oldfag, Ron Paul was Yea Forums's first pet politician.
>They look for things to complain about because if they don't complain their lives have no meaning.
sounds like Yea Forums
>3rd game in a series that is generic ubishit open world non-game.
>somehow groundbreaking and telling stories in different way.
I guess just have random hair colored NPCs and you're set to push games to next level.
>At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
Lol Yea Forums and its users changed with the times.
>lets ignore the gameplay concerns and continue with the tranny obsession
you are projecting POlaken kurwa. it's the other way around.
>Polygon talking like they even comprehend what good shooter mechanics are
Today I will remind you all that they published this piece unironically and expected zero backlash.
old Yea Forums was libertarian if anything
I don't think it's even trying to push any agenda, just people in a cyberpunk setting are scumbags trying stab you in the back, I wouldn't be surprised if the suit guy tries to fuck you over if you side with him.
Lol you’re the desperate fanboy for an obviously subpar project, not me.
>doesn't list anything in detail
>just complains
End your pathetic life, wojakposting faggot.
ironic, since KurwaJunk 2020 has been confirmed to push tranny and lgbtpq mental illness.
So now I have to look into who it is that actually is saying this instead of just taking it as gospel, and low and behold its an SJW male ally that seems to hate anything that doesnt have women as strong independent characters and combat is only good if its like Uncharted.
Stop giving these people the time of day for fuck sake, they have the worst taste imaginably and it is honestly fucking sad that these are what makes up 90% of games journalists. People who dont actually like games.
They call for diversity and multiculturalism but when they get it and turn up there noses?
It's fucking baffling man.
hahahahaha like I said seek help
Sensible fucking degenerate here, I'm keeping in shape, saving money and caring for my health so I can enjoy the future tech after singularity to the fullest.
polyshit is not the only outlet that calls the game out for being generic and by the numbers industry standard fanfare
I'm not trusting a journos opinion on what is or isn't good gunplay.
Dilate tranny.
>Is it because trannies need to dilate and they can't do that during crunch time?
It's even more cynical than that. They feel that they should be making more money and benefits, but they're so entitled that they think they're owed that before having proven their mettle in the industry. It's like they bought the 'Math major 300K starting anywhere' meme except with useless grievance study degrees. Harassing people online is just their outlet for their impotent rage at their bosses.
but i'm not racist. i just want to be able to say what i think is funny without nagging cunts with sticks up their asses trying to police speech
No, not what I'm talking about at all. Polygon is trying to push their agenda, not the game. They don't like the context because they're constantly looking for shit to be offended by, so the gameplay is being caught in the crossfire just because it's attached to content they don't approve of.
Fucking hell, it's like it's boomer parents didn't know what autism was and let it roam free.
not even Redditors write like that, you filthy potato fucking Polaken kurwa
The difference being that no one on Yea Forums has any credibility. A lot of people outside of here pay attention to what these journos say.
Moot made a containmend board for people with strong opinions that take themselves VERY seriously and posting social media screencaps all day. Here you go.
Stop taking your trip off nigger.
>CD Turd Eject
alright that got a chuckle
I'm at work, don't make me wheeeeeeeeze!
Nigger detected
>getting mad when people point out your newfaggotry
based mum
>lies about Yea Forums ever being liberal
>gets corrected
have dilate
My negro, I'm doing the same thing. Maintaining otter mode with hour-long exercises every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eating healthy, routine doctor checkups every quarter etc. All so I can happily enjoy the VR singularity and get fucked as a digital woman with none of the horse shit involving cutting my IRL dick off.
Ah, my bad I thought you were saying the game was trying to push a agenda and RPS didn't like it because it went against their own.
It is a crutch for bad development executives and managers that doesn't compensate the workers enough. You've been told to hate people speaking up against crunch by publishers and you swallow it wholesale because you are a kid.
reminder that Keanu Reeves was already working with them when they made the transphobic tweet and was also probably already here during the pro-GG one
>haha tradcons are so stupid, going back in time with your regressive ideas? not gonna happen
>also bring back original bush-era centre-left Yea Forums okay? project chanology 4 life!
Does someone have a sauce?
oh no no no no
Im out of the loop, why are the fucktards gunning towards cyberpunk pls?
This. You know a game is gonna be good if certain kinds of people dislike it.
He looks pretty chill.
If you didn't like Zelda your opinion might hold some weight
>At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
Fucking kek
Wow, would you look at that, another CDPR game has fuckall gameplay and it's all about watching cutscenes?!
try lurking a bit more before posting, people used to do that in old Yea Forums
Check this
Most old fags I'm still in contact with are pretty apolitical or only really care about laughing at retards. It's idiots who flooded this board after gamergate or during the election that take this crap seriously.
This video gets me every time, was polygon the same site where some pretentious fuck got invited to play a new rockband game and wrote an article about how he didn't play the game and just wanted to talk about politics in some third world country? That article is probably the worst thing I've ever read and I can't seem to find it.
oh wow now that's a breathtaking post
Stop giving these retards attention
>occasional nigger
>this idiot thinks that a word was used so sparringly that it got censored along with a few other words because of how little they were used back in the day
blame underage phoneposters and their "muh Yea Forums 4channel safespace!"
Cease, this unit is not capable of romance, as it has no need for it. Friendship is possible however.
>I want [story concerns] but more importantly muh politics
>”Cool, we can through puberty together”
yes, that's when that specific user will be old enough to vote
O god plz no.Anything but that.
She has a point, the boxart is generic.
So, they are complaining because there isn't a tranny in the cover?
>the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
>At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
Holy shit, that's a double pre-order from me.
>Cyberpunk is too dark and doesn't white knight 2016 social culture and augmentation spends too much time being about weapons rather than turning men into beautiful women
>It's idiots who flooded this board after gamergate or during the election that take this crap seriously.
nah, plenty of oldfags too, just because you don't care doesn't mean everyone doesn't.
Like clockwork.
This is the best positive marketing CDPR has. It's basically reverse psychology. Polygon doesn't like it therefore it's good. I might actually pre-order for the first time in my life.
this guy is about to have his life taken from him
That's only true sometimes. A lot of gaming companies use the fact that that people want to work on games more than Java e-commerce nonsense to demand long hours. It's a genuine problem that I personally think would benefit from white collar jobs having similar laws to blue collar ones about overtime and such.
Finally, a power representation for oppressed tr-ns goddesses.
oh, the same trannies that interviewed CDPR and put them on blast for not being woke enough because there wasn't a genderfluid gender option in character creation.
anything that pisses off "game journalists" and trannies will always be worth my shekels.
Unimaginative stereotypes is just a sjw dog whistle , they're out for blood and it's not about the quality of the game but because they want to tear something popular down
you'd have to be a turbo autistical lefty/pol/ faggot to make such a stretch out of a few posters holy fuck the triggering is real
boring GAME but apparently interesting STORY
i wouldn't know because i found the _GAME_ so boring that i stopped playing
>The Voodoo boys are in the game
Holy fuck I was a lot more reluctant to buy it because I thought those silly batshit insane gangs weren't in the game, but now that they are confirmed. I am definitely buying it now. Let's hope the Julliards are in too.
You expected an RPG
You got a pew pew FPS with celebrities
We warned you, you ddint listen. Now enjoy your GTA
Excuse me sweetie, but they literally called a all black gang "the animals", that's extremely problematic.
The game hasn't released yet and I'm already enjoying it.
>muh oldfag friends and muh old Yea Forums...
I guess Yea Forums changed. If you don't like it maybe it's time you get out.
seething harder
dilate faster
you tranny fucking disaster
>we’re shooting at predominantly black people labelled as animals.
SJW are extremely racist who would have thought .
>not wanting the Bozoes instead
Who is this guy anyway? I've seen him get posted a lot.
Is anyone surprised? TW3's gameplay was pretty awful.
Well, it's not really complicated.
As a parent, all you have to do is explaim to your kid that homossexuals are disfunctional people who need the mercy of God.
That's literally it.
Btw Cyberpunk is written by a black man.
They were complaining about this shit last year because the spic you work with at the start Jackie would say a Spanish every 2nd sentence.
You have to go back.
>NO! Yea Forums has always been my political playground for hating on what people say on twitter!!
Remember what made this site fun. I'm not letting you guys think this is what it always used to be like and think everyone is on your social media hivemind train.
>getting mad when people point out your newfaggotry
We've already seen gameplay, why are people freaking out now?
Most parents don't educate their children anymore. Children are educated by mostly liberal teachers throughout their lives. When in university the indocrination is complete.
Can't wait until it's Pondsmith himself that defends this.
>normal people: oh, people shooting people
For real.
>Remember what made this site fun.
Calling niggers niggers and triggering normalfags.
you're an obvious newfag, that's all
Are we getting the clown bois?
Sure will tranny! Now shoo back to your discord so you and your friends can go warn everyone else.
>Polygon doesn't like it.
Confirmed that the products at least exists.
They don't like anything. If it was a forced black transgender FtM protagonist in a world exclusively populated by homosexual being oppressed by the white misogynist ethnonationalist laissez-fair capitalist oligarchy they'd still find *some reason* to hate it because that's literally just what they do. That's what "games media" is now. It's self-titled progressives combing every pixel of every frame to find something that can be spun as offensive, conservative or bad.
I didn't really expect anything.
I just want a video game that is designed with love and care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>We warned you
Who is this "we," the tranny brigade?
Thank you.
Trans propaganda, nothing else.
Shit I almost forgot about the Bozoes
Imo. They should both be in. Both them, and the Philharmonic Vampires. Hell ALL of the gangs should be in. They are all so perfect and despite the fact it may be considered "silly" I think it if the Voodoo Boys can be included in. Then why not the rest. Either way, once I find out either the Bozoes or the Jlliards are in. I am fucking DOUBLING my preorder.
>a fucking public meltdown over a super generic box art
Jesus Christ.
Millenial entitlement 101 - "I know what's good and the rest of you shouldn't get to choose!"
There should have been a huge red flag when they decided not to show gameplay at the conference and only to closed door. The game comes out in a year. They did the same last year. CDPR is all about huge marketing campaign now and less about making a good game.
I wonder if any of the smaller gangs will make a return. I liked getting them in the fray to mix things up.
reminder that you haven't dilated today yet
Because journos wanted to pressure them into not releasing it with problematic content, like your spicbro occasionally saying something in Spanish and now the FUCKING WHITE MALE MC mocked a poor black Haitian man over his accent.
holyshit I never gave into the CDPR hate on Yea Forums and now I am glad, I love these mad lads. Pre-ordering one for me and one for my buddy.
I know it's not polygon but RPS is no better. The fact that this faggot obviously puts the imagined racism before the gunplay is just extra confirmation that his opinion is worth shit. Even if he's right about the gunplay, I didn't expect Doom gunplay from this game. I'm expecting it to be more like Prey, which had mediocre gunplay if you view it in isolation, but it didn't take away from the game because it was all about freedom of choice in approaching any scenario.
>At one point V, the player character, mockingly says “and who are dem” in response to Placide’s pronunciation.
That's great
>Video game "journalist" says something
And I should care because...?
everything i've heard about this game reminds me of snow crash and neuromancer at the same time, as do the latest screenshots
mite b cool
>mfw V gets double crossed by black people at every single turn
Is every polack working in CDPR named Pawel?
>Calling niggers niggers
Can be fun
>triggering normalfags
Yea Forums is the most normalfag board with plenty of posts I see in this thread that get triggered non stop by hot opinions people write in news articles and twitter posts.
>Koreans and Chinese are Western
holy fuck it's real...
Let's hope so.
I think they'll be in as background enemies or regular enemy types or something or probably included in the background in-game lore. at least I hope so
>dude it's like GTA because it's open world and you drive cars and do crime shit lmao
Wait, botw has a motorbike you can drive, so did cyberpunk. Did 2077 rip off Zelda?
How can the first post always be the best post
The Bozoes can be perfect for a horror inspired mission somewhere in the city, running and getting chased on the back alleys by crazy clowns that biomorphed their bodies instead of wearing makeup and props. Performing nasty and deadly jokes terrorizing neighborhoods.
The witcher 2 is leagues better than the witcher 3 in every aspect.
What the hell am I reading?
Gunplay seemed okay from the gameplay the showed last year. Nothing special but at least it looked better than HR and MD gunplay and I don't remember anyone complaining about gunplay in those games since it's not the focus. Kinda reminded me of Borderlands a bit.
>I came out to my kids as transgender
jesus, poor things
This is some "Ivan" level stuff
I recall people saying the dudes in the back of the taxi in last years e3 trailer were some gang as well, niggas looked like robots.
Lmao that last tweet, someone is salty about Japan
Old Night City center before the nuke.
I don’t like transphobia, but fuck that bitch
They think because some dude getting paid to write an opinion that he it helds any credibility.
I see shit like this and i find it harder and harder to care about trans rights or whatever they waffle on about.
>Jack the rippers
What the fuck.
>thoughtful exploration of transhumanism
what the fuck is going on with the world, who sees cyberpunk and immediately thinks about trannies
If """""""""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""""""" don't like a game that's a good indicator that I will. Shit I might buy multiple copies with the way CDPR are blowing the fuck out of everyone.
he'll be labeled a problematic boomer with internalized racism. there's no real win-condition against people like this. they'll rationalize their feelings with whatever buzzwords they need to use just so they can never have to accept being wrong
shouldn't twitter shadowban this tweet for being racist?
>corn pone with mayo
Holy shit, this has me more excited about this game than ever. Slavs will save video games, mark my words.
>before the nuke
Wait what
>This box art thinks that it's important we acknowledge that all lives matter.
Imagine unironically disagreeing that all lives matter and still thinking you're one of the good guys.
Sounds like the mom might be worried. And him getting angry at this probably isn't helping.
Well I mean they couldn’t even get the cyberpunk theme correct by making it dark, doesn’t surprise me it doesn’t get the rest of the theme correct
Who wants to bet that they only have the Male spic and female spic VA for the player character
lol you have jews working at twitter who post nothing but shit about how they hate whites
>Happa masterrace
>Blood of the white man and the yellow and the Polynesian, the based racial trifecta
>White blood makes him artistic
>Yellow blood makes him fierce
>Hawaiian blood makes him zen
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
tranys btfo!
I remember that bulge
Oh god. Oh god those poor children.
>weak gunplay
We knew this from the previous demo though
imagine being so ass blasted about something you will never see on the pc version and only see when you are getting the disc out on the console version.
is this, dare I say, based or cringe fellow 4channelers?
Frankly because the industry is full of cowards who think that the "gaming journalists" represent the gaming community at large, and that's how you end up with products that promote absolute female authoritarianism and dominance like Battlefield V.
Fourth Corporate War bro. Nuke got set off in the middle of Arasaka Tower after than epic characters did a raid on it to free Alt from their datavault.
Super psyched that Alt Cunningham is an important plot character as well.
Can't wait
>I don't owe her anything
I hope this faggot died alone and in pain.
Maybe if you weren’t such a triggered /pol/ lackey, you’d understand transhumanism and trannies aren’t the same thing.
Why do you even use twitter and go to pages like this? Normies gtfo
>the people that invented cyberpunk are the least punk people around
based retard