Reminder that actual furries are cannon in cyberpunk.
Reminder that actual furries are cannon in cyberpunk
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nice, what other games allow me to kill furries?
Makes sense if they want to go with the dystopian theme.
Just plant my brain in a dragoon and give me unlimited ammunition.
lel lmao
Cyberpunk 2077 isn't cyberpunk. It's something else.
nice, a game where you can shoot furries is someting i wanted
how can poor people afford the change?
shouldt all modification really be for rich dudes?
so? I mean realistically this will happen in real life too eventually, whether you like it or not. Sounds pretty immersive to me to kill a bunch of disgusting body mutilated homeless furfag junkies under a bridge to take their crypto shekels. Whats the problem?
Of course, cyberpunk is all about human degradation.
kys retard
Just like Neuromancer then.
Cyberpunk is dystopian after all.
are you suggesting that people will not actually do it once it becomes available to the general public, and it will?
we already have people implanting shit in their foreheads and ears to look like klingon or vulcans/elves respectively already.
lots of artificial vampire teeth, tongue bifurcation surgery, etc.
if there are people who will choose to remove healthy tissue and replace it with metal, there will be people who will graft on tails, animals ears and fur, simple as that.
you couldn't even be bothered to download the image, you had to cap some faggot's social media?
Would you rather befriend a furry or a pedo?
>Inb4 >having friends
>Reminder that actual furries are cannon in cyberpunk.
well cyberpunk settings are meant to be dystopian
What a shitty maymay.
>furfags still exist in dystopia future
Sounds accurate.
A furry, of course. Why would anyone befriend with a pedo?
Am I the only one who thinks the dude on the left looks sort of like a bog?
Common intetests.
It's not called the Dark Future for nothing
>Catgirls are canon.
Good, good.
>cyberpunk is about degeneracy
>trannies and furries are in the game
>they are celebrating for being painted as degenerates
Such poetry
That's why it literally says "dark future".
Fuck i will burn that city to ashes indeed Keanu
Watch Dogs.
cool, don't really care
It's about ugliness of life, yes, but it's also about inevitable progress and the adventures it provides. People wouldn't want to self-insert themselves to such "dystopia" if they didn't see some appeal to it. There's actually fewer cyberpunk stories that go the route of "we genuinely gotta wipe the entire slate clear". Not every parody or farce is a total rejection. Just like Judge Dredd isn't a total condemnation of personal liberties or police control assuming you ain't an underage retard.
great, so i can shoot them?
>>cyberpunk is about degeneracy
Imagine being a /pol/tard.
Because they’re a kid
Great, that means I can kill everyone that I come across!
It's about the decay of society as it enters into an age of technological superiority.
Degeneracy is a part of that.
>this will happen in real life too eventually
no it absolutely wont, because the complex network of supply chains, know-how, and technology will no longer exist
When "turning into an animal" turn as easy as changing clothing, the furry movement will be killed instantly because normies will do that and kill any sort of snowflakery.
Same will happen with trans shit.
Cyberpunk is about degeneracy. Lets go full degenerate, like having user in the game
This. I can't wait to blow those faggots away.
I don’t remember furries in Neuromancer
>A dystopian hellscape is full of mentally ill degenerate freaks
Imagine my shock.
Reminder that the surgeries are incredibly expensive in-canon.
>cat girls and lamia gynoids
I fucking hope.
Judge Dread game never ever
Implying that this is a bad thing...
fuck my bad
Cdpred already said full body mods like chrome skin wouldn’t be available for your character so who gives a shit
I don't think people like Gibson and other cyberpunk writers idealized the Good Old Days or even the present day. Gibson famously dodged draft, meaning he cared little to die in US wars overseas. I feel like the world of Neuromancer was somewhat of what he seen as a logical evolution of reality - tech gets better, rich get richer. The genre is kind of anti-capitalist in nature, and I feel like the "degenerates" are more often than not are described with sympathy.
Panther Moderns in Neuromancer, Lo-Teks in Johnny Mnemonic.
>The one who showed up at the loft door with a box of diskettes from the
>Finn was a soft-voiced boy called Angelo. His face was a simple graft grown
>on collagen and shark-cartilage polysaccharides, smooth and hideous. It was
>one of the nastiest pieces of elective surgery Case had ever seen. When
>Angelo smiled, revealing the razor-sharp canines of some large animal, Case
>was actually relieved. Tooth bud transplants. He'd seen that before.
They are obviously copying Barkley's Shut up and Jam Gaiden's Neo New York's sewers furry people, is there gonna be a mission where you will have to make a romantic poem too?
It is rather depressing, the last movie was literally a video game as well, a co-op adaptation would have been easy as fuck.
cyber furries was done decades ago bro
Degeneracy being common is kind of part of the point of Cyberpunk.
It's about society on the slide.
Of course they are
All degenerate shit is
Why wouldn't they? That's cyberpunk as fuck.
Saints Row 3
No, it's cyberpunk but reddit has melted your brain so hard that you don't even know what cyberpunk is anymore.
Fucking GITS comic is in daylight all the fucking time.
>you will be able to fuck catgirls with augmented futa cocks
If you dont think that's going to happen irl as soon as body modding becomes commonplace you're dumb as fuck. Furries throw stupid amounts of money around.
>implying any actual cute girls would get cat girlified
>implying the only ones to do it wouldnt be disgusting trannies
>I don't think people like Gibson and other cyberpunk writers idealized the Good Old Days or even the present day. Gibson famously dodged draft, meaning he cared little to die in US wars overseas.
Which has nothing to with what was stated.
>I feel like x
I feel like you're retarded. Make an authoritative statement instead of this wishy washy bullshit.
>the world of Neuromancer was somewhat of what he seen as a logical evolution of reality - tech gets better, rich get richer. The genre is kind of anti-capitalist in nature, and I feel like the "degenerates" are more often than not are described with sympathy.
The works depict the decay of societies as they enter into a more "modern" age through a variety of methods, whether that's between the stratification of an uber rich upper class and a "dirt" poor lower class or the introduction of what are insane surgical procedures to make yourself look like an anthropomorphic animal, the point is the same, this society has and/or is decaying.
But once the body can be modified to the degree where theres no major difference (such as in cyberpunk, altered carbon, shadowrun, etc) there will be no disgusting trannies.
There is no need to invoke Reddit, my furiend. Yea Forums is one of the stupidest places on the Internet.
It's the cyberpunk future with robotic augments and shit; why wouldn't they be canon?
That would pretty much ruin cyberpunk completely.
There will always be disgusting trannies because you can't cure what's on the inside by mutilating the outside.
People nonstop persuing an ever increasingly hedonistic lifestyle to the detriment of themselves and society is a huge part of cyberpunk.
Why would they not be? They're real right now and I don't see them going away any time soon.
implying it wouldn't rad as fuck if furries were real
Artstyle looks cool. What game? The HUD seems familiar
>no one posted it yet
Can I play a genetically modified slutty slave catgirl (male)?
Please answer, it's very important.
I want lolibots in
"Decay" implies "things were better and now they're worse". Cyberpunk is more like "it's more obvious things are bad now that we have better tech but lives are still miserable for the majority".
>make an authoritative statement
Why? I'm not in a position to do so and I enjoy discussion.
>the society is decaying
And thus the outcasts, those who willingly distance themselves from that society, are to be sympathized with.
Fuck off Civvie
Its a very cool game if you can make it past the first jungle area and get into the furry holocaust.
If I could turn myself into Tawna Bandicoot my life would be perfect.
It's just a good way to call someone retarded, gaining their opinions from upvote hells... not that Yea Forums is somehow the bastion of thinking things out yourself.
This can't be real
>"Decay" implies "things were better and now they're worse".
On a societal level, yes, it's a fucking Dystopia. They always depict a dystopian society, or most of them do.
How can you make such statements without realizing how retarded they are.
>Why? I'm not in a position to do so and I enjoy discussion.
>I enjoy postulating things that I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.
Fuck off.
>And thus the outcasts, those who willingly distance themselves from that society, are to be sympathized with.
They are not, they are a symptom of it, a cancer, a pulsating boil meant to demonstrate that something has obviously gone wrong.
I didn't postulate anything?
>they are a symptom of it, a cancer
They're escaping society, thus they're not a cancer, they're actually sympathetic in most actual cyberpunk works to the point where stories like GitS SAC where the secret police are good guys are considered post-cyberpunk.
You need to provide source to convince anyone
Depends if you're willing to use mods.
Hey i know this reference to that dick!
>this will happen in the real life
hopefully we have a war and a revolution before then
It may be hard to admit, but if it was a real possibility, many of you too would take the path of bioexotics.
for me, is the rocker bun
different modifications have different prices, pic related are some of the most expensive ones (basically, how more your body needs to be modified, more it costs) lucky for us catgirls and buns are in the cheapest range
right now in real life you can have elf ears (but it's not a genetic modification like in the game, just a operation thing
>pathetic little edgelord is a weeb
No surprise. If you lived in such a future, you’d still be sealed in your little coffin of a basement until some gang of body-modded pit bulls broke in and made you their personal bitch. Then you can feel like the little girl you’ve always wanted to.
who caused the world to become a shithole in all of these stories, some dude who thinks they're a girl or the guy charging through the nose for the operation among other, more critical medical procedures?
degeneracy is the progression of society, poltard, not the decay
I would like to try with someone looking like that
weebs are unironicaly worse than furries, much much worse
No shit. The whole issue is that endless degeneracy leads to the downfall of society. Furfags are just another part of the whole transhumanism thing.
Only retards and children too young to remember when furfaggotry was free range here think this.
damnit i forgot the name of this, was it the boys or what?
>The whole issue is that endless degeneracy leads to the downfall of society
It's unrestricted capitalism, actually.
Guess who the fuck is banging reeves while being a neko.
thats it thanks
You’re not wrong but that’s just an enabler.
What has this goddamn website come to.
Fucking pathetic.
We are supposed to be the degenerates.
this cute lolibots when?
first the incels exploded in 2014, then the godlovers came en mass in 2016
gamergate,/pol/,phoneposting and 2016 election brought the normalfags