Gamers are mentally ill

>gamers are mentally ill

Attached: gamers!.png (547x509, 314K)

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sounds like something my mom would've done

Why must you post the most cancerous things that aren't V I D E O G A M E S

Forced fem is based

Fat smelly dykes, hope they die in prison


Why would you try to mod a brazillian shota when you can buy a loli for like 20 dollars and a sandwish in that shithole?

not vidya


resetera gets away with it again

This, but only on people like you

The modding was the hot part for them. They didn't want a girl, they wanted a femboy.

So why is that article on a gaming website?

Only by cute feminine girls and not bull dykes

White men gamers obviously made them do it

One less monkey off the map. Hopefully two more when the dykes get tortured and eaten in a hue prison.


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so strong and brave!

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Truly a site dedicated to gaming news.

So this is the power of women in gaming

i mean being Brazilian is already a mental illness, no surprise it doesn't play well with other brain problems

what video game is this, outrage-kun?

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Okay, but you didn't really answer my question.

sou foda uma delicia

Dwarf Fortress


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sjws in a nutshell


gays are mentally ill pedophiles who propagate themselces through child molestation and peer pressure.
Do not hire them or let them adopt, do not accept their business.
These people are an evil cult.

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shut up monkey

When is everyone going to realize that lesbians and biovestites are not harmless to children or society at whole.

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>check other br news

why the fuck are BR mothers killing their own children all the time? this one was even straight

>1000 or more sexual partners

I fucking wish

This modern day pushing of child trannies and child drag queens is literally Moloch worship.

Nah. They're pretty bad, but not anglo bad. Now there's a verminous vile race hell bent on killing all whites.

>no news on European sites about a shithole on another continent
Wow what a surprise.

I think you mean German my nonwhite friend.

Brave words coming from a mutt

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>only 50 years
why does Brazil doesn't have death sentence yet?

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the data says 1 in 4 user

See? Now the anglo is trying to smear germans to deflect from his goal and bloodlust.

Nobody reported the african-american slaughtering people days ago, and when they did there was no name and no race.

Quintessentially American

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population is to small. You need certain numbers before murdering work labor is ok.

>*rapes child*
>*castrates child*
>*decapitates child*
>*peels off skin and puts body on a grill*

Not an ounce of implications and whites already pull the DINDU NUFFIN card while simultaniously attack others.

There's literally nothing wrong with that pizza

Anglos aren't human, why do you put these animals to the same standards as humans?

How the fuck is that man not dead?

>14 year old secretly giving birth

I get the genitals cutting but the decapitation was too far.

If these chicks were hot your reaction would be completely different

if americans died from drinking oil, the world be a better place

This shit reminds me so much of this scene in passion of the Christ. These "people" are honestly possessed.

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>people who look like pic related
>being mentally ill and doing shit like that

>homosexuals are non-mentally ill, decent and normal people

to truly become a girl, they had to remove the boy's brain. makes perfect sense.

>my fetish good
>your fetish bad

You should get out more. Sounds like you live a very sheltered life. This shit happens all over the world. Girls in russia that are underage give birth like this all the time.


They are too progressive for this time period and ahead of their time. Don't worry people, this will be seen as completely normal and rational in the near future.

I fucking hate lesbians. No form of homosexuality is acceptable.

no it wouldnt
i'm not a pussy whipped retard like you

He’s Florida man

>tfw america and europe are on their way to becoming like brazil


that's what some of them claim

so I guess we should be adding 'pathological liars' to the infographic

that can't be real

>1000 or more sexual partners.
Wait seriously? That is something to be proud of. Weak propaganda.

Their society is falling apart, but don't worry that's what America will look like in 20 years tops.

So he doesn't get the clicks.

Attached: Lesbians decapitate 9 year old boy a year after severing his genitals to turn him trans.png (616x4385, 1.7M)

Living in Brazil is already a death sentence

is this from that new netflix anime?

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Im not clicking that shit, nigger

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rent free

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Based and, dare I say, redpilled?

What does it say?

Imagine being born that kid. Not only are you born in a shitty 3rd world shithole... you also have 2 evil lesbos for parents that cut your dick off and behead you. Probably treated him like complete shit to that point too. Sad!

I can't read smörröbröd

USA more or less forced all SA countries to sign into human right agreement that they themselves didn't sign.
This is one of the few thing that are actually USA fault

What's with the fake shock? Ugly people are insane no matter race, gender or nation. If we jailed/executed every ugly beast violent crime would drop dead overnight. Especially overweight/underweight people need to be cleansed.

Shut up monkey

also gamers aren't mentally ill, addicts are, holy fuck how dense can you be

>all these russian flags
Really makes me think.

Translate the Snowmonkey into Human language please.

it's not ugly people
it's feminists and other "progressives"

This shit is the future the left wants in the west. A mutted brown society, ruled by (((chosen people))) where little boys are forcefully castrated by raging bulldykes.

22 gallons
I'm pretty sure drinking a gallon of water in an hour is very unhealthy, there's no way somebody could drink that much oil in a night

You don't get it, if we normal 30+ folks can't have sex, all sex must be bad.

I can't read arabic.