is the collection of mana worth buying ?
also secret/trials of mana thread
is the collection of mana worth buying ?
also secret/trials of mana thread
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>$40 for games that are almost 30 years old
I will pirate it.
If you want to support the Mana series in the west then yes. If you don't give a fuck the games have been free to emulate for decades.
So wait a second, trials of mana is a remake of secret of mana 3, which is in this collection? For like the first time ever?
Holding out for a Limited Run or something. Don't like owning a download license, especially not for 20+ year old roms.
Literally emulate them while you wait for Trials of Mana remake
This is the one with the tentacle bait, right?
But it has a physical release (SE store only)
Nah, its the original version called Trials of Mana.
I bought it solely because Seiken Densetsu 3 is one of my favorite games and it's cool to finally have an official English release.
Collection of Mana includes:
Final Fantasy Adventure (aka Seiken Densetsu 1, also known as Adventure of Mana) for Gameboy
Secret of Mana (aka Seiken Densetsu 2) for SNES
Trials of Mana (aka Seiken Densetsu 3) also for SNES
This is the very first time that we're actually getting officially translated SNES version of Seiken Densetsu 3, localized as Trials of Mana.
Then there's the remakes which are NOT part of this collection.
Sword of Mana is a GBA REmake-style 2D remake of the original with drastic alterations, in fact it alters more than REmake did compared to RE1.
Adventure of Mana is a faithful Vita/Mobile 3D remake of the original with no drastic alterations like Sword of Mana did.
Then there's the Secret of Mana (2018) which is a 3D remake of the SNES Secret of Mana.
And finally there's the upcoming Trials of Mana (2019) which is a 3D remake of SNES Trials of Mana.
so the collection includes the 3 SNES version of the 3 secret of mana games ?
Wait for the remaster version of Seiken Densetsu 3 you dumb nerds
You mean 2 SNES and one Gameboy.
And they are not "Secret of Mana" games you fucking retard, Secret of Mana is the title of the second game.
and third one, which is secret of mana 2
It's called Trials of Mana you stupid monkey, "Secret of Mana 2" was fantranslation fanfiction.
So you're calling secret of mana 0 "Final fantasy" too?
I'm done replying to your stupid retarded ass, I'm out.
Better question, did someone rip the trials of mana rom yet?
Seiken Densetsu 3: Secret of Mana 2: Trials of Mana
Can someone explain this to me?
The collection of mana contains Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana, but then they announced Trials of Mana and it was a 3D game. Is that a remake or what? My friend said it was a completely new game so i'm fucking confused.
Final Fantasy Adventure 3
Nvm was explained in literally 2 posts
the games included in the collection of mana are the SNES roms
the trials of mana is the remake of one of the snes games included in the collection
I'll probably get it when it releases physically. 40 euros is a fucking steal though.
Trials of Mana in the collection is the original
They also announced a 3D remake of it at the same time.
game's proper title is sword of mana, it's on GBA. too bad FFA is a better game than that.
Not him but thanks for the clarification.
There's Trials of Mana on SNES and there's Trials of Mana 2020. One is a 20+ year old game finally localized in the West, the other is a remake that's single player with no details released beyond speculation. 2020 looks far far more action oriented. SNES was great for it's time, but the fan translation seems to be better and can be patched for 3 player mode and netplay.
> It's another "old games shouldn't cost any money" episode
don't me mind me guys just posting best girl of the whole series
Sword of Mana was pretty cool in that the boy and girl had differing paths. Still a shame it wasn't included
I bought it because I never played the first or third game. Recently experienced a bizarre glitch in the first but it's been pretty fun.
The stories are standalone yeah?
I can play ToM without having played the previous 2?
>only shipping option is priority, which slaps a 48 dollar shipping fee on it
i'll stick to emulating them thanks
i'll pick up the remake for sure though
Yes. They're set in the same world 100s of years apart so there's a common lore but other than that they can be played individually.
too much story revisionism to make me like sword over FFA, like having Wally live so the Girl can have a character she recognizes with to speak to. would have been a good inclusion on top of FFA, 40 bucks is too steep just for 3 roms.
oh nice, thanks man.
ToM looks dope and I can't wait to play it.
yep, every mana game can be treated like it's own walled off entry, you don't need to play FFA to understand what Trials is going for.
Yes, although Secret of Mana is a fucking gem and you should play it as well
If only Legend of Mana was included too... then all games in the series that are worth playing would be in the collection.
God I hate it when they pack games together like this because they know most people are only interesting in one of the games.
Why does Seiken Densetsu 3 - a 20 year old SNES game - get a digital release PLUS translation and Mother 3 not?
I never played FFA, so I can't speak to those changes. It scratched an itch, but only so much.
well that's the thing, the story revisions they added only did muddy the story. Wally wasn't a very interesting character to keep around. the narrative structure of FFA is more focused on the Boy's role, so obviously he rescues, then gets assisted by the girl. Sword basically made you play the game twice if you wanted all the story, which FFA was already around so i wasn't interested to stick to the late game.
Because Secret of Mana sold billions of copies back in the day and was received as one of the best games ever made while Earthbound sold like shit.
If you want the official translation for a game that never released here before, yeah definitely.
You also get 2 other solid games in the pack to boot, 1 of which can be played with up to 3 players.
It's on Amazon and Best Buy too.
Secret of Mana was early in the SNES lifespan,
Earthbound was towards the end of it. the timing was not kind to EB's success window.
nupill me on this
I've only played Seiken Densetsu 3 and I really liked it
Weird they didn't include GBA Secret of Mana
you already played roms, so now pay for roms.
a gameboy game and two snes games for $40
You mana purists probably wont like it but how would you feel about a mana remaster or even
3d remaster?
Link's Awakening is just 1 Gameboy game and it's gonna cost $60. Mana is a good deal.
Vote with your wallet. Trials should have 3 player, Sword should be included, and all 3 games that aren't FFA should have netplay. Maybe. Maybe! If it was $30. My money is tight and it's allocated for Cadence of Hyrule; but Trials 2020 looks like a day one buy
I thought pic related was shit graphicswise, but Trials of Mana looks decent so far.
you got the new coat of paint and a new zelda dungeon online mode, it's a pretty nice look in comparison to 4 by 3 ratio roms with some static backgrounds to fill the sides.
How is the collection does it run well or is it filled with sound and graphic bugs
The remake that came out was a middling at best PS2 game. It should have had the aesthetic of the box art. If they revamped it, if buy it.
40 bucks is ludicrous, be real.
The original Trials of Mana is now getting (officially) translated for the first time for this collection.
At the same time, the game is getting a 3D remake.
They chose this title to remake specifically because it's unknown outside Japan and would seem like a brand new story to the west
Do the games have co-op?
Secret and Trials does. FFA is not even link cable compatible.
>They chose this title to remake specifically because it's unknown outside Japan and would seem like a brand new story to the west
Naive companies think emulators don't exist.
40$ is horseshit but I really like this game, gonna start a new run with my bud later today. Finally gonna tackle Hawk/Lise path.
But user, that's illegal
You wouldn't copy that floppy!
Should I get Collection Of Mana, or for the same price get Tales Of Vesperia + Star Ocean 3 & 4, or for the same price get Disgaea 5 Complete?
You could get Disgaea 5 Complete second hand somewhere else with better pricing.
Charlotte is adorable and I love her, but damn she's hard to play as, I hope she gets rebalanced in the remake.
Where's Legend of Mana though?
jesus christ
If you're a collector, yes it's worth it.
Nu-Square at is again.
God is dead.
coop was the best part actually (except for the fucking time stopping whenever someone wanted to cast a spell or use an item.) - so a big no go for me in regards of the collection. heres hoping the remake will have coop too
Is this game part of the "of Mana" franchise? Or is this a spin-off or something
Remake looks to be 1 player exclusively, because netplay would be too fucking amazing with the way that combat looks...
>no legend of mana
into the trash it goes
Yeah, it's a spin off of this series.
please do not destroy all of my hopes.
Ah yes, the dozens of potential customers who played and emulation of Trials of Mana.
>$40 for three games totaling over 100 hours play time is too much
You're just a broke ass NEET and/or zoomer.
Do you really want Legend of Mana in graphics like this? A remake would need to be full 2D hand-draw, otherwise what's the point since the older will look better
Why didn't they include Sword of Mana?
That game was good.
I don't even think Legend of Mana is good, but there is no reason not to include it.
pay 40$ and buy old jrpgs and youll get more hours and more games, idiot. jeezus christ, nu-Yea Forums.
I believe in supporting developers. Those developers are no longer there.
I firmly do not believe in supporting western localisation teams. Western localisation teams would get a cut of my money.
I do support the harm of western localisation teams.
I'm so sorry...
>By the way, is there multi-player?
>This time it's single-player only.
>$40 for 3 roms
user don't be a retard. there's a rather large grey area between wanting games for free and getting fucked in the ass by publishers.
I would have bought it but the roms are dumped already. I will buy the new 3d one tho.
fuck this shit, pirate day one then. wouldve really loved to support it.
And all interest lost
it's literally just a worse version of a game I already play for free.
how did they manage to be worse and less faithful writers than a fansub
people who buy this are either unaware or retarded cucks
I was considering this because I am desperate for a good switch game right now
however apparently the game has aged LIKE SHIT
also 40 dollars WTF??
You never know user. Square Enix could hire Grezzo (who's founder was director of the Mana series til 2006) to work on Mana projects after the success of OoT3D and MM3D.
Ever Oasis could even be considered an almost spiritual successor to the Mana series if Mana wasn't still also being developed for.
>less faithful writers than a fansub
And you know this because you can read Japanese and have compared all 3 scripts?
>and less faithful writers than a fansub
You are stupid enough to think Kevin spoke like a damn caveman in the original script? The only odd shit in the new translation is how they choose to portray Charlotte's simple way of speaking.
2 snes roms and a fucking gameboy rom. for $40
crazy shit
I would buy it for $30 if it also included sword of mana and adventure of mana. but no way for what they offer
>however apparently the game has aged LIKE SHIT
It's 3 games and only a zoomie would think that.
Ironically, modern games borrow heavily from these 3 titles (in particular the cooldown to do strong attacks and channeling to strengthen attack ideas).
No. Just use an emulator. The games aren't even very good. I just replayed SD2 and oh man does that game have serious problems.
>This time it's single player only. We though that for this kind of remake, it'd be more fitting to prioritize a new sense of immersion by using a third-person view. We tried using a bird's eye perspective with multiplayer, but after much discussion we agreed that we wanted to avoid the case of "If you run after two hares, you will catch neither" and focus on single player instead.
It's like they aren't aware multiplayer doesn't have to be split/shared screen and can be done online
I wanted to grab it but not at that price. It's not like it's even a full collection or anything so I'm not sure how they think they can justify that.
How many JRPGs have online co-op?
It's not like you aren't aware online multiplayer in a big seamless world requires quite the budget to maintain a frame where players can follow each other uninterrupted; looking at the previous Mana remakes budget isn't abundant, the fact this one even has better visuals is surprising enough.
How many JRPGs have local multiplayer?
Today I shall remind them:
The shit version of The Oracle they used
The "alternate" version they decided NOT to use
I bought secret of mana when it was released for the snes. It is still my favourite game of all time, mainly due to the soundtrack. That fucking soundtrack still haunts me, every single fucking day, a solid 25 odd years later, I'm still humming those tunes while I'm driving or mowing the lawn or doing the dishes and shit. Every single day. I truly think I will have mystic invasion playing in my head on my deathbed. A blessing and a curse. Goddamn that was a good soundtrack.
its Sqeenix, what are you expecting?
they sell TWEWY final remix at full price, which was essential a mobile port of a ds game
>$40 for three roms
>one of which is a fucking GB game
at that price, legend of mana should be in there
I’m a little mad Children of mana isn’t in this collection
It was my first game that got me not the rest
So, I don't understand SE. The new Switch game is a remake of the second game, Trials of Mana, but the first game remake, Secret of Mana, is only available on PS4 while the second one will only be available on Switch. Is that right?
It doesn't really makes sense.
>release The Last Remnant on Switch for $20
>this is fucking FORTY U S D
Trial remake is on PS4, PC, and Switch. The collection is Switch only.
Is The Last Remnant any good?
Trials of Mana is the third game and Secret of Mana the second game.
its fun. a rather new battle system, nice difficulty, and a decent story
its a decade old game tho, but 20 bucks is worth it
You level up you die. You dont level up you die. If you dont learn a random skill you die.
It's pretty damn good. Yea Forums overrates it a bit but it's a fantastic little RPG.
It's a mixed bag, some people like masturbate over it due how difficult the battles and complex the stats tree can be. Otherwise it's very average.
Completely agree.
Would also make it actually worth it.
Do you like SaGa games?
If so it's good.
It's like a Saga game.
And it never explains its mechanics.
Story is boring though.
You must be an adult who's really bad with money.
I get there’s a lot of SJW translators but a ton of them simply don’t care and just translate stuff straight.
No memes, no retconning, nothing just an 95% accurate translation
> Having a free emulator on Switch when you get the online
> "Please pay 40 bucks for 26 years old games"
Please don't be ridiculous, you know they're overpriced.
It's bad, the story is completely forgettable along with its characters, people just like for the sake of labeling themselves as above casuals who play hard games.
>the story is completely forgettable along with its characters
Neither of these are true.
Well they fucked SD3's translation, they made Charlotte tawk wike this aww the time
Any group that used that god awful font doesnt deserve my money
They are true, nobody cares or talks about the characters because it is that mediocre, there's more to dicuss on making charts about how to decipher the giant stats tree the game doesn't explain.
Is it at least perfect emulation I hate how collection now are all shit
>console game
>worth buying
Of course not.
Pirate/emulate it.
Who approved of this?
Then again the creator themselves can also be Genius yet retards.
Let’s create some of the most fun and ironic games of all time!
>Also Miyamoto
Let’s fuck Paper Mario into a shit filled grave
I will buy the physical edition just for collection sake but the fan translation honestly looks better than the official one to me. Better font too. Besides what I really want is that remake
>$40 for the collection
Nah, i'll wait for the remaster of trials of mana
Are these games in the collection remastered/have the resolution upscaled at all or are they just another rom dump?
In contrast to the fantranslarion that didn't convey Charlotte's simple speak as much as it should, yet choose to make Kevin speak like a caveman? Both scripts have questionable points.
I bought the collection and will be skipping the remake. Not much point in paying 60 for one game when I can pay 40 for three.
>nobody cares or talks about the characters because it is that mediocre
"Nobody" talks about the story because most people are legitimately too stupid to follow the usual non linear storytelling that is a lot more focused on worldbuilding than telling a generic, shitty hero's journey like most of the genre.
Those that actually paid attention and interacted with your roster of over 40 characters, all of which have their own stories, know that there's some pretty rich narrative in the game, and some really good characters, you are evidently one of those who didn't, if you ever even played the game given how you can about stat "trees" that are also completely linear.
>i get the better deal
imagine spending fourty shekelbux for three (3) roms
Can you do two players with joycons? Any online play?
im so hurt now! i have to now rumage my life in this Yea Forums website in shame. i got pictured on and most likely going to get you'd on again right after this. with most hopefully another picture. its shameful that i got you'd on
Ok, so how would you linguistics experts localize Charlotte's dialogue? The original japanese text has her speaking only in "kana", as in she doesn't use any kanji like the rest of the cast, in Japan that's how a pre-school would likely write since they aren't versed in using kanji properly yet. So would you just say fuck it and eliminate Charlotte's unique text just so you won't cringe at baby speak?
The team making this new remake has no relation to the team that remade Secret of Mana, right? Because, what the fuck.
How do you turn
>Character's text is written in a different alphabet
>Localize it by changing what the character says
How about just using a different font that looks like kiddy shit like Comic Sans MS
Imagine spending 60 on something that will just be inferior to the original
How would a comic book font give the impression she speaks like a child? When the hell was a comic book font ever used to convey that?
How the fuck does text being written with a different alphabet BUT STILL USING THE SAME WORDS translate to "Whewe awe you going?". She doesn't use different words, she uses a different text. So change the text, not the words. You know this decision was made by the same fucking faggot who gives everyone accent in Dragon Quest too. I bet the dwarves are gonna have some quirky speech pattern too.
I like 's idea.
My question would be whether the kana of the original was also meant to imply different speech patterns or if there are just badly-pronounced words in the original script. If it was, then kiddy pronunciations are fine, though you might argue they're overdone in the translation.
>inferior to a shitty clunky snes 4MB rom game
They'd have to try really hard for that to happen.
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
>no Legend of Mana
Into the trash it goes. That game worth being a timeless classic just for ost alone.
I mean childish fonts exist.
I can't say for anyone else, but personally as a big fan of SD3. I would spend $40 on it alone, only because I played it so much so I can finally support the creators now that it is out in the west.
The game doesn't look like it has the biggest of budgets and if multiplayer had to be sacrificed then so be it. Most of the SD3 fags here played the game singleplayer on emulator anyway.
Good thing i'm 39
It's cute. That's all you need to know about the obvious daughterfu-bait character.
What's "ludicrous" is that imported Japanese games used to cost as much as $80 in '94 or 95', see Chrono Trigger. You gotta account for inflation, so that's actually closer to $120. And here's three games for like $13 each. Why not? People here think it's dumb cause they've already played all these games, but there's people who haven't who would totally buy this.
Also it's a bummer that the remake's single player only. I wish they had it so if another player joined, the camera would shift to top-down, which I think people would be willin to have if it meant multiplayer. But maybe the team ran out of time or decided it wasn't worth it, because of, well, time.
What part of "writing only in kana to convey child speaking" you didn't understand? That nuance is only possible in japanese, it is not the same as changing fonts, localizing that is either a case of changing the text or not changing at all and dropping its meaning.
It's fun if you use a guide but at which point, you're not really playing the game anymore. Also, it's the bad port where they took away all the helpful stuff in the now removed PC version.
It probably won't support the actual creators.
Yeah you're 39 all right, 39 months.
phsical copy comes out August 20th
I want to know nintendos plans for next gen and if you will keep downloaded games before I buy anything from them. If it's like the Wii all over again then they have lost a customer.
>it is not the same as changing fonts,
comic sans disagrees with you
You can write a word in kana or in kanji, it's still the same fucking word.
Hey, you mind reading this book for me?
Very helpful, actually. Thanks!
The remake of Trials of Mana is gonna come out in 2020 and not this year, tho
Sorry I don't speak German
You would have pirated it if it was only $20 you filthy parasite
Final Fantasy: Adventure 0: Final Fantasy
Did they fix SoM's translation?
What is it with old games and a bunch of jaded fucks circling them?
>have secret of mana for the SNES
>never played it
should I? got nothing to do today
No it's the same American rom as always.
>Trials of Mana is one of the conclusions we arrived at through trial and error while listening to the feedback from [the remake of] Secret of Mana.
>Early in development, we created a prototype that was even closer to the original game, but as a remake after 25 years we were not satisfied with that
You have to be a high level to beat the last boss and it has some difficulty spikes.
I hope this somehow sells well, I miss when Square actually put effort into Mana since Kingdom Hearts didn't exist yet so it was their main action RPG series.
Regardless of what you think about each game Mana was always extremely experimental and it was exciting to try a new game and see what they came up with this time.
The games always had amazing art directions and soundtracks too. Legend of Mana had the best visuals and soundtrack I've ever experienced in a video game, too bad the combat was shit and ruined the game.
>"We discovered we were stupid. We promise never to be stupid again."
I'll believe it when I see it.
Yeah, but all those moves were sweet and using different moves together to learn more moves was rad.
she's truly the best girl
This is why I'm so excited, for the Mana series finally returning in what looks to be a remake with actual effort put forth. Maybe we'll get some new Mana games if this Collection and Trials sells well, obviously SoM and FFA remakes seemed to perform good enough to get Trials of Mana officially translated and also remade. Definitely one of my most exciting moments during E3.
In the trash where it belongs because started the down fall of Mana series.
They said if trials does well that they wanna remake legend too.
So if I wanted to play the remakes I'm better of just getting Adventure of Mana, Secret of Mana (2018) and Trials of Mana (2019) then skip this cash grab of a "collection"?
Final Fantasy Adventure is Sword of Mana. Sword of Mana is shit too fucked up the story and everything.
Let's see what kind of gamer Yea Forums is. Do you grind to 18 for class change before you leave for ghost ship so you can class change or do you just wait it out until the next Mana stone?
Legend of Mana had perfect plot, graphics, soundtrack, crafting system and pet raising system. If it had Secret of Mana's combat system it would be the best game ever made.
wait it out, usually happens around snow stone
Even if you aren't a nostalgiafag the remakes are all worse than the originals except for maybe Trials as it hasn't come out yet. Why would you do that?
Wasn't it also a pain in the ass to craft the best stuff? Like, there was a huge guide you had to follow that contained stuff you never realistically could have figured out on your own?
>If it had Secret of Mana's combat system
>SoM Combat
The only things LoM needs are proper statistical balance since you just outrun things on that front even faster than the rest of the series AND a proper stagger system for enemies so that they don't flinch when you sneeze at them for easy infinites.
As far as actual combat is concerned, it's theoretically above the rest of the series in mechanical depth, it's just that it's unbalanced as all fuck because it was a rushed game.
Okay now I barely remember the original SD2. But what the fuck happened? It's like they just decided to bass boost it and revamp it with some bagpiping.
This is my first time playing secret of mana. Am I supposed to grind in this game? Ive been getting stun locked by enemies and fucking dying instantly. I dont think it's supposed to be like this
I take it the screen on the left of your image is the new localization?
was the remake of secret of mana any good?
Only good things about Legend of Mana were art style and music because everything was trash.
Grind and find your other party members?
Are you the same guy as ?
The only real hard part early game in my opinion is the forest that leads to the witch's castle.
Because I don't have nostalgia?
doesn't the fucking game have 3 player? i seen shit for controller 1 2 and 3!
The collection also has 3 players.
No netplay though
You only have to grind magic and that takes like 10 minutes. If you grind magic and set up the AI properly (bottom left square in the grid or the square above that if the NPCs are attacking too often for you) you won't have any difficulty with the game.
Yep that's me. Just trying to get some help before I drop this fucking game
get Tales + Star Ocean
Well I made a suggestion in the thread.
's advice is solid too. Have you also considered buying equipment at a shop? Pretty sure you can buy accessories at Neko's Inn by the Water Palace.
No, the right one is the new localization, left is the fan translation.
Charlotte is meant to speak like a child, but the new localization went too far with it, while the fan translation did too little, but looks better as a result.
Digital old games, yes. whats the problem? fucking 60 dollar BRAND NEW AAA games go to 10 dollars after 3-6 months, or go to 1 dollar in humble bundles.
If they want to make new copies of old cartridge games that would be different but ofc no cashgrab op wants to actually do anything with an investment cost or take effort
Secret of Mana is in most best games of all time lists and you're suggesting low budget generic trash (Tales) and the worst Star Ocean games instead. Fuck this place.
>Secret of Mana is in most best games of all time lists
That's supposed to be an argument in favour of SoM?
When I'm done with the volcano island I go back to Rolante to change class.
The beginning of the game is one of the most difficult. Mainly out of a lack of options early on.
>Go get your 2 party members ASAP
>set up the AI properly (bottom left square in the grid or the square above that if the NPCs are attacking too often for you)
>get new armor
>make sure you're playing right, you're supposed to hit the enemy then dodge their attacks as you wait for your percentage to get higher/hit 100%/go for charge attack. Don't just stand their tanking hits.
Unless the money goes to the original creators, then no, it shouldn't cost money.
Secret of Mana is clunky as fuck in comparison to modern games, it's still a good game, but I enjoy the gameplay of Tales and Star Ocean more.
Does anyone know if this fixes Legend of Mana?
not him, but i'm also starting the game for the first time
i just defeat Tropicallo and got Popoi where the heck is Primm ?
Jesus christ how horrifying. There's a steam page up for this, right?
She was at the castle that you probably never explored. Head towards the Forest.
It's Switch only.
Even if you don't recruit Primm as early as possible, you'll eventually run into her later, so don't worry
reminder there is a bug fix patch for the fan translation version of sd3 since square couldn't be assed to fix a single thing after 20 years
She's past the forest now. I think you could go back to Pandora and still get her there as well?
At least the remake won't have these bugs. But yeah it sucks that they didn't bother for the original game.
Iktf user.
Some of us want to play the actual game, same one the Japanese have been experiencing for decades, not a shitty mod made by a literally who.
crit being disabled and buggy was likely for balance concerns as i heard it results in randomly getting fucked earlygame and dominating the endgame
>Class change actually changes the clothing the character has along with their colors
>More scenes with banter between the characters, maybe little dialogue as you explore new regions, or shit happens and they talk on the map screen, and little differences depending on who is in your party for these little events
>Have an in game menu, or some library detailing skills and magic you gain from getting certain paths so that you don't need to keep checking online
>Fix balance on all characters, and don't just make Kevin the fucking monster again, and balance out the damage for magic along with casting times
>Remove useless stats or fix them (Agility is seemingly gone from stats shown)
>Make Angela still act like a shameless slut
>NG+ feature where you get to explore final dungeon for each scenario with any party composition you want, if you managed to unlock it in game, and classes. If you beat all 3 scenarios and final bosses, you unlock an extra final dungeon in that mode
This is all I can think of at the top of my head that i'd want from the remake.
>have 40 Euros
>Already have SoM & SoM2 on my """"""""""""""modded""""""""""" Snes Classic
My common sense is saying to me "Why should i buy something AGAIN what i already have?"
Seiken Densetsu 3 is in English for the first time, if that alone isn't worth it to you, then I don't know what to say.
>i want to play the version where most characters have their light or dark classes completely gimped in some way or another due to bugs
any mana fan did that 20 years ago user
A true mana fan waits for official releases to support the series you fag
a BASED true Mana fan supports me on my patreon.
Everyone whois complaining about the price is missing a point: this isn't just a port of SoM and SD3, it's a port you can play on the go. Not even the Vita can emulate these games well.
I wonder if characters will get more/new tech attacks.
The price sucks for an old game. But in terms of quality to price, Its one of my best purchases fpr a while. SD3 is so good.
i'm not paying sixty bucks for a game i beat when I was 12
enjoy the wait user. maybe in another 20 years.
>plays SNES JPRGs on my mobile for the past 10 years
Sorry what were you saying?
okay but can i play secret of mana/trials of mana with my buds locallly
Only if you have a portfolio of over 1000 Riesz drawings.
Can someone make a cia out of the offical Trials of Mana snes version?
You piece of shit.
>no online multiplayer
this. im just waiting for the rom to be dumped so i can play on my snes classic
>waiting for the rom to be dumped
People said this was a mobile only game, but I see it's on the Vita as well. Was there anything wrong with the vita version?
>the remake won't have any god-tier art because the artist, Hiro Isoni, died.
press F
Children of mana is a spin off though, nothing to do with the rest, legend and sword (gba version) should have been included though
Not really, looks good and plays at a stable 60FPS too, it's an extremely faithful remake of the original though, so don't expect anything but a GB game with a new coat of paint and a better translation.
You can also change to OST to the GB original, which is neat.
thank you for announcing my arrival
why is he so damn cute
>and sword (gba version)
It has no other versions and it's a remake of FFA that nobody likes.
Yiff in hell, furfag
>tfw no one remembers this game
>prequel of Seiken Densetsu 3
>could be great but plays like Starcraft
WTF Square Enix? Why you did this game like that?
what the fuck? I said cute you retard
At least the setup music is great:
You can preorder the physical copy, you know.
Secret of Mana has shit music.
0/10 bait, try harder
Good bait
In the japanese text Charlotte has some switched phonemes that are characteristic of children speaking (undeveloped vocal tract), as well as the mentioned fact that is all written in kana only, which could be very well be conveyed through clever word choice.
However she only swaps phonemes in very specific words, like desu->dechi, atashi->atachi, which probably means that whoever wrote it was concerned about legibility.
The official translation got that there was a need for replicating the phoneme exchange but chose poorly, having something that punches you in the face every word instead of something that shows up once or maybe twice a sentence in the original.
In both cases, the fan translation and the official one, the translators were lazy and went for the simplest solutions in regards to this matter.
As for having a different font for the character alone, that is a bad idea. It is much more trouble than it is worth and creates a dissonance in the text. Then shouldn't all children in the game have the same font? If you're going that far to represent a speech personality, why not do it for other characters, like Kevin too having a specific font to represent his traits?
It's also at Best Buy.
Hiroo Isono, faggot. The guy was an absolute legend and one of my favorite artist.
His promotional art for SD2/Secret of Mana was just his old paintings with sprites plastered on it though.
Sorry, it was a natural reflex against anyone showing any sort of adoration for furry creatures.
Has anyone else been spamming meridian child on repeat since the reveal trailer?
If you want the official translation, you can literally just download the dumped rom from the collection. There's no real reason to buy this unless you specifically want the games on Switch.
As there a probably a few people who never played Seiken Sensetsu 3 here, I'm posting some of my favorite team compositions:
>Spin to win: Duran (dark/dark), Kevin (light/light), Lise or Carlie
>Magical focus: Angela (all but light/dark), Hawk (dark/light), Lise (light/dark)
>Physical focus: Kevin(dark/dark), Hawk (dark,dark), Lise (light/dark) or Carlie (light/light)
>I don't want to actually play anymore: Carlie (dark/any), Angela (any), Hawk (light/dark)
>Great for multiplayer: Duran (light/light), Kevin (dark/dark), Hawk (light/light or dark/dark)
I liked legend of mana.
Nah you just got caught memeing faggo
Be vewwwy qwuiet. Im huntin' wocawizers.
I'd fuck it too
stupid negrosexual
nice game you there manaturds
>Great for multiplayer: Duran (light/light), Kevin (dark/dark), Hawk (light/light or dark/dark)
light/dark for Duran and dark/light for Kevin are also great here
Gotta hand it to you, never seen a poster openly admit how shit they are at games like this. I was able to beat this game as an 8 year old with a guide.
You're fucking pathetic and/or an absolute zoomer. Kill yourself
it's not my fault if the game is so clunky and doesn't even give you the chance of getting up and evading the enemies
I bought it because I always wanted to try getting into this series and I reay needed a new rpg's for my switch. FFA is pretty fun so far
It's worth it just for the official translation of SD3 alone
It you haven't played them that's your best chance to experience the three best Mana games
You're better of playing AoM than FFA.
Dont bother just get the remake when it comes out.
But SD3 actually translated and Secret of Mana are well worth it
Temp shit user, Black market is basically a crutch that sells single-use items of spells like multi-heal, attack up, etc in case you make completely bonkers teams and need the extra juice
Universally, the stun mechanic feels like absolute dogshit. Not even just on the player, either because of all the weird inconsistent moments of invincibility and you can literally just stunlock bosses to death with spells. Seiken Densetsu 3 absolutely handled it better.
I liked Secret of Mana, but it's silly to even claim that it's not clunky as shit because "gib gub xddd haha funnee reddit meme"
>game not clunky and dated because me beat it!!!
Absolute retard logic. Let's make that argument for fucking King's Field too.
Just avoid being stunlocked, it's easy. Git good.
I have only played Sword and I remember it having a very disappointing ending
use the boomerang you fucking idiot
I will pirate it because I do not own a switch. But I will also pay for it when I DO get a switch because I want more mana games that aren't shovelware like Heroes and Children.
Imagine being angry that you didn't win in a video game.
The fuck is happening with me
Hmmm I guess I didn't beat it 2 weeks ago then. Wow, thanks for letting me know, user.
Well, I beat it 20 years ago, so I guess that makes me better than you.
I was stuck on that for months as an 8 year old
Trials of Mana on Nintendo Treehouse coming now.
wait so Trials of Mana is a 3D remake of Seiken Densetsu 3 .. cool, what platforms?
Secret of Mana is my favorite game of all time, but there is no way in hell this is worth fucking $40. The Contra collection that also came out has more games and costs half that. It's ridiculous.
Twitch Nintendo.
You're essentially paying 20 for the official translation of SD3, 10 for SOM, 10 for FFA
I do still think it's a bit much though.
Chrono Trigger DS cost $40 and nobody complained.
I already had like 17 euros worth of gold coins in the eshop so I paid basically €23, it was worth it for me.
Plus, I never had the chance to play FFA and I'm actually liking it a lot more than expected.
So far this is great.
I heard the games have bars on the side you can't get rid of. Is that true? I really hate games hat do that
Definitive edition of the game with new content. SD3 had a weird translation and I've yet to read about online play. It's a tough sell, but not automatically skipped
Rate their team
They do.
basic bitch/10
Yeah, I couldn't find any way to turn them off, but it ended up not bothering me. You can switch the visuals between 3 different colors for FFA, and you can shrink it to original GB sizes, which is cool.
>Remember what this looks like right now for what's next
Oh boy, they'll show boss gameplay for the remake right?
>Um, on the title screen you can um, listen to the original tracks um, it was um, really popular um,
Um, why are you um, so um.
Just pre-ordered my physical copy. Seiken Densetsu 3 is worth the price alone.
why is Kevin a nigger now
>riesz is a very popular character in japan, i understand
This remake looks amazing, wow.
Because they couldn't render niggers properly in pixels.
He's always been one. City of Jad is still taken over by beastmen from the beginning, they skipped over the intro story portions to save time, and the music is gorgeous.
holy shit this looks good. the secret of mana remake was kinda shit
Fuck the music sounds great
And yes, I couldn't stop taking screenshots of Riesz.
Jesus christ the framerate. Is this because it's streaming.
why couldn't SoM get a remake like this? It's not fair
>Graphics are good
>Music is great
>Keeping the game close to its roots
Should I play trials of mana before the remake or wait for the remake?
Trial of Mana gameplay.
Looks like you can charge up your normal attack now too.
Play both, the remake will play differently for sure since it has a third person camera and it allows you to dodge.
>Sleeps with his armor on
Fuck. I guess it was a bit much to hope for topless Angela.
Play the original games, you fucking zoomer
>people are spamming NO CHANGES and NO 3D in both chats and residentsleeper
What the fuck do these people expect/want? SD3 already exists.
fairy fuck, it's awright
Fairy looks super cute.
The remake is comfy as fuck.
They want a remaster with high quality sprites aka expecting way too damn much from S-E. And dual audio is confirmed.
I love the way this looks. They really did good with it.
The graphics are good enough to convey the art direction well, that's all that matters.
Ahhh she's so cute
>those iconic snare drums
Rate their team.
Game looks like it might be a bit too easy though this boss isn't even a challenge
Isn't there English roms of Seiken Densetsu 3?
Neither was the original to be fair. It's like introduction to actual bosses.
Plus, their stats seemed inflated.
Maybe just adjusted to be easy to show how battles are.
Damage seems to be a lot higher, but its also a demo and Charolette had Holy Ba-err Bolt which looks like it has multiple hits Boss also had a LOT of damage points.
>you can select a spell for magic users to use as an auto attack so you don't have to pause the game all the time
Well, with enemies no longer getting free pot shots via magic/screen freezing attacks, I hope they adjust the enemies properly. And that was just a demo.
are those official sprites ?
They didn't pick Angela because they saved the best girl for later.
Switch, PS4, and Steam.
When can I buy it?
They didn't pick angela because they haven't finished censoring her yet.
How awkward was that for the japenese devs thinking that people didn't know about this game or any of the characters?
So I can finally make Charlotte or anyone to heal the team when someone is in danger?
Fucking finally.
I would whack her bam if you know what I mean.
Was that Switch gameplay? Because if it runs well on Switch and isn't downgraded I'll buy it on switch instead of PC.
>Collection doesn't have online
Guess i'll wait for the remake
Hopefully they don't fuck it up and not add netplay to that either
Sadly, no.
hope they fixed the oading times though
Mana Collection and Trials remake were the best announcements of this E3 but zoomers don't know about the franchise anymore so they didn't get the attention they deserve.
>for people in north american this will be the first time they're playing this so we won't give spoilers
Those poor poor Japanese devs.
Wasn't the remake already confirmed to be single player only?
user.. its single player only.
im sure they know but can't just go around saying it
The remake is singleplayer.
That's because boomers are too busy arguing about Tifa.
You're not getting any co-op, better seppuku now user
I can't believe they actually said that. I felt secondhand embarrassment
They said “most” so i think they know
My guess is they wanted to remake SD3 only in the first place, but were told to do all three of them.
So they went low effort with the first two
>9. The developers had no idea there was a cult following in the West thanks to a fan translation at first. After the project was greenlit, the developers began searching on the internet about it and found the fan translation for the first time.
They know.
Oh, but it's perfectly fine for them to allude to Riesz' "popularity"
I hope it has a hard mode
Is everyone hyped for remake Pink Typhoon?
How can one devs be so based? I almost feel like I have an obligation to buy their game because I pirated the translation romhack back then.
i don't understand
is Angela supposed to be a succubus ?
She's a thot
>Game looks like it might be a bit too easy
Literally no Mana game has ever been anything but piss easy, they're games made for children or a very young audience.
They might include some kind of difficulty setting though, who knows.
>Trials remake looks miles better than the Secret of Mana remake
>plays like an Ys game
2020 can't come soon enough
>secret of mana
that stunlock says otherwise
How's the translation of 3 in the collection?
>yfw piracy actually saved the day
I did the same, moment I saw the remake and the Collection coming west, after the many many hours spent in SD3 because of the fan translation, I just shoved money in their face for the collection.
I have no qualms with buying the remake either. PC sure, but pondering getting it on switch for on the go.
The same thing would happen if Mother 3 ever actually got a official translation / remake.
I'm sure they know the majority of people that wanted to play it already have, but they can't just straight up acknowledge emulation like that. Especially with the way Nintendo is with that kind of stuff.
Don't tell me you're the guy from before who got filtered at the beginning of the game.
>Oyamada said that Collection of Mana was Switch-exclusive because they had to actually get the code for the games from Nintendo
I'm less surprised by the fact that they had lost it than I am by the fact that Nintendo actually HAD it.
Its pretty close to the fan translation, yes, even the lewd comments from Angela about Duran's "secrets" and the "Naughty Magizine."
Yes. I'm so glad they kept that beautiful cover. I've been hoping for this game to be localized since it was announced for Japan way back in the Switch's first year. I almost can't believe it actually worked out.
I won't pay more than one or two bucks for those old games, Sega does it right
How is possible that they never knew about this after like 20 years? I mean, i can't believe no one sais "Hhhmmm I'm curious if SD 3 has fans even when the game was never released out of Japan I'll search in the internet about it"
I can't believe that.
After this and FFVII remake I'm so happy right now. Enjoy this webm, Yea Forums.
Thanks.might get it just to have an official English version.
>want to support devs by buying the mana collection
>40 dollarydoodlers
I'm gonna need a gif of that guy fucking the building captain.
That's the furfaggiest game I have ever seen in my life, and I played Solatorobo.
Things I miss: No text colorization to highlight names or the DIEDIEDIE, everything is left justified and a few formatting things could be changed, but meh, its still good.
No, she's just a slut.
>music sounds right
>more interesting combat
This will be kino
Just show me a different model for an advanced class and it'll be done
It's pretty easy not to think of something. Right now, I'm not thinking of probably millions of things.
But c'mon, is your game from a series that was launched in America and was a decent hit, I really can't believe they started to search for fans when they started to make the remake.
the trials of mana is one of the rare case in which piracy actually saved a series rather than destroying it
if both collection and trials do very well sales, can we expect a secret of mana 4 ?
>Black Rabite
Are they going to add it in all routes?
Do we know they're actually translating the SNES ROM instead of just ripping off RPGe
That's not an official cover. There is no LoM on PS4. Here's the original game cover.
Seiken Densetsu 4 already exists, it's called Dawn of Mana.
Why is this allowed
>40 dollars
I know the games are worth it but it's still overpriced and the original devs don't even see any of the money
Are there any other cases like this? Also in this case the piracy was "justified" because it was never released here.
then secret of mana 5 ?
>the detail on those feet
I better be able change my character's armor or this is going to waste
>Are there any other cases like this?
i wish i could say MOTHER 3, but unfortunaly we never got an official mother 3 port, althought the fan translation did helped a lot to get the series recognizment
How do you even know? Can you read japanese? Did you play the japanese version?
You are probably the kind of person that sees rampant profanity in fan translations and cries that they are toning down the mature content when official translations come out and don't have characters swearing all the time
The internet wasn't what it is today when DS3 released, and the more time passes from it the less likely you are to think about it. Plus, most of the info is going to be in a foreign language. Not likely to accidentally stumble onto it.
That money ends up fueling other games though, that's what happened for Adventures of Mana and the SoM remake, without those you wouldn't have the current SD3 remake.
How consored will the ps4 version be
I wish
Was Dawn of Mana that bad?
It still hurts. I ended up learning Japanese for the sake of playing this.
Haha, Bandai you FORCED EVASION
Fuck this mechanic
>but zoomers don't know about the franchise anymore so they didn't get the attention they deserve
>mfw trials of mana is probably older than most people browsing Yea Forums
I really want to know if this is going to be an actual SNES ROM or some kind of hybrid that interjects English text over the Japanese display. I refuse to believe they had the source code laying around to do this and SE isn't competent enough to make a ROM hack like thsi
More screenshots please. I am at work.
0/10 literally the most boring possible options.
Not really, outside of the floaty jumps which are definitely horrible, it's a decent entry with really great music from Ito, it has the same exact flaws as the rest of the series, but came at a time where people were older, less impressionable and couldn't be blinded by nostalgia anymore.
It was mediocre. Not horrible, but nothing to write home about. Also the story was lackluster as well. You can tell they were sort of running out of ideas by that point.
It wasn't bad. Had a killer soundtrack too
I'm feeling generous so sure. Can't guarantee quality though.
Someone posted about it earlier in this thread, but apparently SE lost the source code, but Nintendo still had it and gave it to them (which is also the reason why the collection is switch only).
It's because it's a UE4 game on switch. Buy the PC version.
Both. Play one team on the original and a different team on the remake. There are 3 different story paths with two main characters on each.
>11. While the Secret of Mana remake was not on Switch, Trials of Mana is thanks to fan feedback over the lack of Mana on the console. Oyamada said that Collection of Mana was Switch-exclusive because they had to actually get the code for the games from Nintendo, meaning the Switch made sense.
How much code they lose, holy shit
probably a lot of it. They didn't care about these things back then.
Does it have the secret of mana remastered or is it really $40 for SNES roms?
I'm about to play Trials of Mana. What can I expect?
The Exceed fan translation is almost done
It's really $40 for SNES roms.
But to be fair, each of those games launched at $40
They launched 30 fucking years ago
is it worth to buy this game on android for 15 bucks ?
>(which is also the reason why the collection is switch only).
Assuming it is a real SNES ROM this will last for about 2 seconds
Oh you have your English seiken densestu 3 cart still?
Charging $40 for handheld ports of console games was always the norm. The Switch isn't a regular console you faggots.
No it's 100% worse than Sword of Mana.
>Squeenix lost the code meaning that Nintendo actually got arsed to give them.
How the fuck you lost code in first place?
If you have any other controls than touch, yeah, I'd play it on Vita personally.
Ignore the butthurt Swordfags, it's a great remake.
SE seems to be really, really bad at maintaining their shit
alot of their games source codes have been lost
What version of Secret of Mana should I play?
I've never played one or any SNES game before.
That's kind of steep for such a forgettable game.
Crafting system was sort of obtuse, even if you knew the recipe you wanted the number of steps could make it take over half an hour for the more complex things.
Original Secret of Mana on the SNES.
I mean they still had to recover the code and localize that shit from the ground up without aping the fan TL among other things. Character limit isn't a issue now. Sure it's a bit step, but I'd shell 40 for the limited physical version.
Companies have dumps or source code for ton of old games.
Either for playtest or burn them in ROM. What baffles me is that companies would rather do a butcher remake than chase them down.
Thanks user.
Was Children, Dawn, and Heroes THAT bad?
How viable is Riesz, Hawkeye and Angela as a party?
*console companies.
Yoshi's Island GBA port cost $40, Final Fantasy V's GBA port cost $40, Chrono Trigger DS cost $40 and so did A Link to the Past's GBA port, Donkey Kong Country's, Tales of Phantasia's, Mega Man and Bass', etc.
Handheld ports always cost $40 but this game is charging the same amount for not 1, but 2 SNES ports and a GB port including a game that was never officially translated before.
The price good.
Pretty viable. Those are my go to usually.
I have had a fan translation of trials since znes was launched in 1998
Any party is viable, the game is easy.
Children of Mana is good and has some of the best spritework of the DS. I loved that shit way back. Beautiful art. Wish I had friends to play it with.
It's not good when fucking Konami and Capcom are giving their collections at 20 bucks, no. Come on, I like the games too, but the price is fucking steep.
Thanks, that's what I'll go with then.
I can only say for Dawn, and it was... disappointing. The whole elemental bullet system (with them being scarce & limited), the stun system & object throwing (which tried to imitate Half Life 2) and your leveling being reset to 1 at the start of every level... All that made it quite a chore to play through Dawn of Mana (I remember Masked Guy boss, Mana Sword Guy boss and Medusa boss being the worst in case you DIDN'T have enough elemental bullets).
Graphics and music were great.
Optional monster farming mode was ok.
Tons of equippable medals were way expensive to use during your first playthrough.
>Buy Collection
>Start the Gameboy one
>Hmmm well this game has some pretty ugly ass graphics, I wonder what all the fuss is abou-
>Holy shit this is fucking awesome
>Destroying overworld obstacles and foliage with a swing of my fuckin scythe
>Oh my god I'm the motherfucking fist of the north star jesus christ
>Fuck yes! You are the most broken follower ever!
I can only imagine how good Secret/Trials is going to be. This is a solid GB game
This thread reminded me that I have Legend of Mana on my Vita that I really should get around to playing.
Children of mana was just alright. Decent length coop dungeon crawler. Had some neat customization with the crystal board.
Otherwise it was just forgettable
I'll pay them $40 to not give me the abomination that was the secret of mana remaster. The SNES rom is 100% the better of the two versions.
You should
Dragon path is best path, though you can theoretically do all 3 in one playthrough. Its easy to get locked out of the fairy path if you aren't careful though
children of mana was shit, it had basically no story and the gameplay was just repetitive dungeons that were all piss easy.
Secret is actually kinda funky gameplay wise. it's fun, but you can tell it's fairly experimental. I find Trials/Seiken densetsu 3 way more fun.
to be fair, konami and capcom didn't have to localize any of those games for their collections.
>Dragon path
>Fairy path
square enix likes to discount non mainline FF games for 50% after a while
immediate regret buying chocobo dungeon at launch
is there any upcoming discount for the collection then ?
It’s very okay, the sprite art is generally considered to be much nicer than the mobile style 3D art but the rest is pretty similar.
Its been a really long time but I don't remember Angela acting like a slut outside of her booty shake in some special attacks.
She did REALLY want to fuck that swordsman guy though.