Stop buying exclusives...

Stop buying exclusives. Exclusives are a last resort to get people to buy their console - proving that they would lose hard if they had cross-platform games.

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It’s easy to hate exclusives when your console doesn’t have any.


notice how the only argument snoyniggers EVER have is muh exclusives, muh tranny movie adventures, i fucking hate em

The Xbox manages to be a competitive platform due to superior hardware and game deals - not by buying out exclusivity deals. You are only hurting yourself by supporting exclusives.

>buy good games that make my console's library stand out
>this hurts me somehow
strange coping mechanism you've got, but whatever helps you sleep i guess

>Stop buying exclusives!

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It's not competitive at all they got steamrolled by Sony this gen badly


>proving that they would lose hard if they had cross-platform games.
case and point

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>The Xbox manages to be a competitive platform
lowest selling console
lowest attach rate
how does this thing compete again?

>the Xbone has only sold ~40m in five and a half years
>in the same time period, the PS4 has sold ~100m and the Switch is at ~32m after two and a half

Funny you should say that, considering the Xbox brand was actually good when it was intensively funding exclusive games and ports with exclusive content like pic-related.

It's been complete trash for the past decade.

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Cuckbox only got 1/7 of the market last week

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Xdrones will deny it but people bought a 360 for exclusives
Mass Effect
Dead Rising
The GTA IV Episodes
Halo 3
Gears Of War
these are the games that pushed the 360 over the PS3

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holy shit its nearing WiiU levels of failure

Kys xfag. Only exclusives even try anymore. Multiplatform games are just vehicles for microtransactions

>console you own has no exclusives


I only bought an Xbox 360 last gen because of the exclusive JRPGs on that console.

>defending exclusivity in videogames just to spite Xchads


>due to superior hardware
you retards are actually pretending the xbone and 1S don't exist just like Microsoft
only the 1X is stronger, and it makes up less than 10% of xbox' sold

>he thinks Xbone is the only console with no exclusives


People say that E3 2013 was where it all went wrong, but that's not true. Remember that after this, the 360 basically pissed away its entire lead.

yep, it lines up

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Like Street Fighter V?

>Stop buying exclusives
Not when there's good game like Bloodborne or uncharted my new friend.

>to be competitive
>have to hide sales numbers because of how much embarrassing they are
>gets dabbed on by the switch in 2 years and half

a multiplat game that is on PC and PS4

Only an Xbox fan could type this.

SFV ain't first party; First party Microsoft games are multiplats, not a single big singleplayer game has been seen from them since 2015

He is right though, if there were no exclusives anyone could make their cheap console like dvd players and you could enjoy all the game including nintendo's and other exclusives.

>Xbox One

>stop enjoying things I don't like
look at how pathetic your life is.

Microsoft console and games fail = Xbox becomes a PC service, games go multiplat


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Microsoft should kill Xbox and only push PC.

>PS4 is still selling like crazy
What the fuck?

Can people not tell what a falseflag thread is anymore?

And how many platforms is that on?

We all know how games for windows live turned out

>Xboxfags where constantly shittalking PC during gen 7 when Gears and Halo wernt going to be on it and GWFL making everything shit, acting all smug
>Xboxfags today only stand a chance by aligning themselves with PC or else they would have gone the way of the dreamcast years ago
get fucked Xfags

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Sony is not allowing it to be on the Xbox and Nintendo Switch due to their generous payments.
The Xbox is aligned with Steam and GOG against Sony and the Epic Games Store.

It's on PC though which is a Microsoft platform.


PC is a Valve platform, hence no steam - no buy

Microsoft is so cucked that it scrapped Winstore and is bringing games to PC

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Microsoft is paying Steam 30% of sales income for the opportunity to release Xbox games on Steam kek

xbots are so aggresive

I wouldn't worry about it. These threads are usually made by a lone autistic Sony loyalist around these hours.

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>The Xbox is aligned with Steam
Xbox is aligned with their own interests
if the Windows store wasnt a collosal failure they would have never considered releasing on steam

this was about the Cyberpunk sunposting threads you retarded nigger

It's easy to hate exclusives when you have a game pass sub and you want to play games on your Xbox and PC.

>xfag tried to stop people from buying exclusive because they don’t have any
It’s like poetry

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>It's easy to hate exclusives when you have a game pass sub and you want to play multiplats on your Xbox and PC.

How about i buy what i want you fascist cuck.

Yep. Game pass is the best shit. Sorry you don't have it on your PS4.

>s-s-stop buying exclusives guys you should all have a barren console generation like us it aint fair

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>PS4 continues selling like crazy
>Playstation exclusives continue selling like crazy
>Developer actually want to make PS exclusives, MS has to buy hacks to get any
>PS5 might actually be both stronger and cheaper than neXtbox
hope you enjoyed this ride Xniggers
because it aint over yet

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>Yep. Multiplat pass is the best shit.
Also you're assuming I'm a Sonyfag for no reason. Switch and PC are the best platforms this gen.

>his console has no game pass
>he still acts like he's a hot shit
How are you enjoying over than 100 games for $1 on your PS4?

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>multiplat pass
I'm dead.

The amount of reaching you have to do to hate a service like gamepass. Yeah, go pay Epic 60 bucks to play Metro. I can play it for $1

I still don't understand why I should buy an xbox
>Being made obsolete by a PC
>Not that much more powerful than a PS4 (pro) that it warrants picking it over a PS4 for multiplats
>Halo not even made by bungie anymore
>Severely missing out on nip games

As easy as it is to laugh at in retrospect, I completely get why M$ shelled out for timed exclusivity of RotTR. They NEEDED something to compete with Uncharted 4 that Christmas and couldn't have known that Naughty Dog planned on delaying it anyway. What I don't understand is how Phil Spencer actually saw this piece of shit, a game so bad it basically killed the IP as well as the studio, and honestly thought "Yes, this is worth putting money towards keeping it away from Sony and Valve for a year".

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I don't HATE Game Pass to be quite honest, but it should be there alongside exclusives, not instead of them.

Xbro I don't have a good reason to buy your platform but after microsoft's e3 I might invest in project Scarlett if all goes well. Also based, exclusivity is stupid and should die

The Xbox One is the only console doing backwards compatibility. That's one good reason to own one.

If anything I think people are retarded for buying a console that doesn't play them their games from the previous generation. Let alone a console without game pass.

How’s your other shit thread going?

See? It's like stomping your foot on the ground around pigeons when youtalk about the Game Pass around Sony fans.

>fearmongering anti-shill on Yea Forums
>giving advice
people will buy what they want and you can eat shit for it

>eighteen years or older
>console wars
this is why this board is a laughing stock

Holy shit OP got destroyed.

PS5 is backwards compatible all the way to PSX


>100 games for a dollar
>they're all unplayable crap bar Forza
like paying for a polished turd

This. All the games shown at E3 are multi platform and will likely sell the most on PS4 anyway.

Well they do have PSO2 I guess?

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What is the point of Gamepass? You people have backlogs already.

Here are another 50 games you will install and never play!

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I'm enjoying Quantum Break a lot.

Sony has nothing other wise they would have come to e3

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There is none. There are Cerny architecture patents that suggest it, but that's all they are, patents. It will definitely be PS4 back compat since they're both x86 architecture, there's zero reason for them not to be able to run the exact same games since it's essentially like a PC being upgraded.

It's basically "We want the Netflix audience".

Agreed the only reason to own a ps3 over a xbox 360 was ps2 games(but the fucker was designed so shitty that it would melt

Well Netflix binge watchers at least enjoy the TV shows.

Christ I have seen games were only 40% gets to the second level. Its embarrassing really. Videogames are already cheap as fuck- just wait 3-6 months for a sale.

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>Sony has nothing
They have the highest rated games and the biggest fanbase
What does Xbox have again? A bunch of hacks like double fine and Ninja theory

>gears of war
>the first good halo in a decade
>PC cross compatibility with scarlet

Yeah and then when Nintendorks show up they're like

>>gears of war
a forgotton franchise that just embarrased itself this E3 even further
>the first good Halo
>PC cross compatibility
what the fuck is this supposed to mean? that all your games are getting ported? that was already clear

>the only argument they have for a game console is games
oh the horror

Yes. Xbox 3 is going to be a PC and that's a good thing

>A Steam machine but with even less freedom
hurray i guess?

but the only reason I turn my xbone on these days is to play old exclusives I can't play elsewhere like NGB or Skate 3

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