>When I'm done, half of your favourite pokemon will be still alive
>I hope you remember them
When I'm done, half of your favourite pokemon will be still alive
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will banjo have a fucking game?
Mr Mankey...I don't feel so good.
>Master, I...
>I don't feel so good...
Post your favourite mon bro, If it pleases me it will be saved from the culling
the meta...perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
mr.regiposter we dont feel so good.
>Probably got cucked by that new Imp pokemon
Fuck you Gamefreak
Did I miss something, what happened?
Masuda is snapping half the roster
only Pokemon that are in the Galar dex can be transferred from Pokemon bank. For the first time in Pokemon history, not every old Pokemon will be usable in the new games.
Only gen 1 pokemon matter anyway. All the others are garbage.
There I said it.
Incredible hot and brave opinion
why do people like you even bother buying the new games if you only like shit from the 90s?
Yeah, remember the pokemon that was eggs? fuckin' top tier design
personally, I'm a big fan of the living puddle of sewage. They were so creative back in gen 1, wtf happened?? :(
Second, but people hated R/S for that.
Rounded up or down, mr Snapman John?
who can forget the one that's just a pokeball with eyes? and it's evolution: the exact same thing
is this some altered quote from the movie, am i supposed to care?
Those pokemon were at least coded into the game.
No, the new pokemon is culling some of them.
>eggs are a bad design
>slimes and mimics are bad designs
Try harder. Jynx and Tangela are the shittgier looking ones.
Please don't imply that I buy Pokemon games. I have only ever played red and blue on no$gb.
Yellow half of Girafarig disappears.
He's a shitposter, son
noooooo zigzagoon Q_Q
I'm safe
>everyone with a different opinion is a shitposter
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Who the fuck has Girafarig as their favorite pokemon? It's the Luvdisc of its generation.
what compelled the guys behind pokemon to snap them all
t. doesnt follow pokemon
move over you second rate copy
It's funny how /vp/ is throwing a fit.
Only about 5% of them aren't outright shit so fine.
>cutting Pokémon
>can't even transfer them in from older games
Well fuck that then. Guess Sun is my last Pokémon game. Shame, I really liked the new region.
>All these dislikes
Even normalfags are throwing a fit
>Favorite is Marowak
>Got shilled crazy hard in the last gen
Am I safe?
i fear for my Ampharos. i have a feeling the new sheep will try and steal its spot light.
I still can't believe it. It has to be a mistranslation or something. right?
It's so that people have to use the new pogeymons for the first year in game and in competitive play
They'll all be in the game again in about a year or two, they do this every once in a while
>skimming through twitter replies
Is this how it feels like to be on the other side for once? I honestly couldn't care less about the national dex.
my boy Gliscor will be alright. r-right?
>Gigalith is in and serves a similar role
>Masuda said not every gen 1 pokemon will make the cut
No, you are not.
Spare him
Shit and detestable yet accurate and correct opinion
I don't think /ourferret/ will make it, user.
>Gliscor is in
But no Poison heal HA
>always ran a team with all new Pokemon to beat the main game then raise a new one from scratch for the post game including at least 1 new mon and my boy Staraptor
>tfw the Starly line may not be in the game or my final team for the first time ever
>Regirock, ice, and steel are all not in the new game
>Regigigas will be in with one new move Splash
It's the end of an era bros...
From this point on it will not be zoomers that play pokemon but loomers
Did your bro made the cut Yea Forums?
I’m safe
I haven't been a pokemon fan for years, the last game I played was sapphire.
I'm just here to watch the amusing shitposts.
New policy though says that they will "only pick Pokemon that fit the new adventure" going forward. This will continue in future games.
>Pokemon will have rosterfagging now
Hell yeah
no wonder, you survive the early purge
i dont care as long as my boy gets in, but as a starter, his chance is slim
>game about catching them all
>true Pokemon trainers win with their favorites
>lol sorry you can only play with the Pokemon we let you
Laziness, that's the true answer. To actually move the games forward they'd have to start giving them proper animations and have more of them in the overworld and they're too fucking lazy even with their mountains of money.
What about the real mvp?
It's rare to see a Fellow Quagsire fan here.
Sableye has gotta be safe right
Does your favorite non-kantomon survive the snap?
>transfer all mons over to S/M
>they don't even have a dex entry
It was downhill to begin with.
I always imagined his entry cry as a guitar riff. He was a good buy in the game where I had him on my team.
Sableye is getting sacked for this abomination
*good boy.
Please stop
Well, Yea Forums, did your bro survive The Snap?
All you had to do was buy lets go.
You got to learn to let go.
>new Pokemon games will now have people calling certain Pokemon "wasted slots"
What the fuck is that? No wait, let me guess. Some kind of fairy half typing. It's pink and humanoid but too unrepentently ugly, so I'm going to say...dark type. Or poison.
my main boy made it.
Dark/Fairy, based on imps
>have ~750 pokemon
gamefreak: You know what? I'm getting tired of programming all those fucking animals into the game. Lets just shit out a watered down pokemon yellow remake and slap and go at the end of it to ride the wave of that Pokemon Go hype crap.
I swear every year Nintendo's head gets a little further up their own ass. They even censor fan projects just to hide the fact that their programmers have lost their soul.
Dark/fairy, it was in the demo gym battle at E3.
Great villains make great movies.
I'm okay.
Picture your favourite Pokémon, then click this link.
Whatever the result is, that's the fate of your bro.
>no gay sex with hats
Garchomp Noooo!
Didnt B/W pretty much do that as well?
I think his gimmick is unique enough to be saved.
I hope.
No because again, you could still transfer the old pokemon in. Or hack them in, like you could in R/S. They just genuinely are not including non Galar dex pokemon in the game, lazy shitheels.
You could still transfer any Pokémon you want to B/W.
you could get those from Pokemon Colisseum during Gen 3
B/W didn't have them in the wild, but you could trade them from your old games after you became champion. In Sword and Shield you can't transfer them from the old games if they aren't in the Galar dex, they announced yesterday
>Didnt B/W pretty much do that as well?
Not to this extent. You could transfer pokemon and open up the National Dex after beating the game. You would also start to see more pokemon form other gens in the wild.
Is he safe?
>You couldn't, bear the weight of playing the new pokemon games without your favorite bros.
>And where did that led you?
>Back to me...
My boy lived
All the pokemon games have some pokemon you can't acquire without transfering, but now they aren't even being coded into the game.
Why would anyone think that this is a good idea? So are all your old pokemon just suppose to rot in the 7th gen?
He's a legendary so maybe
Laziness. The developers of the biggest IP on earth can't afford to spend the time implementing every pokémon
mine's a competitively viable shillmon, I'm good
Pokemon is dead and only lives on in fan games. Gamefuck is finished.
I hope so fellow Sableye bro
Not even Normalfags are taking GF side this time