Johnny Silverhand is Keanu Reeves but what about the other two?
Cast them.
Johnny Silverhand is Keanu Reeves but what about the other two?
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>Saburo Arasaka
assuming he was an old-ass man before made into a AI, the perfect choice would be Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
if CDPR don't care much about his age i'd like to see François Chau (from the Expanse)
>Morgan Blackhand
not sure about that. would like to see Vin Diesel with his Riddick-attitude but wouldnt fit much. bet they'll use a black guy
Morgan Freeman for Solo of Fortune
Morgan is probably a black guy
Saburo is Beat Takeshi
Already been confirmed that Kanye is Morgan Blackhand.
would lose my shit
just imagine how fucking awesome it would be when Kanye actually goes off script and CDPR just let him
Lady gaga wearing blackface for blackhand.
That jap guy from jontrons takeshis challenge video for arasaka.
They already confirmed that Keanu is a major character regardless of your choices.
Backgrounds are like better versions of the Mass Effect ones where it gives you unique dialogue, opens up new paths (in the Demo V had the street kid background and could stand on better relations with a gangbanger) and possibly a quest.
there should be lady gaga as well right?
>Implying they won't cast a nigger for SJW brownie points.
Besides Morgan Freeman is the least nigger I can think of and closest thing to a white man with a brown skin defect.
Donnie Yen
Lawrence Fishburne
>I will give you this one: Morgan Blackhand doesn't look a thing like me. He makes a point of being a nondescript looking white guy so people don't notice him. I've always seen him as George Clooney, actually.
>Everyone always misses that about Morgan. He kind of comes off like your Dad or something, even when he's garroting you. It's an act. Morgan is like an island of calm murderyness. In Cybergeneration, when he took out the upper echelons of the ISA, he never once even raised his voice.
- Mike Pondsmith creator of Cyberpunk 2020
>He kind of comes off like your Dad
I bet you're a fat white boy lol
Their reliance on old content has me worried...
>The demo opens on a character creator, with the generic box art V staring at himself in a mirror. Keanu Reeves' character Johnny Silverhand leans on a nearby wall. The character creator isn't final, but it has the expected hair, skin, and facial feature options, if not the monstrous depth the Dark Souls or Mass Effect systems have.
Keanu Reeves has a surprisingly important role in Cyberpunks greater story. He's a hallucination, sort of.
>There's also an option to choose your background: street kid, nomad, or corporate. It's not just for your head canon either. Your background opens up certain dialogue choices throughout the entire game. As a street kid, if someone's trying to scam you, you might be able to see through their bullshit having swindled plenty yourself. A character with a corporate background will have a better time navigating big business hierarchies. Once finished making our man, Silverhand comments, not so kindly, "C'mon, you really think they give a rat's dick about how you look?"
As much as I'd like to see the AI-buddy change based on who you chose as the childhood hero, it seems that part of character creation was dropped.
I imagine CDPR realized that making three different major characters, each of which only 1/3 of players would see and writing/recording dialog for both protag genders with variations based on chosen background would simply be unfeasible. Not to mention that hiring two more celebrities on level of Keanu would be insanely expensive.
he probably grew up with a father, yes.
>roleplaying as a thawed out max payne
>meets blackhand
>game turns into a buddy cop movie
as much as I disslike niggers I would be ok with this
Dylan Mcdermot playing off of this role would be great.
At least we ruled out geoge clooney from being blackhand.
They're all Keanu Reeves you dumbfuck
whoever you pick, Keanu Reeves will roleplay as that guy
That's why Keanu doesn't look like the original Silverhand in the gamebooks
No fucking way retard
Ryan Gosling
Ken Watanabe
Mike Pondsmith as Morgan Blackhand
Its confirmed Keanu is a digital ghost. The other two are different
No, you're the fucking retard
To be fair they haven’t shown the other two characters yet so it’d be stupid if they just had them in the demo with no fanfare.
They could well change depending on different hero pick, but at the moment all they want to show is keanu
Either Hauer would be kino. Plus, he's done voice acting for games before and you aren't gonna find a more iconic Cyberpunk actor shirt of actually getting Harrison Ford. Which I don't see happening.
>Saburo Arasaka
Jared Leto basically playing his character in Bladerunner 2049
Is the character creator demo a bit laggy for you guys too
It doesn't matter if the other two are digital ghosts or not, Keanu will play as them
So is Solo of Fortune the Law Enforcement/Government route? Should be Mel Gibson with his Dragged Across the Concrete mustache.
They're going to be different actors
Javier Bardem for Blackhand 2020
Good choice, Pirates 5 was shit but he made the movie watchable to me
No they're not
Saburo will be Keanu, digitally aged to be older with a different outfit and personality
Blackhand will also be Keanu, with a different hairstyle, and outfit and personality too
>Cyberkeanu 2077
>confirmed to be dad
>acting like your mom isn’t being BLACKED right now or in the future
of course since they announced keanu people want their fav celeb to be next like in fucking smash threads.
Keanu was a mistake
it's not really farfetched since the chip can project, assuming it's the chip doing this, the Keanu character as whoever your childhood hero is
It's rumored lady Gaga is in
more like Keanupunk 2077
Why yes, Keanu LITERALLY lives rent-free in the protag's head.
>Ryan Gosling
Kojima would kill himself
i like it
Sounds cool
Kanye West and Lady Gaga were confirmed to be in
>Kanye West and Lady Gaga were confirmed to be in
confirmed where? link me up user
hell yea
>literally has black hands
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is probably cheaper
Are they confirmed or its only Keanu?
He is the expy of the creator so I assume that either they use his face or whoever he wants.
Woke points dictate that there should be a black or latino guy somewhere there but whether Poles and Pondsmith care is anybody's guess.
There's other 2 childhood heroes options
>We're a female V with metal arms now who can indead punch and pry open some more big doors. Some faces are punched in during an entirely melee combat sequence, someone pulls a knife on us and we take it and lob it into their face, and we slash someone up with a broken bottle, of all things. It seems you can carry on slashing and punching long after NPCs are dead if you find that entertaining, because we then hop into some gunplay and blow off every limb in sight!
>We grab one 'roided up grunt - the same takedown / non-lethal takedown prompt appears - and use him as a meat shield to get up close to a mounted turret. The tooltip very soon disappears. We use our cyberpunk arms to rip the mounted turret off said mount and proceed to blow apart every chunky boy nearby into smaller (but still quite big) chunks. There's lots of "I think he's dead now!" banter from our narrator as the Animals use their stimmed-up dashing abilities to try and reach melee range before getting caught in the hellfire. It's incredibly hard to say without actually feeling it, of course, but the gunplay here did look a little stiff.
>We also replayed that section again, back as the Netrunner male V, and instead chose the much less brutal option of hacking the same turret into doing the work for us; and then hacking into an Animal grunt's arm to make it blow himself up with a grenade; and then hacking another's arm to take his pistol and blow off his own head. The crowd roars.
>Woke points dictate that there should be a black
Kanye would be fucking hilarious if confirmed
I sincerely hope Saburo is played by Takeshi. I want Cyberpunk 2077's corporate route to be influenced by that peerless Kitano game design.
Where does it even say that if you picked another childhood hero you'll hallucinate someone else?
Curb your enthusiasm.
I mean as different AIs
Just morons making shit up and thinking it will be in game
Y tho?
It's the logical thinking
I want MC Ride to be in the game guys.
Cyber Arms were a new thing back in 2020
>Terry won't be your hacking guru
why even play
Early 90s RPG writing
It's certainly possible but not confirmed. I'm excited for the game too, just suggesting that making up unconfirmed features is only going to disappoint you in the future.
I miss him anons
Beat Takeshi as Arasaka
He played a corporate executive in Johnny Mnemonic as well
Handsome Jack
>Deaged Rutger Hauer as Morgan Blackhand
>Ken Wantanabe as Saburo Arasaka
>He played a corporate executive in Johnny Mnemonic as well
ok i'm fine with that
So Keanu's like Joker in Arkham Knight?
Also Saburo Arasaka can be played by George Takei.
Morgan Blackhand by Mel Gibson or Sean Bean.
I want Kanye as my Tyler Durden
>George Takei.
child diddlers fuck off.
>Mass Effect or Souls
>monstrous depth
Oh shit. I didn't know. Scap it off then.
Takei is shit and wouldn't take the role seriously.
one of the finall choicess will be geting the secret of immortality while killing Keanu or saving him in your head but losing the secret
screencap this
Well I was looking for old slim japanese actor. And I not good at it.
Jackie Welles - Companion. 2018 gameplay footage and cinematic trailer. Obnoxiously adds a spanish word into every sentence. Ends up dying in the cinematic trailer.
Dexter DeShawn - 2018 gameplay footage and cinematic trailer. Fixer. Makes deals and gives you jobs. Ends up betraying you in the cinematic trailer.
T-bug - 2018 gameplay footage and cinematic trailer. Netrunner and hacker. Seems to be mission control but also loyal to Dexter. Tries to kill you for Dex in the cinematic trailer.
Meredith Stout - 2018 gameplay footage. High-strung corpo agent.
Lizzy Wizzy - Pic related. Seen only once in a trailer and mentioned in the gameplay footage. Famous pop star and influencer. Lead singer of her band Lizzy-Wizzy and the Metadwarves.
Johnny Silverhand - Cinematic trailer and 2019 gameplay footage. Played by Keanu Reeves. Should be dead. Rebel rockstar with a vendetta against corps.
Placide - 2019 gameplay footage. 2nd in command of the Voodoo Boys. Gets you to do a job for him. Instantly betrays you by trying to fry your brain implants.
Sasquatch - 2019 gameplay footage. Psychotic drug-addicted leader of the equally psychotic drug-addicted Animals gang. Fought as a boss. Carries a hammer.
Brigette - 2019 gameplay footage. Leader of the Voodoo Boys. Helps you get into cyber-space to look for Alt Cunningham.
Misty - 2018 gameplay footage. Ripperdoc's front desk. Friendly. Kinda cute.
Victor - 2018 gameplay footage. Ripperdoc. Middle-aged and friendly, seems to only have low-level stuff.
Dum-Dum - Shown in 2018 gameplay footage. Maelstrom gangbanger. Laid-back.
Royce - 2018 gameplay footage. Maelstrom gang leader. Aggressive. Has some kind of armored suit he fights in.
Wilson - 2018 gameplay footage. Gun seller not far from V's apartment.
Anthony Gilchrist - 2018 gameplay footage. A corpo-man Meredith has kidnapped and who she thinks is a leaker.
Stefan - 2018 gameplay footage. Offers V a cam which he claims has "some real whack footage".
>does it even say that if you picked another childhood hero you'll hallucinate someone else?
No, it doesn't matter tho, retards here will start to repeat it until they believe it is confirmed and then in 4 months there will be info you always meet him and Yea Forums will start crying about next "deleted" feature
>live forever or let some asshole live rent-free in your head
Speculation and wishful thinking mostly.
I want my boi Bale as Morgan and Jet Li as chingchong would be cool
>there are people that believe trailers and gameplay footage are canon pieces of the story not just "what if" showpieces
what an absollute bunch of braindead retards
holy shit
I'm really looking forward to see how they'll do netrunning.
Keanu as Silverhand
Jefferey Morgan as Black Hand
Cary-Hiroyouki Tagawa as Arasaka
Wait so there are routes with Keanu as your enemy and not your mentor? Wew lad i want to burn the city but i prefer doing that as a Corpo
>Jensen Ackles as Morgan Blackhand
find a better person, i dare you.
This man won.
They said in recent interviews that he has his own agenda and your relationship with him can vary.
I noticed the articles on the new gameplay shown says V is looking for Alt Cunningham. In the tabletop, that is Johnny Silverhand's GF and the girl who made the immortality software that now seems to have made him a digital ghost in your head.
>V kills Alt Cunningham
Alt Cunningham is long dead tho
Kill her again in cyber-space
How based would that be
this is now a Morgan 'Dean' Blackhand thread
Mike Podsmith as Blackhand. I know that Morgan supposed to be whiteman but I think Mike would really fiit iintoo that roole.
For Arasaka I want to see Takeshi Kitano AKA Beat Takeshi. Because he already done work as video game character, staring major role in newest Yakuza game and as trivia he also played a corpo in Johnny Mnemonic movie.
>"You're breathtaking!"
>"Ah?...ah... n-no... you're breathtaking?"
was it autism?
no, just a bad unscripted reaction
Dude was just nervous.
maybe you're autistic if you couldn't identify that
Why was he so nervous?
well maybe you're autistic
Also, Kanye is following the CP2077 Twitter account for seemingly no reason, as he only follows people he's doing collabs with. There's a good chance he'll be in the game in some form.
Speaking in front of thousands of people can be pretty nerve racking, user.
Morgan Blackhand was literally Mike Pondsmith's character so I suspect he will look like whatever Mike wants him to look like.
She'll probably be Alt Cunningham, Johnny's lover who got killed and turned into an AI by Arasaka.