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Hori releasing custom Joycons
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that cost more than the console
We need to go wider.
Gee Bill how come your mum lets you have 2 turbo buttons
>analog sticks still not aligned
Come on, Hori. You know that having them aligned is better than this Xbox style shit.
>You know what would be great? If we made the Switch less pocket-sized and portable!
switch is already not pocket-sized so might as well go full retard and give proper controls
I'd rather they put the controlls in the bottom like the clam shell design also
>no gyro.
this looks retarded but its probably way more ergonomic than the normal joycons. playing my switch in handheld (the few times i even want/need to) hurts my hands so bad
those don't look like analogue sticks
>no gyro
What the fuck, it this for real?
Good idea but poor execution
How will this effect the weight balance?
Is the hori pro controller durable?
only source I can find is
Also >inb4 resetera It's the only source I can find in Duckduck go.
literally the objectively best analog position, fuck off
I wish they would release custom display with good color temperature. Fuck nintendo display lottery. At least they are all ips this time around.
I don’t think a single 3rd party controller has gyro or HD rumble. Or the IR scanner, but nobody gives a shit about that.
Here is the JP source.
based paranoid duckduck user
Pretty neat but why didn't nintendo do this?
It's their console and it's sold on its versatility and ways to play, but all they can do in 2 years is make a normal-ass controller and some cardboard? Kind of embarrassing, really.
I assume none of them have nfc either.
I wish they hadn't bothered with amibo bullshit at all, they could have made the controllers slightly cheaper by removing the nfc.
die in a ditch googlel streetshitter
>not using it for the bangs
>44 USD
Not bad. Hopefully they don't drift in a week like Nintendo's.
May get it. The actual joycons I have are trash and it'll probably be decent for playing Mario Kart or Smash handheld.
They'll connect to each other so you can use it as a normal controller as well right?
please tell me this image is a "here's your controller, bro" meme
hori shit
Speaking of basedcons, can I play super mario party without joycon exclusive controls? I want to play 3 man multiplayer but I heard that I could connect a PS4 controller or wii motes on a hacked switch
respond, please
>Controller made with Daemon X Machina design
>Daemon added gyro controls due to feedback
>no gyro functionality
I get it, this was probably made AFTER gyro controls were put in, but it still fucking sucks.
That is unfortunate. They probably should have waited for the game to be finalized...
Rumble, IR and NFC could fuck off right away, but gyro is fucking essential. It's the only proper way to play games like Splatoon2 or aim in BotW and more games should support it.
I can't fucking believe it's 2019 and people still play some games requiring aiming or camera control without it.
>Daemon added gyro controls due to feedback
Hopefully they are better than the drifting crap of the original joycons
Does it have a new demo? I might pick the game up if it actually has gyro aiming.
I hate shilling youtube videos, but this guy's video gives a good idea of the general opinion on motion controls.
Pretty sure that it was mentioned during the E3 Nintendo Direct
Oh, shit, I meant to ask this guy here
Don't think so
Motion controls != gyro aiming.
Also, it does not really matter what some retards think of it. Most of the people are fine with how horrible sticks are and consider having a crutch like D-pad the way things should be or how fucked up using right stick and face buttons at the same time is and use the fucking claw.
Let me tell you, user. Most of console players are fucking selfharm retards and don't want good things.
Left thumb on stick
Right thumn on face buttons
awful d-pad.
Retards not liking it does matter. They prevents developers from adding it to every game where it is appropriate and reduce my enjoyment of those games.
Just like the normal pro controllers? Hell how the fuck is one even supposed to play Mario Maker 2 when just about every dpad is garbage? Thing is, at least the Hori pro controller is cheaper, but if it'll only last 2 months, then there's no point in buying it, hence the question.
Oh, that's what you mean. A valid point.
On the other hand, PCfags are on the other side of specter and buy shit like gaming chairs and gaming mousepads. Then again that allows people to come up with some crazy hardware like this.
gyro is not motion control user
gaming mousepads (as in: BIG BLACK cloths) are fucking awesome
Give it up user. Only hardcore nintendo fans and steam controller fags use or care about gyro.
Everyone else considers it a gimmick
Does it snap together as a pro controller?
Does it have bluetooth?
HD rumble?
If yes to all of these then that's the most fucking amazing addition to the Switch to date.
I fucking hate how correct this quote is.
this, d-pads are gimmick now too
As if the switch wasn't already wide as fuck.
no hd rumble
no gyro
What about those with LED and little wrist pillow?
You know, what I was talking about.
>no gyro
It was almost absolutely perfect!
That looks fucking dumb.
>this is your """"""""""portable console""""""""" bro
I'm not sure about HD rumble but plenty of pro controller substitutes have gyro and rumble.
Are you implying that needs a TV or an AC outlet?
Fuck off, retard, it's a handheld.
>HD rumble
What's the difference?
Is this suppose to be a joke or are you just a dumb ESL?
HD rumble is much more precise, it's essentially the controller equivalent of haptic feedback on a phone. It's a pretty cool technology when devs implement it properly. Standard rumble tends to be looser, less defined rumble impulses.
>unironically routing your search requests through fuckfuckno's US based NSA honeypot servers just to use a functionality that is already built into any relevant browser
sasuga Yea Forums
the only one getting "banged" here is you, faglord.
1. gayming mousepads with wrist rest are very rare, they are more common in mousepads of office workers
2. zoomers gonna zoom, consolefriends also buy controllers with leds and shit
I don't give a shit where their servers are located. Bangs just work without me having to add every website manually.
I'm not sure I follow you anymore.
What I meant back then is: when it comes to PC there is a shittone of retarded "gaming" hardware and accessories filled to the brim with useless bells and whistles.
so don't buy them then? having options is a good thing
at the same time ninty can't make controller with good d-pad
8bitdo has gyro doesn't they?
I'll unironically use them if they look anything like that pic. They actually look fucking usable unlike the regular joycons
even though 90% of the time i'm running and looking around at the same time, so that's the position in which your thumbs should be symmetric
That was pretty much my point. Console market offers mostly deviations of a 20yo dualshock; PC market offers a shittone of gimmick hardware, but you can always find a hidden gem among that trash.
It's not properly used in most games, but HD rumble is actually capable of a ton of different ways of tactile feedback and some games actually make noises and music with it.
Basically the weight is on a piston so it can spin at different positions and some developers take advantage of that. The switch even has a built in "find my joycon" function where if the joycon is within range but under the couch or something, you can force the HD rumble to buzz at a high pitched frequency which is different for every single controller color.
Wait a second, that's just the same shit as the Steam Controller has. I remember people shilling it as something completely new and unique.
Still waiting for an official joycon that has a good d-pad.
Hori is very hit or miss sadly. My first time using a Hori product was for the Nintendo 3DS XL Claw Pad to play Monster Hunter. That thing lasted me 3 whole years without any problems whatsoever. Then I bought the Hori Fighting Commander 4 to play fighting games and right out of the box it had some of the most rickety shoulder buttons I've ever experienced. When Hori is good, it's good, when it's bad, it's like a cheap pirated Chinese knockoff.
It's always "new and unique" when it releases on console user,just look at Sony claiming an SSD is a new breaktrhrough in technology and totally not available elsewhere
I'm sure that the switch itself has gyro in it not just the Joy Cons so it might use the one already in the tablet
>use reverse image search to see details on this product
>no results.
Is OP pulling our leg?
Is OP lying? I couldn't find any information on this product at all. Reverse googling didn't help.
What's the release date?
Hey bro, I found information on this thing. Here you go.
It's new and unique as far as being implemented like this goes but the underlying technology isn't brand new or something, no.
>as far as being implemented like this
Like what?
In terms of using modern haptic motors in place of normal rumble motors and making that transparent to devs who want to use the more precise rumble for things. In most haptic implementations like say, the home button on later iphones or the touchpad on a Vive wand, it's only used to simulate buttons.
The Steam Controller does this though. Sadly it's not used a whole lot as it's often required for haptics and very few games use the API in the first place.
I can't speak since I didn't bother with a steam controller, but I feel like this works better on consoles mainly because PC/multiplat developers aren't going to bother coding clever things like this just so that only one controller can use it. On a console it makes more sense because every single console will more likely than not be using the same controller by default and the effort isn't wasted.
Are there any games that take advantage of the HD rumble in the Steam controller? I'd like to see them in action.
They look like they're designed to be used by human hands.
That's interesting, I didn't know that the Steam controller made that visible to the API. All the same, it's neat that the Switch is doing it.
if you're a guy, you can fit a switch in your pocket most of the time. can't imagine females have big enough pockets to fit a switch.
I have to take the joycons off if I want to fit the Switch in my pocket anyway.
Xbox style has a better weight distribution due to finger positioning.
You're not wrong. As I said there's very few games supporting the Steam Input API at all and the ones out of those I have played are all first person so they generally used it for haptics only.
As for games that take advantage in other ways, I don't know but here's a list of games that support the API:
i've fit the whole thing in before, but in your scenario you could just put the joycons in your other pocket
This. Everyone who disagrees is a huge moron.
What kind of giant pockets do you have?
Do people actually use their Switch outside of docked mode?
Why would you buy a handheld and then only use it as a fifabox?
Might as well get a fifabox or plug your desktop into your television.
Why shouldn't I?
What are you even talking? Shut up.
>Don't have internal batteries so they only work in handheld mode
Its shit.
male pockets
Nothing wrong if you like it. I just don't find it comfortable.
Depends on the game.
I guess I have female pockets then.
You shut up snoytard.
reminds me of this
Absolutely. Its main value comes as a flexible platform. Just using it as a handheld or a console robs it of its defining feature.
I personally don't think its good as handheld, but much better as a console. Battery life is like 3 hours, the size makes my hands cramp up and the joycons drift way too much. I will get hell for this, but I wish it was closer to the Vita's size.
As someone that's been EDCing their Vita again for the past couple weeks I'm tempted to agree with you. The Vita is a much sleeker handheld experience, by virtue of being a dedicated handheld. The Switch is good for long flights or drives, but it's not as practical for every day commute type stuff. I like both systems and they both have their strengths, but I wouldn't be complaining if it turned out the Switch Mini rumors were true.
Do people actually like these costhots?
They're only $40
They're not joycons you shitposting retard
Can't be used in table or TV mode
retard onions cuck, aligned is unnatural, ps controller is the worst for thumbs