What went wrong?
What went wrong?
faggots and women
Bunch of retards that think if there are women in it, then it's bad
BF 1 is still very good
>he has no feeling for style and can only thing in arbitrary metrics like "number of women"
>Random bullet drop
You are wrong
that was never the point and you know it
Lost its identity sometime after Bad Company 2 or BF3
Diversity termites ofc.
Have sex
its been dead for decades already you fucking retard
They wanted the CoD audience and turned it into a yearly thing and ruined everything that made 1942 and Battlefield 2 so great.
Played every main game when it was new except for hardline, played the beta, and V aside from lack of content is the best one gameplay wise. At times I wish the factions were locked to specific weapons and the uniforms were more identifiable, but I know that with that MASSSSSSSSSSSSIVE amount of unrelenting faggots online, every game would have people stacking and larping as nazis like they do in Red Orchestra 2
Despite being technically better than any BF to date it looks fucking hideous.
They started chasing the console audience with the Bad Company releases, it killed the franchise as a whole. Believe it or not, you used to be able to actually mod Battlefield.
sweden is the dumbest nation on earth
It's deviation.
Also RBD is present in other battlefield games, it's just in BF1 where it's implemented differently.
have sex
swedish part of ea
LA dice will fix it
BF4 was the grand finale. the series is officially over now. kinda like assassin's creed
ww1 and 2 are boring settings and its time to stop making games about them
they didnt want to make anything too OP and they tried to get into the esports scene even though it'd never work
sterilized their own game
Assassins Creed is better than its ever been now, primarily because it isn't Assassins Creed any more.
10 uplay credits have been transferred to your account
Too accurate guns turned battlefield into a shitty pubg
That shitty rng system for equipment doesn't belong, but at least they're willing to change formula when they realize it's not working.
I had never bought an Ass Creed game until Odyssey, precisely because Ass Creed was always trash and Odyssey would have been better off not associated to it.
Sweden, the most cucked nation in the world.
Bf 5 seems okay now, havent seen a nigger in mp yet there are women though. Most of people just play as hans chad. And new maps that are coming in couple months look nice too, theyre adding us and japs i think.
The combat is awful these days. Every other fight seems cheap as fuck.
When I die in other games, from CS to Squad, it doesnt feel cheap. It feels like I did somehing wrong, wasn't quick enough, didnt spot the enemy etc. In battlefied every fight seems like the game is broken.
The should slow the walking and running speed down 50% as well as make body shots do more damage. Also suppression should actually do something. It would make a more interesting game.
Siege of Patriarchy Island is my fav map so far
That's the go-to argument ever since ACIV. But the modern day shit is still there, and it's worse than it's ever been because they're not willing to part with it, and they're stretching that garbage plot out far beyond what is natural.
Absolutely horrible advertising and pussy worship over at dice HQ. It's a shame because they game is pretty good but the devs shitting on history and concerned players pre-release made me dislike it.
I bought the pack of em on sale a few months ago.
Unity is surprisingly good for all the shit it got on release.
Some parts of the gameplay are kind of shit.
>no spotting
>no real bullet drop
>no behemoth
>no commander
>feels like some of the fun elments of the previous games are missing
Women are rarely seen in the Multiplayer and you can't even make out the faces in most situation thanks to the uniform and masks. Have yet to see somebody playing as the black guy. Gays don't even exist. 99,9% people play as a white male.
These people here are pathetic incel liers who never played the game
someone is DICE or EA really wanted this game to fail
i refuse to belive that someone approved all this shithow advertising and said its ok
My taste. I've got 230 hours and counting
Is that the France one that went free after Notre Dame? I got it since it was free but haven't played it, I intend to only because I love classic architecture. I doubt its gameplay is worth anything.
yep, the world is pretty damm good and nice to look at.
When I first went into the starting area, I was pretty impressed with how they built revolutionary France.
I think they were wise to bake the lighting in the textures so that they could dedicate the graphic power toward higher poly assets that are crucial for that sort of environment. It is a graphic marvel.
The only battlefield game I can contribute to winning the game for my team is fucking hardline.
I suck at the rest.
they didn't just keep making BF2 expacs with bad company as the side-series
hey EA influencer that's reading this, tell them that if they do a straight remaster of BF2 or even just re-release it officially with server support and shit i will personally buy 20 copies and give them away on here.
>b-but the private servers!
i know and i play there, offer still stands
Same. The way they advertised the game in the beginning, after the abysmal reveal trailer. Plastering the "HISTORICAL" tag on every advert on social media. Must have been some crazy leftie incel in charge of the operations.
Dice shills are already in action. Just look at this fag.
Died after bf2
only zoomers disagree
DICE is in sweden
The whole goddam country drank the coolaid. It was no mistake.
It's not over yet, they have one more game to save themselves after the BFV cataclysm.
Do you have hope for DICE bros?
>no spotting
>no behemoth
but those are good things you faggot
people on Yea Forums think it's the women/racial minorities but truth be told the gameplay is dull as dogshit
it's just a bigger, less refined, buggier call of duty at this point
I live next to Sweden and there's no hope for them. Best case scenario is several neutron bombs eradicating all human life, so we can at least enjoy the nature of Sweden.
The setting. Early world wars are so damn overdone, please stop making those games and put out 2143 already
its not overdone, the battlefield formula is just fucked. Its basically a larger scale call of duty now
Modern fast paced and micro transaction driven game design in a historical setting.
Usain Bolt sprinting and experimental weapons do not work well in a scenario that has a certain image to uphold.
It is pretty much CoD with vehicles. It started with BC/BF3 and now it is full blown CoD.
It is especially evident in games that take place in a well known setting.
Sweden will be the first to fall, They are competing with the UK
>mfw if somebody told me while playing BF2 that
Anything after 4 was shit. Even 4 was worse than 3, but still playable.
Battlefront to be honest. They should've never let starwars shit influence battlefield.
Also shit setting
Also shit customization
Soldiers move too fast
Guns are too deadly
Maps are too chaotic or too open
>Guns are too deadly
get the fuck out retard
EA + Dice +
The deadlier the guns, the worse 64 player servers get
This is fucking fact, it has happened in EVERY BATTLEFIELD
I live here and it's not that bad if you're living on neetbux and don't go outside a lot.
>hurrr I like being dead in 0.5 seconds instead of 3
Eat shit nigger, if I wanted cod I would have played cod.
Yeah until the rape squads start rolling out in a few years
>>no spotting
Spotting is still a thing, you're confusing it with the 3D aspect (the dorito shaped symbol above players). And 3D spotting isn't exactly gone, if an enemy is fully suppressed or if you're using a flare gun/spotting scope you can still tag them.
They're already here, why should I care? I rarely go outside and I'm not a woman.
Stupid stone age setting for the last 2 games and over simplified cod like gameplay
No helis,boats,bikes and planes are shit
Of course all the poz shit didn't help
I can't wait for the next BF game. Companies are so fucking stupid nowadays that they would throw away money just to please a group of people that don't even play the series.
Unironically popularity. Everything went downhill since the BF4 launch
Became a political statement instead of a gritty war series
They started going back in time even though the game is at its best when using high-tech weapons and equipment. Anybody that thinks WW2 games are the best for multiplayer are old boomers that unironically think the M1 Garand is better than an M4 and that a P-51 could shoot down an F-35.
Metro 64 player 3000 ticket, no shotgun, no explosives, no bipods
no fun
They changed the engines feel. That's the problem. They redesigned it for battlefront and that fucked it up. Not sjw shit or what ever, devs changed how the games felt and theyve been worse ever since.
this """feature""" made a great game aids.
>anything over 800 tickets
Who the fuck wants to play one match for that fucking long.
Pretty much
getting close to 300 kills and 60k points in a single match is fun
Don't tell me you're one of those jet/anti-air mega autists with 150/4 k/d.
I like killing people in 3 rounds instead of pumping half of mag in them u fukken moron
there are no tanks/jets in metro
gameplay wise its pretty good and it keeps getting better with every update. imo the only thing that fucked them is marketing and their twitter bantz..
No but outside of that map, or do you only play infantry only?
mainly play metro and lockers (no explosives) and the dragons teeth DLC maps since they are infantry focused and really good in general
i avoid the big maps like the plague due to scout chopper autists and other forms of cancer
Nothing, the series is as good as it ever was.
Literally pandering to the console audience. Even if BC2 was good, it marked the end of the series.
Jews and sjw pandering.
>guns too deadly
>shoot whole mag at fag
>he dies but second one comes and you have to reload so you will die everytime
>couple bullets to kill someone
>can kill couple people without reloading if youre good
Tried to compete directly with COD after moving to consoles.
>muh sjws
Franchise was shit long before that, just further proof that Yea Forums has shit taste in games and doesn't care about quality as long as it either panders to their perversions or ignores their "enemy".
kill yourself
And don't worry, seeing how BFV's gunplay they probably won't return it back.
I wouldn't say anything went wrong, people just got bored of it