Seriously though why do Americans ruin everything?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he doesnt want wild west Zelda

rent free
now post your "x days since Yea Forums cried about BoTW 2, we know that's why you made this thread

Why are the japs copying them if the east is so superior?

This post is surreal. It's like exactly what Yea Forums wanted.

this is clickbait at it's worst, all you can see here is that some members on the team played the game, nothing about drawing inspiration from them. This is why journalism is a joke

>actual article: here's some games we all played in between projects just for fun

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>People that made an open world game inspired by western sandbox design played the biggest release in several years, which was a western open world sandbox

>article says that members of the team were playing Skyrim when making BOTW
well you heard it here first folks, Skyrim is what led to the best zelda game ever, we should all thank Bethesda for creating a masterpiece, and if you haven't played it, go buy it right now and experience it yourself!

Nintendo about to embarrass Rockstar all over again.

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could you be any more of a whiny bitch?
they didn't even specify what kind of inspiration they are talking about or if and how it's going to affect the game and you're already making an butthurt thread crying about it
when did Yea Forums become so easily triggered

he was just trying to be nice thinking that if he said something like this it would haul in the western audience

you people seem to forget that Japanese developers play western games all the time, most of them played shit like the Witcher 3, Skyrim, GTA, heck I bet some people on the team even played that spider man game too. Developers constantly play games to get an idea of what ideas are out there, then when they develop their own game in that same genre, they take those ideas and do what they think works with them. The reason why people think JP games are superior is because Japanese devs can take ideas western devs put forward and make them work while western devs typically fall flat and end up making cheap imitations of each other's ideas.

>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.

This will never not be hilarious.

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The shitposting has finally come full circle

Considering Red Dead is a million times better, why the fuck not?

>>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made

you are a literal mentally ill faggot if you think this

Yea Forums BTFO
Turns out you're all just retards for pitting games and devs against each other

>Nintendo make the best open world game ever made

Nintendogs SEETHING

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Name a better open world game than BotW.

Too bad Zelda felt just as empty. Sure, you could go to those places, and, if you're lucky, you'll find a shrine (because nobody gives a shit about the deku seeds once you get your weapon inventory expanded a bit). But that's really all you could hope for, because the Fairy Fountains were money holes that really didn't do much except tone down the difficulty (which you didn't need by the time you got the money), or something stupid like Goron bowling.

I'll grant you that RDR2 is empty, but comparing Zelda to that is really digging deep to find a game more barren.

The inspiration behind the first game was Skyrim. They obviously took only the good part and non of the bugs.

>Nintendo's amateur devs copy american devs
>why do americans ruin everything?!?!
Why are you so dumb

Fallout 76

That speaks a lot of how utterly shit BOTW is, considering RDR2 is a fucking boring turd and even GTA3 is better.

gta san andreas, vice city, rdr 1 and 2, the witcher 3

>best zelda game ever
Fuck no. Middle of the pack at best. Thanks Skyrim.

LttP, OoT, WW, TP. Secret of Mana. NieR, NieR Automata. Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Those are just off the top of my head, and not stopping to actually think. I'm sure I could think of more if I wanted to take the time.

Skyrim is unironically a better open world game and it's mediocre. Why people think BotW has some amazing open world is beyond me.

I don't think you know what genre 'open world' is.

Because they haven't played Skyrim. But you are right. There are rewards to exploring in that game beyond expanded inventory and the equivalent of leveling up (health/endurance increase, both of which would have been better served by leveling up through combat, as it would encourage you to actually engage in combat, rather than avoiding it to preserve your glass weapons).

Todd doesn't agree with you and I believe him.

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Fuck off Todd

In what way are any of those games not open world?

we already had that segment in twilight princess

>Because they haven't played Skyrim

Yes I have. And you're a brainlet if you think that flat sterile world is comparable to BotW

The best Japan media are things they take from the west and make better.

>This is why journalism is a joke
>implying that anything to do with video games is "journalism"

>have I mentioned that I'm European today haha
>fuck Americans, am I right guys, haha
>burgers and french fries xD

Get new material.

inb4 Link dies from tuberculosis.

Skyrim is filled with reasons to explore it. Zelda is not. I don't like either of these games, but BotW is an abortion due to its sheer emptiness. That said, there's a lot of potential, so I hope that in their next game they actually fill it with shit that makes it worth exploring.

>believing todd
can you even define what todd meant by "flow"?

>japan killing and raping asia instead of making anime and video games

>america sends them some bombs

>start making kino kawaii shit

yup when did america not improve japan again?

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Call me whatever you want, but I don't think that this is bad thing

botws shit world is the definition of sterile

there is literally NOTHING to find or do except shrines

are you honestly underage? nincels are unbelievable

For a start ALTTP and Secret Of Mana are 2D. Just because a video game offers players some semblance of freedom over linearity does not make it an open world game. The 'open world' genre has very defined characteristics and tropes.

I hope the new game is more like a classic zelda with actual dungeons, dungeon items, bosses, enemies and actual good combat

I mean, they are game developer, so why do they have to refuse to get an inspiration from one of the biggest western developers? rather, the question is, why western journalism and media are always obsessed with the story that "Oh, Japanese admit they got an inspiration from our games!", implying they are being satisfied by seeing themselves being superior to Japanese (or any other people whose an "alien" culture that is not the west). RDR2 is just a movie game, and Nintendo is known as a game developer that focuses on gameplay, so no needs to worry. its a flattering talk by Japanese as always that they give to westerners.

basically this

Where has it been stated that 2D games can't be open world?

>Just because a video game offers players some semblance of freedom over linearity does not make it an open world game
So, by that logic, BotW is not an open world game due to the tutorial you can't skip?

oh no Link's horse balls gonna Shrink

And you're a brainlet if you think that padded with copy-paste landmarks yet still shockingly empty world is comparable to Skyrim. Two can play at this game.

>Skyrim is filled with reasons to explore it. Zelda is not.
>there is literally NOTHING to find or do except shrines

Two fucking years of this bullshit nonsense.

After spending the first few hours of the game on the Great Plateau (probably the best tutorial area in any game ever) here's what I did:

Found the 2nd tower
Climbed the Duelling Peaks and completed the shrines there.
Encountered my first fully functioning Guardian.
Found Kakario and Hateno Villages, each with their own unique culture, lore and side quests to spend hours in.
Caught and tamed a horse and found my first stable
Fought a Dragon on a mountaintop
Travelled to an Island which became an amazing survival challenge all on it's own.
Fighting 3 giant ogre brothers
Ran a gauntlet of enemy camps on the way to Zora City
Zora City itself
A pant-shitting stealth mission on a mountain top to collect arrows from a centaur monster
Using those arrows in a one-on-one battle with a giant mechanical beast in a lake while riding on the back of a merman
Conquering inside of the mechanical beast and subsequent boss battle

While all this is going on I'm constantly engaged with the world around me: weather and climate forces me to adapt to how I travel. The topography and verticality makes getting to destinations fun and engaging. I'm finding subterranean shrines with their own unique challenges and obstacle courses, I'm finding various types of korok puzzles, I'm stumbling into boss battles with huge Rock Monsters, Ogres, Centuars and Skeletal Giants, I'm finding myself ambushed on the road by assassins disguised as NPCs, I'm racing against time to catch falling stars before the sun rises, I'm battling enemy camps, saving local NPCs from danger, and fending off bears and wolves.

All of this happened to me in ONE FUCKING CORNER OF THE MAP.

BotW has more content than most open world games and you will try your best to deny it.

Nice pasta fag
Put some actual effort in next time

I want you to explain to me how the original Zelda is NOT open world (despite practically every area being available from the beginning), while BotW IS open world (despite being able to go practically nowhere at the beginning).

Stating that 2D games can't be open world is the least logical shit I've ever heard.

>Japan does something
>It's America's fault somehow
All that obsession and /int/ posting has rotted your brain.

Same here but I fear that they are going to make open world Zelda's forever. They will give us shitty remakes.

>when asked what they were playing, specifically what inspired them, Aonuma replied....

>inspiration is illegal in Europe
Careful with those Bants. What’s the punishment for memes now? I haven’t heard anything about that


Red Meme Redemption is made by anglos.
That's why I only play games like God Eater and Death end Request. They aren't inspired by western trash

>Found the 2nd tower
So your first defense is Far Cry tier shit?
>Climbed the Duelling Peaks and completed the shrines there.
Confirming shrines.
>Encountered my first fully functioning Guardian.
So, an enemy counts as world filling?
>Found Kakario and Hateno Villages, each with their own unique culture, lore and side quests to spend hours in.
And zero reason to do any of it.
>Caught and tamed a horse and found my first stable
That was neat until you realized that there's no reason to have a horse because the world is fucking empty.
>Fought a Dragon on a mountaintop
Yeah. One of like 3, right?
>Travelled to an Island which became an amazing survival challenge all on it's own.
It's essentially a shrine, isn't it? The maze islands?
>Fighting 3 giant ogre brothers
Which you don't need to fight, and are going to burn through weaponry fighting.
>Ran a gauntlet of enemy camps on the way to Zora City
Which you were better off avoiding.
>Zora City itself
I noticed you didn't mention that there was a whole lot to do there, aside from what you list below.
>A pant-shitting stealth mission on a mountain top to collect arrows from a centaur monster
Why on earth would that make you shit your pants? Do you not know how to dodge and retreat?
>Using those arrows in a one-on-one battle with a giant mechanical beast in a lake while riding on the back of a merman
Felt very QTE to me, especially with the slowdown. It wasn't QTE, but it sure felt it.
>Conquering inside of the mechanical beast and subsequent boss battle
You mean literally the worst parts of the game is a highlight, and one you wanted to close on?


Japan has been copying Americans from the get go. Quit acting like this shit is recent.

Aonuma just says young people on the team (aka people with zero power decision) are playing RDR2

Nothing about inspiration or that they are going a different route with the sequel

A couple of RDR influences won't hurt it. As long as they don't straight up copy the game.

I'm not the user you're replying to, but damn I feel sorry for you.

Don't. It just means that I didn't feel bad about eventually getting bored of it, and rushing to the end so that I could move on to NieR Automata.

There were 2 things I liked about BotW (aside from its untapped potential): Experimenting with cooking and Tarrey Town.

ctrl+f trains, 0 results

wtb breath of the wild + spirit tracks + cowboy hat link and zelda + cowboy skeletons + cowboy gorgons + cowboy zora killing injun bird people kthxbye

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I'm happy for a BotW sequel but I was hoping it would be a century or so later. I would like to see this hyrule full of life, with a bustling castle town and loads of people traversing the world, but I guess it's just gonna have the "everyone is dead" vibe

R* is British. Faggot OP trying to put down Americhads once again.

>Believing a lying sack of shit

user, are you stupid?

>>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.

This isn't true in the slightest, though. BOTW is boring snorefest kiddieshit with dated graphics and repetetive, way too simple gameplay, just like all other Nintendo games besides maybe the mainline Marios and nu-Donkey Kongs.

preorder cancelled

>best open world game
By what metric?

GTA V shits on it
GTA V shits on it
GTA V shits on it

So by what metric, my dude? Your baseless opinion?

You haven’t played BOTW. Maybe watched it. Maybe.

I have played it. I still own it, though I genuinely don't know why I still do.


Seething jealous shitter. BotW treats players with more respect and intelligence than most video games and is ultimately far more sophisticated in its game design than most of its peers. You will never get over, will you? That makes me good.

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>Aonuma says that some of his devs played a very popular game that everybody was playing in that period


GTA V is a multiform game. So sales will be inflated. By attach rate BOTW wins. I guess you can count all the illegal BOTW pc mods then BOTW is probably on top.

Interns of critics, BOTW won more GTOYs.

Rockstar is British...

>Your baseless opinion?

KEK'd and seething.

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you say that as if BOTW was good in the first place

what is that even mean? horse balls?

The only sophisticated thing in BOTW is the physics engine.

>Link gets a repeating Crossbow and Spaghetti Western setting again like TP.
My fucking dick, haven't been this hard since they brought back Shield Surfing.

>GTA V shits on it

gta v is multi-plat and multi-gen, on xbox 360/xbox one/ps3/ps4 and PC AND announced for the Switch while BotW is a wii u(lol) and switch exclusive. so not a fair comparison.

gta 5 is also the most expensive video game ever made at $265 million dollars. botw cost

GTAV fucking sucks though

Don’t worry.
CDprojekt said they were influenced by Skyrim when making TW3 and pretty much everyone agrees that TW3 is vastly superior to Skyrim.

>game begins by forcing you to watch two hours of cutscenes where you have to hold B to view them or fail
>game is now mission based, each mission taking ten minutes to reach, then having you spend ten more minutes to go somewhere else as literally nothing happens
>gameplay consists of holding ZL and the game aims for you as you press ZR to shoot bad guys with guns, the latest innovative addition to the Zelda series
>picking up rupees is a full ten second animation every time
>Link (and playable Zelda) have a camp site located on a pit of molasses, takes a full five minutes to walk from one side to the other, roughly five feet
>fast travel is limited and can only be initiated from said camp, in which you have to watch a cutscene of the traveling anyway
>horseback music videos after halfway through the game
>slipping and falling on the slightest incline
>brown people good white people bad
>limited inventory space
>hunger and sleep mechanics
>no dungeons or boss battles

And yes, horse balls. Lots to look forward to.

it just means Link has a fucking Gun

I don't see anything wrong with this.
I doubt it'll have any sort of major impact on the new Zelda.
Say what you want about Rockstars games but if nothing else they're packed full of all sorts of neat,autistic little details. Breath of the Wild already kinda has that too,so it makes sense they would like it.


If you wantcto conplain about western influencecomplain about the existence of botw and botw 2 at all,complain about grrm on elden ring, complain about animal crossing now turning into minecraft, complain about frozen 2, complain about the wests obsession with RE, DMC, guns, zombies, and censorship.

Don't complain about the one thing that help improve this korok seed collecting trash you fucking retarded neanderthals

Rent free. Not all Americans do this, dumbass. I'm American and I like Zelda and hated RDR2.

>I think I hears some new guys playing rdd2


Daily reminder that Yea Forumsshitters are worthless.

JUST is a copated twitter meme

Japanese devs have been inspired by Rockstar games for decades now. They're literally one of the best around, especially when it comes to open world, so what's the issue?

>Nips took it upon themselves to draw inspiration from westernshit
>"why did americans ruin everything look at what they've dOooOneEEeEE!!!"

What a pitiable man.

not that user but it's really not, BotW has a very large land mass size but it also has a load more hand-made content than other open world games despite mostly being tied to shrines in some way since that's the reward cycle. The best parts of the game are the most hidden too. It rewards people who actually explore and the challenges you find that aren't just a shrine out in the open have more abstract solutions than
>wait a minute that card
The world topology alone absolutely destroys pretty much every other game, it's really underrated. You get more organic MHW verticality with such meandering path variance you can't help but wander around out of curiosity. Fault Botw for having barely any enemy variety, no difficulty beyond the controls, damage sponges, using shrines too much, no real dungeon replacement, being held back on shit hardware, etc. It's still much better than the sterile systems seen in other open world games.

>Fault Botw for having barely any enemy variety
I really don't get this complaint most of all. Most games have like 1 or two enemy types.

>Most games have like 1 or two enemy types
Are you serious?

Maybe they want actual cool secrets to find when exploring like RDR2 has

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What? It's true. Especially open world games

>FROMSOFT loved it and wants to make a game like it
>CDPR loved it and using it as quality measurement for Cyberpunk throughout development.
>NINTENDO now admitting they're using at inspiration for BotW sequel

Time to drop the bias/vendetta and see that the game has quality Yea Forums

>The world topology alone absolutely destroys pretty much every other game, it's really underrated
It's not, considering the world itself is by far and away the most praised element of BotW and practically that alone seems to have elevated it to masterpiece for many people.
The world itself is the core driving people to enjoy the game, because it certainly isn't the shrines, seeds, or just about anything else beyond a certain point.

HAHA FUCKING KEK. Holy shit prepare for a Zelda “mature, cinematic experience” where gameplay with any semblance of depth is nonexistent and where the game takes control away from you every 5 minutes to force story and cutscenes down your throat. Which series is next to cinematize, Mario?

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>because it certainly isn't the shrines
Shrines were great, one of the best things about the game

Guess nips need to show they have a better formula that's more successful. This industry is business that needs revenue to stay afloat

Shrines were a chore that impeded exploration. They got tedious around the 30th one and every time I discovered one after that I groaned knowing I should probably do it, but didn't want to. I don't know how anyone can enjoy doing all 120 of them when you know exactly what you're going to get every single time.

Honestly Zelda 1 is more deserving of "best open world game ever made" than BotW. Zelda 1 is almost at the same level of freedom as BotW, but on the fucking NES.

>I don't know how anyone can enjoy doing all 120 of them
Because of the variety. Every shrine was different


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Maybe they’ll let you set up a comfy campfire

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>Rockstar Games, Inc. is an American video game publisher based in New York City. The company was established in December 1998
>Rockstar San Diego, Inc. (formerly Angel Studios, Inc.) is an American video game developer based in Carlsbad, California.

Puzzles were different. Shrines and rewards were the same and a terrible vehicle for the puzzles.

So they were different. Rewards were mostly the same, true. Don't see why that would matter at all

RDR2 is the bigger technical achievement

>is beyond me.
That's because you're retarded and no amount of collision between your two braincells will produce an intelligent opinion or thought

I hope BOTW2 will let you murder racists

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Says the one incapable of forming an argument

yeah you threw some great arguments at me bro!

nothing wrong with throwing democrats off bridges

>ITT ameriplebs don't realize that Aonuma was inspired by Skyrim when he made BOTW despite it playing nothing like Skyrim

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You're intentionally dodging the point. And of course rewards matter. They're what compel you to do the shrines in the first place. If the shrines actually contained difficult puzzles that were worth overcoming based off of the challenge alone, then you could try and make the argument that beating them was it's own reward. And they're not just mostly the same, they all give orbs.

Better you're an American white boy?

BotW and RDR2 are really interesting games to compare because of how they tackle essentially the same design challenge from totally different angles, on totally different hardware. If I had to pick between the two I think I'd be leaning towards BotW because its entire point is exploration and its open world. RDR2 tells a great story, but its story missions do all they can to throttle the life out of the most technically impressive open world ever created. BotW has design flaws, sure, but it's never so cripplingly at odds with itself.

>You're intentionally dodging the point
I'm not.
>They're what compel you to do the shrines in the first place
I did them because they were fun

BotW was inspired by Skyrim and Minecraft. So already you can see that you can base a good game on shitty games

BotW is even more at odds with itself, it’s an exploration game with almost nothing interesting to explore

Nintendo needs to make their own engine like Rockstar and stop using havok

Name three modern open world games that only have one or two enemy types

What he meant by flow? He meant...he meant flow. Are you retarded?

Glad we agree. Thanks for conceding so easily.

Most games that guns


That is an easy statement to make, because when somebody says:
>but what about this?
You can simply say:
>not interesting

RDR2? GTA 5? There's guys with guns and then there are...other guys with guns.

By the Yea Forums "japanese games are better or you're a normalfag" metric

>What he meant by vague word? He meant...he meant vague word
jesus christ

No problem user. glad you enjoyed the dicking!

Havok is a physics engine. BotW is its own game engine.

No problem. You were a little loose, but I managed to fill you up just like you wanted.

It's now a two studio race for open world domination between CDPR and R*. Nintendo EPD isn't in competition

>no u!
truly pathetic

gta5 is the worst gta tho.