Will you give it a chance?
Chivalry 2
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Sure, when it comes to steam.
I’m thinking it’s DOA. Waited way too long to release and assuming the combat in the trailer is what we’ll get in game, it looks really dumbed down.
Not if I need to pay to try it
Mordhau > chivalry 2
>Mordhau exists
Yeah naw
Gladly, just to spite redditors
I don't know since there's no material to compare it to Mordhau.
Also, while I have no problem using Epic store, I'm not going to support paid exclusivity.
It looks alot like mordhau. except for some tid bits, it supposedly has less customization and it's being locked behind the epic store walls, only to be seen a year later, by then I'd imagine mordhau would have enough time to cement the game as the prefered one., if they can pull that off.
I was mildly interested until I saw Epic Exclusive
Not even going to bother when Mordhau is on Steam
I will play it for free
No. Torn Banner burned through all my patience by sitting on their hands with Chiv 1.
It's a timed exclusive though.
I need more info on game modes, sieges and stuff like that.
Going to pirate it, but don't worry. Tim paid for my copy
sure why not? zero expectations thou.
torn banner wants a early 2019 release what means no beta. with their garbage balance ideas
Did they fix this shit? Then yes I would give it a chance.
>pirating multiplayer games
Yes apparently
>What about the ballerina moves / dragging exploits?
>Right, we’ve fixed those. A major development focus for Chivalry 2 has been a complete rework of the animation and movement systems to ensure that combat both looks and feels weighty and satisfying like a medieval game should. In a multiplayer game it is critical that when you die you feel you understand how you could have done better. Visual indication of all actions must be clear and readable. Chivalry 1 did not meet these standards, and over time combat became understandably frustrating – especially against high skill opponents.
>Our new approach is focused on ensuring that the transfer of momentum from strikes and adjustments players can make in real-time is at the right balance of visually understandable, physical in appearance and still gives players a true sense of control over their swings.
>Chivalry 2 will capture the promise of what Chivalry 1 should have been in terms of its hit detection reliability and combat depth, without forcing players to resort to silly/frustrating tactics.
I'm good, I like Mordhau more than I ever enjoyed Chiv. I do enjoy some of the classic Chiv maps a lot though.
Mordhau is fine, it just needs better maps
>when you die you feel you understand how you could have done better
>que video of guy getting his head cut as the blade was still about a half second away from the head.
Guess what he learned was, that blade hitboxes are twice as big as the actual mode/lag is really bad.
That looked like an execution or at least a scripted trailer only thing desu. See how his animation was suspended the moment he lost his arm.
yeah I'll pass
So? Fuck them. I hate you brainless cunts who think its ok to give a publisher your money after they sell out like this, timed exclusivity, full exclusivity, any kind of exclusivity with epic is bullshit, dont give them your fucking money, ever. Vote with your damn wallet
I remember when people were saying this about Steam and Empire Total War.
>be 3/4 through development
>Mordhau released
>Oh shit, what can we do to compete?
>Let's make it an epic exclusive
And regardless of your opinion on the matter, steam won. Because people still gave them money.
Chivalry had more soulful factions and voicelines but gameplay-wise Mordhau is superior and doesn't have microtransactions.
Not even a mordhaufag, I just lost all faith in these devs are deadly warrior and mirage.
>Can't even do scripted trailer animations right.
Oh this bodes poorly.
mirage was made by mordhau devs.
>Epic games exclusive
>Mordhau exists
Nah not remotely
No, at least for now. I will stick with Mordhau until Chiv2 gets released in Steam in 2021, in the meantime I will see how it develops when it gets released.
Giving a chance to a game that was always shit
only on epic, so no I'll skip
did you see the trailer for that shit? Compared to mordhau the animations look like they only have 3 frames for each swing kek
It's a timed exclusive. It'll release on Steam too.
the fuckepic redditors don't care, they'll boycott it forever
fuck no torn banner studios is a fucking joke
>anyone who isn't a chink shill is reddit
Chinks can't even use Epic in their region. They use Steam and Cube client instead.