Here's your Dark Queen, bro.
Here's your Dark Queen, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like something out of Kim Possible.
It's the current year. Tits are literally Hitler.
>before the Tifapocalypse this abomination was unanimously getting burnt at the stake with hundreds of replies each thread
That we had two old, iconic female characters get remade and shown at E3 to such loud disagreement that it's become sport to redo the character art to show how easily it could be fixed is actually kind of surreal
At least shego had a figure though.
Here is your modern day cartoon made by millenials educated on universities that dispense marxist propaganda, bro.
females in kim possible didnt have literally zero breast tissue though
its ok though she has cylindrical legs so shes #THICC oh yes gimme mmmmmm yas
Did any drawfags redo nuDark Queen?
I miss the dominatrix mistress Dark Queen this isnt her
It's not even the tits. This shit is so horrendously mediocre, Microsoft should be ashamed. Literal middleschool tier artwork and animations.
Remember when flash games were free?
Tifa's fine, though. She has a sports bra, spats, and kneesocks now, but that's about it. And the people complaining about her boobs being "shrunk" are jumping the gun. Her tits are still as big as they usually are in official material.
Dark Queen, on the other hand, was ruined beyond recognition.
>instead of defending the art style they just retweet anything positive
>people in droves are beating the turbo tunnel showing the game is easy as duck including game journalists
>they still say the game is hard
turbo tunnels is stage 3
The demo at e3 is the turbo tunnels and if you beat it you get a battletoads pin and everyone is showing them off it has to be easy as fuck
>hey who should we get to remake this nearly 30-year old IP
>how about a bunch of trendy liberal 20-somethings who never played the original
At least it's not as terrible as nu-Tifa.
>breast reduction is worse than turning dominatrix into some sjw m bison knockoff
u retard sir?
>Tits are literally Hitler
wtf i love hitler now!
that fucking sports bra sucks
Fucking weeaboos ruining a great series with their rampant faggotry.
looks like shezow fanart
Meanwhile, in the best beat em up franchise to ever exist
It was made by a PoC feminist. I'm not even kidding.
Let's be real, the entire game looks fucking terrible. Dork Queen has very little to do with it.
Budget Kim Possible, maybe
She looks like a edgy version of She-zow
Imagine being such a petty piece of shit you feel jealousy towards sexy fictional people.
Oddly enough
Nothing wrong with female villains but stop trying to turn the OG Dark Queen into a shitty sjw for faggots
Not even SJWs can please other SJWs because the rules change every fucking day and there's at least a newspeak update DLC every month.
>Not only removed her cleavage, but completely removed her breasts
jesus christ
still too big - cow udders are for fat fucks only
those fuckers are massive hypocrites - they'll call anything anything for the sake of drama.
Are you either blind or stupid? That at best is a C cup. 80-85 if you want, but no way that's 90-100.
That artist drew a onions merman on twitter
As an European, help me on this:
How come americans worship nasty ugliness in their cartoons?
Not vidya, cartoons. I could understand "grounded boring" style but deliberately ugly? Why?
Uh, lower letter grades are WORSE, stupid. Why don't you learn something about breasts before you start unsuccessfully trying to defend the travesty that is FLATFA?
>people in droves are beating the turbo tunnel showing the game is easy as duck including game journalists
Fuck, the gameplay was supposed to be the silver lining to these ruined designs.
Just shut it down.
Yup, we had a couple of threads about the design.
Are you brain damaged? Genuine question.
It's punk. You wouldn't understand it, monarchist.
>middleschool tier artwork
you realize that's literally the point right lmao
it's such a fucking common thing these days i'm shocked you haven't noticed
"looks like a middle schooler's notebook doodles" is a popular style and it kinda works for battletoads, it's a very childlike idea
every fucking superhero movie ends with a montage like that at this point, off the top of my head both homecoming and shazam did it
like dude if you don't like it fine but it's as if you don't even understand the basic concept l o l
They made a Axel a fucking fat boomer. At least Blaze was saved.
>expecting a game with Calarts designs to be harder than breathing
I went back and beat the original Battletoads yesterday. Fucking masterpiece. Robo manus killed me like 5 times though, I totally lost my mojo with that guy.
Drawn to death is what it should look like if they were going for drawn by a middle schooler notebook
>only Americans do this
This is considered top tier French animation.
Someone should post a pic of every cover of every battle toads game and show how consistent they are and then post the new one and show they could not even keep the logo the same
Best pause music
This, something seemed off with this eyes when I first saw it, and I'm shocked no one pointed this out.
For one, can he see directly in front of him? The old one had very obvious forward-facing eyes, but these are pointed in two separate directions like a horse.
Where's the unending anger and malice?
>make turbo tunnels first person and slow it way the fuck down
I bet it doesn't even get to the point where you need muscle memory in order to pass it.
So, how mad are Russians?
Meh, they were always pretty cartoon-y. The only problem with nu-toads is taht it's a generic beat 'em up instead switching genres with every stage.
remake means "a desexualized sjw version" in modern american entertainment, and it turns into a shitty comedy/romance like the thundercat cartoon, she-ra, etc
meanwhile in japan, seiken 3 looks like a pretty decent remake and they didnt tone anything down.
I already have one thanks
It's not fair.
>remake means "a desexualized sjw version" in modern american entertainment
But why
>tfw no dark queen dom gf
They did that so you could relate to him better.
They don't want you to masturbate to fiction, they want you to get your act together, find one of those many crazy 2/10 roasties that are past the wall and are getting fired by riot games and be the provider.
Sounds insane? Well, it's the n1 reason. Where do you think all the "incel" insults came from? They're not empty, it's a massive psyop.
No I am talking about the title it’s been the same for 5 games and every time it’s references why Change it now
yes, yes it is, you fuck americanoid corporate slave
>so many words to describe something that never happened, aka battletoads, shovelware cashgrab supreme, being influential at any atosecond of this universe.
What it should have been
is this bait?
Or this.
i-it can't be... things aren't the same as they were when i was a child... people actually like DIFFERENT things... i won't stand for this...
>they changed it so it's good, I'm a larva that can't eat the same good things once, but will consume an infinitey of diverse shit until I DIE! FUCK YOU DAD!
>new things are good because they're new
based retard consumerist
>they changed it's so it's bad
>I don't actually have an explanation why it's bad at all except that people I don't like think it's good and there's less titties for me to ogle
>the only people who could possibly not agree with me are X bad thing because I'm literally 14 and can't comprehend nuance
acquire intercourse
You're probably joking but this is what feminist shits actually believe.
These are the people desperately trying to convince you that Big Mouth, Rick & Memey and TranShera are masterpieces on par with classic Disney animation.
Yeah he's your average mentally ill sjw feminist soicuck faggot.
Who fucking cares it's a god damn cyber demon you fucking faggot. I don't get why you stupid fucks parade around acting like some pseudo fucking intellectuals.
lol, stop pretending that Tifa has even remotely close to this absolute bullshit. She got a sports bra and that's it, her breasts are the same or bigger as in every HD render of her that already existed since decades. People who expected her to have breasts with the same size as the out of proportion low poly models (while every other proportion to be realistic) are legitimate retards.
>ugly dirt cheap flash animation
>so easy game journos can beat it
>watered down everything because we might offend someone
Here's some legitimate criticisms, then. Also, I'm sensing a severe lack of tits.
imagine unironically speaking like this and not realizing what it says about you
I wouldn't mind the new Dark Queen if she threw off her coat and revealed something skimpier before you fight her, but I don't think that would actually happen.
Why would you make it worse?
Go back to retardera niggerfaggot.
>n-not fair! s-stop using our newspeak against us!
>a visual style I don't personally like
>the short demo they gave at E3 that probably doesn't have difficulty options implemented yet because demos never do isn't btfoing the libcucks hard enough so it's bad
>seriously please I just want this frog game to own the libs
yeah uh huh
Imagine being this incapable of making decisions for yourself or thinking critically that literally all you can do to insult someone is use the exact same insults that are repeated about 30x per second by those around you, to the point they've lost all meaning and might as well be guttural throat noises vaguely indicating "bad"
yeah the problem is that it's not even a unique style, it's just the assembly-line art style they train people to draw in universities so they can underpay them for their work once they graduate. it's the calarts style, it's the reason that everything looks like adventure time now. it's because it's really really fucking easy and really really low effort and you can hire new artists that know what to do when the old ones decide they deserve to get paid more
it looks like adobe flash videos because its literally the same animation method and they use the same shortcuts. the individuals that 'pioneered it' back in the newgrounds era did it for the same reason that corporate studios use it now - because it requires less time and effort to get an acceptable result compared to frame by frame even though it looks measurably worse
Fuck off back to Yea Forums and die on the way back. What a fucking shiteater.
Did I stutter, niggerfaggot?
that's because you're thinking this through via your own perception, and that guy is thininkg this through via a projected perception
he thinks that calarts is a 'middle school art style' because it is the art style that dominates the media for middle schoolers and younger, but doesn't understand that middle schoolers are kind of retarded and generally not capable of actual artistic merit, because he's not thinking this through himself, he's just using off-the-shelf buzzfeed thinking. that's why he decided the best course of action was to just insult you for not having the same opinion as him even though we're talking about children's cartoons
Battletoads is supposed to have a Heavy Metal aesthetic, this Cartoon Network shit doesn't fucking work.
The life of a blogger. Gotta have something go to print. All you need is to keep flipflopping.
Stylized sexy >original design > dog shit > piss bottle filled with shit > calarts design
The design isn't the problem, this shitty art style is the problem. Harping on the Dark Queen is intentional false flagging to make it seem like all criticism about it is really just coming from incels who want an oversexualized design, therefore Battletoads 2019 is a great and progressive game which you should buy if you want to be an ally.